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Whitby Chronicle, 19 May 1864, p. 4

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tsJ Pine Rail & Picke-tA ni the undemplo.d. WILLIAM STEPHENSON, Lot No. 4, den Con. Whitby, if Kina. P. 0. Notice t'O' Teachers. T'g Bmadof Publie Inittrootion for thé otny ot Oarto, wil i meot 1n the Meoba, nie,'1lHall. at Ponti>rry, on 7TtESDA Ir t W1;ED NESD 7t r4fy 24t1, andti15h, 1le". At the iopr of 9 n'clock, a. in., fer thée euml nation tetondidatîoî for rertifieates of qdaliIf- eatlio ioaeh Coinnib choos. CâPilldîat.a *111 ro nire terttonJ punettialiy, and to ptogent Certiflonîe or îood moral eiha- -tentr front tiie reripeetive cle'aymen. By or.er (if tIe Board< EBKNEZER BIRREi, (Chairman WhtbV% April i7th, 1984. 1 Chancery Notice to_ CREDITORS. IN CHANCEIRY. lu the matter af tltb ailata of Roubent inn, late cf th. ho*n. sbip of Resclu, bi the Cauntot>f Otario, faumer, deneatei Mary Jin. Blyllu, amJ John 'George Irvine, (au arîgilual par. t,') and Lsîher lnt'ne, lbobert Dainiel Irvine, John Moggeridge anti .ane bioggeridge lis vif., Alexander Cinmem'emiand Mar PBlta damemn bisi vifé,, Bthem Jane Irvtem. Rbçne ,ophi& Ir. tlne and MLrgaytfsIrvinàë, C".' erinq Carolibe Irvine andt Ange- lUneIrrint,e, i.blthme. beitg Iofantsunoter lte age af ls'enty Due yeara (madIe parties in time Mfusters& Office.) P runt t 10mi enipr raide îla tiimalter 1-Y the Court of Clîaueer-Y for Cg pr Canada lte rettr i e*Asir "oe f ie eo*osîlip of P~,insthe. b tituîy cf Ontim'i. Fanîien <viote lthe m uamontit cf Augost ltSdl)sare tlefore-tén cf the edock bIn L, totenoon of OUd< ,tAe7Wy beitàada±y of Msyt 18U4 la comm In andtirore lcr elt. a befare te undûleragotiMater etruordloer e thlie sali(Cort atinmy Charobere Ite 11< TRIE OOtTY 010 ONTAILIO, Or ha detuli thersi ietir tih 11hoperemptridu1 ij exolpîecl lime boneâtt cf ttis oamuir. Andi Tm ofetlhee*look Ite forencoismadepty-ht' saemiuitday orblay 14 litniy m timers 11,prtiiedfivprecediai, upo i te &au la , ýotfm her« loved hesuali be o idicted li t',My neAi cf Wedftsda, tk he std&y o e u e Ilsiatithe anotetntday cf Apilir A, W ,8104. GEU. Il. I>ARtXKLL EDWAËDPZ ERA&L). - ve aïe racPdreau fer usine ait en'stWorm CoafS4îfsus 1I-Chbldre utat thiteas a. edly as lh.y do mumiy, 9-Dru. 0outS'ornm. thahuughiy timut lastlmaeit1 htRtahitcnpely 4-Cueboe >dteatlingucnan. 6-Routm hodlit-anti vinor-ve lustre la téetolele ihe- ias che ndiehaulrfatuaga te #L* splrlta. B. sur. sat lonul t.. seie b,' VAN »brFigsEN 5ROTII&ES, - Xhmgeout lgeeg ,..eot 1M .oni>' m1 s#. s Box. -~Wod %4AME 11W. (EtL - Wto i.alocati À kmet1ibOAÂfqU tri es. t? M l ita eig Worm, &ae, Ru Tt buasuetjii an4. praotmlIlsi tfujwfentnally 1d14sasof tb. me"p gn -.ta - bePovný0-I tn truresemeyt- t i«PeuM4 Wacf e- ondWm-, e rbOla", ce.B C i Osoit r ,Port bl a tg toubout i)ýnee. 'C. W. tIM? BRITISU ÂAMERICA.9 EXPRESS GOXPM< Y! r'18640 STEAI BOAT NOTI1CE! THEW FR AST SE&kGî>ING STEAMER Pt0OHEýËSTE.R CÂPT, W. T. OREENWOOD, WIII.Oommuu..Mang te. IRochester on te £4hof APnt 64g From tlo tofolpngtis very Looday, WoJ. D"d1187ani d miy, learimg .rgtoa.................a. m Cobrea..............e.80 a.1o. Cobourg a.......... .îea.ini. PorlHopeaît........la Dl crrRCIETtarrivinglimoe n-lime Io 6000.el*1Lhhe Nov YorkCentra liUroui fo i pi tà ogunid W.at, and j'hg, American lino5 ef at«el rolttg lest snd @W lt ien N. B;-Ths R~~a r '11rm) 0iJ îbe Rame roule', M theaI lme aie ime sa lest ybar,util Pre4 aqitog lror ta olpen. Re.rnlug The 8 emer Wlli teave Roche,. t every Tdeaday, l'h roday anti Satdrdaut 830s. m.. direet for Port Hope, aud thte s vo mnitons plae%eti oectiug wit)t titiGrand TrunkUairosd, and tho Royal Mail Stoagnicr for ail parit. se udWet, AMoriOat money tu no ut thseueftenî rates. Cail Itai'. 860, Beck$2, gmiaisleItra. Ail hagaro astlte r)k cf iieowners, nloaobock ed and pid for. Fot furthor particîtlal' enqoire of IL. Squirp, J. L. Preltor, or' W. uiek, ýPreoqd' ale; J. Keeler, C-oibornge' Charles Elliott, LCbourg, and A. Cochtrane, 1>0et HQpe. CclouYme, Match 2, 1864. AUCTION BUSINESS. ERASTCS KESTERý. Liceused Atictioneer, Valuator and Colilector.-Reidemee 6DrBooklij. A UCTIî)N SALES andI Valusation, Ji, any II. part of the roninty of Ontirlo, attendrâ to On nmodtote 4ria. Cash advanoed on Goda con-igned for ale. EaBrnac.- Ale. Moodonald, and B. 0'- D)onoboe, Anctioneora4, Toronto;- à. Il. Cerrifi, DrugWIst, w luth7 i 1 M.Thoneim ,and T. J. .Eollidav, Merritanta, rookisin; ïWn. Willco, liailif, 'Prince AberI* J. W. daîtable Rai Port Ferry; J. C. Wind~ed Iilf nlSni Widdifiold, Esmq., txbrélge. (tedo talion, and tece.raide kinown at this Brookiin, Marcit 2,1. !4. 1y T HOP U S t - V S I A 1LUKi 1VRINGER ! Tlhe oui, Wriuger wtoh the, CO-WHEELREGULATOR! ILSaes TIme, Labor, lotbes & Mooy engluà tt soi o nd WyralieWringer el#f.tii. people. anit cmubboos mors litrougtb, cf frai»., eppert>'for prwitem ait po'u ml"liait s ut allier imacminenit.. ht *Ils t or cr erswlhoeî repairé Ne servant ça* blt il. .0 §eiisiLt pirae oit oaopertte IL NeIfe l. *et «Iilre.uireilla ttiue# er M1110 MollIsg. Xe Weiater titb r e* holl Io Wa4asds ? ofpi'ttititar. Tii. UnIlvenmal Wmlugr tes tlie YIEST PREIUI, &-SIlverNM dal a id ljtona &% tbm XNev Toik tmeIt ar. lut'soitdviW atonsid aupaclor to ait oal itb rfr Fait aî,tt@ýIiM. canada. peese n.4i1vieeites tnoqCaavsusr appélawc'é bnrmtm1ngtte Pries ta us sbal W. HI RMIDS à Co, -Laiton, 18-4..'Gemrs l e., Agent, Whltmy. Quob.o 0oy.rmozt &glb Bou nes cteetcw i its h CROWNLAND: qemli~eiby l. aaeoaier."iitesprepal4 E, J. CiIESLE »El, U7THIEUCUNTI28 OF' 001WaU ymu, 1oi aconbtoUW itey b itmoot~Oîleui of Yprk, Puand late flek~ yo~,lgaucre ol n It iltlever b. nty dity ta metit that eônfl- 40no Yb t. mo 8heortllyoonfde& ln me. 10h u C tlb mang ohil ake.to demojiveitw continuange. Ail eodurs beft at lte, C1s'oMem f.,*bere a Rg a fml es and t ng&aîiebn16ot lb rg gnlariy kept, sal:. attende ta. At rangc d mddoys fixedt, vithout t*'evrooble of aeeing 'Mr.Titlimpsoi-).' 38 FOR SALE) O N easy ternis, 80d h-hali of I No. 6, ln tlit 1h Cont. tifroe-o cres ileari. Apply. if by lotibtpaet..Iadj) 1 or la jAblEs MCII 'STOVES!!-ý* ý 'p FIRE ÂSJ E O EaST.BL1,Ig»IN 1182. GILLFI'IE, M0Pi 0.1 QA<ente for JAMES!tUAVISON. Manager. TNStlIIANCES a--inat LoBs by FPÉIE are 0j,%* efeti o ti.qis aorable terme anti LAISES PAJD wthout rof.r,,oo et-o the àr bn London. iO<YANL& . MnY 1, 1843. Agents, WitIIb - ---- ------ mLm. 1 T tiR LARGEST STOCK AND I GrEAiT9S waru-, iR., eau be, een nt thtec$tort Ofi ti Stoves -of every istyle and 4uitsnlv<d &t. a Prioeo. Thé poptdar 110w pattern ktôtre ban bien jntrtidund ennt o ther rarletitu MuE lNum0FS7 or MRON DUKE, GRA4ND TRUN,' PRINCE ALBERT, DAYFY CROOKET, PR0TECTI)N134' 4«. iW* Cali and siée. WILIAM BRYÂ?#. Brook-nt., Whitby. Wl4ltby, marcdi 2, 194. 81 WADLHI c.wRNQ MONEY TO LBNI)!' *i.- o~i ~iUI ~tIi 'i ME ti'fr~ c ST ~ 4 i ~I ~ae 'fr~ ioq I ~E 'N ~i M ,~ o .tn 0 t i il tw-tryElktore soit Uvol- IlOg itttthit;théte are toen 9 t* y partinents, cut n excllent Colla, goct h"oihaf n acre of I.énd stockait with FruIt Treca. A lvo-plory Framne l>wellbng, AParlmntg, hutifuily ebtuameit, Veituatdat &éi.gocit eut- buildings, Stabibng, *6e aoft suit iaril vile, tagather wllh one'anmt-.ihfareg of LintI.- Splendid large turhrrd, ait Pritit Trees of c.ery deacriptiomi in abundauoe. t' R?ËNI' MODERMf. 4 Theo sore andI buildimgtdhg mJIi i viii 141 separahely, or togather. Appileaon to b. matIe ta JOHN HÂMIÈ1, Eo., rT FOR SALE, leiHg moih half'of Lot Na. 7 in te 7tlm e«i. Tf ari, Coanty of Ontario o nteoilig hou For particniars ap 1 kf bî lettr re id) tu Stîitors &a Taouta. Feb. i1ô 1864.6-f V INE GÂR VINEGAZ!! T HE lNDEPtlSGNÉD BAS 1FOR BALE Vitnutar cf thte itemtqnsity imutfatctnred byllimoeif--ai thepriiltebnds street, Wbithy, oanc door velof C. BceWa reeldence Bolt large aîîd arnuail qontliegs, vitoicle and rtail. lior a cheu», andi.rsliy goad ar- tlle,-an article tcnnaitby t'iemiltests ta b. te best everprodsilyeei h1e loini. MICSAEL SCHNAitPAUF. Witby, May 9. 1862. le TUE CELâs'âA ÏD STEANImCOI1jED IIUOP. 99[I Pa eattte desteu 'e 10calilimee attentin thé public te thie ahove importuant inven- tion le rigimof ihicith hra sfor seale cititer fo ranallpo or Cbe s ilsbponlanî cf ilslmtm'belvorit orttsai a Il liasalS Ite foliavlng itvnaes- Moita cf Tbmber -ltlmn Oak, Mapta, Beechi, &0..eau ha aedIn lthéomaufkatur.cf the sudp; ni tiîle,-frmtihe seareity of heocral- Dm, bpliI- itoataeril, la o4o suil reconiE > nlsoidation. i t=w ýita h oritay a M JETIIOIJS4ND HOOPS, 'WiIImateattest franutulety-slx tanlnety- oUlms bl; talaaraaittr *ad but 2YorPlphg &0e. Wherever tle loue tloolw bite. uehmb..ivon lite mol #~>MPSl."M ESAT>DP4C017ON INtii proprlstor'et. Up lthenibne.harqaa« nauthiagiç fe isovolIsofit sedRanoaMorley untUi! luvm eat seIlamomploe t klng oenter. Flah7, th*.leini Calleit ticp laeana cf the won&trî ofi th-Ae, dum-an boponco a*inlatis- Aidrew atre, Wellington Squareo' Wm 8Sjmen oBr1dge; . &J. Hegg, York Appy te thé peprisirct pnd este,- JAMES ToIILINBOX, <15. WlmtertslaP. Q,1'heing. 89 WI[SITA'Rt' BA au, À CBNTUNRY, < WU th*lim mealtoullomaweomm uing 0 Ch*~ k5ILOl- 01ArLJi t iIIy .*rtlerles, vv imes &spr T1MOf 02II yÂ-A CLO0VER SbIEDSý ield and Garden Seeds. Whitby, April l9,th, 1864. IIAMItTON -Co i.KriDfNoNO V'iALKF'. &CO. AND MANUJFAÇThRER 0F :0 accmimas, Mleil«u, C '~~LcP kirHAS REMO'VED TO PORD'S OLD STAND, BROCK STRET, WIIITBY. Offers the follo'iingy STYLIVS 0F CUTTERS, vit: Catiadian Patent Frotit, Rolling Seat, Aniericasi )umper, 'I'wo-seated Pleasure Sleigyhs, Portland CUniters, Bob SIPighs, Ail of which he is stlling at Grual!j Reduced Price8 for Cash or, appîoved crtidit Some very meat d,,£RRAG ES, open aîid cov- ered, which *i11 be sold very low. Two good seconld-hand Gigs and two Bets heavy Bobs, . Wil find excellent and con venkent, aCoonîtion. Wîthm a 7ew Yards of the Publà Uttllf Pri'yate Parlorsa XAJ ,R-,BRASS,,B1AN». iL-rT( ' 'I V."kcII . ? joint1 1) Wiirsv.a 1'NSRSQUADRILL BAD th.e wehonse ofat R.E; Perry, Esq, _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ___ A pUca I fi; d by lettéÏ'prepalit,> î :9O1l'TH[gBÈST kCHEÂPEST.' ' ~ TiÉOItA5LAWI USAIOSEL The subscribers are 110w opening up a large and -well selected Stock of rTPi~ F*G R OB Our. stocks of Di ess Goods, Slîitwls, Mantdes, and New Mdillinery, are very complete1 Frenchi Kid Glovest trR E*JD Y-M&IDE CL 0 THLWG, WITH 0OUR USUAL, - r to ~4f. -Whilby. FO R SAL E, oIf aL et ription. 1of i1tthll~o C lilm ne y s, (i i O bd , a d e u, B r o u s , e ry h a t vi é a ro in i otj C*h i e P M o- J A M E5 i .. GE R RIE . r nc ,and n oet ter)oc atty Cuit ex el i t, i Whitby, Jan. 18i, 1884. himthinusa of 1clîmaste. Tiire are abouv axt i'enm cieare-t lieieeçn, sud the reatindor1 wel tdptd orONCOIIPLPTE SU Âý BIJ'TCHER'S VieEland !s well*atci'ed sud itod.e "A(.DQNLD -- l f)oe AndI are Lo PfaLý I awOrdi ti-tihe iltclier. boni te an- pè i. xWl inoou tl iutiie bas iiotlii n whateirer Iipet lie uleýi lca f tyteoittentio ii iththe»ho Il Whdilho t-ly getýàl iîer, usI li ok wilf admit of bcbg? d14 naes in Brook Strict, flilaîno* 'ta work .1ii9" e :d iorta Pif Iy.Acre Lote. Il le1 eltuateit his owîî iook.,maid intmida 10 Il olie M ivii. aolit ftieren grilles rani Collngwood, andi canai." i'artil *lshilug ta haro Ofreai- ti4t t aolit a1111e frona te e tto oftthe hFt qnslItY elipplied ut titeir-41oor, will Amo, thé et 11:1uf ofLAiýNU. 2, lunlthe Sîlit oblige îy auiilic -lio, to Cali; lie enliaiti he Concession afrguiloiitu, Stmjbmi'iig 100) Acreif larur, aid nnîtLaikes ta gire sut'ipfactioî. of cilice latnd, itîrba a itnrfàl and iieultbv Mett at ci bit abtaiied ut lthe si Atile' ituation, at iil a tndudwltiamnexoel. hnütci, (îi<'xt tb tle Tîonury, et aeh larre- lent8XýkW MILL thiteomi. Tiare are about muoimiiîg, itri ahuhd niglît. .- 45 acrâgcluret. -Titis lot le situâted ln a very 12. ACDNAh, flourisltilnItpart af théte ourtry, cdoyen motuc 12 'îmmaer.froin xth vlilîige of Orillis.-Tortna t lberai.. IFor fa'ther flèIittilryap iry ttbi ulh me nte r, o r i fb y l atte r <O àt pia i d i r i a DOCOR D-AV IS, .48,lIarriel'uât ofltcb comtiiitc, ta trial10Sm gyphilis anitother Dî'Bri, eî -2àct Nemeoaiatu e The' Celebrated German Oùli IN oTi BÈÏF' Wïl..ULIUT-(N1 tzseEcos, rimmic, fr-oit bite, rnmyjtog 1.1) atccxJemrens, unitaillkinda of 1iea.t wonnia. At hi*a (1e, cr qByIt is tii geatent retiedy ktiowu foi -É -anid Adelà,;da Bt, <up etarg.) aIl kMails a.*otndtçandisoreîn man tand, tI AltibIcé on 4tA"ide st. Thto rcmnudy la infallible > ir rellcilno hrdet île bus dcvott'd years ta soit cattle suflfeKng fm'acit pam. t hi reaiiimeot cf the varionsmiFrônittiosmmnda aof' teatmlniolai o thé formA ent tic Vtitrea diacuaies. andI lituspi- of eajy cf thialnvnulioremi dy, the follow- eoliiar priôcese of lîetlioln ti*oirsî iptuîies-are luit itavebeu sclècted. snlîdoti diiituuonp arativl.li;iiorttfine. 11i aiud yanur oîl the Imuo six years, and Seft>udury S.philis, proinnud hy io -uni ,utielittiat it ia nquallcd for luea1bn4 rnary pli sician i ainoîîra'ble, cati bu cifeitttel- cnls, unit oUrilg fnaat-blters. lu s 14yii ly etirîd U iil alîllîle iime<îiCs oqoall vgr cat apfpie t bnator huit", en n *hto hliealulai rîvctii; ostriteo- JA ES EEul uad ffectA o ni tttui,t o r So11'-uitbne, en Ta A. K;owLIt, Eeq.i receiviiinediatc relief l'y uppiyfgIng oD-r. Pickering, Pcb. Ili 1961. Patienîts lit f distance truitad hy.ef-mf'; ,mid Ijttjstice tb yopand oi as a duty t Wtî niedicîne sent ta any p art of lita duuiutily ditiri.- publiet-j1tJi it i rigll l? rucointieni yoou co tif1)frellewila É. ecîialGerinami 1 1 )tlitlle girI Rot se- tile&ols wiîluiî.g tin diisnlt the o lor catit veoei caidedisaa mach an. litai bier reuovem'y do o-,.%'itb the util Atectccy, us lis% aie e c'a.won tltbff'tîli btintbyltFe tinioby appliction of AI) uirîgei t luît llx ie n~ossilfor paieulimttto )'r dii iltole low Comnplete ecined Aie eitcliotiter. nolilse by êuntn. Adrico -IITTIEW S ýALLOP%, Jy. lic *lieni lumnei t the offlîfu.- - iceltJnay7,18i AIl lctters Inuit bcaeddraisad, (îfo-t-puid,) icelg.JnayiîU - Dav M. s D.,1 TunutoC. W., uîotîl aiti I D - xit tu.--In j.idelÎe tnybilsoitdlthe pub'- iPuât litaînp ifani aluswuris dcincdý 27 lic! iu noîtefal, 1 tiiink it ri9jit to recmnetmd - ~yoitr mdleltdGerJftsu OiI bl r nlthe eure CI 1V? t bittis, 1f708t h te-A e, i î% É1 Il aly effcs- WA N Z, E R Et {I S cloum *tllbtbal'appliédloW maitor beasl. PIRAT PRIZE Plkmhg Febrnmry. 1889. i - S E W T J N M A C h I E S 1< cs8$îL tn l tine la y0l, and"as a dty~ S E W N G A C H N É S 1 we tatao ;ttbie, 1 t lik il rlit te recoi- mnm' d y1lti dioôbrale laei'rjm 011, fer lthe curd offmaitbites. dii, bm'hiliean sd %Aio_ý>f cerei if1og;lndi~. DANIEL i11w ? 1'I am eil dtrona hâd ritunni sers for Ivel Yeura wltban ilunnigàlun. &I a-ndoeoitId zr ar coitbl'td ail, amad amff 00oComplote ly coed." JAMES P>TMGIBBONS. ane f tihefira ital tib luit t' ýCouimîj -W ri .' - - Prembuni Sewbng licines IlIE ONLY i>IIZE aàwurtloîl forn Fmutbly T8owinittaacines lte Jideriitthlie, 24tii, 9-501~, totimm.l kIIIi-wRe gilîlt t ,j A-Ni ----------- ý i rr -11 MIL à"» 1 GO TO D e IOË. LEU, 1- 1 ý IN Tas 1 lý l ". 1 1 1 - . ýl il

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