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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Oct 1863, p. 2

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Il -- I __ ____________________ M _____________________ ________ ExsuMiten ut Ténp6I. f ti Con' of, Oct uio,i $aua, Plàe3l*tlui Town or Whtby"ui .& iag of Ubnýé 6th 9 01A .or plvc1 s oatpwÊQ ete s * tise NtI, te ddei pon t. papevaof tise eandlata atontainug tale mayas. ta ttha r Vti ~ ~ tb1~Day .1»' 10- a T.], .Lynde. ,wsMent-4cJhn, Âgnew. yon yte iend .1o gn. t'avernstïmn4 for aae-"Wi. O1liver. IQ'otIe-G. U a trineil 5ahof Mlont'reai vo7. Armstrong. -tCfaÏb- or Hides -J*S. Rowe. New Tannery-3fls. TRowe. A T> SAItES. (jredît Steof 1nrra Stock, Irnpkwcf"tq, he. oi Lt î.,1in ~tcon, Brock, the ppottYTliortisv, Wats0n, A. Spring, Octt~.bto¶en front, l'hVithy. the psptrIty 0o te to r. (George Gamack * Or5a, t. '30, 1863.-TbomrtS Iyers. * ônLttg in the 12th ton. it'acb- tihé 'prpery r ?r.John IVatner, on Tues. 'dy~ .3,d,, 1863. -Aibert Spring on ~LtNo. 25, in the 7th con. of the Township of Whîby, thé property of John .11 s, n ooayNo. 1863. -Tho. idjers. Aucicnepr. On Lot No. 3, in the 8th con. Picker. q01g. 111e 1prprO'rcfMrGeorge Hickfq, Ou Tupiday Nov. 3, 1863.-.Thos. Myera On Lot No. X!R reni of thie 2nd con. n~f Whttcby, the property of Mr. Jabez Lyndi', oni Thiîsday INov ,16..Lv Fairbankts Auctioneer. Il C CERY S ALE. Bank of Mnre PliitifT,, James R*s~vsAr,~tr~rt. at thets Tefctdsîim, iy*at<eIit.Id Cate &Ce.Auctonlepr, .at thpir Auztion ceomi Toronto, on Ds. -cembecr bih and Iltb, 1863. 'ONLY Ont DOLLAR A YEAR WtlbTitursiIay Oetober '9, 1863 env tevoteti beat: t 'Eeait-rv. -The ChtvWacle, lu, making sp Iia report cf ube Crottsberry Case frout 11e.clui». of the Gauee cseuiltibave svcitidto ee cen' ati errontIri ýfrtl)>, - ta Mrs. Crnus ry came iloumstarg to Mir. Jlsbîewet's roionm,," avisen ltfact, îan- cntbng te c0, ihe evidence, Mms. C. î1lpu in arotnom off tise diming neon, witle Biste- avel iepi on the dining ruent fluor. -Sec- outil>', ita auphen. part of bis report, 1' Tite naoon plaicîbf' -ast Blaireavellavent bute ^W5- isat usea ondinail>' b>'plaintefautd &f endàem." Nov ibis is net in Pvîdence, 8ii-t>' fer ibis reasen, tbiat tise pw tas hene butblés. Ct,-oniberry'sl'ailiert Tie case is nomptiuall>' '1 Jackson agabuai Crenit' 14ov, oserreport. of the calse was actei 1j' in type befone tise tr-aveatie of luitbiecI appesi-etine lize Ue vas wuPubllileti- ise wontiyrpue (saveý tise ukl Muset havebeen <4 ssusbms heta h.dis- cgveemtihat iJue plainuif bevein vas Mn. Crookerry'i s îther-,wkect, if i haitsl knovn an>-vlinjg at ai14 le couiti not have been ignorant of tie faci tisai iuq Ciancery suite 'for thhu e wti a b ste piaintiff muid iii. isbab~ddeleuda iIl' vie reporm ter cf tise Gaze tl'd ~ present. lien the evidence teeS gbven, h O muet aliehavi iseard tis tatetueut tbat otise nighî lu question Ms-s. Cronabemn>' ilept up aloi qetiaus pcn tise Varioas subjecte cf cx- aminaiou. Tise Board, after -long anti catrul Itvsigatieu inte tise meits cf those paperi, founti that au unastiali>' lange auuaber cfapplicantsbîti- fmllen saot- cf tise requireuts for auny dans. Thse fol- lowingis*a isi cf those avbo obtiled.cen- tificatis. , To secme greater accur8cy bu in es mcing the exact stira tob iib tboQ e reeivisig cetifleates' are entitieti, eacb dla isi.suttibvidet inltoAaniBi-s péctivel>', andi thuse belove B: 2nt clasa, are limitet as u tiste turation of tise centi- licie: Alex. Sm1th.... lt laieB. C. W.C uiis 2nd clami n. S. J. Hoiden ..... i B. Jane uths Mtcltell id A. Win. Tistieli '<. . A. Sitnuei fT4pmupson, t B. l'or 3 msoi. blel»ut, ~ B. À fefi ~A. H.. B. MuKechîne, " A. Marion Telford.. B. for 3 mes. Fredenicis L'Puis, s B. Samui lStavenao, B. Annie Buisten..... B. T. W.ighsil, .... B. for 3 mos. Ilugb Fengaicun.... d -B. id Helves Camenru.... B. 49 fJoli» E. Suit ..... B Duncan bMeGnegor, " B. l'on a mos. fWai. S. Wblliammâon a . 4" John Johnson..... . di Henry Bil î' B. Poster Stepliezàou, id B. Aubin Stili ......... 49 B. Wî. MuCan» ..... B, for 3 mo. H.B. H.Reeti...... B. 54 John Mcqsun ... . 1B. id Thomas ilurgea ...- B. Weshy wotc.".. 44 B. Reuben P. Hannman 4 B. -Oscar Broauson... d" B. Cnongibenry vs (ronubency. Tlîe elejuint sand correct reporter for tise Wlifîbv Gazelle, ires off tise folo-vitg au Coanis Plowt'eg match. Th luowoaing enalteli cf tdit' Cott, ' gi -1itru nciety cf Soth O)ititnie, whicbh teck place on %Wedneiudy last, Oi1thte fan cOf Mn. Sy-ivster LYnlc.ltN- 28, ils t - 111te lird conccasiep cf Whtihe. as-s (ilis. osut oxception.> the mcii sucresqfuil cf ail - -Se grefit pioavlng intfchic thati have Yel ceecff in tItis s;ection cf tise counrtryV.0 - There sver e ii s tbsn n ts-tee otOS sî on the. g andurl ci ntttcnti'nce tvre I avere fronit Iweiveta nfiàeen itenstretipen. sans. Thse pizeigtï ave ot>-libli, en.L bracitsg tise 'qlcndiei nising machine of thee Qilian-î Mmsinisdtturung Conpty, pré- seniel by Mtr. GIe, asic iite fr ize,uand, -valtedt- ai&0(. Tiiaas cirrbet coffS>' -Anthony llaPnti, cacurirmusn orf n. James t 'Drydien, of te Townsip cf iVîtitis>. Tis E ' j chqitecler oi tise pîving aai of tisebotest ewçiption." eiog svF itl tise jtigtsitise Mocst difficîitîpartj6f tise taorir in awanting - - - -the p'eixcu. 'Thseicoin *iere 1 ile socrei.sîfîticoin0 petîtens lunlime dtileront citassm-e Fsmra'r JL',s.iý-1 ri eittietr - Prizcs-An-t - vI> Bnnibt, Ist-n mîsaiutg tochlinme,t - iu p0.ircuentet Iliv M. Grien, mdana geCao l ate agicui 1unuai îitplemnt menu. --- fittor>'i.tuet. Jel.n b. Courtice, 2id psse vAelm- î 6,t. recentet hi' M. Geai-g Reos.. Jo'ln 'risorep.en, Zrd pnîze $8, James Fevrest, 411e pire. $5. Davbi f TveetAie, Suis pnitis. $11 j Sucexe (%ae, -22ectiei.- jIegm Ttonpso'n. isIt Pnize. trou Ielnw,v"tic $401, - preented SI- ýle'-sns. G. Prent.ce, Coeum- t bUx5 A. Alrxtînuler, Brnoolin, C. Dawes, -~ t - ntJ. Crnocier. Wiithv. Joehn haopper. t - uud rias $8;Aciureîv iaid rn.nd t - prize. e.5 -,Robert Anges. bih pize, $8; H fenry ilrper, Suis prize. $1. >ITnuu0 CtA.-5 es.e-n.Pîre>', iit pix., pluie value $-24, presentet b>' V 'esses. Bioco anti Pttler.onq';-Jehntn -.-'Midiletnn, 2rid îsize, $qt;Jamues 1.David.i- -soni, 8ntl pi-lis. q7 ; John Uilli, 4th prtzv, - $;Win. llb'sn ttlpni>i., $1. At tise t liminailnof the pioekng, tise --p;-zm grttun tivaput up ai autiiots,ai ne., This ple'ireg umtci-reiing m t -te f - .eiett the iibii'tt aviso iiattedetl, the thlsracter etnis.9e plowbng, andthie lihefAlity 1 o 'f tise prie , acas perisape cime of tisevcvy - est tha us t i-ene tairen piste Ii 'Canada. -- -Th inbner ÃŽes5s tipplilhdb>' M. Dawes, n t thiaOntftano Htel, ibts itstally-erCcl- - let tyle.enf fte ie "eercices" cf the day 4 U ma bc>ib.itoîgi neot ht etupie 'Jus. tka wix.done it Thse oflam. of the societ>' werein4efatt- t ~ -pable in. thir ugevlons, anti toc mue11 '~~~ pralu sio nttlie accoretetsn for tie- - --. - soa uceeagvieb attetsded their efforts MÂuu»s Aigswa Bsor. Tbis ditiogu. lsbed vueallt ginw entof Mb.erpptt;r &a vel-tmâmed eaceents this <Weslueidcy) - evèniumg ra thlsp ogregallonal, ClirIsis - re Ihis va have enisoysti releut oplpOn lunitlea cf eng delghted aitliMad4im - Blisop's, eiertaluhsast. Site' .uý4 4 i '-' b. preeent iltui, w li'le !sh te 10!55iÇf -The Wltltby liitie Grit urgeis perpétra- tes tise following i Prompt pa.7 is thre ver>' life-carrent of a-neaepaper, anti in %hi$ magnificent lie--i fors Ceuni>', ejroemeted lu caeluli iting b>' a biisten cfithe Cnoavn.-che. har. 0eat ýav &ml)eeeIey bINed by providence st mre Miax t#" abut daaCe, ave cao y brî> e accouti of extravasgance in aur expectatiena, if av lok fonaan, net uni>' toa ver>' laniel>'increiseetipatreotage. 4tn -ao aalibeuisi hare cf tise life inspiniisg eunnent cftise 1Itesipaper -nurnent coin.7' In ihuis legant t.xtrecl ahere ave flutti 'a iministen cf itue croco chose hanvesi fields, have been blesed eti & -vheress ae kocte tire wniusi-.imeaniag te l; ts5lMv fi eldsa oF tise Count>'. Tise cniten evbdentiy istoavi tise o ues*'of bit thouirbti to e Sevft- ted as wit il"teeextravagance -cf his fInciai A pp oittaeuts. Pao'zIÀLSteaseaa'sOruas, (West). Qosebc 24 Odobe,' 1863. gls Exiellent' tise Gocennor Guerl bas beau pieseesite maire the folloving alppointuadota5, i-u -Jantes Henr>', rcftise village 6 c Mfiibsi Esq.. M. ' .. tabean Associa-te Coroererfor ithe' Uniteit Cauniiée.utoi r Martyn, of thse village cf squire, M. D., to be-ain Ag- 3r for~ the couuits of 1lrenI y aitsth lblined girl.f StreeS tsolies 1 k neav lia-the mitutke, thiit g0 1 rgeiy cirtei Frutui.te *Upc, 't-stua l'srr 1I itppoedet t anti 1 sli, I f le misautemtone lie tutthse 'TL' eistkîiite uctsln a l'reqisenta-t struot. 'TecsintgIt, endI lie ladti vere glltitgatouni Anisii mian u c, lioue tue gitterfag Bel tise i"a7er puffed oeu, ansti' 1lusard nôt a Sate tIi.e lit li.skheg c1gh ofoscismi moke. ReassRai- ...M. Thcom" Scott, of the tovnship cf tie samue naine, vas rubhed, on biis va>' bois <nom tUei tow-n cf a smn cf-fors>' otit dolars, on Thaneaevening- lut'. 'Tvro peenul. stragers), - ctet Paliagter and Ânmour wve.arrested, andi brought Itefrea he tiagltrates cee. m picieu butvee e iuwekt1y >anquittei fter ievetigaiioe belfsue th. -4'agistrates, -Whllcox Esq. J,.1P. Mt et hie veaillu, and wu~ tise infituence of John. - i ptrtbuO f the robbol prove o ne u im- lie ad, J. 8.s ,i.y episime i nu>' huantis, atenfi~cof~ WVhiiby Races. l'h.FaIliMeeting cf the Ontat iOý'ot Come u aniîLtýtaay cf latluI w w ersa ot hebc' II l r e e eX pd. Occsions. 1ritcta>' i etise commiience. .iueije wsller as.hroAuntg and Ar ecatinuetithroughquttie day, cl aiiý bleair, but ailt coulti h. tdeie.for c nacing exencis" . &îiwe ct'clock t4e belW rang andti tie lbrîos aeî-, asoty tr for foui> yean"ý oltis sed under. Tise èq-t triel were;-Mr. William Tisonpson 'a "Mjr"audti M. H. Gouldts "Witie'aý waie," -naîbe iteate. .".Major" came in, 8l0 easy uinner in tws.striight bouts, Ths im. matie as 2,05 aný 2,10. 'A. Tise'second pense aia for Provin ce-lred - homes-ptnse' cf $100. mii. heate lamini.1 cap - weigbts. Frii ttn4er u lave entnies, M. Wîldbfid's "lDeenfootet' anti Mn. Smith's, "Broavit Dici.' - Thse1 race tee excitingiy enitiestet,-tie Sitt beat being won iîî 1.50 b>' iifeerfot' t>'. ouI>' about a ueclt, andthie secondtihîsat in 1;48, b>' a length.unti.i'half--i'Dîii" iow eti gaie anti hottoun as"aîusual, tut avas an!able-to jet by b» tise on. mile; ise cen- uiet 140 Ibu, iiDeerfooi'I.but 115 Ilise Tise Merehants' trottinug purs.eof $50, WUs the next raoce, anti aas ahao eavil coni- testeti by'M. Ras"e1 Penny Fogte," cnd Mn. Sprcwb's 6« Ida May." 9Fan»>'" wua in a ta t tmpon, andt soaet il froi tbe tant. She. took Ibefreit bout in 2.49. ila' veuo tise ibece foltowiitg beau inf 2.49, 2.47j, cnd 2.48. SECOND l)AY. l'niday turinng out anfavonable, tise sec- ont dmy's races wpre oct bhuitoutil Satur. day. Tise firut race aas for tise Clb's trot- ting pansie et $100. Tîtere ave. io en. tries, M. l>eck's 4- Satu itiih." anti Mn. JitFss IlOn>Gr gey . Il"Gre>' Zagie" wvon emtily. Il San&" belig itistimn .i cf' tan thse second bt-at. 'lie-2.464, 2.45. Fer thse stalhion punKieut $100, aitis in.f <Id. male o f $25, tietoits, there censý mlso but lav erielns. Mn. Dowiiiga SSmr Taîîuui,"'ant i i. Iusrrisusn'ti -1Jackr tise-Bau-ber." 1"Jack"t eotretiratdier rougis, but l "SirTatton" seati1n upiendi condi.i tien, the l'en-r cuanniet 121 ;,1the Iatter tl11911. I"Sir u wu" on in tý'e cînaigis Inhsieepere purge uof $75, for s;econd- tse trettiug herses tisai tever bieat1.50. tve mile bets. Tise enttieis esîre Mn. -Jaméesî "'Trno Chief,t' Mr. Sprowie'u "lIda My,eî anti Mr. Ris's -, Pnn pu.- tenr" thse firut wiînttî bu 5.42j., anti 5.43. 'fie meeting ciesedththstie race foir tise lratiing ;urse cf $25, fer green bers"s, milselueifs, 3 ini5, mandaat won b>' Mc* Rowell'as44S'ýeepy Nl.'Tise le!wiag mug Io the aumman>' : S. S. loes-liu IISleepy Zell" 1 2 1 b j. N. Rav's **Este Bn>" 2 1 2 2 W. Dowlies. Unirnoc,, ... 3 ittin. WTins.-3.15. 3 15;r 3.06. 3.10. Ncîtwit4tsting thse limit-edt teittaoce, the. uetiieg camse off ver>' satiafasstenily, e-andthels rating admittedt t have becu saine cf te. est coutne tss ha las pi l4kens dplace00ut e us--. io Se donè. These ilemei sYsueui, yen kuite' Bîg., a-,icIt setule me in 21 heurs. Thi Briien, sth gha gooti i orcfa ctap, wvi causer mont a>lltsbc, anti as I ibengi ih*t anGIdt o«Sapaper. ai-oit alnanse an elti crm in>' lisiolt iiuel, no ctvielil are, un-ten certin condjitiocf aur exist ence, positive ejiyufls hich charmainj 1' deet' tise tardent ol' lite; I mateà vutl up wtut y'c4rPê bar, andti hititidix criveneti. a weekly Globe, enseoneo ameipffut uslot cf rnell>b altits abet "thbe Ryai lacsbd-4 green aboti the red-v.uch ahich I haut punchtied fre. a pan aiscelese, clheslets, sluivtrhg creu tiure; nust, tisncugl chat>'t, andi paril lbrrsttls a deaire te Se. waaisort 0e tyet> îhes pret Tîtis Parnussus pnîsaites, ant tise tÀtiotie portion patranisèt. Tht thé doussuthaseienproit il tlte, aist rngie encuigh u ,but -putrely' s ciamntiitof coursne. Well, mon bravte, b, Si. i)eerute andthie Di-agon,ý (apanti itl pu plitical jss.siitenest) I wax pnuiîtfan deci <sut C auncita'sae,*te ufni i 4t bfone ilh Bnritisher, wavi meias muclu totion a-bei tns. on iue oniti.bn. as >a ",,'butterfly hb about ise mslinz ef boute>." I v1 ws tisereforp, r-jniced l l isp lety->' has*a vs: crs'diah*ie eceinjla ncf type, malter aïi lsPowêfr, b>' - some goti iu i ri a no Isif se leittie, ornsc janduîud, as soute tD lis~ ~ ~ an srvrtivn)c this tMY coinarat aduitteti. Mc, ibrungi 1, as yotîar av1re, do no t aliogeiiserjnrnp vjth tise-p litirR liprenf. >et au» lemul so aiust, Ippndoiceu, a.3 ituto caueetie 11e need o assornhiitesîhito bch 1I lereIs>'put9o' touerd M Wsht,- umon e he4i i ~t lwu' eue 1 Vlaitsd lter a 4 t"Qfki ~eistblu W~lavny. - el nto met eithtie Lak voê~evs-Ivenu.y l1ssluae,hadcs nuc t do sbis fniend- mhip, jn hi. ,urgmut deàiere' i. a>'coîpan'. - BEe was cîlho-ugis type èflBnitisis credui., t>'. âa:ic tise jienils bf a vyibtu sa raineta fnu'êiddig.'- à, à s bàp %viO batilliberty seatedenr une -ehiàkerý, anti ne> in t'otiser. So t smîhneleenbeislirison Il Sunulît, tebtisçtuudsilhtti-tiarkeese iibscomnîi tise choIs' isavuns, avicfcb'ens amuI>' char- xeti ferî t 'neuan o~.pus f 24 o-tl itura I _îà,iil' .ucithestate et tisfit iiur roînste lohulit>'. Licaveven. Wtt-à ha I m lérn>r tety ' dntrfit for eut>' cutfi, cisc tîs àfiee fronsbile, aint andt indiigestiont",as Ilte austi.reiishave, it, andt Il cî'bi-key" Setier 111.111isuiv couuîînv coultilIinodîucn. bprudiy xtsled n u s - tintis, but 1 chrewdl>' cîsepecte ithit t ait noctu- lot udiver pat tthe 121. fGt. per gîl hton. ttc inoralia stock u n' bricever Ghtst- stoîle -.010etubuiese rnthue chktites abut teuperatîce atdtilntemperanre ii lut usual duent style. Tise greal Enlgish Gin- (hani tzs titting, obvieus>' ail tise whihe ai ihp gcrete gullibility 'Ietise spiritual", f)Iele, ieb& esbaririnttishe clevetl'iante Mitisser i tbciapten ant voe. ete îît-es tîtt ehruttu hiskey a ataul te l>iîi't. tutu iii tîn b u hihI>' caleulatet Io upromote vît tuotus hbituiamoigmi t-ittins 1 De you ieuuî-unben chiot tise Dînlie> Sain ettys in -Utucle 'iîîtn'e Cattitu," a surir1i havi. jeet !ý0Wi itir so-tti a second ilimee. Blintg aviith siiuccre homaze tu thie pathosa and itlit>' tieiplayoïl, oetuiê f soine etart ca'ereltrit ytue hitchh>'irteti ctotsr ILut,. Wvell, ettisi tutre>' f i ivimsg cown bit notions mi -ntreîiiycist ei refiint ~Dis %s-r oiller 'bout iessiiifehîvi anuî't Sted i!itt )varY elar, is,- tu ut a y bei> Now Neer tse e-l1uta f,-hlp t tititlt1,fui -a tltimg 0iciý- i.s, uts-t nigi t de coitruril(, nt-ifuikt 4 -siffîirtîll>' nouirb, der' se. Vf i-he Urni*t lj.enictslttîBut litt bolou lot-r it. i tope Ill. getutiemeu aus' dti fati ,- %r. il ii a ie iuns- tri ait ,ntRs surl o parsmi eai in . eatýi11' -je, toi)ou e c'tien v-stacir Vei. 1 ýUt Lite.n latter dtus rrsiel i'ant iituego; det ccL;rse 1I t-vi't r>' dei- ene mure, but plîn Sy> lattder rittht de centrati>' sie, arp't persieeut ? I'm peirsttt in aautitu' t'1 get up ebiît lana' titis- lqardtien utdois' yen sec, ail an yen 7't is jusl su0 ait Il l'e ltde peritJ bruis avîtisire> (3 years oit.> aviicis c 1e solt ri sr 6dt. pn elliHn antid a b e large>' un biheitin Eti-'l1and it tra'e, us boitte up a-lis a 6d. i. du oncite gîinea. - wib Sams'* lt-a about('ha>' atacir anx tshe larder, tic bu cailsi. I îtt bail ltiu-stiv put un bis, inancialtlarderii tis yen sie, (tiai is lite- ince trndù,sie- tast ne go -in ha t l'y rye ni mtore., Isut plants ut nitibite tcontrer>' side persiisueuit ibu ettiu* jüp wliili pny site jný lantien i4 ,don' y-un sec, al,i yen, ye lu on te npun. Dirinne c à1-' y sei ing-rai ut n Lctit. (as if l".1a»tihaut Sbec exciatietifri-mnueah's dconitUct uptms cen meK ont cf iii arr, antiîstlHibertia ci r>' *nt knuw1edge."-îbinlc fitenoblige them ipliable. The.Otn1y.seiIolu:stusale bu the t udo se, b>' tsose 'who cuIt isensseives -sYat1S 'b jbi thii'kôo 14 10 floumer, -0f -the foivuen cf 'tise. e- ae> li,ý he teannge thit ie Oan9emis9 o rers ,n For Pnqof cf ttilet-tus lIoI. '10mé éGl ht fet ' i he'A I 15t plies I am nidev fm ' m 9 ! a Ilple. a I w e e 4- 9 h ? à e ing Pe ih t, theabQvpim nte fte fu- ini , e e rs tl e i ln êrsh n of d gennairad g dybut r e lterule,7po ge d4 I tfie pni - 4 t a W susan ,k ti L msa exauia4i5,t h>trtsui îseatafe bapens tisa i it vie aenunéie ceve s M adX e t bel )&JI~ tomal rT i r aid] M. band turned' up at Whi.tby, if yen 'The Irimls Elemnenst ai . Canada its Cralaon teeibrscf a secret,) uworn, tao' le. wreJoîn stduiul end 1 and a witole fligbt from the jol7çîc.el ous oietyl Not et,- o11. der ta aboutider, in defence, of th, rigbta &i> rokr indBaks h h wian. Dusseau or g'ancy, ,though memliers cf -thé ,yono*, énjoy, cand of the-, conuitution- 'e1 6on ,ieo y.th by, bw ra- Order labors under nc siaèh disability. intact -and unitnpafrd-uader whiah you -s~ r i~ tm e in ysiuënext. ea banti k.iatIsu ' 1 ~ Iis condnéd te Irish rangenierb, live. Thes6 ýàre omaced i n iidanger. 14.kt, tue gun b tsrie '" qt?r9 epclty the Cathielic rih.f<rtibe siple relation ithut they appen 10so êrgard 'or, resoli upotîi sciece witlat k fnown tuen-Of 'Canada. do ptacttake a proper b. j»Almenz.- pnineipleL .448 ge8Bt.KitO J tinte neetntepbi fkr te canry - Sio'ld not such a state of thingà,it à neCathoio who bas beegplaed 11Yteposition oeay 11e fairiy askeld, cause Orangemenlta.on heCmm ion cf îL Pince, or vho - &tohe -fvg.3mronts my- esert.. viewo f the merite and demerits,_of ,ex- hause, and refleet.,-andask theiselves, hasobtaineti place witboat the "rifice of tien "n it~ 1e Ieoie globes, I find that sting poiiiie . partiet,,uh et emtcrevsayiugrp~nil~ aeayéec tsisi. Lan. aa î~1e-wite-Sla surveyon o'eoorco o.eionista, as wrel to 1e madti htools cf a party that fronts W. aliade,,ouiy to-those Who are coacica -Mraras: fYnuaothen classes cf tour cuntrymen, have u .g1uýiniFrneaàcii fhionbsnm n h eef rn , h nu' lais vey littie, if anvy, attention ta theustih5 mU-inieec an cc.cftero*bseu1 dwodeev aO< . erge re~aîers-an manner in which the Governimeîît of the topOgt eot ahr aecÊitt eu~amnsrd--d .F anrXr.a àh #adt cf 'IGfid * dmoi, cause whh, Our coun ry!uen, ani Thon sagcdeli h#aceta ibist. he sste 6fKite, ,tha codjrfo.- ->Province li.,carried,.on. Theytaireno staiid forth Jn-ontr strength, determined in;i vs n ordt trhÃ"tnohw Bravo "-Se"înte. .Morrison get apis ea mine - , , hepppreteceedinge cf tiansehcW he Brv, - g .tf ' eniatt teMo lature, the meallsures that are snacteà, ops h xisie oiyat ekte e ust be oMdtted1, dm faras Orange. vy;e dlc.Evo ortroofe tecnue ni acee rrogant pretensions cf t-hose whu: would1 vrn rasnmystery, ih-iemdtuct, ien.40mkiorcoietcaa ostracise and dezrade us-in titis the court- mn' ocre ri ie cagry or -moe:tite Muscls o evetl- my !Mark pulepryl try cf our* adoptionleThiis Js the course apes and dupes The Orangemeýn of Nortli musc fi h, l ets tumbaî ve I ý s oine are influenced by local co tsdra. neRvèa i sîumbxted iove ",batie nstht sood ntiraly crnen itel toOn.aro -mootivesandvu1antei c»Rvôaiot." iaWrh etu c aiot loyer 1y prna otvsadevery Irishman cff:ýtind anti spirit. poIt ètraditions. They were the Cathio. boidiy heIti forth in 4ur fair Quel City cf v Ilan b certain class ef bar.rocr-n But thetre is yet' anotlser class that -bas plto the 'Wegt, and, I tc ocl the'-ppoaînity c); ticians who have itpir own enis to been led aeîray by the wifes,'and fisllen l lisf 1a le oi b-Rdng toi theý explaininig te <thée Lôndoner, tbat for a 86r\e. Few care te satisfy their innts by ta thettilres, cf :the Orits. Wtt aillade te moderate parfy-EDITOR CHRNoIUrLE. City «f 30 years gnewth, it migbî rank a citreful inquiry inte the prrInciples and ou r 'oWn cerelizioîtists. They, tee, in ni' with~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~plc an lycayccuty lehe h~ ich inifluence thr action cf pasrty de.4picahie ttumhers', hava lent their aid to-Wàes .rgresplendid puolie buildings. ils bar. lher er ft ujournals which, seeek te then ntiIish Party cf Upper Canada. regc ubi oiiords onsqune ithi p Y e eaa[ neir, The war îieavs luinîeed variable.. ber on thse gootily latte, ils handsomne dirct ublc oinio: fe ctisquece Hv iis appnet we haî enentr t streout, fine' park, its generut iipF.eraîîce is geâ weakness and, division amati expiain. 1Auvr~,Ot2- pca ept and anîimation. Baxter, I peiceîveti, wpttt thos whe ought tea at utîitedly uas i tlietht tirt place, the great buik cf the ch te thu World sc>'.s:_ Advices frein the. a)ile otan. Caoi oi elwdbtt oiisc ront t c-day show that the reTports that any in eav t mlteoc \lattheprse T h'iis deploratle tuant of çohe.,ion ct trend rn aryi tegodjitey tconsiîlerable portion cf .Leu'is forces bcd' Leuis Napoleoîi is tite Anti Christ. He thutînmmit amen' îrishmhn crodeeti the0BPpatuokf~tt vps aisei maintained, wi-h the zeal of ra venita. f >'iiyamn ramn letteestitiem Baldwvin and Lafentainie. There weru s$r-erose h ap*noc'b* h vps bis Zealot, that witbain 3 tir 4 years ait :11- cempletely in the bacir grotînti.. They. lous abuses prevatent li thtat pnieri, andti f rebumio% the offensive are considerahly werd l tebe rosrat etthsootet ud ave.te poier or inifluence, iea vo1ce orC.thics in commuon wîih others, hall taexaggerated Their'trnuihfui4 tenon heing . odicf b rsraerttefotc adcontrel, uintutters thýit deeply ceact-iu endure tbisiîtoerqnt dtination cf ultra more iiiaisccordance with ýyoun sèpecial tel. I Nepbew, o bis uncie, cur quonduaceir- ibetselves. Adwm rmtefot"at-ilt h stbl urngte hAntiro wtatle lhy 1 Bectautse îhey gare1Turyistn. Thby desiredta tbc eemancipateti gransfoa hernt atngt. Tt stbl trig heChrtstre~,tht e s ii i citi'reîit waysa. Onns dasa nets.,froM*itir thraldem tî nden the oig shy kiriishing to.ay ie Ilghtly kep Pt Jorlul rrsImýCl nteaatee tralizes ÃŽisealtier. Tîtus tisey becoe l isse thatidoînitieered over them, landi tae njey' Th'Sf'oMu bl es . o b u a d lixer h ltit y b h to t nd t'le puppets f any ndi everY the p litical an ti social p rviegs -otste n oui pa er6 hie tat e as ieyphrt h i s arfîy and desiguîiug politician f«licnutt=y Ioeery iBritiuht subject. * A party profes. CHAIsà aî.svoavTenr, Oct. 20-.-Tbecaval. th ig e Bef tlai eitij oy , ai a i e n t ire 10 c u se+1t c se the n. They are ciurted i sit t holîroug îty liberal pri c JP es, anti dis. ry n tis'M orison and i bbord attacked tho ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ii"fheconloy<sli> itî aîiflattereti te dIsy, alîctpi bi-services teuniy's ca'ralry inii e. atPhldl meanwhtle, a sispetîvjy pamrphlet on fais gaerîird n oetrw We h psud te dent justiy with ail claBîes cf :1 the un fîrcu at Pitilittiel. I ow actat, utIbuel iupetYhte u)niuuiity, sprunîg inti) existentce, utder pi eds',cpui abeut 400. prisoners, ew cotî. u saeyssetl~m rseqiei utit.cnw wetttvtheir artilr s' a.1ams,,c:amp cquipg vilI have serusti t1ie turtn cf onte lîlea -mnieit ati@yd.in, *lhie theological Alîîîauttc'rwent 1be much , ir lic f tire statesuocit just - &c Ouelesnoiiii. is>'en iipurge- besr thati Morrisen'a Zaîliiel. lit ftact, hrltaî,ibe rs rttir<d .nd nifr-T bsp[r>', Catholics attuceidthitoMpar its alilhwssbn-.,,iin brother ilaxter, o- tir sy gttnunilaatireuioi.ves avarnnî>'anti were in turti welc,tued sy ftseeey boaeeîr oateti. Wbat a degriidiiug peition te bu pleceti i-d aldl awda lis TeilaLS!N c.2,LTe ee cihr eijuor t aieptteunatl ltt ini!But ituchin tire. ciee whaive ccupi cteRfoîosu ietu ens ft eespursus it i teir.deifetiise sat Loudos lu veileti As to iiiding the numbe r tof te1lbl Rfries iitef e es o h "beauo," in pour Nap's namte, <euîch eet ira Catndu for severat yearR. Wtt ase lti"it. ont tts such ilite>'gaintidthe eoîi. anilarrivet there. afier tenr. The fore. ILthe lau,,ltiiît.stocls cf ihise wtîd talira titic-,adscrd h o ai50lot nen.* ler by thse aId Rtoman syste-n being tîuner. - t tt sue u e.osîatien cf our Ty u u70pioes i.aaou icalit speakn, wontlt &0 mucis,)it is mtvtîajc cnwclnustirft ' t t- r1 u reli,'îtistsi. As lî~,thenstore, as the 00oadee abule ances,tei dîrô..thtaal a î oe su Ren îfîurin pîuîy reîîîtiîed faitbl'ul tetheir Iwt trs tirretttsal atto i oess Ours is tule Ocuy l>' utiinnliuvn Cantada f iepttrt îbi.sdb'Ucb~ piecha of'artiller>' ud a lot cf horses, mal.- than teflet, tît in iii ts iiili's l t I -st batsalloive i l$e sirîtgtb cui is s- 1 s uiîya it e ltrulîib noir herth îe otaîîd other prcipenty. -I(atuîîthutr.Anti Christ arre zte the Wise lnvsa~ img"'ty try andcitoli-rf Ictitiv charastNOc. t-eircs re- rtrhadrv)î feur.d.by Gekanaîv.h hs f e hjlnefasl âr)ý men<fulttiWu') regrdi~ e 1t td b>ir ytin o;nganti fl u1ýre- tue go ise f'od Ciuey .trnt te frotttts cîigs~ata the bas. sis. the follewing r". ît ?t- Npepoiuithte *ishiti" ceuiry§ aeti>'duitlio tst tîta-totsanititi cug i iotlies renîtitllL in " toe rtnn iis that s r tu al ii i lttîeir attissn tea's titheseCefeurates havIge no tiesire desroerof en' iles 5 1 t tiliy sbeuld ,tîist. itatSueis cisains. ustid 1tese. - c teu b silj ie o 1eRapidan. e 1'pî.nSigtedsryrtfnat't Our rejudits, is ac pteiit faut. Ibet, is But a chiange, eti a sud ie, cae.- Tiît r unn eeoîih ffgt -clits Nnw thigs, 1 înaiiiaiuî, ' il id sr.ul isi savasîtccîltsuuinTsuwtf 0etmdub hep lstit.- îg, tîuao arc n.> st hurefont, bu of fi- gi.r S t'te1h:,a 1i araeietb tîtie ertut ned pp lfi c ailaveuas j Geruig rt o u îtuik tte sepas f îhen vrs wbtgon left G ait ile etfnon, butpoff 1 tikmno îîllettor away eaeh timnisyen wtk -P îttsti- 1sii u O P~5 nitIt iiword Nptl.- Le1.t tise wttliv viîuu'tta bswtndiA. A. tYric t ibttof s.t sI'quiet, cf I inaii. bas it lsorgatizthy thse fitîine. Tfinttiutttthtt senns Tbe Militer>' authoritieg have. ne infor. aîiwhat canti1e itîretitit, (vitssut l 5 teuf r (ni*liiti4conitetionli. Iieuth ie nante îmeisîofs>'en ilmtî eyouti morse find ilsniu ipita fu, - ot'anrtîttn lient!Ili csylienyte for ea,, picuret sirirmisibinlg, sûti na cenvincedti tat * îrnpisey 1entinug upîn il thrati I ie.jtuî i lthe lriséb lumetantid iec tvi îîiî adlt~iî~ tber. uin nover>'formidable infantry force ta w;'ieott'sliat iîtg ) .won mort a 'elle, em, U. uttr, -of.. tlie enemy 0on tbe Rappabalnuck. 1 isi.lur wo mmrtlicen. _anîegla cl do as ~bsc. inrl-it ttittlnth; A: Kntoxville despatcb cf- ibe "25th ta the jTluitil:of thsi, fnietutBaxter. Nî,,[lTie., amttiîiîsîslien uq-îre. use of t te lm thi-ir ltitui, est uii1 ulatis erendîtteredazette scys,-,thit engagement- to.kvse .0 thers nn a -uiltZ tise niae of reascin n;ion .ah u os n l'sr aîn v or ru ciece 'iîcutlrnwn nmnipendia cut? Numenilsalîr weakihr-eelveti, tiuer and mucked h>' nefirm nitloreraetI s~l&. as.'Thu Cuuîif'edeateforcei!& eetiUatsd h a cec 1hu nw rn'lg "x cî,ld do nuahsinr aithoot this atiîrnûcetif forspo. unmecletnt fat li4i lies.,andti1a1 the reujtînittz vies, cltatid atîs p ttut utv t 1rs t tcîeîcî at.ever 6,001. They lest in mil-id sounti. * ~ ~ ~ Otes Butiuinthi lctofmseis valati whis ie>' i inmetnfrp.ïb ils thte unitis cfounr milliers. tea t tied au in het i mît of sytei vouer ltbsv more. tisa»smalts up its crafi andti -eîuit'd us te pansuetsie e funîben. enutiprisoners. ven 300. the pis iiitiseluert oibtiu pai vSafflre it etesîbjisttFORaTMoxios, Oct. 26 -.1 [ati>',th tien fer bei:îý, lteret ut ehqcutitty, erouditgti- dssmlainesets u i plîiluIlC dir tbirte inujonit>'of Cath- ,ifetunnefcriibSobeoa>n.- and thymhotts clfuttsnknue edo eu a and pelics--eeutnin thuit tise sisîtiw a4 aitn t he îofaettttsiith Sntea rm théirhoplaor utrekilivedi Ot aCon'thisir itrnier, tî[ptrsetly ciuicere andti ar- substanuce, tume an tîi utttisereulit>'- (iffenlunivet in Norfolki, -ba>'ushe came' petent storcto f breseu'it iguoranice. Ct- 1 ijoring, cf ai sorte. igsa£0 stront',iy funified uettoin ail tis>hey uy andtd, tise>' impose Rftlisin existed-asbaudonet, a Part>' w ile It' Aab'nirpnsbt tha ~ f s ipneuiate tsrm cfClant îl râ peais e iu-peistcduti vea'r mindet, usîicîs tIti.>coulatauclîoger ubîul tULisi - b theteeib'b.edrltop Ce Jirectwihubt n s a ui t rdiiiittl isiuîuate ttenselves Juttoiisct ocnsisietilty' witisth ncvî Otr aer ereoghaie It ettv se iauîirl'the uir . aj fto-.andirelf-ruseckt.Wbat e5iu ~cuul t tiey 1t watciu the mevement of -the Conredei+l cindys. that porte bat thusse ef ite ccwni.. 1 ut ciuisli nd he nhant ftîvor.beb. - - trepepinois uz!n eàs,, ui There is a tivitsiîuti cf aber aiong t late cd luneu? Wlîat othen îd.s.î.ire off -r- Igrio niteilaiutswr s pir> ir se meuspz~n - ' uicinsmi 'l'he cwhoie burdea :cf .4 .11v oalythnslvswihme mmoeIi' te tiithat the City' sould eoonIE '0 As tise giay sargeitot aieati>'quttet sa>' lte : n e,îiirf ~Meut aios fnte cor hunuls as thera aven. ver>' 10w sa , Ilthreare seviertîl srus cf Toms t -Turcs "Swneîiithe h ýaiir-.P , prncipiîes andpolie>' ubat e ira bieetui'l hee M O'itcnTmTiT rý, S--îstcb asceittnI>' ýin 1Ufpps -Canadatsdoe rtK t Itýinwho bave preveti theitselveaes mu tlpitere and tue>' wperesortuug , , i .- relia., w...ceptive rfeaures toireep nap theap. aylA.. B..slwùn, aui Tos-Fcîil'Thelto îti-r net frilun tise sisouders cf the Bnnwi-findi', more jiet, anti vaieîl:urinle e.grgo mi cee r.qDuta ,'. u s d The un-bIs thiss tisetretîcie isauit tlietfu, fac.peautce cf-t ]nsger force thtsn Le>'really grtacia~AsetbirYlftsi1 4Cnunty' ant i musniptlit>', clt>' anti îPa'Mtý Unliappil>' ail our co-religicuisttiàt i net ohsanipatelstb usktsf. èta ~rdisai1yrespoierd. j toasteti Caasvlaeaihttearejitstctsuieitir iesni orctve f h ee a i.' c di essuc dd ti t h e y theu "ntilt wrh ott Ie ers nis iltie ettorpt¶se, and leuti td heir uidt 10 Party. Despite tha àn preefsef ortse crd10rsitnucdt idiid > h Qu L nà't t m Lrd swea ris se'eratfib n--> ,scr scvs'Acrini' 5 d usucnt'anti îttenîes§, tise repetiticti cf peselt force. as wecnhdt1 e> lesn ii'ee sn-e intkine ad'aucet taetembseîers' cfI iiusuts atîi tnisreprsent5icie, cf truculentý ceOaieAscaioaIýil 1 ý - c 'e.ruftnlenion the part of Cleen lahess ieSi Pnfud Caiirciveen. Adieu -al about tise Gà.ire O mi e asrcatoffllti'eân nc he\e net j >- ifyo'Il- prît nti ataudsoiot 'a fa1àe eoeilber"their "ant rils-tsepuesent $d- jetllet Reformers-- tTsi. neA1 1àxi cFrom the Saen- )IuaIsoi8w BBidetil ~sof Papery,*' or, ";the .agg,!ressiens o0 Wucregret to sa>' ýthiàt, tiser. are niait>' Ca Ynnrs .ý$ 1P:>pery," :or;, "tbe neessit>'of c union tof itlis %who euh Iadisere to-he cause ef, thte Thîeohileese tire itîvittg usgreat titus lun 'CcsreMacensa s'e'îea l - Protestante t-eChc ekPapiat preg.rosaint1fanatic, *anti folie*wthe banner; antileader. îbeir 'Temple, cin-Sîtrnet tet s <i jCaniat r siectte srcs P5sidsaspc Mn. -c wn i'nia'ior a#lc.n ie>'ibentIés t rù-i e f jst- to Kant as h .titogetl.en ti susleuuu Sec - nduige ini cerniusgvi- cd tlîeir toci ml mit do%% rettita- iut foodri t1. of the liglit 'ets.? Or tons, 'uvient untu thens of e aus ' inutte esnI r der tise esit cctne abnn fling lîgiu peois ego t - threugitu0il ta tise-hu(itl tain-tom gu Inn>' - antd pries- omlaci>'foi - Spnlng 7c 64 es 16 Mr I Y *~hic 1dani 1 1,-

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