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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Oct 1863, p. 4

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i W~?t{ f~j j - vmuId net tell anoher-"' 1oio,11 igLilinr.m bnie tleY goi r eervth1nir t- kl w it, u7banad OrInd, nn- brothor. ntic Lii mlciîlfmîklttf coa rcuilicel 10rina or Lwo. wora piinta 1 rt.d and blua. nt every olne inîglt kt:nW thain1 tîld Otîr viliicra forizt t and quarrol. lutnlaat r inOu iii nzry pet. ILI thines fau mîwlîb he-ow to. gMl ileîralle pîrl ýt a dnotyrorin lb!- ho rt 1 0r,1lIt tri 10%.4 ccd rlierli te ëorrnorhe tucnd in %vitiî al rcri. ,nrfilhi. jiv anud poAOM rîloînd, (l acery telî'îporigli1 [.IMËNTAIt.-NOtiCinz the pre. i of a ivedrinking cnp te a orary, an edit)r.rantirlsa: Il Rie cup. Hae eau drink frnm e ny et containa liquor, whetber the a boule, themotlbof a iokle.jer, of a keg, or the bung ofa bar- >FIa NErtERCittAS.-We bave juat I of a horae being turned into 9 Camupbel, *a ia wel known. wua a jolceanad aomatimiea lid the uro up on hurual f. 'CA few JL lihsd a ni eta' a brrialr, 1 rowu very tout ah lata, nd -va' cc wby, Mr.-;., YOU are etIng i a p)opia." "Fit -companinu,ý for the. Great SeaL" wua the_ empty purae could aspeak' 'wbt mtinlents Would it expreas 19 YU'Ill change in mue' rMA-.\a Wr.-A. foindaya ince' Io a enlored man -ho -ans ed the white men inoro fizhting about he did lnt enlit. yer f ber ae two dors figbting' )One V1 aked the colored tuan .1 to b. aura I ha.v,' rpiied, tba in- ri. 1reorted the coloréd Man, Md -. ite hbora. igt ? iproaperity wwe, insu mourted abe0 iebridit, and aoon camfe tumhlîn,& ho Baddle. dRuze, apak.a c L î '&er of deatb Wby ahould we r tjerîolona. a deh, bping loat, cen noever be misa. mnuted. greai maen nover hec<ïtne vulgar- ate with each other. They ait a- the goda, taing front pealu to Aroend Olytupua. rosa -bas its thoru. We never, o shawl tbe Roae of a bal'room being conviuced by painlul evid-nu- ah. bail a Pin about bar. rMimd eu.,' whiapered a servant ber teiglibor, Il don't aay au boy frlaka ; but beireen yoit au d I e don't keap ful ail day' lier saia that ho bas beau wiîhout o Ioug1> ihat bis headdches raadyý wban ha tries to recoleci boy a Ltr lookaq. Re aaya the notion that i i- a world of change" lsa e reat al Workst IITEl' FiOC 4uDIY, 9 ,-.WrnT DY. dealers la .11 klnldaof IEPLEMENTS, Lz DE PGUlilt -MACHINES trg and 3Mérrers, -ot irii e f jeel Vultivators ýIrIEwr PEED CUTTERS, N CRISIERS9 L CanadIan Ploughs,, kemaiil tylas; id Steel Points,. GPLOW, Tluelr collection of Mu-,Ac la bath laia ) axtanaiva. Aed tihé lateai Kadmot fabilulobléi8 aecmuted by the Quadrille Baud.à For tormeandeunaemnents adidraai t'le Sa Brooklil Drug Store. BALER lu Dru"t, Patent Ma.lciiiegt palnts, Oua, Bye Stufft, Confection- ery, &o. Rlorste 4-Catile Me ae.al awaV moaInd Broeklin, C . 16.25 1863. STEjAMBOA'NOTICE!! Tha Noir aud laat sling teuiboat "ROC, HE$TER, CÂPTIN GR NW0D w Ilo ava the nitdorMrmtntid'Pla e t the tliowintie m, erery IMonday, Wed- ouata?, euad Frirlar îurrrllit, fter tha arin val et thea Port Hope, Lindrany, and Peterluore' train:- Port Hope, nt. ......... 9.0 A <~bei......... ......10.80kM .ciou............ .. 12.00 nooli. direct fo èholiter, arivint tlfr're 1lii tint. te conet wlth thre New York Cetitral Rtalroad vo Now Torle, PlUaelplia. hatfiînora, Waah- ington,RVaOUO, .ButYo4le, Chîeaguand othorý prlota Eaatend WouL. Ptîauoigerg froin tira Weet via Grand Truuk Riilroad, 'ai talce iho Steamar ai Colourg, from tihe East wil tire tha Steamer ui Coi- borne. Retti'uoî, the Stettmer wiii leara Roerir ter seory Tooarliry, Thnraday, and Saturday. "att 8X o'loçk, A.>t, for the aboe. mantioneri r.loea, e onnr-eiLiR vitlthe Grand Trunk RatIvaÇ for ail pinta Ekat tand West, Fiire t-o Brîffrîlo $8. ranoe, Port Ilope Croo Ellitt, Cobourmr, or .1. B. Doery, éuiborne. Port Hope. Jul2Y 21, 1868. i GOREAT WESTERN RALWAY OF CAeAA». IMPRVEDFRFJGHT LINE [Ruj7elo adZeL».Huron RaiZway, Detwila ndilim~uk.e, iac enL Cea ie !i. ganSauihertiand Nouiem dania JU Raed. Arrkiianerta hbava been antered inLe h.b- twar.,nl.IhaGREAT WESTERN RÂILWAY, Colle&NY and tie foll oinir Firat-Clasa and - rllalala Unes of Stasmeim, riz- ROYAL MAIL THROI3GII L. -JAQUIIS, TRtACT &P(1.' uNE, BLACK, PETIRY & CO.,S LEE ITO)LCOMB & CQWAX'S LiNER, OFO1GE 0IiAFFEY &Co.'S LIN E, For - AITLY CM UICT<Nbatieen bK<>NTIEAI, ridOn GIET WISTERN BAIL- WAY WRARE t HAMILTO~N, to andfromu &. Oiaraa, Nagera FaZZ, Dufalo a(eU, 6ia.p7a, Parua, strafrd, Ged.lod, Londfon, GirahAve, Windsor, Sarnia, Dgroit, MIhlat&- ;e, cUmpgSi. Loua, L*iaiaha, oiciaau and aul Weem.r$iies. qeerhhaytny cuber Route. Forpatiebnlara appiy aitirhe OfficeaOf any Of Lire aboya Liiesao! Steamners, or te MYLF.S ?BlNI1NGT0ii. (lenernulAgat Grcrri'Weutcrn Rils ay, Office, corner of CoaxrmHong e S fqnara anit comion'îaser's Street Motresi. - TItOS. SWINYÂ1ID, Genertol Manager. Ilaitilten. Aitguai 13, 1866 32 FIRE ASSIJ1NQE CO. LOM BARD STREET i CIL&IKG ROSS, EST4BLISMED IN 1182. GILLESP'IE, >OF9A&'CO.,AÀgeuta fer - - Cand.' JAMES DAVISON. Manager. NI'.kNCEq atgehott LOS' ly PIRE are -1 * 3fféctmed on the iot favorable taris, autd LOSSES PAID vithout referouce Lu Ithe Board ia Londonr. 'GIBOI', TANOL) &CO., Agbata, WlulLby. July 1, 1963. NTOTICE. ting, rabout 1 e e 100 ACRES CLEARED, Âîîl ndarcutlvtlo. ood Yraea Huiia, *tOfla eliar; rnr, ,toad d ed; tuber.Appýl"y t-o TIIE UNtVEBMAL The oniy Wringer wiih the. COG-WHiEEL REGUL&Ton! It Saves Timo, Labor, {J1otheis & Money TT la Lise original ardoriil reliable Wringrr ,. hefore the peupla. and cunuriierimure atronget of fraine, paity for Pretstitre. tand power eh actil, thans rio0irintnrmachine marde., Ilwtll var fr fnevoas ithout repair. No lierreut eau break 1t. A chhîd elght yens old cari operate t. No caution et akili requirediis use. it save,.%Ita co-;tinh Clething evory aine or twelve mnotthg., Every tVthtger witfi CogWheels 'A Werraîitee ilèv~ery partieular. The 1vsderreWritizçer tonduthie FIRST PREMIUNI. mu irller Medii non Iliploîiia. et Lire N ew Yirritatue 'air, 186f)2, aind asPro- iiouneod suriîerior teo nu others ini tire Worid's Fait et Loni, 1n0P2. 6janvaaset5 lyanted iu every Town in Cantada. , Pemons rc4*îr l'eire tîrr is iin Canvraser appintetlr, b! rtiiîttinir the prrice 10 ue AIril reecire tiie Wringer l'y Exprees. 1re-iid. W. H. CHILDS &-'Co., Hamilton, AUILX. blASOi., Agrenti. Wlitby. 'Uudertaking and TUholStery. T TE iiiilerroiiied bez on forro lia <nfiendu T anicutnnr.tlirt lie lots rr'nirvéi'l tu- ~* hic utsue et o! ltni'sS1100 Store, tirn preititeru corida rîof Pory noaid Dtundaia Stx., inhere hiiiprtepirrdIo lu tal~l ornera fror fui "sai. &ë., 'aid fuly , ppl: thér. anme. AUl erdcra lu tueupbhoisteiryhUe piuieturaliy attend< ed te.A.. wiitby, March lii,18C, AK.IC 2-ltF Tailors, Shooniakers,'Carrnage BidrDreais Makers, and Heade of Fanflies Gene rally. Cail atiVWANZAR &-, G'. Setinnz nein <ilico. '%Wl1it1by. anil ueotirlre anrrce e! Fainhly atnd M-ufaetiniing SEWINI~MC1I JAMES rH. GrERRIEt, Agont ftirCantit! OntanlO.t mareli 2, 1162. STOVES! gilEAPER TN vl T E LARG VE T STOCK AND GHATlST T Vaietvin u86vaStrFnrnicirroTiri- inara, &c., tan ha sean t thte Store 01,'te undcrsignod. FStelnésfflf<very atyie tnd quatilto nl et ul Pricec. They.opnIlevrtai pttern steve. han heen intriuluco niL TAInengthler vroia TulE KINGOpF 7TO TES, IRON DUKJIh GRAND TRIJNK. PRINCE ALBERT*, DAVY CROCKET, PROTECTIONIST, 4. W~C111dùe. M 11 d 01, 1 reb 1862, ma4 eieen flou- gala à Iu nd Iabeila MeCaluro of the TmPirp fThoaji ,be QCou»t{ of Ontario,,, of tla firmt Part, I auna Ko him, of, 010, second pari, and Patrlek MohlllIpa. of the' Township of Mairkbae, i the Çouixiy of York, ot tha tlîîfd part, fbr aeeuîiog ëert*n.mona theroin mentionedl, the fo llow1uig î4operty >l bc eolîl bv PiioicAuiction. t Mi 4 ffl Rnio LEVI FAIRBANKS, IL,$ nt ON TUC Piret dey of Noveniber ne*; of Lot Nnber Twelve. ii he fourth )coe alun of he b,,aid Tow'nip of Thornh, in the County of Ontario, emutining hy dedmaaare menaility-tbroa aeraa, in or o jea. 1 1TEMS: One-tenth of tlie rnrebome monev% to bc raid down; for the hnaltîe, teinu. will 'ho jnid lcnowuî ut tbe mile, ~d thetl nVlleof Be1Wio,.4itid111616v arc nPW1.rii" nfifttv itres ltearedl. upoh whlî'h are zooil Itild!nL,;s-ud. gaihoorchard. For tutther paîttol.rorsappir lu C. C. KEL'YI, 80 Soci r.Whitby. ,NTJAL EX&MINATION' OF Torrlîru ini dr t'int o!<>rtrio, ilhl be hiehi at Ilitl ,iy lYa UXIIRIT)GE, on tIhe lot and 2nd days'o! Oot.ober, cotmmeocing ut I9n ook a p Applienia are 1-eqliilred toho ! rrrat 4. ccnnrc.iutht ý l eeXti'cisrS, adsurktie îlibh ,.atisfacto nr tîrrnias o oud mranl cha- reete -r Iron tt.i er rrfeciiC inirte Trs. BÊy order ul tire barilOf ! llic tristruàetion. R. Il. TIIIRNTON. D. Di. DOCT OR DAY ISI contiOdie' tai trent tS>pbilianid cuber Di- seasex ef a Prîrate INi PuTO r.l'Xr. WT ILli?-r Merr ci ï"u.. ah t 4d, e 11 ,e bi M- Batr'rien, or. .4rietii eSt. ileieirs rtr'rteutyeaee te Ion' "IMiitheretrlerc- iieaaeqala d hbis po. erhrr crs OfIlieriiiC t wer'rrtâgaes ar iîa'. liv'aeliii'.lrs iiirlo, cailhbceffectuai- ly cured Liv I rl ini eihs Yoiirng rreîî reluluve falleir victime. to tire drearlftil Oflees ni'liritolîani orSeil 18Ciee, recuire brrr Il,'riil crt'iOt b lpllueto 1)r. patient$ ai n tacinretrrcteil by letter, sud ltudicino a"nt teo ano ParL of hLae ountry oun e- ceipi of arr l'reie î. l'i5lSvliig tO cojnatit heua tO cati e do au ait tire iinttosectey, aaeiris offieti au arranigea that iL la irposil for prtienttito sec ece otîrer. 1111le2s by conscntý Adrice Aihltcisitu t add1ressu.d, ()PSit.pirl,) i. hviý'..!.. ')..Trroutu. C. W.. ialld contair a puat ainpf li ataier 1,%l 1rel. 27 TIF$u 1rtircibe-r beCs to Rnsonnîce tIâ re ni- i.Val -f! hL)ew Gouds ln Bright and Cchuned Gold Ear Rin~gs, Fixiger Rings, Brooches, o - JET GfoO ' andil oiAlluomiuilmonîteti. GOLD, AND SIL VER WATCHES. L.dier tond Gats qGolti Cha MA. Enlls îteet G0LOP itlOCUEh6 Or extrai quaiity. Mlnmrilnnnanut Steel Brûtchest.-He o old, aloaet heh banow adedulte hie aticei Barometers & l3rewers' Tbi.rmomleters,> Wartanied correct, tond rna o per lu pie. thau iterctuhore eleargel. r - hroele ftLneet, WIitiîyt. May 2(", 10. ' -~ The Colobrated 61!ipafl Oil! i~ soratnd aIl tnof~i'eili al kinda oft aunudA éndmoreuiii molnn rnd beu. The rernedy la infallitele tor reliivlug orueir anti cati1. ,ruffeing Iront pain.- Prom tbe1sairds o! testimuuuLol 8-ms te tire effliaey of tltisitriîatftl rein dy, thé fellow- rlq acre uaOsl ,arnoh l te lait six ersý.Rnd uti saiisled t t iig l t oitqotolet] fàr haa0lii , d ÉR-e. i auriu ab h L J lçdy i plo ve- nal yet VDA 17 f i ~H0US~TO I~T. jçç# 1 aira80 x je, with good Cllea, Db tRil m-rooni, Dra-ing-TOOlfl> ParlOr, oac, 6fflroos7Closeta, Panitris, &0.- ~T4 cilingsa*aa tt i6r,, 10h in and llft SUTa in height. There là au onteidOe bitchli. at- tu.ced to the main building.-On tii'.premîiseï rt r,* ore %shed, angod siale and oach houme '4e x o a l I t y~ L <v ll . e n d , o t h ae r o n e f ll a f c a , t i- lgoronplta't%;ltneat l o torutpiSo th cotre bek of thpTowi: of'I ?'t1b.i b at proacut occuried by .1ohn Shhrr, Enq., P. L. 9:' Poli0aaign on 15t1i j une. r., pplieatbifl tô bé mde tu the proplietor, Or to W. 9. IIGG1NI$. fMraicZ Office, Whitby. BARTLE £TT'S ESTATE, ï-I MT>OSINO Xhllsivae.roTaunerry (dri- 1) a ci-yatr i»arpri i'rises aiturite in * ul Cerro .Alco h BARTLETT HOMESTEAD, he ,erttu erytr bll or Io*t113, -tr l ui. Of Eruri. 49 'iih : 0 Icrr'r, £2) cl i'li' rit d, diiiIy orî-e mri)ler 'irt o!r '>Siliwri. ti'e 'i u two rtýr ru rîn.lridir we45 oorll finish fil with unI tnbjyIdinrr,thrfrrrnta inql lrlrtl foir greaintr, ",eiliý well watùrîd, &,. Also lte rrth l:I lii ut lNu,IM binbthe4th en'ra Wiion10 e,étýe ~rred, and raiiaitider well wootil. Almir Wext 14'lot 24, ÃŽ'n311h colt. Veruiim, 100 acrea. East * 1,l I Al-in, Brirk bhlo nuil lot ÃŽn tire Villga O! Colnmbin>, l'or hrthcr priuîsappiY (if Ee oto, liaawa. r and JACOB IY , '4t ' AcmOaTti lily ETST'Y1, MESSRS'. GAR» & ,RAWME DENTIST89 DUNDAS ST.9WHITBY" "Efltnhorinn thra iitl,îiiniiut' -of thiaà To'n B'* an iuierroririditiLcomirtr'7, tuit nieyline ert, red iib tparti1onnbIp 10 the l)eiitîil Pro- fesuiou, aiàovtil Ie happy te attendl te ail or der- entroirterl tu ilein ae Teetîrh irterl on tcid, ir 510',,' ucV -doeu Rabbar rise. Teetil ilir1or C-trcted i lîrteur"t pesilile -manUnet'. Partieuilar attent~iinpnii u thre reitiiin of c i l r e i u ' u Te t t b . A iri r u a r a t ri . W. il CARI). 0. W,. lAWHE. FELIQ tbiI 'r isinuags reqoireil thre eserîcr.reoauiiticelbave prucriredr!iiî thoe persrua <f MNi. Heinko, winini1 taie piteulre ho iitride'rug tirte inuno' fiennis vinthava hîtiirtu giron nue tlIrir iuppuir. Mr. llawke con" tesaei eeuiiniil'rant h i irs o ait ex- p<Me oofecu ier uudin year iii tre prfemmioc' sue toCity o! Toonto. toril urronidig on- unir. Witb thsrke4 for peen heçori, tond'a wiroh for tire cunitlnuoneceoff the saine in time 0e c o i e , I gtrc t e m àein t .ý Wiithy. Fi.2, ThhZ,s ~WM. rrtI4, ~~UACTURR 0F ALI, INDS-0F KO1Y4E-1YIDE Fùâ>iilt Offera foi sal~ e --;' flargc'and excellent asuortuient cf SOFASi,-BEIRE AILS, 1( I>UNGîES, ýBEDSTEA1)S, Tables, Wardroheit, Ghestsofo!Draw,ýrs, Lonking Glwsirn, ltok Cases, MatLra ss, par lot antd Drawing Room Chairs, lucngCarOffice Ciairs, Cartc.aeated CharsTele! abls, ourl ~nndr.&c., &-c., iii great varic4y, anil et -grea$ly. rednced pnî ces. Warraritcd t10c le oe o the brai iatclal'nl"r'ôrkanahp"-Ho rospectf üllîy in;;ilear i - anl examinotioli o! hi>fst;)ek,." gery article i4maînufctr d uùnderbis own s. lerioîend e, anilcon hédapem ded luporu UIPHÃ"LSTERY EN AiLL 'Fs BRANCHES Cali rand copare, and lue 'r'iîfieîi befon yoît go cl'îeuhere? FT.tNERÂIM' FULLY SUPFL IED. Antd everyihing in the Undertakînlglne 10 be hall on the ,lh0rte.qù'notic. ofia lcept cnnstantly onhand. ,VARE'ROOMS, No 4 Prock SreeteîidŽso 29,LolborneSt.reet,. W auby, G. W.,YITT Will fid e XceIlent aLU4 conuve'tient accommodation. With.ili aFew. Ypardg'of the Public HalL Private Parlors I~CHARGES NO IIIGIER THÂNP E OTHEU HROTELS IN WHITBY. JACOB3 BRYA1N. - ~Paom'reulpO I l. Blrtis Alhedes xcui ssariaIS- ti clapty§ FTiOtpv,)ArED n AeohetrTird Vsel tîru Eiavst rrnilParuis Monaine R!git. for ute Seion orlfon Porta. fr JOHN AGNEW, Tnrellig Agit, Bvroti'ttreet, Wliithý GEORGE CORMACK ity frol knds ofluircbecouataty onIsanul. i hare fr5i Tmuicture, aue FUNERAl-Q fully cppiet to d tLtueduai Firut-rttie.hffsi. np ciaiolti o t ie r o e h îre un l bonsul tern is. o r T n i ç Wl~tluFé. ~ (iEOiIOE CO>RMACK. - Tinetore.9I1 'rIY P'hV h > aIv > ,ç7 Ly- hAVI LtONOVAN i'A-1Kt'N 0( BLACICWOODS FEoiNBufti0, MAeÂ%zziory> picts not tobe i=rceauA 1 postagef to bd iedu«À 1 ~~Pa pier vi beas lharetofore, ris: -PER ANNUMJ. triny onie of the four XsvfiA....8-0 r ratytn>of thefour Feviewp ...... 0 Fu>r any tlhr eof'tiefar Reiewva... 7 00 Forail fmîr o theiiReviîwm.......... .. 800 For Bla5ekWOd'1" 3trtIerzine ............800 Fe.r Rilakwoddiïci me Jtaieiai....... n For Ilaefkw0oo4ruiri tino R'Ha ln..,.... 7 00 for Blaekworud 9dIue qrea., 100 For Bii kinooi and ib four Rovieva... 10 00 .l>eatagle for tii,, o le .Perioefldealg on]%i cty-aIx ets fa yý' ,r,4 LEONý-AIID SCOTT & CO., 3qi hr, 8WîlIker st., i.Ts RICHARD SNOW. DRYFEBT% SW fTAT carn ho6mura e»tft to Iclnthon tire keepiig iteféet- <iYi ( i lfIa i r lla ihai 'flash iroeir r tua" Ire urnorton tlr tizli coid receivet hly nWet gLa o-ire f.et.. Tliýis lacarecialiy the'eape wuit Lsdiea 0irn iiidamp sr imd i rv eMsîer,'4 veurtlrr Ont ili Iit Ar<heeu, voliy tiotlli o keep on*theii.wtt, seIdtl it% thueIloui t i the feet. bs pnov'ired tho C-1.ir afe remrady. Ie lis nt Itis extetouva I'all.îan oetrui Irai tOclk îof BiOts antd SIoaYet opei 'llitu rthterbracitu2 Tii.,- ç*nrk la prileipall' uis;rint nlIt r mi t hoIii recotrnlrrl- liero thev calt1i-restservr heu ire pnrh ei ut oi ru-tt 1662. SH48 RE1MOVED TO FORD'S OLPD STAND, l T S o n h n i)( 1 aif!i i ý' eon iÙ m t i lnicct iri ,g C iîtter , S ei Lha, B ug HI&c., of the it andtye.ituitn' -sl.apjroverl p. itOrI; fitoin the best iw al.-, and id lOcêstworkmner; telîpu by sîriot 'attenltion î te 1ness tor a share of publie pahrolage. cjA few good second h. nd lCutters on1itttnd. wArNR& Ro liy gu. i4. -r I F$EBATE 1WI. ~ ~ Ç1I 4lIt e, îsutcee, Voaae o!ltontrc e OiseO t Uiti, ý Wbitbýl P, ýÊM. ý' i -, 1 -i-al ;WILLIAM 2&J

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