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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1863, p. 2

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- » Adulm Nou 10. Da TaeraStand for#Ifa.-John Ward. u- iee $daliiu.-Cmniiy Ontae4o. Noie -A. Loren Acetn sale -Thoo.. Iycti. Shr.otte.g Mtch - Win. Co.. ý,hircr! Sae -CAmeron & Meedoneli. 1 iuse Mnjd Wantd-Mrs. MaedouetL. 'Special Notice, MY LTOlf DILLAR A TEAXI iVhlthv. TIrslav NoVenb8r 12,183 stille of the Iomù,e Tio Marktam £oamfufti eJonruatl pauliet! b! ihp on. Duevit!Reesor, ilia - - reprué .oettive of Kiuir'uDivision. remmrek aitI ba 48811uiehento f coanpeuiice, and cecm s' ty.e - "0r4evll th. cfllo- -day rnîarkd.- à ~r na in un, aimet-mâat!. Thei vb*ie re.chumIr<t n t% i-aa vec the made Smtnt1 innd emu t 1tiu te socusitel epîh he, becr il b. uleir-eea m n t. Tt la Cuitta -iipe.si ie for fariner, ttuictae sate Toronte durjni~rie- prfent baéi îse cf tii. rouu, ailO eS ceits »fur but rutile tecmimg 10 -T4hnorable air. Eeoor'u numiecîs tau. 1 o r attentionen i.pmsent uiali <of non maie Ceunnsy tac. SNato h vastaicen ent oflhe hwets ofthîe suaclevilifet Whilt. b>- Roda & a lkrEa*ecCompan n>,cd am- un qdb'eîe Goveemaent lt-trou imeing 'M'l0* verylest tesnte eProince -'iilecarntothiner better iihaue»m- pIeS. mut!bote.. -Fermersa ve brke titeir wagons, le fl,instancvs, to omi ove -luovledgs, Ic eudeavepning to travel b>- , cudit l homcpositivol>- dtIogat-mus in te elLe «n4s fthfeCocmpany>- tnt indles "avas lepI in liciter rtPair. 0f tus - - -'Oesavmac viotrawetînsalhc Iav cm ueb aiteeuaid et lis pretment Iore Conodition ever>- Mn, vemue, aset elît!compelledt! t Iravel evar il eau mojadre. Perlipeosie. ernment "ocýon>" lus ti. privailiia - - ~ 06cana., Thiaeoao¶rnm>- cf Our preseet - - . ~rtrelu go «rbabk *ut tî a ule t c le surpriamd if 15it saemet! in ti»idirection. We coud vbiiin ce teueor greater taeck . %- as. e tp - cer -ii éWhuîby Rot t *e - preent lime. f tic Miniaiet et Pinaeea vii havae an -equali>- "bard rosi!to t Inemi le trip W Burepe, île. Canaîdian, finamusvili taie hsdty7 But va ca" dicýnesIn. Ur. Lutaser madie imself ian>- cen*piemeulu cOnneclon aitl lia Wbltbi Reet aud Harber Company.lI order te injure pri îutî ,indivldualg belongiuig toe cCempu. c>-. h duit eut baste te erptrI# ever>- -*iet of eanllsas alîhin ls power. aud terreut ie a stract uuullic anong. Ficu tic paimsin of lie.-beut cf rmb;d, va- Dow lime tle va-r>- orpt, - andtirse muât feini>- aîîrItutîle. tiblamuIoin i hbroail abue istraamsîlii- e are inda-itot!fer the ehaîme. Mn. ."Rscor ssista-t!in deiug tic peoeple cf ibis Count> su excedinfl>- gre.ut iltinry, andt in lte ienviene viticiho enov fine!., sedt ciîuplaieu cf, te bisgCwu"srithomo.. 114 earnjtr,-ot Our, Pl> sîil obec. RBut It ladt, Guîameuiut ahichI îerl'itraua-d itua amuît va boit! in uccoul. Tise.7 sceil tibtîeg poliiiçal piqte, oet! uider saevprt e etri- tiabtedeeu, rcmeti a'roati fitot ha Oc'> etilan>- in Cmta iai a4 adpaît! its in. 4ebieditFî e b l' iut. -idA the Crmitn>- mlova-,theua-rond It ercuin fiteils presaut conditiOnwIeunncei-y:tiare. aceitluviar been mati we na rpca.p'adilyJaunes Rov.e andcdCoipueeyisait! - 'hava bi-en ainset!; boa thé» 1uIlIitle. paPiee .orgaeof ticpsp i 'dmwuimj nouldsirel andt! 61 w'a'iiJforthut ecil -itlte piblic - Wbutt iprva îe.>-nov tri e>-fer île pubieu gecait F.Pa.raima>-l h eaheur aigens fàelai, at-as hein limbi, ati' vorytbtug iay 7geiînte rein anitd, toe ouefoc the, -ctor , bPaît-"Th#' barbr toe, lu in a faisrfet condition 1 ibm Piets being co -danga@rofo Is o a tne uilr lu uc'4arafor man ct'bor>* lu ventuco upn lin. Peu abat 'cire île.. ucverumeeît ; cOr 'îeeeoeioeh, e. Prealdeet, I. Jý l> nm1'vi U '. qutlosfur 4awai:-I i Obaracter cf Na&PolepeBmronsawri thte WIbfby CaoWie 1lui 17, diapla7 gruut ncllgnty 051111. paeloff thieaustier. -;It la urâtaOtable ïOlt ý»iiti pmIons viii1, knowtng lie, oeur'ut a wrong, and do a bcd actWa ipaàrently for Itt'w oveagie. But sobe ?bonsuara ostural- 1>' sodapiavau e& iba-. t, lra e omo raI restraînt placee ý lpm "T. r otiâdn' - The. knowledge tuat Wf. Perry ta ont nov ln public e- thlfoi. tii. put twue year iheubat aÏumn ne part whatever in politic, &nÙ liaI hie posItion, as reeve or %ie t of Whltby, la one, (reluctsntly u)eon i part.) forceti opon him b>- hic fiends, ougit tae--ave buen sufficient ler ahieid hlm froc i iewanïtideneas 0orthése sbttak ' -The. riWten téb a zsto kous pe rfctiy vetheat ha iht mas veli charge John Strdflid M?àdonald, Ms1r. Peer>-, vlth the utteracceu te IOmotîcLui. Of tua h ihu per.ocl nowli>e.Andyet, in order te rlIý is>hieclignaut prop@n- aity - aveumd b>- a corrupt radieal prom-- lie continues unlirieg1lte chut*e Mr.- Pur. r>-, as being reaponsible for our epinlen@, The bace;nema cf tbis conduci la, eni>- mn. cveaad by the. fuct. tirt thé. peiecn Who lu 1he amenlant laneder stici obligations te Kv. p"e s W i oult! en- der the. meut deprae!, and lbut man graîful. Br -Mr. ferry vaso le tted and! feat, aigu ho vas shirleu, tbneu, and hungry ;,by hl#.1patilein a posi- tien to estçr,; rupctabl. ivellhood, bad lie attundet! q te fi n44a2Ki. erry 1St now rétmains îs-doSW- W 1ageasbut 1 lu It th.e me ual Étên kjrt!eaaand chu. rit>- tOgi.. W PO41!e,"but rander tliri iraturea the nmoi% Icalevlent Ms. Per ceno edelince et ournt- i19e. lmny b. tiat he wIll regard vith score dispîe sgre tien satixfaction, tiheobservations arhîch wu f(W called upout tomakit t tonnieutn. - But tie>- are forced from us 1Y> a regard for tru th, and &Uii li a bon- orabie nd aduni>-, c ea s lnoui. cvi bohal 'W, asume the responsîbiliiy of Oui. Owsnopinions. and are vain enougi IC duire cedtasveil as the odium wbich cea> atlmci le thene. Let 1Mr. Perry, like other privale Individuels, b. lait out oc the. question, and not dragged befor. lbe public upon mvryoession te gratif>- pri. Tate malles. 4vii. Ra. CiYLUT, bu bece ppicted te th*. cherge cf ith.e piscopal Cherelint Wliuîby, je plae cf the Revt!. Mr. Peut- isndvho bai reulgne t ite locutubene>-. The Reed. 1Mr. Cayley- la as bll>-edcted,ad gited clergyan,v.unuderstant!, vhe on bers «nder the mcnt favorable cireucatue Ces. W. trust %bat bi Mu>- proe0a woriiy succesor W Rmvd. 1r. Pectist. 0 Peetlacd It ià eue dat se Mk vit iiet uneeti of pralue ahicli id.taiests, bà'is hdt cui,4 Chriatisa meehnesa, and vîthi,dlg. city-hianbdod vit grésileoor"tan sd con. desceaslon cf @muer d"sri, in se emi' ceci a degrés. Neyer, in the comrse or bis long ulcistratice, . of Mue unt>- yes ia thueicalgo>-,, csuBold, M e tiant!, haechergedv*itbsnau o&W (act,-or un. charitable vcrd aFise mo embera orf pilier Chrittian eoumcities, or,,ukmse*vo differeti froue bbc le reigion. H uas truc demcple tOfuIeo tb* of-ti.moevon on Ibo mouet. We regret 1f. Pemtlaud"s depaitnre front Wbaby-vey ut regret il indeed ; but: lueIWthat vu suol dîble ve arégteetly geatifleil thut bis place lu te W ocnupidby1so aceptable sà gentlemen as Rqv*r 1r, pCsyle7. Clierci service heretter 'fii W et il wo'cbonc Sanda>- morningaaIp Jet aCute Port Wiby._ ____ The dellglful 'isndice suâmme" vjhi the. present veatiier portenda lu ccv at boand. The tolleving linos are vorth pro. termiastlug tatoly oSp ýfine lucrsqnblp. lcgýii orR et~êpclI fBrougiat clet lu I. 8. hrse ami "àg oie t deithb>- s bull ailci isti siorti>- baera îbeon unit ,toe ie, .Ogaton. Â* tacee, lieme, beiengicg tle bm sme gentlemen, bihde anirrowe Peap dsetncut>-for a timel>- -diaccvery-betli, anti ln aIl probebilit>-, mo're migbu bave béeukilld-ineamuch as lie animal bat!,,--ant! weaevt!utly knowtn ta ev a T restpti>t oss his ceusa bua occupieid and -ii tÊê t-jieblie ceint! le a fevoel ét, mvii ince. Evur>- body>- inoseiag the Ica Pr* ccd ton, andi pàttinX, Iheïr pmler oéatrucion on the fpoints, deciding alto esicait, pa> -for lie bora., 'Mc. Oguton-or..Mc. 'Burevas. Attar *mach local 1ev, sai erlms lettor froue *Tercestto lebool, 'Ithé Parties, tnerbiiil anti 30rr6wtvsfnallidrew IKr.*OgaIton te- uItteit thecucae ho an arbiteatic. Mir- Ogslon bocn -gtthe hullit egecd teti, keeaingntIl 011 cf or-the eniràal's saiage propen4îius scd bat! leaeete sliev tle * aimal te 'Ca>- e de>-or vî.o beforc lakiit possessirsn cf litm-ags n1oS afraîdtlea a, l oWtlite cm a ego betot-. se>-tribunatl- set!~~~ _,e ii ld lec lit>-, iii ese e e*piicnu, ceuit! aeenoe ear. Calvnecanp- - bell, Esq., J. P., cf Broeklln, atandeti et jthe Andie>- Arma, AudIe>-, on Thumst!my l, anti oisea.neoth 4e rb*tvia, ~ timinas-tes, b>- ueanidg thé -Rliltretr, c George licOillivra>, Esq., vas cleui"Mnbv Mr. Ogiton, Nesne Capmsn Euq, le>- Mr. r Burr-e dauset Mr. Orston Wbat! euinz Yte: fer, alînveti Mm. Ucterbuli te appoint F 1fr. Chunebll, tird man.' A rond mac>- vitcasui acre uxemineul. abici vent te sprovle thut Ibm hall vas a dangercs animal, s.eandlied actcaillvgoret! sbouse serieusi>-, eut>- a short dime befora, iieicugieg te ra Me. Coewley, cf PicIreing-vas ailoeet n t ~r-stà t large jin bm canur*uBlte, cf- trtecmep vas takan in, anti auj even ait-bout lb. nana] uppeuidaies of ring anti chuint InT-short, the-' general interenca aisu, iai Burrov itaoaicg theii.l tli0hi 0 tiagereas, anti especiail>- te trenge bon- tfm sesinluithe maie bight>- ceipaIfe.. 'Bei eh Ure momi of arbitratleustutere vas fer too 1.mach la, anti ils concomitant precenu. insteat!oftcuatomuset!dovidmcce. h eau mien ahispere t tat one arbitrator irongiit av4 vr ict i tii. elava of the. Mades muid 4 ocassinebis pocicot. lIshort, lac cf thie erbitraters aignedthelic ppei, uciie tbat Mesra Ogstuc anti Bcrroas ebouit! Pay tu ccOi. Mr. McGlllivray, acd aitb Ibonor b. h spolten, uboci tic dt!tfrom a theismlcc cf bis tact, cnt! vouit! sige no - sele drisioc-iaf lu igh duace, Uit. sauliocist macesecaping trom udaicoupa. c>-. le fotheticMajor part of the people vire ef opinio-tisaI-Mr. Oghtote ubeniti t bver but! nothiek ut aIl te puy le. snch- s once idet cag. ICi couecluion o a>- 15, bat sun oc. eoun'i4clluk hsecaduc, rous felica, vîtb massve be dreagt! vii la rge -primitive ahite est, vhithé people f caRet! Joe.MansafletroufscmWihy, aepee,. a id 1lieiii.eat4itrators lst!coumnsceot bucicea, antdesuiret! te &>- a tua accule, cuit examciie he aiusa e hait cf Mr. -Burroas. One arbitrator saidt! ly>-veulti f ear MbIneeasàa atuseesil h.but! aanytbicg Cto#&Y- ;Jod - soiieret! peutlth i ehaff. P. ad vas pnoeedinx- ta butine«as ahtie firmeuo f a sblyocl-evidnîîle infor lie P*nd of ièskaccrting te bond-alun Obu" hpiMmull u ver>- pi In itli&uae, inforuci ed ite>- diii nul coquine an>- levyecu ther.. The re.doabtcble Je. stod a àxgiancd diaeppintmt!, 11km s sportsmen a eàv4ink' diocirgat! bis plece, set! file to1 liing doan tii. pr>, #ad îthe bard atilî oui f binit, Mr. Etýor, yen ahilugrue viti iî me, %btîsi h lua cultIccialtomacttending saies, if Ii. choya dacision be taire as c iterièn, ineuacdli as 1ilà'- eaail- dcc e t sil t i vs in the. above case b.. fore ibm notes are giceýn-a lreur tl simout an imùpowlbhuiiiy to a ki charge cf seineclu, especiail>- fractions cnesaet sncb au boum. Kcneoveir, a' 1 undertant a public scle, il lu -an sesmbageýpcbticly InvItat!, anud se, ceaeclcan cd beatendr bis prtectiqm.As îbe'obove On'rdaýybht l'ut, about half.pest tilh o'olooký ,;gp4riooeamned, IhoiuaRvIalsi lhe friundg cf ~ h~-ltu. tieaàl Parity, teke tie in hat!; li te iaâdnj>-àe tait. op the matlle ieaabn r lie movemn-.-ie t t f a Iiitle i-imued, trpuble, and, machSi ew a gtatetoni>--je Ontri--beüt lireugion the P.. Per Canada, as acuit! ise , rit. Differeoceë mig't angse as t 1 î mode cf organ!zmtiec ; bet ubey 0an l-gpi>- aller" c ýreimiàry meeting %~eld. There are tinaç otiers et yonr' -- ,ne daubt, aie bave lieuini - O tbie subject. 1 have ccl apokc.n - et vas tcor in faver'et the niove - d sI Ibm riolt cf bcing conesideret i me - or bavingig n>-ptain bomel>- langu - lot et, I trouble yeu aiîh m>- a- le orge ihe matter ce. Tours, &o., *Brock, Nov. 4, 1863. To t/te Sdi/or cf,te JVI&iby - Ma. Enrro.-I notice viii c eus- sur e the efforts put forth b>- jour,~ peper te seccre thuroigi 0ty lien. 1 aie netiotiu ttr sugZtâtion U tc eXpr4Ss the jute b>- mac>-of c>-m iiieuru, in I aith myseifupon <i imut-wr aed t 1 ycu for %onr laudiable zeel inu g Iinet>-atenthion to its neceaity.. thi cal elI>-ý oiaelarnedet ererude Ià in tic lcsl twoIe unonthu'. Tbey ara va eme afferd te leurs for iî itis n eo or te repair errersancd te profit b>- i ence. . Tb,W"ishb a ppi>-the- merned1e&luýddep ndeua, anti t lad>- lu of * e' ors aici evua neo au to viene cuti iico 10begin. O 0 1h>- andti - s btietieu. bave gît-c the meet Unu;cr1y haudtheu bif trlê»h cf udrinistrtivpô peer>.ccda c rIâ are govcrned ty cej,>-hOsetapl llshneaa, dia'neamir, aa lter anfi- ucarcel>-'a teset'preienceit a mde te c ceai. The gdevmice lie$ at oprvutu4ai06M and *iib oucuelvus rcsts- 114 iîe 4 sqlauk net urtlisreutevat. Tiere natal o-4 entanty-tbère sIÉDld hi teno qats"Ib.e Absence oftweienantiudirîtdoiipc- et co utsiaadveeîasge in rer>- mac>- insaId ecs vîcre fa conîtetvas lad, insureti our deah. - fi cenatringtili lu venu asaerin il muti le economiset and guidel, or tlée feite .111 ieaw oliltte'visdon, vahava gleaneti froue lie pau. Ciiefitecceo i Pubicemec bas hein .immeinel>- a!ik< bot trust ie Parity set , Party- inlenit> influence la eîrong as ever, Ianitet ii vîîh proper and immettîorganiasiion la bepe andti benur. Tours siecerel>-, AN4r1.'RIT, Ciaemten 2nt! NOV. 1 à 63: 8«1#01 Axpect" cof île Aicerîcan Wer. The. NewY ovYr i-dccnmentîig un on tb. social aspect, ofthtu irribin vas- et piesecht evuating lbe AreicanSlte4Ik dras the tcllewiuig gloq7 tirof -val cf bl odeait ba vrîtd toisce l a store et centurie. Att tie habiftcf the nation bave inte brte yaa- i tue hbrocwcbng, çd; uta widess., uuv emitosire lter- cas domnine" -tllmougbot l ii ancd if it tees onet yet cicutani-aper vat Chu 'Ameriniceppho are te become, jî lapait att swe. ioebtiagt aireudth>,ual ubét - tie Atmican péoopli are, tual lie> u- te ver Even 4a, pcli&ýu r#mieîfrone the- actual itaIme stebelliien et hahtthIe enîldron 18 alceai>-bnubiniz lencasérange snd aigni fieat fsshioo. - Hunlire à bhait!cheap. et-" iode> ta tivYerk titan h vas*"fiée >ears ago oc the frentiera cf tiche t. - With h, unes lit, buint.e earnter, heu groan ltua ioeti. -La je leing Is o ol epon tbe rupedt eve.et tose classes ahe bavte tiihse, t-e na eeetintrua in ta. v Wol noer lire. 1'No% by the 1ev, fDot bY, force cf individul. repute and mutuel con. fideece, do men nov vork tbuir vay Wo profit and pruoprity. thé btihof ii&. ér it iu vb'hichnovr aa n tiaIes thei. 0Of tac. fire millions gilbtîve adult mec vlio are îo.day- dabeibilàg the na- tien's character and poflby and future, fuily one.îbird, at the lowçst computation, are in direct rela.t.1Obu et peruenal.intereut. Wvli 'the gcovernent and vit:i the vr.- Neyer vas tuccba spectacle seen.bafore in the bitery cf me-ne, -Dot even in the va.maddened France, ef, the. Napeleouia * That itî iseamuat eb. vaut, lmcd 'tracge, ccý>d prufcel! boeyoud-,ait pout- et4erienov, is plaie as the. sue ,in4he hea,. War News. TuS ',Ne*i loti k rd14,advice trom the Army cf the, Potomac represeci iliat he&VY firing vau bearâ ce yeaterday ig and the day preceding, whiebý tpe u corne frounttth. vicjniîy cf Cul- peprand the joncction cf the faia with tho Rappabeeeock. Our losues on Saturday are reported, ce the acît rity of the aruiy seirgeces, to have been about font bundreti. 'Tvahuedred and sixtyof car wounded arrived in Washingtonenc yester. day, together witi Beventeen hubdred and tbirty rebel prizonera. On Saturda;y atter. lncon Genîral Lilpatrick- met a body of re. bel cavalry cear -Stevensburg. The one. iD7'5 poctoce bridge ever the river directly behed their works feu ie o r bands afrer -Omnerul Sedgwiek's viceor -wud splaced ie th* hguds cOf he Fifieeutb New York Enlàlneers. 0cr wbcole ermy: day before .yeaerdy crsue theRepabeneckin tvo colutans vithent any incide0îcfim- po: tance occurring. One portion crca'ed b>- ponuoa bridge et-Kelly's Ford, mcd the other b) the above-meej dcpae bridge. The rebelu appear Io bu moving toward the Haidae, ms yet takieg ce po- sition for acceptieg baotle. Ont troopa comnmand aIl the roade. a'prouching Fred. ricksarg froue the nortbireat, yihile some cf tbem yesterdcy helà iltht tive cof Fat- mouth, Generul Grant bas telegraplied te Waah. ingîce ibat twc cf the Mcost advanc u- c Sitioni cf General Bureide have been au- sailed aud captureti b> the rebela, vie aiso r.ade prisonveaorcf or cftwo regigceecta ~%bo-vere holding them atilhe lime. On Fridmy mcd Satnrday lat Gecerals Avenu mcad Durtee, after oeverir apvere en- gagemente, won a vicier>- ever the. rebels ii Western Virginia,, drliîng îhem a crm- ber cfilesudowo the valley ecat ofthîe Greecbrimr Mouut^ins, through bt bn cf L.evisarg. The rente ofie eetny vas cocplete-alI their ctappleagens, &C,- having been captureti ccd the datitad voundel efi onà tbefield. At lest acconnis Or forces held, Lewiubirg.'1 B>- thearrival of car les cf Richrnond PaPera me have soutbern cews te, the 6th. An Atlanta dspaih asya that ccvi bau been receiveti fr6m Selrnate thue efecithat a heme>- force dcf ncunted ietenîry belong- ini! tu therinion aruer lid recchud Tûsca. loenerete or Sèlalie.Tbey are aad to corne frein Ttpelo by th erute hy wbich Brazz, carne liaI sommer. The Hoaston 7'tegrtzph says b14%ruier bas netilieti ll the minute mien Mcd atate troupae o'rdered te -Housto n md ULyibnb oten ferv-ard, the Pterni eing alîcWy> on the adreece froin rikB,.y vili thé.avcved purpose cf Ner Ynil,, Nov. il.-Tbe IIerà1d bai the foIliowing:1 %ev teare rit figbrîîîg îiAadq, but. several tuliU inr>- gentlemen 3Jps5 arrivied, report pasing on thé toad an heour mince, prisceers te thu =uebrof 600 or 700) captured te.day-,ic th vdit>- cf Culpopper. 'lusviili twuli or mptures et 2,500 go e ti. rtll.r captoreul on <Sàîurday as today gsbupped frorn here te ,Washington. Wàstertc'e, N l. Nu-l vSstaîed Ifem iuhal Inemceîv ~ors~w$II ehrged wztbUddMuIL St d d bat Nj souri, -when the prisoner ciel! à neck.yobeý in a brtlpne le$vigb$ itiuyem is meut iré1om. The ieJured pafty 18 noter. peéted te luve. *By the Rev. J. N. tuke, 'Weiyus Mîniiste,at the -residind ofut thebride'g Uncle. John P. ,Wbeleiri a. adea th. anbjoined article cavrating- iatrôtleeid - recenîl>- oommittedr emouk ý tie !glands t td of leo5f~~tO e o tie Seuti Pacifi. Ictilg -ntion selandbre. oig iu4hpaid! au> atteblion te tbeuz ce are net lie vortis te expreai the depîi Uledgôe h> ee ue> ee cf tat asson aiciccci scnescin bôhme, as he. vas iaseif, out- vue ha oftir'cpaseioer>-lier*. - Tlie ocabclsrv-, -a~~ti *bai ee'* ciec nlaca e pitliel. du tedesîgiiete and- thicentra plcthîey came Up teMie these'rethiesa murdere'rs, aho desolite ccd onu cf thene takleg lhbld oe' hilÉ am aed dtiarcy aith ai caitae salaniedeliberation. pue hetin-e tr iide reflink, end the What,à luuîca on the. charar-ter of slavery. othur îcok hlm _by- thé. fuel, 4id-eti'een Beh'nd tbe mun, the opprobrinue cf civili. thetir pichet i hm'intdc-tËi r 10W He~s caaln' ,, hires t haequli> il. li.enW hO r ai s be-mblé' - as inai ~m iii, ~ilpovuiÉrserébb. Thece bdn~ itce st ll'eI eli pour people %he perisi b>- ever>- forci cf- Pentu pocireta. .FortnataIy .iiPc tiroivi perfidy>-anti violence, ae .saidti te pri>-for oyq, bo fell -ceubiafffeti, andtair iget. their ecemies. Our invocation is îthàt tilg ander bis ceaI in the deuônct,,7il bue>- justice me>- yevertake uliem aiîh saifidétea d bine op. Being a&good i jmete h iruclica; fer If wvu v d out be - so trecir cntfor thb. v-shore, feaniicg t lieue efthle lut beof ube wicked je conite hmck on thet suitaide aiagi e m Divine mere>-, we eertainly aicoiti rejoicu vore stijtterie. Aftem beteg je he ate te Bcnd I lu t ie t pi, avi few mincI'e ebe-ard, them.,Ieave the "While lying au anc or atAiN'l bridge on tip tee, mcd-ruenop teii past geler Ialands, Capîmin Lycca, of the Oceun 1Mr. Excellis., Wbua well nigh i neetJ, bnig, ebtainedthîe follovwicgmri elie hocaihu e ialue whiebwas forturately from parties juat arivêdin Xlamall uchoon. làs in the- botlcm'1 mimd b>- ciinglig te that er --On the iFird Mm>ý-,theuschooner for e ime titi. resteit, iiesecceedet'injegel. Emiy ati'edîtApia froneid > flet iing to,aber e,,- ncen aliege- no rTasen aituateti atitunde 2. 3 .,tagiud t78 ur Ibis cavertly muid fiendioth mîlcept on 13 W., aed fntarisedtbe fltoWirig pat. his lite, and the probabilit- lu. bu vis mie. .clr ftha ôi"- et eneé È":et tic pai- tken fer sone. cee euse. Mir. R. aui'hc culeratcf dainns severm siavors that are sîriuiuig terrer, m l e a erecntrnizc th.evieai8.-&B0 natuves of uese er P gou e vsireit b>-fidEy9t îbein. The schooner E1mi1yeileti frein Ba>- of ITaents Srd rFebruar>, for Senu e E021v5fHna Lv..-Fr e#erl Islandi, sud.on arrivalibuere feenti a large yeara peut, a gentla.maîi basi liee reaiding barquu et enlier. On the captain ofthIe wvihl bis vite aet a Nonîbbrn awatericg pioce schooner lmndieg, be sa Etnumber et ne. in the ucicyrnenl et mest perfet o onesti lieus Ibal lie- mev ta caeefroue Dake et amnit>-anti cemfort Sarne auven oe ciel York end Detteliécf Clarence Isteadé ; and, vomi agoahe mledy carne tu&-tic rua1idene as he coniti upeck t imlanguapre, b- Of c mcrniedal uster living ai Clilton., far toid hi, boa that the barque bcd visito libe ýparpea. ot paying a -fierof syrapaîli; hbein Islands, and that the capîcin cnd to lier anti ber hubeti, and te condole crea, veli arueed, landuit in their boata aYith tten'o - the deeth ef their son. , 8he droveaili tbe people downetate beach 'wc"l(i*id tlrther tbv thu main v7hfhs et the point of tic bayonel, tonk Iinicc- bronght ber tc misery anti siame. evcry man, olti anti young, that ,had ,îny Thîsýpurlon, 'Who is c captain in the 91b atrengili, ced teck tbem cii board tbe sbip, 'Ratgimheet cnd the sec cf cq ex-Bcrcn co ieaving noece ce tic aeIslands but a tew Ib'Ih iiCUourt e Exebequer, bas'be oli white.heaedtimen, ac ut 8ii o v&nif on sovoral >eatson terme et intlimac> vith andi cildrun. Tic Isiandâ are ahanai de. île gentfleucan, abise boupitalil>- bebas au ppoicltet!. There acre a number et ne toul>-'abinse.d. -Ther. vas noibing lenbig live troue sciage Islandi o ard, as vei coriduect i eyW y acad t r as trîm Manikie, Danger, Buster, cudti he sàspicions cof thu wn1 e usbàndhet cther Islands. There acre about 25 au- nîldeat, being a marnieti man' cndtac thrbe cnd 40 chbiltron taltun off Boiter Islacnd. the telteat qorifidence, vas reposet in him, when the siaver mette Danger Jutant tic OlP Wetuieeda>- laitthe guilr>-part>- Icfi miasion&r>- ahre sent a canue off te Weautoc-super.¶Mare, ahane the leudy's rtrit3 kiipw abat veasel it vas, 'and ta ote baid been- îemporarl>- sccjeireing, mIie informnation. Oc tie cann coniin. aloîîg- Mè. -bcud bouc saainizvîtiticahe side, cchitad the man acre bieiteti en .Keft aletter ýbeiud bh.on, lutvic h i bonîtuhu ltter as pu micaIbe h tch piiiie 'ber dutiartere, but cffçed nr csant te fmner rokn o fr fréet' excose for boternisondoct, ,beyoedthI The abject cf the #laver visitiig Sude>-< p!ea, îhîu sntvaswuont mus:reee of het ouz [aenti vs 0 îry andaL-î4ore Ch. beaiàl 'ôfactions-j 'ant bad bccn iniensib>- tniven tI bis c.argo, uhich midi have bacc ver> -timie the latel 'Step. Tbe truant Psl nomerces, as-300 or icoreetfmec, vôren' entaý&I ilAdten etîti~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~I cîi'rnla un eeuyn sr-coe a been . taken fer'bringini ovn= te hj rtlcç,condltiont.vr h-,trbnl thei ortpthi cni n nter tie cangeizacceo nlea -ucestdcpirble épligt. 'liey thé-proper léaltrbual acre moemecietid met teeble ia l> coutti net stand, - saine -netable te crvawlé eur -t DbeeaLse- The Birst launcit leeded lia vas landcd icas ceet breacb 'cf conract-vhich cocaieteti et fitethreec mec ; cci>-titrée hoevvo,.incictieta- libel - bujuil butl ceeli stand cf- the coueber, îbnee acre doèIded lueire. Mdl..' S--pecët!i ouent teat! on the launcli iaaeingthb. egmiettthé dinecuoxor e -o f ie Pb1 beach, med the rouidue eiv areilti o f -molr~q~çfaeniep due ýq fo ab osl tiA -. rugleest elnureube an ,nz-aekunéu a eeotieanscuse. T conceivet, and Lirovn on. tic beach- :dutuidanut pleaded, g'aevair'idebig4,', and4 cOoabeonti se? à e ti terue il, 8ev. à rIder bif)oh ppa, etaet liai1ithe caliei 'irai weteromudahr le-vr th o f ci' bdemiie'Ies legs ver. dio blicfori and elgil>- diet iMMeudictely-,atter, being d-anMQe.', The fotiolwlng decumeent Wec laiiteàd some nr ot bîvwig atrntii4 to 41 thecppcel fer the. prosectiii oposieg tei Saout 401a tend id te ii le le, at le ce he th P.à 'e ,e no to air cof - No.1, j' se "4' "e, ai g, Whuth: gaineti a Jf tic airengtl, mend ange able - tenol i meve aboàt, She>- oct arôVî~"u~tIat *-cqsildi cerne ine thoin reacl, andtihie 'cenaquetuce otbýrwit wus, tht temre lE ,t irnpezdSUC4 W1 îbern anti carniet thon ff b>-nunibets *eitae The' trai bot!iéà eré buried ce uhe beach, 'Wé liav ini the gant, anti vieuithe hue roe eandticih the surf set in, 'ail lie bedte 'teediain' Aïr"e, ttet anti sîreveti ail over the beach, anti peçt it cîleaédie ;remir as lihe tidi ,-left"tlièm. lthe paIl On thue-ifiti of April, a cç.esiuérhlenum' ne atoce bem 046eephe bcd parîileif> 6eo'ired",uinIdatà acre aile te valk abent. * ea>- of thea 'vern ietendedtui teaint tor th i 1 and t eil. tibm; ci tore the sailie» et lb. barque,' cit bit 1dansenti the.meîveu vliheo>-can doi -ai ue-isia bo Star Wlautby Markets. The. detiveried'o? greto' Rhave onsidm's ably deoreased un account of the b.al!ti 'of thie roadlo'lPrem 'àlîè fie. Feli vbeat 87c te 95a. dpring 75c. OsteaftO. te M..Hq, $5 6a leO:pér t6à# Rides $ô per hundred.' ~Srart, tidy girl cee obtain emplomn. oliumrlô 8trecî; Whit, Y A gond Sewer wi 1 bu p re fenrrei. SKATING INIL, AMliectitg of thoqe- fai'vbi to -the eetab4- Ã"idtirofa 8kut ing Rink, wllll i elcd st the RuuII oteou.Frýday uveluing, ut hwi. paul. 7 leloek. - NOTICE. O IS wh'p btain, be 1oki ru $.m Ibe Lt.. P buLry c W eMîtîio' leîilt i côlie b- rturict l..ecînowiîbhp.lwjeý6 ,iciboýd Urne,, e a* te, llov ote teciý opportnutty cf lUadtcg tbem. MfWITY,, 44 Semrtarys A COM1YORTABLE ISRICK BousE, Wltl, $6iIean Gardens. 'hero Ifs a Well ci ýG<ot Waîer, mcd a Ciaqtern of fioft Waçer.- P'caiongiven -on t1h . flrzç lofDeeenber. At promeut oce epied by ýWm. W illcox, &uq. - Applyr o - *.L.FAIRBANIS.4 * NIHLAS'BRDY

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