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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jan 1864, p. 3

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y A .,.~ ~ _________________________ M I - -..:-~-----~-- ~ tourtof Inqulry calledia incbh aopd, to %ietgt* he limlsnoes attendinsg 1hue ptur of the Ciy of Ne Orleana, sud the deiese 01titat City by tihe Confmd. erate troopauder the oommand of Major. Clonerai >Mansfield Lovoit, bliamde a re. port in whloh that Gonoral flu Dot only ex. ouîrated freni ait bis.., but -onimendo. for grest onergy andd .ntrordinary cap&- tltl in ita position., GUINIALS JomeaTox AID- Loxaaus. ail concontrated entier hlm tu reslgt any f frtuber advauoo of the. Federals next spring. t u tut Tenneusee. Gn. Longstreet gaîned an impotant victoryai Beau'. station a tow day. Ince. But for au untortanato tise lu the river, vhlch prevented iii. co. oporatioa of bua, cavairy, ho vould baie ihitroyed the vebole division of thi enemy -- that vus Oppomod te hilm. The. Boston Post of Wodne@day ~y; AS.mong the numerous fancy alisiers on - the. Publie Gardon pond within the. last lave day. nu onu iaettracted more atten- tion tati U g rasin Whoi, havlug tloi 4* une leg, bias leartned to akate wth the oh. or alone. Wlth orne sasisaco (rom a orutcih propela himif vigorouily ovcr th~e ici, snd dartismtong thie skating crowd - with masmuci spparénu a. auif he was full) supplied wîh the' cuaui meaus of lo- comotion.", A 8AlDXCiit.-Tlee wax n yoing min bfre the police court of B3oston one <lay this week, for 4runkîeNe, ýwhuie fther la reported, tebhoworth hal( s million dollars. Hi-vas sen'. tu Woslngton 1Ilo110for ,'e. clauîtin, but guI awny. ond drink. îî,d reuewed hie disgrnce. We ktioç%. a Fther weolm not *orth fit cents in the world, and ho lias a sort an lnteilijtent, moral, up- rigît, nIbe yoting min n, d wevou hint ricbor fr titan the Argt named. .What fâtîher livcg *ho lia a son *ho #eVulid no t ather see that son coin,, Lu bon- or Rild Ugeftilnit-in llb.i thaîî îô lutte hiin a drunkard wltii a fortune of a hlf tllion? cati any mt!nian u îoney ogîiAnt clJrftcte' -a bal! nîilion agaînsi esubriety ?-a for- tuime agaluat bmatly druilkeles 1 Wcl- corne povrty-deep and dRrk puoorty, wiîere a morsel of bread vith bitter heîr lan ait rathér than sucb lî--à i %Vird Beecher ssid iewmi)Rlers wecc kîngs lu America. One i.night îhinfk su, (rom the fiet that threeoout four offilcers eiectedl by hNinl presenit louîe of lRepreenttves-the Spenker Cierk and Poalmatr-hiave ail been ne",.paper edi- tors. The latliea of Parisud Lindon are wearlig Polieh bouts. This in going La extremit*ties teumifemt political opinions. Thcomposer of thei besutiful- lriihi balWId "Kathleen Msivouneen"' is a pri- vate iu the Seventeenth, LConfedv-rabe] re- l'hi Frlnch jouruals are a i iug a hua- tii. toue téwýrds Englsnd, aud the langat. a" of the smouirolllcial papera i. leasfriend. MEW ADVERTI8SKENTS. WISTkR'S BALSAM or M ALF A -CENTURY, < tlh the inuitt uilvîlng sucomasln euring WVCougii, Coidvv, lloursonusa-more Threati, iheous, Woopleg Voughtl Ctroup, Llyer Couiplali, Brome chalist oflt Iy e Eeagh. log, Aitta ,and eVery The -Throat Lunga and Ohest, i'tçLrni'cu £vui, TIen. la ecsroeiy one indlyhd- - ail lu the eoimumnityv n vIlol. Iy evuspea, durlng a sason, fromn sanie one. bovever ililhtly de- volopmi, or tihe Abovo tyimptoie --o tiagtor civh ci mgit Iemd te liie lutaI iamed, sud meut 10 lie dreaded dIsese lu t-le vItol,' oua.logtm. The power cf tIi, "<I 4etlhl gum" cof the Wid on. Cherry Treco aven ttIli as af- couiiti lîit l al kuwn; go irreat 14-the i god lu lii. peroirin ed, ail a gnout t lit popuiar'ty it hina îcquiued. In Miis pcqamu, lai'c«e fts iriai'e q tk Ch"n-, t4 are are txmêaingld îwi .61er impi-e- di ents qi like celais, M 'ri~i'iSéjiifl# tdue Wter fod4 anti jlrn&ioày y Rcnnedy wuAcie pocr to M*ctkatept»etact, t etîcce, adt» ocre di.eîtxr ex- ilitt~ i wut'iardiciw va c duec.d. Cartlgcaie fronti L J. Raciae, Esq.9 or the llinerie. !l.'riial. i. <*. O t 2C. it-i5. eif miig relqllen*iit h e<le c f D. îViitar'm .kaTbbfWld(ýielr 'ý.1 iia aîdîîleed n, ex urcotiel zt et-cuîfideice i- liili I lhave liti ho alar.For ilaîi-ie i-t. I wiv' aini etuely iffitte'l Wililia t-ert oui unimduteceougli, se co-nitidwt 1»îii-l oi 'c-atloi hite1w ado< whidii cii îît cctavt' me. alimi- r aîîd Wiî,ter. lu 94>ciiîlr tw ipi.î nnincrecsetéd larriingly, alil au c-ýliic.tl %Va s I liat t oîld wîalk but s le %%Kuli il lout rumiiiqtu r«ouer fronitutre ii i udI iitii ii luî licl i -ai llg lit an eîtitinil ne- i-i-. I i lai-, j'îitîiic I elitaiîliiîîedtîk 1;lm1 ,frolni,,u citî1Ifuitiîd iiîllatct lýi- . .01 aller iîving tn.o-d four- lottîco I WSa. e' ltl) 1- hre ula'Itî ave 80a l -ced i i-. l &oî tityî l itiiiailt-and siilirî.h 1 ti , ivî> illI ciii itit the itpWet restina. h ni)l suretilit i lu Co Iî. - Puime iatthl iallam -Ii aut sîcil iîh- iti-, h im lvapiepanailoi 1vilhimhî.s n,-f-) lb.- trical tu lie acuoweIîdc a. tia rUliîîc'h pur a'-a'4entst. 18. J. RACINX. Noue itgciiiia ttulcs agieil1. BUTN'8on t-ia Mraiîpc-i. i'rei.ucccl l'y Setis W. Itoule & Ca., BaSt.aa aud ter sale ivtiIclql ius sîild i Willihy h>Ja.h.Gorrle onit (J. A. STORE FOR SALE. O N E Aire '-,?Acd,with$ttreid I>vallinc. oui it%% 1 c Ii-lnL7 llentias lln is.Vliî~ i' lilri. -'ik-i-iq ouiyo l'ur îirticulai -s îïp:v lu 1 l, i ,yleer,,, e p,'ll'ail 'tiUC JoJh,16,a couple vere living it J. K. GORD>ON, Rase Rigauv , ohavi beun arried AW, CtANC(R, 'lNVEYANCîN, tilitc,. .t.. L..L.l ..:~ ,îs L4î&c., ('ver 1,.,%4 eot& 'ow.li, Store. 49, sud t'hé wife 103 Jearu of age. Mad dugi are becotue nunierous lu - Brsnt'Prd.. 1%e Coiiiiersys s lad of lifI. tcen and au m n n ad a leg vach friglit. fully huma lîy tbe rabid bruies. The sple ndia raclng asuaiof the part of Stamford habien soid vhi ~ction by MesaqrTatteral. Sixty six hunes aire At logori.,il, sa(oer days go, John Ay- utis, aàuiarried smau, wvas lned $51 and-«ostm by Squire Gallilford, for kîuîsngi agaait her viii, Rachael Ogdeu, aima msrried. MARRIE!), (aSPEA RS-ANDERSON.-By the Roy. Ufr. Monîeatbl Helen, the eldesut daughter of hob.. Speara Eiq. of Uxbridgi, to Mr. James Anderson of tie saine plae. RAY-6-At Whîby, on the. 2th Ot., 11r. so.Dyi aqed 72 yearm and t9 The Mariet-is seuh very mm4i. Ps Whest ranges -e' c. lier. vas$1 padyerterday fr w rtre extra loads.' $rnWbeat p&8c e 48e a Sc. * <Jais 35c. Pork$4à 4. Hay $8 a 110 per ton. Ilidet *5. NEW ADVERTISEMEIMT FA RMTO RENT. c'I0NA1NT4çnl100AcresvêOS, under cultiva lion. Lot N,),35-. ith Con. of Whtby.- Teruma-ade .p on i ne lt Mrch, Frftie feilita appy mthé ispr"pvle- ltr (il ltv 1emr 104 paid .014 n tni les. 4w~fi. L>ot 85. 7th Cou. of Whitby. flUATE1JR CONCERT IN OSHIAWA- A-RgNnaâAmettier oneert-wili ho glîcu at -Onthaie veuleg of WoOuSuI. , lanary l 1864, For he pnx,4 f atng fitu6a buvoards uur. 1ELe0.Goorgs's (,'iumvobla Doors open naI7,40; Conoertte u"mhoao at Vamly l, àr. TieU aun ho lad <rom -the Ç%'miice.. nm iAbWeS 30* 4 Q*T are - EXNm. J1 Nntlad M. D. ipli E. S . lFdral4 m J. War-, PUBLICNOTICE. C M tt ) il, lun l- isuîv-vnu lbh.MI lla ma A P>nl T iii!> iiEu}7, nue yesr etili pogt. 'I*n(wtoer i. r<'qve..îcd <j pro' --. c-ho La ratsyoLIer wIe le 1he su' i le .1uctiv tg) Lot N-,. iii. 1-t coi. ta4 wW4iby, llost 00ltec. Osiai. Et.mi Wlîiîh, Dmlce24, 1,S98. 51 THE ANIMAL MEiVè.TING O F thl Whiîlilitt F* t Wlsthiy Vlon )Aker iulmiSocetîy . vll b. k@1li t the GLOBE HOTEL, BROOKLIN, UN SATURDAV, 9M IJANEZARV, 1864. Ai 2 p. in. The i)Irccrsm are ieqxemed Co ai- tend aiIl ia.ini., tl ufuit the Books for ln Pl". JOHiN WILLIS, W hitbv, Dee. Se, 1863,.em 1 OPENING -BALI fi:Tapleasre ofyour Coiupany, snd tliat of yeer partuer, la rimpeotutlly requeited te attend a BàIl sud Suppor to b. bol<l st A. PIRIE'S BROOKLIN ROTE4, JIROOKLLN, lON Friday Evlg,-,January 8,1863, Tieku1t..$1 .25. Cliater'a (mil Quodrli. Bond uMeit ielattentisme. MAwuxa-JoioaCrocke«,. Dawesi, Whit- h', R. Thotitus, R. Wouîi, Oghtwa: G. $iur- Iiîîg, F. Urecin, Greeuwol .A. Wilso Jr Woe. Brown, Ahbarn; Wia. Pttkino, ~s- ellinser; Neil 51, claiý, Port per '~-w n.Coc, 1lial CreAk; A. Alezanîer U,. 9;1.,iod' Brokl, i A. Mo Kyerlandfr, $&sse;nof <'ccc iimocei. 'Daingti to ceaunenesaet 8 o'oloek. FOUTND. Ldr'em Wr-clrd FMannel, edge wijbie siy pinuttons. ('wnier Cliiboive it by aiprlylug at tais offies. Over-coais Pound.' T nWl)<VR<QT have been *anud mu JL ear othe County GielBuldingsby Litse auuhraiguud, vhielî <mhe ownor* m ea lvby kleutâIf nt and payim.g etipenses; othervîs they I[ "ud te dci'raj sanie, JumJACKISON9, Il 'fmrnkey. 8 Oellw gOff at Cot frouam6met& upwa;dso at JAS mg. za om TI.Oonfwlona & Exporenoe ]NINVALID. Pîtti1lsid or tho bernat, asa à w"lanali u 4 CAUTIN M Y1OUNG MEN Wli sutier from Nervous lheblityv Preumatur. Decaîy of Manhood, etc.. suppiyluag ast the<&me 'TEP, lIANS 0F 8surJCURE, By ue wlao ha. oured hinuileI*(ter Iblg 1rut te gv'et expeund udhjury ttiftîig iod cal hîiqshug sud qvîackery. Prbpaylag pk<tugevmInaI. copies :nny lehai ofte amthor. NArIIÂNIEL M YAd 21.lY. Bedford, Kl i t.uty,.Y i &SON & KaMliN'S CABINET ORGANS! TH R Cabinet Orsana are prmnonoed by gr- X Jt-lt 'tI at oftielr khud lut.. worhd,"I --&Pd Ilverý adirable W rboti priva. sud piflIletise. (Sou vristn ticstimouy fbons moro thl iiiimaidred cf tetii mi~ nent orgoglsofrtuigelntg tics.)Miu suad Hamnil'.litrueiittx ave rocouived <lie oîaiy Gold Modlal over awarded lu thIsontv-l. shevon ilIver M--dais, aud <ouvtneu Dfptomaa, la I&lI tvuIily4lx Flri Prteî'umna-over il i coopo:itort. Prics -of Cabinet Oramis, (aauficturid auley 1wMm--.klaisuiu,) $70 te $500. Me- à,1 ,nI $ eoual " b$170. ý if. R.Ivîtrn ofr <the CeliietO(iegsu- ala», srrngoiittits of ii,se fur tue stine, are î.uthustlvcli il.M. l . Illuxirittd otl tnn-sont himil. Address Il Ntt*#n & 1134lan, Buti," to .Ntnon Itrothers4,'New -Yrk." 1la t: DRUNKEYNESS CURIED. '11111V inplirlatî ms7 iow bld <défiauce ta the ItiU14iç, cup. Dr. Zane's Autidatp for 5<romig Drink 1la. comviii ce'n-/e? Druial- It~ee. -it"-ma oil.ilk. <or sîreng rdritik. 7-.1,~ hoailliiitere-i vir1pn ciIle lts ledgeet' Ile pairi.'ric't- $1 a 4«. qe't b flltit n l, itddruei.ly 'S. C. 1lilAM, 402 ('Iiniul gîreut, Pl'ladc li li Pa.Cinls Spermatorrhoea can be Cured. j)R. imai'. ipe llccras Spernouir. a/' »Otwcn. Ie., v1e-luy nil .fJcfielv iaof fpet. lira ti'ni inagicai. A i r:coIllîe gi4rîic '-M-h~h é c - i li Ilaiioat akultioe.l of ia nmoits.. h'l~ $1 l. Selît tct'pilii oîv-l le, daI-la i'. 'rclîi.gent l'e-. . 22 4m 840 Traveling Agents 81501 W A NT ED. EIuplovmenat LMa LIberaI Moltrv. T lErmklii 9,ýt-bng Machinue CîmpaIiy v"aeit salîgniteil nuier ni activae îttg te travel cui enilidit or-lira for MfAchiat-, ut a 1 aay of $40 go $130 per montIa wW epm1t l'onii'nt týlhyneit sgiveî u tIitherlglît kluîllof Agîst. Loocal Ageisi alluoed a very o~MchI nom lit ecealleci hy any ellier -il Il~ nasket, sud Warititq-d for one vear. f-'C a" ic" Irès,?ne. in1i'c. hd-t <-i liarae iasd pcimn iMacinel d'egt. wibltitttiijb for ti mîoi-e 1NSLJRANCE TIl E' ifidndvied hl ailiiiappoial.ci Aigent ilsilim lucaity fur Ille foihîvWiuç fIrqt-cvss Iusurliîce ('oinpanio. lu wmîit'mîlic1i.prellared t) seev-pt rm-lalte ire anf sd manne.- 77.e Edinbmsre ILifc Assurance Cois 'ay n le LbaevpWLansd LvM&ii 2!e irmonrlualPire Iavrance Company. 7ýe ProvnSd lAurance Compaisj. F. KELLER,. l'umbutiater, Ohis O'4tlilW. Iov. lot, is". I-I{US1E TO LET. f-I 1t>T3S1a %tory and s a lii 'a' high, andI garden comuAsn- ingihaif an acre of land, on Byron Street, narly opposite S9> 8drv' Churci, R. & J. CAMPBCLL. Whîby, Duc. 9, 1868. 48 OeAwed" 49P s Tibres dom sNerti of. SocboOohd7,t old stand,I OF FE L iz .Propriotor.k iNe 0 té e. Toge n.uc oYs -bvnu a-et4llao AuJ of thaîIr ti'î Iti;~JsJ Wiilvom - NEW A~TSMN -o----- Just recpived, the flrst supply of tlie seasotl17 of the f-i2r-famed Finnan [laddies at No. 1, Laiog'sBilig Faîmily Groci. FOR WINES AND LIQTTOLS of thie Uest brands, at the Lowes-t Prics, go to1 in Wood No. 4, Laing's anud bottie, and Buildiugs.5 Wine and Spirit Merchanit. is ~liîg he Cheapest Groceries ROOM0 1is sligthChaetroky in Whitby. ----- is seliing the Chenpest Be'ots in is ste1ing the Cheapeat Clothing BRO4(m is sellinibe cheapest Dry Gopds in Whitby. Broom seilis for (-,'aI À,and one Price Offly. Uboice assortmnt of Mink ýFurs IffVERY BEST COAL OIL -5Ot&5 CRISTMÂS i*s COJHNQ4 TRY TE UPEUIOR -NEW ADVË!R<T ~IS~f~NTS. JUST -REUEIVIEDAT Coo9 Fine- OId Port & Sherry Wines. Otard, Dupuy anîd Mar-te-li brandies. A superior article of pure Matlt anid OLD RYE WIHSKEY. A Regular Suep1y 0)f IYo.Ewau'a Olebrated' FI~A~ 'liA BD IL N. N E W DIEGOUD sa RATS, BONNETS-ÂNt> MANTLES. A large Stock of Ready.inade (lotliing! Ail at very Low Prices for Cash- only. CIIRI STMAS &'ýNEW _YEÀR'S AT Mec ÂN'S. SUPERIOQR LAMP&f >i ret ' ori f y streeoieed. OUO OCHEAL>iLPT Are otîrtcin lutlîiihj i iitlb'lltli i eriîgl uin. aniiciare deteem néeIti ulapoi.îîît PORE; . !l large ulittics, .dcp te t'it intlnwi..a ulilii. n'îh- M.hi-le u1. fr ih AND) S&l$1N in c Jtl l~'h- i< e t a e rit oh' ilý(ti nh if dri fiui uSMr cobîn iot'. ti-lrulî .'i iroek Street, Wil Wlithy, lic. 8i 105 - Boots & Shoes. Cdithuiiit is h~aral o~ot.htl Fall à& Wiznter Doo te & Sho-, Chit for (!eni. l-r oa it rn article. iilttila it n l o geýJ 11i, Try SAthtIald Rcdit., - Wililthy, 'sept. ",iui FAR HERSt-HA 1 N1Es. F osw stoc ak of hlernesa î, ligidefrom li-t hosto! 'fltiior, anid onti i bè%t vri ivhiii, AIL.0 1,tgtiy rednce.1 plteui.. euh iii lie lie aîlaiorliier. .A 1ev ',ud Jolîîw'îi&Ah TRUNES ýAND YAULSES, Ofrerhug 1elo for Cssh. Alurge stockcorgoo Ir Joie for Cstvli. No. 5 I' i - OHEAJ? BOQTS A ND H, ES Mki TH citraêgned retturns Mlalu vu ]Fresh OCurrauts, Raisins> Caýndied. orange Lemon & Citron 1 o? J. P cmleteean ample stock of ail kiunds of -st.api.e and fàney God~einb ing everything in the line, ali se1ectetd with -care; at lower; prices than any other Hotu, in the (Jpunty of. Ontaxieo LADIES' cAPES AND mANTLES 1 A. Choice aortment TO 0CALL, fls amai bys, tum tels, - ad arc vortitibuyiag, à sud etylug, iIt ipotea- mn't b. bon. m11usay dbfs 7f= -77ý 1 . williby, B ROOM Whithy. B ROOM ln whitby.

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