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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Dec 1863, p. 3

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t-.14 IN CHANCERY. I I ____________________________________________________________ I MeY-tN1!NEY-LUGedWood on ,h ait., by Reyd. Mr. W.-M. Rass8 M. A. WilliamÂAghby te Miss Raincy, both te TotvMWt .1 Pîcicering. ~AR8~...8LMOU,-Onthe 3rd U!ýby VeRevd X, Maclennan, Mr. wrn. rien, farmner, Picl<ering, ta Miss Mary mour, of the sane Townîship. fEW ADVERTISEMENTS. >h! what aCh nceel FOR1 NXuW ADVERTISEVENTS. UNCOIKDITIONAL LWFE POLICIES WITH REDUCED RIATE(S & NEiW 1FACILITffS. TUEE PUBLIC ont rirVITt lb ar-arne tha l tadoantagea (f is conditwoaa Asaia'ance, as comiptieed iuit/ the Trt LuIFAsuCI<'rlt)N OFSCIITLAND Lia a iff'uuîtd I'itT-]"'rrt, YI;. ago ct, iii eîniç%tucrr hy RoYl it Crtur alii Act of Duru'~the t TI:'N OA <tien t' et-'qîiin-u£5,403,728 Stg. (A tt,titliNEW i'iîîiCLS <r Dtjýw lust at ttî-(ilIt e "~ f IIEA.P NÏ' - EU ! rittlL.tt7Nut AGAIN TiILEtTi MCDONALD)'& BO X iate.,'îid n hi teiittttIli tua lîc.u t' i utitutil C ia c tutîlu cutit-t] MU7'TO)N, PORK, SALI' !OIK, Thue ltrermît Au'rtIniti tuili .itià';î iluatii~ t iieitelet.L .....3 'titi Sutit e',eî.tî «<i rît,,; diiîrîtIel tr 'ho ' % tl ttt 'te ... 'ý. . . . . . ..... Vie S tuAiti lin',tur(ut'lusu' i'. £( -,' 017,tstg. £144,9e5 Sit .ts'î,îa"t slg. lit ujîr..' 'ituti utthier. JAMES (10 lu'1).. àitiy ic.t "; FARX IFOR SALE. FANCI MART, BROOK STREET, or't Tii',* u'F Uoeking'Iose tdt) 9. -,F EL 1T-Z , T'opriùtor il.ie)itl.ttu ' t--o a rtli tilt .l- i 9. A iitld iit' i<1, r Iti lu"" tt; i ..t 'tt-îtttt t i i ' t1.t ' j.,.,t ltt '~ AItlîtî~a 't ot'îîi ".'-O 1tt' uto i "titar ur ti iii r l it.t"iiOP!t tit ,)it -'I1 <11 t l teg to diik, (<t N.t'.t jr Lt! ttî11, l 't j .î'i ttdî l .tt , _-il" i g.tîlid I tîlr ui E 1i, .11,t -.Z Wiilby Voluinteer Infanirj htlttlo it thfI t Itii BAL y coînlaîîy, t' VO" t N'lI l : t.'1tî î' P. Il. L. & B. -ýAILWAY. c4r m DUXEIES OCURED, nxinbiiemay ow blia ae te the- onnua, It ereite, a dislike for :trong- drink, aud eau be adnistered withclut theo lcuu- ledFt ofttue patie2t. PriaeSl alier. Seitby mal t a)y atidretis, lay S. C. Ui'IIAM, 403 Cliestnut Street, Vuidtha '.Oreuiaris seut frec. 226m TAVERN STAND ÉOR SALE 14IN TU LaUMIuîiiikG VILLAGE of OANNINGTON. TI IF i-unîoîfliauî,Ttvern ocrapteit hy 'MIr Ji Ul tî' trî, eoliaiiu lîtif ran are Lanud %vtit<exc'îilaitt Stuble. Shed, uîd aont Iheuses for wu.iîug, euukitîg, &e. A nteverfiiui miiîc ug f wster, nnhieiu servesa neartlte aboIe ~'%itic,.e. Sitze ofTvi-2 hy 80, two storieli itîtît ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ii'lf<g iu'.ilaliv 24, ettuN'-FO0 hy 4t, mlitd 70 feet, ceitar 50 hv 42. A geolImtui tîcta luie ulvitîyu brou i '11,uutilte ubavu Tarer,,. Sitiu:iultîiuiii dm prinucipal cornuer eftheuaVillage, oni ttîe maintu <teeluglidng t t iartbti, Manîila amiî Ilr,î,e Albetrt. 'l'ie retoii îitiua trcoont pro1rietar W1141)" te dimpoîea of tcit, ,e aatrltî,blc Tm)erty, ue bc- Caiise t' ,ut'iiîtr rîuteriu<g ii, or erting a irit Miii. Possessiontitîci o u tiv ~'ti ic req'ured' liv theo 1urtîar'r. 'rut1 b t.iu.pttuhle. 'ot-.-t:' 0-rtt-urth r tlai, ly'ph, (;f tiylette, ptir t 10.uiiiii t'1 te 'i'r i-rt- u t'i itltitNový 10 ie#t2. 4 4'ef Ton good Canvassers Wanted w nu' B Y (1 '~ .tt.ttt'tt 1 t i t " ut lt lit . tii. t t' 't t - t-' t' t' "tii t ~4.<-l"r " t- "-îa-~ t- Ti-. 'UNCIIAIti). -' -t ~r at tiI "ii utti lii ad til:, .iuiit! lt t -, ttu l t t iI. a tîrlit IleM s. t - .ihi lit;u "- tsaIlle Se ethida' of January,t ii t a-a tt, t LEVI FAIRBANKS, ,JUNIORs Aihtlt rut'"-, t i ittathe f tbii tuttil ui. cIlleortihe' 'outrt, I/t-t'-t 'tt-a, -r tt hte aui j 'OWVN 0F WIIITBY. i1'iuurit't- li IVIEOHAN10zl_ INSTITUTE, JL2 .< -TueisdayEv'g, Dac. 22, 1863, Guj~X. IL urgui. il r.'<r t ý11 Fà Kliii . Aîutlîremiu, lrivatuu G. MU-ICM-eBaud ol thet, loaByais. I. -':t~dotu (o70 le i-etîd utfthe Mautgliig vû'a A arc eieted toa ppoar ini uniz ' r JOIS V.- HÂNIt, Jr., H0'S Fi, TO LET. JOUSE, a story and a'half bildi, iand gardon contain, Ss ing hall nt]acre of Iand, ois, Byron Strcet, ueariy oppoaite St. Andrew? (biurait.- _ R~J. (CAMPBELL. 1- WhftLbY, Pec. 9, 1863. 48 Oytersfrih and of the. but quaflty R AW AND__GOO»CED lutiate iîunty u' (Intario, cotuîitiug One Huxidrod and Fifty Acres Mort! or lia4. 0f, tl« u<ud id tlatîat tifir iave are vIleuruutid ikîîiittiitiî, !* 5g Ittrlt > icedî, aniterc e ulpon 1< a Frinic ~-DWELLIN.'G ROUSE AND BI1N. 'lite j,tliSr e1îîarai, ut the tintilé f ,sle, puy dowi <teit eposit iii I)rtiporti3îii (if Li10 ta carry £1oi) tif tiue tînrehaigse iouae3 ' tte Nedor or Ut-, aot' uliir, id uitpuy'iho reîîuuîdrr af tlia purctîiae iene.,, wtth itter"jt fram tia du , ot sut.t. %%ittut leur woeks frîîîil the &Y i iiMtî Ch ater ti.uuparclîaser mtiait bce îtitled te a ln il ther on-jîcets the conditions of sale fire ticue oetaWurîed in tthe gçnerai ordeNorif matd C;ourt. Fer fuît lber partniars upIy te the Âne, tiaîieer, tINr. i cri Yuirbîku di lobert , Wlmotà, I(qtire edor's S'iiiter S Il Cociîriît';, lEaquire, Barrister, uni.ft i àn derpigtit UneWr oethtte CoaITt. a Eo. H. DpARTKELts,> IOI3EUT J. WILSON, tse IWuty veidaru'selc±r Wlitby, 7th De«eaiber, 1888S. 48 Spanish Sol'e LEAtTIJER. du(I s Spaalali Soe Leatltor. No. 1, for 150,'e2at the <ld Rled Store, #U.00 per 10a.Terme Cash. STRAYLD GiR STOLEIN. t t tu t'a - 'ti-t'.; ATJ NO .4, Laigm's Agent for Provincial iîîsurance ComI -Lt ~ ~ ~ ~ fl mtiltth.f irN V'I'u Wlîitbv, Dcceîtbcr 9, 1863. \NT, ' I"; <ie l - 1 ic 1liîtti' ever oclent, -t: Ital'm Whtb-onier Co. GrammnirTRT ~-PUBLIC EX4MIN'ATIO. p. m. mm!i-c' M . 1 '11 l-ilv I'rt ll'lo rt 3 ', - l t t . tEý,ýl' J 1 't,.,' - tr .i.lint4i î.'ti. Ytiit teîtî i " ' ti. h ît~ît' uit" J"O, ' s CtiAtî DA. hi.lîCîtl'hi a nd CE nuî1-0.A luiA -jI I iip014 1 tQAT i i 1 ~tO 't i', ., ,le oot' ,I-"l'n t t - C t !tiror'. dii, ,tr d O f.. Villii. i t .lisîV .I 0 -1~~ BRESHâIR J.NeCI a A complete and ample stock tif al km (Xîiîdtu, Ctitlit llctfing eh'U'yltmi4 inutthe lin(,'* ai1, IoNvi prices th1îi ilt>' tither l1olise in A..c'huttci'a't"ortmnîct C. ItOBERTS, Fr Wineu And Spirit Mrchant. v "of Canada. -. OMINI 1 i 131L 4stap1e- and fancy ~selecteil with care; ~Coiîitty of Ontarlo. , I 4. eh Optecsîire in appriaing ticuit-rtni'iruuifriand..' ,tittu that their stock of ïh 1 'NEI GouDS lt naîw .'aiijiie iii in lits ltir. Frîî,n titituprrur ad wilg aa epilabttliug _ 'tull tintses to purclua.o cr (t'ltiiinte litt isiirkeCL,4. ivt'lucre titu -tuitiirt,i g patitcîiat-attention lu Our i'uîrît tii 'utl" lte 5tù,t t. j-ý, «pst' ui ftricrry. w ,t' i L t' liti-' e"ti 'a>!%uà vtipt pavhug îtuhtotitCrs. Ilia lAN&'Y G l havrrtucetc.. n rit e.' utn 4PLin and fancy 'Sîlks, rvh'.-t' lrM n and f.t'ncy Co- - bo'ar, s, JJarathc ,Wa us,, Ge-rn d'S, fuured Orleans, Shawls, Ladios' PLants' -e.ts, ýoI Phamcs, -Foathers, Ribbons, "iTitIS, h1 IEmbrQidC.erics, Velvets, L'eSý f3netywool Gods, I t - '.1< rart tItiS li'Le r" ."ts c S T' Af E'DtJNriGooi)s -print<, Giitaîli.ît:iv liltuuttid "ty (oittnitt, tiriçod qnd regatta Slirtitig, l) innirau, Tickitîne out Fiun-. Jetinq, &'c. C AMt F.ii titt , t iti t- I of .ta -'t - icrbe , C.OTTAGE TO LET. iA Fit'"ANIF "-ili2ltySON. C. M. KEILLR, $1 REWARD. ENTiENIAN'S PLAh IltLO'-'T, litmcth (3 ti.'it' nit, ht'ititiîy. iutt Lot N, t, fruit tuti1, l rtceritîg, itton i'.tt'it N',S t.'t !irsU nuiiit t-dcîîlf..witits,4ut 1 ltî< '11"' fr.le ier -týi rIlie .baî' rerawd li itut'iltt'it it tic <<mca. ' 47 t "~lar c tturk <'f ilrners, maudeotitu î' ILautitet-, anid aftuiteeot wirkintt- ttp-, ali, t u .r.-îtliy reiuee.t pric", cuIt eaîd ae"t u tI1 L 'r-.A tew gued )t'-iuutuudt TRUNES AND VAISES,- Offt-riituu lew for ctutht. Aîlarge itookato udü ÇJrJWIALEBONE WIIIPb! hat for C"i.t JR. PHILP, No. 3, TiUl'ultcki. Wh'liby, POA , 1868. 47 NOTI1C E. TInsiaaeriind wil ree8lt'eTattacràuncai SATUEDAY, the 12th jnst. For tia dellvery of 130 Cords of, Woo3, 4T TE£1 1' IIravfing, llrt-clasA Cutter fn)r the IAILIIRING we GTF.T ~oaiwltb con- fidenice soicît a largeu uharut of pulile patronaîge. as ail .îaetuwili be got up by fts'luworkraen, oi t thene-wr.t str'licg rtnilwith i sr4'tai'totc West buyers. ln the GIOCHRY l>EPARlT-MENT will bc foundýgevt$ýe Trem, Çoffecce, crushel, rcflnud, andI muscovado Sugars, Syruips. .Sjîices, Fruit's Candles, iFis4, Pickles tind Sauces in variety, Rii7O, Sago, Macc, Sala and Ctn"QIs, Lumap anid Macintry Are of a fitst ciaus descriptin. '1'lî congist of Port andi Sherry, Wineto. Henesey'a pale Brandy, Scotch and (Jantîdian WVhiskey of various bratnds,, ui, Gin, LMIondan d Dl)tiin Porter, Paie Aie, &c. I'RVISON- IarasAmerican and Canadiian Cheeseo, (mand Oatmuii, togetber %vittî a varied assartmnrt of Cbrittic*s Wkne, Soda and Arrow Iliet Biscuits. LOWTES & POWELL, 48 1 iand2, r-/er ' 3ocV rckst,, idtk'-- DUNDAS MAKÉt NEW ADYERTIS3ý,MENn CHISMA &NEW AT Fresh Ourrants, R aisins, Figs, Candied Orange Lernon & Citron Peels, EXEOUTOR'8 -NOTICE. Il E ntîdtrigleu l iaîving been upplititcd' T .cétrio dcf t, Estate cef the tata in Mgtttm u 91., o loTownsthp of Pickering,. liureby giq% ltitice, tlint ailrtI t~b tt tilt minul estlc-, tire roq-ilred ta nuîadL a Isettia-, nieut oft unci iindebtednines, witiy thêni, or c-th- ùr oft tbcî, itLuin ue z nonth tram thi, date ; u*.d ait parties taeimrcluims tagiÙb-3thi uald estatv, ill'ier bor reqnested to proetpaîîrti- cutlar.4 ofmaiu wit1liî luit tinté. lu arder tlîat MIHN LIPSEY, - Patcdcieiî, Nov, 2f, am~. 46-4w FOR SALJE CHEAP! TbI olouz v l h, old t a Ba tgain 1r or uelagcut fuoCtl 'w*odorLAiîîn- Il lir-it Wau1,901i, 1 cuuttiltg ]Box, 1 met Ilatrnetut, 1Wýliitliy, Nov. 2',3t. A. LOGAN<. wA:uXUTSS f LBERTýýif l SAM~ONDS Ohanoery-Sal TWO l'ASKS DEST Also the-laî'gest S'OCK 0F PORTS & SIIEIRJES uF lir the C-,ointy. AIso a trinamotlî uj qitort ST"OCK 0F WISKtEY. -AI Iio will iII- offered at prices dt*iui" to nipet i ho n - '- ;eahitby, December, 1863. - 4 ,Just eeeiveýd Ilave just received ua fresh supply of Whieh they offer ('heap for Cash., New Dress Goods, Sliawls Majntles Ladies' W iinter Caps, A Iex-andre's French Kid Gloves, NEW (JLOTIIUSANI) ýTWEEDS', Also -made up off the premnisus, au extensive assortmeut of in, ~ ~ "wa lu Men s and B3oy's topan& body Coats, Vestà and Pants. The Jiankof MoMureal, plsiew AND> James Rogers Atrnstroug, &ný others, defendants. 'JIýU.AN'Iota terue ofcf Ie Court ot (ittry uialue nt tiis cae, lteurinr tvu lTvtîrticttiîo' f e!Jaîijtary, A.-V. 1860, ci ai,-odor otfttil, 0,uit- teartug data t1ie veiti ý-t tOctiierA. fi) 1861 andi wittî 1c ulth lia aid 4itotîrt, ut Ighitby,-wit ha PI0 aul ti tt Tenth daj of December, nieity At ttuî lueurxtif- Eltei o'elaek inuthe fotr.oou, by Momi4rs. WAKEFIELD., GOATE & Co.~ Auîisiiaeera, lt tlîrlr IN TUIE CITY 0F'.TORONTO,- Theî fcllîiîi trperty, liîtely: -Sikteei tiiotuaid Mtt'-liiiitiuril,înt cîglît square -tht, iîuu,~ceiup odifpart of LOTK LOT ffMBER Six, Iu ho (it-y of Tarat>to, îcîiut dtesigted ouna planaori-utrvay of thua said Park LtMau.e y .John 4 owr,~Se LO'T NIMBER deETENI ou tlte Etat aiide ut Iiirviiu Street, coin- utenciuur- cii uti ,îenjcn irnt of Jurvit, Street, ut tiiuedmbtu i' ontlterly* of 1858féet.-rbîa tho1 ltiir-cctip(n a Jîtry.- itr ud (arjrdStrects;, tben ,îarttî74 retr.a,, iuitt122<1l'eet, tr Qtlorza S-ret;tilience rcittu 15degreci aeu aing ôitht; westt ulîl cif Getîruza 'Streat 72 '&i#i; thelim ioti 74 ctrg-rrr-, -weat 22<7 tect,uW9rrrle8.ete Jurvho $tri.et; t1itinteui-lb l degteeu"west- alungthtteitsttod f Jurîrrs Street, 72 fout, te~ îîlo af riînieciaiin Four fueveru'loets eý , «lcet, front t.eacdt,.oit 3arvis Street & Georgé 4reet, 'Southlli Weu 'uud thie Sali' ecribedlot. artér. the A Fresh "StockofGrocerks! & 506 bags LIVERPOOL SALT, Iin coarge and fine,, mubli bettori for curing meat and bu~tter, -ýnd co n.derabiy,,olieaper thun the R.eJ.can. R. 'LL. Porr't rick Buildings Whitb, Noembe 26,18$3.46 NEW ADVE-RTIkSEMBNTS. NEIWFIJT FOR CIIO1CESIIERRY&$ ORT WINE, Olit 1 it it6i !i READY-IYADE C4TIIING, B 'E -'TI'O (ALL \D PE. 481 ~Jhncey Sl SKATING INK1 o e & a "t'.' Corutri¶er oMa c net Alb o wtrel' i SIbss ol good- STILLFOR -ONE POL Boots, 1 Pi. i /1.110 ./il,î o4, '. il- Thcru, wIl lie mie ellop tu wilit livoit Illose p-1l"8111, 1 Ti;ý 1 1 "

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