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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Nov 1863, p. 3

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- - ~ - I - - -. - - ______________ .-. ~ T ___ - -- I ........... ... ~l a th wo Pàvisiauatn isstlà -mi n ib stage, anj went on!t the Bois <e'Vidcen - nos to catisry their bo-nor wth êCool éeel. rThe. ocly rmit u wathat one of iiaplay. l that evening- iffb a piece c1 éoýt » ter on br, k ,, T.-I. ahi.~ ~ rate cfintetat The-motey &n b. bac! inmidlately on pro ductcLqpo ttetlftory titi.. A. P.. ROCHE, EsQ., Manager, Canada Agency orotin> i T audNt'tssbti st.f t Lie.t lreiqi SoslotY o f %Wlittsy nt ie l'irls, wili be lie,,, -t 'la&t',nday, l4th of! Nov., 18639 At Il 'ticck îr. wtî ,t>t> UNeÀRIO ÏtÀNK. a NFour pet t uit upost tinspid Itip Cîxiitll f.toec of thîi% Ini3tintilaI'bv-tise lirrlstst1tsal( dme wilii ticpevabie ut! 'lh. Baik anS ite. \ ueosdaey't Itii 16j 1 b, ber. \next. Tise Trwyeue4~ui- bc ¶îi 'e oweà -rn mthe 1 Ã"th to thse 2(seh NoVemlit bot dayss sOcle- Oifi r tie ,.iti ilas SLamps, Lamps. The great RUEPITR LA"P Çilving ent i l t e qnX a tilts *,mont biffiant gus fer mcleut froua $2 1043 at ait aIsISIIIl 1 n1,61t' p$s.0 obmietssiaît ofttiilot prot.-itn tof £10 fora.cev-ta£100 o! puhiantaae al 1 tY ttisi. Insis.£40 înln e Liais'£ . Iviale io niassth. Titie instpuable. witl nteret v-cm day Of mes. endth ie flencu C~ *~1LM ne ALVCA~II. .~ jithlititô totoe )-ar IMini tise lay cI"sle, *-:1 »fam W SLî; CAM. «rl n h, emre hynn prt<Oel entionseti sM<leo tal ecomneit1 'ickr ~ irmit 5 IiiprOtnitg. a* Ven'tons' Souici' Sale t commnto, tm10voclotea. m.s nà montgagata lie at tise For n ftls-r pertiassîani, apptication nay tc ent !pncao'et. moade M nthm Ls.eKotlture. Tise pî.tiT*Il îIowoti one ress'rveidbid C. AWSeo0 ofttl'èn .vé fun lot&. 1~. AMSTRT~G. gec.a.1.T1'afiielwiîsg ralisale property - ~¶>r thsir Solicitor, ~rnit.Ien, W itltby~ ALE~. THç>~PSON, - Anciloneer. tt hhlhs~. ~Çov. &, tOCS. 4i nAv FVani.Teain, mcom 4 to 6yens- Ocsobcr 7itb A. 8- aw CASHa FOR. 0OATS.' T 1? le ssited n.tmi ts'ltiatey, YIVE TIIOUSAND BUiI lig,.(Ai., for whiciî the hlghest market pfSwill raid. CLSàDRtAPER. %v 'lîby, oc.. 2913 - . 42 CASH FOR HIDES- Stone Tannet oït Whitby, I>ên't Wlithy, (ot. 28. 18"1. 42 Sn ho6ears_u Bl'ok Street; W tth. Wbta~OCtob14, legs..0 IL Bd, riti sh m aatà we TOWN 0F WILTBYq -p lu tise Centsty cf Ontirlo, on the Seventeêhth day. of December neit, At te hour cf Eleven Icok lu thse for.nôiii, the y'ousaer, et the &moffie the. endcrs'igcsed vig~ter of heislritfmbie Cosnt, Brook Street, .f %htbe îd Tô u c W db , th tp rtc o! hnei 'anti Ie0,io apa thésccfsslè Jebn shier. eqIfeP L t lu 1e IMlut, 1'la nd lac, Eu t'df Brdkeak ý onu saiplin. 'telite, ara weil locctted foirbbuilding per- toms.%Ai':.stlg4 aoert distance. tram te ssahs, te o 4 éfrc 'yaprv< itost 'a-'*a ny m&e of lot nù taa,.aiAàfq*e»i.IA -eoi N1 ýËW AliVERi --B3ÈNXTS DUNDAS MA-KE, I *lbs o od Sogar STTLL FOR ONE DOLLAR. liT~~ 10D-0,11 Boots, anid SIhoes, Urockery, and ail kirids of Groceries desperately Dbeap for Cash ooiy & ofie price. ,~BROÙM, Sch-ofield's. OId Stand, - Lasrd Lyndlnsr4t died on tise rWorniitf Application ta lie miaie ta cf' III, 2tb insiL, qed 91. He *'ïî w SBdes spanttsh Soie Lether. No. 1, for JOHN AGNEW, i 15nA0ueicn psaie et Ose <>111 Red Store, 025-Olper 4 ýutr hty oIrs xtract1o !t a icuTernis Cash.-i1 WhibyNovmbusub148eMNiEr t prEp"o D.] Aword tlyspoiten or written yl . IE - tigtit teni prove aa4naili ln a sure place. I in .ant4on thio secrity cf tmproved KReal Elatate, rafst¶ahl "iiy nlne iittiPpread over 'Th ile IV'for the Potomnac arsay #ec- frot ot utltyae etretion betrae c rich enough ta nin tlei wn tallroea - f'ic :noncy clin bu b.d on couln~iostet trains. J_________cl lIW. I. ERBEF ttMASON, ____________________________________ T" 1YI>radRecrPermanent MARRTfi ~ )1 Ji~I unildling andi Seviîýg Society, Torboto, WhiTBY ,.;A- sET ftradi SA i LEF R IIJI>i Application to blî. madettJoITA EW SOing ta thebe déeo temle -deiiveriem bave falen cW De'nend active - The OiAL wFi Rtii~Of 2 astRtrfWtt coum. FaUlWheat-Sc. to 93c. Spring ~R O A R PR Y h n e y S l 72c. tn76c. Pe 50c. a 550. rhiclihc en latet tic ChS l $s $Sto $6 fier lOOlbi Park $4 to$4. ROVAL H OiE Lli *Turiceys 50a. ta 7j5c. each. Ceose 90c. I ta Iy-ljto e 1aiet ll cRl li 40c. eechî. Docks dec. tto 50c.rper rmur. r ny!îtcfbrcswib.nl sile Potlhsy 20c. te àOc. per pair. Hideb $5 ù1ir-rocmi,ot pet101. - - ThuradaÏ EVýg, NOV. 19,183 BItITTAZ.-Third 4edncesinn, Towc 1 t Writit$r Des'k nItýUats, coittitîliug lpispr ahip cf Whiby on S3nâb, the -lot inù't1 ihnîogrnplist, viiluahie gal ing, nin.atI i i H NET rab, wicé of 'ýs1r,(Geor~ge Britten, bgd istea', Wi<ii se4v'sisliooksofi Itir. leValis'. cstiinksowns, 9 ycars -- i (estiesits't 7t, j l', h. Bansk cf Montrta, plain. B1Dl~. - A!WbqI1 t! , nthe lot 1 ltîin i "c'dkikii Glotaes, - 'gêd 24 yenafit. 4 woithx, andi 17 dstyi. 'fileivib'olc wjll hi, ioiti te pqy tihe dali , ti - cclýi> iîa'rsrA dfor sîîlvsrtiiuisi d s'sli*ing Caa sieJmes lingera Ais i'ong, and -NEW M)VERTIS'EMENTS, ltropeîty. &C. ...... Wbie4. Nov. 3, 141. o-4sidsle2eta ________ ) 1PUA te10àa lventocf île l'ours, ni S. liiictv, m ds u i, iii ii cite. i.etrili -. WI.î I'> tluda t ie Tir'eii-tit.ay î. s'st.A. 1). 1iSO,. N Moi'iî ;fNî ti ei awe i ATTT& >tI'Unt i ss &tlr mithî fla ltsti ,niI a te slathe fi- itaatEîat<a' ui irî i. atlIV LU/AB1LÈ Elevetth l'y oft>ctas}r. A..1). lit I. enid with ?Iit 4, Bi-lein nu. Pi c tiag. ~ astaal¶oitolu'ei~ti.Ditîîl ~siîi A B0J U 0't O R 0 Ë - iiise i the tnsid Ct', i t"17 liti'y, wti t4u .iýlel »v- i 'ritr:k il i,'otofr"m nw1tiCIl 'IW It & PRO? ERTY ! eld n lt wf'lîl ient oue oi ktt s iorAsm1 ii ETenith day of December nert, s fturp Itýý iai iro aT a fi l ir w ii i iii dt-I li taler cr ilehy -hy cs.'n ti uin ln li lit i e fn Iraitat' -t lt" s-j'saoou *lnc, lnt N 1,»4. i rid- tnt, Iwilersi'L ôr?'B IC~ U 1O uoîtPUBLICi 'At lYhIil). q wAKEFIE.LD, COATE & Col, ,WÇlltthy, 'Nov. , I, 1119w 4 Ancîitterm, nt ti-r W IIITBV -Saý trda v, Dee. 19,'6 - EOHÂNICS INSTITUTE <tii thte pv-amie.', tine fouicwing ,nalusiale IN VIEi rýT st lýlw idiîreti i la -1l11"R, 1N U~ ~ ii~F1f lit'il.t Ti imT AlîaitlNttS TA 'ýÇDI ,a li F f~aiWn~ p o RîNTy.ntsil, ia' I%.l'enfl,4.1.fo, heinA. <'Lossgl' -lli' ainni J)sîsîl. tp.TNi.liir BA t. outOF H'wnd 1 IS. a isub. 8~, Il . . oalilA . a'ndti ]PAR. AittO LNOTE N IB E ,X * -Io 11, Rev-cv. F.ttttito waîhIsCity f rorotA-) ntiITH"lc sI.rdOP i t.clti . r . ît sili ens . or -t A Rt.llegate Bd- ibals'tjtenon 1 .et No.n1SSntuiththt Ita'azi.a*ti en thetni 7 îicnio', t i s lita'et, ontrt an - f wlt l s îel i oftl tc s elva c- u in il l*t ist liî "t ieai fth iiti'l' ti t 't. I i t i.t A. l'eWt".- n).81.itsîaîtii'1 - - t--ltheilc t tif Gt!angt te r si at 1,7,5 feet thetith Iti. cwtt<"ra nemii'cn of 3fig lnîtltiltoi tai l",li'iARL1TRONG'S TIOTEL "3.ts .sn'.tîîiietsorthl it s r steve. wi'.t Ir s r- 1'mdl(tg ss9 itne at5, 1964, Li, ti ila itlasso-stat' teoist la irs-aî sit2<tt to iltease ola- 1 r-t' 'i!nt ,a'at"c ts-I72aanilatssiitu - ,t~t10 stIii'~¶ii ltlrit'lt' ~t"iiai..'lat 'aa kii titi n , ttS ortl inii tio itfti. e eo! a rccsî.n ist. #isl isn~tttaailat t te tia1im v-atctxni'nI i.ceturom lut Nè. I .-Tlte r4vrn St liti #ît1I prefusi-a fat1rstcta Oi A Wttiîne Ti'kit, ( îinca75 t!natit,) ertiales W t iittut 1 %5tslI sure. ni etiteic G1fiai Weill 3 "vi *e & < o<. Ste t ilite wncr tttIi-utc ses adty unly t 90si"lttt titns a eai>tt tcîri.ssî iits i-e titis ausnitaoîlaitint'. i e-a t.'c.t s't viti s'l i'ttrai<lca~' i' t. lt - Ila'-tlte Nov-lb We;t. Quert- r. the fl . f t j tss.Iittei. 4' i n.1iltd. Iouud Watt.r. - -- .40 er, sb oth it-snu -r- - ~ ~ -- - 'Tiîm s'lot te dt t litent t.siilr to Wm. ssystd l otti.t. talr,)h l~ e 4r4 iiiâi. na ns r.1tno' t2t5 j ýAyai,l, 1'..5bl voielsini~-Ifor hni'-lissg 'S ix .1 ais t'l r.î '~ s i r pnt ostMe. bt-tain' i.a verv tcsnltb' port i-f th j il 'i - - Cl? a ii l a a m.nxinit¶ ý liIo. G. W. AI ~<.L-t rV'sttIme weiitg iosn.atss a'a 1.ttl iIi 'nv-si v'tnntits. Thialot vI ii n aIl ... ....... .11..,eli.t e e t lrcs.i iet,'Dmtatt< l. TIeg te intuiate thcit thcy anc noir abcwin; a largo aasortmcnt cf New & Fnot Cssmees weeds & Fnev Ccôatinai ikeai Goods, BladClo Shawls,Blk wranfà-n Tw g. lanel, & H"tww and C "-%', - lanets, BaeàadPl't HoikeseryRatGsoand C'llr8 Alexander's Kid Gloves. A -agc Stock of Ready-rnadc C'ldthi4ing!- CLOTIUING MADlE TO ORDER. 'o! the'i Ateat Styles, laIs Btinnots.; Ribbqne, Tlowers, Featthers, &o. À t.ItGE STOÇCK OFFA !ýA~ IOCEýRIES. A ~1cte i-t fE F~ Ni BACI( 'rAS. Fine Rectified, Whiskey, Old BRye WhisI4e,0Y Pamfly Proof Whiskey, Pure MaIt Whiskey,ý ~CHElP B Y iIHE BdIRRZEh4c *o 1andI 2,Tilt e Buiîiîgai lstby, Oct .1863. d E~IV L The Subscribérâ,hs.ve removed to No. ,Liigs m11es Where tbey have on sale àù iinmense Hcavy' Stock, dîffbracing, everything in the FREzRSH c7, R oRi s. JAS. MeCLUN &co Whitby, B4tptl ,1863. The S'Ubgêsribe ln annou neinL-,thç akrýrival of hisoFe Stoc ï) J? ALL ÃŽIIII>O Wr! tINS AT L~ 'v -ai.. HE subseriber takes pleasuié ~xi announcin~ tô lits éùdm~, T aIId thsubic eer ae lly, thatin an.on-i sth k:is o élt in al its branches> ctisig'of REM)YMADE LY'HfING... -J7àÂME ZAIN hbu reeoived Pf1itjirtpetail ditions là bis alroM*ylarg.c etoz- j!. lne getvrltc tii. buet quasis? Che for Oeab, P r n e x tra artI ib e, C h .aip , , s ud ag o o d & ,~ ~Try -JAMÈS PAIN, At tho .Ild 1iodâtorêý Wltltby, sept. 80, lads. OATS O ATS! aîb -! m6riborv rsa ipetod i", tijynyqt:î -Lhly cfoli8UnI tt Mie Del Il ii1wliitlVy,' or et b1doGbiani n.Whtly. výhhIby, oct. 7, m85 CROCKRY AN - LAS---E For a choice selection ôf -DBESS GOO01)'S, in -Winoeys, Cobourgs, Lustres, Gala PlaidIs, Merinoes, &e.i go tW M~LLANS. lu the. Bur'oïàte Coturt ýjfl For a well a.ssorted swâk of TWEEDS', D.OESKL ýNS, OLOTHS, (Jouity f-0 taio MeMILLAN,Ë; Too.l oi U 1* ma COfloef Fo Èô Èu Fç Bi go' t- ôr the Làtest Styles clf NEW HAkù~, a.p~f~tft or no Saleî McMILLAN'b.- go MeMILLAi"S. Ur the làigest, and I edt nssdrtedl stock ofIFtE SH- GRO0d ERIES, go McILANS jr a rfieihoth stdck of LtQÙOB.S and'WXINES. âleapér and bëttér than cati bdf foiind iù the Conunty, -go to - lr a well..àësortecl sWdtk of, dLtOOKERYÊ ànd GLASSWARB;, rock St; Whitby, Sept. 30, 18h3. 10 0FR TISTOI4ERS &THIE PUBLICI We i a, kspleasure in injorming youi t1Lét we arô- -strecept of ourNew Stoc7c0 ' - .Whieh we hav no doz4,t will be-well deeerving ycuur ea rly atteniin; aS from our unsurpassed faciiîte8 for buyi, éombined with a thorough kffl'wledoe'of the requfrenttaf Our cugtomero, we ai'e prepared Io oeil y rloods frôn. a lager and wdellassoried etorlkatprida w7icI& cannot fail-to gu'e-satisfactiot. We Wodd invite your specicd atention"to mi'r tdssirtmtent of girls, mazds and wdmen'b- Feft Bats, eiôv"ers, Feb.thèrs aatIâ,,Xlanlie in Wcclèns zoe have g2eilor«» d as8n:' *Ltereé - tancy Zwee'à s(8 -nd doaîîngiY e8lings BOOTS, -SlaOES AND FUPà In vuarie ty, and at price8 fhvoràdUe to thse, bz'yei'; ClotUing made to, order on the premùîa8 by fti clan workmen.As wsual, aur stock cf OVTÂMILY GROCE.RIESI tvll.l befo&nc large, and1 of thse beat cJacriptin. - li lteas atndCl<offee we have a. large, stock, ftesht and ftagrtt, at nmderate pries. I N OQstaIC, ic '.,-li;cZrsts Seeid h f c ro i ll~ ita»IMS, et 'VW o'clock.nÃ"saisqtirhuuts iTca o! Wlithy, ippIr.tsI lii i 1îr iiad'Bîil etppoinîe utiI-trajii JinmÏ Itohentson G-MsIq i s t iîa s tr h o f *u t h -is e Ge o g e W U Iliis i - Russell <iinib1c, andi Jane Ciatn#tîck.- Datud i U<ti I3th datai (JctôI'a'r. A .li' -GEQ. Ii~i bAItNETL; I(QAcres' ofl nA, lIb s-p v t' 9 f IL>tc Nos. 1 ni1; tCos 'caig- Exp.elint fuil wholit land, woll watii-1, ito tt 95 atcre-, elearud, Dw IlIimc lliit . B mi, ~ Te a good tenanst w loiw twr*n iii be givbsi; ,.nd at à reasomthie riýiit. Apply on the proporty ta P'ickuering Octot'er 20, 1993l. i rrlI1 M aubscriber in ilu rctimr bla hÏý1fr~ tLfotrés'int favurg; fieIqs to infnria h h. ten a c c li 'V d w n su d iàrro in n d li g tO Qn tr I thut ho will 4 Ip~tppy ta aittenid to "il or 4cr' entruàted te à 8 atre. Teetis invere .on Gold, Sîlrer or tiIli.k; Té-eth filr.d i* extruoted i thei best posellS isic4 attention sad t Childron'a Térath. Ali work wa. r=toe,, wt i. bÂUJ3 liCgtlg]RATBD STEflL àGO ILEDI1O frUE Pl a ente. dogires to, cil thg a ittention -L- the publie 10 tihe. atove impol*rtanît in vit tion , thc rktbIt of wbba. he offbirss 1r.-.,le eithid for TowtiilipA or Cpunitieei Inlpotilit t<' 414 intrilsie worth wol't:i ma Labour-Savin& Iuieutk4ý It blisaip o eollàwitngim t~tîws- kilîieorfbt~.~s,~>ec w.iBc ttc., cin be tirteaI inithee mi fiot re, et t)ut Hêi5suid- ati iis. fronthoa setru-ityst»n asdt jTHE ~OM IAn il 1.luet lnnors NEW Â1Yi]CRTIOPMEa dSt Spabiàh- Sole i ionst m m ou .ïî 1 1 1 1 1 1 ýl HÂ)MýILTN &0O. AT t MèMILLANIIIS. ', 1, ý y 1-li : Ul 1 note*. il bar 25, in

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