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Whitby Chronicle, 26 May 1864, p. 4

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aiw Îgtkré s bliudid ber. Sm1cv.d ti top vrlaiiqand blde ber pale face on Z: uba'e holder. They ve qau *. sorW inlaesch otber tuat tii.y bd sua bo~arth door open. The, 418 not cee 4s.ciir tuer. ln the osieu7 <10c, >as if imstgzdus old ma i vth remorse and! grief 'eonvulsiq*vÏry fÏatnre. Rit lips movedi but no unw4 carm. from thei,it seeemed m if t1hlm remoreand grief had awelled in Icbran~ad cdues! it. 14keye were *stanl upuon the vran, tear.atiaed face cf 'tue yong girl. With a&violent' etri he calmed hi& bandesud presses! hiecb dlie. tweea 'cli., us if te bep big brain front baratlai, and atteres! a h'llow gron.. 4what'c liai ?' Witîb a pierc*ndg, suddon screang wicb rang tbrong-i the room , madge vas lu his arme, crylng, cobbing, laughinir, vitk lier lips against his clitek, and! murmuring, d Paîlier, dear father L Th'aik Qed 1 thanir God Il 1Oh,. qadge, oeid ogv P 'r7 tO fcrgivo mee1 T know yen ide;but ob 1sy it, my Utfle M lewltom 1-have treated coe cme!ly. And! yo.. my con, vili net refuce tuy bacd.? Oh!1 Qed bleu yen botb and forgivee me. Blie sail t nqt wait six niontlis; ch.e sid I musc parnish Yeu for jour disohediene. But Oh, my dur. '¶ng, wili Qed ever forgive tue for bring. ing yen te thie ' Rie beld lier tiglt, and groat scaiding bears feli from hic eyes upo. her face. lis - r he!leart wu~ tom by thce irLht cf th.t pale, patient face, cgotinliko bis hlooming, dimplts! Madge. - Nover miiud, papa,' ellemis! ai lut, don's bo ce grieves! , it le ail riglit nowî sud I vould net have -bail it diffl'irent. We ibtail a sbard truggle, but. if hitaug-ht ina a preoicue leien ; it bau tau>rht us te trust and lean upen Gad, or lleavenly Pather. But liew dis! ye -End us outt Oh, Y knev ;, the note I wroî.' 1 Oh, my littie madge, whexi I hecded that money te Mrs. Eaeten fer the peer sul!ering mreture, little did 1 Dreani itvau for my oun darlitw. As, 1st doein te dinnor to.day Mrs. Euten Isandes! me jeur -precipue note. Your hand'vriting 1 1 jumped up viih a boud cry, npcttiig My chair, and rcclicd eut of îhi reeci. I eup, pose ticy thouglit me raid. But 1 have and! a xweet, freh leek cf jejous peso. came inte ?adee's eyes, eand- yen vould hare îhaiiied jour stars if yen could have seen it-that' aIL. They- couls! net go away that ight, tbocigh they bcd liard vork te percuade Mfr. Bolteit.toe uit. But Tory early next mcrningX, the, bleuted Chri.4tma meuîiug, Peter vent te tbat awful place. the pawn. brokerim, and redeemes! tieirimsrdroe i ih oome er the meney vhiéb 1Mr. Belton lied given te bic darie;. Then hie came, litile snsapeoting ibet the dainty ilk dresa that Madge wore lied jut been broglit from maoch a place. They ve,îld net tell hic; fer t wotld have reoeweýd aIl his grief. Theu the tes! landlady vas pais!. and! pre.eated vitb mach l1mb earticles cf furni. 'cure as tliey baid bouglit and! a baîf Lsud, half biapp3 faret;ell look wau taketi cf the' poor, lt!. roome, whieh bas! vitneused se mach sibfring, geommcli trust iii God, and! so-riuch happiiosa 'peter - yoncarryitIl akes! CQarry wiiat darlin r 'Wby my peiceslelouer G, dàear, Do y«ct tlt 1k I bJler part witbh I rte, t veut vith b te, and tio tesep. motiior, sahased ans! sorry. md.-moch cf It, and hIs! ber fa"e ovfr late ide. the grief abe feli vii.. che-.eaw and heard whvt ' tc meyouag tuip. tud anleres!. Ans! old M1r.' Boton'jnst -putbis armas round Mrs. Eaetcis ceck, and iiggd ber asif tee;vea blg doIl. and ho bail got ber i in,<"rer mioch;;ans!, farthermore, thaikes ber for 1helping bis daring by a presoat cof a pair cf bracelets trice. u big maamy maiaolee Ion over didn't cee ;fr!1 oemy rosdienver mv eue. I neyer dis. Msdge dis! not dre. cf ,relînquishing ber d.srly.bougiitselfrelisece, and! becen.. inde1dI Oh. sud'ber Iiter G., boti i mng. or*.]MAry a. Walker lanRtchcu<md. Tio s entureotuelady les aprispner at 'Wtstbmondbarlg e; eun slaptured ilear. Ohat'anoogcwhile in ngiprudently b.. r ond thelinos iapon Gq, MWIJok'c fevor. -ttsoe or& on. M'oçb lu als! to ba've been almctlnconmltbl-wbother t bhc basa cfhihm ~e tor bitfemale 'taawboeiea" it is nt statd. Thoe babmosid Ememin.. or qLApril 28tli thusspeaks cf. the, mac. ner lu vblab Dr. Mary bears ber confine. 1XmDr. Mary E. WiLlker, the Yankee srfccness, teo.oiàcsotnuation ýwordî $TEARU BOAT NOTICE!! THEE W FAST SL'A.G'JING STEAMER ROCHIESTER, (JAPT. W. T. ORPBEN;WOOD, Wflt emnmoenoo rtnu eirto ohos.tor on the 0>i4th of APRIL, 84f' prom thie fttcvtne Ports ovory Meontdy, SVcd- nesdaynil Vrtday, icavng Br*iucltot a.........-....7a. in. t'Olhturueat ............... .....8.3011.1n. Cîoiminst ................... l. .l P'ort hlope et ...................11 a. ni. Dtroct.fnr ROCIIE$TK.R, arriviither in fi -e, ifienimect wi tthe New York Ccutrâl Rtlilried frr l1 peinteaEBut caidWest, sud the Ainorioan lije cf xteamersoti gh; Eug. and! Weft et> tthe 1 le',' of t ie i lit lterie. N. 1.-Thli Ru'chmtu<c:will rt on tjeo came rotute, on t,, t itt esc' itne as lest yoîar. tutiti t'eq'ti , lieor làcopel!. tj-r cvery Tiisslny, ITii rsdiîv aid atiir4lity, lit 8-8-1 n. mn..diréect tor 'irt. Hope, end th û aivuve 'u'iil'OI pcce, cinloo:iiig witlî the Griiid 't'rit ik îtirce!, ai the Royaîl Mail Stuienuers Aiur àliiipaîrts East aticit IVot. Amîrleso muitoy takon et tic onrreiît ite. Vallin ,Fire 82 Mi, Dock $2, monle extro Ait huî'.rgi i'ont the riek of tté owre, cs oebok cdt asd pidl'for. F-,r i*rtlier partentiireoquirecf. qr, E. . Prootor, or W. Qtck, Preaqti'tie ; J. Kooitr, &3lbfern,;cliartes Eiiiott, coticuir, mibeerrA. ercI 2.158. À C(lION BUSINESS. ELIASTUS KESTElR Llreneit Auctisdneer, Vluter ad' A frli)N SALES sud Valuttitiie ii n11V peut'tt cf tit iiui tetofOttiriii îtteni'd te fin ,'itorrecirîiu..Ceeu stvaieni)o <îet rttii'lfor otite. Pr, 'u'rî t C.iViî,iuiot, lii, and Saint. et m~ui tiltci. and t'roic iliidc kîivii ett IIs Brolitlu, Marh 21, 1804. 11.17 309006 PEUT 0Y ALSO, Pine Rail & Piekets. FOR LSALE By btiteunudcridgne'l W*&LI&M STEPtt.IMNSN, Lut No. 4, Ittu Coiu,.Wtulhuv, Uhancery Notice to OREDmitOs. IN OHANCERY.- iu tho malter of the cataie cf Robert ryic, lIme of tiie tovu. sbip tof Beach, i. the Coeunîy of Ontario, fariner, deemes!. Mary JaneBlytit, aià John Biyt1t, Georgerime, <an origitisl par. ty) ais!P* ehrlrvine, Robert Danipl Irvine, John Meggenldge and Jace >lokpedge is vife, ÂIs:cuider Camsrtis sud Mary Elsa <3meron bis vif., Esiher Jae R-ie ebecca Sophia. Ir. vi» nd se! MrgaretIryle, Cm4br- erluo carlice Tuvine aid -Ange- lies rime,.the last " ce beiug infants nuder the ag. cf twenîy Que yeare (mas!. parties lu the mter'&<m fc. ) ou-nset toean ýrudr umaele lu thti nuaiteu-bï .thou Cccii cf Ctuueuyfeu- "'or Cetei the cr1A*ttere cf tue 'il RQBRTIRVINE. ý,L* otof *aTownabilp ocf ea nth le Cont> efr Octtane, Variler (whc died lu tieinicuili1cf Augtist 1l1ti I)moifore bec cof thaclock Ilu the foreuepn cf r 4£c4ýl1*g %fti m mJ doyfMay, 18Bu te cen andl prove their 'ate befere tIhe -uitttoruod Muster extrusrîinsry of the csid (ourt nt fty UChambeors le the IN0 TRE CO>UNTY OF ON'TARIOf, Or ln slefait theyeof, tey c'lll le pieomptoti. IV exlnded 'the beuaeit cf tihlm cer.'Ans! Tee orfthe ebook lu the. frenecur ."id twenty- seret dey of Msay1864 ah uuy cals!Chemberm im sppîite& f-r prucemdîtec ui-lue sais! olelup neud In tfao eroe ijosed thue cenit "II lie icard ans! ejdilca Mnu tcemy eqid Chailtccbm e ckWb fars' neto Wednsda y,lhbe Ilrst day of June * bit Dmed th.vineteent ay of yApffl A D,! 64 -GEO. IB. D TËt EDWAED FITZGERALD. pwalotff' Sietr, - M TO TE£ XNqAB1TAITS r-' THÉ ~bA OP ?TRE COIINTIES OF ÏRj, ~~ OUWAB~ WlrýW n-e~e >ieyiuulu - ulrui TNtondonumiy licers, tuanke te tise lutha' l1enetehi' fDnrfSl l Ibut t 0 Ce ouli-tecf k 'elaid Preeý th~*e »af fr m Jfalling o Outario, for the nai y favorit îoferred upon Ë me diu1ing pett youre, 1egaien conte befou-.ytiut AUfti S m i aleto ugyontisrthcn euppnit ans! coufdenceT U '~ N1A~ ~  S I llever b h oty dtty o-merilthat con f- y tis,àiogOàfr" dec enouhave ce oheorfulîyeonfltled l1%nme. eB ou o Prompttndgoner d uthe crctee4t atontion tebuInss yl > ibiueenaeýlbalil akbeo dcrotc ontinucuce. Suùhl as RinrWom Ail o-deu-« toît -t the Co.'ifel difeb 'ero gWem o. e ratitel. iunît daye lilxu,, wthcnt ti'etreuhbeuof t01'Ofnilii t.ffeotntlly h<tut e:eR il4 fthe s:lp Ni.meoc ortifleste fu-oitei otreepeeliý silo')anrties ln the Province-Ent st ruts!We- OR11 SALE, p"r,_ilecaeceon of' 1-beunï4ouig4gdlaette 'Nesy teries, Sottth-iiale'LtN.' raoluat' ()the hIdi Cen. cf Brocrk-80 O s es i Fe cl e taeP Alfuo brklu; it-k (Ief eti. r. - Wsleiuskere, Pltae' ieI'Mi, JO),îEPl M t'EDr . get, fnaei>t( 'duee r4oeér. Port Or te a? tIi-v. tlopr'tenues Il.ttrrta, Wlulittvsu!l'at J AM tS heCllEIOl IT, ueteýheIrgnc'tiuoguu îePe-c- Duittrtti'. Sus re,îc'etcpropittoransuiuilmii- Minet 8, 101:4. e facturer,t STOY VES CHIIAPER, TRUAIN l 'VR. piI ' t 1ïl','SO i KA N 1) nîE T E-< lare, &Ct..euh tc e cciiii t tuu ' rc utV I ti' tire,4 t'if ,'v6Te.r e i'tî'iinîltiv und let sl Prloe. ,The~o 1(p lui r u w 1pattern Stcvvîi TUE KING 0OP87!OVES,- IRON DUKE, -GRAND TRUNK, * PRINCE ALBER7e DA VVY "ROCIErT, PROTECTIONVIST, 4c wcnl ani sd Sec. WILLIAM BRYA>N. Wtitbyl Marli 2, 18,84. M-Y MONEY* TO LENi) -e *1 î _A 4 .W,-. .N,ý Bewuet'ile AP-i 4.104. uwlauvi'The suliséribers are no w peruîpgup a, larpe ýtd weIl se4ectcd ti PHoeNIX -Scko- FIR 1WASSURANCE (104 $A t 1 F AN 0 .-- iY e9 LotAl'wlwR&IuRI(~R~S Orstcs f )cs GosSawls, Mandtes, and -New Millineî-y, a -e-very-cqmplete.t French Kid Gloves, ESTBLISIIED IN 1782. u1 rREO>D Y- M JE CL O -TII G, SilE1IMOFWiATT '& CM., Aci. JAMES IIDAVISIIN. lMatigr. T[NSUUA NCFi egaiici 1.1155 b>' FtIRE tr Ihli~lu.lii tii' iîst -fivôrauin truis. îî, L/)S S,1F tu'It)'i th onti ofretrînea Lçt eoUM Sii Londoni. 1 niu. Act< aio WITrII OUR IJSUAL, iSètock of Fgamîily GrGceries, Wiîes& Spirits, Field andl,Gar4en Seed.'i, ý'i hihy April l9th, 1864. T Il E pcmthi ialf of Lot Ne. 7liitti'p' "ut,. ef Mar;î, Coîînty cf(>uîerio muiti !g ]Ot' -Forirtieulere apply (if hy lettu- i'uit t liu ii t't& 'r , it i. VMNGAIUl<VINEGS&R! SITE 1JNDEISINED SlAS FOI'4. AL T Viluuîtir cf tihesi elît ,îuifitr b-e hituîeell-mi thepromiseséD"a Sft Solil; itre iuts!eînîuai qiciititi,,-c. îtIu'l'cPe, tt r tedl. Biltiu e.p.suut i'tt ~ oî tieie,-n ui t1em tuons!hy tipuiurttcit ' thei bcileveTor beii h o Wihitlhy, May 9, 1842.1 TU1E (tIRLERRATEI) 1 1h i'-ritulercime ahocr41e eIrtsnt levîî0 tien* t114e1iht of'seh4 le- ti tYro for suie <'thef for 'owiulîlsps or cutioilos I n.de4iît ut le llltrilrWo vril th wrtf1. s Labour-Savln& ,Invention, ILhli aleoi)the frilitiinoesir ît c-.l bd. ce io n i to mauf"iettîraent lte ti i uî lt, fuonithe seau-iy nu the oCrut - cay iltthc smtertal, t nu minaitroecoin THE-ZOO~P 18-S~TRONGER, Aud l t iticuer thlui the' ptli'uery Ilîcp. A t Coper ecti <al. îrummfoir te flvehru per day uacr shtuu withth beriltinu->' pît -il . ONE THOUSAND 1-OOPS, Wiil make lit lemt foenni-tte illeetý- eclit herrele0; t bol-bs berrels iiftuttr ani l Î tee for %ihlpp!n«7, &ci. Wltt-r'feee t e in line bac h--e btigue, ILlin ipv.îs le liti aiut "»-COMPLETS SATISF.ICTIONl The, pripir sets tfup tue- <ue'>iuue. hzeîtro nïtiht v rfer hi* ewsîtimfe c1inekt tne unone> util ho evý loicoi plefIt ,rýUvr ortr. Fi~, ,tuefte Ca,u 4it ilcu4,m .on.efr -lie votidece nf th ligar. se anit n>ptetili yu astis- fy alit> peseteal m".en. Anle er.WellisugtOn lqur; Wrn Qaunot.m'îuy'e;stahiukuuuuClîfveu'u v ufiîiBelt ire;W.i .Hogjc, Ycu-k xii*Noo treet. Apply te the proprieor sllaîmentee, WlIAR'S' -BA'LSÀM C:> HfALF, 4 CENMYVýY, .0S Wîtlî the ost eulliu1ocel prn :eCougbm, Coldtl, lierconeer,' Sore Tbroat, Influenza.Woeoping Cougb,- Croup$ Li4ver VCao ultitp Breut-~ chaitfli, iieulst*,<of e'na Chest, HAMILTON & cý-Co. 12 O--DON----- g AND) MAN.UFACTURER 0F W- HaS 1LMOVE1D TO PORD'S OLI) 8TA2&D- »ROÇKI STREET, WIIITBY. .-Offers the, fbllowingý STYLES OF CUJTTERIS, viz: Cantadian 1>ateniýt-FroitL Arnerican J'umper; U[wo-seate( PIeasure SIeirYIS Por'tlaùd CI.ttters, ~ Ail of which hlie is sllin.ýt, r.adl edutd Pie for Cash or n.ppîovedcredit..S e .èyietÇR(.Eoe adc- ered, which wilI besold very lOýw. T good'-secondhanld Çigs and two sets hei-vy BùDbs. 3 Will&d excellent and con venieit'a<comxitodatiohn. Witla aYew Yards of thýe RàlW Hi. ?W~&Parlors -ÂDDUESS WINDSOR'8S QUADRILLE. BAN]) ADDHESS HIRAX WINDSOR,: FOR THE BESr & Cýl-PEST GO TO 6t- GERRIS PR UG 2BiO.RE Chimneys, Globec, Blindes, Broche*, JAME2 H. GERRLIE. %Vhitiy, jan 13, 180q4. BUTCIIER'S MEAT!1 I -tDONALD, the betelier. hors tca- À1tiec thlit ho titlil oehii)g wh4te do with theo tîe lu hiehholauddi nema iii Brook Strt-et, fUc i. îîPw tue weÇrk ml .it uwIîl Oôk. aus! ilitendo te I& paddto lits qwiî ciienoe" Partp iî istiL tu tehave freetu Mîît oft the t qcîitty enptutied nt tijeir deer, wit] laver, aud niidurtfskes te.give catiir ltation,. Ment mii u ohttidii.the stiorihcr's ho .(iiéxt tute ic 'uîîry, aii-i tiets. 12 WM. MACDONALD, Butchor. oitjitteq te tircet. Syptilil and other Di. cOette cf a privît.e Naurdle,. At 748 (Offlee, crnecir qfB«ey irt-i Add4i ide ,Ste, up 'tair i4ntraîieeoui Aielailp, t tie lts 4devottus!yoiîrs te tliei ' ret men'ît cf tluevariocei forme of the Vencroal dit4oececa. and! b>'Mlite etitiitir p-iicoleinug ts e rst t ctemeare Seeuiar y S'phi l poucnçes! :hy q uîery fuyieuîs se uorale, oe l'ebceffecttuai- Iy 'urod tIy lite iuîfîtIibie romedie. -Ypiintimen. %is'ýliluive faeBen vicLhne to.tile dréodfut eti c laneo SItjtecl ie reerve muuidiao rliefh> ýeppyIiagte Dr. putienteen Udisltance trîttes! hy tIer, and! iclncent te any putirtcf flite oieetry 0on Te- qeipLO ca reoîiîto e ýO, , Porecîje 'Viliitg te counit t lu1a J)otr Otil dio ewitth tl it tîn; eeteoy, lse itie- office lut go iirisîtgeii ihiatle It n hntIle for pstiitstt scewi catu ter. ubes b ýv cosent. Adeie Ail 'btceiitth addroe'ted, (peet-ýpalul,) t. )til.4, M. TD., Toi-ento. (0. W.4 tins! coton e-.......m.i.......r c d sjed 27 - ]IRST PRIZ!E SEWING MACHI1NES .,Appiloall VLERy P'Véry fluet ,eont growsîng dmrett; in the>5<0 "tnoe alla ne etlTor lrocanty"aue celil'1:fter hottliiiioeto folI#ite. Tiaere arc-abouat .1:1. ir&&clAires! ther otir and-the pmaindetr ue weilÎ7atapod forpr CONIPl4WT SUGAR. BUSH. '-'Ilie latud te ebliwafere4d ' he sol] excellent. Thorcare un the premisoîs tvo Leir leubtS and 0<0 eg- Beruî-lîî e vers!- the golirs te c&tl Pa t fecgii d nt tu le y 1 w A c re L o ts . T l mle it ii nto d itîcut clieou cubie rom- Cqllliigwod, and urtoit ilime ftein SeeyuorStatlte. -- Alec, thie W,.t half cf Loti 1002, !il tho Sîli Cocteseicf Me(iliite, çontiining 100 Acres loeiiioo Land, liiviug abeantlful ;,naeêhcrlthv situiittuiid Seiot etu-, ;wtth li on eot 45 ~ ~ Tit tto 1ivu. Pmslot lsItn t iavery floîîrielîlng tartof the 3lu', oles'eiîtmlles frcm the viltiig cf Oiliî-erms e uie. l Fibî,rtter ti>tîtuhmrtil ypy 3eiqo nh- sierer, nor ifett pot l514Wnfdt BOX 48, Barric Potnt Office. - A. LANG. Barrie, Fota. 12. 18<14. - Che (Jelebrated &erman 011! C UltES ente, biuicsos, frest bites, rtinniug i. s ore, and! #11lkinde ffle,îseonide. it !e tue grolitest romoedy kcu ~e1 ali iidsc tundssand tqoremia,1~ba Thee r.lm le loliblo ter rottc2vigeucree iiul cattîne slffc!lcg frpa4u.- i' 1 Irotnttlicuiiudeof esiunec4te the uûfllttcy cf thleinvufl'b rom dy 1h t4 elow. ;" ha-výe uil dYcur oilt Absiclaix yos-re, and rni setiýfleîl that it te u noquaites! for tioultug cote, eas! oerbig freePt-bitei.s. teefteey l eqiliygi oit ajupliod te mu qbettI To A. KuoOWL.s, Fmq. Pickering, lob. 12, 1861. l1ii jtuoo cete, von, and! amja dcl>'1 oeotho ctehi'iîtoil(iermnn .1< -My litho ýgirl gel ce- Verelv ,êgaies oýmnno eà ttihat -her reovcry, et'i btf:û, but h7 the timo1ý' application cf- your oil S cu2> u nov oinpILetel'ýredri. - M.ATTUJSW S'VALLOVi, Jr. - D&st $ite-lc jodlie. tiiYOn, and! the pub. l1i-11 Iii glîerâl1 i liut lt rigliîta le rnenéî,<l ytr coieLraWterrmWtOip, irAt4 ocre cf clits, hricie, freet bteml, &o., iseq<uîciy tflie- cloue whltaipplieetto maii or boni. , E'rJER R.f>YI? DEAB SI.- Iniit!Cno «tne, aend'ae c dty love :oth-i pubÎle, 1 blîlnje lbriglit to rpecem. inetus yo r celebrateol Germin<>011,fbr the oc re o!fiee.btteim, iiu bruiWca,iu&.d,u-fIMef or or long eitu:uudtug. -~ Pickerinîg, Fehetfr e182.'.. .11 ISEWINC MAtÇHfNEL8 Ine( WAN'ZEIJR'Ico!ffïATOçéf rl T tilt (lN'LY- 1>RIZIC tîveruet1 fe)r Finît> JLSowiiiitAr fchitité uv tl ihoJnd*estt t'!t .1 env neultl:,heinJ, ld in London, 24tn, 2it;tl. 24ti aîîul t7tlt, sens gi vuu te 1R. T1ýitiaul, tcek the- flnt r û futi1tu! C uluu tkî, altaitPrcviîuel Fiidl7r hleut ai oreplZ rrruoli".t. 22"--28,24, 25 <tii>! 28flitsis!(oui the aie iret pneu za mawarded to theirblilagerIfor Ia prou *rii it ctoer . . . -I i je TUi. irtîEetrreusizc wapi a)ogiven for No.. coes!e iaîîd 2 Siisugcr.m Mal unottrig -Maohlu1ase. -Prlzes'-)f usieîii#roitaîtr w oreluouîuvrdcd yuico' r&ele fsaity &aviuî, 4iMuaiwur -- wi~ictitj 1 1 !, ea zyp 1 -illi'. 1, výr,,,t. Ti

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