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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jun 1864, p. 3

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TU 24ta InU ,eriaue. W W Tjsa»o, a' 5,184. -DiSsoluition of Partneriir ,kt th@ place rnm vhicl -Moy lettes' la ,,- er1. l! 'iated, Z teslattva, ln .verY 'ceose of ibe HE business heretofore carried on in the tare, - da tifploaur. I vaslui ,gu±I'Wuof Witby, tnouer the naine, style a nend. tiri» os' -.01h,40o1,, arsold &C,"Mes'- raed wviiiàafeu d<e joie- and at day break ehast.hmsbieis dissusoved Ib, mstuistcouuseetp, tîertvas proentedi10 slow, ln abotit anlîscbIei ut.day of bMay, alt. The buoinesa se qarterOs, tibst wlicis makes evr blnfutuîre tyti ha carrlid on by Williasn Iaigi *vranisd Ribsrt Joliîsai uultI, udrtoutoand Èriiabherît trob it uldelsgbs.,i firm ou yttruold s& Co. Th 11i.10 tfiftt'A biRvestfibs'r tbOtI'âiud yg, AIl paties lndel,îeiltutothe i ste trio, ara re. e Batis înti5115brse," 'qoetd ltu sake -payis>'us teu uarnod sQ cf i ii. h n receigi hor.wluarmauthurbk;a ta grant receipsus for4h is batidreàs o tmanigb rne i .lants boad arrlved, indwort pro. 'Alil dobsdiue h tisalatt trac, vIiibhopais b>' tisa ufîrssîtd aruold d& C1. peresi tu rictate inte plesturets of tiie Auwuescrbdtiitt;a>cf.o1 e délat 1a r <lu@k the o VIonteer's mad. 1864. ttueis' aiparaiOCe in front cf the drili rounM YVRA"F N GIBSON, <Finch 'ca Hall,) and beaded b>' the Ux. uiT'. J. .1(Ni)LD, bridgieBrua BaadIsi 4hcompauy malOThdN LIRtulG tae tii uorket aquare, viierS Captain ...ADUE , ope&tt, and Sergt. Gibbon, puct the mn ths'ongh their facioga fuor abolit tvu beurs, THE ALBION HEOTEL, to the odantugeSand credituofait cuflerned, uus.r ofB,.ck and DendaiUe .«Uw, W4itbv, They, te yoluni.eers, vere uIbo admired o_71 gal. admirera, andi drew, forth-,matyfi>' reukurt R.BLACK hat heen ltuiy ouaklimg scme oCemn n .ie Drill user the cenot. )[Rvos~ry deîieied uit heoânsng trsiprovsu- or c'medmantnmachedtemtots lt n tisa Albion RoHe. ThuImQ oprise- Party vas irgp ma, ndircissu h etlittisiteiîl tise loteries'preti ises and <vi. place fruueier@.it stasted, vitu ia aump. rilesgeusisu,a»Wiam otletu'fth lusroabnespu~pertî x.buiiisî. 'The xiaihng-rocinga ui hed-ruon 1000ea repost was nral s rpae x ave tOton ail #je*l)' pàîserelassit cas'pted, presiy for temn-b y thse ladieu of lJx'brid and tise rutire tzoldinî, 'vutial wklitt, go. Thse munsu re ,"clages' fer the fray.'t nulýwly usîsiisic¶oI sud reuiiv'.td. Ths>iLicctimro- and oriple justice twsuadune hbele -M eli l iiiotisisosiisihili sshlin, ,th~ as inf the field. Ditinur tu&r the hesîtis uf towil 11 àt uuifo. b àiurmd oluslisn as hnor, topiýàrPlva e h tle su cs2Lsusiun tise Queun vas dsank wilh ail tuhonr ioiigpti i. .sri i1 und 'witb a feeling respurise fro. etryr's Isri. 1liere foiiuved tise beaitisof lise M~otgag lr )eed Lést. I'rinceof Wsles, tand the sest cf the Roy- ai family - the GuVdrsuor O&nera!l; tise la $88 IRE NA.RD ! dies of Uxbr;dge;-,the Uchrisge Volun. -_te#ra;-,thse Uudridge Brasaniid ; und I Sî. tie To-wumihil, sf Rail--scertain Capts Spesas, ail ut(vwhich wes'u huartil>' A Du l .l'.u'sirtrize iidit9tli di>' «(if iie, Is-.2, 1rtc iDlnesJ.iiotiliil hîiiî responded t. The eoinîialis>ibsi reiired ou dis Nirtiî Lu,tî1) r., r.., ut Lot No. 17,jils sgieplacq tsutise Isadies und ohr.hi~5 tc'i'o.ii f£îîas o miols u To tucis CA40dt Iho sisinjusfas>'s' of the s~i~ ~ii.~iv-ii i. immrt i,21r ladies of lj'xbn;l,e, fis' tieir iiiduess of Ait.% iu sîsthe 4RIIii, sna tote tis jetierda>'. 'I'ere vas everytising eus th e llîe.ciitipuidi suhiiewesrd. table %btisa rt couluibtui for in abus- C. C. KlYîLiIL. dance; anid1Iam-m surio vesîerda)'s muni- bJiiluitis1,si1.,Cssnisngtuis festitotse, on ileir piar, viii noui bafur.------------ - - e The Îrtuon wvas epelt incricketig. j1S O n / n quoitiusg, rutiog, jumpeiisî. m.,it ius- 111dedtile o nierabie eo'olutios of both uid asîi isbody>, j (iihiiî i'i.. n or whicis 1 sauceS 1îsetend tui kîiai s>'. SPANI SE 4SOLE LEATHER, '-sllngab~t. i t' us si r ,suîiivfr s. ll leiri.t tii.,Oit in tise eveuing tere vas a ruai foc thse R "ti.<sre. iiI 'S Asi. concert, sno btbfoira it o"toelctîlltiseL JAMES BAIN. Hall vwu sfuwlfrosu oue endsu t% u the ir. W CXiv2.14 ThoehBand acquitted iliacf very crt'dibhy iudeed, considu'iscgth tie i hulesber»e "n ~ organýizrd, aithou.ih sote of tieir piece souî,dsd relles' 'tbrusiisy.îi - Thes muic6 club, to, dit!es'ver eil - but tlue aiusiîg excepticg Dr. Hilary'-wei oni>' secutnd 'ss~g i clas%,Lu o ke tise bei toi u a.i J b Themu la onea îhiuig 1 viais tmîmenuit, a h -bs andi thislatise ljectiossisise ps'a ice sU:,; g kibfiehisid tiescee»» lsud <'iougis su b. eaul ait user the hall, anîd iavisg 1j Ilrle iiin toit .i' ittcu iilCIuil, eses'ything lu arrange. eftcs' eppearisig ouin'ui.oîîf '1itlî,î <bu plbtforni, lest niglit vas ont of ai lut'- Monday., 6th_ of June, 1864, tuide ini titis respect, b mnionis it i bei.tise ot mgsuisa»~ i.îîaAti uo'c1ýi iilp. in., tir the jus ui-puLe ututioi sente min lotOIr i IIOPO , .oit ht.. îîr remarlu ciii have tise desis'ed effect. Thti procuediigof tise day îesimisted GRADiNx & GRAVELLIANC 'cluba SMelîligisî ps'ceaaiuis un hoseisaclun 55tIle <tid Rîssui, tu tie uii.iiit -of s"00. osver>'y paroi' de igbied .OIN Sî2o1Eli, Uxnii~, ey3bt,184. DISTRICT 0F BROOK. -sequeoce huica ranspiurest, vurtis i'thtiirg, iof thes ocse-r tihan tisai.tte ' VÎiugu crf jxtridxe, im i Ilis 5 bDit.i'il- and St. l'aul's churchin ucparticuisiss'> ere ~l~i m i.sssi' hotiormd vit thtie Jre.s'itse of chu Ih 1isiîOP Sk'10 _of Torstuýo' on Sabtuei'lliet, it,,itusmo'.î, li 'liii. -t' i1 by the lt.,vd. Mr. Gietus, Riteal l)il.m.ei Thse Stvat, is"rtiu lgt tresiService,Rit weltili 11a lafter tisici uhe Rural Dean pseeclean - Pt * rsiusui <.i, sn lits excellenit sermioulfromm hepstusleofuP"tise siet. . Ri o assad Larrus." lie'hotiilop theîst,'A Tit,'.qt4zrlqN olelivered lie Adds'ess< and crnfirmid t-levsts, individuels> wiicis cuiclcded ou uof tise 1 tot1,164,' 21 1 w monti intereting services usver vilssesi lus Uxbridge. Loyal Orange Association of At the' clné,ofethtie service bllee. tise B : liubop, sccoupaokd astoibufore, procuties 10tIiîev bricku ctuirlhin B rucit, viere SOUJTIIONTARIO COUNTY LODGE di Vt(se ervfice vas belsi andi quitte a iuuo- 'beor ufme-I hase huardtise cnmombes oenough, ho*everu te wiurra nt our decliscîng is pubication. We deoine a leter of Mr. Thnmpionfrts'caute resôn. WiucvaY Bs'ýRte ut:DrsÂr,- A spendid assortînesa of Bibles and lesta- msentse in varions styles of Binding has been lïeýie by b[r. Bain, s the Deposi. ta -l BcO d e sitore.- Tac Vox.<uaveusn Tou&N&xtr', comn. mnces en jFrida>' mprniutg as 9 o'clock. -Thie gr'ounds .,5sive beon atol seleetosi n a convenien iqcali5>, off' the iras side-road voit cf Mr. William B1sir's residence- roar cf Trafagar cetie. The' Volunteer re-uion -and eramatic entertaInment takes plie on Fridayeson. iuug vien, fronthtii efforts muade, 1<t is ex. -peted thaï soiaothlog ver>' socOeufut WvI 'b. ps'oducéd. I BIRTI. YUL.tB-At-Whitby, on te 2th ulto., the vit.tof 1Mr. George Yule, -of a daugit. ter. WIITBY, MARflETS. As market Io a litti. btter stipplied, andud the a'àIdisg progrestet evo ok f91' inrei~d~l atv.SY ptlig Whoaît 7 to 76e. ~ to 91*p. 0até46c.1 iL... un- èý r atâ"lt bi.f damasis for, t h.tiîschis, îtli~t ervon tise Sêt mdv sîi rityitsisl.iolhi. S4esu-itidnrina thRt &v. tilis, t 'ii hey, MiArthior, W yitt, Ulsiltmscl, U)ow- liuig, Cuiloiîmil Micieuiiýn. Atr diii. suusiiîattiol, tise filoitir per- asîîîu iccevd c uettes of qsullttutbo, t' ascs oisscn cool, yi: Nuome. Rouidence. .snu to File» Cliiflolin, Port Prrts', 2 A. 8 yeus Job n* iti .. 0.(tisitiu, cB.sf, Mons. l)isîistV. Knepii, Vihthv, 2 1, G moisi Nil B2v. 'siigc ,B, ;L yeas, William sW..ihs'. Phekerîiie a B, j'r.esu. Wi. NlNilhi.ii A'lisrluy, 2 B, yest. i)init-i "hrs, Brock. ý2 B, întn Dussem» Mcregor,Mfanilla, 2 À, 2 yetrie Thtomas Fiwhert< Agiîbrro, 1, , î, Itl 14-1 AI. N Mcren. Coombot, 1i B, 6rf 1 ijg e bri dt, 2 A, 2 y«a1i George lppr,. Wh it by, 1A, ulnl J. S. M(slnStsifii,2 B-. 1 >'e- ici.lin Rnhh.. ' titby, 2A, vs.e Jlohn Atkiison. Scscgog Biyear. RoeiQuu..Beeverico., 1 A, csailm' N.B. Ti,'Iooni,.Wi by, ÏA,2wsr Sîmeou is Fsahr: Princé AIb t 2 1 B iyesr. Elisha Jesso1t , Piice 41b'rt12, --2yeas',. Wmf.4J. Fliot Wh ttbI - 2YL;A 0 el o karous Maso..'. Price li'ýt1 ,>8ayes. Clirlesi Naish. , Pickering 1 iB, yem chieiesMas., o@éAl'ýt1 tlB, S 7mr James (". Engîlats, Bcyei1m 2B, Iyear. S. W.MCKay. Ttcs, 2A, 2RYom. wmi,,B4 OAve4 $on M. . arGth. Brc in, 2 2 earu TîsosH. Miller., 'Mcu*lao, 2 11,i- )r. Jmoa s,.d. ý . msê.lsp, $,-A, 28yesa à. Jante Chrioitau, P15t*tPoy, 2 A, 'S ytàm Jiuia Ttoni... Brooklil, _ B. lysai. ltalau Taford.'Vlosest,, %B," 1yeÏr. S. Ansi Br"wnq., I1'laug. j_ >I>'#.. Cthtt. Jeiter..., Isjnae! :I1A, ýulm'd AD VEBIlTI1SE MEý' N TS. ;EWA']RISIlET. Oaer&I Splcgtll Snin~t oodsl MPLE 8SUGAR;4Voi Vo1 1 Uplmt û rIo ___________ UXDRIDêB BOSE . 0 ]~'RESH ARRI VA S AT "TIE l gheït, Caah, Prie paide for auiy quantity of, good Clean Wool at PEOLES CIEAPCAS STR Ilth~pbOfrQWhobIcasé,No. 4,1LING'S BUILDINGS, NCINRY e£P Eý Cf commnod onk,ti2h good ~oIaada L J46MES t, tior.) William Henry Trédàynli PÂE RMpSONV .plaintif, ,(MI .BIGELOW'S NEW BUILDING.>)11,.PrpltoiFiil rcr M. H C O<7HR111V ~O oiinBoadway, Dofendant 6 4. IT FL~TTES Ira aoriginal Bill, - ~GREAT IARGA.INS IN .&1L io4 t m t . *T:!m Jmes B. Bickell -Agiter A FOesh and of.the best quality, will be foudPowmon, and William Henry Al i l$ ir, H iJo meaFesTroniayne, Plaijitiffi-by ordet' GiO C i tI5lscockChares Skirvin's superior purpie top, Laing's im oved purple top, o eicr Br OsPer, Jackson, mi"E. Boz o xrAberdeanTellow,Â4 .1. , tics. White G1olme, Jh odaDfnit Sugar-lOI'10bs. for $1. 'Rice-251bs. for $1. %Vlyl LikO, Miaa Mary J.,-onBawy eeâ, Idoore, Ira MaImported by RO EIT ,'t SLBf Best Teas, Gtood Grecn & Black <rom 60c. B.:onjr1el Murphy joli.n 13111-k, ni. 1 Parke, Amos, -AHDMN. ~ o . ercu.! fIîîiure Or K. kinglînmn, - tAN a tno f ScellelHJohn Whitby, April 20, 1864. 1 Cn u, ye eni Culder, . .L. S111 I,, Gorand ilythtîtyof 1, . onr,th u, .A larg stock of 1ens', 1Ladies', arnd (]hild' ofaoh~uanSlh Ewr , thia li otorjtiele-ourt ut Wîtboit rens~ osuprior tuakieanîd finish. t aycAno. ~ Mnafi Tilelia.j Flanasbu r,(arrett weill.a, PeGd.%rddn e r ~A .84 î ltoiffh le nhi Gent, A. Me nte ________ - _____--- ~ 0-ruonby,l »Misa MutrY McDontall, M1814 $orail, r 1 ~ N Q' W .2B wwI~~a - IamiItoiq, Wni. V ~~ In the coointy f Ontitri o, certaitn frooho Ili III iii B OOK S * wJD. a cIlf o ay fTeab, Nearly oppoaite the Commercial Ifotel, Whitby.q h Acarefuilly and welI seh>cted stock. Sta- Re ooI - Ma'ro Iwmsi M MT tionery of l1 kiiids at rernarkablv lb 1? -s. ::)vOUNzuOFONTARI49 PlserDstiutr tsi I tOitii 101 54 hy auasoonn Iieasv try 6' The I>coples' Cilesai Cash I mbcib inoetuinnd1ails. tent fier Ollers die largest and môst varied stock in the County, at un~- Fi<'ty ,A cres of* Larid;j Store" ? I louse-keepers ivili firsd lat % savinge they wiIl effectit r.".4tIu ssnoL ortho ainimo precssdentmdly Low Pricea, for Cash only. E ts îm nrr rIa î liI bu by ing ,so. ix 'oi o uaneneily distritloste al kisida For 1Pniu8eBarn or Driving Shed Building-1 have a lage tweiity hcrs ira clotired. The sasid lot beind of rmot.çîeda, l0unux equired r'rop'irtio.s.. I t 4ock c iiR l ,Glass, P ttLocks, Hinges, Boits and Nailo, ot a,,l sîtuîte abolit ttsrue us es from the 1 . 1 1 C C 1 Z N E i l 't r t see i lî.it i ute iilit . or so rts as i siZed.' V I L L A G E O F A I B R 4 -Viîy 21 suddisttritet4P. t s~dwith or witli.osL sny or KiEa, Cow L3e have Forks, Shovels, Spa-de*s, Hay Knives, 1cdl !Ilnlluuo r pIa»t'dm. It yul diessuliteî, woîilonî a K ieCo e Crossent Saws and Files, WeilI and Cisteru Poimpg, said Vili.cc e lrsa a good tnarket for thépetr «18it.Po ieHatro ~ o' Obw edi cai>ctoeob go odwlI ___________________isjory. p saer or ahog uYr-piantia wis~sLentl., w iegRopeHatesScythe.Blades o gis losand O'aaof produco. - coulse thrýîî-# tis te grond. b yul sow î'osol rlig is or Xsi1jii8-two ruwe, Or one, eaSletint.. h &11 make, for hiiy and grain Scythes, Snaiths and CraÎdies, and hay Rakes of the THE IIIGIIEST ('ASII PRICE PAID FOR 1,c wiektrlyius senud lhor, utliv-tirs cpowbr ma rp0 e akr.CONDITIONS. 0FSA4LÉ~ -Unle 1+1i.wii bc aufficient towoutth in- E,.D m 8î ferK ie 1. The orhîasur.h lie tttlne oftosalp cief çs Lt ntrqiIrscti t.. disttrîtoîte 1rDme Purpo8e-I ffr-Cheap -nvsands LorIks s t he ms. "Ii s t icic 0thei doosn i4 lep,,î.t isti se proportion oet li)fo' niossu'V. lti< Cooks' ICives, Butelier's Kniveq, Pocket and Pen Knives, Spoone, Te:î Trays every £10s> ufin sriîa'isoi ,5 the Viiii ans ~ n us retsi sd aitersi, Bread' I3usk t. CliessuTrays, Knifu Trays, Sosies and MW cightsdors orlay ter (t~'A~JO-SAf?~GINeENTrIONS Beaii's Firl r 1: ùobhn Irons, Itahiuan Irons, with an ailbut ùeuee~o fii 'riaemte.wtbtra rns,>rontothe d tite- d o ut ilci lawtbnIn e~ le lndaf Wlsithy, <lne ~, î~4. C~ O~I~ ~ t aso iler publie noticev. assortit otne <iascy rtços c<ottagts or Maunsion. nut hr..fcT., si VeilorA shilah-octbë Whtpyl ne1 16.I'u&ter1i ltigcafur (Cosctist.and Townships to nic-Mastckof laksmth', arertio', abne _________________ for sale 1Aîpllcatioflto b. madtes t.> 7o M i87 Xy St ok o îmroducu1 ausy fcCabne inth ir hsro o ticer 1 JAlIES CLATTON, Makees' asud v4ber Furaiehîings$, i very coinlute. T tirt~etl ,deup 5,auemn Fl,: g n:pl4etiwât Mxuttctnrer, &c., Ail Wa i old Cheaper than the C'heapeat, for Cash only. tioied1titncsditios o Ml b ie tsiiinîcý nonofTntaio TH,~rj OIMAS MIASON. The onlitis!ia of isiad fsirther particg.' colm y c u I loisa u e l tss istted as tise Clisaîntiera cf the _______________________________________________________________________ saii ýllKrocî utW lîît»y lud lt et i lice if tha, i'lsiniffi' -Slictr, etitiluc ,aid Townsf Wtbyd Counir ounol o OntrjoDaitedtI liis Toh daiy of Mlay AjD. 16. 251 s. f good RI(3E for $ 1. GEOà. .,DRNL rfuilr anOot tisesrp.waxlooftbeOco despsstcs M * m m iah u iri1'i Solliciter.I sIoosticilofdse 4.deot lskms usthe UIiI.::îIU TO N 0F WITBY il' 1oeboVoarzaut, the wifecofth Attise ovifs, ilofhelndait, n 0a ÂL O {y a n uilcs i m i ssl,) i h AND OBTWEÏCZ IN 1#14ÀN",GERY.Pl*oMle Vsutthbie *ire cfr tho III l'U w~M ID.i~h. 1El~Xi~dcloisslcs; icaelneWvnzsnt, by JohnWauingonV . W U ~I hMJ IW 1UWher Usicle And next riend, NSthma ______________Mil _______. ectly,1'eliîff Champion Purpier;mP, re Tp, r'01 OHA T )fYollow.AberdeenDQe o, tue Aster, 1 oly i'OI t4 THnbE -PUMstuaL.t ilnd tlses GlbWhite Globe, 8anOM t.. ea»d 1 8àei1 - Green GobTweedal&Improved. . Oarrots and-Mango's W ic J0 IO iM Th & irlo ls. l ltý In n igo to IL&MILTON &Co vîTTshAi ÇPik foln 0 r 2, TiIl's Buildings, Whitby. Mne rea4'eoraetedaIie'i 1en a_,r,â v-o t hû uar r., i t14Ia'j-4. ee-4 ý ,:n«mI,ýý- i. f7 b .! P'ram.' 0-f the best quaflty, at a very loi IIAMS, BASCON, POTATÇ An d o flkd~ rurz. t. îeek

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