Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Oct 1863, p. 1

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VOL. VII. ,IM SCROiCKER, Propriator. T IlIEutidermit>néd t11091ta itforn nhi. nu, manitot. frietiteg nid Patrne, tlat the "COi]M I CI ti "lias hantî noua ly renaeatsrd thlciiult, audit) i uttein ouperlur order fori ther rt'cptiutn c f cti >] ttruv.îhara4. Tra-1 vo)lertsiii a dl-t4tiiuo w'i)11eid thig the monet etiveiloft tofîirrO iffplace, nauJ cati be fuias.- cdatî w t-n lr eu)nitiii aifiîenuitiui -'Fie .t.tbtilttîu-ii ehedu sulretiltteiit p ini n su pOrr 1tilati alec. at010 i4t iirat Uiîly enclouer] 1itxis *aa Ikat Witiet,Liqurga ui c>]igsuu Ciian aur îtetive 'Othtli'r4. JAMES 4211CKEII. WVIMruy, Sept. 21i, itt6. 38 11ALF-WAY ]FlOUSE, -t'. tt nt IL. .i'inl. i ii'.Staces toe t NorthJ, l t'lt v t'liity, cii t ita.. 24 --GLOBE 1HOTEL. T FIE cl-ttc e % wi -ii %r'i'r, "-1Catabliguie-l T tnit m :111i,1 Its tu;e. iv:e eti îtruktitýtaio llitae aee iew lnwnvý e toit 1-ýi rr u ii e .!.v Io ît'tiilt ltermoealiy t-> rhit tiîtt4 .,f' it. iesrtt's. &v. cîîittnttîîr ittp p iîlîî-d., p1er,&c. t orlct iîtlrîc-,t ri i 'tt - Tnu verv' 1i1t-I tti m utc uin t tui âlita Tahîtveîoncfî- 1Y atjptlied at>. al Notice tu Farmex-s and Others ...1audlirgsd at the rateof 8 centft POT rtt,firt fumertlon, ,and 2 Oentit Par flua, anchi SýIàciaI 6oîtriletà made wth îîdvertisers by Ordem, tcdilaotieua edvo&rtaeiiîti, Mue> 3,n wrllg. ËÂNK OF MONTREAL, srAUmED GL&ASS WUIKS. ~W~ruoWork4,u.71 Youîîc >tret, Turtoa B À) RRISTERSi & ATTOR1NEY;~ AT LAW. I> oI1eltorm to the tieiik cf MNiitre , and uoenlty ('tncnol of Ontario, Whilly, 4C. \W. 1Vilw >the oiiort llon*eu-Sellth whig. .qlRIT nArr>l4 iy.('NV E-AN Streot, Whitlt' . W. ÃŽ. G. i liV, 1RAIISTP11'.4ANI)\rTiXW 'rLw. WIIITBY,Ç C. W., T EDWVARD BoYNTON, .... Proprietor. X ichLLE T uiaommcdition, good Stab. E iîîg and Sfiad rooie, and gittautive Ottierm. Tiîase nramivo, i ive bae uewly renoviitad thrcektîout, eî,iJ are îîow in. tha best of ordar for thq caeption ofgoreta. àAgooTable, fe- parior Liquor and Cigarm. 84 VI1CTO 0RI1A HOTEL, VICTORIA COENKIiO, RaCac. ,ROBIERT 420WAN, --Proprietor. AE aborit wPU -ktiuvn oleid a:d asheen T eivael and ilewIyarrintred hytht rincr 1uil ob>. mcA is et any botr>thtrorirnnt th'. Cointv. Gmbd l.iquore.s. awelMil l 1 Iied t.i*d, axcelleut rrtemv ctiibflng. ci "0abint. ciail, cend dnt't pu"ain d by. 2 RluýSSEliJi'S HO'TELI ntu inteierone.lPralprietrt' of-the ai'ou-a tlltirlnieitde tuer] ptrong. t)tAl thlta ia'otho- rtnnl' e1iiuuated ititeir i-c tab-ixltieitl trir.,I lte Nvnler. etc>esti-tibet'1hem iitu t Toffet'ir ) theii,, Miehnrr of tho l.ciilatsles- iithli Tri vellitlg l>î ilp aiiinu-r uc-oteînoduttiuti. Tri n(aIittî'n tirthe apitrctuitu tti-a lied lent Win. tcr. tl'c-a' luuve ttow il'arbres mitlled-rasunuî lti a Inn' t fi.-niustr tne il-tel. wli'sct. fe a'ifa.rt solir)tiu'.' iat "'c iinirpane.r le lte citv. lim. RTIJSETL. SON. Worthern Hoeol Canningtona. Tut' ttîreuaing lîi'it us l>c hec vu cite. k'-itstu cIel. 1,11N e"ti'lere-ti t 'e orlr tt' tuliaat'lrher lu etttrLre tbele'"'p a lt -- tie n,' n H a Cnutla cttl'i' xititt. niltîttit'e ,4litat' jtltc':îtinu n-i]imprc-ecmi.t-s.. .1-itr ..îilt'i'nîlc t>î~ c attie nt 11, e"tnu>tsri-c cf .tIlri ard I.iquîýra uot't 1ititlit ' ti~ kt" 'epec'cptalw-e IIeFi)i. (;Ive"m enIlamvli sp... To the Travelling 'Public. salut- celiieetihy T. Vt1-1411, Ililirhe %ti-e..il'rcut cd Inîu'iewtî ttai 't nIl t;,' selWho Luttei linCsu1e-i le iltemla ke;-iiitiLpnollii, i ttlîî THIlE lEÇT OF 'LIQIJORq à CICIARK N"iti du "0itrte-il lie firsni-heti ati 'M ftii,- -lil'-e -c tut'tII4,' iii- Ait ua'-ttiat ui- - t0ilv tl ti'rrnI. Tîttian telin lattc tinu vitlit t tut> ns-tv rein iiiatr n..tllnaîyiioti auittît ndMi]cil ct ti'it.. Ettuttutu. ttut', 1960. i 1-V(>H,(,)-OTIEJ1 WILIN KiJI'FM,1ANN AJIOF-1TLcCT. 't: 14~, Bay Etreet Toroue. MXALT VINEGAR. A t~LT VINEGIAlI mi;;flow ha l- n-ag Whitbv Brewverv. N',ttb British and] Marcantt1e Pire & Life Insuranc6 ComY. - TIOMN$ l>ttW, WVitby, Sept..7, 1842. cti-In - - - t COLT. TION&LlÃ"RIr1WTRr~TCIN DI R. M. L. RK'OW, Noeti, C;.I Oi<tLT TIONS i iîde fer )'tisherg, )Mtn- 5Jchat*, Phiviiï ssiot!seLrs, jentMont. wil Qeelicie, Otlowac, atitt T-trruitti tand ott-ir pl-iree in i Cuîail. AIl eltectiiaiu -lely rejua t- afI tuaidpromoar]. pruut1tIv paov ier.' Adireaim crasr taoeu to Mntreaol (;If- Pstri.,Meittru-al tl«2aaitc llt in-l tretil; 1.& A. Miler, V'il'rluBoaiîuIinsr atitiltlorp&, Nlsrt-t~usri idTo onto. S nl eiî,iiptetntier-otiistau1862I. i m -.Rm VE i)Iîjs Luw(e- ) lato tttnio cl s n *:-n, - OieDaer ftuth of i-li Weýjeby, lîtui. 29. 1862. XT )'TO TRE ROYAL LTfEUX, KIsag n eisig. - -u L. STEEL, J'niupruitor. -TlIt, tiot-lia i;auntitnhly situi-e>] anethe nismr- L'ie of Litho aitutec.. suear 1tlue Naurruwii hrjdgt>. eeeiiiuiuiaga otesdi ew cfr the Lcat -uareinafîcr pitiaoneeeseni-ra'. Ecat'nrti]oii- Iot, aîtlo»ar,. -is t-e pov4a, i' -li oulte tuer]~ ~ ~ ~~ o j!lii tiks.ain Ieti lnnitte Iiska e iitirrqotvete f t'in iait denaènistiout. 14 AYTER ÂLL. Mie appes l'rpolnlii o rahard, Tua w6rk 's? tlitireaper le douas, And thé golden wcoodoti ddan, lne Iibioe>] cf the dyissg tee. for twusi klecal tu cniept. et'i-~WETwÇOIRONICLE 4 At -hài. tn l ot ]Brok Street, 'Whitby. toW NeSM I)oot thettiReglatryyO1fice. - -iE DOLLAR ýPER ANNUX, ln - -psr At tha cottK idoor, tha grandmira $it» pale nleay caa hair', WMilae tria feinllewikici ai twllight. Play i til M4% esivîr hait. A womn ei. kneelittirbalde hi- A lair yotnng boind la prest, Ili the 14ii V ild paiot of gorrow, Agtiitit hic ugad braaa>, AtiJ far r.îm #er thi dJirtano (Ieflt i ier brocuattrttispt. Ai Id Viaer.ttilIrwroil of the drnin.. And the grciidmlre N.k.kinua alilipr- "Dia aiu nn aîi aoc §0 Bl iIl givê ililn oi tefiaCountry, Anid WC giva urpraft'.t&0ta1110c", TI.C cilcia> tar the ,fsearowt,, Tihu rmiott.'tt i'tii1ý tira Jour, And ao Pr 1 li-teli~îsy rclitîrd filjii- i triîld.'uîln1% polir. Lint tht rr ;ur'cci-r Crupy- 'tho cottage b' r)nrk lqed etili, Thura'ila mmriîiî,oig~ rave lit iu battlu- A i]nfl" lituaorcrtoll A tl liri e tie n teMIfL ByUt ci eurthamien Ati àtLe o<ti iicli lU tii , corimr lucha )I <tiicl aa ttridi, droie. à TALC Of' 1875. ABOUTv one )undrad .; Cars agni thêe wua ai Philiîdelphia, in d anSyl vanta, a fa. mily ccnsisnlig Eof slovet*a) ana mbers. 1 belîýizued Io thaeniiddie- lî lsa iat IR to aay, containîd barristeto, bankers, nerch. ani, galiritors, and do cn --ail of thein alîfinaaad. ai leant go ?àr as appeita, bi a lîigh serb iof lonor and itié-gity. But roblei- ertiiunîsare cna certain guarante againa;t povai ty. One of tiaeniemebera cf the Iainily ie question becaine embarraaied, horrowu'd £11100 of onecf hi& ralativea, but loi bitmemory saunafter,* and, bite. ieg goi remained for years, died, Ieavteg tpiittid hi a wjdow witlu aiveral childiren. fecou)d hequenth thamno n prnperty 'in-* stead of whieh they receivod a e ti inher' itance high prieciptes, and a atrong Wffî. tion fer ihai memory of thoir lathar; -The. widow algn wua. in tha respect, paufectiy ie haruiony witb hersaons. BI dint, tgara- foire, of pruenk-ce, indiistry, and eccoey, liey eiamare4amceg ihetatbe aum of £400, wbiliî tbay rigidly appropriaif-d toe the> payaieut cf a part of theiir f4tberâa dabi. 'lie widew bail, .ineed, 'ealled ;hem tegiethu'r around -ber deatb bed, and toid theliAuat. inite A, of a fortune, sht. Itit h&opw4aty atp formi ; and that if il te &on, unil the descendante of tbe -Btid$ ha>] p«M e very fartbing te th.e eenfdaSu cf the> Sydney Susitha. Wbila nattera itou>] ie Ibispradieuniant, the> cradiior part of the fanuill removed te Englue>], an>]the debiera tîniaine>] et Phi. ladeiphia. îirugglieg ulth it ]cuItiftanad! eebiraaainants, wbich Dtouly >diablad, theni froin paying tha patereai debt but kopt ibaw pprpetually in buecurable par. erty. 0f cccriei, >h. xwsh te pay in sucb m-nîîtt urvive>], tbe abiiîy. It would hiave bien te themi aneejoyesent cf a bigb- airder Io lient out their relatiesain Eeg- land. an>] place le their banda tbe cwinx £600. Tbwa plesaure, wbich îbey jpare deatita> nover to taste, often forme>] tht aubjemt tf tionveraadon aruand -4eir fire. *ide; oced the children, es thay gtw up, wene intiat> ied iib h&atyateri cf the £600. But >hat generation pauîe>] away, aud] mitier auceede>] to.tbe -iiablty; he Ibat ibaere eXiaîed any Iiabii>y in law, for tbougb a deed ha>] been exeente>], fi bad lapai>] in diae course of lime, to that titaný was meliy neocflgaticti butthat wbieh' ilîn the Itro-eget cf al-amn ineMadbb meni c riht.Often -ahd>] fien di> the Bonda' cf Phiia>]îîphita tppt and consult" toeoher on tisi faion, -dibt, which everyý D'ne wisbe', 'bel o ne ed oul>] alun>], bo pay. -The aona were marnlé>, andha> ehîiOren, xt4cn àiLwat ineutieet ce tkem tu, suatpontrthe &daugbteir batarried , t"c but their huibanile pcaihly dt nct acquire with tdur, wiveathéecbivalrca ntci Matthev Tait7 -I D -______lIl__i___th _ieizs -Yiltti iî.') i I t;l. "a"lun !:t:!tlt-i1 M 1% I1so X.& s 1tmIts 4N F'llt.1ucl't"e iut.as> î.!îl "h Tr itlu '-n rt' . i't. tel-tmligr it N' tiit Alurîî.ua 'nttli'iiira .tit. li ui".tl i cu "t t-1d0q.I,ýttFri ToIrai te ,tt'R i, W N Fil" i ltit .1 i Tk SAAV i. 4) ù%.ii, trrît['r t e L.l S -\ f iT USE tt>r fi'lt-ttcu, utllilb v.eour Stricuit. i~ttsttia. -11 A, r','V'l1 -- i -1 li.-T14c--tttntr .lANIFtS tTt a & ARISEI TI'Ã"lt\lEY AT LAW. o)lllea- et'ic l ni lt lilliŽ Bt-uck $t. Iitlit*a. WN. t ,cA .eJ i u'rtt'-r bJIAR1LES C, IKELLER, IrtitlttntîflTial-t u i i ti-atii cucul. iicteri4haihulleir. creor t ~e un ýcf c lee. - - 1fpi tîoaret', t'iui.c'ouI O-rEL. AI,4un trivti 'it tl iii' u'vllimpotor tif -e - tIti, Tniwnt4lip of Tliotrilli, tandr ('tuty 4niliu ttt' r tunit r4 - -~~~ -~~ >11.1 lltil esrr ii' t, IIî i-. Lt - C ra eacu fa-o ,'L'iIX'-~<~~ X 7'~ tVi t -tyttutIiton f. ANi4LO.licilta lrIN IITL. q~I.thu..e 1..claci)ti ht t mm l iict tît nri eî l t ,iii Ir. cnutiti 'tii ud -it In ri., itit t t uîiuîî>.tt ini. il iuîua. tttuhi j 4iA- .tilNst Crzltpie IV l I l K voY'r'l mr ITItL. L Isît li anr lii' î,îîl ea., tii t li Itîlt e Itnut i-. tin RîltE ouV Itutlr. l fla.icol titi-it. - Ir ttutut î-îu-Fiettut ftiuitrt l'.i e lý iii p la miiiel .ii ut e îtatîtgiîie i27 - tisisgtt- uotliul-c~ h CANTON IIOTEL. 4a tOit Propnietîir. eM'il A.R fiîeiin ciirl thi% trat'eltinîfpillc, tfinit lie- lintle ititiretlc ttio Weail kionulitul. anîl tnt te t>îV eet ntttut i)i liiuieus. aed h> ettîtoîîuoniucte tadnili l ift itaner frorthe coin- otuniatl asuisieunf gileutst In suat 't uiare cf pu blie ateuute.>4ic1 l.iqsmora t-CirGarg, Cutfi ttable iccnmmiiduttloufer iti i] halrati. Ani an"te u.!> utirtl oRtlar aalwilyx le a- tcpitatce. ~ î; ,C uOîtWAv Metiilla5 tact. «29. 1841. laropejeter. - Ti ' t'tl M )iNn. >tATF. OFTiTE NONl- qitu)n Il-ilel. sinI funrtirut-f ffWttithv. -îti- îioîuîîaua u it. iefriati-It' :i l uicc. thut Ilia hls retîleflit î, rhcvrc ttl-ieitrotpl. vtîiet la tru in tifien4t iLttpertter tntht' reca.ptiettt f itet' Wttatr, lttt'u'iad Cjgari-. Qui]l Zttuliurfanti ait uttei!tir-e tuler. 15-'Y G4rand Trunk Rtitvaie (Itoel. f Smtth "aie fRailcrauDop'-t, Port ~4b T IlIME auhuCitjer h isxftril l se tio liea'o vl] kiieuue2p-caiis,ea vitît Ib iem> of sAiti g *ec i vitiati W letlet'ntirre 1V-eit ita 'tra-wiI ho itroerle carcîl lune isursithzie u acle oa f, thte ce-isera ht l ttitIor- FtTttct or Vnmet. Gonde -JANtE->PRINQI.E. -Wliltliy, Apill 27,,1S88. 1 PIANO0S 'OýR Iule~1t P%, tlo'rt M , hi 'IR- - usnppovc&upa, 4long or Ahort J. V. - Ã" In l THIE: TIMI QZ 'nit ffOiI LTKENES 3.-A. Clak'* Lat Prit ietui meat I liulîtu i fe. ,to int 4F S y s' ItU 4 , &I 1 V i'4VCA N'i -J. W- VAL»WaTlr#b BOIN, cita-taleg &llai'ita,Aa',titt,-tii tlII Uaîsitl e. ?lct -Rui~ <I 'Me.tell . 11ulx upoulî nifN b.-.-tirFiu ndea. pir-op t reit u ilit etaM..D. )Ieaarl leSîttt. ta, "fiu. -' ,nis Store, Br>, ic tcct, 'liia 4- R.- s GNN, M. De (513)tON 'lO TIIE Ct)UNTY (4Attt.. -THO.MAÃŽÃŽ DEVEILELL9 B u1 .D ,&o. &c., GREEN STREETT, whty .W. JOH?< MEti7CALF, fiLZRKiOFTlE FIF'rli tiVlctlONC)UItT, miGîtprIti igg tiie 'oueitlhipr Brook. Art- ROBIERT MPEA-RS. ÇC LEXK -AND TRIiASUJIEII -tF TIIE -RhIli 0Fi(,iIUI;TY AND PPIII EICIÂT TAITOll RU1114K STRSET, ItLWhiirby. * - -t EîT&~UEiaXqT.-Urîiar of 1TarI tid ExRa-' ~.bptsnttda Sîcast Tisotto, lte-frausltniuute4 CLlE1lK O0FO'URTII DIVISIO)N COUlT, Uathuulra, ovyeear&-.,Uxbld1rs. 19 çi>TREA lI0l]U-tV, 121RI'ng St, Waet, ft il - j 0 glN. Nit. WAlýW)CK. - '- WILIAM STRAIIKAN, &CO-., - -- 1 i44 ÉMiSALE AsI TAND luirl i?'t*oéreWin"e anl Liqitoru., No. 28, a' # w M[JIrtet8qaae 'rarceitc. iFnn Prod>]nthabnghtstI od- -L r ~ r. ~i-.WILIAM»tfTa Il.tlii g n i KeLO ErrpîoprlTB. - M - é -'mnoat 011 ,clattnt76istae "M Thei Oort of Sesion * pdr terg.n t tçia -q î ZU r~inomeenis 1> aee~u wbi& tt w22an t * 1iii4 0yei balgveh ~è' ~s ~n~did ~rntai~ t aaartowd' or ma*dtr",ja , s n bis ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýfç ~dmi~in odnndclent n 6 cont Bingpiai> ie, and forte he-ifantif uod it. e Onraýev.eafte 'theith y bae-ere ut adeaiî onisieb aîaIa, bn rTnetdni> hthh -doi (ai teri cfpdniitninî, ri nt frî. qh4ule< oftbi cd n hi cued hé tOfpnrsnînl msrrWt4Ç Thhai Le euié ihione u certaids- .l And - àt iiu'2di e r imn nvtg)ad Leaitly admholite] tha de bàe il DueL~tI~ elle j ad. ven~vr thY - etchd fri lT edý ilrani, eéxclairued udt ntrogil be.T ave ~ Ceve _abl lsmaui~-te~ -~ ainsnsuîtned tb. Qlote p(molàen4" cason f- eving' pue aga u>] ieo 1 morÏ aa. c&mtà hstrna>] the ul.gbannt et and jd îarntl, vexl. Jn- e ave chut arer" a t etp Oynato'. -4m meid t, iïe n )suured tbor nfissecO"ed~wli4~re igroii iifet 'ebis coTcaM~ Uaej ttulot o aavat. r* $in r .sdh1ardtnt.éan- havg sedcaed . O -' lecai ,Pànûj i vï'f s.IW28hhve srve u t -m e aled e confssioan , lie là ta,toI. n tee anndcbe ILre'd a àha( 1 tio elI'i chsel 'by t oW ies, or ýdwnceto ei ea lli at-' htae lcu ndmp ain e r, te ûI btkr pedole; ad. h.i ie niany .hache>]d fr ' tïàl ;,a nd etilotc' 1 gfÇ li duiit fi~ etA TObe4laîogleîM2 yarf g. 1tebcyi-eth ar d ih avn toili"eatidt e.> T got belot tee lirait@ of rnlàe îisric heyatlly erne rt-bsh e kui-an>the ons. ftIiaa.l . ettoe gr, fpirs, w ailetaI eagîr ne ît lti te -ns6nakedbi-j"dg . - 'lI t l do f-1tchoe'id1Pm apibantet'tor îril«? o té ~ fbi rtye, -'le jut'pOtbîe,' jcal ,rty îeyodi en- avn. Th'n'ae puuel"ac _t an enn, . oi mpab g" the t ie f biscuc iaaudredgtis é 'dl ti inpasa-on aeoli ieiib 'MI4 brebde, . arre> 'aayfree euln iity; bde uribeyi&nue a il o atiaud8goudtrsm.,e asc i t ubslg vuder3 btrn<' Âh of à ùilnuîes, anda- réîmfruiled intai" e n otraetlvtr er a diI~ Lit litic~e- p Pcn S- prt Lib t O e -bregbt lie ta 'i b.eiat 'ht<î e n' d pa"dsinthemg i - sc fii4éw p raad re cee dg ee di anet Tite ths e 'el bwàdc ~f otk te gln,'e ieli - <~ ilé. Mé *~, lse e i ei -~rendù oit bfp t6i i ett o lud i vfithout Oea siber olt-h e poswaieÀ tiaeu Yl e Cuelnd e in ô tetendov 'm oviâ ! *muc'cf t itti' bea. aaeg tae irs vbe muîa , ta<' enrgies pnlien ughlected ft ar d of rlie'ewe it e elaue actt i wtta -éi nce poik, tii loe cfBîài, bu hep bi t e o yi a xani te yard"> a n uia i, .ii,' l iWc1'paceS Te'cmnéro abMit oatx htMga~fain n ' gans e a p l a d s ofthe]- ' cheieotbri~ît app a -. pavrrii aenr n e mad i- es thiaf. no f il 1r t* ',-V,- - t'Aglin i l>]' dn, l dà' ng titnne and4-e nina t-he aivereddtejug. lerty,i ti uie"Ieanfut S eplied, the hcou. andmentfbe' lue crý . driartmnie bquTr-eL-L<uioe frm Tuo bity' hîj'eeporaiga- - .-'n,'brc fra àhs nergfrablý 'itlYCný parét $os'legs. bWen, At n.c cf Leurine. On and ,-yî a b W inatopaper' pose, of,', afr.td" crÃŽ the lMatie 9, Màer'of Poi4àcbeain vPpillage s ta i n uabn>- ainolt veiet oa cns h ty. kis ia stt n o . ~aalid elnd, viteeebét vainetdifefrnt, bhinI ti» ;t of' i ed a ce clig,'n si-occ The iitiet ge.l hed d the Il M'récitias.te obtja a j>] ng1 bis bante- e CneiÙnuatti frni itt ythe argit' ithaodd t Ita" n-tel ttbe fia a cnlre p iiebn e eq na. h e li i vu"ItuéTo ,deMtesii l b fot. t&> with anuet a i4-.tita soîýthr e twjýflu - ut kart bet i tnll-îieoat 8aed wth a 'il~e vi;l a tankr'placeIti hepiatie,'ai iniuite Cf tê' lbin <k - f.e f he ni the f erti s elay. ot.,tea dirlcuie e, ao hua.a~aa h 1 ie& m ean, nane>] cries dlêjpttlat long, ar after liitening fatr a wItiI *tl'g Moeo, coitttitued 1 bour after, 6a gl nl'etred cf tit h>] dgeatlemnan'a coi falI cf:mille, aisd, knijýzim toe.] nanhier, trie>] te 'e N4obe>], aiwîri!g 'th~e giè imumu rtc o th& field - fir titrts to tehbI6uiIWithb ha> beard te eries.t.' tiole, thîe dô,ýr -wu bIa > 'friîgtrl 'peétacte présén Mhil man vwu Iyi i tel1 pool et bloc>], cotaplheuîly vitit nemenotu voit.>]. ti Round hbis eck, w àê,ip vbich b. seeme> ta lbavelx enir 6f tht soarà a i a u ua-1 1 à. 0'Mgnts, &2 cfb Smi epe- e~i.'bc onee. con. lite tIti vnt,t fkir WlIth calm Printe keoràs-- groat btét ý& utr Forlé ove pari, hevever, hi bxperi.eeed a strong desine t e hol>] sie ocf the. pin- *)&6towhem hebad libtuspullt adebt of tae lait century -,an>]lte gavé a laa ,n a> prealeg Invitation te an, eoit btboLecoma qait an>] tîey as lonsg as.they tlsougitt pro. %,ir at bis bouse iu Pitadielia. Ra>] tita invitation -bein accpte>], we cannol dunabi that Brodher .Iceat: ita voal>]have ictte>] d asapitably l int ebanacten cf boat as hbe itave>] boncrabli la tht of debten. Tt iveul>] have bien a pleasurs, va MIeî-it inieed say a diictini o tlive an den the"'dama roaf vîtb anale a mac, woi ery namne carrnes ns batik te the primitive tiaes ef te ccîeny, wvue PItiIà >làlpb a vscity or tlie BIitisb Empire, an>] ~Egliit as, manneràa. habita, and- fe"Iitts re)z'lated thie prcceediags att>]re- lations .of is initabitatits. It lie ha bcbhp-. tfs. tberafe. dat thte London solicitor viii actes day >drop ie , qaietly ispoat bis frieed in Piladilpbia,, te tmoe îa c and] discuta ci>] imita vith ia itlewit usn titat cas probably fancy bimself ehiat-, it-g" vithi accnemperary of Ri&p Van Wi. tais, 'Douhîtiu ditre are thensands oef sncb mon ln the Siats, viser. frequeeîhy. everyting IbaL la estillabla litite Engliib ebaracter la cultivated aiith axsîityLy . How tha property vus distribted apong thei S. familie n nlana*, w. nie>] rctsay. E'acb surviving in>]ividual ha>] bisiirer t shana. The solicitor *a enlv cetitecte>] vush thent by manriage ; but vih gocê elti EnrIieb idesi of apriglstness andi inteetty, Ité wu fuliy abile to appree'tate the ÉhiIa- tielàali tldeea,g ï i .e nta. s e înt,> ced ! NU~5L, ~ <Il, 8 titi - ut oIt 4111<> 7 110 h 011 icor o~ly ««Imb - q effl bug lbtn. t i te ett iilapbia, o ifoi dit rng in this va7the real stat#+ of e deiay eeeusslly oOetlrnd; jmpe dia thet. lfamiiîy le a "e$i e cIt] sl ort cf peeple, acc<ustomi1tb and] tiM due attention Ltba thé mnnteat. pain - Bat at lengt kà reply cameý, le vhi tIti ariter observesi, titat if a deesi1 of re wut drave up. abte.>] by ailttie pa nnp oerna>] in EnIrlaid, -uand'trana'i' miltod ta America, tie 4600 sheul>] imes- diatey be ferwardad ifuý,dftib1Won-tmohg titi 0ânbers cf tte 8.fae4lly c --dë mur, W.usrcae. .Sanieof the- Cen goigprudent as heie -à reoal~lte 'iotiy appeare>] imoldyi titonghit lweuid bi wreng teaie>]dtiti dard -of reliai. befora deeatou4ybadben riceivasi. But the 1tsolicitor bat ea hem e>] jn the practice cf bis profession, ta for l o Iw an estimatcf iaan ïature. Eli cenaiderad confidence l intid casa tco tyneitynicua wltLa prudence, de>] ai aey rata rive>] ta tallea ape binielf iti an- tire i'etpnsibiiity cf 'cenpilu*.with the, drew np te necassary dl>cuteeeu, geL it* airned by as niany as partielpata>] in hie, vievt, an>] tent ut acreas;tite Atlauiîe, wiitout titi alightsttdauba orieitaen T4r ier td beau uonsetiin le inte' roahit blunt heneaîy orMn. B-'î !alatter titat inapiée>] le iti ,man of lav lte utmont ni-. liane# on bis faith, tItougIt durlng tite'lu. tervaI vitiçh t aipsd between titie*transi r:-issoe F4i. deed an>]te recpticn cf aut answr ~fretitie States, .rlv.eaal of tii ffiende exitibite>] a dispeatian-to malre thennséttes merny -at tht expaenle cfhlis ctswalry'.,But vbin wa.copasler -alitie Ptîrticiars of tht eai,. c au hardly fait to Pe-Civa tiat ha rMn ne uisk Iîh*tqv4r ; for ariaà if tite debt ha>] not legally:lapoe>], the people wite b.> retale]il lantteir 'ame througit tire. generaians-vlo ha>] f- raâ*sr te ouuon tied strict ece. nom entIer to elev ha~deaiïuves front lise a-wita ha>] widi niacli dfficelty an>] expanse, seagit voat t Le bir ef the itor iu a dittet coueiry, ceai>] fçe r - 'apects>] of any inOsination ta finis vitit a fran4 #t lut. - 9 tthon. vwu boneur cri one aide, tite enlange>] coufidince o eeitaLer;, an>] e Coursae ofa ev' jonti t-he Am mut"roubhttae Loedrn the fat- cuti die ice btfoa. die. War efi[W cepé e. 1%le businessi qw u sta oii ddiatribute il. 0f 4curaeci ýoth"-ian,. wu an is>un .fru as uual CF ý1 kg$ he theün'bri'e Ithd tbe houail h--ieitl lvitla4bét beït lteé- ceiiar edj, drued ; 114ite hmpgin ail i=f, llXt and] gai the PMu triche, bloc>]1 -- lI

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