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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jun 1864, p. 4

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.77, - ~ -~ -- - - 0n a ý,o e h bea sugennlly etlèvel,ý ba writtsn out his religinn as lollows. It will do in eed andti ki eabouti Il Et au boriber ln là roi We want a relizion îlst goos n lo t h* îce fr eî¶$fowuapd ni- fsmily, snd lcnnpse ts lmband from being Litho 'ailI ho happy to a aiitrnnted te, hie came. spitefnl wh@-n. the dioner leit 1te t keepse i lt 'eti l unerted on Golti, E witefo feout cbfreifol when the. huebaurnd ihrBane. trae thée newly wnhéd four with bis "aeth 111,led or bxtrâoted iutibotanti tnalýâthnt~e bnd Pinti crielar attention peid indful of"te 'ri *c apn su door.udt (l ldrenetî. -AiL otl amnse@es iiehild4res,ý ne veil an --innîmuctn - themt; vine as e-ii an governe iheut % pro. leds îhl anie :.... .n L.. L i1 - tàrf4g bithanks to in6ôrin the inhiia - urrolandin& counîr>'# attend tW an or deo 8ilver mVilextked in thi e et-ýpoeble i àte the regulatlon of kwa reri liv,, UOOuI Q~ ~ ~~~M "%"Oo-n' eyptnt Fia: Botohil thée wareconse -of R. EILVory, k.O - mrenu à a I. à,wTIM TIIUMSIAWEMý1 itri5 -inenonemW finntme uç.@tt fa A a 15-t.1?.- l.-- J MR mo000,anti maléthfie heppy! hnn>.n hue theiie s DO~JJWh Eseteru flc-tree, bearins' lu lic boansu et oi.tise beant>' of the lendpr hlntqsom anti FOR SA E s'ilOnry of [ho ripeneti fruit. we vent SA E ae ýIiz1otthatbear hont uni>' on the cl-inN.esytermeSootI>h11i ofJot No. 5, In '..)tii ilh <euof lock-aso0aismen elertAl and eîealinz ; a relitrion that hennisen ail - 0 ul' H NI)EI<tlN. ecilMensureqe from the colstprs, enmall OJrtg Markhuý- banitsinfmmthe stalle. pehhus rnmth ie . JAMES McCREIGHT, caocs.bT-bcacvs'rosu paper, nanti from Mri , 81.Dushartoc cuzer. ehlomv frn otu<-pTe. ha-et ont " Sprin o'r- M eeti ' from vine.car, aiom fmom bread, lard from AM buugr, strychnine from wicie, and water U frem milk cans. o 11 Thn' roligion that le ln advance tihe ONTARIO TUBE CLUB, world vili nul put aluheo s, trawberre andi leaýhqe ut the top. and.ti hte bad " I l Ouais off o vert the Wlilîb>'Courne, on unes ai tisa. on. It 'ailInont offer Wednesdav, Thursday and Frlday, more baskets of fore igu wines than thse-,j vineyerdu ever'prodneed -botles- JUNE 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 1864. _ Thén religion tuat le ta sanetif>' the wurîti payas leciin. It tiosn ont canai- PIRST DAY. dec fort>' centsn-reiuncet fcr one houtireti St. Leugern480 vith, a stake of # 0 *ach, tiro. qurtermileeta, for e#Is 'earé oîd, given. in accortiing ta gospel, thoagi Eit 5 rvîe-be4stln o ii ac as accordling ta lue. It look, on a Man eWho tneide Witjthi he S cretar>' wîth a forfait of $10, bas faileti lu Irade and e-ho continues oOn rhai 4 t2411, do>'of May'next, tires or l 1v more',a îlf L tAlue <enter or DOno c.. 14ein t!cry a a hif. t o,3-eon t 'urae orf0,100, ,ul-e-lientot, beat thrastu e -I 'C1JL i Man W-ho pramisata pa>'fifîy dollars unfa.e. uî e tg ail forae elht fer' aga. ~c dqenW$tii nterfst, anti eho neglecte lu 'Troiting Pure ni$25.cniî.hoestn, tire,- ~TI N E~ R p>yî ion demanti, vitieor vitiecut lutereat, iu-d'ae, oison to lllgresi humes that neveror-î- &st11 R IA:i NDGsEATE Tis esm u ~SECOND DAY. T Vambot>' in Stovef, Stove. Furnit are, 'fln. Te*rintiie Cosetiere'.e Stateîeuanet e-are, .1e., eau tenunt the Store of tii. without its pleasiog and romantie incidente Purno 0of 8200, teu-milc-iieats, open tu ail end.eigned. hosu ani apw-ighte, Stoves ofl ever>' style and quaeltv and et aIl We recordeti in o-ar lut thse marriage ofr b ,a rtd>ep tt00 oe-mile hast- Pricela. The popular nov pattern hîave dasigiser of Commodore Spuest,, af <ho Iicre#-iii-tive, upt> all t ijýTage. île &ZWeU A 5R V U Alabama, toa s urgeonuo? tise Confeiderate Trotsting Perie of$50, mtle-beasn, best Brmw>. Tise gallant Gen. iloo, visa tl bn t11i1iive, opuhitua#il tiorse,,tIs t-â,nver trot- ham been intin.lineoi amoc.gcr other varietlien: 1ýe& s Ieg attd ad un arn, shaiterird. in A. tie mn-THE KING 7OIPSM ES, bout tu wed long of Southe Camlina 8THIRD DAY. MRON DUKE, faimest dr.ughteme,' (Ion. Kinis> Smith, fGRAND cail voundeti at thc batile o? Bull licic, wva. e- Pur«s of 10 tte Cea> ie ldlvssp GRN TR K- WLts'ii.,Pmuinc.uaa>lont'.PRINCE ALBERT, lien ta tise residence of a wealis>' v rgin- Toting purgee af 100, twîî ciIe-iia-lite, DAJV CROCKE T,b ian suai onumerd b>'bis fair daugbîer, e-ho Uti ai al i'rovinee-tiri,î toratthat titrer PO bINI ba since becocnu hie vife. Re ligion rites trottt faeter tissu *45. -POETO JT e are ual noglecteai amidthbe-turmoulle cf ver. Furse of$309 v Itht aua c'ida shakeof <$10 £W"Cal and Pt,..a - roviauetbrod. Wsuu.reao(1lt e retti Officers andi noldiersuer Iticismonti are Guet&ucîe-lcan, br aIi thr oe ituraierae WILLIAM BRYAN. th notilleti throngl, the prose, o? oppoeuitiea txc>epted. Brock-eî., Whithy. for confiîinaton, anti ee fina inicine0001unr -Wtithy>, March 2, Iff4. 9.1>' W èxcbauges a notice otishe bapiism sud RULF2S AND REGLTLATIQN$S: conOrmafion af nu les. disîinguinbcd a per. Titre. s oitea to io el 8.1.1 i sestiies sonagze ta e uerai Braxtuca Bragg, b>' o letat.Ectraliceve 0per ceuc. liieabus-e S thé Biebp of ti. Episcpal Cisrch cof 'îCo. h rýft 1eccorliuig te il,. Roles ofthte <,..ei ' ~ k ibbýBisop f te EisrpalChuch f cub.Ail eîttrioa te Iha made icswrtinc, asnd Virginia. cccaîsr "seal e-l , ýccetàîv I.a.ure 0 o*cloec. A younng wuuau reeldinciun oiaIo, roe frrn ber bpd lu a tate of numnnmbnlisim iho other nigbî and whle waudering about the. boune fr11 down a fligbî of stops, iiy ,Wbiih her necie waubrolien, eaneing insant deatli.  sentimental fellow intendesu opetition Pa!jipmsent fur a grant su improve the. ehannels of aftaction. nu that beuce. forth the torie of true love meal mn IPOST OFFICE NOTICE. lNandaftilae the ltituai., XMalt, wtt! a- elm) oloeit ahtii l"c t fite., utiichî tîowing loir, ' e u GIOEA-ST. <;tNt W E-T. a. oh in.. o. Msratn S-lt9.15 ci. port 't-ttv rt-Oite. 9ea. m. As'tiutci r-lWte. u15 a tcî Irjthc O.aiv t6a.& îî. $D"îiil.e oua- frisa7 uclocvk a. lu.. titi 7 0'lock P. fil. - - DAVID SMlT", Qhau--ncery -Sale Jamesa lamitîan anti Charles -Robert*, Plaiotlfl'n. AND George foblor, Elisa No. liug, anti Geerge soîing, andi JXohn Noling, Infante, by William Henry 73illingo,,thei!- (Jeardian,,tDéfendants. UtISQ"AN to aa i)ecm#ýo? his'ilouqrmbi 1' 'h~'rt, odelu tin anne, iiearlu d itibnnutewgit hantired- andal4gy.ons, and 'nu oidro ft' s nCourt, bearisg datlie ns!:lee«nb dc>' ýaIn , ati.year of or Lord es$4, and, i, ýhbthae pprolinsjkof, oGeorge If ny Dartnel &cqnire, Mster e? tie easd ntnot 4-le" yvili ho .1lio - $tfldy, the Elghtoenth ay of June,ý A. 1Ï. 188t, et ltsehour of Zieveu eooiok lu - oraeupon. b>' - Iï, Fairbanks, Auctioneer, At tii. Ofee of thse Wc Mals tale l thefdtownglan@ nd r t thàr, g W '10WNSHIP 0F REÀCfl, M Tas 011 thte Aveicg çreviou é o u e. dcsy'e raax-. AIl rid mnWittchu a.requiredtoludme.aa su Jiekey I'tilt ictortliiig ta tihe Baleg. Every petnu asîieriîcg ea tor t.. le,rejuirea te nneehie% v-ler,,. Tic...IdgeesIiioàcicutho hefisal t in IL- nases. Pin'a-iiio muaitcrcee-taluwedeTlis'n llins-ec cdu> le eît<rtd ah the pt*t b>' peying dsbetuhs-uue e mes-et 1>. I.NT 'ÈriIIMAS LAWLER - oaretary & Treactarur. D. K sidNT . 1864. STEAM BOAT NOTICE! THÉE NEW FAAST tK 11GSTEMERI RO C IESTER, C T.W, T. <JRE&EN'WOOD, .1; ou, t - Wiil oomenee ranning Ooeter on Ithe t>4th of APIUL, 1864< From tii. followlng Purin every bMonday, Wed- nexday and Friday, leeoinc Brighton a .....t ....... 7 La. 4 ornme iet...... ............... 80 eam. c4ffex e .................... 10 s ., 'Port ior"*t............** * ..îg m, Dlrettor I[OCHESTIIR1. srtbrhm la tile 10 C4nntetwth the New York ntm1ralllreé far eil pointp Beet anud Went, sud the. Amerlen lune ofe-teemers w ing Fuin and Wet ou tii. Sîtibcore of 1,91P<ntro. - N. B --rthe 4ihovr w cis q,, the mine route, 8an.l aItihe ame urne Se lagt >ear, ontil ['res4a'lc0le, rl rta opeu. frrce Tesinyho tamr will Inaart, Rcnt- se+.çsdmtfor Port cpeanthabv itutinoi ftees, oonnetngwith tiie Grand T'rno#k Rilîronti. and the. Royal Maul &eemers fer. Ill] mpeas et and 1Àgt., Atn1èrîcen money teket athe entirent rMt"' <Jsiniiu:P 0 $9 60, Deck 3, melaztre. ,Ail hegws t Ithe yVI * of the. own.rn1 unleee book- el and pnsd-for. For î'erthor partieulers enqir. of 1H. Bqutme,ý J. E. Proctor, or W. Qîilck, Pr.eq.'Ile;. J Keter, Culinoims; Charte& Eliot, OCobourg, and A. Cochae, Pe, o e. Colle rgs4rob 2, 1844.i -1tJOTIO BSINEss.o ERASISTUSRIST ER1 -, I. on the tari of 'prtmiuin rIeMý4t 1108500, JOUN BLOW;? PoWllltny ID Offita â jola i. Rowe, & <cd. Whltbyt Foi. th182? IN TUE PIEss., 'TliE ASHBUIJN:CAS~'j -- Or Six yoarn expeclenue o? isl a terltLAi lu canada. P AN IIISTORIOAL- STATEMENM GILBERT FERGUSSON, Esjq., The subseribers are nov opening - up a- îlarge andwl seted SESIONCLEK.Stock of Tabvework is oe- in Prou,-audRT P E THEiii ho pnhhiabed.în a short lime. 1. E Î B Ans unly a limiteI nussiber wili Our stocks of Diess. Goods, Shawls, Mandles and NeW Millinery, b. prinled, earl>' application viii be ne- censary. lu order ta neecpes. 16 are. very c.omplete. French Kid QIoves, PHoeNIX OeR EJD Y-M&ILDE CL OTI .G, FIRE ASSURANCE CO. WITII OUR USUAL LOMBARD 8STREEt&CllAËrflG CROSS, ESTUILISRED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOF WATT & <Jo., Agente fer Canuada. JAMES iJAVISIJN, Manager. NFTIRANmiegt LOSqb>' PIRE lare ieffeotsd nu thii mut favoreble term,, and IA)SIIEPAID -ithhet réféence tlotis.Board ln Londees. Agentii, Whltby VINGAR 1 VINEGÂRf. THF UNDEIIIIGNED BAS POP. SALE vieiarofîbthe a ult>, ian.nutred e himaelf--oti the premlaun 'Ditcdin Street, lhitby, oue- domr vent ofÇ. Scett'n meeldencos nild in large mitai stuail qusntitie.*. visaloele ted r- tall. his'an huenp, and s-eil>' gond om. @iaarticle lcnd h >' .hemieal hcSha talie ,he besl ever pmodlied Ilithe o en ,MIC;.iAEL SCIINAI>PAUF. hib», Ma>' 9.1862. 18 TUE CI&LERA'tED PBE P'a entes tiesn eau ho attenltionn of tice publia toe the love Importat luron- on tise iiinht of hie<i h#'afftmctnt sale oltcer or ½'ae-nhibpo-or Contsel tdependeut ut Labour-Saving - inventions It han elno tii follo*ilng advantnsscn:-AII kinds o? Timla.r-FiClsn tk, Maple, Beach, decn uosetilalu ie msnfaatnreut tise Flie pot, sud tii,-, fie thsesarcity oîtte ordi- aDs- mpl-opeat4i, le no emal mreoam- lonshidlon. nd vili lut longer Ileasithse ordîner>' hoop. Cooper eun ae sine four te ive basrelin aimore tà hth* l.os-dîner>'aphit.h..ets NE' THOUSÂND HOO PS, m1ù1 csaeoieafosu, init lx te ni netv- ibolel cÏhboita basrin ghtcat andi Set fo h ýD,&c. Whomnnr thicloen Tii. propriehor sein p tihe necolcne, carges hhtg for hic on-e hlm. and Iakeno mono>' t44IiÏae li ban Il'sCOolte e-orking order. tiareai tihe age, sean Inapeellon -viiieni "d ey Z W 4elltnSquie- -. Asudi-s- Qel '6e, -W n Bklnui, t1ifton, itei>61. ler W. 4î J.inten 80151. Appi>'te the proprietor sud poeteoe, JAM STOMLIS5ON, 1rj't3-1 ISTARS BALSAM vUAç Br" U0i3 0m10% l, e- bRAL -À CENTvAy, to-ouit, Co ItpHaruen, flore Croup, Ltwer CceM$lmt, Bron* lu, aihW, kd evei7 ý'Th Thoat4WnoandChx mt4 tock of Falitiy Grcoceries'é Wi ne &Spri ts, TJMOiIY AND CLO VER SEL'DS Field and Garden Seeds. Whitby, April l9th, 1864. Xe AND MAIUACTUJRER 0F I HAS REMOVED TO FORD'S OLD STAND, BROCJ< STREET, WIIITBY. Offers the following STYLES 0F CIYTTEBJSI Viz: Caradian Vatent Frout, Rolling Seat, A.n'ericéaii Jumnpe,, TI wo-seated Pleasure Slekwhs, F-ortland Cutters, . got>Sliighs, Ail of Nvhich lie is selling ât G RJal e4ueed Priceg for Cash or app ov ed it ,. Some vYery negt- CAR RI AGF.S, open and cov'. ered, whih. wili besold very low.TogodsodhadGs and two eetà-heavy Bobs. -- 3 WiU1 fiîîd Wxthin a 7ow P u rivate P"ar -FOR S LE, Sher IlT.j? ootith ball of Lot No.?7 1» tihe 7thCo. ÇCgjnt'a' ot I o ? a s, Co tuty ' ofi tar o ontâining 100 l o w i at5.ets 1 1 ont of the cg For pal'tionlairâa Y if letr ejaid) Inra,'t Nwî P ulielto'ra f tIése lntlâàii T o ro nt . d e fe u d a urf , T e i Foi>. 16 18q4. 8-f p aite i itti.,i n e TIIE tNIVERSAL jCrtand Tiie obi>' Wrilnger.wîth ti the ein, I OOG-W HEEL REGULÂTORA o'-t-dy NI~LO!~ta. rcNODS, Srl'aOffePeCNoir Wilithy, April e, 1864, TWO NOTES LOST!' rrI pu tblic nre hreby foniid fezoeating for jL twu prontiaory Nntes, dratwn« b> Whitney 'alte in favor of lienry W. (,tremr, for t4e repeetla-eynouats of $48 sud. W &uii, lDe- cembr oriviialynext napaymnt f the cone làq bu etopped. The>' wero for the pe o tright f Onra n's g rain and Sûed ,jow er or tho U fity?; D a rb im., . -- L, D. BROWeL OSHRAWA -" Garden and Nursery, 13ANKS, Esquire. (N)W rendy eand for calta fi erûa aeort ment uf ari> and lato dblined, Red Cab-. bagos, (Janl1floiWr, .8oredole, Tbnletoes antI - ;elcrf PlAnts. Alco L: Vatiity Of GREEN.-HOhJSE PLAN1rs, For Pbomat, r boddýir.g ourt, unrd a ohloice col. leftiOu utt 1h, now.e. hardY iandhl&lt-lrft Annnul FIboîVerlng Phinîs for bedding ont. 1Green-hute B'q nttevfttrnlied on tU séhdrtost notice. 1>ergoli s ihin g.eau béannppliod withCo.: tiiiit>r aid Melon plants; ln pote, Ah'4o al lite usual>oulliuary Vegetotlcs, lui tlitelrmosaionet mo-derato price. N. Il -Ail rdg$rib>' pont, or otherwlteç Pel'uîîtY tteilded 10. THOYS. L sR ?roriaoor. BRYANýT, $TRATT(IN &~ DAY'S Oz~OMERCALCOLLEGE XKinw rtreet, Toronto, C. W. It Saves Timo, Labor, (flo0theS & Money I I TIf;th l icnl anedtiocils'relcable Wriugar befcre the.îppe. -icid combisuo more nîreng-th offraiiipcaoputt>for precceure, acsd - poweor of aeeioic, tjini tuvotlaer machine misdo. il *1w-il wear for yeamc Witholit repaif n No servant cale break l.« 'A cisild éight 1'eamaid cen operate i. No caution or' %kilt required la itc ne., it caves lin conînin Clothuîg elery nino or t*eIVO otonthe. Every tVrlsger 'aitis Cog-1l'ieeln le Warrasnted in esTer>' particular. The t'cstvermiîl Wriuger teck the FIRST PRFhttiTMa t4llvem Mt-dit and Diptomia. et the New Yoark Shuite Fuir. 1882, and e-as pro- caoti no perlor lu il plîiera icnthe WorId'a Fair at Lunkucc, 1562. Cenvaceers Wanted ln every Town in Percou meniuîtc htlere is ne) Canvasper atppditedo, by reoiîiticg thieprioa lu Un shall rceve tisa Wringcm b>' Express, prepaid. W.H. ILIJS & Ca., lramîltan,- 18-Suc.G en e ra t A g e n ts. ALE1X. MASON, Quebec Goyerrnment A.genicy flosinems conne\ted with the. CROWN *LA-ND- aud otiier PU13LIC DEPARTMENTS. attonded te. Aise E. J. CIIFSLEY, Landahal lclueral Agent, ?.2t, AnneStreGt. qnebue. ?iareh Srd li tRO. 9 HOGS LOSI!1 STPAV4ED front the îoUl-gate, one hog aud one naiw. liath white, short talle, wOittli about oua hnndred eaeh. A reward iWilI 1ie given for nuellIinformaton am wil load10 otheir Toll-gate Whithy. 8 AGENTS ,WANTED, T,078 pet imipith, and oxpenes npikld. to î»I, nollo.ur U NîVI91SAL GRAIN SEP ARA. TOR. Applv, pont- pald, and clampa for re- tomn, te C. P. (iONOLLY & CO., 19-1>'. Caipbellford, C. W. BU-TOIIER'S MEAT! IAt DONALD the hirtehoer. bezîts au- lU.nuiîîoe tijat ilinshc nthui-z- hatover to du witli thie i.hep iuwhiel, halte lt,' dd,]bnci. ne ln Bok Street, [le ,ïnoveto tvnrk mi hie% ow, liook. and lut4onda to" paddlelhis o'vn ceno.." Partij-.wilhlr o W hve fresh Me-tý oftbe bout quaflt>' ci5tieId et tlîdfr door, will oblige hy ,..ihm W cli; ho soicitsthe -14vor, and uudartaeàa,, givesmutisraitioti. Ment eau ho obtaLitid at the. nobgorlber's hqo4se, nx, o -the Tannery at tlionsa 12 Butoher. DOCTOR'DA VIS, continueseto trent Sypubtlit anti othar ln Firet doo RuaI of eit,n Uoùk1&iovs CeCo cits Of Iutercuatiooei COMneriîl COlaGesO, Inetcil in eourten e( thte larget eitica <i lite Staten au-J Canadà. - Ynung suesu nd liîditce psepttred Ifor ti pnrcILI îl tslea eOfthle Cocsistcug-Hanuse, or foi mtiacceistceir-ee-ss huainees witi sysvtem andt degpatchi. Thtcorotiesl Depel'tnisnt. lun[luis departncent etudouts recive thnmooli icestimuetian luinDouiblo Entry ook-keepiut2z Commetolcîl Ulciltinn, Commerclia wjr Comissertinl corracpoudeecant] Penmanahipe- Prnctlcai, »epimtmesi:. enaagEmea MOr ln. HAMILTON & Co. LA1Vg DONOV.AN. WVALIEY & CO. o<ui Antin il ý 9.1uto é; U &,WqjlýU ý V qiluujt -ý ELSOII G. IMYNOLDS, - - 1 ý . - 1 1

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