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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Dec 1863, p. 2

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________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ I I t Bali i t d ,t uli&S1 o4faliu lo« Jme Qinistiies ffitu-bl. erniJaesrnm lesu adla-.R er. - >NYONE DOLLAR 'A TEAR WkbyThuMsay 1)eombeT 1i7 16. Ti.Dinneèr te tthe members ai thé. Op- pitlli In epavIléantt, wbflil sto ome offtouay(hurdaylsexp!ced 10b. il poal sumocm.,. The weStbi ebief. Jouxr A. la lob.isent, and se are Me, Os%, and lé,. EeG. .Tih. dembnstration, vs ifrt ..wi iib orîIy ith e CasIOn. là ~ibe il. (or iiOdînq our. Municipal ~Pfflto bci îsbdlundtsé5ý! lge and *Iongs At th@; Tovbali,'on Cou nnfl ,itbi. At the ueîlng onu Monday evenicir we 9*,rv.d quit. soamber of sspimmus for 4d« -l.bon" sla slteodsnea-seme of uben nldstl74ssirow W o tùng rudhunsîry hamw luit te ait-lie lb.' adene-of ifulelpel I.glslslIOn. Apvmcsî lthe min- berre u' m Ù.A per amd Bielo- us. vii.bav.t Lsim Januaery lut, e Ipses l osneoi rom s mit Monday inaOr enuvmrIluma vas un objeet ln vies, or hq vould Dot nov bo takldug qise so mach Iroubîs. 8wuiortnigit &gelnd .eamiugt4bave pvdleted %Wsr v»y. Tii. wodng Sb nu iviiomi le vosld bave been (uifse /g le bel or la ~ sàltat on, the, pavr und, find iii... iive Is.Iy ae ~strt of faullar ton- Unsse, miltd .dnge"sisdperse. v-.w lnUu*.y vithi Useua. Tilsgeoer4Jly Issu Tor geowtlê rw e*s ief4e- «A cuqina lkUbsà ~limes po. bhl. sMd lIveidto v.et~.dupes th" evqvs ,adeund v. en tertal t ubl, wbatever4 hbt îb silos thbemilsesta b. ecjolsd*u b> q4b>',b. quull>' rolldaiust -1-aio oi.n liometi upos iii %ie essdi of Jnayac. Rs le tti .efor uOM dimd.guisbs huda sog id onmeuttsI el for tii. booes h.eta vole, - Complexion of aur munioipi CcMil *01osheamr. ,hewtbuet.wndabo d1 in tlaeb.eomew.t,seise, fold- lan-R.sob, uxbag4e, 1'bri ItaM sud 2«1, WÀ PssIapa lu Bk -Brqçc% bacm, lt lOituw f Wiitbj ugpgl,, nbitvsvbuib lie n. Ib Iha m tesn s eidbo>'ci t içsulImuimast au0" , I - -4y. m- m 91 t Rw 0'mla en uili tlu -- ue*s~~ aaad i lt spu r ir b. lpmnd. lie &unnomuet of a Me.. elaciie' Intltee-uaiootu%0 e viib se. fenri lestveeob. The arnngeineus art v" er>mcpleiteandcedneet greai enedit epou îbose iavlcg sule tttr labaud. il vitt b e mau Ilutmsny ai Our lesding citivstuuhave paietakIrelitemqlear part of ie, *ntstalemet, sud "ein em ougiit le dm. Ibo' langeaI adimen e e ittrcu4. fjart bm undrer< 0 li.mc sKerenî i Mn. Oeo. C. ailênsd cen' mauly cea14inot be fi beMtr baud. TIIrt -Wieostb ttilInuas-, ber bis omselonge ut îb* ,In#iteW a uowl c Isat .*ue-mmev Tii.,.e-ae o b. *o " Our clti l i"mt Iive ual ibot lpatoqqage sd soppîor i l -s9tan saelan i> d s r e ia t ela ibug ine offoned chici vu coula ié mO .ii>' ca,. Hou tbe lie ravotl.. P,àultiCeg "sm Henry SaBoîl, iii nou. John fHain Ieves'> "Penny, aimai M. P. B. Bmeh* Io oolt itr Jin tbolelea ifor.-But Denlusu, -.11refuse %b pa>' lsePrimer nfer î'mer eletlosee- ~~lg upusm.Tb"-ybavei-tabourefhuge O*bebitlsd giset mbbeb la leadeti te avi r "th*a "dpendee et - PaniitMMet, but, Ti boeppecra i1 le lg1a Ym oufme Méoudq aom'iug. W*ens. Wlltby piassi te.nîuai iioér«w l. a Journal as aur Kingecu asrteporar>' la, soutd âli iiaa tefte b. e tie 04uteditaof repectiug ily eMr. Èsrry uild se ber.sg bltndth. ', pesidéné;u of Pati ament. Hé'usiý e Coent>'pyu umapdu d ops. lb. pin. te our-Ksn LIte * Orr-mbose receiiui b. deput>'b(44asor hs le propesuiant duieýthes, fo.r publialing bis addreusa. Paliueutary ilibsl. cniaeaitilq~1e ~ h muiIetkispi gI r.pulsbblepc nînduculq>ip. Ti i wÀ UtespAê,oMcby i indue- Kri.ue;ý ad M&r. ccvmumèM , tg - ,- «um 1satjq v Peoplee v ivtt fo er teuU.'fétd- dates for Municipal bgooyit î>jut fer the fouao et hheuiug," ,ug,>' lt$Wasecond O p. patounlt>', ln hlltU4711 of <vot f>or "Vaptugha","-in1 t irs s s~de. pentore fon thei. gtomd dggngt of Bni$is Columi'ia befors tlie-as meare ýisfomid uf Sprntaget ail Oeneti. Ma>', ne donhi, vilI echo thea.tet.-h hoov miilie W*eIllid of bina. sat 's eau velI asaure thénm, vuld the Tova Cone.- Tlarougla is lerrevesnus- . ov i nglfy and, lntent1ôn&1lly per.ltdii .--thie homo taxes bave ben encreaseitva cents la tii. dol. Ia, the.priasent yean, more than tIi.>'ou. ermise voold bave bee.He lias been a9 ctainn adisturber lu (la. omn- o'cian", Pt iuîtcbusness or puablie churucten e"Cap-9 -ing luislnderaus longae. In Lie Town Cotimiil, #urneg the pai yy,.bin illared1 toctuw' asbeee ouuagcom. 44& anclaus1 vantai i. talerateai in no otiier deîiheative1 wusibly; groaaly ltsYtig to,1.the major4 upon every.oqe~o g .$iductan. neriy pesoqial t. eq4u~bn t tie comancil boudai wii Sod%àÏ iilatbita la opinioin; 'iolsat Sad ~~ v, 'usCaptig Jin u spluyed the ie t pýtàluie ".tl cf a moui diareputable blaekSund during bis 7uur ofaioen. AMd lie4glories ini tua - inai oficonduis. Ho.picters- beinut a eplendid apetien fa avagabond, te a de. cent member of-te commaniy lu'. uct dotetiplian cf Cuptiag Jjesp ciarcutun, mo use ne exuggera. lauus.àluott toeWviaknov! bita beun vitîtes. Tiaey kboo m ii ob a baèbbiter ah bis nolglabora, a ali'nderer of aven lis nearest frîends ç&euoi esap-- and ta, any one tbat iia remanbkea bis bide. aus sneesnig ern, ih vcutd. of 1téeîf, i. sufficie cutarkuitthe mmîscoademeution, If peatile ViIII et sucs à s.v oeit maisson uppears la bu ans cof perpetual Striancd vrungling -iduilOg *"beIir Jeux, to manage IbhéaLlai of thes Corpioration, Aiýd keep tie Couacîl lu termofl, tie fAali b. theirs. ,- h cUl le Our dut>' Iiertgî polet ont téeir aitaim, aui maindt iem of the fmwiu-owariag h h e noirgive 'mie aid h'i-i," piropriatians at gicena. %sEic lem canner ut expci ion ac ,;iit'i, tuifi hýI- Istiice ori oI1Ilît '. t- :lIbttp iîreoitig e4a il#- tit ciiainiui f tic atatamit~ tawiî tr#cin-ie r'ied qja amatI scc1 sent meui,, ccdvenue enacîn'led yexiervay. 1ihaiii. îjisvsom-c aI Prao the.litearuity aiflte IBoard ni Trua Liai , u il,"ii,,ccuision eý the r tees and sevural of tour cilizenes, a veeny lie Str--iit -luaii n bvctnelt*C omi considrable suie bai becit matis acai'Labli - v sjîui se kt greut delireh ton tieuc ei f prives, wvile t -ill b- fzn,! týhîuî atgt hear ougi t ai fonce nofttte tuumlatî i fatepls uvardeai sd dstnissîted tbis day in the ueDu. bail of th i e Mcisa' lastiiote. ai the 5iTtl'i <sfyl YCRS. bauir ai io, P. ta. We mt o tee ua iTIeiunori-ditrnifti - Cou large uutalxer putsit ahofibe friavide nifthetic viithe cpFko'ntiuuînl moflise f4 puMqsilan*d oducation guuer&Uty. lIeder the titiiiOieriu curuiful sud effiient systue oh ihm bead L. H. Sci feid 'Id Xint Vad muster, Tacicas Kirklacd, Esquire, andI J. O. I Lbs-eni W lis asistc,'Mr.Iuei(gut, the sebonlis 5John Bow-South Wr". rapldil scquirnig a iigb standard. We -. so -, lan ia Is batialees tbe Town Coeucil aie tl'tr New*i. enalled to routier tic uppen put-e of the- - butilding fit for use, tue uppilcaîloni of A leiter fraie Marris Isha ai Crnhedcrte* ver. vorkirg iln mec' siouaidesi4g ~ ~ e liiasn'a liutud, ,inereffl*ng thi terme vihi buie ta bu reuset, for atasoliiîe ccd Àelt;n4Cofarts Gncd Wugt vaat ai accomimodatiion. h us ta b. ioped Confedera..ironceladéleostl îtt nmre moutes wli b. devise a emmaedy thles buhat wve iways ecmi sncb asiateofaffai. -- a:dasigiL Th Couiuder*tm 'a tom er udoth>' vata lu on-%is 'Fui WilatvnuvFçrxueumai-Of dite W ithL 'ne wc ficîey t ,-m. frau Fbrue _yor the acceuaat enuerpnioe ai and mucb idalt;informationi li remWateble esiergy eh ils propnisrton 10 alued, Our-fone.éae Tb" ive iùttned s a "la i ta ios. c lua> don ey ivtwtetwhum vtc rt Q -vI4sy d;Ïoynqt te 'nmrducedtu <npublic natice. it bast J- couabinedi advaniages ot four kiives. It la w. b>' a cont cf sce-ev vlichiwmstsbies iie *ccentrie priuciplo-tuo relier-b.lug Se desigeedti itla srabsei b, jUs ovu bc- tine~ andai isaiput lu motion soeuires, as mu>' b. deired, a lurger orpmà1lîr qea*nti' ty cf cul heed vititinàa ivea lima. BI "alteringtie acrov <vliclidoma not accnpy a muof <tics.,) titheluine ueo ie matie-ta eut fraieo 1ach-eb The tmacl is ta oeof Ithe mou: eice- 51>1.-lnuglul usaigu-ounnoüt-ie i4l sînougl>' bult-ais capable of ýeuîîiug a souun i an u. M. Brome, alan yelors cf si 1,bi prodlsetia 1etsu as able pri.t.z e ta nisý( er, i m e *tract tit )the indofatgailebidamry sd aereoru- he bi - b ébumaulteutet i viI taet vitii ai caple ,remanrd. limebusinesa of tie,,litby Funtir>', me- leara la, eteduxte usiai' --a v'sdeiy tiinou,haulit,-comuats', and w's -kn hu s t t as-efors tits propiiéioas de. gene, aIl thtepainorge tialceau b. e lv md upon home :maenufacure. - - me-puse- Csaos.-.T a tarie Ob,>" setier lisecom ebaugati baunds. Mem-s. à. eu RoinsOson e nos thée propniet ios W.are pîmàeedat-uba epotgFalu lte tsreaderda or ii.Obuerver on the thsr si-ht bu1i tubes pWaei for me -fi ,ueel ltait k Mmlcodute to titer adeautage. -Hlbv"& et sfeis1tdiffer 16- t>' nniie -iii nue. ¶iCmt ocrelu cedumn Creeb, oeur Csulee#t'satiiý ac.4spper i-à th i viivoaMs, at iChab1bt7' 1 About sorcu isudresladseI.a qai S the Il'vii tvî sn mcbh'oitm n1 h asbr? 'timi guartl posts'd ut the bridge, bel more diiven 1m_Ùaýrding mo camp e uige vu matie s pro- vin Qaàeciiston off aiter a suS't figit. Tise Presideat hies er division af laboer ;-ntid althoogit il Y'esiurdcy, li yialded'toa a lmarld maudeb>' chie -loyal is a n oltIsavifi.c <tintounomanyc>' t)ka î,uîmua îewî. lecague repnusqutatia'ea. Goa. 8ulnofleld spail the imuti"y, lii' sayînsi vas revoeul - Ttîe Iteisul lma been s'staved, àsud ecdered ta seliontin aur case; andI1 viii tbacgit ulciother- pabsuimtock in ta, Waaitis. Luttera bave liu eeci e- aId sayig-îluat&"bt a,, multiiude a-fcoun. The isppalu #à lien."fr. p neust cSasvatîs'. tasos-setlora lier. is visd6-masiainst iL aféMu>'Frenchisutif bons oh tie Cw&esiqlte :Com sfrouàýtise ; -in thei11000à dsnd. A tilicions, huued.Si.: ?frhi coln O kmug unelcalî>' iuî t aoko of the fmagnant wvend aften upper, stea mers îe e triaslb.SouliruStetu esould ýe Per. our rifles looked Iota 7ioz.c chat, fuli ai Geeerintucmmîa taitm horeurq 1, lteUnice. 4,lte as n~bucting ndvecttros, &c, vcod pîled an, for teIibti l, cetIcoi «gtgeptien bn.eledge oh t. oc a blazitag finIre pi Opa ce turned o ave ii 'Tlsaulrsg er nt ~ Lt4ht t" ee-aIoloe tu defstie o ur bluttis, oud - d b>'tic Ain of ýtie -sii m rp ais il0~ dent. "t<i cinnat 'i' aivsqet ra'sotobn- lîsiufIr sleup." banquet wmas ees, 1inî o4;-.,îsc;n a suffe ul audiîloe, wrapped us in asnsîeid, aud reiresbicg a entIer the Pse ad. aexioua1relienu suad join tboir segî. sioebr us ilf ce la>' umdengili e ciopet Mn. Adatat'V tiisol> _ýb. imeaed, btie-Peesèt cf' al*inugthe laiera, and thue ej spdoymnat. of -'Lbe replUt tfeniag,* p*rndaso te1e-Il e -- mut rotera theý uneal, ee wCunl foth equlompei, eand te Naptîluain te~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ë l'i oiisîvtbi 0d>s~ vaae or elr., aquart*n-oele dis' Ouniresa lhs -Wus*txGoin;ýîi.14.-4A. speebai lIes, tances, cetli1nalhaide of tbe river., lad accepte. P#telý,toAhe JIevaW says hiiat- Sentor me- Wqi vere,,lievey stationeLciiets, batti1t I 4lbusia d% Doegal.ili intoute , ajoit tâolutîin leP- Zot tiiefiai a. tt hlla'llot IiI6f thbo'Couit the. snate 40e4 ,i>gtheu'Frencha,-invutien n.e9uaetdc haotaýluthaeWcoda tWieP- refplyofuEst of Moexicoaa unl'lndIy net travurds lb.he nkaied 'tttine the Juizutpat. h0 beard peted ecalis ueaan , dinquiieg :if it b-nttca rosthInxamongIl tie lbaves,suloln Itltep dty ai tbhe lUnted., States lta delase *ar u uerviwdat cat ie o anuce, tise Pedamal1 gantFrueu u c oae ine F.it~aeltii ui l1oplkii te44 iIctotaprolese th féeonse of SeusatoasiMarnil'uJoit rosa-a as>~.ir,- mbaî d'ýe y'eabout mitb Ioderal *xe, tion giviag notic tt - h sbraogatidui ïe m oe" P- ving la go saine Wurtensarg Unadiaqn rcipruciiyt>' rtyr A-t <bucois- inrds -for buefie;4 B* -kî -tolr<lIte eea lIicate the mudillqutiome, tntTtsrgti wui nsbeu t 'f*w mots aeclewa rds 'lie cew Kin, the treaty - - 1 ln r;un1wqs 1iapniIs lit 60>Oio hT4t ~ -PeeiWhmera4ýBepantcf4lue wtn te énu& ekèaiJ.V-ba r mers, r cb~eabpI afgit Cesps.re ar -oea vth.in 30> yards pi, W-wha lut flyiûi> asnîmsotlsy lrcbtr, I4eaoat 1sroableliai aIle t 4 ntatqir fMr. Buecý ho, Y. 1Lndr ig buv.river, Èar m iles ushout~f -' sws .ý-Dùlc- fof BVIAI~ '- t - -ii t' 't -.bad lis ri6eflemid tva fine dos 'Fb. Âmerý more rebéved heeulut eeciss*n <route~ ~ ibè?ssêdi* bi#4 iilS Kliu~eatioveeevmomnlqgV~Gen t a t sxéditi uanr ~ su>4~topevosy la, fno 'cILtverpool Nan. 28, n Nerf -M1, amniceti sAbHalifax riugiugtva day.' later Euro, dismersGeafgl ansd 11h. ail âsrm4nivu te rneh pOrtéý iaeaock vag , seizedb>' tise i'itlee, 'but cnbseqoently ru. i« ;& saitI ta, b. éeu of6r ceént>' solul b>'tise Bnltiuila acti chicis are Dov flttieg nut 'lug DÀ iu wsgoneral>' eblori.I iericans le Laondon, A grand, ïïe giumat St. Jànies's Hall, -e!idoney aif[Robent J. walker. rs peset, tttIdeliveççd a leî af Russla sud -Svitzoîand s a ainvitation bs Buroýpus ace b.eu- eliered, Sîyitzmn. l.th invitation. hisladunieji gresc t0 be drave up. The. ri UBasaneualgive the et- fatiaa. - . rted liai tie Comtanuîe ,or . otrlaalis he e'qied-utid bistWt "Ilnd an td Pogt,-(fficu &o., togatiben miti the earoai uer ,gevunaneat ve wcul bu cble tu oaitain rudnesut for ail the crong dclou un, Ye, Botien Iniimurnn ew. ihi-he ablc t9, make vrwtig igiâtanti igbt wroug. ] Wc vili pull dwte ai igbty bulvarks ai oui enemies,. and>. leudtI elb captive iltto captivity. Chuens andtI a ceice, ',*1bu me acul bc bat ie'd utake aa fne pruaciert Chfester t -gelitîteu in I mtanitechde as i l isnov fiate sudimut tbaaîk yen fur nusr binai nûsantioti, but befru .,psrlicgt 1 cil! , pro Fisue i biee chei ns'for the P-reuidei oh the- Uniied àiiàes. A' eajice, "'Ieome saut il yen do bn!yau iMay' ebeer fan bita youaielf,. and 1'1î1b6 fayed if 1Ivoeufoti701 Chester." Wcllioner .than croate a disturiamace- - -ne41oursulvus, ve'lisa>'tic Queeu.s so tircu lu1art>'gondi ccur-d curie giv en anthe liemeeting tilspeised. - ours&e '1hè ileeuuéa- Ming Èaeuuter., - (FrouiBell'$ Ill, So#. 22; !68.) ASglile (lit ui' d nar uir r tlias lopr- vhen h. hsjust pot sible~tbat~bint niny b. dropped ai; to the probable drcectio, and îctuaîl dsîy of the battîn-. Befi>re -conclud. nIg thest fé1w, observations we btig to die. precnt,Ill idesa o ethîl th, cl'béin- iiir iatioi>îdl. We -perceive thtt soufei~ inve adoptcd ti tietlu iniiialludig , engagemeunt, and we begtowa,étrilor renti. cis agtloit. 1îtiting faitl: inari isuai mlr. marks. EPITÂF. 1-'Erécted 10 the IfeWory of robû Philîps, âscidentally sihot as a mnark of affection by bis brother."1 Lord Nebry aid toc have imade a grioe jýKt.on seutencixrg to death a thief. Who hiad mtole a watch. " IýYeu xnade a gr4si at ime, my lad, but you clutchea krailroad guard, out of enmployment.et 1reseut, wants to knoW wben the 66equi. noctialliine" is to b. opened, as ho thinks ny !,iacdônnald teoaches boys and girls the -qrammair; a!o0 geography, terresirial and cekestiail. N. B.-Old liais made nÀ gond A smarî coon, Speak~ing of bis 51t7 et ~~~~~o ~1 bo1, bere,- .Calledfrabt ais bfor bt - my Jane,- - dlordmigbt . de ubt ite rie drtinklndlo, thati ibt . lie tou.r,"siadrkytbimse, ouuaty ai Outsriao - o tii'ti Town uof Whit by mNuicipal £soc- Town Conuicil. - lionsWîitby-, 14 Decétaber, 1863- Wlth tiie exceptioiis, nentioned lanallier, Tihecooneil met %tthe Tovn 11114 oc colmou tien.wiIu*jke,ly t yuêdilugè XoAe" vleg, ahI tbe members pMsent, se~~posiîidtle~ef nm1~i0 - b~se6pléiMr. Hal. ith Ue - x e tin Cprpeuatieqn Lbthe og yjear.Mr. Xling - ?RlTlai. will b. ro4leted7- to itieMayorlity-in fl .G ecl.iryuk-o i ail probabilit>' b>' acclamation, Iluthetovande iipullving --thb. ats'ete 4.lediag ta Perry, Gjbqpu sud ( ipýelliI, b. eý te,,ncsiet-*etItç~ oi electeai-likel>' vithouit ppatitioi,-ueu front Mesura Fairbanua 4lox&é feat auoîher libme.. l ie octh 1,'àrd u iona 4 A àO fWiibý-dýsy ua l so'eliâ Itbtseh - inîtstiotoî o a -ssluu. by, ad pSnected ta tise - latter.-,upý Mr. viiia' Ilew wbr. fai an",iilvas rend, and vihich, nso-far, as the -n- Ibis arceëpiion lie reprèseicatian ef tic prayer vas a'reed tu. Ward vÙi.ýremai iithb, sae. Witb sncb aun xpçnaetod 1le&4or- as Ctptain Rave, 10n: m Otitlt-encuncrlet, m~ and thie prueticul experineof0 Messrs. miliceu of lte vile on lie ireport Catacroan nd Tbev;ý, b. Sell Vsrd vili commmte'of i e t nd assP'smeiî;1 -Ce be V.011 reprineted. -%ee albu a con. 5dcOOcut ofDr. i-tt ai, $10', s l test j the Centre' Warl; the"e sonie peu pnid. netbl)weeýre pie vili ýmanage tc6e-crops anti c1adrn. sa- ~altuottt( But if people ruihet lsefore voting st tic mn. Pcmry lhrootzbt up tic neport i9 eîsiag election, ijicru sêarcely will lie.'comnitîe wh.*ch s-tftinii jlbat tic i- Dr, Ooai, %In. N. W, Ilýnv, Mr. 1Lnvdcr, ditore of thte Northi Ward emoouito.1 and Mr-. C. Robet,, ce are totd, bave $235, i vii$2-4 yet îa bo paid - ig bee petudedto ecme andda ets. a-nixi-idiureeelwove tic ajpp4 a- heuin~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~to pnmde te bcnncîdiars of ai$1Il M tfint for lie Siati - d. Mr. L-aden decinea'coc'ing for%'crd. 1If andI Baite lino, e257.65 ; md t- th"y unit. tgeuber an>' opposition vill ho of 1ii-tded, lesviiajr$10.7. ti-tili&crelUý it f ittle avait. Mn. Powell refuses, il is saitl, tic Brock find I)uuidet sîneets $594,68 d i stand aguita. in Company w cul1 a ,. Cii-ioeu r-iidetniulriLIu aie aven e;11 tigJim", auai au doëa Mn., Dovenlî11.l. bei au-cetic apprcpristlio Pf$. . taingu agaisiacî vici thêe is a crédit OM Meusn.. Powell and iotrmilI dccliniiig ion bnukeîa une'., 5aitie Tnwv liaI' lbi!re is no difficulty in the va>' a-itic nev aboui tie saut(-î' îunt l ithe 'Y4015 candidates. And as tic gallant 'ICapi. haut tise Centre Wand isd t ýpe-nded ting" pnoceeàls te the golti digu<ita ii Lttjîîdiiaa-imsiiQ epnitltnebnve t Bniisa olmba iitii pnng p-otepro1tniation ofii$"~,15. £ ,,Brciâ Coumba i th# Sping pepie Aflie 8sami, tues peit -lendise~j vili not-tirnu ses>' thirvoues b>' electitig , ibrautîlucomsmîimo.-. ierport eus Deer lluntînil luUpper Canada. djco 're B.fuck who was putting for' 7b lte Editor of the JV/ilby Chronicît.w ah open ridge~ 8-bleated le the top- PRai À c0RRespoýÇDEiT. aoflis volce.,and la bis mosiroeaxing ac. DeàanSa.- Ma.Ernoit-I <iiW yw Ae gZll. .e*~ ~ 0na o ; lred and put a hall Tîte IinieJis a coriect report'of the P eogb ta bear an acouaintor smrn good tlw1oùigi bi, tta, 127 yarul,-tiie fine fuI. Caucus meebtingreCently belli in theNot spot;ao ifye ecue6O te clunuof 0Wta abut12rods faitiier aud droppe yard repanîstory te the coming Muni-,, the Chranide with tbe following, itilalit ed. lie 1.11- acrosusau Tedia patb; i cipal Election. ci voor service. Tiree ofiesP'~-W-- blafted.ont te theecamp, and' aiterwards' ,;,At es gbi o'clnck in the eveuing, the c atnd yonr correspondent,-tai'ted a fort. broûglat bita in with the assistance- of Phuer appnted, the roota vas full ceeu ti1 1 nigbt ugo nortbvard, for tuat part of the - , and W-, W--,- felt btt overfloving. It was moed by Mr Me- eountry,-i n littie tbis side cf ?eterscin's that evening; lihéinade a hafh b4r;,Cýobae, secd. by Mr.- Conner, that, JoeI Uine., We look a herse sud suitable Lalked vondersabout, sbeotiag, and ncarly unea,îîcaasly bu elected te take the chair. sprirag wagon, and witbout relating ta yoo killed ns deed in bis ove vay' ol ssyin, bMoved by Mn. Coil'ee, secd. b>' Mn. Griffit, in dutail or adeentureà hy flood anîd field, thîngs," P'-, vus je a capital humour, that Micice> be onanitnouly electtd dning a ride of four rlays, taor place anad ie huîaoered thinge on, altbougb you Sucretary. -CrI'ied, -Aite r the Chairan of destination, or raîb.r 1 shoold say ln ikraow bis propenrsity fer getting ogly when and Secretary bai taken jicir seaIs theA wbere we uould no lonzé?r carry throo*gb aau acielilîed. 'NO 6 vas the nnly îhing chairman arose, and briefiy explaained theg tie horse and wagon, ever such ronds and that I Ceaa amu' biàb suffered that nigbt object. of tihe uoiîg.asfollovs 4 rocks, caaseways and cnrdîiroys, nas would -eil-peraps iL didn't. Gentlemen, 1 suppose 700 are ailaw5i'5 agtonisb the gent, travellinir in the High. W --as the fiast up the next af the objeet ai titis aneetiîia it 'idt t re- lands of Scoîland sho excIaimmd- nurning bhe fuît in gond iuin. e ail treivu Our 1LIa po;asitions as Mtnicipal ['Iit <-i %,, i ru nî,îii t-fimsv, 'te vr,- proceeded te the woads front the Camp, officiaIs sud ciîizb,,.We, 1 meau Chester cile, and were searcely 40 rode distance off vitan ad myself-have beun strjgliug for the .i"niA ai nir-I u> -nnli.iid t(I ~» is ealled te noad, laufore four deer'ruanet lust three years ta gain - position, b>'ý W ei t, foritheip! bi if te bolo , nd p seu -oeaifu ît speed,' apiring either t e theuiMayo r'p Chair or eat ofW e, s, f t hrcl i- ibotfor h e c e o e the hill. Bang ent ta, piece ; tIe attire co mun c eutil board but bave _& ai i iîdez o ?îs, a i t , ic 1 i e vbich a hall lodg d in th c l ut, hou der, a d the beetai ico iparably osuc ess itl L- ow ing shad iii r wi eh(o'-m eîi u . li tr - a spirited benst traveled on f r m ore t ia partiall>, if n t lingethe , te ilat le. cîimmion place of cail and shelter for ail il miles, when I crime np viti bis duer- cursed Purry. Hie lias laid bare every feuit villuro a s ipnrtsifilnanid irapp-re iîîhujî sb :ip betwee wo islands je the river, and in or ceracters, bowver sui, eaîd w - iti tbis nemotse plate. jIl Wttbpot tire fiai-iiing satrqeute ita. Iecolecet os imperfect. lHe, Perry bas discoveredt ctilîctV-îov tb.t the litad river vas two miles;on lutin cnctities iiestt il e w enu iv.-i'd.rfrtable -mach mon goan itavewe x. iroin the nearegt nad,-pativay egaiîiI t 1 luîî,certain that vo cnuld lkenp pecîcd. ha-I a iî-lerdeiapielated. 1hîî-, meanl s, atccmî. W -,adwo m. ctda tvsn h and iane! inols, 11il of Illeinost primiive > ---le yi te alray. Isi i iad Gomvimt, Gorav edas ie u ne tiht Conustructiona, but la ns a great Ced-s;i-id. -j w ee-1 corsi, nccord il thtGvrie ralRodwir img Sic 'itî: awîîly Our CdUT)I,in ' . ii, g dr ov iw ii4. uigt ci n l,,t my nfltbuintenfened vwiuh by eeybody and c uld bizii~fie-gtti oth Ii' cd a oU t aie even e ws abetter huntsmaît nniy beiieflî ourselvels.-1He bas brokun up M yrl'îpe.tuiit lrjnd thanhe YerîNehuclainezzar waq. I spun aur iest candibron th ie contentsemb tict in y rlytipn i. lia iithshappiediil te Yrufior ilîit-igt. Nuxt day, pusb. hauîdd ni those wbe did nevlen suipeet p-titeq, wtt mnadeesuci a suppr-r as vni!d cd) ont, alt day-break--a littieSskite -. iaexiâtunîcet in-> ncio nu lenia Whvy tuil rof iaidollat rn lî îîd, bo--and ira tihe at of tic oods sciios financial a-id politicai Isu, flo the shnhv Lsîîliniî, d u tioA fherilsi t aidaylight. 1lnty ai deur sgî.nov or nenifis Or lime to nieke a huid" tite~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i utfpii. l.vi. ttsi-ltccu I t <iicI ouppliJnces, at about sevelte and deiermliîied rusistauce aegainst sucb brn af le tiifer a Sta and nIvîed at!ira-yandsdiiuancc, ot othet obuih a i-wi1 îituîf iio or Rigiu.s, aced 3ether fora.Il wena Le abort rit hersai i loic, 1juîl bcd lime to-be, cbarged, look- Inishuntui ce ecancd cl accocaplishi tîif forth . i v t!h k a fei ho t ud iîr t ai - d in the priming, &C., sd-balg; --lac yoa wii but tedi u u n o yur car ad votes, ni,- -it tonland dîffurua-t ediracon Or1came to grief. During tlie day >- anad at the uomuigelections. For ynon ,votes1 Noii, Ec,,mdWvt -s-tle OPl %Vi W- madu one apince. Cnming aon wf Wili recamnliensityou nif-courge, you1 iugualeaiaid A;,reed te tacet at tiec Ciiil nigi-it was mooiigIst-puniaps il, vasi are avaenof o Gravel Road, velI tbat's or chiul sn th slaiiyaI ark a,îltlhe îonoi's misebini thatkpt me ut;uti î the er-y uiing that will carry us uhimnugl Sas or municil iciiuriîi lin-t ýsay, uhere aidetcieîtsM. -oîiadaiiatni tiiîlailyfeiihîg iicdIrt- tîten rr-iiîrt pnoire-S. At diii it tiI civ i vtt r. onhdaie iriytrmpal fatthigwl ndBt --aIdV, qîeiol sr y-s, rury pretty, or is il prettiiy-aiid er Irit6rcimeilu si'. afford yoaî constan~t cm. 4 f 'i atii t ldl!4! i'e aia-iy cnd squarely behoru 1 gel tu jiiivîor-it, anad yotîrpy t-ver>' vuuk, be- s iiii V i n n t' o wttl y ri , , ' v l i a t u li s a nd"v i 1t:c a mP - O n m y va y I e ti c n u t el- - . t u le s i t l l y ie l i u s a c ic e l i tg ie : s o c a y o u . lent~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~wà 7'ami jl I-.tiîuwseî hîdo you tîinik ? A woîi ona elog :Iut-dirsiaîîi],Sir. dirka-aukiîgîiicîaiuîîià more lilii Coîî",d-thnac lit §u , but it vas W - , vito harti Tiechciaii-man resuiued his Seat aiist equuc guenilles tibsti 1îvv-i.bin spoirtsmoenitracked Nir, Buck, and liad itten bis lmu dînerâ, aiid bueîirrch i ii. Chester- 1iktW eu I airciPile.strelched acrois tie 104 vaitin.i fur-M Mr. cir inasad gentlemeni aur verts> ,"WolJ" says yor humblen servant, .jpcver getletmnt, unon vîtoîn hi played, ai you a rms bas ably a explaiîiud to. yen the oued boys, ve'l lan1e ugrand ' port tor'vîmuid li8 apitaesa> lte gotidetlusîia )pril. oblect of tii. l,okus. Joet-ceecus ccd nov, ~ yo t- eviriilii lit -tIaacple hy ttin a diagonial line. Ytîîîoutakriuî. Cinatier-its tnt vonih cle ibtdeen." ' o ac' aysI ili bea~r vint bcameniM.Wl d interrupiiiig me about;, but - v&lic'Il ifi '~ ~ Iav envlictfilstMr.tveW.olfOt and 1 a tetat o pv.) ,i O wl,"hwthe iog eâceped. Cancus, -oSas W ---, 41 T suietiche alg, n-j talsan b esorým." Al b;g,, nîsv (Ti) be cuocluded icicOur cxt.) Weil Brother Irnetn e bu ave a ard isils ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --- 'mdbsisa cx" Atbi~n c ~ .battIs t)a llhti but ns the cheirian tnld ooIlequai tei revig c iin urlt'ho 4 lialAppoiniments. ynu, ciithuheaid ni our Governet, as, aioce mu oterve ontsatd anscvvo- î~ 'é uaeis ar, and enr Gravel Iltwl,'vu itit the assurnlce, vîticl amniJmutaIi Hl sEseellency thea Governer Genenal will carry our-peitat, if you viii carry me mon etree ircmS5litu d . c in> l bas beepleascd ta Makte tic follaviîag* l% t athlie isad oi lie poil aslmslyQn. JoeI luhiit ve b rangtid lu in ercw. ppointtne aui, viz : - a s couneil lr, i u m e . Cheste n ott, litt- "oni,~'-brady ud aayunc Aloenru Buant, ai the Village ai 1 mean vint 1 Sa-y, and wiiJodl as njet ais' drces chci, as suhstiînted for fleenîîîîitle, Estijire, M. D., Associate cpsnicilior inii the Ni ;on a r nycîber vend, r disapvoiclîmenat, anid a cheery chiat aven CofnriurCnty ai itaco. wewltt vi. eremnetber il as ic i igbest ondsiner l vas lit enuin>. se olan Buriehbof thb.. Village ai Bruce- hî>iiîr yo.u could pay: us. Brother Iriait. in rrpr it aor via fin'etchrtà the field, Equin.., M D . Associate Coroner, mca, y-s I Mcay- with prepriet> eal you' mier, mied yaîr pti. aud hcookeil >'iUr United Counties ni Buron and fBnute. Broter Iihtt, forn'mohnw oe pper, le the -dark in tise oda ? Ynn - D,,,neId,ýLenuan, aof Guelphs, Esqusire, 3us»el-you tacan Irisivumau.* Cbeste 1n-yes. ( ruld tbint- il a troubîusini j.ob -espni- Barnîsqter t Litebu a Notan>' Public y fe b#4. lsometimes ,Say,'. viat -I1doiî't 1,' if you sdiaietr,îsav tihe nyseiels iii Uppen C;tiîda, touse. A. oice-sad bejapers you are doing yen or ~ auuled rs.via- ie hRitei9CY the GoeenQr Generai tint nov Chicter. No,, Brother, Irisimen o"di-'tisa e41s<.'i tuD mlie noulier>!'" ba uls44 beîpleascd t ato Leîu I emçe in 1 i>' rememlbersec <d' e ~na, lfpieid iirn iia m;lry a uhai I ~iutz. cf AMiensuibul, A4 ïobubt ocsdta as tbhe adrucacy, a u I àu ii a î s .a.ad jîo p e r à M - D ., te > e n c lle im t t e p r a u is u P y t i e, f t i c a i r o a d s o m e 5 o r 0 j e an e g o , iesfvuier suaad iliau n 'redicilîs, Surdery andI Mdwifery lu Upp.vr Canad. and for vhiic I got sevenely cbcsîised as Ntim,,sad ir- i aIî1jttie fire, ad Hi'. Excelcncy bas funrtishei en pisaed moat ni ynae ill reilAmerwvith7 chat crial pnacicai part tef aie opera- ta grant a lctstr-to n~arles C. Jerome,iencilesi force int ial ut i>' put- ,iih fer o ioubae, utun i iillcr.Esc t enab btateprmtiie las lasi upon-ate.»uît vengence Ifaours T Il , unden Insereti ' 77ieEdiabi 7%c LimMi Ostibaie. Nov o. 'tW, <JIIAýNIt(Y, bcUmm.4i>' *itfr tj îIai,ît I ort, frotas thilýiet'aîîor' n bnuly cution Ifl pero Da sd iihilietoc.13. N'ril dit bo-me came bery Ùear hein- mine.", Hlow su iambo ?"- "In dis wise, Mosa. 1 asîrd- de wner to gib him 'o0ne' said 1 un." If bu badouilr, sâid ~yef bu wuold lie minet,." Chierf Juîtice Holt, inyoutb, bar be,, Veî'ydisdipâîed. Wlîen enagrepd ari heuld 1Bailey, etman waaa cotviciud ofni hiway rubhurv,, aie nId companin Moved by curiobiiy, aind tlieking the fellow did not, know bu, bu asked wbai had become oi bis nid comparaions. The ýcniprit naakiog, a low brw, and sighieg, replied-"l Ah, my Lord, they are ail banged but your i.ardsxip sud me." The editor of a country paper, in speatk* ing oi at nuwly inveuîed -'6meiallîc coffin,' says they are fsst coîning ino afasbion, and are bigblynrecommeded, by thone who have n.sed thuca. Erâkinie nsed Io say tbat whea the hour came,, ibat ail -secrets sbould b. revealed, we slîouid kunw dth esson wliy alacea are always made sa tig>ht. RICHIARDSON. -A8À Wbitby, on jbe 11 tb inst, lMnr. J bua ichardson, -aifa SI'RO WLE -At Wbitby, on theo ltb inst., blir. luoberi Sprowle, agel .38 yeans, GRAVBS -At- Port Whiîbey, on 12iîb mst., M. Benjamin Gr aves. lAtRJs.-At Miontrea.l, on tbe lgth must., of sc:irletfever, Ciaistina Brand, datî-gitur '%V. 0., lai+iâ, E&q, aged two- Iyerapg«sd-two niontbs. -WITBY XAK ETMJ. Thé market foi barely astended, and not iaus.h dcing except in Pork. Tie decline in priâe.hss aauàed the. delaveries cf Porlc i.o bu ligçIaiis weue, $K75c is abouithei pnieu nov offsa-udfoi bet bgs<4 ogià/-and ligbî. weigb:us oil as luw ai $4,~25, Fait vieat -85c 92c. Spring 75e 78e. Qste 35c. -Pesa 4ge ta 51. Hides $5 per 1001114,HlUy$8 to $10 iper ton. At Etevmn e'clok,,A Audilulite Aceuntsi accual tier uanteis as v --bnugli' bt-fore lIre Cot Wlaitby, Dec, 16, soso. Oh! what Fi CHIEA1' AGAI MACDONJ An'- ,-tti-h îa.liitie laelt-n id dtrn BEEF, ln lenge qnsiultiie. Thaè iiluest tarice gw1>tieastuke utn Soali ,f Mn. Ntuia, Wluitty, flue. A. 18" hlm fur tiree montis af tic year, -ecci, "for tic icniftise îing.", The Gnuimu-In schlnt. The cramiatîhns aIt, s!%ichool have b:vem ii.pmagnousduruug lb. putI endIpre- .

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