Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 10 Dec 1863, p. 4

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ThéSe lg or Our' NatiY £d The gegtcttitr r4ie ecor thut fids, "wgentio numbere the ear reuerbrs- srlltratessAncheit ll nli gentle thrslls, Thy toliles ndering <'r ead ôr ceerinr, Vie nlibs ntle ton a foreiga irad O1h. who tari tel w hat s 110)- Ape1 -6litht' .nng cf aur natve land. Irbaprod ndltvi-tln pilriia Iioy- Tlýlé lypr khelîn ee îtyrý'ssliiinco ~leedwho crnnip by the liutimbletAtreams -Ail,ail ei'e totiier ýI hi' tîpower diville! The Captive celtetAi. the slier foiaries, flie înother-toiw'l:.t bh' ntiirc'band, lier 01l1141, w oo epng. %VIII 11111 10 sleepinz WVitiî eom.a sweetjsang or'lier native land 1 - Piesident Lincain'a suggestion in hi& re. tent buter t1lat tncle Sams favorite bird was nct a taloned eagle, butt a web.toated duck, or goase. bau fired ilb. muse of a r et i Pecria, Ml., who breaks inoasang l n the fallowing style: We bave' no ;eazLe-cbanugc lathere- Abe swappcd aur bird away; WO bave no cagbe any more, lIait1 beaded, blincl, or gray. * Abe uwapped away Our glanions bird- Got cheated like thes deuce 1 - The na ons for the webfoat went- The esgle for the gpose 1 M _________________________ I -- I _______ _____________-- ______________________ ----- - ---.-.-*-----*-.--- i Rasacs 2 ~Jng~~ ~tTderakX3g ,tld Upholstery dWL~~itJCIlld JAm"S BAIN lies receivol .1111l urther éd-, dlions ta hIe; alreeady large stock af Fail & Winter Boots & Slioes. Ladie', -geitlenetiî'e alld ehiidtrcuîi ioqoose ll flîoee. iii greet valety, of thse bent quaaity, Clieep l'or (11121). For aii extra article. VlîcaP, Alid a g00d fit, TyJAMES BAIN, At the 0.1d lRed Store. Wlîit by, Sept. '10, 166. LampsLampns The great REFLEOTOR LA&P guCOC 9é(CGivinaot e)"igît 1qaile theibaMost brilliblit g ' or palc nt <roi *$2 ta $ et (.(lOitI E yumt.. leiuig'a Biildiisge. Brçecls St., W' iîlîb. Tliti Lump il ttue 1hIt i:veiîtPl yN'e a stet iglt, iid 1-110111d bc eery 0'diol dr. 'l'le rC e ;iplpt ' ig t1w Oý1 i s i Cii1y abnut one cent per lauîr. li.euîps ofcery kiiiti, ini gre't i e'ity, alld ut l l îrlene. Wloleale ala lietal et ciseaples rates. Itefietctors t inn id lolc an !ne following is frai» Maidstone Cburcb. 1rmms w .. y'ad: Thomai fradehaw. Aged 82,11773. si Herelii a keeper breel and' bomu, Ta tam hie back ho îboaght it scoma. iro waa ailman Ibit larI poioî eih, Muanv a brcn'obock cnd doe did bc kili: li tît't bold archer, death, win conua ers al, Shat hM in the boart, tnclcaueed lm hure ta faîl. ln yontb or age ail fiesb must de, ý And tiznn ta demi as wcl! as V'" Dra.-An article aifaruitture invented lyiy benefactor to bis species for the 'mont Of hie breibren. h le the last vo tbiuk cf tse fint vs vint tA get out af, and the Iaticclar thing wo havs un desire to k'oep. Why do ws ail go to beel? iwias a problem proponîed-hy the Sphyuî, and long ce. malnod ,nnsolved, util an Initenione Ble. elanîn Arob, aiter aruiug tlîree namer- - ' imtai faud out that it was hecause the -wd wonid ual caine touea. ÂMOo II eo GaýBs£S--& darkey ptshrarase t anauee hie teit as fol. lave .t-"4,la do fuel pistaI at) Claver, and at thse twa bundred and nincîy lest verso "<110Wd up, Doctar ",&bouted one ai bis boacers ; 'you'vo gat on de wrang Wok;-,Yeu inean the piAtcl ai Timothy, Thse preacber heitted' a moment miîh -a proond look, and eaid- --Il Wol, 1 muet cave lu dia tue : thaegb 1 knov'd dat de toit vwu somlewbere amoug de grases." 4XPven hoenîrtical apon îtue ladies,' vas thse asîun 0< an aId Irishi peer, rvaîark' âmle fer bis bouuage otathe Bx ; thse only - vy in thse world that a trais gentleman 'viii attinpt ta look et the faults cf a pretty wonsan le ta' abt Iiecyca. Theogroteit pleasure oa ifle je lave; theugreateat treasuce la cauîentmeml uthse eteiWt profession le boaltb; the greatesi '2e i leoep ; and.tlie grealebt inedicine is a lue fiiend. Tisey tell cf a yauuîg French afficer juet * sarried ho tise prvtieat girl in Mexico, sud 1Ws mces.. Wiuiuiug ways hhoso French- Mou lave. n Téescopes are nov adu'ert ufrasale In Landoun wiiebi only voittîwenty' ire dollars, 'ith wieh doulie storesinay Le #m.ethde features cf a man dietiagainheel nt a sdistance ai five miles, iluni marks ap- on a tanget tvo mles. and the figures on a elones dlock ton miles.- Foots dined one day atit~icbmc'nd. Wbeu th. landiord produced the-bihI, Foate tbougît it vsry exorbitant, anduaked bis mimu?'- *Partdge, au't pleasu you,' te. plisd th hot bPartîidgo 1P &&idlFoote 4il choud Woadcock, lby the length ai A poo rigeIsian 'Who appied fer a liesses te teil spirite in oaseaof îlu' Provin. dai towno ptiýEngland, heing quéstiaeelby tbe bord 'of exciseaM to i un4ral fluasse for the tirait, ceploul :-"Ovbh, au it's ibsisye i'.? aure an lys not'*mach of a 9)mracten à an s» euds tasel! vliskey." or Stoddsu'd county bas been senteuced ta Pey fa Ose aif$5,00J and work at bard la. ber durlng tbhe var, fon barbornag gaeril. Mm ir.Ederbsra'y aayi thore muet ho a qai winy ebjîdren biled ou batîle-fiobds, 0there Iartwa1y780 maiay asait arme fond Aer a figIs. .'?tie girls Iineied ilasmals attirea aniv- efieai Laeitviqie, the otson day, lan a pirty « 3900 (onféderate prisonons. "Played eut'l"-tbe gretit sensatlien Ounadian I rmel plot" ta oblitematu tho !<astbe -n frontiet' ai Yankaedaun fronthe uap of Affkenlea. lbe assmbly at Adlisido, Austrabie, bal"psiseda 6111 té legalizs namiage witb Lb. sluter ofa' sdoeasmd vite. HappInuis ýs 1k. a pig with a gceased hal vhie viy one mens siter, bui uobody tan hod.. For tStfniuîury m îali kiii-lle, <'hu} as Tornuitti utracîn EMM. Y3E'th4.ttIS, 'lcltntîîOtIle, l.'itg'e Bilhur'. fvii llil1cr, Zt%"'SC ilOM)1 BOOKs, 'V1î1 luit 1ai" ne, (tuitid, lii îitgrelî.lniui cul ('ient&C.u.înl'i, iiiuiaI, ttc VIOILINS IF-OR CORDWOOD, A fil e lo ft eîiîii, Clitcal- ftin (ani or'rd- Wsood. Att ls i'v. tiiure, due. Fl'ulii ttî,ttii(!rynlui Oruat n'erietvn' t I GEORGE YULE'S, Teegijhilîice. I iin'A tiîlîn 43 rI titree. ýýililltb' HAIR RESTORER ANtD ZYLOBALSALIUM? COITVINCINO TEBTIKONT DtST"NG'UISFED CLIITGYMEN. e".eefulv csAd l u.' testimmytuo lin tq nt eurns tfîî'iîîl in,1h" reeot n ,tuue'ofitI.r M. A. Allen'* il,'vniaiunlit vimir 4. t ,l.cead tzsu>"tt un.'. T.'y'c firrv. J W ES.t lieteayi. . I-nn' i la.' e*tf g ond m I-le'inn t n I nn ent i h1-1,i.sutlelienT Ai< . i . . i'-l 'N to I'ut I ' ' b"lu t v y %r In~ lin". I..Iiii E ti1:K uttt "I t iree,'t ltît /.tv t v! % ue J.1. Il.IATON. LL . Il Ineni tî'îuî Uuitri ltu, n'tty. fstir,ît u, lte intunt e ui-t it' Tii tnie finu ce f qu i>'ua' tue> ee e ei. nt'i ttict' i nt t iente Salut by Draggtsotbrcughaut tise worhd Ie.199 à 200 CeeceulnliSt., Ncwiaork. NEW LEATIIERISTORLE 02 KING StTREEIT EAS5T, cORNifiI 'CliJx('11 STîltI' r, TO-Ri).'Ti> IrgSta eununthaintr#5I le ,~ iie h -ainaca preoi"t"4, wiiec e howui kueegi alarge ausdvnatl àseleutad stock ocil Leatiier &Trindings, Xachtne 811km and Throadu, wlsieiu.ià eiîl Reust nue&I p1iesi. fait (ASII, as defy campetîtlin. sw'Âll iibose 'vli vwaut to cuva iUole3' 'li 92 KING STRLEET EAST. Tomanto, OoWeiar, 1«38. 44) Ty TEE IGRTY HEÂLR! WOBLD KNOWN à WOuia TRIEDI1 flannna ie. bugot s nov Llliput, salulta -b. aisllei t tan ultison om Thetusor Coin-a 'dmc. Iftt. de s lfouirteeui yeum s ahi l.-- ytvo luches Ihigis and wiegisuserentien pmudi. -j t An Trihusu , illustratini' tbe barror. of ,uollyca coueet, stated thst oni of C& Ibre bçndred persous sentonceul ta endureuù, fbie s nlahwnt for lii., apily fiteun aur- Jie tiItl ,- - $ whsrc lie la preparad ta talc e ail ordera for foi c1ri.l, c. and a fliiy ipply itlîe innie.AMIl ordeIrite upholstery raie pulet-iiily ittuiid ed ta.A. K. ItICE. Wlitby, Maroli 80, 1868, 12-ly BROWN & PATTEBRSONS' AT TIE (LI) WliITI3Y FOU NlRY, BROCK ST, WIITBY. M41111faturer anad dileiral iàlliile ai o AGRWCULTURAL JEPLEMENTS, NfIRWl.l wu.t, iNn tuu TI1RESIIING MOUINES £'onibined Reaperir and.5Mowers, Four nlirerent Ibiltif Two-horse Whoel Cultivators yoi: 1. IîFIArcIrî STRAW ANI) FEEL) CUTTER$S, CIlANT fliP.o«N CJtUfIIERS, Steel Iowvs and steeld Puinis. FANNING MIL 8, SrnUfflr',Cohrit eliîd Pôtaitîlîstun SEED AND TURNIF DRILLS, ,on shorti uîutivoi. 1,*'ern tltllg iii Illî'tne Iînuîn tuuîi'l'.l IIIIA\T. 'tTlJ~I'Teu\ ç& D'i u tiMCOMMERCIAL COLLEGE' lniicirctT,îî,îtn V. W. Firut doorrIst of îresîeyan Book Rom A 1,AkIeg STOCK, JAMES, JON4 Tailors, Shoemàlkers, iag'e Builders, Dréýs re, and Hea4s- of Y îS Geliel!ally. î',,ti~~~~~~~~1 1i I N s. '"~ti Mlii TUE UIViS 'i'e oulv Wringer w' the flfl-WitT.FL RE ~ATOR1 jtI. 41rg'i-iltns "t(ilît te-t.I ti lu it eitti It.esuwglao. ir1,vnci'l tVhnHm1 autf(iin&Mn- lui" t uuîît I ic" 't-t ii- i in l't' lti'ii' Ii t c iraticnt uuii'eut tîel'.uiutliitihtine No. t'u' 'Ii- t l U ne uCommeali Atu' ii ctilue, ctiun .eu et . l't't"î' t i î. u ît eîiii.p l cuo e" ti' l despoteli. cIrti' tttiuo -i ' ire if'r lnee'ni oe. at- Thfle u'mlI>prunnt IncSe" i% c'i t in,îCi,îî'ztte:îî,"tiinie nélu tiill sleîtta rutui.t fIttett" ni ii i iu't' Ior nylîl ea'emin tan m. .4tîutn'an ti-irlic-At'tii, luîî'î "it l ii' t.' Iiiiit. j renscî a at i lin) tîa DepanTo lndsl. N aratedan eorIio faer.hi u ne's. Eteut e >11îtt' it I . n.uîl-m itt, itunîhit E ent4tntug n V h ch de.uuExp ceie sai ehre . d"'î iîî-e nnnedl tm' y n hei ~talllhîsi ritu tîuîef '.'.c'i lt u. the N w l,'inss iWRtîuF, i idu~ t'i de t1i to àtagehîniu: 1iI itlttî!eft Si.ti insu. I l -t '2. Li Expimeai oure.Cauvassee lVuinted MYTown lut 'rL'iîo'i tut t )itIe, eî tttl11iil: h'crine. Flo CAnada. ' fit,u itt'Ct.ttut Sta'r" <'uirr, "I' r l"t"ti't tuuiîîitt '1 o icint i î ,lhî'price 10 nsnt,îîucl ltiear m~n andtiI.îlur.ory. receive fiL W' t.:,r'rv Eîrt' i ~e1 N'tiuu uîcî usllihe luut"ui~ii'. .-aiut' W.IL CIIILDS k(ca,.Hamkltuu, ar ' ll lc iitt,ne '. C"'., ~ \ A. d o 11ttute.1,ît1uii'nete'r N Il. outeroii. Torititt. isucacBuell ui. F..ii ' ' Te'icherm. iteniuicit a l.t.ind h fi 'uut utrcnl Ille Tîuelory aisdi lravtice t cinof t-ano Tl'vchber or stpuc'eicti Puuî uiI1- .h. LAetue onent u 'uuvun'nlli-l.A.fliait' rîsonut. Eeq--. MC. blInil';ltteiSli vau. Ese., bl, A., irrttc. Seuil for I.ataîotrue ndt leiter (etieloing o4eveul ccuts.'t A'Iilnsn. BRYVANT, STIIATo!4 lAV TUE CELEIiRATE» thonil tenirlt a of liitbu t4trIlrvftr nîhitthier for Town*l.ipn or Itcuntiutc til.ten.iutof Ia iuî aiuic nnicth woruiu. ma Labour4avigg Invention,_ du., e lied lleiieinauttiecture out he i a pe; nt tîcl, rota Ille csrehty or the urcli- usî'y îplvba ntuel u oireom- THE 1100P 18 STRONÇGER,.ý AA IvIiléfat loisger ttisse the .ovliasry haap. A ('isper eu al sAt lIedfonr tuia Ors eIs per âtinyore thian w'ith thie ori4uiary spltýbnoI 9INE,,T11OU$AND1. HOOPS, WiII gkas le bat f im, ia Iett(y'si te incty-' elgbit berrls; sth liln iarel tigbtor iutl bot tImeOMPZETE SAIŽISAUTJON 1 I vIIFAP R T AND tEVFRu' T X'luityIl]Stotn't"Stovie- Fairfflt.ini, Tii,- stoecnai c'very stylecuiî,tvtnhtcl Pree. Thecpopîiar iew4, p'ý ttinc lune been-iatroiouo' ucnu5 ilcvoeiea TME KIN6OPF 814> Es, MRON DUKE, 1 GRAND TRUNK, PRINCE ALHER7, DAVY CROCKET, .PROTECTIONIST, 4c g~'ailenl Ps, JOHN iERYAN-, ERESU AR*m'VALS-! T R fl e u î t b ijo ise j o t " - c c I a r o h ToeoCoffees, sui."Rieo, &c., 'shîcl. tu.<ur de. puep@s ty el;liv1canuiot lie utdloncII lu ftlu tauut. CUAýRITON78Fa tuvoritie GR BertraWa' XXX Han.jSy"ep ifrt.sntleotl'WoilYlF r :Jutquveit Icuaudlu c 1uvned. A ý3sn i nonces BOOTS AND S'4OESf i iSpritg iuiulSintner -wo mc foîi Al tmp- Butter. E Ca iai Uipies, Tiw'ro, t C., tukein le'cxha Iesvn bnot efosod -C t - : .ie STovE__o J. R. ARMSTRONG& Co. B. BRYAN, AU;ENT, OSHAWA r'e'qn in)e Frin arc rereivinir a large lot cf' 1 %'cll eeleecc.dStore isîiiîtieltn tule;r aWii ipectili, witii ail thîe iiiîîriva- iieiite calcuilattud t a rike tlîem endure thîe mîrong lIres inti lleNirtliern celinuste. .1. IR. A. &utae Stovea uued ne, pniffli.p, au Bien' julive u,4oîl the test, cUdti iine gatIltle best of rnpiiutiràit aIl nni,n I(aiada. liteiding pur. ucltè,rmeuvc4 getl'.pplied et t.iiecper tlîaîi 1m1)Yut cLr lhouaCilii the Coiniy, At Mr, Brown's Old Stand, 1 iii- fînuî v '. Tsi t ii iÇt 'r tli ii il Oi %ili e o"~n i ýirt lu. lI R> ~U-1141. cou N'rÈRFEl'rs.-sýý,nc vii,'wuî!îr i 'tic',llîibi . ' 'Illin411 lt tiit î. 1Ilir,'. ulialI t hlv" lJ'lîciil î .u iia p lqitItIIY iii' îttite. îîid l ti, 1. ele'lt ie , 'iiîrupp S, duC., ne Itat 1-1,(ti ti te' Ili e1Pit.rcticc ii'twef'uî tii' ahi .% leiitl Ile ia'. 'ir'F uore dr eainre 'viii i wV alnlittt lil iftiiclu.t ui eîîl im" are' taiit foriî~ lwîiuîn getti ni(. T, uî o. r l er e, i'sdkt %le emI nsi(i f \'tflt!.' tlîuiii cii'i rlii'n ' tiis n vl'" ttII 1 Iini U a' N . Intl t' i t lr'ii.'li t" islyid - l' l ttbock, if' '1rirCe uie t'. 're t Ii laiv et N"n'inixir lt<ee:Yr. i H-OUSE TO LET. "t .IA" v le Biekh' is'îlns tne îî55 su"-,-jtxn4-1 it it "". 011,r. hit iii 0e t - ieiii'.tiîi mi,îr-ctiî' t. The- ar1ini ;.s ""i ri i t' t #il tî ' l <" 'a tuuI'In "i tii,'te, 14 ît'. i- n 1lpeIi- mit.- re tîlt. 'ia l,' tni'.l iifi n' l.. li- ai ve iýep ' .t i. t ii ' I' t 'iiîat s'îi' l t tii ve ,tr bl ck 'f'tioTow . e* % i t'i. e'i i I t u t , 1 ý , l11 iliNn tîniti*nli Anc'ics -sriei cCompmay, I ~I'u>ti'i,:A'rIn e 'tue'etut nIthe 'hird I-ucicRicin fuir tîîtt t'i"queuuit'hir'Pmiittd. ,lOHiS'AGNEW, Tran'elling Agent, livrai. $treet, WI1iýii tante cf tils fuvm And heironidmîmg counitry', thuatb lue ylihe happ.y ta aileumetùl tiîr detIr euti'uste'l ta Iis cire. 'Ielettui iiueou'tel oit (ld, silvar or Vutceiumnedc" htohier Itaci. Teti thleil or ctraetentad la îa est paisible Patlcîular atteintionui eitthîe regntetiaim ot Chlhdreu's TetIs . A work ia rentel. MONEY TiO LENDII tiNi cam <oin $-Mo ta $QOito, for 3, e, corf5 1L ecrs. c11larunitug Prcpetv. M'aistad-'4Io = eremccWild Laumele, hit ail -43th0t Diaii AjPIu(if by ltr re-pid, t Ajppy, (f b Mle.t WEBBEpai,) t tippai Canada LUd Ueg istnv anud l'aI~iýt. I)iee, O riser citîegc.ui.lçyuaiwjcelloruoftuectes Toronto, C. W. 3 WXL. TILL, MfANUFACTURER 0F ALL KINDS 0F HOIVE-iVADE FURNITURE Offers foi sala a veu'y large and excellent assortment cf- SOFAS. BUREAUTS, LOU-,NGCES, BEI)STEA-DS, Tables, W'ardrobeu, Chests ai Drawera, Lookiug Giàsst'tn, Book Cases, Mattrautses, Par- ]or andl Drawing Ronni Chîiu's, Rocling Chirsni, Office Chairs, Cane.seattd Chiaire4, '1'ilet Tabieju, Towel Stands, &c., &c.. in great variety, mand at grea tlly rerluced. priees. %V arranted ta lc ie ade of theo best uniterial aud workmnnsliî. île riepectfuliy invites an axaminustian af hiestock. Mvtî'ry article je mansufactiureduluuder hi' own u erinten'.incc, andeau bc depeaideil ipoli UPHOLSTERY IN A.LL ITS BRANCHES Cali and compare, and be ectisficti beliro you go elaewbcro ? FUNE RALS FULLY SUPPLIED. And enerythiing in theT Undcî takinq lir ct»i e li- a1n ttilieceiiorce.gtnotice.('offluis lee1it constantly au hand. W-ARE ROOMS, No. 4, Brock .Street, and No. 2, Coîb)otie -Struet, WVhitby, C. W WILLIAM TILL Witby, Jmly 8SI 63.26 Iiiiîd excellenxt aidat(COI(iLltCCOm'Uodatiofl. p 0 UZij AIJMGES NO IJIIGER THAN THE OTHER ROTLS IN WHITflT. JACOB BIIYANý Pîuaî'îîrue'n LAIT;IiJOt'tt. i '1KI 'I3. 'O. ANI) l\IANIFACTLTItIell OF r? HAS RETMOVED TO FOTRYS OLD, TAýND9 oi iu:îid, almii; calqtMtult'îutîtî.'umîgCuto',ScguBtirg'îeq. I i {t, Oh' (it. lattOt unS-ve, utuiul înst auucnuuIpatternu, f'mout tea-bttst- iaei rnis, anti choic-est worknsin; andti lopos l'y ntiit attetion ta buiiuuss ta iciit as elarcu of publlici atronage. ij.-'A font' t0041isecondtil lul CuîtttŽrs ouih:uîtl. - IDOCTIOR DAVISt . citiiiai"u ta te .'iyph'lliq aund other Di- seases tsaetprivaté Ntur eliea A ti Oce, cnrer qPJBay 'Aatrle n eel c1~ide -1. « fia lies uhcrcted 'c'eRIt tli 4ie t'ahtnt ef! thue 'niiuu feror futthue, V'tuueel illienes.n. cl y hie p le- eul'h ir'neeèýt i.s ai euhl, ie wore .ujt4gsare- Soeetndarv 8yptuilie, pronrmiueed 1tv g,% nimy ptuvesfeiuuis o"1in*euma;it,ait omil eectt,,ttnll Youitg uten W'iua lisn'o f'ieui viehtit t ie dreadici etfacte ofitiii.m orte"'Aeut, n'e Trecive hnndaerelief tiy aitlyaug t-lDc. useeliclue saut-ta auy pum tee oitItry on11t'- eiit ofaetittill Ibo. Percauts liliugto cousait ihue Door caui (ciii aowith tule lttunont eeeroqo'tse iii othtru' la sa arrefdtugi bat W te iuîîpces$le fur tuctîeutteta ec et tier. 1wutue. le'r coumeacît die Irae w'vieaobh* ci et tlîe office. - nilettoetouitbêmuddiuucsd, (utteu, AL. Davq, M. D., Teoôtt, C. 'W'.. jîlc ontauit) e pautstaup hifieuîiswar la dastrrd. - 2î Harrimss Etira6idiuary Light" .en.ing Gallary, FIRSTPRIZE SEWING MACIIINUS THE.MAZTOR BRASB~1I lare pbrepered ta furnish for j-ls ble term . 4 1 d n Their collection Of Malis b IR v~edsc e xteudlvo sud tlua latest M asc ot fmaloiibls For termis and engageents ddress the Se- Icretary. mqD erXE 1 F o r aîmy an eaifithe fouir R 8T'i ew i... . 8 -1 F o r t o îi n c i ' o f t h do i u î l e o w à a . . . . 5 O f ) For mlI four ai tue iieviewe ..... ..... 8 o 'F o r Bi l lie k 'v o o d " , tM ig az i iue . * . . 8s 1 Fier lilIaukwoo'h and tne leview.it.. ..... 5 144 For Bllwcicwoad îmuul tbrevRovhanvs. . F our Biîiclc'v a nd mîîlth e lotir htcyiw Ai ~ l'ae;tnLzc for teIle-'iole five I'erialiems YÏlî uiisa y'uar, -- LEONARD SCOTTr & C., MARIN~ acéogr att the1 c pu'ot relictI1 JOBhue p W'lithy, FOI) JOSE - lin lJY o th pl ar,168 ONE: -BAUX The Oelebrated Germa-n (1 N0jUliES ente, bruinas, frost bitos, mui'g ) sorce, and a11 kinds ofai esA wouuds. it le thîe grCateot remedy knýowxi for blini aIl 'lutle i di a d corei n manuand beàst, The rùiifieeiy'la Iluulliblo for relieviniz ho"s. iindj cattie suffenug-tram pain. ,e From thousaud ià futatmollalb as ta tie efficacv aithisiruvalttsble -rom dy, $»e follow- li, licve been i ceeted: 46 huie sed yaur ail the last six*Yeam, and ,&III mati7fiod thet lt Ile acqalled for helng clitis, anid curimig frast-bltea. It efeicaey leo 0cqimllypiîca pplled te ai beV To . h .ue'wv.B, Esq, - P'icering, Fcb. 12, 1861. "l I etco ayaý,antils a a Tty I awethie Plilllti., i tlI ,îk ît rught tae reca)mmeitd yaat ceichrated lot4rgnon OiI My littie girlgat se. vercl'vercleil sea mach mol- that hem meccvery viis loiibtfitlî 'bt by tha tîmelor' application af voni oildia e i o'wcnnmpletelv cutred. àlà&TTIIEW SWAILOO, Jr. leNmi.-u justice tgï on aunsd the pnb- lie, in gcieral. 1 thinle it riglt ta reoomms'ul youir celetsratedî German 0il, or the cure ai cuts, trui',es, trat bitexi, .,liu.iqualy' offlce' ciotiii wlietlsiei' ippilid te 111-111 PETER ROVElt 1.liekntriuig, Februcnrv'. 1662.& DFeRti iî.-lli jîutioe ta Yon, ntd' mu t 1I lo tl e uic 1aie, ttiiulc t ricît tarecoin- 1 r ouir Celebriîted kruiiî (0i, for the Paure f'! t'i oet bites. eiitî, 1brutiseii id alieofai cart D3ANIEL iHOOVERI. l'iku'lii, Fhrury,1862. ,&eifttred train a bcd runuîing noie for two vetirs iwtl'uliltruisïioii. I wes lucedti l try your eclehroted 0ail, aîîîl îîîî uaWcomploe JAMES FlTZGIBBOIý3. Onea ai tbo first iiediciil inn lu the Cotnîty " J ) t . n *- r iy-. , - E v e n'r.ý w li . er à a l l a v c mt b c wo r l d V v t r j ii t1 v Ger it u i 'e r ît ii i O i i d e q c m n 'e tl a 1 'e îsîn a It iiiît prove e blessini' taman- kiiiu. l.i ane used it in tut cure af clits, brut- se:, trait iîitius. &C. itnd aIea uon %ares or înu' t l l îli i' i i g . i t h t lu e r n i r a i i c d t a t le c t a c u e . "t T -. i- 1 1:1 1 t .a Il lr ig wie t , a n d a e t t h c p r ie - "ip,1 p'îetiue il h'te l'ravhno. 61 N."Il, V'olaiiies' af tîja retîowi',e. Poriî,îbi- IN v iilel ii 'tL Ju ly, 1 6,tii, Uny Coi prime 1 iii'L o,iuDO ieQ uxniîýr 1xtu '(C onservative). ruIIIEINi'uiiutRzvipiv (Whig). "l ';"Zi0 - "Ti ' 1BILITsit Rvmyw (FreechOurchtý Tiur %Vitstrn<z'ot nRsVmuuw (14~l li uctoisEDuxBURGÇ,aMA . Nr c(Tory) 1Prices w tao e inreaed Postage ta l'e reduced Privatq Parlors 1 Within a Y CW Yards olf 1 MUu tOI3 %X bo4zuqu9yo 1

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