Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jun 1864, p. 1

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At l itm 'ng L -ltI mnt Brook Stre'et, Whitby, WNeit Deer te uhe Reglmtry OUateb IrERN8 st 60 ?ER ANNIm( With em Pri* ADVERTISEMENB! VL, 1u LL Ativartîsenita nteamred t ôtiar. ol 1.1 ad isiarted i sItIi.rite ai 8 Oltà' pin f Aut, lr*t asertignt, sand 2 enta par lina, oscit RROOKLII< nous£. tOIECA I Iabseei ngmti -tXERIL I sieia Cntact ta e ith aitvertiants lty ~CL N E ~mossazWls Motir dsecdtitnuioadvertaarmnts fi t AM îtatEPOpi b.a lu writtag. -9 hî11 atken the 'I Brooklian . CL.RIuem on for .11 lleokiu ilage vbre o l ln -& Uahod tmbting and attentýýç, 9ç te aie 81mil i friendst. 'lihoproiiset art Wolf 5 candc.eia"d tmeilamueîs, jsta heo nop mm tots ta hîaas oIas e oas UTrsivmamrP.s...- nnw.O oattoXu RANK - Oý MONTREAL, wlti'rnv flRANCI. $TAINE ctAIÇS WOktKne W. BtfLLOCK, twToronta W orks, 75 Tostuse Strost, Toront4. M&RRITRR& AftnfRKrYR AT LA* IqA8itmirs *te lhb B hidioftMontreal. ud mt oniii os' Cntro, Whithy, C. W. ýW OMM$ .saIthe.Court ITone-Ronili Wtttf. GU91ORCS t. »AItlKflILL, B 3ARUtTER, ATTORINEY CONVEYAX co,&n.&. Ottes ,xanf!v opposite Lima hcgsîr îî¶im, irokStreet Whîty J6 V. itÂli, bIITRRZ-AT-L-AW. OrICE-BROCXt w>sltreet, W'tmeltby, 0. W. t ~Xiiti$ E1tANI) AroIINEY-AT-LAW. Vi>Oteeit-.pposia the htaglatry Office. Break street, Wtîttby.I 13,AI118ERSAttomneyx, golicitarst, &o. -1 eser4misrance Buldi-sgs thcteh 8trait, Tomito, C. W. ANtU85tttlNî~. 1I. A. SAMPSo11. At Liil)y1s taesysts' roat, tlandy's ta bletse the hast, Saut>". gond acnmmodiaon tisw'î ha haut lu aIl tiesammtion. 'l'h.timeroas t1isends of'i Sansiy-mli AI'saakod te glas hi. houesa cati. AUEX.PEERIÉ. OntAgmaltieg JUS]& nItaitaunat C ittRcîîi T REIt12 ()POPtStTE St Jitzte' C iaetirsaf1) lamanue nnr trn Ilkt-psut Tweir a toTi.;; oit Lu:bchea,gup1mers,& sic.. ut u it oma.Waa Liîquora, ails, of tlis eIbrandit. JuIfl MI T (L.am .IlbOSi-!isf4) lteomsîgo GLOBES-IOTF~L Tlitib:ovia-fi ttnit*m, "laIdestabishem Tltad peaiitiesisava he n put-abit Iw the auhacrtbem, vhsm-.-hi viii 1mtway* ha fo'tmad îon tanai resdy toasttend petsm$itily t) the vant osia a!li ietA, &o. Th- premis, he issueonvenieatily mud Onmfortmhisltîtum4 up i painisd, paperemi, ta. vit oli*enmi, '1morsat 5'tc w vah, -satcersa inmmermn iumpnvpnm<mut ta m i-se th i mivetism imîme <uring hiAtsuy, mmnd tsehle b Utî ly suppliade Iil t timura. Notice to Farenies and thort Lij lots Wlimeii.le simd Ihtail. sarn'Vti- IV t'ios', v tall oit ir hirpeit-, MeNattonn Si lit, C(CIIita-NE, L. L- n. Wt1takey. -tn . mil'o'13 î 7s Tsv'uk aersppiemi vituei. (;*va, camme) ti EkBtni-for anse mitta . nt apsîn cl a.' itAsa. a"'OUNTV iO NAT>IE UtO iia m i iit-r0- t t rimstimmta. l-b the i'er.o*nea ttem. 5owayot' t tanm, V tarin.m lhîrrntterm uni.- tîteiv.-,-t.av, gu Attammtirmva(etra, a tiorme, taSlire, ante, aaIstetiny bieli. ta taiek mre>tam tiottar un <'ltta-t o, Noaty Pble c-~J h Iarotoa. OtiMue-tus tiigutov'ms New itiitilig, Diaî'mti A. ALEXANDFUMI.AR) 1tnatW )atV. -puopkittor. __ 11 R-lr kiln, Jan. 27tIh, t84. 4 'etint,. ou. ()et. tardl, 191. '41 îLL. - To the Travelling publie. lrltUtI'tF GISTRAU, MASTERitEXTRA- S T A(I.E 1-tOU S ,. I. ordlmîmty,iaida xummîlier in (1hanemy for AiL.tiE.css4m .hvag5-sidtsePsi lieCuuivo'miirairneca-*t., whithy. 0 MLacs iast..lv Ocsa-uoisinhrT.Eîîh,5n he kfm R(tOL'hT J. IVLViON.isAAC P'ENTOY4, l'iiAt5n' EpsO-ied an-I iiaviig 8* ltise ROnR Je-LSN.o tyle, lq nosjmpms t Onm't ARRts'utl&tsiArroRtNEYAT LAW, Proprîsuor. ahi thlmb40tlm. iuns ctil, e 5te 1>Sotiettnrimi acsmeer', '&e. Whttbv C W. T EST W-lamauJitil a ni,; qu rin on keepi ne nothing bit Tl-. n 'tôl tras eo%,,irnXtablluntidT119tE iluOr 0 Lli<UO1tS .àCIGAItS -- -----matentive ifotiot-. 1 n- i sI iih trmsaîvt i i.M. tAItV>15, 'In__________ho_________ithit B Mhlltl-STRit.&T-LANY ANtD SOICITtI - iteuiuoftte eon. An attentive O(Ati.a- T__F4,_L.svusv, ymmmiO. u edîbr ~e'dforusbly accen- . 1. ct. uOti , JAMES BLAcIC , J tAmI.TnN, 1.ATTo'R'Ige 'AT ta-AW, SaîL(TTdIRt 1 )1-4mnritor. 2.ng, .I'op2s A.Clmrmemqv, la-nvsvarnder d'-., amer Lowoo, ti owellN', $a-re, Wbltby. d. W. 49 EAUT WINDSOR MOUlE, Waltu'B, W OO N s 140 T E L. ) TRN F VI; - AT- L.AW. SOIhlCITORtS IN ri n oeHtll iMtdi lotn St>. Caîmcra -"-anvîmmace,, te.<>L-, rotireti part of ths e vîlt. on the l'cnro<a<j WOOff & UEO lIER0lt ivr ii imoa-Ii hadoc Sret Wsj.Go<h1 sitmtaflunmlaioa inn traveiisurs. 0Goo1,J-' r7tleC. ýIcT ec a- treAet, ."Steblilngand attentivecatera. 22 NorthuDr ai i*saaU tama-rla-taam, Wltity, c. W. VICTORiA MOTEL. diWA5UnUeOmy taW. 110,"t¶' o>w. -- - - -'aiatNs ALias A 'tEYAT LAAW, SLCI9I vW m. 1Boyîstnn'.>e U7e 07qt. - 5 B k, C, %V.AMMI-OA1ERICAN MOTEL. .1.JIIttItORIENOo, rsts~ abza. L lR. IL . MOW, 76@rtC. ) Tri UTltN Y-AT- LA W. SOLICIOR IN T11Fti.'lhraite ptme aboya oi OLEIONS a=de for pdi'hitierx, ler. 0imuntr>', iotary bic1i, 0nvyBîmcer, eatahishedholantlvti ha Cfilr Ii("ehsut hysieaix -,Mi e4 ts,,ln Yot.001 avoma eW,"""c" -ntmudaton te tihe travelling publle. Qatu-Ohuow, M 'TMnot and etis 6ext tu, Rw?'-tri lItiee, mimal1rnek ta ýtIr-4A alQve Iint a eaul. <(40Md tablg mm"dtcaLtai,,16 iu teluaalm,1.a4adan A-1- __s esîssmoa ,sp endid lotoe Claver Patridiioa, Wiiti Ducha anti Vinluon. SIIÈLL À14D CAN OYSTER83, Lobitami, s&c., Whaiaauie ati Ratait. CtAR(LISLE & MortONirE. RUJSSEI7-iS-IOTEL, %il tun drittt.4 Prcuprieor: os'r o hv tireOR.bsiub5psatfohiy te snpnlte ulietr frioeusanmd Dpatroshtlrti tiihafe theo tue tul<l., hlehenules thetu nov t» effet ta tbs Mem4" aos' the Lsoeisiattlte,samd thse Tu4. vOiliht P1111110 tssevlor aSccumoatiort.lu addition ttuthes apmmuentà the a bt! am.tvin. ter. they liia to 0 Piais mndiBed.rootIsa ia'tre hzOtfi. nesu tue tintai. Whlah, for cauntori sud. oon9nletea, ore uns-urpuset la îhe oit>'. WU. RIIS9LL à SON. Qnqmeo. ,Mat-emI.lii Northera IloteI Oannlngton. ' ie ilocaminr hnAitiema ut thc chose fayot aiaiy knr*n 1 tai basmnâared It rieeffaa','tut t'le e4ahpet ber o enilarra il. promises. flh,, minie eqn to a c-iimidcmabie citent, and mnade rnîhf 1eatmtl an id imprdYsmena to pn et qMI firthAr the timfori,'. sAcomodAîlon or iii. alesgta. VIse îuc.aStabla prvimhetiih1 th. 4pei.,l u gn ssi.aisd none 4itt Il e*t brut,m stei wtds pat ioagas ail untiriag WHITBY, Ca W., 'i t tao ubor~e - JOUX IUILLINqG% OtI'e. mue Abert, t*o shoota vas'.os C omit. tore. 12 J. W. C"LI)WÊ~L IfittW, cIONVFYANCEIu, C<>MMi$sotNER ik>tt t tmlln ilk MIaivitx, Awenittut, Luil DlVI %[on Court, N'îtîtryPubhiceand Uonta ltt Uxbrîiir. <>lte-.Kt- nmn gts'et, noaaly opposite N .-ittmnes, .suts'umted te bises e *l11 t> ra u ttendei tn.sil (iIIINVtYA %114 mmmd ommipsloner lu Q1. B.&c., &e. Debua aoolletad on tisa mon sasoisabis terni*,and peomnpt remittaces Boavertout, lSept. 10, 5141. 35 B. W. CLARSU, PM. 1). - CARTON MOTE]L, Dmcumodation for Trveiterm. W.CitTHERT 4.-SuProprieunt. W NILLA.0PZ JLfied antetrftýc!Îhg uiie, that ha Ito h y atîlat aiti-tto tlimlata, and b>' eu$lesvotlmg te do ahi ln hi. poSerlor tse onun- Sont antid t etseemo tatx,-to umarîai"ssie ofustbltcpatSne. Goomi Liquamu intCigala*. Ca*rtAort&ý4Mom.iounmdtloa formn andstil'aie, Ais -tantuhe and'usatiOtier alvays ltaiau tendane. S. CO74WAY, comai- «.mntlio, flet. 29. lusi. &rPitr iiametmOsodonr K-t or Yanolt ib iI4 14ou'e Sscore, iruc>k $trtmc, wtity.______44P IOE, -11. 90W31 &N. 1mtP 4IM'< LAT£ ()Y TITE NON. -g>tti'SIiAN SU<Gt-'.>NAND) AC<OU. el qimon iTottl, a msu iely of' Whitby, siq- P.C, - itEUlf-nscrecha, tPickerng. tArAi tl Io athie tnieistiansid the pdblic, Chat bo maianautlymttaiml.dd to, hasmeaiteti the miiova *eti.kr.n*n iltee. vlseh ______________________________ taInolait ifirttrate aider ion the reception cof 5-URGEiIINT TUTE ('OUNTY GAOILtehlufte. .> 0 Byr-on $treet, wtmttîy. 4_______ Grand Trrank ltitlîts*y 11. THOISAO DEYERELb SoM*d#o Ud Dp, otWA4u8.) Ut LDE U c. CtOREEN s5?EET, Hf u*eie alqý ptg b#jwi JOuNx EgtALF, cmaoaaltoveiuielea-,left ln char" l'i the Nimtai viii n1LERK a)F VIlE FIFTI I VISiONCOURIT, ho ropnt ed fon, avaitttgthIe artnioaha of' iin -l.Tovnitsp Bok. Ad. timeovra i SYthse CanaEsat mIn Keut. Uood ênass: C nnnglton. 1 d Stabliig, anti cres'uliattentin, ROBR? I~RRe. Whitîy, Apmrii 27, uSa. -ýP LERI< AND TRIIASURER ?f rHE-__ ___________ Tovuahlp o ni' eibtge. Atidroet ide NOW 19 TJ(R TIRE. A. PâtINSILM, 01T YOUR 2RLINE80 AT MERCIIANTTI,, RC IBT .A-lr!lo Wh T AIOBOCyT.T J .1 skshtprise Piatnre <ailar,ý YOR cedesre oreata sud. .ife-luke Anbro- LOUIgsS UB80 - -~type, Cameolype, tto rph. or Iffthos ttPnofen, o. Lknob l aLiemtBromab or "- lRTAURAKT.-Uorner cf V'tmli asdEx- lag, Ibm J. A. C. aie do itIn letise b t yle, T ' WN CERK téOREAqUICL W)CI'B oT%'a-Towv all, hIaaeaw-ff;ô 1o'ols. GOfG2 0COR K .' -EK FFORTTDIVISION COQURT, ofl id flttibb etc a n oh hLotsd U b doe, Oonvaysneav d, taie, tîbiail i- Ot ~jiTREAL MIS~E, 127 Klag St, Wes, R I ful nt5pied anti atend il a-i Yroto kne etMSONin!-e-- ~ A'fhAtDeolsm.Ohus, kitsy1.b.bandp~ B ROCl< TREhT, WHITY. q' an ade rsign c te ," toima e r ,' in hbis rtmit TItiat lie leteu tke te abve hotel, ltel, ktb b' M. Da,s, md tta liaty otrie at.tention ta business andou tise vanta of it nets, bykespiag # fruchea table, &P'd tW a1M thet ios' liquors lu Bsn, te matitI mur otpulicpatonge. Th tbuitigam stiod-moomjl% os' tho hast doseri pttntmj i.iid panefal and sto.tivo Ostlet vili bd lvae 1oatitiy mrc ii.Ipe BF E V ER E I I O I't I , C. DAWM5, --PRUpRIETOR. UlAVING'PURtCIIASED TIHE ÂBO1Vt ELL tintai bam rmnisctube premissi tisr,'allget, and fumntsbsd the Bar vith it Cholceat Liqorsuand Cigara Etery a iitsît'a îsl'itp -gasts.Stages ta Ond ftom Whtbic*dl daît>'. Cirefiti Ostiero iilviys tanasudnarso. 21 COMMERCIAL MOTEIL, Et-Je *aitT, oalAwÀà. EDWARD AJI<AND, I'raprehor. F ltST CASSbilliard Bo«o, (tva cof t'IShairpa iTables > ittasti.Go on tnetigtton toi traveilani. o1G3dacoa XIA3IR ]BRUS13A»D. JOHit D. iNnPUIls 8-Um1 Wni'trvt.t. WINDSOR'S QUADRILLE BAND, ADDICESS IIIRAN WINqDSOR, 8.4mn. BassoCI INSURANCE. T IE underutrned hlmhei ppniitd Agent lin thai ociity for abe follovîiîg llrsa.aiass 1 mimuralirei'onmpanic. ila wlimh tintaprspored t) sou- pt ritkis-flîs. lifa and marins%.- ie Edtsmburgk Lîfe Assnraise Ceasp-oty %i Liaerpool and Londons. The Montreal Pire !anmratee Conmpasip. le PrmviciatAsnrase Casmaiy. P. KELLER, Postrnuiair,Qha. Ciahava. Nov. 18, 163 British Amerleu Amurtiote Competty, I NCORPOR ATE)ndar smi ai liofiiheTiird CAPITAL £IOOOOO irsammace eîim.e.d an Balidisiga mo thel, souta. *-Evar>'itrntn sple tsp pîtnmtinm, tathe mtideroimnati. Marine Riaka Ibutho aanrffra JOlI N AN Travelling Agent, Byroim stirset, Whltb> EOItOr' OTL j L bo l at ' vasr's.> .,,waeaa su od m l)Md ILttýd andi ai" niemos.Wl, Liqa sdCgiso'ti ' osttesutve coUacLiva, atiitati rivre heteortdno vM,S liu tin év a. s., at vmiTavh e vend .40'pi8.00 - ahor*bve ai nda'tinMCOctn. (ltsud Truck l&vys i lb R1'oj 1, Adias mmSnlcauje t . t lsmtrwomlus itiOfo. MMiacga-.Lm*e & Cbaiubotiii l'mopnliioms Ctpaou dsu LJohn Vly PmhileCim! Ia'T«e, ?. aie.,-, o .'m ara bI~ .iltlatr, Wsoieu.BokuiBir ai ttoenmontreaidaId T'onltat. RMVDhip &.)160 tg ce onumrie Wtmltbly, Ja.IL 18<2 PARURR'ls INN, Â1titELur. L 8 TEIIL, pmpfiet ot. Thtli htel in hoistiittliy altsup en the o mac grin of Lasit 91moe, near the Nainove'brige 0enisunata -l sidti vev noftiseLaIe oud ouma rrolacissqes oscun>'. - Exsrtioa' I*la mt-)othea eub. prevlde -vmîbouta mat lslinig la"se.anti trisfable - *long the iîko m urovaW.1;of' lie beut doaatrption. 24 Tavsra Stand for Sale, ci Atboey tour tbe*Narumn Welttlaietdasuds goodtide. Appt h L. .TRLE, 011thtei.preasisese. TEROBSON KsouSe OIINIAS 811R 9ETn',WlgTry, c. W. -GEORGE £OmIo#, Proprlstat. rensha tr m, lu a- 'TÂVERN STAN» PRI VILLAGE of ÂflNINb,!Mr folIn vat , 7 a l eobin ,Oaudy the .V.W ÎIÏ.mof lit a v5erO nb J ~are Ï0 belle,. ithe lettbè wbich h. wrog< Y befor. he attempted to Poion biaiselt bhé ~was coceiïw, ttat hffr fiâit 'had'Sou ~ 5 iIoIuay.-..a1d tuis'fbeiag the cuase reasoiable mn would haveconcluded tha# - it wus àis doty to avenge ber wrnngs, ,anà by no Weans to kilt eitber ber br biaiseit. Aitogether tliis is the most îidéompr bc ' ". bis calte wIiehb u for' a long tidô . cerné before the pubio. To aliitogtevery tbeory wbich eau be-forrnud- conderning1ft thei* are objedtionb wbich ih lu diffiiuktdtaOvdje. cre f*e*suppose tbr bt bMr;as Mrs.Tregea erear o tfieir minds *d NO 1 tbey ufigde tbat êxîraordlnîry johit le; wesa *oSbit as flair as psil 4I,,~/it"the trutit, But the wbole 9:ory rddds likg C L 4 ~ 2 flor, %te fort là eei c T1ya e theeof - - , rccord an -,drea r fr in , h c i * lecdwmuer aet omaianded haro forÎhe bbeefiât oô tei T'h,, romance ot crime bststig alleged betrayer'againit whom be&n I s lo Mg.. aet be l 'b ey doa't gè<irily : éei, aa tar tan ttlai' hich ,racordu t he fnot at présent evidence iiîon bc vd etaba< OsdaTher anofsi y r. unicide of Mr., Gabril -Tragear. Tkilig bnho om beachcofthetiatjNor no Virionontd' coueo Dled Nor«no wuntenme the lact ,às Lb.y w.we Statad.i. e nq asta oachêir; 'nd a baby widow whg iay ho bo tlg o m su bd 6yNor îno Philharm onie c a t ' n up uar~find, b t of whom il t u' ir pa stl elMor ns ll oucemd Iddy Otherwis lae sPlaas-g.f 'a sb îçsgnature of the mIef.afir.asat iorcaial asppatbt È ', e h iri t T h evlied , e n b a n tin g . ta ot e ly w g te r. d er e r, it h e ' sî rY e ra l it e r 1ko 'th e oitn tv s a w â k f n i l w b s a b h 3 * e e t J u d ith , h o a s ud , c a p s p r a d b f r h ii o n a a y m o r b d o r e n s a dio e fo v e ls th o n a n r a t i vtonur c a ~ i a c f a e ~ t d r t i i àî ~ ~ ~ ~imUoae yoe sce.;aide.- Au 1 said bfoéf real-ba n&Laction. Ermteaae iiîbfrtevso neeyetrqet mntestaid-l hand whosa jealoaus' converteid bitta ly qas.t, lai butorett be recta 1t 40u F<ro a ti tite. mnic M' marineans dan grave lis qltui.te dryd à me th e nîbfore Yk ul ppair tut «Mr. ~iva aa. Thon taBac Z me, and died, dd poor Dlnais blues a 1gage ao i.TrÇgeAr was snaridd tWbis vite &Ooe ton ATrlngncet fhdWr %n.Thore le no post.offlce in the fort1 ýand liontha ago, lieo being thon tiayto monthandsdwoy À tsàm nh adadycorrepondence is lirnited. f'erbapit yonad d ie a itt1i aue It ît een yer* cf Wafinii the Co rria ipatch Et~ maaaruhadta a m; il)toknow oi I sent bis letter. ÀA ga. For mre ba ixyar st hdUnsie o*oh ^oubngnarrativa& qi 'a adryas bac, igen ~v fte aI n t t&dy ,and 1 at. be norhu d for the laet twe4va an incident' ln tha saeiga -of dËihalesiofi, Youag .Nlhiel Mlpno iaced tha lettes ta bis. ail. If yon get it4:flat.oet4ôeld ah. ba&Doneprcîtec. taken tramn the. ercary of the city; Man the *lo a i riv e, . - l elt ta ftedlerýr rfriand, ua1âe the- vidow ofthe pllysi. Tng Yankete fron t nea'retho 0Ppigeon ta acarrier.pigqoa, and You li5gWO lu" gvc>ber an asurq Jbs bhitotece, i a~y srit And atted, find uo'-"»ddod constat, W57 50t bima asitution Aus liatr.carraer -oas. alsice îi 'fe ir. er iîastânrvivýiïg mmid it4 But miafortane wiilld tuat yaé. vi, iasis iae heia~it, under7iPouimnaster ILincoln. PE.rent died. Itr.l regear vies ovily tiardy a @bet[ ebo'id tbraow'thise etiri tAnd Myforft éai our'Widille, 7 quira 1t airne chld wlteil iabobecamea a*ire, .comaunity fato> xnnrning. beguite Sml a 1114 ven issu fittad for the gober dutiso s ns Pmckans, ýthe daaghter os' oui Wtttll ' cni CntaM5 18. mrflaverba boltgcouaea ted ta laave I~i tat yp cndeat-aîy mrred iteIba itatis of ber. own tormer gdôvernor, ee hav be a.. nd isnd The Glu xtensionu mgang , ic dtgth m (lovaarnan T xtensions a, t'W estba mo mentnéathe. ity. Despite tii.- lftprCsertationu '0( W p anprler augrad, h u1tses; taisainnat Port Harnuttcd; likawise 70arsOof bus' lif te a !dlackad-thi. Qea. 'B-eanrogard, eah. remiied, -bravie4 loaparme vid note stusîre nt Fort ttichiaoad, on Stateü tisaud. Tiey maternail dard aid training vbich noîhiag abattu and Grock lira, tendiag athe tound: 0 Ajpe valves f-'am the Joui, vinted a relisile prsn îaloo cirth areplace- osatrtw rtite e and-t eingal vi e rsne And tth bopour asigliaura of Wtdaw Mea pruonte OL astrhte *lr wde tvo r ri ed mn ý t naiohitacte, ta sae ibat they did't poaket wini i.lOl.eddti ore aAogtt oanded afficera tinder baue etm1à Eleny Iiinee tiibricks.Port Lafayette lu hait-va7 .be- va1tived b*ppîîy; ýherunion wasob- zinitariag cars vas Mr. Ande-di An l V t y mdi, Irukûwt, diunr tweluta n ds i uated lat ypa iea see V'0 17 prosnPtad îlely, tniination, and Reiait, A descendnt -, f neof h u- and tes; botb torts tailone, and su jaut tii.place tW Tregear gaid #very Idcto I~ .tota fgea unte ttecity bis 'ihsoe neat thare tee a uiu going on. loved bis vite viîli pasianatae ardoar. Tilis yang min vas fait ofthei liveliéuf- t m . r sfle ti ns poor w i dew M ùge . A m eeti ng O f the ca b ine t v as cal td a h B t jeo u n d o ishis a n tu ok .po e ai ao t r t td't obff ir n r e ; - er u t d g one Paisesm Amthe White Houa.. Sec. Stautoti iaîrodaced bis mind, Prom econornicat motives ha uiftho.a marc tt,der sentiment; his oai& , r afs'unîrtil hm drems, ths subjent. bidlot part of bis boauetu, odgars, and vas ],iqtened te. ýGevemuer Pinkena itmva Nomh11ý as, nar lavas me, wid conjugal l'he President uaid il remiaded hi. ai ~ansettes 0a etaajetc is bis, conseut, aud tIl.mrig vsfx ghasîtà,ma ha.s.torY be once beard iuIllnoi. A man suiions. Wbsîlîest tlis vers Watt fomryaestemday, the 23d Aprt rvo the houstu thermsivest vio lived in Sangîrnon Ca., In conversa. grainded ve hava ne tffeaaa etofamoming as Lient; de Rocholle vas on ditntÈoI ~re And " id ocateompt, il pour Widav Ms. vitit a medica àudn, udh did'& ho. faim judgaieat.- Both the latter sigaed by Suimp tert h anu, idl a é td hal eys la va2cinntioiî. syube '"1h dou't de Mr. Tregear vhici virea d t i. a tmîndtàt ttcaenoyiba tu . tha ..~,i chld sbit i ged. Ibad cbid vi.. qe, at i vide!:ce branght forvfird plaan itie ;esîdeace of Oeil. J3nhut", li [Have Ifesiinldint, ,andi cire aaugbt for clasatdonce, sud ia tire day &fiter itfl ateho.corroborais it, vers e.aamitheri' ievening, at 7 oýclank. At theé,ma., 1 tMichaël dot t - ont of a vindov sud brakit i ueck." ii ndvi,1 nctaiJ o uupré. ment wvit he EpisceOpotCegmnî W t 'Ir 0 a o t b in oM y ye, T he cabinet soir the point At once, and s nt, and ad nu ppi u li t c o s a ki g i . br d if s v s mo d , -e sh t potseres a Wslv s elughed senond that uhe> volte ap se. examiaiag ths vitresses *bo fdf&pMobed teit-apoin us roof of tha bitildictg., perte--. wiu W i s t m F r e i s e e. b is m o ra l c h a rt u e e. . - W it t r g i àtdil e b is tr te d t a t i s o uta w b ie e th e c o rp a sy', sctayB*Ard rang bis littie bell,] aet ii tlnil'îilaUï hsçe. *sre, aissailed, boaiand wounded nin0e a.- l . f l o i g e u i i r n d serni for (le . D ix. tre, va express no opinio di vllntev o. pe rins, a nd a n h e t M is s A n nai_ w e M e t th fol o win ext acts fron "a aen al," said W illiam 11 .p"b yl u i fe viii deublei fel boand, c 6d u regard Piclienu . W . cann e descri% e te a e in letton j Brooklyn Eqie, purpartlag Fort Lafyett jt f'î tabisi ova honoar, ta tapi>' ho tha chargea >that foiloved. '- Onder wva ailet 1r' - ta hape il vriuen hy llovmrd, 1"aof'ho mt&Ontriiggla ther.," sud theie Oa. vit lèveliad aS hlm, and if lie7 ehoeld failtota ablisbed, and tic voundad vara r.eaèveèý 7voo , rant Port lafayetto. Tho laer m ls u a e tem % i m i t a t i o n o r ' t h e s t yei l i Y r m t n u m a ~ b h r o u n d i t h o A f f a ir r v i l j b e « o m e 1 . m l x.î i . b i d , v e a ' m t i i l i j l e " I n h o r a ta r e i a b l m o n t o n e n d ,l a t u a e v e r f a s e r u ta b le , O u r b s m n a s , n o v r o p o n t le c a m p ei. H r i e t r a th a d , lk n e tin , e st11 "Desd Deat,"bis fanciful thé e oaruet of t.e ut,'uid Williame ls ta recapiuuiat.e tlietuierhi-etni nde lhy mn inager her,vas veepsng bitter, mena te wu asvont ta Uel.Li.HeMr Teg irtaexpimnatien et bis cdit ct, k nd~ing te atriunneh6 thé ad tha litertare wesof lise readrs cf th 'kIf thonsra," tadaredthie geaeral, sud iera eao b. ue questioti thai lie as >volicd ýfromt a terrible veund nnder< her "li br-OS bicsou lie spotet ledý ta look apon tie ii. So a bis -*ffeos toit bresut. A surgeon cirne, sud dsciar - -5,11Suom Tia,15Wb l buf"aia'eu Screts,>. l e I compaiisd biat ta lastîit d d ad titat tins FPiekens iiat". ot longer ltart Hm .ryya m'2. "isa 0ne18lu DIAD BZuTf' n the bonse; asa tertier précaution ha sedIribs taro bouts staE ve. *We villt pitt * ,-lati. Isignageai iii generl. - vfrôma Badfardtf-errc, Cambarveli anrt pair. 64 Vesîvaif, 01 1am boe." "Sebd im te Part Lmfay ît." svraid, vihie>'rsdd aPrua.-We avddgrre eoidbi I titi uhaU-tli ste, al-it îtl I . agoIcame. place, Totteahsm, viier. lié oohk legagmoscancreÉ, al.eaked ta kasw lier fats, 9«-arn sUIt L se ber. for berst tbsimmediata aeigbarhooîilof ad wvbsa - ( ebe Jaiiiate od te lh er-,' ou tre s p"d at7m oUey Md&*a bi hls ister's dvelliag. Buuah eiaauytàoes"Âadrev,ý" . said,,.411 beg yotr o tail déari ,- u .lit retrecetit, louer iaformed hlm thst gMm, Tregeaé mmiiime the ttfsï. if.I1 mut4l.ý, 1 cn did - - D %ATg~. imaputei l nar st4îa re dd n orb-o ou', h 1 ber _ - ai 4 mûa vo-tayàf ne.' T'e 'â *ré ser' - d t d n 't. a-th @ Issu d i th e H o t t n t t , fe r - m B i r . B e si B o "M rr >' br a g tnh etise nvita ton . lt £o siip iled à u iber o f H o tt n to t le Bobs Idem y la a United &aSeu a'slal, gSatid m aeprW tg m oen s gitut otrie, four a nsi b . m ars sai et m e th e v s > I e o u ld ae S a O p ais eti e t o r a n im & i l; e eI e na b o u as 90 ,500 tiss1u I tbo iti vu the h ast bOld tales, one Itgendt aud an@aatable, and tu 0 L 1 ý.1poulched ibtas adit the eluetoa--titi.e ô B b l is. u m am 1;la ebu mîver>' t e.k 'IR s>'sid, ith .efor, ia South A fnt r nI .10e» w.>' vh iesbat iI votdo'îre. Tb is aerials tor tise eompilaui3na voe p on. as m ait ys for te cultîi l isi. qw a u . l aa. D& -um itiPts i tbii Ibramy ofSir aOMe G ".e7 Rer, s a &F4 ï,n'tà 1"d YOD ay ve IseattofiPart Latayallet ' 'a mat',Idenits Ihi a g sa w or -f rie.ts of the, " salis. vi =s isas dmhsfavorite uory, oftbe'Ftsli uta - v«t he f ennuis and tus Geaiin t he é, A.saû def« u.t *ayaut. laiii in -»val". et o - &ÀDttcheian W84, 1al k ing y îmieî, Ore e t5eàMla ti. fat M d Ît ise . . sui ~ uas y e nder a rvge Stone, P'oint. - Tbisi ske pbonmslbis i "hatbé It iq,& o 4at# for a ad r sesia e; &W W ailbto unO a ~ à s ~ but I îýtsa'1beea mu>'marinesashem ,. pr." ' la i ta eM bt a-" a'il aide, ec p i theise n. 5 The M ane au svere y Ill th se Da t r ig t. aide I. t * es4 emiiity b v-bat 1 mm tLet ue04 goa -- ùwE-Him . - o bj olItu . I' * h e n ' th e ' a re b mi s1ý . w,. th é VAT 1W uon IN s.>'tereot->em ud Wmtoriss, mansd bug& effecetiWA ablgisly joif ý"tel elle.iý?by S [er sas. 1 s a l 4 6 I t I u lssd 1 oau. e5r Idto &mn eby ibrente a tib. * rvielatar - icoitpli e T..e m~ea gvii bore.-- -- -- lista British poo ASi JOSEpa 'Coft. the lu. « vi«Orts A" 1 .,; 1 il

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