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Whitby Chronicle, 19 May 1864, p. 2

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Si M. 'New , &tlSCmeftS ti a Keep rcr feet col- an. 5 IBoots andi Sboet ilié for the scson- - Jas. Bain. Chanccry ~i- :Wilson. Twc Notes toist -L. D. Birown. Bonosandi Shocs-Wm. Barris. Agents Wanted-C. P. Qoneiy & C~O., Wetern Assurance Ceu'pan.y. poct-Office Notice.- llardwitre-Thnf$. Macon. Notice of motng-Ný'rtli-nrtf l o lity Pints andi ois-Thou. Mason. Bltrc;emith'5 and Ca'rresstur* ttol-Thos. proprlaýtlon" difflcaty by yeportCing i bill, p~eolgto appoint a United States Eddngration Comuisioner, wbhose dides are te db nunierous, sud wboaé powers arè by no, means circummocribeaste the, iàIsua limite of Ainerican officiais. Hé6 bai pow-* er Ie niaké Contracta vitis sbi0pero a to emigration faes, and witi railroasi com- pathos in,,any country for the transit of ewigranti, andi 10 male contracta wilh such émigran ta, whereby the coiai of their emi- grasion àa b be acharge "On their wages (beunty :Mtnoy ?) until paid; or if tlîey saýttle on Unitedi Staiom lands, the smta tabe a lien on iqucb lands until duchargesi. The Billi sue redcces the tonnago'dnes on vassels 'brioging émigrantz ta the United Iu thé Pre-The Aelhrtt case. States. Company' Ouder-,Cee. R. Iartnell. This meve on thée'part et the' Uniteds ~wRW~S SLE.States se dam uja thé caserai 6fl ot O liritish emigetien, ansidieel is setheir Wm.llhtrig'tieia vs CGee. Aesnqcotiîg on ti, 1.'lh tim-tiçt, 18(lfr4 o'n shoes, et thé éxpense et thé e méte - . Britsth colonies, ought tuebhécheclo-mtedés CTACTTSALES. b>' 0r gorerameul. Besidea thé syseem Treemayne vs Boasia>- MilWhitli>, Ont aI'eeigratifn agents stationesi s?,Ameni 13tb June. 1864. cen port%;, suggasted in ut aur t, eue - amilton v". Robinson -At Whithy, anM Isth olie Mi.crovu ltis shouid hé thrown open on lSth ane, 864.the moat invising tarms, ands cheep ansi ~'y~ 4 ~ ceintiartable transport siffeded ta émigrants (IR. h jt b b» 3 ýa nt*U lt*4 ta érer>' section of Canada. With suds ________________ uSand liter oncnraîonents 'vich thé ONLY $1 50 CENTS A YEA.R goercumeul havéent their disposai, aur eiTpuilican neighbsirs 'ranIS find il diffcuit Mililiv. ThiîrsIavi May 19, t864, t"a î,hurh the ton'a shai' ocf eer émigras- - -- -- i iug telov subjecte et thé moîhér counIe>'. 'Subscribers to the 'A.dvocato.,' Exeesahis le atis tth e odsuaîaéat of Toils réfuscéd. i» rcrujrrre ifl& h h arrange mnente kers'tot'<rc neî'tsmalle' Whliin itho bande cf thé ols iWby i,nf(t i3fr JuJy. gulisnriber-e to e lcilSansi Herber Compan>', thé Witby i»V FOCAi M(net udrt.udy on eur nuitd Sestgcgrond vas anneidered oncetf bocks,') ,irfll Msreater be Sent If/a thé eet its the Province. 15 'vas thé gais' CflR OYAFR , is(cd of f/ e fr- e-i i nist thst thSe exeencmse of thé reaS mu'r~~~~ ~ ~~~~ p'î&.les'ted î$iiil&f Ulfl, flot hée grfaeeSin Western Ceea- su.hurti' iia1)per fo[ticM .4A d it, la.Thé clii Campais>' ers cncseiuglu cate, irfut plvuie Ut flii inft'i-tliir érnîris te mte thé ronsi 'hat it tiî'n tin li i lV ii5'5tt iEc l',. 11 rltir a.. Thé>' ierée lvaja beloe utro baud e-e'îite f~'paîerani eDo xT ie'fir)t W it nteritd eand metalinlureédiursata et'iHn'<-hirgul a suser/uv ro r marske -neeesar>' repsire. .Spriug, summer- thenr-e ftîrwerd'. and tali, tb ir employas vece kept cen TO AOVE- RISES. stnnil>' et varie outhé ceaS, se shat avec>' TO ADIF.RTIJVRe. dey's vear, nnusitès 'as at oce discorer- With thé transter cifte uscripian es, ansi re-pelcod. Tisir carefud éuperin- lEs ofýthe North Ontarie Asivacate te oce itemdenzeo wusuesaing &ansd the result, books, 've hanve<r&7l4 pvîrds cf T11REF, ai wu have stetesi, wvatathé people cf HUNDRED NAXES te eue subecribece. this co3util>' trareléd-toéit î tengui-ovr lu North Ontariot ahane, vîihin te put onaet thé hast ronds in ail Caisada. Soir fortnigbt. Te show the. extent et thé cie-in its now-? The reaSnedin eeot impeeable. ýecietian crthts Cssoiteau'i No brtisOsita- Since stan eut et thé hanSe etOfthé dem- rio, ire iaru that nasnseéof thé Pees pany,- it lbas bnnn ebeètli>'neglécteul, fhesmore'CuatCarr's ar, itflbute5d téenatal andi tîmever>' sii 'oeu off, sud théîn ail thé Othler papers receivesias shese vahbicit-it pasiug avec il havé te plouâh pffices ptit togéthcer. Thé, Cîco xtcî.cean- their vra>' up te thé hue?, lu thé sotî atiht ticys a circulatios inferior to noe-enS seex h lavéstock fut lenthe mrod, site greeter thaW'oot cf thé local papora 1,nllsh. Irêes bedeau, wagons vcetd, and hegi éd theoughout thé Province. ies uttuet, andsinoe ftort tadSe te put thé Thé M i le>' tstataed. rsetl lis a proper state cf repai îe Thé-r - nt i alte peNordh go b>' Lakes Su' Atraisi te ve-1 1turé a atéoleof 'vaut etnon-.jeueste 'Voretto, or via Lindsay' te Port confidénehIn the Minigîr>' opetil>', thé Oppa. Hope, lu ordér ta each thé front, sud thé siieu ingled ent ?MrGait's canal polis>' couti lttes thé benif thé trarél and 2- -A--rt marsamm 'u> tî;I Atlc'bel 'eW-~44U ho*vrr. Thé Miaiste>' bave bée eus- tainési. B>' ouhy a majenit>' of tl'v- it la true;- bat thérs'vas oeeSupporter et thé Mim#try, Mr. Duniim, absent,' anSd'ipet aIl asher quoseiena, éxeap their causal pc. licj 1Mr., Perrault, bas ijutinatét ishiein- téntion te support the aSministeat-*eu. This veeld give 'thé Mlnusatry a vorking enajecit>'of, 6ive, aud Ibère areaters, va are asars, vho taté J49 semé vuev et masters as 1Ur. PermîQtt. Wh I uljins it ne fnetietas opposition, but vilI, an other quetions, gir. su indépendant support te tise A>dministration.- Amerlenelrorts t timalate Esit. Inlur uehat issue vo teck occaion ta ai- Iodé e tite important subeot af émigration, aud thé .présent ai thé moat profitable and fllting lime for the pttiug tarda of vignoees aefferts on tis part et( thé g ovea- met-having fose thir objeci, theivesiota of thé Stream et emigratemi tram éthé Mo- thar cnunIr', nov setting lu in.,such a largs flair tesardi thé United States. Sincpe- die 'bavéà noticeS lu thé Newr Yack Wrli that a project le et itis cime hefere Congréa, thé abject of' vhieh is te afford au artifisi el tmalint ta thé émzigra- tien cf 4tahohé beien,éu" freai théeIîui- 'tati Kigtioe nésibiT tas hé employaS ie productive abor or sétei on the gov- ecumett auds ie thé unée Statés aud Tee. riterles ; but lu réalit>' salie coaxed and eajolel, an dupe! b>' stmée rt ef triélcer>', taie or unfeir, into "abe -é bodiesi" soidiers cf'leour glorlous îunion, visiei tise sbotd>' sud other contraéSers,- and he multitude, of gênerais sud New Etagiaus Cotton ma- itutacturar' s, têaré t'mut hé ptéses," if ail the natios oet Europe Shoold hé laid under contribution foc "4able haSteS me." Iî la feared lns Congres shat a Shooet appre-; priation 50' transporteale bodies! aborers se Newvok'Taie «ubd net hé toieratad' la> au>' forsigo Power." Thé sage sénaten vit e vntured ipon this conjecture iu thé misiat fmisseif.eaffielent cespeée, bit thse pafb square ou tise cstpîa' thiSt$se, viséther 9,rpot hé ever touc11e th ie isau4l etra batébéforé. Ssièh an '(appropria. tion" ÃŽoleS ho uthing mue r aaleus Ibi wouis pais theough it. Se unbearsble 4a griévance bas tis a shcing lmate of tisé rossi bécoe that payaient of toila havéý béen reiused, ansi threas'bavé beau matie * ethingi l i u îg tg tbheOondl yof it corrupl partisan sdmlinsdton, vise teQ thé rondi frntthé olS Campait>'lu ondetai peepetratf a jbinthtiséIntrait o! Political' favoite.-Mosof euerémadens sreîofcouarse, AieaS>' avare shah, thon ver>' parté uaI ,disintested poliician-éaw -Citester Draper, and! Jeaeb Gotilsiex-tnemhc r là ë North Ontario, arano'v thé proprietors e!f thé Whi îby BoaS at!dHarher sad, that thosé e e ns ieuiferatm erre! ýtethéus fruni thé lciCompAis>' b1v tiselato govesa- ment. Thésé teho travel. ove thé road b>' thé cýsauge in thé prcrprlétse'. Messs. Golandee!Drapermus>hatolS--anS la ver>' plain temi-.thal thé>' ésunot hé allode ocolles and! poulet &ail the tola of thé road, witlaent expeesding s'edollar- in repeax, an'%oppelthe farn ato Iravel, itnéeeeépin thé saut. ,"The, muisbeh sce.se nedereisud tiiet libeomleg tise prapriesers 'eft'a public lsbigbvay, thé psblieicocnvetieués mut behésopéviset considèreS,, ansi that their ové profit onm thé hbargain thé>' havée, btainéd la ual thé soe And outýi>niuereat te lie taket isgte accousit. DiS thé olS Company~ do iié' or permit thé roâdi te 41la ie its preéet 'vreiphéd sate, visetiani outery w'v eali raisoiL Let os rémenstrata 'vlth tise gentleman. -ône"ef thae éotditioee opeon vîicis thé>' ebtaiued thée'v>cias u tisat tIse> iholelhé képt, eue! masîanein aa aatïsfictoq nste ef repaIe. 'gave ta>' fulileS the: coi tract. lu thi4 respet' Thé présent v rai>'niMIf&ieuotp tate 'et tîs rasd gi>es theé .ssvér. ý9-,mess Genisi anS Draper t'eue>' hat tise>' yul b1 ailowetd ta go ou W' h h-"eay, thats People' 'viti aubili toe .,y,ffMt wifIMȔ tra veli1n g ov ù1 a ï à described nnompiiniaIt 'f h la al réeau sô,e expesit. WdMot«om, ndvId.e Stephén Riche Kakssg ocets. Mr. Stephén Richarà is n adép4t aI piaylug the oof !Viese ef Bray'. Hle bai bien siÉ sihysd bhgucéés4lve <Gërn- menta-Reforin, Conservativ% océUsion, and Olée Gril, by tursis, toe do ,theit cav- engér 'vontr. laymeuî from' bis lait em- ployes wuvaal that 'va needési to hire bimt d'dénotâltaeSha- iseedsbcérmîlt if- fice. For pay hé 'vas rdéaS',do is, 'vont- emlerpdouiy-retllorsalousi>-no mater about the rights or 'vrangs etf théehè~ Thèse charactéristici made him a,'flttng' instrument in thé bands cf ths late Gri Gorerument.' It vas M r. Staphen Rich- ards thé>' slect eS in their persécution cf the Whilby Boasi asid Hacher Company', TSEOIÂ Va. WISTEY lOADAN E[ l On Monday lait an inquistion swother writ of extqu t Vas taken N. }. fReynolds, llsq. -Sheriff of the ty. The preceed ings tookt place court roasu, Mr. Stephen Richards' ing-on behaîf af dia Crewn. The- ing jury weré empsnellesi, Mesue. Robert Canptsell, We. Blair, Jobi Woifrden, Joshua 1ihrîan aud we ail kueir 'ith 'vhat a itéan geste hé feaitési cethe ducs>' varie. ot satisfiasi 'vith tsking posseasion et thé vorits, ansi ohtaining ali théea"@et.,,etfthé Compan>',1 he puesuesi the presiSent anS directees et thé Company' imdividual>,-snd actual>' oh. taineS a tarit of extent aeainsîtishe sécréter>' of thue Campany~s privats propety-vowo bail urtbng vhetevrcte de vsth thé affaire et thé Compan>' poeonal>', ancra Ibm discharging thé Soties of bis office, as thé dempan>". paisi servant. 0f course ove>' ssep teken-é-ver>' vrit ismuesi, ansial itheé peeceeSitgs thereundar, brought griat Se Me. Riehares's ovu miii ; ansi considering thes thé>' vèré alsôgéshar unnécesear>'ansi pueposoiess, thé>' coulai scaccel>' ho di siguesi vitit an>' ether abject thîn te put moue>' lu thé perse o! Me. Stéphen Richards. Weil, net cantenS vith tiieRe piekingm, Mr.Richartia goes iu foc a lust haub eut cf liméWhith>' Road anS Harher business. Wthout an>' instructions teoni thé présent govrcment, ai vo onderetaui, hé taleas iltaupon hlm- self te -issue aisother 'vit of extont, to bolsi anether inquisition. em;icnnel a jury, anS examine w;tnp&mes te fitîd oct vheîhee Ibèreara atit>'furthar Bisets et thé dem- pany' toe héga ut. lié maltés 1: an ex- cuse foc Seing se, tst certain mone>'e have bien' paisi thé prsidnt-(h'nov- inz et thé saeé ime thal these manèys lieue beau diabarses,) the true nbject baieg te, malte more ceats. Were Mr. Richards Inqtmectasi teprocese! feethe iu thé mtter va coulai undecatand bis. acting. Bltie bulasdonesoseof bis ovu mers matia>n, and vithout qau>'inxtructions 'vhatever froun thé MstoeeyJ3eeel-- simpl>' ,abéaisséh hpened te hava airéeoactAusinlu t-malter ondethé Gris gereae't,-ntid that.ý avciding te consult thé gorérumftl ha sees a chance of making anosher hautlin ithé shape cf cosset. Little thé jury émpanalési b>' Mr. IRichards kneavof thée.ccéu objet cf thé proceelînge; sud, of course, thé>' neyer Sca.ml bat thét Me. ichxrds vas peeperi>' Authorized te, hoaS the inquisition. ThéeAtatmént that thé proeWèinzi'tvers n-casssry in céder te procire thé Shérifi'. ctun-thal i. Ibis thé Shriff coulai ual legally malté a rettîru wiîltht the proeédinge héiag hatl, ln ~AIp>gsthermsr oesoea, The 'vit ina tihe Sheiff's ds vessId! hé 'a.uud in dm, course ie thé onditiar>' *&y, 'vitisthé amét nadSe on il, vishousl int-urrlé thé éspatise of an> furteter veit of éet. le funt w. balie vs are correct iunaiedg that 1be- fer. thé issue et thé veit dis greeter' Part e! thé nom ceibééted b>' tbe Shriff baS* bménp'id aven, ne rloedéinlu liantte h prpieracrédit. hépeocèeus, *Paéthé lqusition on, Manda>' luit, veto sbeecfpee ail bos,aadsý1erwed sue the geesiparpesez ttisu tuating o! ao#Wa' -A Tmr'vr:t.-4t aisfsttéçin uthé Vin. dicarof Ilut vee3c sbs. thé QranadTn kl freýglit-ahed as Oshava, WaS allanisns, aud baàrras -of goureattire! theéeain tatiü ime Tiiswas grésa&th . mFénnAthesé com-'ý thé Witicter, the oefe e.gwpl.ex.. portansd importe at Whitby sud Oshava;' Thé 4usnflty 'of goue storeds!st thé Granàd Teait, 'Nt the tise cf ths e amaent, 'va jut ousé hotsanaessuAééesh dredl baarmbuI Van Our teléil ýf tisé Viddieaton-fslm vieleser-ue pon thé Ltnt,'- even ' * ndethé présen'isi èî'A>e9mé neéaésssry lu erdér sea ucerýaIn bah"t fuethér iiii4ble a"ssétIbre vere behcnging le thé' Com pan>'. Mfr. Noure, sI;rn amdie!xamined'-byý Mr. Richardi, stalod the amuunt lu thé Shériffs banda recéiréli from telleta héb 1fr. Dean, Mansgî'r Bnk Montrent, cellesi b>'Me. Richards. ansi being eorn 1 snd examinod-tiaid-'ThPee are ne manqya' et thé Company' in Banke, nt thi ' s' ie Thaeelme-ne acttensin ithé namé of & Company' or vith ais>'ofuts aoflicérs. Rueir' cf no ehsdabeue the Cîtmpanir. rMe. a ton, as Teeuuurer et thé Comn«patyi>' haune accounit it thé Basuk. Mr. Wat8aoa, ai president bad none. Kisev of ne manéji li vhich thé Coimpany' bcd an>' intéemt. Mir. George Keegh conlléctar eat No.,1. tati gae, sirorn andS-,xcmincd, si en thé 25 Fah. 1863, hie paisMe. usn as, Trensueec otthe 'Compan>'§ $291.50 beiag receipte as the -ate for thé S vééks éuding 14 Feb; thet lie paisi avec thot amoont atter dedîFting his saler>' op te Shet timte; thet il vas thé lait pajuient moe te Companty, ad shet he ed since paiS avec thes receipte se thé Sheciff. Me. lHuston, eveen ansiaxataiséedb>' 1fr. Richad. - Wcitnot sécréter>' jf the1 Compan>' nov; -,hee béan;-,ceueésita hé lait year; ilm thé bs.ainning et Nov. 18631 tendered hie ri-ination ansi gavé op thé boots. Itceis'vu'J pais of the tola héivéeen lot Jantuar>' and los June; coule! noS se>' boy much ; it mc>' or ma>' net ha $90, or $100. PiS ovrc-'vbateves vs 'lu bisl bande. PaiS eccîsunié out oe ti; pa15 Cap. tain Rowe amount of an amcunt ; neyer paiS asythîii. Io NMe. Lswdée; pale! im- saetfvhiuîévér ermit t r.atary vascdin- ieg te hlm up te the lime 'when hé4 gava op thé bocks. Cî,uid net eltato the amaount 'vhiceh hé pais1 ostr te Mr. Wat. son vhen he >gave np thé bicki ;Atk migbs baué beéti (cet>' or fuftu>'penscould noS ga>' pesîtrel> boy much. Tise coran> eppoiniési anotiier sécréter>', Me. Hall. Mr. Mcfleewost, evoro andi exàmini, saisi hé vas not nov, bot bad béen the compsny's harbor-mite. Tiere vas ver>' hitie kl.recéivési hé'ee ,thé lot Jane se>'ansi lat Jue; a niloo bandaSdiem one tethéesidet o fthe cempan>', Mr. Watmou couid nu ai5> vhal thé cecéipis 'vers ithebocks baS net beau 1umoeé p nor the acceunts réodered teparties avlng the compatit. Xiae' some of théeliartist b3 aimeé;,baS ne ide ettbe amneunt of tolla-eellected, or due; tiss speing eblpplnig 'vasnet doué ibén. DiS net know'*lwbeé Mr. Watson 'Was hé recaivasiperb*ae$100 or Ihéreaisouts, sud handed it ovetu Me. 'Watson ; ahi thé mony'bie bché Mr. MDermott received -hé bandeS tever; ,but it vau net sffliest ta psy hi. i ry for - 'vie noshing abouti théep,.sIrocoed. luge. Mr. Nonnse vus rexamiued aiseasob. PIosnaug Ime. -Wabtiu.and! staseS lthat hé 1couaiSote affet' sérvié., *Thia cancludasi gie viden ce. Mr.. RichaurdainformeS thé 'Jury tst thsé>' hould finS $398 applicabla e tte 'vs'l, iantIse alsêeitl7a haa".'Thére,'ver.ý M6, othér moeys thstht e cotratc,, except te -Mr. tVslaoa, aisecoiehlag te r Ur.' Hiltasreseel fras hlm jfoit>' or fify pisaiasud fit e11,re-a r. Mc. Derott avcrdiug te Me. MeDérmot t'ag .su d $31,'hieb- amurding ta 'ahe evi. Saudenthé>' u boniet ied' to é .moeays of thé èeomtpany #s Mr. Watioe hsbd. l'ies f riff'tmetd op inu fsfwbol.! 1verdi, ad iforméed-the jury that in "k- -'aig théir 'leqaillion aacb' 'jarea 'veehiul . e ré'jtiirad' te aiguthé 'fiading.- The jury oulS thé amouet td ta Wteb .u ,nthe' irf b~atà; osti- iie «'aisnt $280 ta be InMr. wate'ban4 upayg ,'s thé Company,. Tec 4ayàASghongand.se! ohiqt decitlve 1 m. ait bas lest ne Umê ln placlng his Fgetbefere diaelieuse andi th e country,, TIesday night il was brougit dewii h ie Cable expesitiaonofthe etate e! ~~~iecs, resources, &o. ecctipying ee a nd a heif heuirs. Il lei stated that ~the gaflerios were crewded on the odcssbon twith.marchants fromn Quebue andi Mon. 'treilA 'nd-nany oshérpatits oef thé province. the fr.ovinco wilhin the expenditure, flnds il téeeary te rnis;e an asiditional million, ôf (Or, itre o thbis 'nw tril' putil an adîlitioal duty uponmnanuifacturod und P çM' rred tb cco; eseç tpon cver y d esrtp- tien of I;pilýituoug iqu6r,l s ave 'viné andi beer. A triflisig stamp dut>' is alec ita- pososi. Thé changes fradé 'viii hé botter' unîlttoteesundor -thé following heass Si,?amp.-On al billsancd, promiesar>' notesiet $100 and, up:waeds, a st.amp duty cf thréé con te. Promiese'ry notes cf $20 ind tîtder, are te bo-exelrnpt from elaînp dut. Al -1eof oxchange ncf whatever anamnt are Se pay nne cent etamp dut>'. Bycise.-On lilstillod -preof spirits, an atiditionai excise duit> cf 15 cente, meking the total excise duty *30 cents a gallon. This andci tecoresponding équivalent dusoîns duty have alroilv gosse rtto farce. Proni Jul>' noxtT obace n nntfaiturerg ara taipe>' a Ueenseo of $C) - andti rom the sanie date a now eIciscdty in te lia le. Ol on theroduot of ithie rmanuifacture. The best grade cf carandish and piug te- bacco iii te pay a seciticeéxcise dut>' of 10 cente per pounsi . Cigare worth $10 a thiousiand, Urc tu pi>' $2 per thangansi, and the ligher priced <uliltice eof ciga reot h $40 and upwarde, arc tu pa>' $5 per theta- (!etxtoniîs.--Whislkey. which up te the prosent has paid a rpecific impnrt dut>' cf 125 cents par galion, in tu pcy 15 cents ad- ditional, corresponding te the amnount cf excise lbried upon the Canadiamanufste- Sucer. Týhe dut>' on this articie-proof stngth-is thereforo 40 <ente per gallon, whict, ias bten sanctiones i by PArliateout iti cîîtttiitteco t splansi ha-t already becs, put in forcoesindÃŽr tho ordler'-î issueS te collectors. Gin and rom tteiw pay an ad valorurn duty or lot) per cent; a epe- culec duty cf 15 cents pter gusilout is tn bu addtesi. Brandy pays unadn 'id lorm' dusy of 30liter cent; a sapecific fSuty of 16 colie per g'lutîis tobhoadtiîd. A ecific dclv cf 20 cents per gallon iste tbh e edont gitîgér wîne, Othor w'mes which are un- tostched, t'mntinuie te psy an ad rolorum dnty ef 150 per cent. After Juiy next, ,nanufacturetl tohicco leseahaveosin in- croit-ted dut>' bev:ed lupoli it cf 10 cents and ltur cents. eqtiivaleelte the excise; anîd cigars. ikt'wiee, an addItional duty ef $2 suit! $5 accird-itg te grade. IiaÀtiantted Rèe ntoi. -Tho fodiewing are %Ir. Galt's ostimstas« for thé revenue Friii it, t'.u t t an -S........ 0 Sta:îp tai.',. . ... on ........l...... 0001 ..............itîe ltSSOO Estirnatt'l surplus ............ ttO B>' the arrivai of thé city cf Manchester va ha"> taté neya frem Europe. le the leuse of borda thé question cf thé prizs cf rebai piratais unaidiscussesi,Earl Rossall admniting that the Tuscalonsa 'was an un. -condemnéd priza. Ra aisen<eniesi that Englansi hes truecilesi te the Unitéçi Stateu in at>' matte>', Two eteammrsbut for thé ConfPeratPsý vere liaunche.d et Nantas on the 2Gîh of 'April. Anether. stéamer * wit hé t.eadv te sail ott the lit frein Piotdeaax. She 'vii lé avé an a commnet. tisi Veýsê1sud',- do hina-. lits , ai 1ii~5t hg'e tailrresea dDotnc intaod t rvuttéam hn feai vessais. Thé D&îuibb confé renis e $titU.in session. élaribaldi baiunemýrle for Itsl'ty Is le saisi th&t Antia sud Proai have dechinési an eriieué onthé bais of 9 continuancéofet thé blocitade ot thé Ger man ports. * Laenét Enoropean., piontand Loed onde rry ar sée t Pallier Palet on te. l&h. lst. Bresdstuffeare t.epbrtad firmer sud provisions stae!> -r Parliamentary. On Weaneaaay Eau. MtrBuchàaen'a bill te coniolidlate thé debt of the City of Hernitn 6nal passed in the tipper Houas, oni a vol'of S7 to Il . 1 The foiiowing bills worô introdueed :--r Denis,,Biii te eînénd, the Act respecting the inspection of Stambeats; M'Qivern, Bill tuenetablieh County - Peor Houes int Upper, Canada;,,.Âbbot, Bill te amensi the Act let, Wni. IV'., chap. 26. In reply te, Mr.2 Taichereaw, Mr. GaîtS aid that thé government were net jet lat *possession of the neceary information to enable tbem te etablisb the amonts due te tewnshlpstinder tbe s inilar acta. In reply te 1Mr.-A.leaensie, the hon.1 1fr .. '. acdnad aidft was théemiten. dnof the goveromreot teaek -Mr. Ahbot te go on, andi, witb bhis permission, they would pot fi on the Governînent, orderi. In repiy te Mr. Blanchet, thé bon. Mr.î J. A Macdonaldi sais it «Uasnoiet i inten- tion of thé Gevernmnnte take any steps1 fer the payaient et the mîiiamen of 1812, net authorised by theè xidsting'iawi Mr. McKéllar moved the appointmént of e seleet Coamittes, te whom shall be3 referresi ail bis, poitions, &c., reiating te the municipal and assmment laws of bath sections of the province, te consiat ef goe- licite'r Gen. Cocltburn, Messrs. Cameron, Carling, W. Fergnson, T. Fergusson, Jackscn, Macdonald (Glengarry), Dune ford, MeKenzie. <Ljambton), MoGiverti, lWalsh,,Wrigbht (Ydrk), and tbe mover.- Carriesi. * Séveral bills wore debatesi in committea of thé whIols-.amnaget thera Ur. I'otman's sédaction, -and Mr. ttankin'a temperance rbills. Hon. Mr., Macdougall gave ex- planations a se othe ohargei hrougbt against hlm by the Leader in reference te hie cemplicitY whitlsî CoumîIssioner -eft Grown Lande with mining specuictors. Mr. Matflaugail admitted that ai a general eue for statamenta ef snob a charactér, 1thers wus semae little -fonation-semO icircnmstances on which they 'rare basesi, Fie esred cheat ail the purchases of mining lands made - 'reélégitimae pur.i chuses; he admittesi that Messrs. Blackburn. andi Sheppard andi a French Canadien l'wyr f Quebe, hadl appiid te hm for the purchase cf a locatien whicli bcd been tgiven tham-that tqueh purcha.9es were taking place eul>'. lHe doclaresi that ho hasi ne persoae or pecucar>' interest whatever in'an>' cf th6., purcheses mcade, anîd that there wu snet oe wotd of truth in the charges se fer as they 'affectesi hie conduct as Minîeîer of the Crown. On Thursday lon. Mr. -McGe-e, laid er. the ta ble thè réport cf the Minster of Agricîzîtare for 1863. A motion- ef Mr. MeConke>' te prevent the sale cf intexica. ting liquoor within the walls ei Paella. ment occupiaci the lieuse a gre-al parÃŽ cf the evening, and wus eventuelly passed b>' a vote of 115 te 4. Snch e resolution la corteinl>' anytbing but complimentari te thé sebriaty andi moral strecgth cf our rlegislatori. It wlli, of course, b. quiSe inopeiAtive efatr as dia drinkcin% of strong liquors hy members ile)coerned 1 andi white 15 acccmplishee ne" gosi, l > existence fle a sifa,. pon the lise et AseetnbÏy' whoe cennai&lréd' 1 ;nacesuar>' te apais sncb a resoluhlon. A.,qiestion et rorder by wlith, ii Opposiidôn throutrh a sida vind tboueht toeitéal a niargii upon r tne Ministry, occopiesi the -remainder cf àthe sitîling. The question asupor<an 4saueudmént of bMe. J. B. E. Derlon. to, a- motion cf e.. antlndztn, te stubstitts 'On ppeerreof the day for another. bill, whîch boa been takenén 1 charge'-hy thé goveininent, came up andi vas discues- ed,dujrtnLr thé afi'ernoon sitiag. Mer. ~lci ton réptiesi te Mer Gall' a speech on thé budget; andi Ur. 'Doriàn m , ôved -the fol, loig'e r~esnlution c0, na.canfldeùcee in the geverument. That the Speaker eheulsi net leave.die Chair, but that dhiii, luse regrets thet aI a cime wben il' Io déemesi. secsary, iu r ierder te epaintata 'the publié crédit. sud to Ssturday, May 14th, 1894, 1Phe council of thé corporation et th§( :uwnship af Pickering mct in thé tovn- LIéW Mémbere ail present, Reeve in the chair. Minniés et lait meeting tead ansi appraved. Mr Hailht preentesi thé Pétition Of Wm. Hartrick aendothees' preY-in , for aid to John Lcary, lhé beiug ie je igent cie. aumstances. Mr- Wiksen tnotes that thie douncili ré- soîré itself ino a iCourt of Revisien andi that the Recre ho chairmen ther5ef,-Ca1- riesi. Il ws moresi andi secndesi tht thé' Appeais of -the tollewing Parties hée disis5 âe<l riz, Heury>' Ilowéii, (îharies 11 avtrick, Mânsaseh E. Frett, S. B. Wigmoe, ES- werS Burton andi William Ciirton.-Car- rieS. Me. Haight marée that thé Assmefllt raIl hé amecndeS b>' etriking Of lthe asese,- mient for Sage againat Michael R4yan,, Hoimos Criawford, Henry Rightmitti Wm. Ashby, %Vm- Kempthorn -ansi, Henry' Moore, théy having kilicd théir dog.-, Carriési. Me. Wixson marcs that the Assseniment -rll for thé township et Pickeing, -fr tIhe year 18U4; do stand appî'ored ns andtil antd that thé clérk do certif>' the saine as5 apprososi. On tho motion of Mer. Wixsort thé court adicurned 8ine die. "ho Cotincil reaumosi, tho Iteeve-in the chair. On motion of NMr. Hlaight a By4laW was in trod ucesi and passosi ta Vont roati allow- ences in certain cases., Me. Hcight mays'eé't;hat RobéeSt Annan hé heerd beforo -this council. -Carriei. lir. McUroight moves that thé Reré Grant-bis erder en thé treasurér in faveur et WKH. iliggins for thé 5cm of $42 46e. beingîth amsouttof bis Acot. renderesi forpî'inling anîd advcrtising.-Cared. U n tbeo iotion et Mer. McCrcigltit aBy- 1ev Wtt,,passed appeinting-Wiî. An derqen tand JsjhSpîcson Ovreérs et High- 'raye. Une motion of NMr. McCreight' an lieder vas gratétd on the tesurer se Thomas Tripp for thte sein et $12 80c., andi te Thomras WVood for thé auna cf $18 60c. ho- ing the amotnt cf thecir accounts rendéresi for tho support of indigent porions in this Townshîip as per resolution et thie tt iOtin oée tiaint eorder wce geinteS on the trecsiirce ut tavrrof lRobert Annan ftue hésent c f $15 hîcing oxpénee îinctrred b>'hlm in îbotenîiing a suit -in Chanicery whtub ccti nô as ovrséer cf high- INc, Ballard tueved tîjat J. lcight Esq. ho authot'îz.-l tue xipon&l lIe sent cf $1 per wcek toast he support cf JohleIeacy and rouîort tu ttiis cotmncil hy Steit ficet- of Vec. iiî':st.-Caeied. .Ur. SWtalhtmoe that thé ;uin cf $50 bc fr.to~ca otrie tho fends o! titis towtstîip foe thé inmprovetuet o f thoeivést- ern towii<ctIthis îreoettyousc, ttik sern iîcviîtg lc usppecpri:uted titisali t wnline Si> te corrastin oftîthtewt fe Nlackltîm, and tpat Slirste otve lie authori- ed to superinSen;l the expenîhitureocf thé isntitilocby appr-tpriatod.--2tscried. otiiot inofle u' M. B illard 'thé ceun- cil utaii inedte stand cdjourtîod until Sisttirdsy ste l8th daty ni June next. >lltuîos'ci et e Uxbrldge Coasset Thé cemruittéé rosean 1ev vi;heut aruéuidmentý receivéd ama ti dîphéd. Thé By-ia-n wai then réat andi p.tsesi andi vasRiineS ke. Sinclair tnove d, sec Suiib, Thettbse diérk-he et strucsaçi'se procurée'lué hi copies of- the cars eBy-tti Iforni fer tbe guidancéaof Carfies!. ?àr. SinsciaIr moieds, eo Madill, Thâv~tbé: prûyer:of eur'a petitiaitu hé grantéS, i. hin te spe'rfobrehia'èStet Nos anakes ipg,- 1 i ssudei 'of $501 for thé porpoié of soeveying' aud imprevinit thé eicle.leê belveen loti Nos. 20 ansi 21 in thé 4tb concssion. This pétition was laid ove until thé >î1ext meet- ing of Ceancil. --Mr. SinclaWir moyed, sscondéd by Mr, Rowlhand, that thé ecooncil de now form itsef floto Courtse0 Rvision" lfor thé pur. posé et revi'eing 1thé Asteasmént rellie of< 1864, Mr.Smith in thé cbair.7--Cawiéd. on. lôakibg ove thé Assessméùt Rail, thé Court, on accouint cf 'a proteet énteréd b>' Me. Gehli4sy againat vo o r more per. sona uoîting their respective aB.sésameuti i eordér te 'ebtain at réduction of' théir statute lbisrs, expresse5 itsisf dissatiufied 'vida . h mannér ie wbich thé saséssor bad taiesme thé, amsse nt cf t.é7iCardu inaimucb a he bas, pé!ritted -bis en'A.' te occtpy s faim of 100 acres. Me. Cete! basaso, renitesi a fà'rm te hig son J., for -'vhtch hé receivesza rentai ef $220 Per tannum- Ansi seOô ïtiérs1of bis ions, 1He odly e alioeeaech et th 1o>'sto eaeeefor' front 20 to 25 acres, vith ne peesonal pro.- prîy-that;is, héie(!dr. dard) ,assumeS 'al thé tiérîoal propert> ansi 'vas-asseased for is biuiséif. Thé seméeieith =80 'acces of- each of their ferme, b>' ncceof vhichy of course, ho éxpéctesi te gDain a reduetien e! statute laher. et thé sarea ime ëpermit.' sitmg ech'ta ho -essasséol for -$20, vhicb amoulit antifles them te a parlametary- vote. Thé Court1 acting in accerdance vith thé proteét, refugeS, te pas thé Rol but granttd thé assesser oeaheur, If .-bé desiced iti, ta vieft i Me Cerd andi ascertain vbeîheor nos hé ule-sireci te -abhide b>' thé statement ,ehich héehead prerieus>' mae tii the asesor. If Me. dard bcd repliée!' lu thé affi-mativet the Court wem.ld baieé edjeumaed se take légal stops eginal bum, beliering thé statemert lta hé incoorec- The Court intimetesi te thé asséssor, that, ho bad neghacted his dut>' by net demend. ing a statoment in wciSing fcom Me. dard, lu hccord-aucé vith thé Aaesement Ac.- " Thé aseseseor acknovhsdgc his faultand accepsasi of thé proffetei' houer. On rester tîing hiea9aeerted that Mr. dard vas viihing te havero hiesens asseseed tve daja eachè; in ail igist <aye, aflér which Me. Galio'vay, héing satiehlesi with Me. -C ard'as'ium.suion, vithidrov bis preteat î thé Court tIen pro- ceeded os oaîess ansi révised thé coll, et" tac which the court adjoornesi. On,tha counicil reiuming, Mr. Sinclair movesi, seconded b>' Mc. Medihi, That thé Assessment Roll,.as now reréisési, Se pesa, andI that thée ck do, certif>' te thé sae s thé lis' dirécts.-Carried' Mr. Sinclair' moed, .aecondd $y Mr. MfadilI, Thiat 3ylev ?go 11Ã" hé se amensi- .5 aiste sadmit ot thé nameai-f thé foliov. î, ing pacsons lu thé rcom and seéLd of those names in usaisi Bï'law, viz.: Alsxasndér Hussict,ý pathuiestar for 'verd-beat N;o. '4, in the lsh ceýncession, ini thé reem snd- steasioet John Smith. résignée!. Joseph ', D.. W-nteceseen', pethmaite for ecasi-bet No. S in thé 4th cen., in thé placé of Geo Bll eu, rlsii, liugh Mijetard, te hé 'pou d k eper, in place eof Jam es K ituse>', ,, reeignëd.-Cared. ' On ufosion, thé 'council adjournescLfoc' one houe. M.Sinclair itési, secondeS b>' 'Me, Rowlandi, for leare tea inl a Bylsw te cégolate thé dutied cf overseeéreof higb- vays assd of persona lhablé sa do-Mtatute leabor--léave gcsîstéd. -Thé By.lav 'vas thon beoughtin uasd réad e firat limé, sud, on înatiin of 1Mr, Sitt-lir the council feent 'ioacprîmintée thie Armi -orer a Si ment. a men anc Sflic eling SQuieti>'1 -trmaitof 1 werrab> 1cqésne e l obox ge mal -sgnanuij 't'y oee 'tb 1 thé face eof aj forvard santi maSe ansi fini Nov, Sir dii 'tbsre ai no' saisi 'viter le iden>' having n£ lasua mm hmappy te havé ingta toseé i neceeser>' t EN sans. But gée thé lands méa j iduassent ut are ijýg te tS. S.,keung a in.e former le -prim<e plawing, incapeBte or jour correspo havée'vritte'i disple>'llés m *truth. Yours R WIîitby May> Thé When thé feu uUpon& for monthbu'b thé signal fro nation bonI c seules. B>' peaceful sceni cf thée rmy o destination c commandées Gencral Gea *Wednesdity, ebandoneésii - - novscenes * campaigo Wl tsf victer> of' arnîy ley cl Rapidase Wh theméces a ami t Saduujoymrnist, IlunthevilaegéetfGlas- gew, on Tîsursulîs>', 10 inst.L Preseits, Messes, Sangsts-r,. Sha rrard ansi Gliîtpmin. The Soîttît> *' ee initheclicb ir. Visc mintsof lait mctting reati suand contlinesi. A eomininietion 'sas remv- vd stind racout r elIa.ywirSd eequeetinog stust <-ertan partiLs in echnool bcc Nqo. 6. hé attacheS te theîto lca Section foc seheel A' poitomu vas eecéiveid fcom Mr-T. 'MeisAgcani t cher,_ptng the Cqtncii te 1 'X ïîiii~,acrtit ta o'Sel thehtuir linos on the 7th'con. btétw'én- Lî>ti No. 28 and- 85 inchuaisive. n Fentit>' cîtîeed ar;S teuk bis seat,ý hIef. dlmieiiiiun'nteved, sècîstiésib>' Mr. thîsecand. tiItthe t 'Iork hi., anS te iteréb>' i struictod ton memovialize tht e omrntai~ te establish ail tise corners 'of' thé iront* "I l s r em the tutiaw e e et an gle af L ot mno. 2 te Mie,énoe5hý,vest angle' cf Lol NO. 85 inclusive, lentIsé 7tlicon. af Ibis Tao- shlp.-Garred. Mer. Shîcreard eaevOi' t, e'rirled by' -Mr. 0hapînise, thett hiA: ilouncil dlo' ttw fatm itgeél itea a dçitf Révision for thé par. pesof rfeévs lng théîsiA,ti;Ievsnt Bell et 1864, antior thé filial passimsg os the situe -Cuteriét. a 1The dotîncil the forméS Isséif into s ,coutof Rcrisiu. 'vilthéheDeputiy Ibère Aýrre.qtabliKhirf&r the respeèctive cla.imt r4 Ses of ce -net oséri tra mtse taxation ficiée>'y '.on' ism

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