Strtet; le factp tise entWisiasm rose to sucli Bon, L'à de « ý - fever.heat'thatI ltLeivfely apFýeletit oidfl4ncyi ni I1I5IUTu eonwecidéui-woUîd bétaIil te mat eand, htTleoy udnti,ac cf Auctorin-ae daughtar, so0 boiteroesiy did tite met Pr#" .Dy ronad 1 s9es, congaalai., and Lcrrah Tuceo fSuieis ouhpA W tiem, As Mr. BAud&U a>lia o ,tmr oowei .A s' imiment vas ofirautctq.l fA*m on jfjJ.CI<ats~ b r 8il 00451t1t~- thî p1osetycf wiét i&<. (Bond lon Casingue snd l, 1ineulosng ReO"m hsb d â1d eued- l8coA-iâs, ite sron cut. Add. 1 -of hh>-------- 1 - Jonathcan PleOTO5, I bavfessoptoi kWN, fnuovW wuaStarîleti mb sgoburer adfaîe' r nv, hBcooq. ýuct ly t,-zdtigljj na o coil e- J bail (rom teirn itl. . . 41.rai- dieTH - R-AT 4B»BDOR, OF1 tit latrue, fileon, t evet- d . doad-as file two Moesie u liday I 4T Q4Lei zN Z . dil dwthOut Iegiimiel maie or femalo jsue, MY 801% s, yen are aware, the heiri quiler the Orginal wilI utlen'ent." "'Tbat lyould lie asyct a 58.-3ythe-by, uello boa the cîîswdy or thus unfortultate 4 It i loolwtdup.' *et the reply, ' in a 4rawarlIn my dressing-ruoim. Mise Mur- rny shall bring it.-her. if you wish te sec, *oh, deir ne, bot ai a11. T amt gla t -oA ' I L hmear y n e 11dispose in te pîcs the A DOON Toer ë caehrbl.supesing ihilt te b.eule ni The at crasîeriit gmeictld si muet the ili, snd caser brabý.ileteelie8 Ofib ierlfporimncifimaitiy, ouilose sa-1 lihave -lit1e honour t ws yîntitrell, Croc front oiie~ i t ,tt <tlnous li mdmi er olaoe 'tg Cie. -Wsi severely Cci t iii Itis aliowerm M ediciner i vrygc3l celi. tot u tarn 10( Le voriti. lL*Tat'MAL The, Magiatratçs' offlice vas cowded the ltILLe, bloC hecoîne te CoçXiL i 1111O iao-. nomi day by fan 4diorvwhich it did Inet tisiie. Their- eliîute laetao Osi'T uBSWeill as Io eK iieyal4ark ilit Semaor scotih e Mplatot. surprise any coete find, silice licy vetre nilib nseby etailg tihe hîdeaideoeoÇdisee e Slit vga e and resire lie drtîopill tg ie of te 'r- &Il thorenglîly ncquiîted with the alite, týnu. naaiuhii;înatsure lt ler" ijk A.sand ruiCTii. cedents cf both partiesle sympaîhiseti with Ai troasy îa the prinernrathèr thoan the prosecniioi. Dy.'pEpSIi4 Mn. obis~i sudbersonwere sen ed itre greai ecourge Of ihia roiisetoiel'la quitkly la Mm îiuîe-nfitr-tind *et sontantfltsiie digfesiive-oo -near the Magistrales, IMiss Murray liaid gnare resîtredte, ttitoiér psr » nonflr i n pisceil herseif bèsida her mtter, andi, but .-rhi ,.oarliing anci îîterrng reedy ierc l that ILahol lnoed pale andi agciatetqi wo frîîlii I lie illa 5>s1t-t. mor charming feûtales, at iheir r eeie teaer'cli)ebility and r eakes. r1secive -"b-1"Ier C-11ae, L0W 0l5 %I5ITS. [Metail c6ges, coui inet, 1 tbink, be foud nti theil '~ r Ittee-d li-rr- nit ierrdisorgaiizta- ciiy of Bristol, or the two conntiee in1, 1 lotî ll î*mnmtivioq liîc uaiusgindfu- 9 lilstins.r. 1bi PN DfiRý.nlOi 14etrgeS rem t eeonpreciseljie, thbe accused uu -.ertU iRiUflFui'rgeiln f ie il place4 la the dock. ad~ business comerri ,Çuime.11ous rnririnnre t-te &Iiiîarie lismalw ced.i Mr. C. Robinin provet i bthi' ira,.. e. titis ANT4Çri-5ii4 ificine is tht; hib< lidde-i ball sqen, allai thon te lapidary irs pic.d - 'i i oiOinlgit -Od llt td n in the vitnesis box. He' had bli oent for Illeie to% foueitit Ilfte;be'. by M. ILbionsen, anti foenu th at a patta IKYFW 5 liitation, a very gond <te-be f08uw,. lettitirej -,.-..g "I n tîi r -en .y b, had bie asiooifrteoriginal dia e« urronimâitilail -n etikenth iIity -l itno1 r mossd wh.ich ho knew tiete ant c dhalr iri, eiîouei ls. îgtZlO5ileti i i latele seirîn the pr.sner'B Shop. !tNR"tUTED PR Fr. là s the ring bherm?' aSke.d r. Randali. The t ttnyrN nl uiee n ei>91honte 10 i(t.ih gl vil 1eileSiitii<n ii be i'miiter.h ' 'shis in titis caie,' r plieti Chaileslu-o ÃŽ"I iii eliriit'iiig iaiLIstI. -liO elt ReObinson, handing it across tue table. tt,,-iille nuger h ir i'r iwo V'ory gooti. Now coine, bir. Lapidar'y, llIlirysPib rcthe et A nr lit luodestly canait], lt me mnirent joli. lefUî du : Are yeu ppsîtivo, I ask, tttycacn ai uIl é.Iipalu.-ueî coe waysdistnguih rdiamnd, '7 P'- tevranuA r, dweskuess eseicially between the igbte s uIn this i- c'itesiDie*,s, e Vale Cent- .tcolite. stace '. tv ~ lait, rle« mp il rerplied the lapidary, viîh <i2- llatîrte. ttiai ct i frsvrl l om&s - Veiierr-5l Affrtllnos. V rini4sd, nlfit[cnteiPt 'Icouîti tell te .differeu. r-irr VioNtt,' are eetflé unie-. ceWiodfoldî Look at this ring youiself; Np y. ,%Ile 1. itII. ýare-iesrero. tuile a lii err1lesfo of il re. paste yen percelivO is -paste Yom perce iiton, aiitider-sh 10piio bate us bchoPIW04t fa -tte deuil Il terd it i e iSçen owl Aiefen"teti.* h tninntirio. 6 ls t indeed 1lç7ell tat is soeoîiiz a nyla oh trin of ery or panil". ne a &I talw sa iffl ne evt ilorsOs. Buttpray ga on eei Iiirlgltodrner, 1,- g9ili sae youoýfrylucid description.'laiei eAitr HoLLowAi tf'éry dscripti>ii. 11,14Ztliane Nrw Ver-k. snd 1 -epri Jthe confoundeti apidary coutld net go tr-guoi mnifeaieru ini Pieditt itol t isfce tas slternately aý reti os liîilrsh$ltante s ilerd orlt, bores eai 2â on. i Vil.rtla. e3 cents ui $1irart. iiihte as chalk. e,, r nerre le consittrr-ttiie evigig ti he lar 'Can this be' the rnuit' hliest î"îî.th 9'ilt>reg. o o t fiti4 utnu stamereti, addresing Ch-ries, rrir er-iter afest-l t, ise leti i that 1i siu'yeatorday eveniiîg., V -qrj i {o doubt ef it -whly do Yeu aglir ?;±1.-II l- TO E $Becanse iis is nîiquFiltioibly a real soUTlist diiond -thîe real diatueutinn doît about S ,in tir- 11.' ~conceettioni ll t llk U tiThe 'real diarnontile vmciferaied the -mâlor iitdiornailtiy. t Wiîat i% thp mnua-. 0 ACRES CL R E D; ing citf ibis accusation thetl ? TInt the Ilitri gîl sti. G cd o H us vitîtens ems lardly te o v itttkiot<- tým Qilofl Fratrie Bar-a, 8 hd si sotidaon ie hbond or on iis be,.lq.' , s o fa od rhr.P lait Oc. iA vhiîte aded gentlemant in a aItrfgei-r.A iy wÃŽY f btinnt e rijeÃlle, itwas %Yie.Whitby. -perotiteppeti frvarti, andi afier lonking u'citur2 tIll - aledsely tit ine or,' bis"éîo il7Uudoertaking aid Up stry. have or-or soon cf ls aite.' At this con. rpllEinerxl~izecil ite oiftrientis -firmatien of wvit-albd n rt appered tp rIami eltitu ins. ullie Iltavneul te b e>odtehtr'a tue auieîce bro1ýe rf Titree ti) t Il ucf rBai'jOe tore1 loto a louti cheer, wlicb vas tla anti lie lx iti5rrlr.ptotitt Iry 4-c for f. agélu epesiteil. The accusation 'rtfor- ri. & nt. iful- Ipply t14118. Al M411yigtn ,and ithe prisoner w c oderqli . ;lbil»tr ns prqattend inédiâtey liborated4 itotvit ýie sligbtesî AÂt 0 F saan aeccueil personm hl IRYANTjhlSTKATToNý bemildered bY à triomphant "" ita untMY O>OM ERCIAL <*11G -lirffe HappiiY be helds.ti li ouue, #ih Mr lgnltîttc oroi. 5W. - 'tttoring this vay, if yuupieuse, - -rOfCtrh n " Sreo n. Rtimdall,' saiti Charles Robisei, i. -ya Enl onsgo ly. - I ros iC'. obain oterustionaf liinuoeio u airegslocaleti urteila of - O eugbtatierlt, ait kone r, l atiil ie *largel îem t'te u aa 'Cettainy-yo, al' ste il te do se.?. Viiî t itlDiesn ifrlt 11To thate y Iougla to e n ndli. - fr h . Y01119 laF.en m riXh., prtestai ît t -t 1 is Ibrkcis l4lteo te, Couta rotiic rugl heios~dfJtne HaIldy, eceact. T Is ll<15o ilithe shudoitîsnessnvtn n d l'nrt',ie.p% t- --.... ..911 AM. Ai. ....... i Itrt-------a...,1m110. irmect in or-tulr.iîr-initg liioe iiliii.ito euînc rihhtlc N qtI- Vl'uneiunta.t! ldroiil ho Nu-w Vurk, lhirliiit iîi - 1-îllitncre, tt.i Pasuetgers frotu tae W.-st via (rattîlTrîîîî ltiru'aitu.k,- tiîe itotier atel'otr-ui fr- e uu Kacwil l -koLtte Steazmer ntCol. hr euerv lîes~eTitannhýar-. aîd Sturlay nttO ~ i'ir,.~ . - fi il i,vr-neiitilnuil t 'Muli' *1i1gtheilii'UrnuIul Trriînk r F r-ne 11 oufitsiEut and Wemt. Fer lurfirBitIlfri-tOtrî lit fA-(o-t For fPui lariitur t ittr11 mi iof Atiî. Cei- rie .1.13. t ily oi th-r],. Cbr Pol'u itil. Jîily 121. Iutit. C1REAT, WESTERN RkILWAY1 tF tANADA. IJYIROVED FREIGET LINE Mt)NTIEA T AN 1) i%î 'iTia ls ON LAI-EltOr \RliuT, AUMeustioiien OlteGMIeuti t'c.îui Ruui'uzp, )?iqtrto and hitf ra ieu R-tUss-, Arraeert l1 ta e h-cii enter-dil lmn ho- tuiir-it the GREAT WFSTERN IIEAILWAY CýOMI'4Ny cîud the fîliii-ii Finît l'ttiuci-i noîttubie Linevi of eteamet P%, uz- ROY<A1V A11ILTI uIt UGE 1]A.NtF. J&QUFS, TIIACI ' i' <C NE, BLAE, iERT '~r'u-S INt'. For , D.ILY CLiMltttNl<,ATII)Ntctiet IiIOTTREA-tand GUFAT W ES TERN RAIL w AY w ilAREant l1 AU 1 tTtîN unt-itnd tt St.gri FTuueos V aîu u t' Fole ll (;Oui, rW.Ruies ef Freizltl 0t4Loy ai! Ttîmr qoicter tfiî 'aiy hotier loqUl. For panflteulars'pp y ut tihe CIices af any af thue aeItoruios of Stesment. or îo >MYT.E- PItNNIisGTON. Ganoral Asîsntl Grooýt 1etcru Rails bay. 011cr-, corner of Ci-ttr i ote hSquare mu4 ioiîisiurctr-t otMntrel. TiIIIS. SW1NYABD, Gi-lieCraI manasger- llanill'Un. Aulguât iS. 1-M 32i- PHWNIX ,il E *AkSSUR A NCf'E CO. i.OMuAniAiI rîritT &CiARIN(I CROSS, PST48Iil$ED'IN 1782. GI L~LESPI E, IOÈFANT4-(Co., Agente for- JAMES hAVI-ON. Manuager- I NSiJStN NCFS naitut LOS b>' FilE are tufYsteti îmîi temot fut crahle termg, cand L<SSES PAIX> aithont ret'eîoeo thie Board (llS>,YAIINOLT)di&CuO., Agent%, Whitby. Joly I,16.2 T R En','ku, of theIDirision Corlaviit inthue Cou'nt>'of (intarlo, andth le 0 rk of te CounetY o-,are tiiroqfe«t- edt eliev w e diiP 1 ît ý 75 voeitnte san rturti #4 Auch 4069aqh->Mreqttired tenue ail teces mes, and moueys noevitba ebu tIem eCikg. a povidd by hi t-iis- te20 Vkocap.lit9. Ant i al i4gistrsites o i te said Countj are si ierb roqtuired te dolir-er to me ail tlon- glatoWSsJI e qtu,teulo li<tstalu3.ï S. H OHAE 02 CQuuty Attornuey.,'Q 14F chut-e Bll do <so)Irutiîlly or togethor,) TL arc replire t ta -irilihi ue for Plo-ulco, eluFeatutitie ltt t tla st fasliionable ,xec tled by tue !Qtuitdnilc Band. Feoi terneîs nu engagemeints adines lte Se - JtLjIN D. MePIIER, Brooklin Drug Store. -ons »4WIB EA In.lT li rs,Patent itteiliciites, D) D'itîs <i-, 1>gtiiis, Confecoli(- ery, &C. fforae tq.CaUile Med ici ne.always n aetjd 1iohlnC . 86. SrjABOT OIÇE! ,fileNewaw, at~ i 0Sîu.iibost Il" OCH NEST-UE R, CAPTAIN GRýEENWOOD, W LLpacvo tIle inderniiinticîiod placeslit lne llcuiati*s dr-iMndsT, Weul- ttes-tuy, anuPtii rlny i&-,iioVaC r ii vii uit tuie 'or-t Ilopi. liud-oy. uitid I(rterbort' train: MIE UNIX'EISAL TIte only Wringor wiîh <ho aOG.WIEL REGULATOII It Saves Timi,, Labor, Clethes & MoDèy TT 4 thi eriZil ofnil r,. luilr- .Wriiiger J iir- n-1-w - nnAcQiit-,mu-rn -,f frlt t i 5.-, Cuii-ic for lirreettre. amiî Il wili wesr fui r-cars withont repaîr. Ne Servanut cae bren iil. A cuild eigli 0 arsr olti eau operate it. It *avî'lgis roçt lu Ctothingevery bine or twelve monihm. ET-oic $Wrincr wtt-h (og-WheeIs lu Warriiiiled lisi cery parlicunr. 1 hiivercui \Vrîizc.r ti.'k ille FIRST f'RVMI1UNL a iMiur N.-al am1D itilma. At thet, Wx ork SUte Yir, i S62, aid 'ciiipro- ineo! auperior tu al otheri. in 1i4 MWrltVs Fais-et .,îon. II2 Casuv-ossers Wast inlevpry Town lu Canada. rir .-idinz~ whç-re tir-re i. n , Canvieer 14oiteNu -rîuîiiitg il-e price t.. n a h l recuVe i nirWîter 1bv Exiires, pre-ptdd. :W. H. Ct{ILDS& Ce,,ffatniltets, it-OfrI. inerîîl AgentK. ALEX. MisON,' Age nt,-Whitb>ý. gIKNPgflTILAN EVfýR. T Varioly il) F rntovreiTi, 1lY. ~I"h soin aKt the store e01tthe ..Vrrr- tyle and t .-id at.ail Pre.The, nu niai nowpatter n Stove hait b<nwîî ntr,,alt enmougi-t î,tliervarletteti TH1E KIN'G 0F sITvvES, IRONDUKE, GRAND 7'RINKt, PRINCE ALBERT, DA VV C'ROCKE T, 'niihI andi Si'. y JOH%ÀTBRYAS, 45 y _lre-tWhitby. Oshawa Âdvertisements. WILLIAMTEMPEST, M. D- K J'ý%;» SITZ ETCANADA TA1 v 'R n' lIa 1>Rtin toshawa. T <Trments mode to ordttr in the hipt sivit and fashlon. 47 PUBLIC, te. c ÈAXER, 4JONFECTIONER, &c. epY r'ôcok Strýee, Sot ut'flttjrIok'me «lbi ï July 18th1 il. 20 COIJI'TERFEKTS.-Somo vile swindierx bave beso palmipg off upon thisnh-bitaute of thé -Cantds!, aotfuterfils of my univeruci t ern etiios-HtôllovaagPiles anIiOintntot. I ihane. fore vedru ail 1»ttggls, Apotf#lbeis, tir., Ihtl hale ilacéti a sromp upout My nenuedies, anti~ ~ ~ ~If ba- bîkdb ppors, &o., su that fr-te con <il te se. theoerue betiren lte olti mtuIaanti the new. Tioeretaro dealoes wll cunsoîût thein evn emafsty lsy bitying nu. more old st yle 1Pille andi Oitmeut, ce. IcaliCot rt- rant forthemisulqng gunuite. Toeltoso'ho baveth bolei eyleonoitad, if lbey are isnu- brtkon packagem, I1'ciii excitango ttom' for n ai my ovo expoîîsqe-that lu 10 soy, t ue 'roltbî to my d,'>oI and bitck, if 'rein me befere te lt îjy of Nt.veilber 8 n 80 Mutldeî1 Lune, New York. HOUSE TO LET. MANUF~ - - The CeolebraiçilGenimýu ('l iE us, tbraulucs, frobt, bites, r .11if a reis, cud al kindu cf Ilesia wocnd I?ýX 1I ý1. Viermd la nfllbla ýellr nid cact i nfering IJronm pain. .Iiie * -~- - n ise- havge eeu Mletedi ACURER 0F ÂLL KINDS OP alytmip iled 10 manbeastul-' Builderte, Dreeismi and Reade of Famnf Generally. Ccli at wANZAR & Colms S07 <Ilice. W litby, ao e ee the large of Faniliy cnd Manfturliîg SEJWING MACHflt4 With iat-st limprovemente m.uti at JAMES H. GER Agont for Couî Ici Marais 24,1862. MORTGAGESI- B y 1tu l lienfileota s lneuir îMorrantige, b<-ri~ lt 2211dtidt% out'Mrelu, 18112, iîuaili lict«C galil MeCilim and lauithelis MCialli te wthpo! Tiional, inthte Ciîutità alto, uft ho irePt pot, catteienne Mf thwe meenoud punt. and Vat-nii c icPbh TiownshltîîOf Mcnkhîcinint r ut the thirt pi«. ,for- sectiînii eil--, tliîeroiinr-i th e fA '1iiuîitI nIl30 ha sqoih buPti.biuc Atiptinit. n1tiih - ,'o Roinit'lEVI F,»%IRBA NKS, JlIZ- UN <iv-li Third day of November t xt Tweive v t'oduimoui-hoN io. tof t.- ai-h T-iwuîfiip of ullr. in tit tiii.. r-j:ît I ès*ti <)uu-telItIlt rf Itue ctliutctt pu dour-t; fer the ialiièe, turinr wil il ho ulsede ui ti ithe utlS0. iTlue <Uriii,t%'uti.o- !.ý,d t Bii-,1amile<tr-"f ire uipu ,r-i. of li' rlr- il-o- F-r tii r-t ýiiiHîiru appi tu i SQtuol-utrîrwhitlby. 1" ë& --tr owBiDwelliitg htuiiect an e*amjtail f hssok M! me30x 0 w th oi "Clli.i -IO S ER -iiiofbs îok lot0 ig-romDnuiuî .iioAm. Puni>,, verY article is- nauufactnnedunder bis ewn superiittendence, anud can bu dependcuiuipti Ofle,6ictHruoiic -R1341EN ALLEt'S BRANCHES, Ti cillin ua-u 7t t iti, PIu illchuilîd Il ti n lu hiuilztttThe tu lais% i4i t-ue iuileitt- Ccli antiComppane, andl ha satisfied before yoîu go elstwiere tueht-ul te the miutiii lluîin<ntu eui liant, art L a .lttagoutl Atlil titd etciirus ait oxi-lei ei l, fi. o-I iit-er x w X >Vo-]es, ciîi- f-fJ1.~ L ~ I lW lis tuuItît to rea-llm iqIriu -li lui-t. tic fFIJNERALS P LLY S1JPPLIED. * Bur-.. Sîor-r-t.- ur.i r hi-h- tei)ouisi iii Anti euerylhing in lte Indcntrik4eg lino lo be hauoin the shorteet notice. Coffins ko1at the ie-re iluo"ti t'tl Toutl wb' ltti-lIi,,,tnsantly on ltauîd. WIEROOMS, No. 4, l3roc-kStreet, and No. 2, Colboriie Street, ,cei- irr-rt urt-i-i Jului hiur, '. i-L. Whhby, C. Wr- %III'ienlvtiunit ti le mi o li ue pr priet(er, Jtulv 8,IA8STILL - OIliN îîîdî. Whilby, Jl ,6.2 1ýi bv. BEIT*T~Y 'Witbin MESSRS. CARD & HAWKE, DUNDAS ST,., WHITBY. BT'A iii uitouîti t mi'lî.mi.-f titlo 'f-j-ri B sitt1 -,ittuiii n tt t i îti- tiv- rilitc-rr--i i1010ca-o-i t-r-bltlu the Diltil Pr-- icoc itcOl mIluiie ia:pity-tr-t ittteed ta al-j r <1r' cii rutedto lliir r dr-. 1ue-ii iîîcnrtet -,iu l i ti or V t-i.lti-i Itîter- he.* Tectflletior cuir- .ut- i ii lt esrlîut il lt lcnl tr - trtl.i ~ iittc n-uitoî Childci's Tri-tii. Ail o -ir-tut riitttIi. F EELING th< lui u 'ti,îu-un eiîitinc-Itheu F usitAtr.<-, r- t,iueIier, 1 1 nve p1roor- iti n- tle pprniiu -f Mc. llIav-(!, lto-'tli tit-- -li ln iiitri-Iedii,;& t-u, l -utirir ,L i -,- - fitliurt - fr-v iuî t îuir- i Ir - tî1 rt Nt c. 11aivk- -n Jinrticq1ceof î.ýf m-ci-- tub.ini l the n inth Il-1tyifT--t--- o r-iu' lumit - iii tiry. 1-itli tiirksi bu1,-utu tid un i t'or theer--oiIIiui.uOr- ..of tliueniiitin iglie to caithe, Iebigleuii, IK[ B3rillait Anueriea AesurýMns re Ceompany-, INCOIIIl>lA'UEl) ituuuer IýjI ofth:'e ill ird Sessionnrifthe Pieruutlrovincial 'arlia ment of lipper(Caaulà dà à . CAPITAL £W~,ooo. Ireuratice ritteteul oum illutsgt% and ithail cOuîutxs. ivenytrruuutîuiupplictiun op' liettiou Ici lx iii iecrKiLiic-d# Marine ii-,son tioi, eco sor fonllitI. JOHN AG NEW, TnaveltinlrAgetvt ic otu*treet,.Whsitl)j GEOIIGE CORMAOK. J41 BitM EltIANT, Ccrpostý teai îl Jne.tnmiSt. Wliitl1y. A largeanî ND ERÃŽA IN G. F 'UNERAl.S fuilie-iipl-içi anduilatteai u shit nîîticîuý. UIa t conituutly ont band. t4'A Heltne ho lire onl11, rMAltem. W iltby, Feb. aIt, lsAR. 4-1>' P-IRE ANDýý 4 IiE Or ENQL4ND. XoW. 291 Lombard ere, Zender a Few Yards of the Public Hall. XII fid ecelentandconenint c rivoat.1?arlor CdtARGES NO IIIHGtlEIR THAN THE OTHER HOTELS IN WHITBY. -JACO]ý BRYAN, LATI mhioY<)AN, thAtiKîl aco. à I) rýMA A à i-UU~I1 P -e-HRS REMOVED TO FPReD$ OLPý,STAND, .Mi 13ROCK 'iTREETý,'WlIrBY. IAS ont bond,aind is cotstatl nîl tiufsicttiritiLgCutîtaut, SIojighg, BtîLgioc lr&-v-.,of thus laUt t-vIe, anmimosi. 11pprovedi puttel'n. fîrom Ii-but-uitc chu, (1 l clîoîu-c-t îwonkmonan ýand liapcs îy strict attenîtionî te business te met-ut a relture ouf publiicu pislrontage.- Oim-A few good second-hand Catters - ii. IDOCTOR IDAVI8i ANZ ? 90-S sypi f îtH* aud -ihor Di- seast-st of a privameS Nature,SE m so acre sa. wt-rts tlLtiTr- A1 thA.M 0fc,4c«ras, qfJf- «n-h .1tsde6So, (Uap , ohlr n Auo~delidÉ. S' farine ollise Veueres i dueaes, andîl b>' is Po- culiar pr,-cesto! Ifinig, 11. worel t tuoI arec - toei ieillut aournpanulitivetyiuont titims. tun ilar1 , byp i i le, Ciie n> ci by 5 ,.y eiurod by ýhIA iitfà llie reinuedies-. - yoilrmon wîin hà o efliel vlctiius te lteýý: drtitulaleffochu u tit'tcilin Sîe.thiectn ri-utiive iîîîîttedlste relief 4 à aplyir le Dr. >Patiet-$ts a ditamur trenteil hy let<er, sud 3' Mer-cine sent to Ra>'port o! the ctiçntry ou ru- l'uisunyl6iYu~o ~oisntlu--Diotor con 4,10 iô 41 ôit0 o t eb Ili tu 11office,î s so urnatigod li lh ispushi urpulett stea U cut her. nitiep be b'-onsent. A4vico f nco -W!ien etulttîued aI ita ÃŽcofluto. -- AI] jelters ntt o h- ddr.se40ý (pei<ý i.) S 4. 1)&Viit, M . t., Tomnousho, C,-W.. à intl contait 1prOvii 1 p st nlco>p if aitnu weris Surd. - -- 25 oti), Harris's E traOrdiuary-Light-ý - ning Gallery. et iWINLG MAChINiES HO1~EU1IADFURNITURE. 'Offert foi sale a very large and excellent tssrîmeni of SOFÀÂS. UREAJS, LOIJNGES, BEDSTEADS,9 Tabes,-WadroasChetaof Drcwers.- Loeking'Gliases, Bock (cas, - Mittriosse , Pu. lsanti Dawing Room Chaire, Rocking Chairs, Office Chairs, Cane.aeaied Chairs, Tôilet Tables,, Towol Stands, &c., Le.. in grettt vcnicty, andi ut greaitIy reduceti prices. Warnonted te bo madie of lte best e flLi e jilttl as rYtioutùEiMîeF OIN& 0'oIC Imes e tu efoi fon fnnuy ai 1PRE?. t- - - -11 - I - - -- « "In jitstics.te ?itct as aL dîty i Ove thé puele 'tct (SaIan rIgO't toiuêîed yoiiý vonea< Asodts 50mitait selà a 16 dT (luvery wcs onbtf',% 6îtby ltsé timeaf ]Iplatign ot, yo h osItelu noveonpiatelv cuit. MA.TTIivW SiALLOÇý, Jri Pickerlig, Januar3' 17,1881. 'DRAais.-ln cuAtIte te yunantilte pub liIn lu gnenai. 1 titinit it--niit toreootmeitl yeun coi'ubrat«d'Germnas 01, frté ueet-' cntsq,lsrnae, tfiott biles, d&a., li qnssly effica- eloîts wbeliappliadte'd nds P wTER R. HOOV ER. Pickerng, Ëchnuary. 1802. -- lisai.- !là j ustic o Yen, asud'14s&tnty- i owu tuthi, publie, 1 thitlc il iglisI b retorn- îtîoîdy yoti'lehtrated Gertinn Ou, for the etird ut f,îo.t biles. cuts, irui.os, anti-aise of s,>oroas uulonig stantdinug. DNE Pickerng, Febritory,,1862. y-ie uriitl'olt.ntërinisloîu. 1'waxiodned toi zry yor-îînmlelinotuciulacuti ilO uc-w ooînpioe ly Ãured."- - JAMiES tÈ1TZ(IBBONÉs. iriteut:- DîAit ir n,-Eveiry*,til eor t ite worid - u.-hf jn.t4tly coisrAtecl (Seinà u hdo-uervem tf- 2u, knowîu. It 'rtf t pfievu cblusin i ol -P%-, fini4t titi-a ., iafi so on uioreutot Iil~ oe:tîiîn:int I us nriLet lidhe<I tà sffeetaabue."l 'r- ho iii iuud it- tl l)riîgrits, acciiet li6,.pr;iii- e-l-u ilartii-ort'l,;10gileIllte prdo'vi' 6 *N te v tlt ito s of tIl sz renoewi-o tior dij iutiA o ,iittuee Jiy., 1861, tiey coinpr-isi Tut Ef)NrBnUitî ýRsniEw (Whig). Tîîr iNosTTilBIîTISH RevgW (irëeChrclty '171à E ,VSriNST'EËRpRviiuw (Liheal. jBLACwoCp rBiDEîtîr.n MÀoÂ1ic (Toryý Price8 " IoebeinerupeddI -postage -te be eeduced! Tue iriccs utilil puni t tnetofore, -vit: - PER ANNU Mt Fuirav ie lutof tlîofôîîr Rîuvlows ..-t'col For aiuy t t it' tho four Rer-leva*.. 1'à Qi iî <rue otio '<ur eOlvf. ) Fot ifflfour tif thl îe lr-'ii......... t fs8o0 For Bitickzwî,oiIî.u îia;tzile...... st ii' tllîttiwo..oil nd 01, ' ew . nÇu F-ut*'liît-kwu(io-lto,îudtw t11%itUýei-ws..1 .7 0 Foir»»1.,lti -wuodIl 1141,thtrue Itevieais -. -9 t00, Fuir Bl-uukwuoi] nulilît'funi Rer-lotr... 10 Oi Pusto rt orlsîoleAlue Pcrinuficleatsoîly LEONARD SCOTT CO0., Pttblituorot, 8 %Wuikr St., N. 'l FAiIf FOR SALE.- rjtL iiailsf of Iotîl7, ili th' 1Èx4i< Coi). Brook, contttning l1t0oase. e i is utaroti. aud in: V~.kyGIn! epvfo sicert-okin 4sn .3 iii i -t ulOeuiri na. (let - Private Parlors jt iý