mie NM& ?) * l set. - coaeo f' Our govenunneunt raukle la ~ Ua~lIn. narta- et those vies arma aboutit 6 op. H~Eodgeoa. unitin! itin car crutnd , s a PfWblthy Graintear Scocl. abeuin!bu shoed lte i.prowt -of D"60 set Dsflate-G. I.L uel. lmes aniMîle1 Wosul Ire b. Store fer Sale. -te approaei thotu as cîherime vo n doit el aster frmslela.",ui.a muo~lnn f e4tonal upen IqPW&. Ntte.. h ia nt lie blata nusresuit cf r~~~~~~~ Q~uAa.rOue¶-.uv. minlaîratlve semonga vlieh ila 15mcnis îlbe dreaden! as le effecha flovlngf lt u ial -lto'ftheIIfuture, People m« *b ot W db.lfruen or pat te tkemip191@smy'setiment etop O>NLY OUE >OLL&R A YFAR ts* eâ atdgvfoîlues* sud caro I net hht ion. but sctiou lu tb.bau'di WkIt)fY W tirsay, JaallllS184 ~ - 5'a d htrWb-sa.-Iet- ns ailtl tIomnronh1tg wkth-tle firet trmbr'r iw l6i.-ti.otn ruea . "of tlite uslensd tien, depenuf upci th cftlo1ext volumne, (Vol. VIII.,) th inra aule r,.s aty, v il 'sibemlple 'peuot tise Cuuozêtct.le "6*riuinohm meao-lb illudu wiU . tlîenýefortr'siu4be as "Olon, sgIl nnWt.fs %l g, e.thb,,Tiâidg . ...uth .........$60 "e s*ugun1- 6 ý$nethW ........... 1 80'r' P'ayable strletly in advance.- oMamptEctn. -trbscribers camnes wil ho reccived, or ô -vos'wumwrB. 'Paersfôrardditalesthe subscrip- '1'e 'SIcele"' sand 'e "Cheilen's" r t~cn1ha pp psrd.t o et i-viti al l iu'hypec Nio suIcriPtkôut~i ha breceived for cal îîewîag-îiue p'eser?.t evleato.1 a horter'penaud lAan ix imathse. evtn dia;net daii u -îo mo's'tiri' "pi $sÇi&a8siibera petiigî, --or eneritg ikces t ithe p1-4 Ald 'these an. 'SAur sJcription be/or e 1t11Aot me iiOliiionMn.r'Sâ3ndfield adni J7GPW<5y' tohm No. 1 of Volume j(ve nbouid bave sain! George Brews fi , oh' nom Ssdieb4 la but thesample sî P'Jt, ..lfl b. e aUOed, soa-ec.ivd thé - gevernumeat ver. e d la believe coul! PaPdW fe 4 tweMontJU fur- ONrR irailie Ipuce!loyal lava oh' Witby, inag govenumeal support ;--tbc Thse papers et ntnbscrjberuin ararear ai the govemumemt as îbey expresse, ah.t t Urnte, 'wilI ho pped, ani un-ihem2aulves i Batthile ietpeiabie rîonlniteoffate soîlement b muarie, poye ru aof tihe trayithave tounu! ont wili bo laIton ag ishe I".Clîr.r--" aud!theieaJrelis,I' anrd lug lbe'gp t ocus. appreviate ai ricin propen valuse el p~ 'u, tti1 'luo wll' b pa lecost ereitedîess and ,une- sitcrrity net The élet.asee ia the piceofetpuiser, prenumptucus pesons. for' Whith*e have toa py auh in ui- ili theNonuh-ward,sit u n thre S vauoe, hita ne1eiîted tIie cucreue Wsrd tire élections rere cannie! iy IIiinte t'iPto omth01taRONI- ciaunatioi,, -net a aaJouir or a -ýCbPs lO T. At a dollar it yean, and witîumaudae show Is face. W tise Ci the kPene an tro .. le o .001ftt iVi an! meue of tic vony heit en thi tii.~pesso sd trubleai .ole thotnu eudise prend ot-(Dr.' eOuta iv1h~rno ee rovt 9 ,o guhoMsssBrownuandI Denenil,>have pnyir..a aîv p' -.re-alctedi fo &lbave alreaJy s- Sy -,sd(opCing strictly tise c'tlu 1riii- in tIne Townu Cunci.-Dr. Guna as -I 'cipl,with the shove stmail enc-remsu Ofthtie tenua; anîd ne hiave-tbatà k_ ~ts',he n~us suhcniploir sudtir tgi lune, anad theintelligence oet rhe itith annul. su etpeu adturo, we payera a cdean idfurnce etfanCapmhmg etior reductiona of eplitre e îyurmk iijnru I 'Il beiniitihe possession oh meoins te [guinidigghngs autbis leisure. 1eiailo -us to cucresie lheie îsefulness M. Penny, lu tic Nati Ward on 'of the 011RONICL, nd to rentier mcruing of the eeleiou tl! the ele. itï-qoltums till -furtlier sce ptable,nme uhinga *ortsy ah' b ehng remomid Idmaore Irterestng r, our tenders. aud vilcih i le oui' desire, for thei Parties ludebted ho: us Ion stvet-Cis.man- ttcrtpyrt u Aftten haukiug the eients ah'the N à tea Md »b wotk, a*ýe nreut'ed- hoe Wsd 'foitit1in iuà ie a. Prompt rmraltanà e of tire ng tire paei e hlm ucesio tose~ usceso ampunt o f -thbe':mindebtodneea.',mnd mid n It my cauduvt ha% aet atog, taé ,.,à .,ttnd a nýotmet viti voun r arroral. -aud I Mr.5. te's "lîttIe parabie."1 Teputsuo yeare à ifh Csuaiatrpeiici baa' t-bien s0 franglut rith uCr' et lcon-. - -sptln," trnoumitatouaily" "uegleci, of ths comntryt a Inlrest.rt aud a lundro! - otien-., quit A a thing-rais.d te serve ibm- more pompa.. cfpatty, agant nucces- sire a4nnnistradonns, liaI mîrug as %r the .îevelopeiuenti dail>' madse nopetng lie tien non la poere, peope do nett glve %hem tilt -rn*insattention their ,#mvilyM.unfortunateiy domatud. The âaanj c f ilawo<lias bui.seo (leu mamieviens not#ewua aibond, liat men hase hecome inldifferetAti bthsaIlt>, sud- toitistan!- lng Ã4çmuaber snd eharaceemof hticsinae ete~o u elmmsoa, broughf4omer 1<tnt é-Preset goiemmumealthe"o an. tee ofte spoken ot an! ireae! as If tie> oui>' afecteid lb. Partyftrois nhici liaI goerm. met lu ferme!, an! ,heir influnce votaI! ceu@e non a uer admlitstiionî suced- e4. It requîi tesbl aeuseuî'a consistons- tlie, - boweven, te correct as dangenous au erreir, nd it lu neilia i t bus boom made clear by'so able satalesman as Mr. Mcoee, adin l o'able a tiaunor aos b>' bis, alithie parable on the, polîtieci i ils ceunIr>," -FO st thaIle Sot Grenville dinnen. wbeathie prisent, ueutiulolAd. =euusraion vioae! &Ulauge At tiie dis-' souqtoan vlhnitIi,' oosdnoted A <mueraI 4109tiQuun ranti-Bmlîluln prinos*pe4, nien t4ey,'oeelared-thontb la vain-to fonce Mn, Rukia intô ltheno.»cenîrar>' - te thé électionr ISV,shon tbi Creat! a - ,@5til on thinBeçAt a aay'. notice lus O d1~imlie" bu>'ontavole ýin. tregtb eft hbe ppeetîn ; they à tWek a ilon at Orr1ilees as a people! nhicn luils *eh WID lng 1 oq thir bif terra ef Z; *eatreaçm'-f o rQuf-cpn- ,tItoaiimd8hgi, Xhlicli as U'froishîng proeodonsafor ithe folere,und i ilg foend bý q i&r usfin cation, anal exeu lu the teiper'o f _tho h omertnmamby uve -sot ilatai Ina-hein regard fer populan p V1lgsll predluoe muoi vitIn hme téeà t tierIl'isa- tt,, ofail ethees, vÉdi epesofl i odréwer tae'uosr aà laa~'II ~ttugden t he per vayslistened.lu vtý a ;eJý-and iii sonatowbôbaýihodo.Bpplg Op5Cl55~iP" bly- ti usesou l.piaeu ersu ii o-adopted. 1Re shved -4 ut tee Tii. people wbc roted for "Oapting sie mnttepesn eradte fn1aitbfaily, artA bilog et *rtaluly Jimu" lt year.- juat fr tb-'fu f the îeco year te tvelve cents lanAthe dollar the rélino. j the - 44e otQ5bawa.fesl ' - ' - 1 ount year -r. Ferry -ezplained' the theii. auréd, - " t the1hasîyia' erateshudnuc hYuco ab~goatxton, the total ameunt of aasa*maupminer in'*Mch iey bave thn vered that ho vas rather an expenaie PI soi*s.o ee of amusement. ,ÂAd, beaides, theiy ýigbî ment, tb. 'preseul year, vas $6,476, viiereua * uuu'munt have fet Itaaamed 1ut boiug the. tians îit Ilas lust eav as b h sas $6,647, aiewing Msn.Cmttl ~fn ngt fauigti epcauiyc i.C~ * ~ tan l' tie2 - pess f a lax- thia year Muai, sud Grahami have ~aetd l,~dti iut fh cpntc~h .tca alt tgi vpi tové - r' uetht luSoh ti oOo1uci be lsuin&ghesni tii oud iii. peseul ear, ,. . eCacing i t" h e l ce et, s ,ece. Ti -lvig Wa8r551 t1 oe gs for a or. te u t fh e u nie hbey tear t Isi YO ,wO Pi tnPl e I,iin thegdollare InOpul Sc t t oe ickCou Yth adday' ~~~~etic ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n tae.* 'ttfeb enflxain-elcUT .SiliiP Ralud uer ivPu jiMSi fre eiei. uncftho:P' îMing. J.oStheb 13. e atlIear r venet!< deiela.vle iii l4onas ~ fr iutroduod by Thefaito-wini nct iniquf tIen mosu nkita;~*u,çulOtP su - IVKIIIO. ndvot oW aynilandourihaseiug h prop e c ubst hai, tbeaggmnoatelythe ulid Coocl, kesses.oWiite, Bi adiae orCnclar eethn l md m pie; sud u~t -Nelson, wre llieraviaIihave.for, nblec fdn-lof.tbuthie les ýiý 11M pxe.t Butg , o elFenof axatio uu 11e7n ;s G. Smith, 119 ; Rowlandrcr h vtsfr'aor eve la-l hoili -108 10n4e' 1n5ý - LsesaeButchargs et in et fnriug afieratud epoli li me ....b. the - 5l eclen fortics.varda inîdtthe yate tip dtiO~~~~~~~~1s fulvle-hs~>5l~~' udnc I te 26 d Veoncillra baelbvl'e - building eo pe fo votig, ledv cenOr'staxa tion outsthéjaîyt ., (r.erry 'l cc ud aehe udndvi m ta belof i evd ed liaIgrn!d e.no pealed. pt iq * * r wil e theya ldor f i is. Inudhef oria 1 ienIiCKERING. and Southtiou Wnd ratesTrinbisîowniip our easb's e'tth payns er as gel nplu oruîc agandia- orcllaebe eeeieehte ~ ii oe~Tet o sud o uît sure ,t hart t r-eostisw ould sdde odtMrC o ge BrabM osfrs.W itBl.is canidaesfou ouliiuiby rTie electicu 'vas a 'â cpnte su Ofuaf ~tii? iater vcu 9waî. i orr.g.îneyccl4ion t"eFoi'lieW tue he brouli'-, rèpndn et ot a'ihe ualhve, tnbu he ti"îig? Pol bunpyfo e ~ prper eme~y weld h appied.Tri rier r~Tî,~ra. ToTuctAs Dv, képi. c eadur na.et îace ibian d nte - -bY vanecs; un mu i frpipa lv n of ined I W. l er n'i î, . aa . tis ti Dit if, ameudmeni. The assoM entusieuld bu res'--l re od he c iles fral aynshoindelge en o Ti.y bseopo n h Ie g.art4ià alue, a,î4'eî o n ren' n vlîwses aza. .w ai ruhlai nnty" tieoub.t heAs ni, oà *c p the tcrkiug Maner ftir-hargsaofk oh' Montreal, lu ibisýpo l'a- ry -mnthcnsd ti taxil&caln lisefRoyltlose warasoe and.theeadystve belthve, 'n ~,H;1 bci i peet buer amontelqhr arem a ossc budianldOuirees onuted woin.th e Cout ut $valoequThilu aluete 50Aalrs the Anicultral Sciety iilbberelu md lia cou. vo tx ati ny crie preîelyutî saot, (M r. s rary) e r- n. 1rnde vryd. fonn tcinds a e etib ng vi ii b umlaI at byeprepedties vers eteual pale. A, y *tinst 'r a n o uve st~i O iln'iu al shotyofn$b.At dy fure l6t e~n sahîbeapeker evrv cdykue tîat n MnîitÉ r'i .--hîukeehifot m eribas ben lait, aitsis ek. A is Te o cu nti PAd wal gliu tpr per i n swrot u -ini ihan SIX emî011 Cote i'cbael bepn rninne l eeec th cm ; trahtébeeteia ii et adh ftise entI. Aud ul te tser o. anntii yit h lcin w ëô.o perpie.d h rnItaxntiora thîswas4 sit-ci. - tal rtrsvel iel: nte n cusion ? "ho a od r efuh et made Pho, (Mn. eny), uIdd tpiat n mesurr ri-.r. a . rae rtu ias w!aea b oit. A tiall disin- re sectise rn m ni i , rc enî si onî i rely * T -r r- bIMoN ra T rie Ba lu utD o ntras..-i, I p urt an e nue lacé t i a nite man s- bsamend edaiThi s s mmaI valub W eanwihscrepe. But ern *-thtte p i ct iteîî aer uida bir Tlr ase d iti the ratüage li (M n nr.) e n iseqa' nd lanics u f Mr.Doleaute graticto n cluaa v soe nirud hreta - show nlita m na î a poring ot ngroe oithe. Banke ofDov's r aie'lil e acite scii opacdi ts sua Doute ofi. Te t ax peent over-whicb le CouMr. duPe r-eto n, tre d s iCco m uî onn wifc v iiiprfonni tien ul t iealSoec - d' - r ox ev ni d thcoui ai Ti c s on t R oa les lang , rrd by ren . n elîlhi s bth a as l f i u ti , i s t h s p d u l i . a t n a sIen"las ya amoutedprste 82660-su be *me IaestnitiseBauk lus elt; eveoumyb areadituuta.Ts us cintre~~~~~~~~~ (M.Pry>tekocso eipîrs up' ntee-ial a ea u een uciii eyeffrt i u en cf esm unti ed x hib th e CtieP ouilectonrs us imp ortance ~ aye-r u.ý' blt8cm!Poln t ute Teaverieulri Sbiey i' tarie idt toue moure a cio the eectie h tc âtitourd waeîr il n 7 îtreethmonai, vur n h llume t brougi ueno ntiuhe auîd preties ol rstfeequvi au Vy h esCra. uun thf ' aï. r . fnedaw'ad aseth b ons sud llbc i tai nlyS mattai' cfhgrOt ise liu vti qurl p cn a ti Ucnrel, 0 as uaz w, ' tr- 11nk re po ile parsud en impta icoet s te ofnt emeaornthe eed i fear as taaonu-v, w u oture, sud xen in v int laibas cusa-Je aspect give tiseasuare. e du e crndath aiud o mi e ýtm the Tenu Crt. Andl ole e ncie rao la er t otri i herar. taxadio e en, buis u d pr fjail epacrteouclithe in uit ach s u iluru aisoui d u r f uiatend for-e aÃŽi, te etaci mLti c eligitet; degee.faon a uc ichie estimonae louip arsu ndai l ub e riits.t n h dsn "t the<lie uent ens et ie reseintlind , ainafian tiai caofteBn fail t app prtnrtecu- ucestatte rthe. inteor. gete kuenigledrsuatîb.,-e *die soe i pges li ru>' mnieiipalhistoqilti vý enu îhey >te ho repealo!, I wcnùInov nratici blet oeil, aulîl, aoîniitsndiug niatevor -May bave heen ta>'on ahot.cbtaings, te-day 1 Ond tisaI yen have uc iet confidlence lu me- ur! uhat yenbeliove ibani 1have net emlby attend. ed e eintereta ofthe tenus gen-_ enra11>, but to tue of oh' Ie North Ward lu pantienian. Truie lth heeu cf f !n canuot ho sln*ays igit,-ih ha net in bu- mai naturt e ho pentot-but lie tan vi es abis viole dut>', hua vatever eplicre ho la place!, 'is, aftenaIl, as uoar portotticu as humau ntuÃŽre, an! bunran pauhtiits, au! hmiii feelingscus 1 rsh. ýWliouovor 1 Save erre! in aeii'o-f dut>', anaubuenr an-e nome thinga, I aekunov- ieà ïe, tisaiI voulà fol repet &,gain, 1 M. liovo me-notithtanding ail the allep-r dlons mode -agsinast me-sud I tel côn. vince! Ihat yeu wilI (cheens) I bal! aln4yi youariuîeratî,-thie interentscf tbe Ioa oh' Whtb,-the MNtiWard- athe*t aud n iaat u>' ru elt-ieekmung. I1is,.d rnothiiug tegain for myaeih'ilu nici Yocn coul! net panliçipato Ij bad the. mpss aciisi oh' motivs for acting fer yousn la- tenieasei;-tbe bubI cf my propente, lu lie to"W5u-i ie héNanti Ward, sPc ual isieu endeavonning te prousole rthe intenstsa ah ,tie taýwn,--*lsicb I have neveu faRt! teç do, believe me Ibat tboeeof the No h Ward vere net flingothea. Thepaut yeWn, oherens Mn-.'Penny, vas net thé pleam"t. est lu tht Tom Caunéil. Thon. vas uen) Mnuhvineat athé Connet JBosn-d, séil appeairfor neo 10h leto lest yesr hbe presne! tbai ie rotai! epon filsg80à bebavetir, ¶and he gaveoeren> vhoie,. béè irs Bfot ut henAi dibe-keep bid pnpius? One ibm van-y- fln-t opporhuîdîy lie gavee lie'o t the, mayor n ta chi: è - cil, Ilir itWitela nthbe alma., r"p 4 îlniy uit uthle e »trio~ nui b l. j'In. Stes! of acting as he hLSd, à ' blirrpeus9sni' r at4oe, 'Prf at non te impeachitinnmanageaient oa he tic sIen tiion îrrper valus-au! as a tribut. fundi ai iii disposai ; niaI he desired euat.ts »ra ec utssdat tei1 te impresa tapon lthe natepayens <ho acces B ,'l-in-1n iii> of takiug greaten intenest in thse Sp' ili-' - r pemulmeni oh' represenatines îte eoard. t Tien. vas tien the Coiîrty Assesamen, $928, tiie present year, aven ebîci the Town Cetiacilicoul! eorcise no coutrol, Tient ÃŽ& but oee nimoua ophnicyî etf and a!! ta ibis, be mid, lbe $5a00 furan caemunatian and censure as tetahb.e u- asankfit dobeutures, wvîcis cnrsean sdair inlure!, sud son beonuftise contrai r-i dunt afithrerltturuing Ol9coi' for lthe beuiand Il roui! . en ~tb4roh' C-ntre Wsnd, durits;thorecýnt Mnicipal lie total of the taxes aIl tiat wra auWlY' eleculoix. !î'eas net alouethie-. inaeice nitiaintho coutrel oetthe Council, vas lit- ima elaivistis e isn1ca Iritle!'vth a dle aver $2,000. IMn. Pernn'ext refermr! d I atioiy sa te thse pemtion lakeas by Mr. Draper iun e- , -rtry , ~ tornecetutahle loaal sud Harbor ut Iriv I 1 urs rstc noi ln 'ý pm lt elecricu, tsi! ebarged l at sveny al -disfrssraing sanie ot as respectable 'elec- et M. Draper auud his tnienioisince ian-s as tià "en n -thii taiwof utWbiby. thareima., conamdievte! tho assertions etnm whoni ho us i. nebI kueé bhaie as antI promises thon madute by îhem-tat; il tieWIa tii. ear 'ofthé goveremet," -- i gere votes as Pv'ir vont pelle! vee nt tint the town"conid bc rsieve! trous tiur alle.!1tevOte-nclOt erei ,uMnu evini. pentietu et the rnouai auin lie Corporare 3 cal ;groumadi auras ; balt tkoitgh lthe imoa limils-thul tie read neul! hé givea ta 1distiîrrarct ara.1urscrupulouas -pas-tzsasiip. -tii. Ceuni> for a nomintal @ma, au! a liber- Frt1 o c udn-~jnIn i ai experudture tmade la extending it, &cr 1', *. ,4fr -. Iu conclusion, sa*i! Mn. Penny, ahcuId ii nu io ej1eg.4riem - again have thrs onorn'cf beiug cdevis!, 1 Idicte!, andisntebave lim as t al a lescu sil aliva, ho aisurenof et i, &et tor tIse i ual iill provo a vincieseme damn- boit intereets efthle TuaetfWiiby, ara!d ing ta ignoranI an! pannisauRetura.- fer thé North WartI in parliculer. ing officert. Tiie'coudnet-of thli t0non Tic eatt the pobiug liutinheCentre u'ti'~ îsi Ward vas as toilons: -Ther, e reI l ail - -r ' ror! te 120 saiesi pcllie!, oftchi'Mr. N. W. liai on ebt te b. otbserv.edti 'cÃ"np?ra104 < Browun ecoive! 84, Dr. Ouxn,.11P sud >Mr. bodies itiese lectieaî of its offcens. - Devenul, 67. 'Mn. Powell mode au execel Appoimîmeis oh' Ibis description are to9 lent runnagalint soîaruy dina!vuntauge, ashrrrîutyhlre eps y,~ n4e te bis siiege! corecthou vithIil aCaptirîg o cuey&lwà t Jim," au! pole! 57 votes. Ilis eleciions, o m; -Anrd lu tbsis i ie. , tie voe .it net for Ibis, wccii! have beenau claims ahosfau iIligenut, impartial aud op- cetaintq, for atier of lie thiee gensle- igisi genileareu, - nieperfcn< .thie mon electe! roui! bave given va>' t0 Mr. idutie. t fRaunag, OMion e rtnm4oc.- Powell, vont it neottfon tic purpose et i!d caions, venret amide, im oi'der te .pen- dîhtie Counivl etfhaprîscuçe oh'Il Cap ' ting Jitu." We bave nos fori trn n iai it ivais calle! s chaitiabe 50 Counchlnmratie fô1oong 'gentlemen, a!mands lse pinson he reveilé'!tle taklug uiom ail In aIl, h 'le, pom1rhps, unr appoinunet, se! without' fer a. moment beat nrereseutahian cf tire ilielligeunci andtakniato ilsnéIà lpýn bis itmplss le vcaîb t u CoportIo rivi ie enu poeras mtise dntiea. Let aIl sncb man-ý et Wiuby liais yoîejoyed: n enaaeu os snfp icoa Wx. LiaUo Aking stttiritcu oef-rwe NauTUs WAR.-Mea. J. j.LE.Penny, Twnu Cruneillon igr@ nakiag their appoiut. Yeomisu Giun, and Robent Campbell. aseuts, uai tl.uiitees-aloniebe theiset st h Sirva WiýDl.-Cap.ROns, aud Messrs. 'îîapîirt oru ,aeteb DanillCame, .on an au!W. Tiser. un!. piattafi fic aetebe uv CCSerat Wýî. -Dn, Ocam, ans! Messre. o bA w ave almeady 'inîiusatod pro. N. W, Brovu, ans! Thos. De venul. - coediap it ll aep > tn e gosa. vewursuw ci vmmgieved agan nUr. Gihîsa $ epivng In 1 W' , , ttI tie le::sn ana>' prove- as alta nyee GamipbeI, ' au! James Dryden, bias. hon tehiin~uthi in iiiIhir fatu et w"n a~ r us itli nrrman etf - ~es.u. muij~'u Ssýt, J. '(4;' A. Ans, au! $. Uepbuerut In- l Osars a elianare'the uot 'extra( CONCIm:T AT OsiAÂv. - We have muvis eleastre in- iuformiu.g aur reradens tual tinc viii ho 'a grand amateur ceucert aI Osisava, on tho l3hi luth. ton tb. pupse ofah'sdhng in peccurig e bell ferthie St. George'a Churci et tisai place, il is scacenvrmsany tri amymore tisas liaI the Misses, atad Dr. Hillary', sud Mus. Fairbanks arc ta bca uongat the peorr" mers, itnen-dem te secune a large aten- tIance. Tuas Voi.utKist a \suTIOnz, Col.. Mueîùuini thte Royal artillery,- la detà il. e! le luspect lie Vciaateens oh' tus Conat>' ame nlie thilt mert. Wo trust liaI for the croait of h'ie tavu the membens oh' our- local corps null attn!dnill punclnmall an!' We bave ho caîl attentionu ote re4ws aoipbliug oh' tie Gramunar Soluoci classe var. but ute uçufdteure ot uuj.'te w are n mcviii unlesui the Frech viii raine the Admirai DFarragut lis expeclote osailIle- day in' tise fdug sip Hartnmni té tise cammnand!ofthie eattrn bbeckscllng Fqnusd. non. 'l'homo lt-ver>' good sleighing lu Wunh. A&,Xçy, West btter o et tise mh ti tÈia tbé teameir 1Cbeooer admfde aunr peditiý» t o St.. Andrews a -,; viere. 19 privaIs sAfltý-nenks,. tise Cnfedetalatdgav-. veriment nat-wonki, nettri> a mlle square, and ail tuie buildings vone coatpietoiy de, strcyad, i.asesa train of pmudurce Wà ggn »cahurdcdieîtroyed, lamier, with, provis- ions, teae- ýtfv. Dumagedo.etra! b>' the (Ionfederates te b.e ver tinnis mIllionx.' On tho 241h lbe schooner Pox capturgl the schooner Edwrin, whicb triei! te mup lie mvhn>ner Fox _dovu. Hon cargo.n SAW Fau'rrstca Jan. 2.-nTe sii op' yard hsa 'arîveC! vIti RKpnÂgtvmu, Japon, -dates cf tise ut. Dec. - Kà ùa awaws sili, ,psruried iimin tram fOeets. Tit'roench are fortiffinx the btights sudd aily - erpecting thie arn ival ofatworegini of'intitafll'nni Hlong Kong. ,Il vas believen! a penée(t polution voultl ultilnalely>'-- hoghgt à .. bout, Jan. 5.-Nohinng aof letenest litraumpîn- ing.- Ail are endeinveanlug te Icoopi corn- fortutile. Tire. incie eof cccv'fe~I la-t: nign, flhso wentben vus pittuant to-day,, but venyl cciii to-nigit. Tise enrobbmenl otcitizenrr n.lu tusam is nicanl>'complehe!,-inclinig vhitos ant blacks. Tht number suhjoct ho dranglutý viii ba Tory cerusidenntble. - - - SL.-flows.N. B. Jan. 4--The examiinatliimn- ef Collilu, McKinuy, sud- S5eby, obergaîr with b îng cnncerned lu ti. Che4rhrrarrkp uffnir, Wax eam ommence! b«hore lise Police Magistrtte this aornnlu,. At lhe outsci tho counstel foithie priqonens teck excepn- tien t ho iform e icwairrant, ui - vc-in tneudrthie rase lidn ualcornei within thre prvson ofh'eis extraditio~n ýnth. a s tlire =flncevit vonnnilhe! on 0ie tuihien 'and net vithin Aneicin jnindictinu. Tise Magistralo resunveil ltduemene un hies. pohuhan. Capt. Wiliett'm evinticnîa *nx thon takeni. Fie modifienli,, is lmt statomeut pas he.- nniber of h' ies Oreli at isinu. Ife n'W saYt shioir vers turcor tbree. lu athen nospovis bis evidena'e ir siubstuuliatly t1h. sauneîas ies ptulied staiemeul. Tbe'axumhinttion wva djornu- e! until Wedueiriuy. Tise nautnt om vas cretvded vîtin spechators, but uit! ex«. vitement vas shove. - -- Mfr. L"iecolimts Yewm- Mç"rai t'Con- Corespendene'n cf the IqowVYork TM-881. Washington, Dec. 24ý Tii. amono f' Ceruallys rebbery lu- -th. redemuptien bureau tunsnt oe bot 1I't $100,000. Hor sach MO orleab. stnsched ne eue kenws, uer is ýthon.au effviai meaus eof ascontainug. Taken'1 hia,bouseiy îwco &ers, atnd thora kept cnstantîy ilu hi fleeo ,ho atI 155 breke dewan ud voefessed bis crime, -aud indicaîed wviee i.prepenrt! venIn!b.w fouuud. A truik',taie ',$Te00ii five hivouties, $400b) i trdasuq ucntés, 'ad nç largo -qnandty, ef -the, cutl baIes of"uuuatl- latedno ates,, wlh hoihebadnosnettirne ho as- sort, aur! vili venu vaitiug lb. matciuig hlectsahny ho tisein pa.aing as -vouchun.-' fiept lu ..rees' . té nesuri for two days coder suenvel1Iadesud, moral souiaul. Ile wauiut coafeaao'tl 1,su v aloh liu - ilsdenial cf guiIL I e nettedlY e0*-, presse! dealu' ho set bhie'wifeo. ldîcato! tis 4ÇO ecifo concesîrueut cf lhe itolen mcnOy? aud lie vas takon te is hous luiGeorge-, levan aq'u oeusîîotned. Rie s '. ubzzlelen lvas geiag. u 'fpun mooulu. Tii.'mutilated notes lu b. cunvelle(n! sud subsoqesently burqp ere vot lleugthiise' hbogihoh middIe, 000 hait cent le SecrpoIey Chase ara! tise otîser te tiseRogister. Tboy venu v oua;é! anud numman! op acendiug 'te their deoÃomiaa:ioýi', sdîfiftîéy coapanod viti Conuvall'sa auuuts e r r ntutued te is owea ç0ive ' obe doatnuy.ed by ire. At Jbrs las buruing, s W llo 1messeegér bey, vueý ha! baggpd te uwtdh the proess, wu slip a packageofttii. lait actes ijuteb ride pccket oh' his ceat ia he vwas tircvsng ýtb&uut lie tho îuinace. Helo auily lu-, urdoh' a clark uamed Pratt if Mn. Cana'. waît iad'a rigit te do tint îhing. Thé gane won up, A îrap vuns laid, sud thoý h'io-uvnrhkcd ightini jut î. lsavoved maiisona for plungiiin mb lis, aystematic robhsry wus bis conviction tisaI otier Vasninyclenli, ini respouaible sud coati- nlenîink offices, ver h'athernag them nos by Stealihrug, arnd bis detrmiaatiou bo have a haurql uit . A salury ch' auly elgiteemu iuuidiad'dorlrnu eeanr, ia!d a largetao , euth theimminnucas at oh' living hon.,- lieipt-d thîe foui tu taie ibis view ah'is effi' chai tilistan.d 1i ensoniuiatrests. la ea¶r pcaelie jaovkuted tisere ebte alesys oel huandred ilihls. Frea1ietly 'îbey rare deandnliotes oh' lives, touus, tveuth es, fitti- [es, oee utîdrede. Vuvul motus, subsequ- euîiy receive! sun!diel! back ho au amonu equal houtisesecoicens, imade.ishaauls <sometîmues very grai- ein or Ivunhy tison. sBa!d duiîeu's. Immeuirre -pre0nraiics for Clnsmsfestîvitiei bani buee".ad ul home, aud a daugiier vas suourte be man- riud troua ht. Loup Yentn. aSeLiTON wvu VltrIA ou husItt bo a aubjaci oftîciemu r efiectica - l îsrtia oestae cf bacisoeiso!d, tiat Fnei!sy, Dec. 11 during.h nr eya 86 h rwlg 14n. Hutoesoacuoffere! th- elov'ngof ,tb-le i e oar 864 tempnd joint resolutiona, nbicb lie over nuden tige 0cfmnkngle- . ou1rmote<, aî n-nIe Abnassm iinecî, boiea upon tise ladies. ft may"not ho laereew, Ps'eslrleu tie uu*mannion! vint hein nus- et 1he United States, lias, by var-lusen s, pctera' ight su -té<lo1tie' oare. W. nI sages asd. proclamtations, oundeani w ! So rdcets ' u"o tenh ceate the impression upen the ci izou Ject, soienu; ialtiheadvenut oh' veny' leap, venI tisai"tIrhe seespioa cf tii. ,vraiyear cemplotell aventuras . the ocI! mies stata etioSeri, sd tno mgssî~t , - vich bluate goeeud the kîug!oma et loe.. Stso f this outrc, and- -' rpnz tio as-ast oid lav book printed lini th. year . .. . . 1 ots e-I . __ A-061 where il trehuatit('Icountsuhlp. love ~Thie sannor lun'whièh-the. puglîat Ueo. *an-aoided the pele is lu s stat.d by tîh, Lqndeu Spertiug Life 1 ii ver ainceSaturday the. roaldonce cof ùoséan vas canefnlly atnded by iii. le. cal censtabulary, sud se attontive did te et lengtlh boconie thatne moee han the7 Éint,'Was'required for Jack MceDonald tue put bis 'wità te wenb te ceuntersot the. un- wlhod-fer -attentions 9f, the Obluest jack's adrice vas taken sud acted nlà b> Hleenan mînakingtracks &cross a ccuRr et tîunipi flèldlà te the gNew1 Stand, where cenveyance with paît-herses teck hi.u witb mirspeed frothei réaeh of danger. The. noait -mg ve was te ljliud the. talented i'lu. Cals' as teithe faot of the, bird havlng; flw;This vvas aeoompllsbed by Johnis brether, Timotby, havipg bisMomustache. ,baveid eff, and dressod a la 'tii roalSi 8. men Pure, sud as there la sromarkable likeaoss betvoon the brethers, vile J. 0. lfeenaný wu en îe*sikltrend te LUndon, à faterTint wOs reiving the. polite 5110e. tiens sud sunvéilant» cf the talented à 'bob. bieae-'wbo, aslbtih arived1 were-relieved at- their gue-rd et stated lutenvals.* Tini te keep np alSSiOteck a munual gal. Iüp, still ýttehdeéd by tii. p9eleions'Who sawV the. viileocf th. proeedinigs W n thbeorv train arrived, sund the fiaturnÈý duumny rcached the. station, tho wires-ve. put in aocin at one tae lsh le new-P that Heenan wns cff fer tewua. -i- carrisage vas on the. sidiag, aud ,that vas takon possession cf pro 1m by Mci>enmlld sud Ce., wie receiyed au ovation vii bearty .gonod. wiabes fromtttii. Nwunrket- folk. Â la4-f rOm-the shantod canr6ebo wa upide, andk'sf4e a short wslk uplhe lino, tS . lot aIlasero safely icuseti i a com. tentable earriage, and ln due time vere sîarîed for ,Loîîdon. Ail veuknighl until Cambridge vas ;reaiibod, viiore inquiries i<ere mad* ly a maýgistrale foir McDcnaldy who bad:ais interview, aud vas iînferuief, lu uliost cuate terwol 1tii. If tii. figbî shculd take place lu Ca'nbridgeshià ne pugtlif wWýdinfuture ho alllwed toéln pugil'14 e d lu Wbule tis camely vwu being playedouai the veritable., HEeenan wus fit -adbeep uett laraeen's easd, Suuw [1111, wiiere ho bed fourheur'. cont. fortable res t ler bis hnrnied trip tram NewoisrUst. Heena*as nem visible in London, as ice vILs kepl centthe. 1eireme quiet, sud passed tIse nigltbétor.ï the ighî l ithe eîglIxroOcod 'cf the.Brick., layerla Arama, fromu wionee hg tecit bis de. pnu1re an Tuosday t1.emulng."1 3Militia genorsi Ordors. lleadqa*arters, Qnehec,;-22ad Dee. 1863. 1The: Lietà General commas Han- Majesty'i Foees in Britishb Anienica bas,. a heo equosl of Hir veleccjthe Commnder-in-chief, apl e! a RBanne! et Miliiiry Offivens in ea tise Garnison Tvue oh' Quebe, Met, Kinugston, Hami ton, Toronto sud Loi fer tise examinueion out snob offeers- YeIunteer Fonce tinctagisct the. Pro as ma>' désire te have ibeir proicie ,drill au'!discipline to!sd dcorti sain ' d3oai'dsn-Y 2 . Thse contificahos wlich thde B wiIl ho a'uthiseaate gise nIll beic r se, -v' --L utIle g toun of Inquiry calle& -,in m Investigate thb. renmoances the. capture of the City of Ne% sud the. dotons cf that city byt erate troopà e ioder thé command Gonenul Mansfield Lovell, hms port in whicii tbst Geueral ila i euerated fromn all blasue, butt for great euorgy and extraoulit cty il isposition. #GMMAU Jaurrox "D L * '-on.-J. E. Zebuston b b. tothe command of the. Confedi n inGeorgia, sud it la believod t iii ecncentrated under hlm te I urtberadvauceo f the Fderals n TueTnnese. Gen. Lenei -un Important victcry bat Beaui fevdayu i4oe.' But for aut fi tite iver, which pievent operatiba of bis cavalry, li destro i#lewhole division ef tist was ppmv o Whlm. The. Boston Post of Weduoud "Aung the * humerons fauty tii. Public Gardon pend wltbl fow'daja neuuekas attractedi tien than lah pting 5h Who, one eelegi h iaied te sikate., crutch hoe prepels bumseif vigo thé ice, sud dants auxeng thosi with ailunch apparent euasi filly supplied with the uaual 0 cemotten."- A Sà o Citt.-Thete wsa beforo the police court cf Bosit luis week, for drunkeouosiwU repor ted te be Worth balf a ml Ifo varssen!to te uhIngteù I-1 clamatic ri, buit got away, feund renewéd hisgrIc.e ki Who s nt V)rtacrt-Ycents ir and'ho hoa; a son, an Intelligent night4 urbie yooing inuand hixq ricer far than the Orf Wl;at father lives Whe hâs #49v uld net rather as'et that son or and uselulnesa iu 11fé thanI a drunkard withbafertune cral Can auy mnu put moen gaisî -a hall ,uifliori agalust snubrie luneslgaîn&t beaatly drunkeri coe poyerty-dop and dar whore a-mersol of brosd 'withlb la ail, rathor-than s;uch a *pape. Wmrd Boociier said newspi -kinga in Amnica. Onenilgi frein the fact tbat theeout of1 electod by thu -National pia4aen lepruoetatlvs-the Speaker Pestwatr-have ail been nev tom. Tihe ladies ef Paris me woaring P»clish beuts. Tisla oztremiloes te manifest polticul Tihe composer cf tien- bea ballad "-Kathloeex&Mavournn vato lu the. Seveutoonth [qed«f The. French journals are adep tilune tevarda England, and sgo of the. semi efficial papori ih inJuy, 1Y6l a couple w.r Baez~olmdwho Waib« SanImprcremenls have been' .use in V lie bruilditrnvilch i rtentou ethe tom- se tort oh' the:pupli. al] W. eau the'atîentiof cun moaders tlu linl ýdvrîisemeasitfWUt&r*s aloîm- cf Wild Il Cherrin lusueler' eulmt, -and msure thorat lie>' ca'n noeuettpr repm>' tfon coeghs. incîdai sstbuua, broaqbulal affections, Or' au>' or 4imeofe ti. e roat or lauga.M lu Augsit, 1858, enuestihmal. elemuen! et " - T ' 1 1 ai .tnobceeae'iaiede and lsoint6liec «.Ir' t vene ceugbi, n bi h d a enb rapid qr inrà uds upehon'erconstitution- hiat w. toIlt fe Somtig muet 4. dont ai on ce, on abe Pl wuol! hociomne soa etil fconiuomipion.-hi H4ynig kaovu tirebeoficial noînits wnielu bave occure! tram the. sm etWistaro, Baliaus, ré made,-puciase of %omoefor - bor.a;sd are iap- te #al tIat'hotore aheè had'lahm0n lie contents ofoh'eeboulte ber 7 cou'gIsba! entinol>' left-4er, and se is iu 'oéw in thoerjoymeut 4f eà xc4îlitbealtn. it - ~ Toronto *aloniaIty. Mr. Medcalfe ha. hen aleeten! Mâ or.,)« mAu1irUrîois of,-hu'Wbiect Il Bave Trunule ançi e"rlse.