Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 19 May 1864, p. 3

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the ucupe, cuger wbiu dw teeqlpesîcrd eoua4Ily and Imlpart*ally cecipete te, gether. îBut If 1Mr. 8.6. ,Ynag ylcnoe farward and state vlis4bit owiî conscience dictates, that tlitre were privileged men on th, 6e4i.-iatat day, then 1 have no mgre te sa,'. Net in reference o te iallusion ho *makes i i regard te tth. firet pia.e plow- idg-I nam sorry 19 thiuk liat jolir cotries-' odi4iuse litie regard fer the truth, sud bi M. char&cter, ss Se cotue forward se rnîilgnantiy sud endeavour te stigmatise' adj eue witb sab hgiarlng -faisehoods on the face of a publieo nsw-Uper, lunucb, as ho sys, had I thi. rnuainea te coe forward and fuifili the, agi-ernent wbicb I made and tlrslly settled befere ré wituess. N'ow, Surchie la net tioddupen fajt s there waï ne porsuîn preasnlind 1 challenge said! writer te predsîce bis wtness, 1 donet. deuy having muale a promise te bave the lands weýauned snd would bave béjetà euosc- happy te have beau able te attend, but et- leg te smre uuformuutn ?bcusiuess whlah tau vecaesau'y te se. te I tas uuavoidsbiy ab- sent. -îlot soing the prepriaty cf haviug thea landa e maaured, thero tare îwn indu- viluais sent noxt-doy te de se, sud the are wilog te prvoat the optiotnef Mu. 8,S. *euuig ad commitîe that I sîtd an a former latter wîth regard- te the- frst pieplowln-, -Now I dont sasy ubat 1 acm incapable ef deiuag that is wrc-ig but defy yotcr correspondent te d#iouici anyc-hiig I have writea- on c-bis subjet, andi trust, bhlutld ho coeeOc-t ogait, thot ha May or'a.nturllyprotocted fiéld, of opra.. tin nwihtn mensver, and tuas enabi.ý' ed hlm te hindie.bis forces withthe ut- mnoît rapidlty, 'gecrey, and -shili. The army wae cônapelied te rernain watch. fui aicng the wbole linei fnot knowing at what point thec enemy miglît be MPite expected, and tncertain hem' te manuaver te foil tho adversery. Yet wlth ail these idyantagea, LoU was unalale te accompiish bhis objet; and though 'victorv did nlot reat upon us. Lae, In bis officiai dis- patch to the rèbel Secretary of War states thut the attaek was made by Or treops,- whereas it la evident from oOur accounta that the rebeis themgecive made the attack,' for they cate out from their. intrendi- monts on Xine run with thie probable intention of criving the army of the Pote- mac back acropge LiP Rpidan. In tbis engalgemenlt the n-beis lest (ycnorai J.bM. Jones, and Col. Wnrren cf the 1Oth Vir. ginia. kiiicd. arid (loerai Stalff'wd motai. iy wounded. We lest heaviiy in the battie, and among the officers killed %vas Gencrai AlexanderlIlays, cf Pennusylvanla, Lee mnade twn ineffectuai attemptx on Ibis day te eut our army In twro, but dir] nat surred. 111e î;trength wau devioped by the inanvervnt, ani GenMani Curant deemed it advisible te order el) Getieral Burnside's corps whichà haîl becn loft aç a- reser4'ê near Mnaccicas. Tisrcintre:eneht maile anost extrnndlnary marclh in order te obey the eniiînan d arrived witbln %npiliinrliig dijî,itace of the ariny bt-fore îightft 1 tiut-niit rneral Virant wus tilon the- 1id clîing the afternoon, and oeint-i catistied %witiî the progreus et Rffafia. vTEIIATTL(IF: uitciIDAY, MAT 6 dIspttcy less malice sud stick ettaien tO thet This c-icy scrcce-iy donnai ere tîhe en- truili. - J -gagouiscut was rou-.nuiueu, Letigetreet mass- Veu-s B r 7iug li; noiunna i tst-c-(ireail ianceeks' .1. . TIOMi~ON cou-iwitishu--: tectuutuiuusucion. t wms Whic-by May 10, 1Ifi4. utnuccl.ul inaaiutn-ctt-gd tusu-nalui-dItid1(vice uitIuoclosie te List Tht I,--ktu tsuirte. chç rI-i etuoitiiittue -bgreui slough- {Vuui cli- eu Yiul Wuuli) -t. lie liai belueuiut igwtbindetul- the Noveui tisu u-alig uuihi l 'duov tuliAe courage .fo e cut-lhouir-, untii final& W1b,i citmsailales for i-luN MaY 3, lyi i-e a-u ru-sinrecîl blit insude1 and the- fcil uulon ýe Anuiy et tise-l'itftuia-- u t c-liitmit-st on î clits porluii uuof tIse Ele c-astel. vautet 4afi li gavre fîrih n sigli of luit tlii-eu-ps hiisuîttutrmil tc--ily ; . thoy f illoretlet-Al nos serc- ti t baul lut-cn fîuusguit avit htistouîluerolaun, ouidou-o fou- siîntliq lufre bunt tilta-a-s roit- fcr derc-rig c-f thsueiiic'-u lraisa. 'rhe elle- c-lic uiglirui cluie li1us cf Isiis ul)t-h tlsî tt- i:iuug ft, Piec-r-,,tuhc-lui esteticlis polnt nation blilullel tiifile -cîuliii(et itif 4 lie*xt hiel,-; ilui Lutus s gainst seugm.icks ai-uits. it-isuuliglt, unc-ir-, c or icips, th ise~xii. Titisocat-k mis con. 1 ucîs-fuul e-ruaitui chsanîgent. Evairut'c-nups li--t--il1lut-\u. 5p 1111, ausul waLqUlîsc- îes- tif litecilui>'ausuil]iinmotiuo, iiiau-chIîitOiitt e-IlvI aslle. Tise- rîglut tf tlheSixtb uisiuoir uIIlluuîcu et-oît t c-l vi estatutî-îîlti liti( lutut iuuic-ntly $liiuiut*r euusemanuer ni atI, irete i lu thie nir-utu- itI bigl-e uc-os swalluin-d ip, wuiths c-h pli>luursc--uuls iftlise il tua t irl lulaits cf, lpitasof lliaultsRII t ,u-ue-us îmouIr, of c-;nc-o G-uit. 14y tei- uuîing tutfl>luiuýe lu-u-futtut-tut t ntra lc-r, auho abîînuuanc-icla hmte iidi îîicel to t-rai, , xtc-vc-rliul cire-eneuuy in trnt ui-s- e-its cairtc-l>'-ticti ictil li thme-tlui-c tt l a t-i iîl-r. 'llia-saftc-v f tise u-uuuagu ulit-h titissli-sîinîd t i- leou-rittaIIlvt-, ic- c-t enttlu- c.aqasiore-ul h t vïctu-ttI%"f* etîfeîsc- Tise lisiiolsfiiIii-i'ui -e-ruai l f-,cou, Ilia-Ic-icrth i-l ii-- arurun>' bey ootip-ucle ottît iutul eu -Ift-e ceolent-sI lus-i tririutaa-, lm,c-be Ai-siatto R îlt. a -lar %lut-ret- tv iti itil attetuicel c- tue luiac ar ito been cit in taýin, -iistu-b itr clu-c , -ue ittIet fNilite-ruetu, i uklLouf ctus-eal ,ls cWeil as tit Mou-t ie ic i it. AIlil c-li utut u-ltiesllit ' vtilutiaund -ut'uti uiileu-oic seituescri- clit- Aiîîu if ctho Poîrsitues- [uirsittecl 15 taa>,'vliii--. utt leitîlut lusvte c l thc-e cin. cieu-ia li>ctieî of moire chotu fiteen tuiles u-, uru ilîlu 't tîse etuvlvA-tuot :riae-uIis e anro-is 1Grtuie n d ciElys futu-t1 of te -tu1-Icîtrule tusurus. I hj~uiioon-en, tic- Raptiloilati c-tr i- lte l a fluuik c-saver- îiueu-rr-au- ta-eu-tuel. aui c-i- reblai,ba-- Mentî. AI i l yltig c-le sstiy sire-tut ufitlign lie-tel(itl h clic-lu juurpeuue, au ttldrea mutlu Aii îitmuti-lts of nn uouutiiîe-lt) otii (litue Iiicl. li1 tua.- tiriy 1part- ottht- flle i olon lIte iois iiud acrOistitii-aen. d<theu tncli uiuirtuv ade muiatct-uis5t 1t)iere Quleilv luite>'ourcd. stu-iIîlugi" ,0i1thtîe (luerai %%*;ru-ttilt --'-ips. hit luilel i sig- tu--u-i îf~~~u-ut-tu c-ilu uuuuun îlteruscinied tuhia iq t1e t(i ]uiii tisir la-e-r ctuorts. tIti lis c-i-luliy aci nobiy, b c-lu ee ccuc ug-ec-t cf this day Blis euîsu-st ilesîit lt-ey milic- I lak-lo-k Rtuier-i;ineruni Wtîuruuc- u-skîi-i. n Xvi4ulvlksds>. îigitdita Fi(ttitictu, tie(ut. Tisus lut clt-eee-ilY attisptud te îunsue WaVrren, cha Silîb. Gonpr-l Seulgwtick. tis e t-it. i ,ciar un [tee, -et huiling selitht- S--r. l-od iluc-îe-ck, bai bn-r-lisaamtC- reuîufinit tspe n endui Iue lsel te Repi itati vnut-ttac-aiuu îu-t sîoutise, uuc-liv aing anud tc-u- c f the- souit tieik îandîuiIii-, is-îriu ielil uitf cu- tsruisy. efIlu.tcuIi iaeu-ry erudavor, Cl i 1, vell onsvtIlle-. The - euiiui-uuuvy i-o. li-aec-roiud a -uS e-uuilled c-o gice up Ialihîuuunll -itsilru aruuty utuilie dis- - tui e I-uuce-u-lc-tulîtteli. baflliilOc- alil tlu utiîi-e, I ou îî-nuutuei 1 oreîstl turceror-uthc-lic ntius. Tilas tO <lt5iuItheteuouli dav etf eu-nvi'V.bute tc-iingugilueiuc-i-f hiïtu-c-iui-a theetticlc-,Ii lutuSc-tW lderttdu-es. - îîuuuk tuluti-u l sl tetneconnauisîî'uce wu t0-17t aTtttvs utc- cTittiAT, IAY 7. petteeiwitli slighcr-lus. Thttifutiti-cle luer tc-lieturs-tel tr tuiggiaeoft choIlest ,ilrute-- oulis)e--u sli -iat. anut thuitu t-i du-s, lu-t Oietuc- ri aicb a-li-choe tuilul oul v iesc-sutfr--utiithe tattgtwsisof ua-uailtlf-l-u îî s-lha4 uttank - tus-iluju c-in c- 1uu-pen-tr tise- lîîîid>' 1 c- iear at -i - u -kaecrpatmc --le cou-yK sus it clianousi-e. AI fclt cbus-4 b o meîtnut uuî i-lu tr -Union armyt le, ~ltiuu-atu0s usutaîu,îleltuaisu-Iau lluutit lsuts it u-siiuttfitut a ttu-îurfusl condition.t ss-1U;ýiut.sg us e-olt'on c-lu e-ictilJudi g atc- utu.nutitu- -af cte itnu, c-be r%iu-lututi uu(;t-fr fiui-utu- t utiaetllishn eViý e urtott athuh e :aIMîu iie-u iuuth-alv ttýAot at>'iv uuleu - Iii lj-4iii- - - Iautck mo paps eu héta ruie--. Neuwibs-at.hugc-li.liweveu oeu-.lsu.tite t-u-c fethte flgti-ig. Thse ltI t luitinul îuu- t -leu-k bhltiîcisud utalusu-fuIlleî i--ti-t-i uaFi maîtrate antI a 11h, foir. uTe s- -sieiiiiut 1wset; the cho litiluiit>f tluoucetpset4fliutoni> pmy~f fur c-ttluîtIsi tiri : !*tise aOuW' tc- uuir mon, at bac ast c-in I ftitufei utuo rnîo-d;ati eleuh utt-e t e dtIlis c-bn- islistu-sterr jetsbeu-re-c-em ttan c-o'lut c-bus ýýtc->-bu t1i tlsey listd ouuc-ciliu-ial. Tite battie recetu- ouu ATr. ou-rtaciuoov, O4y 5. iienuinihoua.-eau--ntsc-dc u-ight battusen c-be rlýtuli iilitae-niiîg cha jL-'utlîanti sdvactcepiokotsof thc-e te armies. Frot iî ti1- s-eluiuteiuiaot 8 ail apItOOnuites Lee *eeiced intact upen ut'i-loitu- -iuIre )f cb1th lt-l tai ru-ocis-_cur-ng cuir rigbt uso as 10 got betwoan c-be vui 'of ti-e-cie thlie tuiiulike aiid Union ai-su> au-ten Letuou-tttia iclc-uulu lnîuig (ltucit Vi-l&iickubtrg (;rnc- and (bi-rai Me-tutei-aime uîu te tise il, <ruige- Cec-urc loies e doui sai- tisese-este oetic-n. Thfiseun. Whl b ea Intr-ttî i ts front tia au-okere ttgbcing ait l ciii>'glatIIS>' ballait clieleietn- oulnur>'h-rgiii-coul ut.utl, deuuscly oeit-"Ier-ut-l tu-ittiItuo ders. Titea ut--u tina-iel slilu taijverft tittilmir and union- c-I tlioiiý;hoîiuwatexceedingi>' toriansd gi-oalitth i ittiIl-le eosbîu Tt-yç uuany uot tIse ise ee-su taii ,n-tiick. rioutil p1i - flliC hite a a bert disutancet Into ,TUE --ies ni-or FAits, ttnNtAY, MAY ~ - tliti, tutoe offert-ut-, aut l tre scenuet ed lui i Icr cteci eit*uCnuo mai-ch and flgist- lia-e-itou-ted lier tuirilutise funulwOrk te t s f siwhlîoie-ek Illeaorssy iiperative-. t-ail nl l e>'nuui. il.ere wM u akcUrttcin l dnitissaIîcest. The six tIsys' pro- mniltel>- liitilti e msiitry fl i lont vsio,uu witit uts-luthc-e troope finituntr- au) tul u-o--itiitguclutri-ii- 1teu-apiIprtlgmc- c lîeucutin tIse tVp-due4dy proeduiutg, tir oc-eut libo c-cnt carfi-tlnu-tring. Iliaboiutc-n osttandutui-because ncees- - -'lilte-ii-tpiise h.lit lis -poitwait-u-romedi tsur>' c-oreploni -ie lhavarcauîla sud tcm- u-gtglc a Ie- >lite reai luadinec-Sipot, patty watogt. A fluait au-as c-luerefoea inde tysîraolusCout. i-tiuse Tht- ati>- baut-tic-l) c-le SlliPIY uu-gorsi chocuit hoempcied. ir t iuc-c. jTuo nsfitSi-ps tatIiicli t- Thse inuscuber-of acuindeel aise asosfharlul- lft. t, tu ffcV iftllt antI Sixth a o")c hetitlu y lai-g-, an-i t teuui bulinhuman utt ce renftre oc-id iglt t-cpctrct- "itru-it- tend tse as-lce enengies cf tte amni>'te filstu,;ietimîie(Itiîtcionîess. - ltneo-ttsrihY licieteàc-los oveyed t c e e a r oiro nto-- expeuicir g tae ou-u--t te miarc-b, tntif ambout tecudeulte. fiscarouiiled in lual, arecasti- hon.an, nistunchae icuiaror standardi mac-ad as higis es uîisteieu tsotsati mon, %a-as ixed ieur osî lilaiiîocs Tareru ,an.d thicluinclisunet t- ourse li c-be bac-es csrups -tnnctsecbegil o u t uchtr r ti.Theakilîie cuucrgit are supposod te neua- t aw-utitig chaeuone for- a fuiclier c-ove- ber uîii--e thous.uîu itavIe bsndred, thile et tuenit. A .cenic-alc-oiicn ectsuod, naotes terO îtis-- gti.orolsre iiithe tisegibcnlsood et exagiieiineel. -boutc-ûltneoutselctue suor teiia- e c tltzissu i o. stcit ocf wtîs enda nisu-ci. At lust <enersi Warren leftfcbecu n *itui-etlu intoe figlits cf Tbut-ay iseausrters, teck tha eulcOf MAls orpF, ani FiluW>. %Ifnday ÏW8su teil sipent le ou11ig,i 4 tlibfiluti oc- t-e Pointnfi0ih brn-uin a orvanî c-be artilleri-, li gat tr c-o it oftWlsln resacu-,înd upen c-be au-cîy in motinîi, unuliug c-ho sa*ply tiue 4Z t- tftiis minecca Iitaqua-cei-e wagos, gettilig ie atiiag-is, sud as- eu ()ouuicv i neLccofetbaffla tas c-len nuokhtgUpreparittiu;fer >c-be advance on, otered ihtIcbh-e wsea atiiy 'Aud cireeai> S ot lv tjiusi (our-t Ilosuso auhielletook hal thic l*en A tcetapliheil then c-be Piaceadurn gite oterneon cfAcbatAey.: touui etfdttpping chatilndteut- aul hic yî' vasinl c-uc ca-tu le au-uc>'wac tlad- ulc-rmshing bad begeun. Tttecae eidences catitci, sîii, tiie"oItjeete#l teo tuetm7-,ý cf ccrita utvro-bed e Ithe right andisuoutla Gauu. hunokssuoîucrpt -i- as ci WIlildei-mess Tauern, atsd îuruceuîîtcutfroue n), t titc fcb ureu-ouuc>ia sa tise !fào efMr. John MoGuiire, of 4h. Irma of & W. McGuirofisn Jpursuinc-eof the lat.-e crâetofRis Exee- eney the CmadriOaeNo. 1 Wl tby Voluntur lnfaucry, m'Ill asemble at -ho r Armouary ln u all<reu'e, wltiiAide ar-ms and are'ompi41ts, on TUEtUAYI 94t clet., et Il a. in, uund thsuîiproëi"d le the Pair ground, fou the pnrpouo ofiriag .fou 4. joie lu bo.sor eý ~Il Birtb4ay et Ber- ioet g"u~ouà Mjesty t-h# Queen. Wlîitby, May 1le"88. ýWTo keep y , ur P'o.t Cool?1 00 ?O TME OId Red St.ore, Corner Qf Brook and flaas Streots, pid boy a pair cf JAMES BAIN. JW Ladies', (lentiemena' and CObldu-ena' Bouutmali lnu les. ingi-est variety, sultabie <iii uuouîîuuur %ear-i nt uîuprocedeutediy iuw pu-ice% fuir Cashu. 19. Loyal Orange Association of B. N.ÂA. XORTII ONTAIRIO COUNVTY LOD«E'I m 11 $tt- iiii»îîo - cl-aire Latiga auttbut tîebd et Bue. George Ttsuinp-osu'u.hit, Va- titi tucuuhil çoftlii-opk, ou- SATIJIt])AN, tue 2th i- tcy of NIe>', i84, tu-e aluu utcoftgreal iiuu-u--- c-situa l10,tue ociLetiull lclehruu-it - uf4uic-li beige. A tsul atteeuantaipeFteUt. tOD SAVItI TUE QUEEN f M. McP1HADE4<, Chanoery Sale IN CIIANCÉRY. ii-TERS William Heury' Tremayue, Plalutiff, John Ileaulua>', efendunt b>' origiual 1Bill. ANtD cuti4rxu James B. Bîcial, Agnel Pewson, aoi William Heury' Tu-ayne, Piaintiffu b> crie-r f Reviver, John Boa4wuaay. Defendint. in1 f-tr*i-mut u ne urc dci-a-nsd illuiob educer o maie, i.ue 1tui i tlt -na-lt ppai- t-u u tc-- %t a tîîld -u- i it t-uîor A l> ut, àt- tf uu-'iuih uu dt <ht-i, A&1). 1f44, b>' Moiday, cthe Thlnteentk-day orf lue A. 1). 1-î,4.et EItinftetc loa.k bin-hi tore- ttuui, aiclue (leuntirs uf c-he sali Musle-,t TOWN OF W-HLT1BYI l1 c-lueCtouuîîc tv or i-itntt. ce-lui tlid Pr- eiie ei-, itg te auvobtea ut Slsf 8or114 uuounhr Two là)tsi cle «Le cc oupislou o et'cb 10 WNSII>OF -RW 0BlitT -IN Ton bi-COUNTY OF ONTARIOg Auod eoîscailitsg by sirnsttireseut Fifty Acres of Land, lN c-ehesure ort ibles, cf thîltaabout c-claîacceesare cbiueued. ýTise said loi hoiua, sIiüte abous$'wu" iai,esýftge chue VILLAGE 0F ASFIBURN, sied i> acsv illem àbar4a rke>' t id -caitei CONDITIONS 0F SULE: ThIs baerui eu hilb, utthc-e chis f sale, psqy dewtts a pesîitJ ise proport-ionuet Lt-> toc- aven>' £100 of bis puiiebâissa ueey, tote bevan- dos-re toc-t-he oicitor, atl issU ilpsy tisëré- mauider cf bis yurenatiiim e nt'. 84ithureot thons cia day et mole, witc-linelle talebiqu memc-c-iî tieneatten, Thse Vetidor*,,bl4t tlb =um-'lied t'Oproduse a s>' urc-ber ou- cchec- hallc-suuthese ne lac-ba'in possession. Iu otuen naspecs, moud exapt as abeve miaou iipte l tu eodttlons cf "saeu-e -e tandinir Ceoltiios ut sale etchaeaId ConyrtofCbauearv- T 0enoditiauui cf Sale, sud ttherprbta lae-nl' bc au btaliseel uc-tise Chambers cfthce saittMrisc- t î Jil W ilc-Iuy s odsttaJOS Lee et- Ditud thLs 1 rl4-tlyf May,. 1 .4 . GRO. H. DÂRTNBL, "tib er st -ib ~GENTS WANTW?., TQ"Aplpa p&1d ad, maàp&lor r.. c-une, te C.-P. ;QQL 'kC UipeHôrd>W 'e BIEN ADVIRTI8IKENT8 Ohancery, Salé- LIN CHANCERY. Jamnes Hamilton and Chirles Roberts, Piaintlts. Geergre Robinson. tliza No.- ling, and George 1<'oliug, and- Juion olingInfants, byj William Henry Bhliligs, their GuirdieuDefendantis. P MRSU A*Tte a Deerbrcti hî lMerabi Conrt, nmode lu ciIs estisa buarna date c-le fouuthdicy et Juae,lunc-be yeac- etour Lord eufe thouisnd elirlc-tihnduredund c iiiuty-uea and aun >iden of c-litsCourtt, besriug date c-be saéventeoutîti glycf iy, luthe veai ef oui- Lard 15114,,sud wittheii -jpro)at1on eof(leou-q Hani-y Dctiuaiel, Esquira, Mcuteu-of tc-lissd Ctut wt îi-y au-llite sou ou1 Saturday, the Etghtenth dal of Junee A. D.1868,et the litur et il-rt 'ele-ek lu tie turolsuoua. by Levi Fairbanks, Auctioneer, Tite fulnwiutr rit 1 numl ic-Prt-, .iunt latn suiv part eofILot tîuiuubror Twlve,*iii tthe Tiîir- tu-uebe ln-th o t e TOWNSHIP OF REACIT, COUNTY 0F ONTARIO,1 Coîuc-iîing by atlr-noueucireuaat Vi&LsW laMIL An-d au bleu muta utbecter knourts id îlcru odes leollowtut t ltc-isac- ('uumtuuuieiîug t 1t - îuu r:lu e i.tffc-'uIfut masoi-ILot; 1-leitu, soutlt 5-5eltyltur lctre-3,, ut-est four chaoes iOnfitc- ililu-thu-ie tri-otît Pitteeu der--c, ogt t cweo ciuutt c-t-n-ec-otl -c-u-c-ity-fiut- seeues. ent t c-t i aid fîui amy lnku- c-tte nec- th i -Tîeeu iiuureesu rext to càta., tu c-le t-litee -ut giniiug. Tht et uid indut, tuluclu it o gQ-i J4tume Du'eling liese tond Stft Thse IniehAtýeruTuîdl, unttuhe tue Arf altc, psy ilotec te-ia t lti -lis of £;o u>iiev lî(ut u he perrlusee iu-i-.e-lau îluî thé iii-ao lhiser Solicit-o.n.i-d Ilt-tfi ta-c-ut an iluuuîr u0t thea lu nu-cuteme ii-uui-a-wilb titeru .-tfiiî tue (in% u tl 4 . oldutua ttutu-ut-ý-k,- r--usi Ow lI nt mici thent c-lss lýILu-er wîhb c-Cetctle i5teoa male au-e cti itiiiuiliai tue Gstue-l strie nu- ef utalulCuun . For tutc-r rIiu-liu- aeluplta- lte usur ttseer, MIR. LI-.VI ROBttNS. ilERTf 1. wt L.suuîa, c-ui.-au'5uatuicou-, %V. I. i'liu- 1.1NGS, , -i'~ru-. utntor t h cte, iufatlt de- leudatot-, Wlkliuc -101lu lI ~LISN. -. Prit-ceAlhtai.uuuI "futhcte.usstr-i-at!tiice i chi-Cort. GEO. Il. DARTNELL, ~-~- ~ ~ Master et Wiiby. TWO NOTES LOST! Wlvte< Il treor lieeu-ay w îhsc-u-*îufor tit lem i-putuc ti eîueiasof Î4-4 ià Cir5J -. tc e Dte- retub1. or Jaiitiay riaIt, as j-tèyuot-ut oft1tu maniéuu bas bu-cii.îc-tp;c-ýl.Ttusuy wtefoc- the 1 wtei t rigiut ut 4)-rut' uain sud utec-d Srer for tbe Ueeuc-y orf »usrum - L. 1). BROWI;. Uu.yflt-rl s-4My lu 5t. 14w Olr six c-ews et-n ofee t iialsteuiai Lire AN IIISTOUCAL ST&TEMENT GILEXETLPEGItBON, Esq., Ti"& a»lte *Vrlt19le in ,Pre, and -.-vli be publîsheil In .ta lert lime. As Only a lfrnte4 iluiber tili be printed, .arly application tii be ne- coUWay. inta rder to.meure, cplex. 15 Garden and Nurserj, N OWariy pard fur mailene t & 4AII UAI<$5, Lutqulrss (ielcry Plant«. Ase o s ftye GREE-E9OISE PLANTS. Fou- Roome, or beihitag eut, and a e bolcet ei-1 us2tebn cf chtetc-set. bcu-dy tii-1 haf-brdy-1 iti Asîsseal l-hetilsg Plants tfor iseadbigoet. - Grpueu-bouise 1Bcqosc-cs fton6elhtionuthe. ebortealOeieu- Peu-sousnA cia, tin ieaeutpiod *lthuJ ce mben anal MbiecPlan ts ipotza- Alsa aIlc-le iaial eiulinsn>e V.9Uelsa ln tutu- scu uc-c- moieti-ai #t N. 3.-Ai oudera b>'poator eùcerws. pi-empli>'tsec-dics,- Pr THOS. L. RITTER, la Osuaeeîi4tu'~ 8st4ls-p g»ce abut eue. o white, #-horeitill~ glutaut forrsoabu ltliOi-ms¶i, as ili lai ec-heIn W.BLACK. Tili-gote Wliiby.lt AUCTION SALE- Thuroday, May 26th, A.D264,~ AT 193 AiICIi« OMS or Messrs.Wkeldoae&0, CITY 'OF TORONTo, At the liouroetc-S o'lock, noon, the. FOLLOWffG PROPERTY! By clrune ocfa Power et Baie cuuucaiued lu a Beerctin mottgafett!herelu Jeutne* white la Mu thrgucb e i1tb paut e ofttNo. 18,ud cthe ltuuçikau ot Ne- 14. sunc-beItliu conueaseien etctue totttatiliî ofTsorni, Ccanc-y ot Outarie, (muve und l uxoepc- sus nneta cf sali ],tatNo.14 os liesu-1tu tissu soat hitutue's crecO,) atucah- itg c-cg-c-ter 111 mure ertIl"mi o whOit it sa lau-go Brick T)alet- ituî-tuoiseca, tlarge lsîtriqanîd other eut Ternit or cctudiliiiuP of utile uruy boc .tc-euta-- lutai fu-uuîuttc Austieluceroui c-he & d ay cf ui ou- tii -e ctc- c-lu-ucfrumitutVieuuedur's Solicitour, AL EX. LEITH, Chureis-sqtrfet, Tfuruaite. Toreiiuî tnMy 4.-it GRAND RIFLE MATCIIy Fifth Miitary7Dist t ,ifle Ausciéation, Friday and Saturday, 3nelanmd 49b lune. 1884. 1u .tL Y.XECtJTIVE ('COMMîTTE. tfe tPremutis orit t-beAsiweit. 1The u1erelnu-v et Ili* Assolaiodn. majo.r Ftjc-baîikut, tmClsuo. mtj-ir W.! moSé Csî,I t othu Wa-oein, .6 prerni -- W.'Warvc eâtua an-sei, Load Secri " ]PIRST DAY. 1s--OpeiilotiMA tcb,-4utt pc-la-. *0 .i ucefs--uthisanooeddeî le doeue- bqur-ctte eattu-eiiuu. 5- shlot'it t MO ytrîli. Fi-uut-et M. iPenteAli t ouners. Aauy i- die c-tub ope sigl1tM. lininullnpici tlgger a po<u "al.- - 3.-4suoitieu Copate.lo Prseoh.-u *2-i lb unsil,i eyandisý shot@ ur a"u.nt euiet rntge. O pcucediuaen in*a omeaeh Votuponuv ou- t>ril Amdmoatôtsia h ttcbiatiDI c-nt, ouictibuc-lg ## te thetuude ofba Ase- cialouî.- 4.-sadtutu5 Xtcl.-ît onz, moe]isor $15; ted de., $5; b$à.utwots et4t sd.e1' tu-sceut a lu. Opwtes co îauabe±s octhe Asue- siun eelv. a.-Ii*eptakm*sligt Èe, $Io.sudS ei*- rotitistheetimnomaddd ttuddo», aou«- faiuc-t -leouc-raeoes; siiotust40yad- F.Utaboe 4týt o"e "~ou D *DY" , .-Eia# 1*81 tcntbtue aoc-rer s4els rngsi. I4 tie U w-u-i-e-ad i t'ntatuts ' iou- c-bt esu ane. ted, o( he; *$oc, O.-Ins.ke tniulclp Iu-M- ïluitea t lefl M>Ci.etion es.fr. - ne-feuillu e-bots. 4 M~WAPV1cT I S ËMEN'~S Nearly o~pposimi he Commerciil Holel, Wkitli.' Offers the largest and rxst varied stock iti the County, t Un- ~,-eedotedl Lo P;iesforCth only. Fo.oe,anor Driziiýg tàed Buildings-I have a large stock of Paints, Olis, Glass, Putiy;- Etcs, Hinges, Boite and Nailîi, et ail sor-ts and suzes. For Farm lke-I have Forks, Shovels, Spades, Hay ;Knives,. St-wKnives, Co* BIeilis r~.as and Files, WeiI and Cistern Ptîmps, Plow Unes, Rope Ilaitersf, SeytlwoBiadê4 o'f Iligffins, Blood's and Oshawa make, for ha y and grain Seyîlaes, Sriaiths and Cradies, and bay Reîkes cf the. nloât reputed ibakers. F or Domes1tce Purpos8e-I off Cheap Knive8 and Foü-s. Cooks' Ktnives. Butcher's 1tiives, pocket and t'eh-Knives, Spoons,,Tea Trayi and Waiters, lirend Baskets, Cheeso Traýys, Knife Tfrays, Scaies and Weights, Beams8 Fire Ironse'Sinaoothinig Irons, Italian. Irons,ý with an ail but~ endiess assoitmeflt of neessnr-y ierticeïu for cotage or minslin, To Mechanis-My stock of Blacksmiths', Carpentera-', Cabinet Mahers' and other Furnishitigs, is very conpiete. Ail will be sld Cheaper than the Cheapest, for Cash oniy. i-1'HQMAS M.ASON.1 IWI-ITBY, Miaus-s1884. Clianoery Sale IN CHANCERV. BETWRENa John Washinagton, Benjiulin Franklin Netall, IX peuau-ec ort-b ýe Ileu-iuîtl Flui! Ou-den u-aupeeirqiy ctue twî-uty tluiiîl -li>' of fepleuit-, heu-, A. D.* sn2t' .o-s i cleutec-lla>' Af mayut, A. D. la-t4, c-hoe-o tii ticcittby -,," -PUgB.T{ICAU(CTîoN, la ou-e Loti b (li. e [tiry au1rtuinli Ec-qu1u-re, c-le MaRten ot tliet osai- c- utiatieaiat W isthy, 5c- bits Cluaitieus iu c-lu TOWN 0F Wf-lTBY, At Ta .oi)'-nukt tc Monday. the ýSixibi iay of Junli IX,î Tise teolewing puopeutv, viz:-Al udsituelt tui~t cartaien pïrcnsuelài.e ilusetit ihieerwk.- Aht'of Realeb, le tbiaCouiec-y f ttaib,oui Piieauluset Ct St edabiug Isnt Icet î,-t w0w-r tiocectean, !iulht- iittla coîic:m.sou of tlt: ssi 110 iNt-ÇeUIP 0f RJII cff, BonRe- c-ac-Point eOf1Laudi toc-niai b>' c-hinter- seacion cf tbeuEXiusei-ylyinît fit the Wiiuden Oi umgu noia witfr- tha W'-uttly lînit ef -Sirneoe Stc-reec, anl- jg kiioa n,; asLot îiu-uhc- Six, m ms-ue e sil elmioVill-uea u-c- -il cuit oifl bt bauJetIms taltituEutlie, 1P.LS. The aboutaeltta *w@l i ,uaaed iL cha, VILLAGE'0F BORELIA, Anal t ht-ne ie ru-cItaI npe'uit. e-ýgeiStore Bouc-ge, Ma uc- i t-clstnc K.uwn ots.w ic-slIetfl, aicl-ic-sperlei $tel- Wimèes d ouut bhdui îgs. et pi--etit oeaapLai hI' Mraunes Je*o,.- Tbe pcrmsvuueu-e t lbai-beve Buis~"l eo- lue entileut te luclît iupt tht e-i dcatuc ci thle tUct -le deuor, u-le jof ot thefi- coulers, et tltrcheu tltat mItr-l th -e ReLsc-ryu9leo Oet cle Connty etouttuu-lo., eTeept th~e Itorttà- rgai sund A*iihtrjtmul clieu-sic! of tise planiit, ~The n-nitieus %ots» ut-ae the aandini eOiu- titlIotoftbta Court oftUbanceu->- titeIfl.i pdef l i -e day oftuate, -o thle Véucnror'this Selieczr aand te bolat ic-b ic-eem charo- m.a uicllit eut euouth trhai tIî1é<-Îsyorsaie, *hes th pe-atise shtisetonttie-inoILoet-ý veyanee. Fossoihn e bulie fa tue fo Irý dqyçof-44Ilupuic- next. eabuta-e prepeety wuiltitO o ffoe& oWcui »t àui upset prioe, or-seat et 'fce Tltouiis -Fcrtber perticlar u d t.-maSfi itq*- ale eitr luscthe Villaei tOl ti euin- aeu mltl atofbeA. D.1 . ___u*te a-1dty. PUBLIC,- NOTIE.~ HF îlE uurrt i;l Rovudcun for the United Town it bi;ý-uetof*ora su Rd lloaa for the preiet yerar wilbholheu«t1 JOHN ';MOLONEY'STAYERN SATURDAY, 2Sth. INSTANT, D. OiBRIEN .' Township Clark.. Iitu and Roua, May the 2aJ, 1864. 18-8w. A rIRST-àGLASS OmN'IBUS, Or *111 be- exobangeifor a pair et IW,.ùRSES. Fur fifrtheryuaAîtcuuirs sjply, tho 1în Irulge - . .CAWIBELL, Exp)ress Aget. ýA Jfouse and 8 Âcreé of Land, for Sale. rrtk (i itp a storesandj*el ir"w la e tncbe -tuiviîî- Vllag of ÉMauobut-uter, iu iha- 'ôwu- èbip of leach ii t ile *tYsê~i étuut ý11 ofi et' 0lti e4of h4reô lic-yir v,# ith-, Tu-nus eitoy ulispttîie opi,(f b i tost-RE LLo Bawrocciter, &c., Wtithyb, C. W. - ONDERCIAIs JMOTELr, x150 1ilZS, OSIiAWL. PFIRST-CLASS "lilillard Ytoufms, . twe -Of > spgaîs à&ta.olîeehGovd :wutao- xub>daiouti t tvller. 1 s U # tiln liii the ii*étf t tante erft c-is Tew1nu s u- rounudlg couesi19P-, ibel ho wibihohap-y te ttctend t hI1i-in atutled te is tara, . ,,,- Telth l lartàtten (oui5 Shîtef bt irVl' icuueel. Teec-h lilaed or extru4o 1c hbatpail nîuà ar -ent Çb4ittdn's Teetba. AI wra ilcel, 18- W. l. (tAlc-. Wht3q Races- Th eSrn ýOITÀRIO TURF CL1UW4- Wil came off ca-ar c-be lWhic-b>' Ceur on4ïo'h" Wednesday, Thursday and Frida71 JME 22ud, 23rd aend 24c-h, f Otl44 FIRST DAY. .t.Ldger-080O, witri ao sttuinofe1i à-aoiî thu-ue quarter mile. tucets, tor ail Z ',eîru uul Vr1.v1 îaebrod ; asic-triésTte 1r c-lis ~t-p iet' bd; mûicuiuitiuWA theu Seretary witila âfoi-huit of 410, oui tirbolorc the t4th d4y of May-Dektt, ttrie oÏo inore tocenter orflnto c Ptirse eof $100, mile-ieuts,be@t tbrefu-' te.open' te ail i uaone weiht ar - uu Tr-otting Purgee 2 ~lei01cou, tturee-: i- i Ve,'opîsen illgreen hormes t1fet ocvr rtruc- ted ta monèv. SECOND DAYi Fuirie of $200, c-w-ual-lieets,< opeti te alf tliree-ii-tve ean to [Ilt-rue Trotting Furie eI$501 mile-11eustu, lest lbrec lii iVa, ôoaîte oal tiorseut thât inoer c-roc-z ted faster t tn c-lre îinweuu TIRD DAY. Purse of $100, mile, heute, lîouiiailî weigttu, Proinu-rdoîy Trottfug tirs e et .1100, two-îuîiielôiatiti open *te i, i'rinde-lred; hurseuî; c-liaI eyer trocttifaser thai 2.41., Patie et'$501 witiianu lucide sc-iaet Sît$Id eacb, rmle-heti , if'r ail tbhe e n four yoeri oil, Proviinée-brad. -Winuer of tIse ,'ac- i-on RÙLgS ÂND REGULATICINrS: Trebor,;eut t nake a. iiuliisý ot,;tsiî ou(iar:seaiwith the etiorr i 4ore O 'e,Ùeijk; qu h vi u~praviouui c-ô tooi uy'm rtte-.-- AIl rider wille requiredite dresîtuJotktey style new-rdiug te tho Ruilaut. Be.ry ;iarijun enc-oriàgfa hers4e willt I- er-quiutrod te naine hiK' colora. The Judges' declsuiui te he fi ual it t caes. Proviucê bred-iorutes aiiowed Tb. lieuses may baeisteiv4a; plispqpys b)- Pydtii> double outra4m ouu% u i-l- S secreiry &Tu-esUîcer c ILK nT. - -- SIPR~AVE!~fD ûL TLEN 1 l0.-7Tbe IB -41 l 1 Mainiff4l

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