Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 26 May 1864, p. 1

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Athfi@a Prbinng Cetttulthmint, 13r<xk qýtreeut, Wltbç. Ott »oo i t iai Jçgg.try Office. 1voî4. VITI, A 4L dvornercuts mntnur.,d ln Notpnr tCel, iiid cimrtd rt the rate nr 8 cntsper dn., trot tâà%artlnn, xalal2 ents per Ue, eaoh 1 Wyoittonacti made withf advertars by the yoir. BANK 0F KONTREÂL, STA1IE (LýftqgWORKS. %V. BULLOcÏC, B AdIiIrRTERR k ATTORNEYF; AT LAW, Soolîor% to'the8iie ik tf Mnitre-tl. and Vonntv Conil-of Onitario. WitithvC. %V. r" 0t1loo, stthe, Coiit r Ii.-nihWinqr. GEORGE ff. IARTNELL, Je,& . . ifAN, ppsie h Bjtreett,wilithy, 9'. %. N.G. IIAX,t WflAIR IATlCi AnTI'T1ENFV cTL 1> IElik- pniî. ile eittry iec. Bt. b- ALL AND SBER ANDY i J 9 hba laiton the IlBrookit uiioua., l Brooklu Viii.«, ,Wh ire ho vii be giul Insiee *Il filafriandn. 'irlo pramispia uroweil Il, ad up aid ot -1ii,anth te aeco.umolb tfion poil, ver y good, Lth# ,-tor Shasees te tte comtui rof!Mnso auulhorlue bimsolf, hang beeu, prunuotad tg, in"u id< s as otSda dBoss 10w. At sanciy's tike yonr test, t'ledy'a tabla la t hea liet, Sauîdy'u grooti accommodation, etar't bch bot l9ail the nation. The niumeroiîs frientim of 1and-.il, Aresuikot !ogive hl~hu.aal A X.PEERIE. Brook'!n, Dec. 23, 1843. Ontirua Diîng ll & Restaurant, c iîrlîwtî rJT!U'.T. (Poi'l1X1E ST. jJu.ic' Cattuedrai,) Toruntt. Dinnieu. I rnin ilitpat Tveiîe toi-Tiira, o9cloek. Ii.î;dlîî 'tipos,&o. ai ail "honte. Wineg, Luuiir. cffleîoliet brande. SIT :#tAlboiaNfm.) laonev<>m (TLOBEJIT . 8Ilote] an <i.prouteulai.lenlurel)a»d, (ey tfibet'nIIurrahealic t))iI&vsv'. ho toi iid %en bandireie'y tb anenil îursouiily > tot a-uta:. r#f Iti<' tugt* e Th Jrettip l.eM tA e ti, o CQOlVeil 9(!Iltl'f0,11(j " tt'ît"v dillel lip; painteti. pauperoui, &-. wîheir,i'mofmort vater t.', vaxh ut,, tut v ti' 'rtillu'vre lic the Traveiiu-r 4 With *ainm PriXid Word@# gpeast houglats aid untlrlng indui -WjJITJ3Y,:C.WT TERAPIN-RESTMJRANTe seK ~ teet Bait. J tST enlvel, erExpress, ao eabova Q*sblîslutn, a splotndid loto!f, crever Patridges, Wlld uc ukè sud, Veuison. 'SHTELL AND CAIN OYSTERS, Lobstera, &c.4- Whoiesaic, andI Retail. RUSSELL'S 1HOTEI. %Eundceriguad Proprietors of the. abova namedTi IOTEL, barrespetruilv to appriure thoir friends and patfroui. thait tfiey bave tho. rougjhiy ranovatod their eabiiioIusuî tdirritýi the wluler. uhici, enables hem nov toe nrrto the MutebsOf the LÀelaire, andth le Tra. velling Publice snerior aeooiumo<leîinn. lu addition to the apArmentoitlioy h&a, l,_ten ter.- tleY have row Parr» sud BatI-rome tu rà lare.à hOu*esnat tue Buatti. vhich, for cnfort mnu oonvetuteuoe, ore unanrpmea, l'the dtp. WU. RUSSELL & SON. Northern IlotoI Canningtou.- The înereseji iuuîeeaIthlic hOre favor ea' ýkg1wn lhôtel, h4a ronderau lit eeessArv tor thr %uuiuri ber toaeniarre theprreminesu. il r oa donc mnu toa- nnidcrehie crient, smd ina-le otiier aituratinnls anti improvueutex,tn aecrir oti)) furthertlr c'mtbrt mn aeeommu<iutloorf hi.. ztuesta. The.tableis slWaxg provideutI-ih 01 c i n Il ebi TIquonie t le het reuail4a Bf- 'îsu-e*eriiaccliiirg Notice to Farmers and Others %b th, retnowneîi Owlar. lasiiatn Chre treet, Torrnio, V. Iw. anea, laeafsted bo>- . eiatu rte n anl, ANOIMiR-O.~.A. SAMi',ooM. Litïîi,,r-s WhtqJOHN anWAP.T>.)nrtn Torcilo..t~-~ ~29 v ioozl' al!ii or batre) ;bbuuNgt hIutn'a roprieîor. - -- tilenIit ;10. do n. iîpse Ettaitcilli <Panniatn c ti 81 N.i.CCIRkE . .I. lIplket. dotn .; ,hast porýshrry, and .) O. ,2M,14. 4 Ê-19NTY ýitIit Y Fic BrN'ofulv for te act, bu, it ni To the Travelling Publie. tanjio, l rri4ir îi i t trw,%t'- ti li',. A O qtlb e si n îd Iloru4es to titre. rp n ih erer ia ng lastti- Pem it i i ('(ln ultnery, No'ii-yi'inhI)II 'I- A EIXANSDER. I. sac isiIY r utdan h y T. Engi. ln t he f Street, 1' bitl,v. - 31 Brool:iiîi. Itin. 270lt.q'Vhla' ftuou nd havirna- firti Ueran '63.-4 in a-m'i ftye Il unT insparedt i e aeaemu e G. il. DARTNELL. a1l tbosRe vho uRivbe i «Il leit nteudié nlP FOiEISTitA!,MASTEI% EXTRA- S T A (1- E H O U -S E kettpinayuotluiniut~ i.orduinrar>,aiid nialiiitur :m (lisiici'> fttr MAILLA. .TUE E MITt'FOF IQUORS à&CIGARS heaU'tiuntv fif Otrurinrc ut, WiiithiY. 47 Antihi. '!shia vwiihfa firutafdigu l i'al l ISAAC FREmN, delicaera ct f thO seg*"u. An ettentisr <balla, ROBERiT J. WILSON. lamo on.T> Woov i ila ATroNpyAT ,>,r4tr. eaui sy te: 1upou, haler e"euforauly accoon J oetoLuth »r'.&. Wltitlîv, C. W. PST NWiiies u'î't Il tior - ,n rtttrn.emm Wa4dadvali attendéA t ii Offie- 'ietiria BuiIiiiý,, iroek St. M lî- * 3 rmtui<i î"f ravéle «' re;cod tabing and 1h l M i,'N - ~. ~ 6OÃŽ,îî oTîu tetlve litit"r Fr-. mMpyu, lot..l piu ii nevcuir>. tIintr 9'r~otu't~ A 1,13 f > Fi O T-E Lu.- W OÃ"ON'S H OT EL, J. K. CORDION, ,JMSRAIW OON DOFR TbIXYAT f.hW, 'ublrr' 'PrnprOenur. __________ A G!vo.nCou..tc1: 1erlv.BART WINDS»OR IIOUSBWII'FB, IL A!K UFM v4 u. nemen.a. ,Eore, KÀvra.A KELLER& L4hIIUY, F 1 t) Hulit, i m ituaWul insa pleAntand A R 0 fî1T EC T. Me te iirktie >0toBook. etu 't s- c1rl, îifhwive ler*. ,~ 1 4,BaY troet Toronto. CliAS. C. KELLITE, F A. iJI1N, - - - - o"tri Bîla fini n eran-tile Ca,nilgtun, Wititîuy, C. W. V[CTORIA MOTEL. ________ ire *éRifMu nuranceCom!y. CIIARLEq C. KELLER, B-.A i.llPt>IT'l.(4l aiktifi nptrst . A' r'fNyAT t%4tv, Ri.~<Uu WiIoue',)___ i! tn. Rret'k. çr. %V.u> RIA IOE. - &Nie OTION & tAN UOTsro TtluhNiY~NT,.tAW, Old'1T0R T Ts f.na.ih.crsattNi tpirts .uhiuta-M.1 5R. E. L. WOW, Ulonîreqi, C. SX &e., wYll . XW. lto-m. lit uVictoria 81-k JOHIN IILLINGII L <'i' 'îîeAbert, tî n dn'.wesr of T. C, fr'rmai4'e .V<re.. 12 J. W. CA16DWOLL BROWN, nIN VEY&NCER, COMMISIONEit FOR v Jtekiug iittI avit Arenuntait, land. Dilvi* * u>n Court, Notry Publie aid enaral Ason'îî, Olbr(sm in. e-Ktni Street., nearlv oppomite the Medical Hlli. -«. B,-A1ibtulnemaatuted to bisone ilii b. promiî'tIv atteudted tA. IL . E.ODELL, (,'NVtYANC-ERC, an() Eorerneinnerin Q. J W, &e., &< 1e4tA 00ilc 'tt<il nt1leui. Ouuanablu terme, antI promnptr'nto. muad e. Beîvertouu, ept. 10, 1M~. 3 R. W. CLAR«K. Mi. D. ~aiéc-edont F.siî or 'îrîoid & Gifi i*uuu' Store, Brook Street, Wh!tbv. 44 B. BU WNAN, p îYSICIAN, SUIZUFQ&ANDI ACCOU. m lP.rticiarly îttended tW. R. J. G19NN, M. D. S IURGEON TO THS COUNTY GAt1L, flyron Street, W iltby. 4 THIOMAS DEVERELL, BUt1lLD B B, &c. &c., GRtEEN STREET, BWhitby, (0. W. JOHN IgETCALF, ~ÇLERK (>7THE PlYTU DIVISION COUR~T, ,<, cmprising 'tii.. towtip Brook. Ad- CLELK ANDI TREAURER UOF TIE CTa wnslip of Uxbri4ge. Addrosa, Uxbridg.. A. PR'IINGLE, nFaRCI1NT TAILOR, BROCK STREET, ILWIsftby. &OUI" DUBOIS' R) E$TAURAtNT,-V;ornerof o!aritsud Fox- $tpIado~ reets Taronte. Rafrashunoptu. 'FUQGUAS RUBTONt T lOWN CLERK déTEEAUUR, WHITBY ~' E~OP 1't)ftiiDIVISION (COURTi 'Mwf)MBt L OUBE, 17 ig04$, W« -'u'uttiiit1t'tatmtavetlinquh.iilii. 'litu irn à a îtui. Itu! i t'libng turl n*lers 10 JOHN !kOGOltîi1)ttr CANTON MOTEL, D 11FFINtI <CRl'EK, PICKERING. 00(,,D aoominîoatioea for Travaliers. W. CUTTRBRRT. 4.-OnuProp te etor.hi hatsi tt he 'u linîuOve li ituovu lttteî, sud truot, 1,y sti je, atetrlon tobul &saltib>. aeuiyoni,;iritunodo al in bis pover for thle coni' tortun aminv.- oe.eueau-asI, tematit a Saer. of pibli, pîttTi'niu-P. Goott LIquiegutdOlgar*. - Cio ntmId eaoaoiumodtaion for manuaubira. Atit -ttitlî, uni.) areîtUlOtier abvmya lu a1- Mmiaii, flot. 29. ILO 1. A. CONWAY, Proprlîor.41 ROUGE JIXOTEL. J )Il MOO.N, LATE OP? TUE NON. flot.!, andi fornieriy of Wtitbv, ln.- -on ecs10 liio frieudu sand the pulbii that ho hui% rnnted thue aboyveiiel-known bote), whichi lm. now uuErst rate order tor the receptioil of que.?.' Witnee, Liquors and <JIgau.1. Good Stabling antI an attentive O.tior. S51 Grand Trunk Raitlway listei. (SouutA i4à ofRo.iZurq DqpilPMo.r l T Il F subecriber hm litted up theive 1a b0 '0opery cared tor, svalting the un lvai, of thoovors te ars £"tor Wa.t. (400d $tabiing, aind carofu) attattou.,,; 4AE3PRINGLE. Wlitby, April 27,1S48le. 4i No* lq, RE 'F INE. >GET YOUS W'IWVEOB AT J. A. lark'a lut Prise FActure "oarv Xiag, for J. 4 ,cud tinteOteye sud Kt ahort notce. se INSOBLOx Brt A' colt <VwUAIIV l' Il l'%MMIICO M 1'ii.uiaoetsl, Ier» j chan ts, Pisuufvaboîu it lotlu,.jp, in Montelq Quich4e. <ttava, a&11A T-uuwiîc, and t<beyT ti suif proo'edit s pnuuptie pti doser, .ýtire" acommufirulions til 'éKontfw-ea G. J&nuu Zfil . te tao, i oe 4=9b',h conn'Ir i plembor Pib, 1862.he 5.1cegi, 104Ab U)iiMOV«n e» hiloy Oýoet t fuua TiCarler'sta n.dor Saule,!ib ofLukeSTEELn, aPopulotRoue k cqmnuni.iig auad viter tarelaisd aiAhoI.,natr iii.Prr0v DNAS iYTiuao, unodstnITonse C.W.t la ORg E aoemuodtlu, qnAr cre to! i Wel itaodsu gouotdt.tAppie.)W THE. ONTA1RtO MTEL: TIEunderskaned hoga to In<crm fils fieuda' I Ibsia liu anli,.takau thea above botel, lu*"IV kapt hylUr. <lavàessd *trirnels t hy strict av-'tu to ubanenmanud twthe,-vants of bis guRa. b y iteepinftigafrs-clesa table, soti none Bit îLut thbeet 0orilqunoma inthe Bar, to meila abat. ni public petronega.o.' Te stau.ling sud Of! MslOd.rOOrmi. of the beut doacri ptiou, i.nd a oereil and atte.itirs Ouuler viii be eivaya <W) tonna utlis post. JOSEPH R EUBoTTOM. Or, 1NSIJRANCEO Inunrniiro <'oîuipaoleak. in whieli lie i.. prepared t) ac-pt risIZrs-fiio. lirfaand Main, TleeEdiiibugA Llfe Assrance comu'53 TfeLieu7,l and Lotdos. TYu Mir.a FrcInearace Company, 7!ue Prouinca Assur"nceCompaasy Y. KELLER, Po tetr, Oshawva. Osaws, Nov. 45 118 Brltlsh America Assurant o Cunlpanly TINCORtPOItAT'rTitunder aîîAct oftlie Tliird ASecAxon 'ofthtei90oot.h Pro.iiciailPanlis- CAPITAL £M9l,000 lisuranea eucetedl on Buildli, rî t.aieil eouteatu.. lvorv ilioriutioliîauppiied omi Sp- plil, a .bti. uîderm!gtuod. Marine Riit forîha $aiieon orrortar. Triuveli nr'Agent, lyroi street, Wilitby BOYN'FON'fsj IOTEL, W M. iIOVNTON bop a bInfrtrn the lu. bahltalkotfiiaciuity oni itoriaosud surounîuî Uuinis,, luaiéie as opened the Ilott) ou lWi't t lreet iatey ocoupbo.) hy Jewetl, ard u lie bam bliit it fed aind linuishl. edulIn irai altyle, %visiter. vil)l ui every c=mva- nie-uc.. Wîue, Li'uiars anti lgrs or the bout qliiy. w5Anattentive Ostier alv'apa Iattend. JÂndsa. FePol. 14, 1M&. P. H. L,& ]B. RÂIL.WÂY. U KTI L forr irmotica, Trai.s vil) rua au ph-e aitiPortiflop. t. -le.p. M Maiu Train, vii séPor «t opoeut 3.W0 p. m., arriva Ai LÀluiay .40 p. un. The choya Vau. *ron un enneeuon vlth tii. Gtînd Trai'Ittiliwa'. T. A.WXLLIKS, ager. i1,rtSO S, 1.,48U. 48 TAVLRN 8Y TÀIm FOR SALE 99 vus Y utulsa VILLAGE cf CÂNNINGTON.' vith aie-hu4it Sttau. Shart, ai,,ou% hu.. for veahini, eOkluug, k..A fleerfaithait Pluiui o! valt. a-hiueii serinenourlý the. vhoit t'îllst, -ie sp f Tvru.utb80, lvotturlea 40, shard ?70ê14t, "r gwat 80 t , 5.A goal4buel Ibos" hau'aluxtwe h'.etip olsi the. abovru.veru. $1tuute on thira tir¶dc"ner Oaf i lllata, 4n~ , g iiti oi -osaini te uavertti, anila agi ?rlnnu Alheri. Thea tesson tha prescat proptrielor viaes tô diapo.ofthe sahova va]inuabla property, 10 b.. exft ho atmnuls tntérizng FO,,or arootjng e, pomoeu ùeibn ns t easY tiue raqeireulhy, tI.piareluaser. nTi ludrpmimhi. T- ia "Ïolt fltrher at> ox a .(if by < latter poSt.ýp#ld0 tote ownern tepSma. anitoNov, 018 163. 44-il Briee ymiBIu&<& ç,, -nd &Laver pool end Jati4on- Assurance Comp'niesý R1Etnbula fia Of 20 Milioodo eake 42 Tho Cqopgni-,gJAgent et whttb.~ MONEY 1, MONEY!-!f Thue Retbow. ta Iirg. 41 ii huttaibiotis thc golden ju-, lieOf t he Laudacpels balmy bcèket tomià ba evor lancà il s swing on 3rad n è~oma froliokeotuoleial ýp thatb.d upsat thé fllesaed auge! ram, or believeu ltilbut tho ongine hose tretched 0cenIho suit y saIt> jOr the, ll -rtPepa1ulil by nature vhen »ho Ut Orc éthlotbslil uen ;iîiithe dlurlppiu eltýîs a re finng to dhtv Blur eu' sgers I hov I hâte tae bmrlbeoeabl O! niigeus ainiz tfhuat golti and purple cotnb. vilaai' ils 1 ihoentn silver> . th. Tbakptni ~the aetuerai.) tresses O!fie fisauti. lIns tle v1J. ta1nditJu promie sud the dsa ii n'ale itah, 'Fi e ioG. Front Harper. But &à#? a vile fher bnà comfort ed her 4ýwth thie axicun tbat accidenta vould o4icur fi the best.reguleted tamilles; and iluen fie vent oqu; md bougit smre oysers, aid'tbey bad a nic. tine afie aIL Pour thngil they ver. dqyroted to each o ther. ,Qrié. <sun; Porerty' ihsdflot pîaute ed r.:fqiate yjetu on f r beartb. atone, and Love breilbeld bts oe'u. But the tlime did comme. In vain, hadl .Peter îriud to sell bu 'poetry, andis wife'a crocieivovh: iii. nersp pets and fa.pey smme dectiled opmtlatfng i amateur pet- ?Uormoeé TPhen thé poôr ,feliow unu. knovn to lbis vif., Iilad uwered îvo &.4 Vertlsemoats. one or vblch directed tbe aurions fuquirer -10 seuil four postage stampe,, mil receiîve lu retaru mn lufalliblei receipi for uua*log a fortiueý-nô capital requirail. Patier got>liheral directiona boy- ta 1t"e m.U-/u ýpoaufog tbemixture notaofan oiti4eéder, ioýtg, an4d ier. uniar yiuM g theàomi op for sale, hopt bot ion a portale e loe. The otber proye Io fb~e au Invtwin,if hé wust -snall and spry,' tu join "à 'ngro miauîrelc baud, ini thé èapsc1ty of fealedaner.f It wu *# Novemabez, an i Mr. Bolton W oineitothacity vhip viCe. -, f 40m Wat4xi te.Wha m a r i;, in 7eut do*u, tclnuli kocied lithé doot 41,1d, *ieon bidilen te enter? , ild hé dgCa u pon d6 braidi ou n n rnf' eau get YOu lotsof that."1 Net, 1 arn fraiCd zi OveeoilKiLgi sadly. "I onîfiratier Up ysoineser plinu eig."y th"Wfiy camu'î YOudo ý. seviug 1" ai if 1emn viîf afad e o! ýconfemptili ber vole. cg pl pt Jane agio, su seiug.maciine iu 'the vorid for uice oee s dtices". If You cat;soit Weil v*by don' 1yen get-8a machine?7 Yon .can'î filp M alt 1iug nice vont witfi ifat." 84i#o nUil;a-vol hbave asked vip obi didu'î feave Ifis soriowil vorld aud fi up ta thée moon on a firo.fm'utick. Madgl sîmplp sid ie could not fboy a'seviut machine vfiwereupou 'the. gotsonti st ni ber -brovso-,sud- bit-fier- tflunb, anq fiaviug thi refreafio ber onemnrp saitl "Wel, 1[believe ti ladies lu Transfigure tta(iarci give out, vork te o olk Yen wt tfi ry tiore, 1'snd teday <is tl day." Pour iittie Mudge. iihmuked ber; OUt le; fier courage, shonld-fait, humnriedounfiel bonnet ashavi sud aimes.. ran ta ti >cheurche vith vi-a; sluoc " osapeu la regd rlearuei. MeauvlicPeter all goï ccpylg te di for s lawyer ; ad ths ife iv to barelj mauagod to keeuth fe volf froin ibe door, More tfiey confi net'do, exC*epL to lova oe anoîfer; sd tifs lve wlleted, ke eectricty, iii. mon camuis or 'depait 9ý faut as the oelIin1mb.ere forgedi, and hept tdr ir its <rom brealtiug. Ticp ybegan te lokbont ansd bngry Tbep, voevretncbediy* sbabby in itbsit dress, -for Ïbbc besî,ot ifeir rdrebe 1usd roe, long sice, ta the pinrokee's, Yu., hbep fad Ielmned tLe v'w e ito b dresdfni tom!>, viere, isitl awap Iiite.corp. s 1es, were nyriad lokeons' of botter' dayi, sud vitb them unutterabie anuisi. But they boved esali otber ;,sud la udher wluistvmisry fe, ýleariil te tMU iu GouI , tuap fearne i o hneai togethîr snd pray te hii.soiut , iog _as u ngilfa!, an eurs von iu erveilte endure thse daile prieur, o!fithe aveordi . bicfl ng oer Ifucir beaue, not tnoving, wbeu iti bare aoid glitting bads olilfat]. Ou p vi n Mailge ltoOk b mck l44. orli sh. loohil où uuumnsuli un, Litmucà wiii, ,tbit Let kind frmoudt , idlce quelioning, begged once more tu knov' ber ispory. XItvu e i ri; ure te'do.' ciel,' bail nuet aCter'Mt.- Balton 1usd givea' ,b tfy dollar'note, seuilMrs, Eaéicn wai muxius-lo b.ïtov 1; imrne4fatolp;lbutt bhiBrt inquiry Idge'a trembling jýpt, rais ita w hite muais,. J Peace, Progremo, KmowIedgç, Br<thbnood. Y. MA 26.1864. er. ' u tser Brooss axe y wup ili mr&tnj iup ot C ., f fImt six su'littius, fi r t ba, <wIes -tl r e(,-udfh gone, sud tbiy bave fColthsic cuqeem 4ei I da nets o! 1 ibir disobdience, is vili ho- ilue Tfen natur eont r ~ 'forgivcn.sm' idu'fierpri Ad.. diae poor o! U, 4 lufu bisg ap .ieusauf. do, haie a bSie w uifIerand4oneq- or two & a nd pru diliouualiunýrovs in bis hinil, uvak &c, lj iâe pot lis fbansi hispockete, and vent ha toak bfoofîffgýqp atil~own ht.he c ite ea IIipBut huas,' iiighoiL ' au! olose Re tunk roonus at the Colerige, seuilcrc«turt. thé ver! ceniaIday unt vsnilnug, in anua=« ercepil saiou us tpfd vs,', aUlround! th aide.made &afe.bi valk of the Byron Hotu, ifti'lng Up ahtvwu pbei dmho wlsos, oplag t'emeh "aglimpse of h insua the swee4t fae ttc loie4<*t' ilelly'NaIft uneanodséus stvedix o S éorge 'bitoa.ul up wot .ddgo be isadftih, and 'gsava dosperate ring giron. si ah tbébell. *sobes' fr5. , ÀWhaî?1 tomie avay 0"hue teobod fter Uieir ar=m ta theéservant -Goe rbotefta ber feét,' àa teès ad )LaJg.; lâbed -a; fi-y.., actnaly laglas, if yo'lil believe. me-. saih abliibe litieluh{..ud,'be. Cause twies tood fi interpot.-q aunmai table oruameuted viti the letter G. Thejy had quit. forgotten' tfie"fiundleait thue imey' but ' o MM 'ê aniz< h, sd fon note illisidé. - -Af.réradOId1JS li r,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~l Matru l vtlfarrIih og aud MM *tre'tifk n na.ÀfuY'W old giffdm saw fbp genm.driêandylihofrfierquiet "n frr ewlST ou' t, utslep ' fe lmst eramel. Bs roe oinfe 'meudsagait Y o n 'Pt- intu-it filafso luifi chli.. Grs; obsbiîst o'airchnuufriees. A?'g4ui i 't~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ýr frr bs.7. udflscyva Mylul rrtvo o fludapor litl e si<t wae siun 1 le nittîsrel fiail murder20 fier.' . f and e ad-ne W lwl fe n 10r i e u ai Mdgsfi Ld tatel ýfo. - ; oWdad . "n wfbNiîied y~~~~~~~~~~~r) puti tfi fn xlmton upoe o sud augivh -fù iltng Iii 'fla#o a, sud e fl to bis (mt fieri to-Wapeair tiveber; t or -ugniafi-ho ad v e vayhe e 's remyoi n e eguungib: uytae y Qh ni il nglo aibi foar4tius; i.ha ýù d e.ýe Rmî de u àre aiil'; 'lô d iu 1 my car o. trainng:ioôm for.li ed ovt film.- are fiunhory fr atleuersk i. lai g laf' oohènkrotd ui, s utd,, h Sa oncermoi ar e tr.uj o' imll n pita e ig mi0i hevanoace damacîd figuë re porar.i*me à,st8 aan~std 'a Pbët iui y o isvi# fiteid ÃŽ,huo flnsb*,tck 'ank b ie. h topk y ml iia te.ý' S e wo ivf't r kne 'et tge fadg e 'ald, luadtoedo fl a b, wlulle Made boP1î iebrng ed bsofacebitte de'atfi rot getosu tossed thee id munw-i refl] infraits lir o eae-voudor -ifs P undyinganr. feratii <;co do n oursten-li da pofeeas rea m y hlu fe f the itr t.prt ornteado le face. bisLot ye ke pu isey'aack w yu,arativeulf o bis10 ry'. thon odd n k- cried, CrMnîy ; 'utpo ul> a on. i Util e i'r 'i Is en irulr etd adere buce!.'i,.T'hann oruomlle asuofi a paie. for < ie Inina rtcMaOdre i help m tae suive toh!e ad.t hi joiy? wçsuin, the ptg-lrd Iy dsriiget bi, ie v.la gous Y-t' ise are Peter', iilgar erprasd 'Yu o'îloemotion ; pouvut' I ifot i ne.I eeje~itd seud me avayl'osudtlier ta i grov1 livd Pte-te Icd on ie sli arTe et nd ber bru.aat flosved, am fipe voft o p ota tpur', eofî> - ofes -ns fol grt6,ov mo aolt'r folowsuHaievy .' g ii l tuai <was pnsêiîug 1 t oyu kt;ov flov vfioiid baenîirey, ndrmanferwu, iner Leavnibne eat ytalx&d 0d'00 ier 4 ton t is belarusi av lvo ft veerbl up qtuày udxpte'M pcaren bousudlatbed ,i4 d i of utautlxed argpéfoan'd ln'dr-and ~ cel id fstbnî a. bish ta as. love flp ere Iý'npo n y Ptugiifeerqr4 th ca~up'ital, lin# tat tmh ik fclandp? ws ;t rfigue camerbriq lTh 4flsi (ap oervobimtll, a blad u et va ft oo ep taprit'bs ofeîult ardreie offiat mouiug, mid if. îa tnge, vashe aleu1e 'oàalee tuu apdoaîiue foefm ah ilgurage cf fier b.dri. ukt k. soadutmu atoun eacoiPitint-rto ffe To aicrse b, mul yat eadgluoesa y, hOue her 9St lot il fou, heIcne~frs o- b ae e t sme a*hould uoîseboiýto, .ko;rýIimoa h sdowne baisî.ihn isad~dink fr antud - to n wii.acp xts u'ii ~h auiug aIl, d' Ic~ita,,its bah sdl neeeiltusI -nocent frile el taun ý i tu4pyaqîn cer. If M'mè aut dîrI il ssi voutlivho brd Êiw ear 'i g¶ry ildufigeint over aeci,' for téii ally ; 6 téoi s'hal t n rnbs lu ittlériaid hav beha fgtota vs or ie l nexi dm 1' haït; I éon cue l l i tSèbcid' a ndslaou'ttl"'éii'n ddilgm s'obitoe l'u gadwif j jIlviiiihuI ttelq oif Peter'$ vuIgareprer. thou bori lorvintlu a ;slai. <-F't.t 8 àfO mHeIfswf1atmiSh lie SI iaciItliv . xnlvi m . Ln~4 ita th#. fviuvw-, Iwo thim got ske. iovsr ,i s! Ip 1

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