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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Dec 1863, p. 2

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- DyGooda te.--Lowe$ &'Powel Uquors..-Lons & Powell. G ttng- and '64-L. chie Sherry, Port, and Bi uIdy.-- . Notheia nxurance Co.-C. Ro erts. ,k FarmforSa,-,Mly, 'hristma s i oIgJmsMClung ACo. tub tor Oats,-Pi Francis & Brother. Xotice,-Port Hope. Lindsay & Beaverton Railway. Chancery Sl mlHolliday. Butchers Ma fnoal B ox,. Christmuas le Cm -n1. Felitz. Oyster Saloon,- House to et Campll. DNLY ON'7 DOLLAR A YEAR t>We fearn from Quebec thiat the public accouits are in couirse of prepara. tin in anticipation of an early meeting of "Parliament, in January. Retrenrkment of the Adii stigration- EnglishIlospitality and Irish H avery - -Anecdote of Lord 'Blakeney, ThePeryPrntig lade. Vteofthnksofth Witb Mdhn. Dot t"Piedge Your Votes tlThe Mechann c's situte. Iast Whitby'Concil proceedingsç. drugs, and suchlike, which cannot b sent resy Inistitute to '2on11. Mr. MlcGee. -ln open covers, iiyb ncoe ag E very year, ait ith pproaeh of our -Mn, managing committe of this most. Columnbus Dac 7th 1863. of linen or othier material, simply tied at Notitstadig tatit a eenalead Hn, Mr... Mcee, wIthalbrlt icplEetëcertain would-be e ýdi ar and useful instituffin setà deter- h oni e usatt &tene u ascoe gis ae- shoiwn, las plainily as could be stated in worthy of him, durn this late visit to dates,or rathe candi ates who yo jo ha ohigsal elckn n eb llprset.tion, $although transparent, - must nlot be wods mthsecoums tatMr Prr WibY, made he Mee.ianiee Institute a counceillors,if they could, go about ek errstopes, s>l a ntne hlieepeidnc rer mste n r n o rnig PMDth acout f ukenOrrfr eýno t0 Atelatmetngo igt pde oer.IntoMay irtncee ublic. Preparations are now bein- MinuteOof last session read and adopt. ohrta h address of le persnfr liitghisl election addrlas; ntlhsad th e .Managin- Committee, the following they have been heretoforesi a . I." e d. vhom tho packcet is intended, the manuifac- ià that we published a copy of the origm.- resolution passed to which we have personIs give plledges unthi 1'-'foro a duista ncehnd omesso our On Motion of r. Jl. Smith the Reeve --urer's-or trado mark and number, and Al recit fo i xt y llars in ul fr eaendreuesed o ivepubiciy.troo hou o iabl er cnscentownismen willtake part. We sin. 0 lo ing c ts;.orv the3. Wtsnure o rceo h atcento h aoer- namunet wieth er uk ad ,rs " oved by Mr.IRob)insoni, seconied by fochi wrfewad 1 ergteafarmy metwt ha onling child Dmot.$,Batet u a in w i r men it ofpatketlablve to ne)ateaed th e ret o, tie the he iM.O.D nvn htte hnsofte dd e a itigadto( tlhi aoand success it will unkloubtedly esae$,fra cap ,an W. Beall for ýe treated and charged as . letter, repatd ad eprduedby om ofth aManiagit- n omittee of the.WNhithy Me- te person tol>whom theêy stand piedgea Lock $2. E h uewihfristetas low Grit organs, "that Mr. Perry refused I" chauit in'rstitute bea due, and are lhere- may cm owr. enw d të t.- If chaste and eloqunr adese' r-oh mihreotd eeiigrh isinth-roughih porst of eany atine to pay the accoant, ande thait he took re. ï ytnee oH n.DAc ce o ive timnely warning to the electors nlot t c ogfo h edrs aldt sum of ten dollar@ rent of Road aflowance likiely to injure the contents of thý mail fug belidanh ofri am - ,," a his handsome donation of $20 to the most side s9plitting comic, and music, the samneben paid to tfie Treasurer. b 1 l t te s nd am ls• Ke e d n ctofParia en i Ca "funds of thé Institute, and thant the I- Pledge their votes. Alrecady, we I knlilo raly acmpihd efrmrbe A Ptiin gi b esr . .M.a acpto iattgrsind thins rl anything þe more base and unmanly ? IUn. "cretary be instructed to convey, i ut httee r at ekingtoed cenattactoi those hcatend a WAco, L itinrbgains ad ters res If. ato be seu t tPotmsoresenidera. de h icusacsitinocivby"ale trms the ackinowle-dgemettou Mr. them ; but we trust they will be ne . sre o tein- on the brokien front and the 1st and 5. Tho book post rate between Canada . MG , urd fheutmost gratification.- ndcnesisofWtywapretd so. For Mr. Perry, niot only paid the NIeGcee-1 by the past, a.dbe upon thecir n.2n oneson f ityws rsetund the United Kingrdom remains unaltered debt ; but did aso after the Courts had Aniother cal niiny Nailed. aantthe tempter. rme r ob sudimdaey sigt euie o colproe t 7 cents for a pack;et weighring not more decided'n hisfiior, an againsi Lukrean early day has been fixed. with union sections 4 and] 5 of this town. tha ilcs and Orr, who then Ihad no legal claime up- The low sheet which pretends. to speak i Election T owna')itlii douncllor h., le hall has ben tnewly-pIapered, beau. ship and tow ip l)of Whitby. For a piackietexceedling41 ounces, and P in.coraDimon.On mýotno of MNr. Guy, the prayer of d b12 on him. What Mr Perry did refuse to for the,'Reform ,paty i' this town i thile y, in oak Paels, the vestihuloe in matr. not excee ling jIb.• 2 - · y . . . . th~~~Ile Petitio (ofra lstw si a F ra packitt exceeding ib., and not do was-to pay an exorbitant, ard nmost charncertenaue ing impudence, cagd laaetretw.pua a.1tecm-iti rmsad irr 1rantedl) and thigelerkc to notify parties ex edn 11 -2s. unjust deimandi. He offered to pay ait te te ei f the C -c ithd e in,, from MrNI. Ji. i rywhc.e ia Palei T kng alini all our ¡neresed.Fýr a pa --ck .xedn 1.adnt same ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Il rtscagdb see ohe paes heauthor of'a et (tter, in reference tuoNMr. phi i b r;L &ct o-ýu if the åte eact rspchaines ý' Institute will com ariav- Petitions was pireseted, from Mr. R.ILrdn låis 3&.. -journals of respectability anid influence Graham of Audley, wich ilately appecared the e vao luiéh'C n ior i i ay %within the c rium lldis;tricts Iane n ohr m sistance And lt) pl, di 121C. r mf0lb. - Or puhlishing lthe saine address; ad-nte m s i eareptupn twnhn dvd ln E'eetoral Divý,is M3r. liilanum jldid the i-apf rhang ing, an u n u r ýo u-e ad thý!s - opr n lnn!r f a tio n atir il be decined to, pay more to ithe pro:trietors (,f tedefenI;iv . and ecomp)lled tou :lTh ieowt lin the le, t e e'1 rtig ndha add n'islaresglte a tt10o ! ean Orphail child. Whlen a llowed tIci pass )yby ook itpost betweenIthe aiîttle obscure shee(t ipulliisli-din the vll such a hareltfaced unitruth. tin doing s o*, a il dtio.sh Ii, di-,dledin ito lifards miplete ijobwhich his art hai just exuecu. li Nlk)iî t i n o rM.. Guy we. y Mr. Rolat I âedK ng omanld Canlada, uls rn. of Oshawa. In a word, wile the other w', may say dt ll n unnoe 41a 111ns ry ho di nt a to ecams rr. anhte eev te igramin e lM-5or ntWi do aer cmnt, 's or v ell. - papes chrge si.ty a ars Luk th"n the sincerest respecýit ferMrr raamun sbig.tc tio n ha lue lrasreeorth nm o ffr m. A r.;rsjok act'rise u. a ~ * . o pn n0 o .rn m eouat o eo o oco h 1id (lor oll, iscifly preqaid, Ie fonlow. and rr lialý,d oýv irxýitË i N i ý1î1t,ý, 4il1 a l ýrpYlum chib l ad the slIorof 410 to IL ;, iinilesar laid down by the Imperial TwnrrErnt ot ma IMr. Perry dd fem pnM .Grlmscaa ,wsdrdl noE -tr 1iiinn h eidd Varirties n W ntr 'ets ndin Chnb, Iwho is liegreat nM"jictioni.P o fflice: not seek to cut down iany of the other ai.tb, sedoerte re o nv:tre hall ver has ;hînt mpde in te e the ey in iaitin rChis. On lt>)uo of NMr. J. Smnith was Ord Or. Whn bokak et ispos4ted in the counits ; hi, paid the amoun"Ltitcharg-ed. It was ii rpyn oanannmoslete o lctonb to e erud.m s. Mr bies asa plnio sok fedtoh fIciFaeel om enaon jiedngo fr aadorinCnaa Were lhe ispotsed to take rdere nbehindne which we gave inqrriian, (if w icw r.•i l b a oelnri n fe f i fr fo amrii, bIvn dun gth ortm nte indmethrwhly n act of Parliamenmt he w då (isearcé-l Grahtam was accused o cf Leing idr- uhr nya h : u i. on t onofiW.a iim a !armoy-l ux -r1 tpsthn a ermo l On Moton of r. Amu the dg tax ook I'stgeit is Itofbe forwairded o l have pàl thosie other accuntlls;inor I(b e t but hougýh, ofor % we had the ýauth h t G z/e fq are aon ,out o fC b a rdrd t b eubd dsi to lare(ih1obyea on twreeasix anld seven unre !arOr's nameI, the writer (lellte rely, n ;r ny ry tmuch sh d by th. 5 satement of be ineverai ng o n lda dg. A1,tls the 1' of blhad Posta e rate 0on te pckt amorunt of another accounit for printing orciler per-sun. had:infoirmlation from xis that "edno --, Iîno A y No). ' a : 2n non sn.)""ess nt f|J(iijii ort Ia,ýe dcit. orveh a an ofpsa exýcuit,and paid fßr, drnžand fori . r ahm wa Ith lghetdo:e lu n r e ii by ýth, ch.sieofChnhns a(n ee sssed e a id, if any as bce prepiaid ,lte ame c!ect ,nc ami in. Ther L onc1dna t i a x • a e a: a r WTh, ("utit 'r"-.uk ut if ih,ý partial prit nent ci' al book I not~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mnpr ;.ti, inandbynfr,"th i .N> · <n !n . utyC amjoult aea te nho havejpaid mioletthaun\Mr. Pa'ry i, ppears lin the U a i l laout lit.il'mrh 1 C 11 e a,; r114,b w 5L t I ati l n h t eo e, <darinz the laolt d, yasi,)!'plintin, I paperly autIIh-'itlcatted i a s"Il.!j i ar ty. , l a docil 1 I k 16,ins ilG No thate asha on. . andc, n l Luko tend Urr, ito fr or its publicai>ifn w bI n ""!1 red uni 0. YA , the threats of newsltier tex osure.. sou hl il!" th? fl M a<--,aloi ., -_ n Ili - jm:at1 ococ .M a m m :-G wa . , e C n\ n ' , ni to extort from ii ne huii- sedanid tw, i, aIlpele 'dboa å,tel ar Ne . M e o dT w so o n:osfr ly ihtdollarsg- for ait an t, of' imI t i athor cf-an tanotnl mous ne a tw o noi it tr > l hal U) cole orwed nd P re bn th0 ch n ( n lir>,torotDer. 7. -L n ret . dollars hele fver had a M iunr ith 1 Ilt-icomlfolo! a d 1:-vl.,,..îtv? ' n b nerfin rIllze me t c n 1h r h tii! Gap. it' 1 gingr a printer, crn account of a printing ihill. f m1 m rs a h 'ab bn a o. In n h<- n. O rcaývalry i,; Pl rtM .-e Foroou mnrf helatVidin>srewof n't.hent t m u an.nto , Vamdil* , ' nl 1 1 sael h-al t mte4 on1 dalo- m n e-n. neeuctpied with what Ithe writer pr uf To ýis Illthelrle. In te re rt fn b H rvrW.K r h esat i ot at h lss hogh hn n emstoe atast te-o. 1. be an explaniation of thi, matter; Ibut nm mn inreo .l& - '" "u tesation of an Act p itio last ssore-. . . H r n a ence 6 C meno sicii mdI p ap rsDaiton, Dr-e. 4 say-- lti to te ode f<lciccnelos whichi is, ic renlity, a covert' attack on upoicn Mr. Manisfiel. W,-àe um lo.d ;i of a he e r a ann a a taled hnts t :lad t n atti)n 1inlTo ai dividedninto Eiectora Dfd- scanalomandmost-n. amias aguarnt of 1*tuthf1 - ofdmasd wbe ene - iu- t ah a iart of his comrmand, mad i orsT o mi -estein- ger.rilly speemly iroduction of the na4 of pi ler itscont, nti, kno n.g l wtrti e a n nurnicli4ful lattae: on Encr.ille. -Ili rise y uposiq ta W rs ni h. 1o ie i hvalia i fi SOeas, and imatters wholly ditconntected ewah Il respuiI h:e man, anid %Ni ig it cknowjllwas I ini t* ma . ie n um raised the te'ectorltdivisions", in Towvnships- at$ the subjecr. And after te writer had Ifi-e ils autheticity. Ji was Isimnily aniat ,re .mach;,twadsAbtednVir- onf-aWiiilthe saine. Sceh h owsever is o gratfie hi o. .alg. F"dd'poîtinbin awat-r take •••iiiithei pen, c. Thev11(threivnot identricaitlidnt See.S e grtle hso nm linn ipoiin i ata p c a arp y i i" Iur- i oni.t bl M . T ri C un h ie o'l jibilïao bail succe(ildle 2 t 7. in us r, of C p 4_ thi way, he admits Ithe wholo case, li e pryaald t heire.tinf wpin ng on -- i -al jni a wevith Lonigst rlet, M n, - Intttc s i .U. C (Pap a following , coucluding p trap rofhi, b own propker iname. Thius ithe f t r or . ia1ai was seuh >nl tht(. o! no !oppl!y traîn, as 9)p -d frtee abihna ein, len;gthy lucuhiration. "In condlusion, ie ofM Mr,ýansfjidd; tnow ftir th1. ond1T4-n .m1, i l n i t vney a eiailaoisi wards (in To)wnships. The aniL ( l lney nu l u. ]Pl e n i b.[f, Wi0ýiine Ge. au' i vb il.ï , command and fb 11 . • ' reu ·· %n ")Iust say that e jreely accord to Mr. >>. ille (,f eza, reads. Wlit honoiver a " Pe rdi A di 7b the ditor of he lb7iilluChroniclt "n rt*" .,1iin thech.orlMesanonp!n.v -neofieh-Ilheun aie.rimený,wassatTChr- sTownshi metnot dvided intowards, il Perry aU te oredt to whihhe is en __vital sakhad fl -1. lheae aeen rlPerry, l>e ael aTv ni try ng cto m en i wiay t ont or rmtm otmpnB. titledfor haring paid *I;f) ifthe -ai*1t, M trn enaa -im rvo and i Wlala.Ncakia n o iidn h onhp noto trt vta ee ae yi1eac S usm;__tie ,-y sery a hl Iitro e s g a t o -n so rm a \,w s. ho IIeraids moecn niteetrldvii sfr for we havenuu desire owogaymn beyu oa n o e y aant, miwate l i Ibnh t oth eonhoird..et lshn ollin- placf! teresand ,ý1hâwever si)much lhe Mayti a wron-ei the attacks q of the nommail 'edîtqI" cof Ï a kid n ti f.f fotiem ,ar P aponig' urg.iier hre fr a s;an fr ha at e ad reo ldh Gazitre, ofthe itown. llt it Ilrlnirliagric n it ine uatr-and maity from l time to ti-me rleel or a . ,. as~& if there was nolbilue toolow for the by ite -tn 1G dm a Tussc l on I I, y n m Rnne W ha aythe sameo.11 nrve o etion iiuth su et in Our c'"editor'i of the Gazette ito do. iH. il ha th le. f 1aa, o lf i iol b d ing d u " li I the Muicipail Corporattions Act noi Slutnals, tunless fore(d tu a;> so in self- adth mpdeert pt nar(i'Il hen 1;fe .f .Ihe r..-lo-1cavalry make tàfrequent inicar' rvsoswa md o he n mni n "defence, as ire have been éon theipr"eent papler, âÉthe Id ofC k .-heic ob ori nn lwta ti t pdm n ik Of fCu Jrfur Townsnlip3 divdàed àinto doccasion, by the f4aityo laCroih cage IuCrIEi, win etei, ru "" s g r>rin the event a , . u!nmder the lhead o orsod c ih c nf ba .nh- m e - d"7 '"e of a ,.1 7à tic bet Pwm two Candidaths wo cde' astatements on Mr Perry Ibhaf. . . oCbii um a il he says saal old tr.k of yon:s. Uc ailie isi.r oit ' a-ri nh i v- the easting vote. To rem,ý-iy a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lr Th flit o hecao esstt- si as or piane jura >trirfrei adae m1r1veoe eof cendvt! Thw i Inlte short act of last ses:,ifn Mental1 Tt would i e too much tolu exp)ect mak.t use lOf characi týeiI retr Iaome in trlr .M er w a.d.- the editor of the \ nelicator to admitithe This, lhe says you have done, tundler ithe T e ne %Yialhf lm ofthàanI o [je re Towlnsluiiidilvided into "EtectoralTD-. whole truth, like au honorableu:an, without annuemof ji '.JeMrfed"itwiaLeAil fn ofmilna iýnaAMI onusThamin lvi-os (of ihthere is not one in On . . , soken to by nme, what thinlk you, Sir, he r .In ràly to Mr. W hcee o r n , I oithIle îMit tile Pr(i. , rio) wiiil ando:- tly last act, have a regu- in ng tupwt alyn exue bahad the audacity to Ray ? I"Oh ! / le-1 MNr. l'crrv ette thafltie this being orn uhit was probablle %would not senla in, lar inomination day-for the nomination cuoreL evr ttrd newodabutnyu prdgSir, I nerer intended to R n'oVarei:byvrh the iré et in, sinice the 14t report w ag eoeWdedy of five or more caididates. Tin the event 1 the Ma.iler, unti uhanother miserable insult you ; Iwould bc very aarr. - I osntrlet1 uac, nl fe a rpre akfor correction, lth, comn . Getdsotn ssi ' rvi nte o neeton, eali elector will votd in1 sheet as the Vindicaor( ulished nWi."OnLY wa)rTED àAtRP A-FTTU£ IRN-tmeuyetmy emainlly tnoi4rminee came to the conchti0n I tatas it but. is electoral division for foe er.didate by ae¯a uraul ala n CE"Nw.Sr idyueerseschpndfo erwss na h coeo teya, twud - -+ --ad budthr ea-Y ewento In the days ofjyore a young man, the son of a respectable man in Ireland, was travelling to*ards London to join bis r aiment, in which ho had -obtained>a mgyie h e happened to stop at somne town, viage, or hamlet, wliere there was but one inn or house of ente-rtammrent ;-Eng. land was not then so well supplied with such thingsasu now. _1hên this raw Young Irishman arrived at the ýanhwas inform. -ed that he and hies serva could be accom- miodated with beds but as to fàrmiahing with dinner ît was out of the questiongifor dh axbnine telub of the county b ai- peatables4-fish, fiesh, and fowl. The Young officer told Jine host toa qrform the gen. tiemen of the club that he was, a stranger in that place, -on his way ta oiom;his regi- Ment, and ,that he would eorlspy tojoi nieceý.ssary. To thtis there was a brave, ma rnanimous, , and unanimous refusai, coupled with somne insulting sneer at his country. Well, this future lera, one a- Icad and the shie,1d o'n, and-for he waes nio other than the embryo Lord ~Blak-. eney-was contented to dine *alonte on. v -ry poor farp:feHe'ha o ver, had his ýv ne, andi-wvhile at this the waiiter camne fxhone n aa tto nk him ta cameand sharer their winiebut to kniow whether this ho-,trotting Iishmanwho hadl so tamel --iibnt w al o ithu i,à dt hr cu hil ianetvas the you c 01,er IIsrpywsthey shou1d be informed, at t4e 8- me timne desiring himn to send his ser vant to) him. The servantcaime, carry- ije ittle rmahogany case wlth-Jiimi. and thre masiter raid man entered the room, which was thre scene of such-luproar and lanighter a little before, suddenly became silent as nighit. Whien the younr Irish hoy, having askied whoj owned the, watch, and nio hoAy answering, it is added that lie a Iidto each individual in the comn- panly, all Of whom declined the bait, k-now. iigthe conse8ç,quenice. "ihe waiter had as s u i -ý u h s l i a it c br e f r o m th a t o n a n y , stran fLrý but all1 disownied it, I shall 'ive it to a cmn lhe will be brave en-r'ough to takle carifit às')hie hanided it to. ins ser- vanit. Thaâittaw rishman hived to be the ceertdField Marshal Lir-d 11lkeney, wvho s(3-noblly hield the garrison of Port Mahonali jitii France and Spain, and who "lP"nýi amichingl ouf with all the h onors of muedto bt elve. NFI:hDOF A BUsINEss Enl*CtIDNo.-No) mn is tru.y qualilled to conduct .-any con-, siderable manufacturing or mechapical nsiinf:s,, or even managoe a large far wvho hias ilot, nt lemst, the rudiments ofra businvýs education. T'.l'hefurér who keeps regular debit and credit with e ver fieldý Ivs works charging it 4th the, cost O- imanure and labor ýkpplied to it, and cendit- ing? it wîih the proceeds of its eropg, would- sonascertain, precisely, whant crops bc was g-rowv ing to profit, and what involved him in loss Ton or fifteen years of t ch ri¿pd accounit keeping would qualify hlim for ividc usefulness: the recoid of the average cost, through those years, of his whant, co-lu, an d oa ta per. busbel1, respec- .ad'aof his other products- would bc of decided -value to all who fol. î"* loeâin i- Eep'r.Messai. Br-yantSstrat. ton & a fthe Tor,,,oto_ emmercial Clgseem --to have settled upon a sys tem wnich commenda itself to the ci - mnon un derstaniding., They dIo not require Dne to sPenid his whole youth rander their tultion, but- propose to give him the rudi- ments of a busiiness education in a single terni o mnonitln duration, at a'mnod. erate , heir plan seemas toau em net and practical,, and we are6 MARRIRD. MAMBY-RAINEY-At4 lrWila sb26th ult., by Revd. Mr. W. 3M Mr. Wllia Ashb0to-Mins1 of the To Ëp of Pickering CABSq- SILMOUR.-ý inSt. by th'e Revd K. Macient Carsoni, farmer, Pickering,1 silmour, of the-same Townsl NEW -ADVERTIS1 Oh-! what· a9 CHMÀP . Y AGAIN THE LA CDNAII tAýrted in Whithbin the1 ness. ond are determnined tu BE EF, .MUITUN, -PORK, - SALI Thiere w1l be onte1- yd¢ke shlop to wait upon th1ose w The idebleet 1ie wllh AND S E;tN.adil, ]PARM FOR Apply to the po7ietoýr, P'i FANCY] BROCK STI Rocking]1 *Tfb ree doors Nolrth oxf stand, ..-FELITZ, N;ow im the time (for gi T7o iet the iies* iChr.tm TOy,4 tht was.t breakl, andr t'erf:du toi lj sffkail( iýThe climis of our a i trihrnmnt" Ad. ministratiotn to the practi-e ofREconomy areýbtheait frpegnent put forward in their behalf. Btth gunifounded, they are naturtal, coming from the men. Impu' d 1 ' 'benee a most invarirt y acoompanies igtno- rance.- and remembering the deficiencies of Mfr. Sandield MInedonah(t and hig col leaugues,1ln a k-nowledgt of th. duties bc- longing to their poition, pyeople ought saareely feel surprase at the knpudence wit which their claim to retrenchmentt is made. lit is but a brazen exensef, me-ant tou cover lack of statesman)ship and ability- a4ml a lying excuse at that. The men who have lavisghly expenérded houdreds of thou. R$ands of dollars tq reward partizans, and provide places for friends, and stubs-idize nesppèesecan lay little claim to economy or retrenchment. The men who appoint. ed erpenswýe Financial and De-partmental Commissionsi, for the sole piurpos)e of sltnd ering'and damarfinz ,oppnlfts -anl Otta- wa Commission, at shame-ful, job -a Pdst Odfic@Oenquiry And CommÎisins-a mPOe sha'à, tmust be binzantly imnpudeYýt tindeed toaskit credlit for retienehoaint. The paltry nving which they claim tn, have effected, at theepxpense of a few nid clerks, who 'have been east on thle worldà to starre ire been noied over the landas somethinq etraordinary; bat it is only the drop in the boeket comp;areýd with the loss which their jobs and corruption have coqt the Province. The followisig figures, fromt the London Pro o type, will show the state Of the case. In'the first pne the zovernmnent have Slowerod the natiinal rredlit that Cana.- aneuite.which stoondd -above par whken the Cartier MIacdrànald -gývernment Was in power, are now quoted at eight per 1 cent bekw discount. The [osu entailed by, Ibis depreciîation is estimted by millions of dollafs In the next pliace, the govera. meât 1inaugurated aoeries -of commissions_- tome of which *.re s t« o thisday- i and All.of which we and expent- Oe Te ttawa e ion cost, we thinkinearly $40,000, an was not worth the paner on which i a-prne.The Po tof e commission was n arrant ir.- -,sture. j The ecustoms enmtr.ission wias a - cosly néiiance. Thé fitnnial and depart. 1 mental conimission in a bare-faced swinàdie. Aill &qe commi@ssions' will n-ot eost leus ain 18,400. ÀAain, the governiment. put the country Io the espenise of a general - a01ction, and an extra seeasson -at an ex-: pense of over a million of dollars. We j smight nstance other acts of corruption and ' extrav4gance, but these items will .do.¡ ÎIet us n0w take a tabulated view of'econ. oiny andretrenehment on the one hand, i And extravagance and corruption oni the other, and see*on which ilide the balance les,. len, by de.eline in our national seurities, sy. .....$2,000,000- 1 Lobyu' selésa commissions... 150,000e btra sesin.e..ection,.and 1,000,000 T ama7aount 'ofextravagance and corruption .. ....$3,150,000 Total anoôunt of einnomy and a rtreehent............ 47,000 Balance agains.t the govenmnent t$3,0200 IZ thus appears thatI, deducting the re. trpnehtent,,the ,g«ernwentiare responsi- ble for a loge to the country of citer three ýrilions of dollars: Within the short il Pace oôf a year and a-half, the total amount of the lois they have brought abfout amounits to $3,150, 000. The total amourit dr retrenehment they €laim ls only $47,000. Tebalance 'atainst them is, therefore,- over'three mnili1onsJ of dollars. Aftel this terrible exposure, the organs; ought toa besitate before agaijn brýagging about eco. IPre ba, And do re .> r irations aceoun)Uttadti wijleoroeein- (f he om itte r(til st s- l t o a close. VINANoe AND AS8ET' Mr. Campbell broughit up tis ,repo•-t, 'on which the Ocunied went i to contimittcee ii iainproghsreport recommei)ded the , digent pen.on, and $9 tO A. Cameron, for food'supplied priisoniers placedA nthlelc- w-p. Itwaent beek fd5r>elgiury, RAd liilcome-u-aglain; Capaiti RLOwe s0uggiEstI ing the necessity of seecheck on sneh unauthorized.expenditures, notwithstaodnn- the itemsi werèe smali. .conto eJolmBry i o ol ""d were priented nihrwere certi fled G ut no.twnbhstanding, Mr. Wallace count'.'anid ltliongh *id wý,folib he Town Clerk that Býyan did -the work, he cati, see ait a ,gance tme wia îe renice , betweeni a Township divided into 'électo. r al divisins," and' a -Tosymbhip divded in. sp t ar. The aet 'nder consideraion Cn materially changes9thie mode of ek(etion in Prout the' former, but does not, in ny wat vary instrt or alter the l.atter'conI SYoura' a Àtb . J. HAM PERRY. ~WibDcee~:9, 1-8631.. Who, 111e w ôe c arge, is po1iticaý hostili1V n personal spite i and it is on thepse grounds,' and none other, that Mr. Perry has been assaled. Even now,--after the admission of payment above quoted, has been made, it will bie seen that Mr. Peny's good i name will not escape the poisoned shafts 1 of his persona[ catummiators, and political 1 detractor. The wrriter of (his would bc the lait person in Canada to say one word against ihie paymeènt of a printing account. or to take sides with, any -one that would s'ek (o cheat the printer. W %e regret the state if the law in relation to printing for- elec'ion candidates. and trust, that aniother session of Parliament may not be allowýed to pws over without thse 0orrupt Practi- ces Act being amended, in this respect.,. But, --n justce to a gentleman who did not seek to take adyantageý of the state of the Taiw, but who isonght, a&qn 7 man ought to do -to prote ec hi msel f from i payment, of au Mrineweade bave given the truc facts of the euse. And from t'hese, we tru, thàt our bréthren of, the press will not, h widlyerent are the cases of john HaM Perr, and Sir Henry' Smith. Tns CàwmAa Arama for .1864-bas been received from.thepabishers, essa l W. C. Chewett &Co.,Toronto. AS asnal ït î s filled with valuable informato, :sneh ias would appear to be i'dis ne pto the merchant, mocbanio, an4,,frser, but1I eeery nman. hith , and Io* r n-, Ohada. the townl in which I was raised in, and I1 bid defir.nee to the editor of the Gazdet u1 ybym p"l ,to ny to put hi& finger upan onie bad action in and inr fthe sunts wnsure.l ris the i My life. Can ho Bay as mueh ? I think drto of the policy inernases. I am entitled to an apology from himi These maiterial i:nprovements on the through his sheet for the low mean manner ordinairy sysIeu pf Tife rce, give in which he has meddled wiih MYUuame ; the poicier, ant eýtrævedîifry edue nn<l im mr filie.AIl ghIO conrtemplate cact- ingasuac shuld jtcarefully eaie anto he -aasaysof tasyemtti e o premium.ns chaergtid beiggnot gre-ater than for ordiinary Ipolia ta ,ý Our ri-1merý w1l nerethe hgh fstate, ofproqerity 6fhe ctin-t heran- nuail innaue bein O ,1fra pr'e »imaalon"e, PZUnsomAT. Jamnes Mlir Ferres, Esq-. Inspector of Prisons pia ýviiYt hitby, b is Oflicial capacity On yesteýrd y.Wn are gladto lea!rii that Mr. Ferreis fo;unid "vrthing in proper -irdeir, and 'to 1Ii, sétisactio jn o onu "Iga.tand that i e compil)iménrtedill ge rgod turnkcey u òn theadG'i able stte ofclains.nwih the priàon skpt rioer an 1. Packages of iseedi, 'utns ub, roots, and scion, )r grafts, may be posted in Canai4dr dfý eliv'w ithin' th',e, P'- vinice, or to ani address winii the United . Stateî, 'Dntprbpa;tymienit by postae 'stamP of a ýýrate- of ne cent prnunce ; and whpal received froDm the Uniite2d States, -ad. dressied to anly place in Canadtva, sucht pack. ags May bie delivered on the pay- muent, by thle perlson addesd fa 2. The limit ofweiglt for Snec. Ipack-, age:s will be one Pound. NO communica- tion, whether written or printed, must b e eneliosed in them , and- they - must be put spi 13o as to be easgy of examination, for th utpurpose of r fin hthe ags ustol) be simply tied by the neek, so as to admit' of inspection andr, in the caue of aeh, tho' hie Say$ himself lit was only 'to get a rap at the CHOaoIm " >JOSEPH MA4-NSFIELD. Whitby Deer. 4, 1863. Reptr to Arcadeti Amb'lo inthe Dcean Garui LzmAll>knnwyou havelhum*O,.r That a étrlle of your peu mk-a very tlore That Vice l i i edrgusad has An mpostora looôk out"-when yon ern- , ble and t girtl. ' .1 ; I m nul b1arney ing-not 1, Sir--I wattyon to' Mremson for wiigi-oroArcaekds le rer and marry, Wh l euopled Sr Høryewth Mt ir. m: -Perry. But forgret not ta-dg-emmee y To b inrrvandw;.s"-To be "lhoness and Yoiare 'ier nd wvie"-snowthvtruth Do't wiount in thé true gold with thc e a 'Tho' with Z ';ýfthe Ilaw, 'Cdean ir lenry The Priniter who worked i-Jt prerhim fa Seat, With the law 0on his sideIl'erry paid-ýli n-a E"*""P E " coc4 %d o(he r --- - dal Appoin'toients. ' ' ' ~~ caraint a Ovvær SHis E hastte" 1 m CVP iN TO p

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