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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Nov 1863, p. 2

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J i ~valî,alle Ilotel property for Sale. ThPswcs And E. A r stToqg. - NotIceSt. An new' oiet!. tn1po And coan fi -George Y-olé. Istnti ry nnd,;C"honl oc-Ã" .Yle Leetutves-MechnlhC' ntloe :Vgolssd. -rerie Hnmilton & Co. . eôton néIr<s- ces fleom Dry gm6àÃ"..;nn,4 Gr"rc-5 Brom.. 'CnoýI_ m>pJinmea Toinlinson. Ho1n iysOntment. I1'o (fnnsMxptIve. lir. AIIen's ilsIr 'rectorer, Oredît $Ilý nIf rirm Svtck, Implementt4, Me. n 1t'n M.18 le rtn. Trorc, the p rnrertv of. Thomas Wratsnn, A. Sprintr, Ontn o. 29, vear of the 2nd con. hi Whitby, the nrnp"&ly nt %Ir. JRbez tn de, n1 M d¶ <v 5, 1863..-Levi Fairbanks Aocîloneer. On L11 No. lm, in telet concession 4 of Srvttoro'; the propertry of the lt Deeemhpr née. et 10 o'cloci . tM. Ae£. Thompin, Auctioneer. MYLV0 Nt DULtAR AYEAR Nçeceqçatti'for Party' OrgituiZ'5ai. Tht tesof twa -rorrcspandents, os> ttc impir*actiofaiiis matjPct,± muet remainu anar anîil neît ivrai, itotit tving been veceuveti Ol,' as e go ta peu. To urre bthe nocessit,' oftnoogbpat,' argan. Izatiioni, luIldut,' wlict ves s'ali ni for- gel on Oun parI. We have ai eceor,'de,' experiemce ofi us nesti. h. apat,' of smorneai ur iriendi acculaaraating,t.e diffitient esathinkliling t betecoaciueed. tte immrus andthbc vaering te ba en- connagred. Ttils xnu!lu,' tarugt anti ci. feutire Part,' orginiaîion, thet tis cau maeccasiuli,' hddonc:. thal illegai voici cau bcue upi nut, andi uhat timel,' and seans- bIlffCort, cias>beimda ma b. auccest, - au! aur 1luiutctî ipari,' sectiret. Ttc auljeet$tal huvesfull -eniition.adt ia mare af nur irleude abo campl,' tlthtt -Invitation 10 e4àrcst us an ih, ttc tetter -aIîun tu tre vomty of tte aubjecî shall inti e plce in te Castot.s. Whitby i-ubiii' attie Ttc bil-nt 'rare for ttc lecture seasoe y bausutih he oficcmru fttc Insiu5 -toiecihur-ithi ubat nov puiliateil, 'va __bcljm.vc il js utý intention aoftéoffrears - 5t~satnse iurlo ectures lu-tuai nhet- laeni. -ian -popuisaf fuvounibes, ad - fnII- -a Ougt lersIota nlicit- te üot. Mu. h ice o pn" anutbunr visit to-Wtitby. Titi, s>s>onct.mcnt, wvs éld ssred it, l gîai-,'mail,'oaicaur eatirs. Mr. bMeGeel Leasno lcca i or-e-tient edmireri ia ibis ilolty, -nt, ai on ai] former occasions, -e tevill he certain te te velcumeti b,'a " Thta bal:niftei iatue i% nov teing re-pîstereti. pinno-1, anti pepereti snd otieriseresovtein lua manuentBat* cannai fan!to.)a4l lver mat ta ts ap. peenonee', Ra ni c-tenianre, as alecture hall, anti Public essembt!,' o'um, Ant ilu latu-nt 'ta tte iniéricin ecremaion ai ttc ball inre, -te es-a grttified te d1ate, tae of-t lm a te fli-e-rsaifuhe Tsîtute bave boecssi-i'gp. mný#ice u>Ile amairut ai $100 hics u -en Rdtile'! thetalibre sane.te >au'upcneme'fi i tm yi'at-;ae iAt, sciool Ia c-bansce<in vith t' Inaulunute lisas ben estcsîib"t z ro -e tu ten matie' uo- rards tli t eshaAlehmcnt aofa"ct Sin>r t-nm, a-1n nanpnurunit,' tas tan' bal by,Iut' rffiers. in> utten directions te pre. routetc tueuns of inct-otinu, antira. Clons! entisaàinmunat for te young sa o14In. a t.ecommunit,'. Tiieir efforlu deures.tta aluWieti anti encauragati, as v.a tutc,' vwiuî b. in a canespouinis ttexrite. Romem>seelngqta the tservIcest sitte ,nftrg sPr t e 4etnuiiegs I.îstte ave giesratunal,' in pro9oia me vet,- lubecta; -st tman,'aiof oftgoutte- meus, t gvcm% sacrifies. peuniarl ' re. qucuti,',in aerti-l.n 1w thtiflm ýa nltrou- lui. saen tb t-su, pires due. savies for t1ie geucraigot,teyuutieed pisco the, c?, mmuianly un&ie'às uloap debt ef grail - 'kiê te Item. - f1. Andrewi olsuy. £ usc:,tig of thse pt nes of St. Au- tir.v'a ucleîy- of Whtby aud- Plehe-lg, la caliect r e tt4h - nt, st roétiv'a, tOel, whîtite laelot ca> e ua npét*sut maek, rraîtreempiuse4forthse colebraio'e S. Adrr,& mD's, te. Isusit let1kL.1imI"tie tenant or W. Co"f Ybè foUeloig front Stundova' Nevst-fftter ad us,'ad ltuat aines the lnahll Iread bu CMl onet vititciné role of condemnatlsu spInal Lord ýÀeitnim, and that hoeu aitlohber epriv. id the Comeuision çf lte Peace. Thte hotal, il eppeaa, vas eagage lf or tb. Lord-Lietenant and Parti', andi Lotd Leitriin, (wto îook it Imb bis liesd tbat the executive did not gor fat siotugh la prottecutlng parties vho verse hited vîtit eh ootinor et hiai,> tool te t!porianitY te hnuIt te Qaàeenia repffeeutice, b,' clos- ing upon hlm te hospltality et the bote!- the boîei.keeper belng bis tenant. TM>re coulul be no iWUt*t argument in lavor cf tenant riglIt l'a Ireiend tban ibis ver,' episode. ildatisa,, Frida,.-Tbe uumers vitiet I1 lnfotibed ,'on of yesterday, regarding theý refuau of accommodation te; bis Exceien- c,' tb. Lord-Lieutenanit at XMam otel, and wicie bat created su*b ezeiieentO in the town and econt,' of Galway', laet leut corroboéated bt,'the foUiovin xi. tuer fcm ttc Bart ofl iitim 10 Mn. lCing, pu.oprie. tor of the Ma. Hotu!, and wit , b. lies, a tenant of bis lordtip. The let- ter vau dated (rom lb. Raîlly,'ote! :- .Galwsay, Oct. 6, 1863. King -1 viii e bliged to yen ta 611 thc bote! with my, tenants forthwitt. Let eer,' room te occupied lmmediately, anc and continue 10 te oceapied; and when go occupieul ion wilI refuse admittance lu I,,rd. Carlisle andl bis- part,'. If thent eaoulul be the slightest difficuit,' as tc fil- iing the bote!, the occupation of the re ims, my deaire la \bet yoa viii fil! cacb room wit th wt orlmen ; but jon muai not ad mil LDCarisîs. and. consequenily, tî1 rooms ahoulul te occapied preelous tu, hi conine there, an,' orders you mai' tac 1neceivd n otvitliatanding. I r.!,' on, ycu observing my vîshes Io t. -letter. or faitiuiiy, LEITRtlM. P. S..-I viii pa,'forte tenants Data thte rAome. " Mr. M'Dmrmott, sait inspecteofet t convtabular,' of the Mun district, bad en 1igid the -bolt for bis Exeiiency. anm Ieer,' arrangement la.d titn madé for ti roccupation ofilh on Wedneadolr nîght lent SIl is rether an extraordisnar,' thitia tb £ant of Leitrim sh.ould attemptin1 preveu the Lord Lieutenant froun receiving au 1commodetion in a publie hoteil; tot itî >maid tai the noble lord conidered justir, .bad Pot been donc tab,' btt4 Gbernràmt ai vhicti tis Exceliene,'inlu te represenu :lice, fin the occasion of bis. lordship beinu shot ai b,' aman le 'the tiof ai irix B ornme t e ck. Tte person vita endei t.vruv-u h tu t la is lm fie va sment t ei3aitinusoe Lousic Asyluai as a linstic wtile it vas tbougbt te atould b teresm 5 titi deal itu. Tiîtts reaiment of bc Majesty'a ,epnesunaaiie in Ireiand vil! nc 1possitty te aiiowed ta palmu uaoticed i Lbis Exce.liecc, or the Goveroment vtie te repreteutts." - "1The Chruuutciels Criticti4ust.99 - The Gouatte us e ôelteti h àsaboi notice wviicivê toittt ueisan,'takeuie correctiia iAndha t esdiug article"tsi clapa ils vungsand creva, isat aas b le an excFsediug tiegrce. Nos, baveis F ceptuap o 0#1usu* rlu mi atachl9%f Man te b.ctse djCild me, ang hlm q vit Stift sait i-'Ttche og slteput amon; ttc philosophera a bot Ivattaum MI be tictenelije, te *i stive 1 tiuu is 1 t e feantiin lb.e ii'a test 1*1 Thu care eaut bust tt-dtro«met ol theleanat wonlti, -tho tevaun ttIboue,', aut il! ai vore themuseives j1at.! vu-ier neeti 1 mtore regard them a te es tse bar lng ci s uittle sanseles acur, Fan, inspi oi ibsir terrible reving, yau mc,, vt ho an eye, diseever'teut au entier ttc liai skia. The Northmoealta Ateai [At the Annuel Coavoealon or Univers! COallgUu, ti i nllwng poatti, ri4d b, U ,lqtire's, wuasarded the .prise forPutX Ilai Cumpogiioln: Airei ore lteGoaiio~vi, nile 1 wiîb aioryls brhltest ra, 1liilta n oiafdene etkuetýIeg*' Westatv el01a1dot'toocu'g steaam, Secklig a umýeW world oi beauci,', Rtiait lienitW1,,anîd n.atlu lame, Tbatst elsii911 teau-tIi itli wouter, Auid ta story gi ve bIs isani- Caethite I!,aitijmau.ctfitd em ceosa- Nnrturad on lteA'%iiy luTas.tt Anti vilS dau-l.ug ipînit vu'W di -Pm t Frj ir v*p cf su- VIOW IM0eu Whs-at the vilbe tsceftec it.ultiedt Of tte Den. gurded alînuteh" - u -rtiriizf bl. i t!lltiu-t - < Ta)lt tiof ttuf tts'tua f *Stt la thé landi teytud ttem ututet, I I Csu*ron,àandthétbdeeaed toôieut, estes.Canada. Ho vua aise assom sa speciu! ttsiaws. hebaita.WslslwisUot-Of sud mut lusa itee blé power of 'O. t - z=nm« -,E$sml# BownnaUVliiO Races. c Bstrasrinau-y lieu-der Tritai.O*a Apumaa At thé pressi en îrmânîc Asahuca îitrlal Hia Exeelleui e,' c ocWvnou- Genevel 7b cf lii~nttirei~oodfort re bas b.. bis beenpu ed to Mlat. thefliva 4-~gapputanl i, vi loi gi on itice Sat.ardat, asti , à Doaldt riser uf li. Town of peu-t, Off cet yet conelud"u.- Thtu se eelica e Estquire, Baru-itee-t thI to b. , Vouai,'vil taocu-il,'intêrest. Ia Àprii has tIlMay' Cra Aýttorne, fer lte Unileti Ceuntici gg be retoliecteti, Johnu ting, a Toronito cee - Of<uâTLa na e n .frev, in> the vDocf Mo iuaié,b front information viticit terecevittiDanîilMacKart! u, Esquins, sapeied. teli Thomas P. UeLaan, othte Town of wvi iront a psrson tisamed Doclcett, vent ta a Gotierlet, Eaquire, M. D., Io te Asmaciate in boutte 16 Bayer Street,,lanti aslte« iamii. Corner ion lb. Unitedi Counties ef Huron b stiiz anti Bruce. i- Wteu 1 vent inta tsefront racto, I ne DavidiBucaan, aof in Tuva etofSar- nu maritedt at tbe bouse was On fire ;titis ti,-Genlcman*t ta te collecter et Iniant or, vas tecause 1 tiscoveréd amoire, hicse pins Revenue for ttc Revenue Division of te v tokiagr. I opeucufte door ntm t" rai- Caunu,' af Lambton. bul sage; 'thons vas a lot ai amoke rusbsd lu Gardon Baker, of Osuebruck Centre, rot at ao fit. I openeti îte dean îading Gentleman, te b. Coliecior cf laimenulai ia ttc beti.raom,,qimieim vasnet fasteneti,'fRevenue for tse-Revenus 'Division of theT anti the ronvasufuil ai ernoke, anti 1 sav United Counties of Stonuneut, Daudanio s ligit utiert t ed,_ andthtesfins barning. Giengiart7. un Thora vs. aa'ralancesou the frontaifte William Hamilton Joues, r.i Prescoti, bcd fra-n te bsd.naii ta the floor; thbe nsIUqaire, Barister ai Lv, la te a Notar,' 'was insitie lta ;,i1puibeulthal up, calieti Publie ion Upper canada.. for Waster; Ducketi vent ta iring a pail!Ofai ls Exeeliene,' ttc Goveruor Geneval wter; I ualeabrui asa stiicirstanding tbu ciao beau pîcasadti tagrant eaLicese .br on lie fot bueailutst alta, Sp' In Jaieq Gorden Strovitrige, aiflts C pan t!, ', et antithte lisda cani- - t.TowuniOflrantf rti, E4q., I. D., snd Je turetly c at otite fieati/esleiit . osept Beillie [luttas>, ai Campbclifond, *avay ,the cantiîesticir vas standinlg abot £4q_ -,. D., te practites Physie, Songer,' à foot initislethe bcd, lits fire vas bumninp, anti Mitiaifer,' in Upper Canada, and a iao tr: suvi,'fronut the stick, lte fine sPeuuedti tata 1 ii Ath, of Laugttougb, Esquire, bave arigiasteti trantlite candlie. ttc mat- anti loba R. At, ai Ceunreitie, Ellquire. tre was teint about i foot rotind tbe t0 pradisi PbiyBic, Songer,' anti litivifer, candis - the bttoen mattrcusai as filleul accordiag te ttc Eciectie Syauern) in Up- viîb strav, thets b'>one vitb geagreasanti pcv Canad. cotion mixeti; the firpe lied ttueci ubougb ikrngCnel ttc totto. unrstreme and oti e t op ei - thit r n; C aa 0thene vas alt6 a vicir and a place oetppar Savesul', Oct. 318t. 1863. T. 0in the cantiletck ; lte papèf looketi as if Th oniofteCrraon f 1il hall been vnapped roundti iiecatle;, 1 Ttc Courn letinai te T o rpoHall. ai trieti ta ticiult tcefine O*hct vs gain- l"augt-rlaWhte, To.Mnu ihal . tiug on me: I thincv te siopà in ttc rnou Peui nWttM.cClgM. apumanda upcn it, bat ltie* ater Ibus$tonav >on n d Mirlst ieig rai ni p d iti etut ithlie fine ntléDnqcett brouu-ht àlnt4o atmeigrn n p pe p o ear ciao; t fie*suigiuuAetiup- Ouimot ion ai Mn. McCrieght, m b,' 1ev0c ler ups> d me, toimdIthe tlmoagtil ia op.vas passei appoinling George Norton, ir ottme, oand tc bt>.ti titntior ti lia overseer ofaihwaybs3'inateai ai Jaunes t ther. vua abody 'la tse ed. I palleti Ona5 mo~ticfiu r. Wxoge re dova ttc clathes vtict yens aven the wuliatmtion theMn. auerin, aordof beaudandi face ; I pau,' ybanda on un thé vas gnatudo -teTraurlÀ avra g ratof tige persan anti calieti fie, " Jls li ht, lot- t.e sur K:$23 being0 bw rea-ut iestrebu tp amounu expendeti ,'bleu m u fuvnasing oor itbre.iu o er ban fl I thenClottis 10 Heny Battlen,ot aid ndlg per. Wbeu mi' tend toncee t& face on necie sema, as pesr nesolutian ai ttc Conseil. e id iabu,,uafet a eu.Itit On umotiou oi Mn. MeCreight, ant eider le put tht. lins oui agaun Ititaugiti thenevsgcsc i s T-atrr afcra tssaehn'vum.atIduavit Wu, Wluuîesids, andi Siepbful Usmuler, b le e oehbit b. nd 1es ot bie; fortthe Ctut ai $336, btmg auccau ezpant i. ta rmev th W cotbs o thebAv 1 d bn ilmali slComntiasio*tintinte si le cou-lnI-ýput ihe fins' eut, sa I pulled ltf clotes ai te bei!, hea I put nu,' elsrti . 'mc oi 2at 3 ra ent s arum ieatt.e b4aindctimy rnlbt under masso ay tothutcKinrsion eMd.if. lete legsansd carrnedt! iinte the front :roj ô )a alusion u4 Mn. Wittoç tue Reeve ' iîircc~;it vs cîti;tue rai ver Ouinillor, the som of$3»0, beî tthebu hot me,' ctauettier sîi!; aparson conta *suce 0 e tmateppropriatet f lt!lte I. tend ducat, bal îhiverte lt. 1 vent petues icuaat rdcl iema boackieter d. Sadplldtetppecuice varda ibis presant ,'tau-. tetaht-oa ut uit iab On motion ai Mr. tilsgits, lise Coancil unsitreson s> te l fanduti tmPau01sanl doufd o dtra,,te2 le, t; the strate ticir 1 cirried 4aut îIot sad doriddiiIsurstcZ la- steet 1 ta vnt bacit, anti Iuckit'staldcof etoveMe et uti sonirouglut Beme vater, wibi 1ipruale d ~ s~- EcaEq .C eub t, the vopes ai ttc teaitesti, tite frontaide ai ttc b-c4, andtheuta op Thc Toronto Le-edei aanoacea thc matlresS, vtict sera a11 bonutg.-deat aOfMn. ECCla au titureos- 1 tati sent Pucett otee tcaion bouse Iu tte prime ofai 11e enirof itp auuest ta Cel ameitanca, viten Constable Steart meunters oi tise Uliper Cuas bar, bas9 cud ti S ..-g.Mjar iHastings came. Ttc bee a e Io'tti ta hua accouai. Hec cces1 t l'oip wvantseut tta IvuS gaiag loiethe wuasuta athait. Eeb n l y. Rit 1 labe.roaunDosuc,'Iettvent sae,'for n'uttar icîbar, Caps. Rugit Roet, »f tb.-Glt,1 Itgbt but, in walking itrouigithte"0001, vas long àarident of C.aeé,jd IaigÃŽi' ut knlcaoked tee ittnse,'off lt anti il vent t Nigara andtiliebet aiT lie di'ti bi eut aain. Tt vau a c-ou!a oi lemp. I1tiical,' a fae yea ag. #Xena lio ual ses du.hbul,' nuil I1utrried ti il oe tie da soun sîter te Pêola - &rwis f. fnat roose ;anti assonou astita ifne uI-ase list aan*u, h - i tm cxiuuoilultiI ota ilghi, anti odtoatiti mission. Whte Lis e bet liinug as lb. bat!,'vas Ibat of a mati, clotite Niagara, Henry sadieti lsv min b. nofflao îoË vith e jacket, cemimse, andi nigitl-trovi ;Mn. jaues Boulton. fEs ncerattendeti iWi I 1tiai otieman,' markes et blontd an tesu,'publie c bO)lJ ibut vswulacamtest-n lýy boul,'etai tebat,' leltaItime; I sut a tire!,' bl'bis fater, vha vasa gotId uae. it quanteit' 1>00biCot!' coing' liiig aIt te lisI of Trnili,'Coliege, TDublin. H E as fota atic, on tefiou-l vas uoder- caled tote cbar ian suean.1842; lclulabîg ; ~t ibreva qulît ôter the ody ,' vas ccat aa uctitnof théC mISc"et;' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i ve Icartihm tt Irnrou.lu1853, andi appitudQc'sCane ot Wbeul Sergent >Major Iletiniscame n in 18t' ..a icvestithe haitkilten, ant inlutha COP He aon attaunctias iesinir pasitlulotu Th> the gdiiio of Me Jiib ~rtit I find, DMn. Editen, tiraI t.e - earthqneke 80 generelil 'felu utrougluniEtiglant!, as feil b,' %acorrespoindeniit f .%SMantreal (iazet, ante Vtitdttof Iti-t ciiyth'de saune ccsning, sud I1sai inut to ibelieve (ion t restonsa treefuer mentoncdy thet the stoclc extandeti ta FPnnte Alitent, iu thia CannL,. laviug atecdeula e crt lbera tal cvening, Sir, vhl!e vaiking bacie to the figoîc, I obserecul îbeî te giround rrAvasit nd saut- et intervigis, se muait se indeati uttSour earmnnent expe. rfnccetead:ilicaluy ln locomiotion!1 Se violent vas the mocument thet tha plant-e a p p ea n aul te ris . fut se l n m ra m th c prounti sttnîaetedtl d t~l1 u> tacs. To me at ttc t mdute uienansak vau unaccountabie; bat1 i io,e, intiacet! ta lheibet stit taitaliogoîter thée u-esuuI of a atoci-ef the é"'rilmbule e or'OUrac Yours &C., No doubt, Mn. Phicaulcu. But sumi. iag yen icav lthe S eut oet abouti tot voolti yo iacouaI foril fRALua s,-iYeu linuli,'insert tme- foli âtIceatendeti a concert ai-Pont Parur-ybttan Ir pssitie, ibaut 'the e.ue telti lucre a short tisse-cge, anti rcally toùe muéettanot- i Saido et it-Misucu llary'"a viosas. MIîu P. Hillary, lu tta lut lisInas a u ie,itu-mbreugt l<est tu- mua,' cyi, anti aIl pu-ecet' ai speîl. Sbouati &sIf iictsaîs>g tusl e anting -sers- 1pllo."Thse dàI's sêng b,' MÃŽsffEai,, seuld -Dr. Kowtas, vtcm uet M at, 'cil,' ,audience miglut te proudt te lstas> te. Mus. Danai!'. soùgà -W«ere tltmg cil s I,'sàta lady1C" sua igts ' bua poteertel and 1ceing voice, -while Mu-. S . B. Fair- its o 1 th e 'Dstitersf etrvino"U0l cal,' tieigicd ail wmvïluihteuad, luat' trai. '.-e ssauym"> Jrfslaart vijtt thouts os'f , oo.' Mr. 'fartlss-g wex ellent- 1,'el taoiestua" sting, -The Piano so le'. t,' i A rliud,&sud liasP. Billat, su-,' comiceil the~ Ïi~ *ttIt~b WsIw News. Reconstructlofl. rime ii~ ihe Fenitentssry-Ât,10ul~sh- a, f~ ia enuounddd, la lui bUte Editoi' of thse f7sby Chtienickt M R . E D I o i,- T h o s e r a e , v b l d h di 1 a 1on the neiw courseci the "B d* 1ian- illeTurf Club," on Tuesdey antiW6tDeis- Ry last. wiere .ceonsiderini the diadvBO. ' iem ufder which the club:laboeet being c tt ot them uunacqualited *Ith tUp de. a il ot a meeétIdg.] verv ueé8sf . ù erel tre 1oqie littie Muaýak. the resoît ci, lepeience-made b,' th.evs ;bol, isiieve, they did the bstteknv id. tried 10 give ge:nva l sati on.- .hink ltaItenthsy' bat. their'next ioetlng, tere, till- be no cace for any ne, to finti fauit. 'To b. sure, the course 1 ras notl vitl tnulght ive,,.been, but, 1 des.ve b,' the*tîneantlWthateeting cornes ound. they wlll have a ver,' gooti course;j Ithough nt presont, 1 shouid se, judgung rom the time-it la a poil bit sbeort.- 7e foilowing ia a smmiv,;' Ladies' purse of $80, lbr 4 years cld and ider, mile leits. W. Thompion's b. le IMaty~. Mr. Courti ce's Ml. M .... 2 2 - .- .4...8 8 Province porse. $75, for ail Province- )rd boras.. nmile heatR, handicap woights. *Wliddifieid'g lb. lh. Ijeerfot, 1281bs. 1 I Fhn Davis's bà.Ih. Lapid i......2 9k Time-l.89,1.. Mercliant'R puirse, $25, mile heatq,.for rotting herses. N. Rây's b. nm. Pan,'Poster. . 1 1 T. Spry's b. m. Spty ......... 8 2 J1. Sprowle's blk. m Ida Nfa,. 2 3 Tic23,2.88. SECOND. DAY. Innkceper's purse. $40, for ail horses bast neyer won pure oner $50, mile lis T. .V. %'Çm. Thompsonn'is b. nu. Mit,'. 9 I 1 .Johru Davis'.g l. h.. Lapidiqt . . 1*2 2 Tirns-.42, 1.41, 1.39. This rucu. vas ver,' cloqely contested. Lapidiet toking the finI t eât by bal ua legtiî onl)-. and Mlary the two les.t iîy onlv a neck. Bosrmanviile purse, $20, for grecn trot- ting liorasi. Mr. Hlowcll's bllc. m. Sieepy Nell, 1 I 1. l'hik's 1 i,. b.............e ,2 2 M. Btrk's grey matre...... .. 3 3 Silver C.ip. valine $20, for liîck horses, one mile ul:txh Mr. Glocers l.lk. là.... ....... 1 Mr. Flukc'it groy b....... 94à2 Mr iýienderenci's lb. nu....... 8 Trhig race cnded the tvo dity4i; sport, and til kIt for their bornes peaideai>ly*,îhcre being no disturbeince wbatever. gernvraily Weil Natiafieul witbibathe poel provided. The above ifi give yueti fi !des et otir Bowinmnville course, and lt,' inerti'ig it Sin the cnuttqcLr, you viii oblige man,' Yeegieul. ~o w lu Iibat we bea r nothin g bojt b e pges or the promised reconstrucfjo - of th. Mmnistri Tere are rumorq ii Quebec wbieb attribute to M. ThibiAdL end M Laframboise. the, Intention 'te vqgtd their seata liit he* Cabinet The diffcQkyý- the OCassaifan ot la ,. to, induise nw tien 10 embarkjei'. thé teti and Utnlg Mînisterialihtp. r lie mueaon that Mv. Mowat s1111 delayseartcing bis relignalg« int effect?-When ia,' we expeott d tsar that he bas redeetied bis promise? The dana4ien reports that the Mtnuk. tr,' are seekinir redrtt iaieng the Oppo sition. diIt is rUniored," adds that jet,. ni, ilthatt an offrer of thîs klnd ri seat idi "ithe Cabineti hbu been made te gr. "cDunkin and deciined, and that Milsert "dnow think of applying to M. Langevivi. We reported a likçe orfer, some time ago, to a membier ai ithe Opposition, antps Canaclian'and a member 'of the* Legisiàtivi Couneil. The Ministry evida.nti,' do not lin", whieh va,' te look for the-- sopporw'%ý thèy leel 10 te neeessary 10 prolong îhe1r existence îhrotgh arnothâ t session..-'.Le log Developmenta. T'he Mlnga10npapers give an ci ofb bombarâsul, o extraordlaavy eu.Ie ineolving rcditinlcabie beau desîroj uvelopeunens la te discipline ianlte Pe. niniluer ac tentery,', bcu vas broagit tefore bis Éonu. iJutge Robinson.tism uornfng t the in. icelys oni tanse of Mr. Burrova, the CenI,' Attor. Pederel guc i,'. t voalti appear <rom the vidence Mede ilun itb, malter thus fr edilacetât te in- elong ftte E tilaion uleotigneti for. ttc suppression o ai td rimue-and tce maie keeping ai criiinîls,- etei as aetu el,' aoordaul facilities for te p r. A pecil ptratiar ai a inoat dingeraus cil, and deîed Wasl oe trauusiormed liet a mint for the "Prom il naiacture oi conierisit coin. Aston in'iEitionig isting as tiiaru velelion uni, appear thîe lan. Mfeade ustramlents iun carrying on Ibis blisinî.ss ' the enem,, Df mest exiqûtfale conatractir tion eî xti. T piniends iepd ta the Coarî-hiainedti rtir thé> ssitled. TI carpenter siip of ttc Penitentar,', here the foc, s te manuienltdre of counterialt cutin b~ aitt* .u ben in operation fr months. the prin. b! tilt capI cipal ilss lunthe case is lruel Spray, a in thbee mi onviel lu. thet Penitetir, who as seult WÀBRIity nom Steritrook, Lover eanuuda, an con . P lt'u te 1hr viction aifuiohtnereit moue,', abolit ipar "tipr ye Ils ine. This persn tesîfies lit effet, nov in prol tbat Jams T. Gardiner, the acoolmaster more.t in the etieniar,' anti gnîsti~inir as A pecis guard, being avare of bis skillin theam!%- "til ma,. nuuature oi couneniit matis,',applied uIo'Fuptcy' andi witnu somte five or six monta since t main fil Riý assit hm lu such an- entrprissu constriltil mnisratioi the monîldu. andi aIse manufaclture tht>h-ie ofitiE g a. coin. nducem n'.. vere elli out I 'o f tlfb tae convict t enlist hm lu the business, ain golti mch as procurine cammuricaitinith hisi Pnayabe it aml," ater offices oulide is prison, and romn het like little ser vices flat an ovriei!r mixht more thtu renter ta alleviate the punisbaent of a lamaI ohil convict. NFw !fe T e convict manuacipied conerfit. ptcb frnti esi the g2nu American bail utand quarter dollar pitncu-s, IlMoshi vhicb business vas condticted during itegtuerillax i working tours, lu the carpenler stop whrre morningl irorn eihieetn 10 î enî, nen ara empioyed b,' Iluar,1 under tva ocenseers. He coulld not asti- guierd ni E mjite the arnouunt he badlgieu b landi- tiei ner, bu bel*iront nd nrbateicesfd that anseboncined ilolluta Plu, vree quils witin bonts oi the queuthy. sterler j The last deliver,' ai the spuricus coin lue iluit, Cuipti dlaims ta have matie ta Gardiner yesterday çViss afier.noan uhiet vas evidenil,' part of a lits iariuve plan 10 enîrap that 1uerson. Accordinir to Ian.! luddIl Spray'. staemet saue das,'situas te as ler cargo affeted t,' comptneion oi coneisuce, anti condition. dieulged i t,.etwois malter to the chaplein front Dr af the Pen'tentieny, andl tlrongh hi. ativice hics, on il and contIlvence the alate of affauira vas îng îtuc vi broazht la thé attention oi Mn, B urrovs, buiiug qui the CGi.nnty Atorne,'. Spn-ty ia a vaucu Rteent maicr andi j'ec.llen b,' te andevidpntal' en trke 1,' an sapet artificer. lie ia employeti lit Tieir for( te Pententiary t repalring vatches Andt 11, ~000. like wuyrk, and altaces charge of the dlocks cif the insimntiau. le àaise eppears tu ha gifted wtt more titan ardinar,'iin- tèiligenet, ant isleaefair speciten ai that Thea si rare. eelatica go.ilti ar.d intalliitene e 9 4th vbhich 8o« often trot, mieappiicatieu bas' cd Ibis Pi crontrsutedib te limita ofits possassor vith- 8 o'c'iociL in tte #alem of te Peniteniar,. The sb w lll .(Sounsal for iftie'ene cross examiaed i vAou the rou<iei vluucsu, tho exhititet i resut 'ThuCi - sirc'*uueu in bis, abuavrs. Ra declineti Cotton b gu'ving mach inform'ation tegartiing bis'fnr A ~anis'Cietse, ga hg eia earng pon tte ther, d preesuf t . lt! gtated that c ho vhan frm, Ainenicananti tat a famylrcgfuing ilu the irtd Amres nehl afml uit eUt] State oai New2Yourlt. 11-Heiiitatithai l0~.W- I Gardibier tati repeateull,' otfrtd bis se-- irurd ità ticea lu ca'auulicating vii, his--eleiicssecurititi viii, e rlsm oi gcltinti p tW petiîipi onr it!.al a aron, btofo s6a ek i nlIci. Th5i ent con#uenae le intai peu-ion te entetet 4ftrte exaniution iiifttsb~e t. osd Spray the case vas aj.nrnd utit l'1sume unit e'tOock lt-lernov, >i*en fernter e.icVawt6àe er. mèiu eub lueltesrd. q7aedner wu fot forth.. lhny îhie torning ue*it norning,. antia a ent h t'usler ni' iaseed ('or bis ar-est, -but se, fa er iebas~c eseapeul tseilleevgThe- eireuîlsttnuc lq, Oa , uf ibe csme are -tnuiy rem ark bl e, pre ent ý , te t' Inz tm i ta(lctof an egregloas gqtetif (don. crie bheing ondlecteti wilithtcevillaof A a our hie Inilttît of0 ,-eic "r Ïioni- tuid enlipa1 andc ils ver' t e ol ia juartLaus ai f ranco lsud fort Saunier tvblicb ieBd >Yod anontila 8ga atcording te t n ta,)-Il boItte Ont, a d ' aibI,' and- effeclteiY te the ans. The armies Of Lee and 1 vln8lnie are t (manoeuvOflng~ Lapp&atnOOlE and ti * batlle"' cx- ai deapatte I lId" Y'ribUe, ulingtQnt'Nov. 2- saYs - the front vs leara filhat ihere are r f a disposiitincdilthe part ai lta obe,' aidera bý attaeking1 and te, trIai uinu>wbetliar le afigbl or not vii oon be 'bers is-uo neeti iii bdlling for ethe,' are ail aroiud, as weil u lnes s autaide, as id proved )tore of two cnrrespondéiffà vitb. nles et Meede's beadqaartefs. I;ro,, Nov. 2.-A specilil des- he Warld aYs -- ant advices are anticipttud jPs opar quartera front Gencrai Gi!. s!l despeieh te the Tinnt4 ýay. z.' Ltuificeol ennitaatt b ibe Bnk- jfinaude1 l lnge% wieh rule aund ctmond. Sutreîary Cobtse'. Ad- on of the Treasury unit! show te a elear balantce alucai on tte lst ier. The ireasnrv ceus gcon enlingt ta meéint ut!! demanda icoin for nias inonibsae orne. tàusoos alene ttc, reeelpfi are seffluzient te pi,' the ap-ci> ii- ha public debt ast t acorues.f aiuv. Nov 3--Tha Heraiir des- th the arrny ai the Potona, dat. A inst.. ienys:--- i stili Ileand abottM1 0 t ic were sen uit Ceutraville this Anothet deit is Mbuncon tde thiis Lime capttiring lthe c;gtle Boford's idivision wititin a mile Oi n Jonction. Ail iie quiet et the along the linei;. c)LpiiiA. Nov. 3-The priza iiipiter, f-om Naessai, for Savun tureil ors the l8tlî oi Septeriluarin Souitd b,' the guun4uat, Citflerona, ,d flucre. l'ho j.piter waiu enuky.' oe be towed loto Baufort' wliere GO «a.9- diuzerc l adestnaa qMja nu-s snys--Y-he Tndiitn. trois. se lipper %Niisotîri. notwti-ztftnd- rictory or Ges. Sull,atre far fruin tul(vics.sy that Fort 1.inlon huis 'n b,' the Indisins and buîrnrd. rce i. reprcscntcd teube frorn 4,000 Leatest Zunropest- -i s astio aiàsuit ant isitractive vioIenci cplIteon- Saiortie,'niuht, t'toiu'ë. ti unhiet il viii be necessar,'tugo' bccé ttie in'point oftliit>p. -Souteo hit-ê eks cge, titlu iiliter,' police vere fiti :_n hilît pt 1 olismg ouil Ia'plnecauRa! is teitta to have irrita-ttceunili"t lst Seauda,'nlgt, beivesa ock, a large Pari,' ai - toldiers of3 th Ileginerle r epaîred to'lite bouse MW in naienltiMichel Genry, s-eied hbia; àvrere about ta iuilict anttulry puniet. !t ùpau hit,hutliaving ihet ha vas uta sou who b.d fired -optîn ifi.rMillir ce. lieticclarsd bltittuiiobeose, sun me ai the soldiers 'saId le *as nol thé t,' wto fire, but cleciusreadutt e icuet uo vas the peréon.- Thereupon Gear,' ther than suiffer the execation of îth tatte a-itindt llliiu, îook the parir le thé use of ans Maitew Ctuff, vto iveti a adisuecai -e fa 1evroda. 'lNl nuosckeu the doar, whicb awasopeucd b,'Coff~, un Geer,' eaclaitleti, geThere usa,'oui In."1 Cuti vau thum Iaid- old of. entf ut severd$i beaien, tae ciadoarwi b is Pue itroki teus1pIameu tsit atones, ant Lch of te .iuorc ke_ý., i aide jssra'. Yeolerday Gear,' was arreucci b,' te icf.. andti Iis uoFning broagt hore. euIWconden, wmu remtaudeti hiai nbil Cti. - ouît bava 'ao fair necoverad&ti ase e i appear agaiasb hlm. Gear, ' States that 'erai ai thte oldie rsare knovnto hlm.-- A Dccr&:ttci GsunT.v,-The Moniresi' azetle otf ride,'relates the falioving : 'On Morada,' cves>a ecertain iawysr, ho shah t enamefes taorthepnrennf, mati bis *me a gaod laaking ol~ i orgeat bàtusîess demuatiet bis prea,- i on a ehortime in Qnebec. Hoeitou-e.- e bld ber an aftectlei.e go6ti.byc, ativi- ng ton-le thé uneniile 1 spend the pe.- td ai bis absence tilth ber bretter,a le' !siet ither ave bouise site voul nn uie mua ennuian.! louilie"s. -Appreciatiag a sedeaute et ber iiuaband's kiauf.-c)nitai cration,' thc lad,' -deerunineti te cempl,'- th bis u-ecuesb, htiare muan,'minuteasit( j ad gone tai star. ibet bnoîthe-'boa1pitailty,ý sovn- occasion -ta go ont oanaomeo busi- I as on 'taesaine evening,ttchlad'yhi -the* aura. ai ber- valu, pu-oceededti îrugb tte( ret la thlet site and beits# usanilreshdel, ,ban abs tut. surpriseti t6 àmeà ilgtiu r fmooti ivlicb ste ttud,,tfrWyasahut,,lua trr'io'ked- up ardi abànutieati Hep. ulufg ta bave a ka, eb wietopeneut- àe-tiacr, aipe 'bethougbut erseif et unveti-w ît'guiothe mysten, veu-Ioc1 on opuun. g t1ié ued.roosm door, sits discoverèd h-tu' -ithies nsorî mci~thanother titan his vilfe. rhe scelle ï t6rai-nuarcasa.!bafflesdasanip tou thei.iiJnbled wsefe' foie. vent fer bei' vie Quleenqteva thé 251h. pags»_l point an touueoW10 iear Tark- nts thIis ,Siturfus,' Cuening, unhere ce 1be duea on Tuectia,' nilit. fii teauustip Ljiiaiai ra ni. Y. ai- dit at n bbc rd. t-lu uinuî'adates art-ahre day. Iater-fe uoant, and Id. la id. bighar m ter-ican, cuti4d, bigluerï,juin thi descriptione and - cosing lss.si de Istftsiei tlanti stenul,. Provisions ti d tend -downwerds. Petroleurn ha lfue bullioniauthe httukofaing. Bu vincreasad £7,0001. Amaricen use s-Sale manil and priccesintm- C 1 . tws litth China is icagze. The v 1 OrniaifR4ru Aut seys bbciplure w tatur- m ~obal I'cl<b yIbali'e ij off ilia lnGrnde. l- c,(ctltm" De Fulule dtttentido aI Llayult anti piesZ. pe à li bveugutupn thýe liietCu-th in lffi te suabjeci; iL 'bculng allesed e.t wa twuatlime tàlightt tgrotisit16ton Ward Becc-ef tacl i e!tt-prisant- trt R"jtitsînesab,' tic ituudest.-uin the T #onmîst lCOUlP - . lie #aa 4tulso th 1 ed et a farevel rasfub oi.a -la tler to'te Landonautaly NV,m* Nts thal tha aatmlii.aticl esP t o *111 iurcuiateîy resteive ordjshit Ibal pileèr uuIfthe Me*icsn .ip3s-dasIrueut niiinuthîtit t. di j9MAlsitqueistion retmauins itliout w pol'Oct Uth, ttn.-.Cotton quiet di <iineI.Hefdtiftuinatetiv«but Provisions quiet anti steady.t Con- -ai éci ar Pacus i ofmAntuîdc. -A l tr.actet ~lrtklse a ulviage h ip betaretse ggin'asiiea, e nom. fi 1 Two Prerua a Urli stage, Al went 'out tte nu to, atisf t'Y Itebut The oul,' resait vas thu, haét evening. wiih %a 1er on ber cluseir. Lord tyndbnrst -die Cf tht t2îh mat., am Of Iiighe xtraction, but birtb. ïý jfifly.spoke n tee prove aU à.nail i- .The tuftler.9 for the nuet enougb ta ran WlïTBY a Oý'i7wing to ibe ba "deliveries bave fallea pricea. Faill Weat, *'Wheat 72. 10 76c, * it 0.ta 25r. Hg $S o1 $5 per 1001b Txrleys 50e. to *75e. -40e. each. Duelta4 Pduluî,' 20c. to à0c. perlOOlbs. BRITTM lT-Thbi slip ýof ilby, on aa, ieof Mr. Yyearsm naged 24 yearns. *Mo -ft-ur m!' 'Euut of ?~4, Brnkrut :A BU 'F~ $c ýlltci line atout mmd oi t tîi3 ouy f thea UUme Une. 1- elitNr11 l Ne1ttso'sîta, KEHAI( TwtIl 2tls

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