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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Dec 1863, p. 3

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&DVER~ft6~KENTS. NOTICE Colint ut Onta nr.l ay given 8hoit ail u iv~it li~JÂj.ssed,oîrt ol net, er S.albo ise ouic.lit iiud for tie £onoty c1%f Olama'o, wit!tW hulteil £8t Ioc Citt ou"0., lu the Toota of W iittnyoU ue~hy, ec.22, A. D., 1863, AtBee etelsp8i uoiK, . M., for tte pliiImn of Aiidltitîî tjg h4coutistc uG altladfor lot hier mateis uam nay 10 thei wadtiiere rîoish' hera Uc ourt. H. JM~ACDONELL, t'elcu di lasii, C. O. CIIEAP IMiEAT!é MACDONAL~D & ]BOX As' mtrî tcil Ji, iVîî l , tt u el l is. uzbusti. sisl i sal à si c re jec ilused tu ,keef) î J1vsjlt.aitl un lialia P fORK, SA4LT )ORK, i Itrge qiinssl 11k. TIasa4 W,1Inl,' sie a.5rusdli" i u I lse .111145 tuI lisat 51'! Uainsc w5u.O wiaila lu putrsauiz The I;lllcai-t pice lll e 1aualdfur lIMYS SpaoishSl il' SI .tai luIaauisolaie tiier. No. 1, for as,"e mutt lae 4)1 t>l Store, 023.00 per iuJb. Te(ess Cash JAMES BAIN. W is!tby, Novemnuar 4, 10068.- PARX ]FOR SALE. D "NXALI) MeKAY. Lot No. 6, 2nd Con. l'ickuiiig, aafer'hlis Farm fur suie. Apply tu tit rurieoWi, Pickering P. 0. UNCONDITIONAL LIFE f'OLICIES ... ,'s' .IT LW 1.A'i TV sut. em FACIsITIES. TalC ruintiai ARE I."ITti To amnie thi ga'enadai4aaea of VncO4ditsoca Aàui'ae4ee. a# catmpau'éd wijalA. wax aFw1>nîusl'I'wauTY.F<ucft .-Ait5 i152, nuS mpu'vairca'd by l Ch'ar.ate.r auud .'Act ut Dtîs"ng thesa let Tom Y>»AiLu IIirair i ys'ssr îti,* 341 thecB' aîs-îi-h' -si £4,îot $tg. atiulsixlj O.u,11,15.7 N zw Lire 11Pos for....sa .... VtIs 1rassaisl A-.c.aL ldu.'a froisi PREtni'su.,îon1'uIia'ies £144,1VO5 aSte.. lis e'xi.s ie, l".... Ts 8uS iasAua ofi, ah nOoULt tlu..............J prf- tu ltilat'olwn husldi- bi.gtsl i-' ss..ud paid tu tlas as is.n ~ . î s F O o .....................J AND)~!E'li~,~a~i1 i-l Asdsai l iýLLItVKI- hNa s £00, wstg. g2r l'5ulmsatfiko ailut' rtli taai, Ont a.oar sli4Is Mr. lsllati' iluai' 'îlra.'rnssssg ai'O 55, llrussk titt, W h'liîIy *î&~~ ar1..: .a.cu : XAuiS. DOaNALD & BOX-saab h'dM uaredun lae' _________ - .JAMES GRANT, JNSUR NCE. JIanreaIt~ t aitD'ARlMES. T u mýittdend lin e ktu'u olapillstal AetTasvnùoT'i.IUIilSTIREET. i ii &llus tclliy l'or tl'u.c ýl'allusiiit l rss-a'ls,s' 7Ui EimÀrkLfç AmaameComp*nsy ~îsîivsIL.'sauina. 1%5/e lW8I7IOOIand Lotnot. 111h aoKl.IN -.1tismsx asn n7e Monir" ZPire Insuvanace 0ompaKy MA1,l NI -'-%,i5 isAM% pa PRINCE A'lIiE.T-It. Il Tsum.resanu.. 48 n7e Ptfvinrti4dAsuuraisceC ompany. - F. KELEil P.1. L. & B. IRAILWÂY. BIR.OOK STREET, YF TSîî Yo'u LAft55t Rooking Horse NJ\TT . te ttet, 'rrainit lli rans Mailttralin tII littre lladny At 9 40 a. ui., nt- rive 10IVi'ntlps1 . I0OP. su. ' ?iaitiin miln Ii -ave il"îttlopt aSi .00 p. in., sirfivmt t l5xdiy .401p. i. Tite ,ls'sas ia arumii eiiuuctmosi iit theliu (laas~TuiItEmlwa.THOMAS RiDItUT, - ~~T. A.WIJA ' Thiýe &doru o f Siieloild's old .uari.tsd.it standiu, 1 1 lb , N'ai",3ls. O. FE L1T Z , roprietor. -.0O:-1 N 14 thesO litue 'tas' rut-rîs~A w( hae% m, E T' gît buu Ia'ast <irimtt!aasu "- V iii ai-'s "al ' I a sil S utas s.> Sasi i-sîî alsal s d ul 1 sc ritigt - Aî etmailor aa.dat, simlt Is.inadattm %Vllrtais 'rv l Itd <'lX*aS-ýr Amî l l'i la.'s, aitv4sl iao ma . iae = 1 ru g indicu usatige sialiplw, '-4i Iihbi «lidaes, aund 'sal îu'its, ,dIti tie lasss adISur t us.ist. Teh li M'dsuicseut aýaIs'ii. !18tre yVammle asi a ls.s'Mr atl.iaaltmile lia Oaaiit'i ni[Ost 4:8 s l'os aIsit.UIdied Omîas nU dIt 1ruia.r 'aluseo,si W iiaIneigi'smaad afruilstI. 1hrnmhe outite , ît.,aumir e sto eutu $tasîussiu'tS 1 n0 l Itsi Assi iscl u -it e ;u.sre timai' twci'ty i silages sa isi ,aaoia jami isui iold'rs-, l'onrt îiî.mmîu.Isidttrs, ppair luders, leoseo -tor tcinte, soh se. mias ul sas',tr Aia o-'saalus ejlolu1ssd bo)",,li~y %%-(Po'e il iandillosclsis. f plates Isld;ss titli. trtitand sud s>itdrs, md4çýrs. rtliiaCr-îsluss, mandriaiaier. 'rtaa ' "alsi avea store. UlIgars Ltaislet bhuasalit bligr.e fuau Auîvh nixen ofoveQr> .z'aiidkinai,ý *0u1ait is.lst Liste, aaiummcy. sud ssm ilma. My 1; I Aiett i >,Il liastuiiauts Rhiloiraijiiat oui, r tisao uliliýiims a ilu byÙ)"twilh ut 6111stu lRn u teh tilgu les lyIMe h< u ijuI5. Il l l le tsi5ii o 1oiiii ii' ly prie.mer twill bu laigh, xow l tù i tsa',tuu ouan id buîyu Alis t'or tu Pitthietulit a ivor, 1'1l du ni> evezau.ms eial t?. - E T FIRSI AN NUA L BALL (W THE ___ YVoluteer fatry Company, WIU take plc iI te Hall of utthe NEÇHAMI18>I INSTIPJTE, e, î ON - Tue.sday Ev'g,, Deo. 22, 1808, Ohaneery Sale IN CHANCERY. BETW EEN AND Jmyneas juributt.Annes lurlbut, sud Philatadr Jsynfi, an infant ussir the age or twenty.une YOuM byISamtiel H. Cuchrane, hi. pur. distn, [by hbil., anîd Robert Jayoo4t Edward Simith., andi ThomaC. Formoan, niade ptilles iii lb. Mu tersas Office, Defendlns V )UU A NT lu a ilorea utftti. ilouruhe mad inathlaanasise, bahgdt tise Fovi).asuy'ofFehnîsary, lm tise ycnnofouer Lord one thiiuv'uxisd s'iiit lmiandieslaad slxtY- twu, ansi su srsir of mIa!. Court, hoMnq mig iste the Tiwenîs'.tiatird Aasy oh Ncv.mioe. laei. yenr ou asr hard -une rfo"snd elgt hanudred sois xixty.tiarte, sud wl-h f us approit.aut GeorCe elîny î)srcieell, Laqei. issieuate thse ssi Couirt, ai- Wiitiv, wllfa, Mid un Thursday, the Seventh day of auuary, 166. ui4, eut fiiliosir oi Eiev'.i s.aloak lns tise furuasn, i.>' LEI FAIRBANIKS, J Ot Anoeloizeor-t the. CIssunlenis of i!m. nU04eiag- cd Umter of the CIut.Bru*k gfet, ilàU tse sisial TOWN 0F WHITBY. Ile tilctwina ns ansmmd 1ropnyt duit lui ta oysTIeAtsti ci , imof tsEs liatise tiirsi oOiello ti uto One Uundod and Yifty Acres ~'DWBINMG BUSE AMýDJAMW. Thei. balm u the thime f 919POT NE - A D V l 1$ EËN'TŽ FIN NAN HAUDIES Just reived'.the first suppI'y of the senson, of the fir-famed [iinnan-Haddies at- 4, LaiDg's BiItg Ica riamily Grocei. --O 1WIES KND LIQUOLIS nif thics Isat-brands. iinij wood and boutle, at the I1oNest Prices, gro to No. 4, Laing's Buildings. anid Wirte and Spirit Merchant. B ROOlIis soliiug the Cheapest Groceries in Whitby. OMis seiling the Cheapest Crockery ' BROOml Bn hii,). Whithy. BROOM?'? in5 Wi iiLJ,. is seIing the Ulieapeist Beots in - o .... is SeIling [lie Cheapest Clothingr jg ,se Iiing the chcapest Dry Gouds Brooin sells for C/SI andi one Price oui! Choice assurtmeot of Miok FutiL >V K BEST COAL OIL ctM TRY THlE SUPEUXOIL OF A complete and ample stock of ail1 kinda of staple and 1fiicy Goodit, embîla<ing; everything ini the Uine, al aelected with care; at lower pricea thftn any other buse in the Oounty of Ontario. LADIES" CAPES, AND, MANrLE*,4!1 BE SURE TO OALL AN-l IL E db I NE'W ADVER'rI-SýMBENT'Se iJUST R-ECEI 1V ED, AT HA,)MILTON' & co.'S Fine OId Port & Sherry Wines. Otnrd, Dupay anîd MreiBranidies. A superior article lof pure MaIlaîîd OLD RYE SIIISKEY.-' A Regular Supply of lVcEwan!so Clebrated ï,W DRESS GI-OQDS*. IIATS, BONNETS ANDfMlTLLS$, ge Stock of Ready-made- (iot14ing!, Ail at rery Low Prices for Cash onýly. I STMAiÀS &NEW VYeAR Ourranits, RaisinFigSr- Th TWO CASK$ BJEST, FPI Cisssi:'arynisud ti sathua çemsme, hécrinig datte tise Tweutietîsday of Jsssissery, A. D. 1860. sdail ordur outLis .Cptirt hocrini date; tIse Eioucssid's t oliawer, A. D. 1811 and with, sommer uft h e uald Co rt, fit 'W litby , t0 11b Tenth day of Deoembrunext,: At ims huer uf Elven c'oioclu h the frcaon1 WAKFLMLD, COAT%'& coi, Anlum ous e isi Âifliq~LO U1iTY 'Mit, the Coantî r of Iitiln, forounr *iTtf,' i sW di tIe be.mt hâlliatcs var04rf tu Agosti. W. <éat n»aima ufor g0.sWI',rý Whitby Sgemnipr 00. GàmiýnaË -.flra ~i~ttt8ob. Uyj.iLs~sa%- ~ 4 4.0dt~,A#-~ tif, Culiv'iii. " WIIBV - M-~Is'M~sstvir wSun~v-l'. ~L~GTlssa~sa, 11. À~ aw.sd Uwacn*eésê~-411.U.c~$nft' 0F TQRONT0j. basîssi terit in ss a i tit l u t a aefut, littheOl h nijldêaaatala i LOT NUMBZý NINIÉEEN) on thoe Umt sida (si 'JarvirtS trect,-coiu- niouineil th te EpiSeru lhnit or Jàspls Sîrqt %St tlim adltamisce aatlmery uf 1876 feetfr1m nthse -ü L Astrs O I~ 1 o U V S n d ra z t oe Alothe JLarges ST1 O FPORTS & g uthe County. s STOCK O0E Ail of WhichwiIl be o I vonipetittofl. -1 Eôôs-&Shoegi hIa8ttn~0IJLof8oTu bcal p osi':tiî,'Àt$ sjdi~.tf îts îoro~~1~oiju[uotâii t Udu1I4hd laie JdtinéthLersuIiîi4lj: f i ü e l l t %u n o ïiî l l b t c 4 u n i m w i t i l t i s o n 1 u r n l t h - E a ui & W i r d is e O D t ' S Nf o a-ed AUl pairth vlil idfl gausi th a id Lw i ',go tb ,i'i N hI t4i.B 'il é tt ue; ai e h sreb y b i hôis td t u, re llu n t p i t n s li icî c i f tIî ws 4'.4 t- hli eutsrstusIc8tlI4do5tîUiit» Gtleapfor Cml1. i-Loysonylie iCtjifite. n ur a i %r>.& ortiolv C ".dop s o dietC. JO01hN L11'$ES. KY,8 BýN, %,rWhhtbv, salit. 30, 1984.. t FORSAljE CH BAP'tD~~U E '1?IIloob lal oy ow 3><1 l f no i 1 r , ii F Ç oto'în< w vi I N e * o ldat , A Bll r fi in t r ! L a s ~ ~ I btl. 8, ocitxuIaclàâ for iColdwoud or, Litut-lv8ogDuk OPlu Oi«I haidmtits smiter, -7 il is i i t aî ii c1#V(<'O1k'dît ut ise lesî terléîr.i 14t 81I:-. 1 eusîjiumilë t sny d&d.l t. , Py S. lî D: i l I st lsrnçéhÇsptébut stroit, l>I3IhsadeIplid,, 'il I . re, lar lisitbly, Noy , i Soi& TAVEEN STAND 7FOR>. sAt VILLAGEofCNIGO " e M rIMeawiiu'oloi.Tuivoro oeellpUil fer ;%!wling, oocoking, &o. Asieveifil nd suid a hAlf higli- ; Kitlti il l8 hy 24, ntaîhfr dU ilicls hssiwrnyeýboes am i li idt n n situit. ou tia é prinoipil obrner outw~Vllnjf, on theininroid IesaUusg toavorton, Miui d IN OANCEir. igilp rince Albert. IN ~~'Ph r osth é ptonI W t8 t àào ofthssl>ove .valun )Ici prol>orty,.Ia hit The Ba k of M onireol, plaul. Possom mion aIs'an et ' ny lima r q uintst 1 til.thse ysîrehera ûiptbi. If J a b e i R o g e r s A atp u d o Ifeî- i , Pt 1 l'

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