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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jun 1864, p. 3

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s) Tshe LOIVICIor te Srtte ons ett1h hmetig sdrea cuebtuaI Wé flR T fE TN E W ýA D V E IlE I ýMN>E T S.- - XtU~,. feu it >WC'nid not,under any circumitartéea, iN Uxbrldgé, June 7th, 1864. ho advisable tao allow it ta ramai,, undon C I N S LE<um U Wéi1fD it Wedneady béing the day appoint.- ntlnuhec rIONw hveacorinlylii I ed(forthé laylng Of thecor'nOtr tone Of a expended $201 ini that work relyi, in -untl a 0F S p ie w ha"accG o o dsy Ctholle Church in thia place, a grsat ma- ver great ss e u thespotO OP p l nd<> r C o cf, ny abomblyct, maiteff he aprce, ,g. T",wIrehlyt my hyhvecr~ri ~1W1tce~oprocer~: the community to malce good the ontîa7.R EA I 1 .I4 - -::- ggrted In lino Of roieo, by thtrty ve. generously accorded. In the iibrary, it- J hidi.o, wblch were loaded wth-adherents wmis necesa:7 to milie considerable sa.LB fLD'<F E H A RIV L T " H to is Catholilo ftth. from this and ditiona of e books, in several depari.Tw tlh 'Jly a enlgbboring locallîlea. The pro. mente, we have therefore laid ou n Wednesday, u&niehdy of J <PEO uonwaheded itb twelve ridera oô hundred dollars in the perchas. cf nietyA .16,u h hos.sbaekc. andthe lJxbridge Brama nd. A. volmeswhic",nressatteenPbErP LES' CIIEA.P C SJ"8 0I E. lite ollowed the résident prieat, ReV.reOderaoduring NORTH ONTÂRIO HOTeELL BIGSLOWE# Me., Braire, the Bishop, &c. &e. 'Alil nt 6 1109. The number cf rdes(MU:NO T N ARO R TY ,.-IG L WSNEW BUILDING.) once proceded ta the Pite on which ia to the yaar, bau been 176, and the numbar te. erectcd the new church, whore àaitem. of volumesa ismed 2309, heing an average IN ME porary place had been buili for the uae of toeebc reader of 13 volumes. The lac. CoBRIL) GE placed on front of il for the 'oongregatlon, ed, vere well attAnded and the course has At the ler of Twelve o'cicck, coo, the. to whlch blsi Lordahip was conducted. been well sustaineci. Sflop wr comeplanngtiy:othe'o B o te ese; tcicFOLLOWING PROP.ERTY: W 'GREAT BARGAINS IN .i ofHigh Max, &fiter vbhic'h. that service w ed whicb, while made a source ofrBY vituae t a Power of ilalo, couteined lit.a wua gonte through with- the Rer. Mr. PecuoiaTY profit, wus, we hÎ-ve resm o 113 .rtalu lmortgmXe, wharein Peter Coelan Braire omfciîting. At the conclusion cf believe, of much ereater and more Iating le Mortzitgor, Vilflge Lote nuinbere titres and liss thecermonyconnctei wih tte îivînîg.~,, ~ ëev'urteenI, on Man Street, ini the ealid Village léus he coemonvconnetedwth th advetagi-in brnLin the natittte mm ofuxhridge. ai, laid ouIt .y J. hlcCaIlltm, E"q ýC a 1 Iaylng and bleamink cf the coiner monte prowinenîlv and faeourably beft-re the P'. . e., for J. Baaeomj Lq.. i"oe $1. for cing thepreparatory orion-tlomf lovn ple. mil r coitfeetiasinfre, as a m iure eni itiaon wl.ieli il alarge >'ugar 10]b s. lorl il . iee-251iOs. $1 ' . lyara thy, Tabernacle," &c. &c.. The an fmuhgo.Eeit lme R M D E LN O S, E f ' i~ . ) s~ lîtnlea4were thon aung. wlîile the Biihop maso ohgodnvnn lue RA ED ELIGN UE est ieas, Good G.reen & Blvack from U60c. -Plesad the atone and laid it in thefonunda. for instruction in the ordin-try Enctish A lariro Blaekàmitlî $]joli, with tac forge.,, ad ion. sayinz branches cf edîcaion were Iept up during i.r o nt-buildittg'. "In the fîth cf or Lord Jesur, Christ. the winier, and lhough, by no means !lrerinit andl coditîone of sale, IR oîa R ha a - we ayths ~ststrmeinIh tmmet f tt'unaîifsîoy es an experiment have not tagiil nt thte Alltie,...eur. il th e ily ni .l,, rather, and t of the Son, and f or the l10 been mooetarily eucesrul-balance e ltet 1 ' ~L~t'il ainttne, frontthie Vetalo l Solliciter.8 1v hot. ha trc ait m th far f howiîîg a lots of nine dollars oceaqioned ARITiUlt B iLII <2od, and trotherly lovemv hers prevail, b hm Teatnane ,O ar~Uxbrîige Vîlluie. and this plare nmcv bc devoeitcd o rayer, yte.Tealednewii Tilýridge, julle7, 1864. 22-4w and ta the invocion' and praiice cf the thora beingz 17 sobolars durinx the firet - - __1_ ____ A large stock of M e sL.1atdieýs, anîd (hild- *&me Jeans Christtor Lord, whîo, wlth quarter, and thirteen during the srcond S the Fathier and tîhe lolY (;hnst, livpth and quarter. A public discussion lus ws1C Olt S trayed. reîis', of superior iake and finish. relgneth Ccd tl rcugh iill ages. Amnen." opened, and séveral dabates held and 'l-G od ii-s cat t$3 2 . The anl, 'Hve-terc onme, )Cd,'essaya raid, your commite have hows.ver S-1Tit "I li) O>1 'T LEX, tront the prenliso. &twas next reeited, and the flighop inregret the apparent apathy oft the young .11. .iritwr, Lot Nt.. s. laiC>' 4______ ___ moved rouncd the fo'inlti,în, bath neidi enint-t veiit t is nmeou_ 0. _celi_ n te 6_ me_ anti Outxitie, meprinlcli"gthe sanie îîithme inhi cniytilcuru Pierg.otI OîLty blemeed water, and recitingAlîe al.poîited ranîtages, but few amen* thora takink, 'V"lio 1AY COLT11S, ,g1 j f J1I itl prayer. e~ither part or interest in ita etTorts. ashould (Il,le hr,.. clIt, 4 veare nid, thenî ra iley 1î*** *8* e* A collection une thon takien op, amnîmont- he made le sust'n mc ad inereae the use. 12 cii . rc îtiti,. îîasrp~n ."P,./K ~ W .. N ~ Y E s lng-to nearly $0. lfter c liJh the RIev. fuinpts cf an atiendanice upon hoth these iîu' l,, g .g H.l dti om. iliflesli; tili. 611v Jam s arrelv îrnhda germon t"n important clasesas they will add material. 'th itsii i i io tlot. am*i. ,n ilviersli&ti t P -iîdj îg ciirliteiiiinv. l h ae i ALk~1~ <l~, ~i>lu.le 'ibu <(0d Sbeher Il ' M ly in the welfare cf the Institute and ita. o ol hotu iavii :î.CidresIIiy e"' a iNelselcte(I stock,. Sta- thea clocf 'the germoon the lishop sad- indivirlual mete ". Your committee Ati yc.nn4ivnir ioorin,,tti, .tIsa will tndti Ikd tîenra ' 1w rcc tirefsedthie peile -on virions i tatts'r.,iii ý -f1 tgi<lh 1v li, r 'uA iii ba nitishlv rewadluhl otiery of allkulis ttia rk bl l 1 rie cluding sottie nt the differenenin a rels Nugeet uî&lts.%-r..i he;,wei.îtlvm itiong point oci r lelstween Cntllî,liCi u nq clasqes i50 that particular ng sbe .. i c).,jtter i iotice miliili pruauî.ued i' les 'nll,- ' ea Ïmd Prots-aqtantq. Dtiriîîg hie ressnrkc hedêveîed a i ciîties ieetead of a Lgeneral iiccriliiig b I la. e -ci suit. triv sssîrie 1 -"opde) idî menticcud the liberality o,îrt(- Proteîtait1 eachin!Z in each brninch as herptofoie BNAIteeit.<.Soe"? Ios-epr v1 idwat a saving hy flefc part o! the eommnnitv in contrihîating zo' purmued. Duf,, suiteî 7,1884. 22-e freey tuard th erctio cf h huri Three re-unions e mea ld, whieh proved ~digs.~~1~ 1J N, and expreeeed a destire that feelings., f ai.411 sacefl pplr Ity =nv nlr'sVst exist. hm<hly a, e mfiad po ulrthe net 1J.1 à 1. Il. '.".'.. Aia.i.N Th.lînei~î~wîstIonprooîncd.receipîs being over fit7y dollars. To beld- xyln , 842 whînofcuse oc.ue the %ri(9 n hsp, ycur commitîe ahile der.ply- i Whàtly, ue1 16. and ax the people digereidhs oipi..boI deu1. n rmycfthe-members fer 1_________________ lttli-e-__________________ __ retired to the 1lxrid-re llôt,îne, wh'.re re- asisîsoe. cannot but cal your attention e.. drt lBrick ýt,,rp.ait L.,telv -1 freshmients ucre in readinese for Mhi ,and ce the decidmd, univillin nesa hy momt u'ai * Il1h. i- iioer 'erg, Unil .4Stîns THE H1lU IlEST CASII PR ICE PAlD FOR 'big attendaLqrt.doiloî, more chic formiuî- partc0olite R. & J. CAMIPBELL. The Bislsop's ritteînatts wrre, Rev. J. audienice. -- If tou. plemnant entertain. iW lîiuby, .1iurn ti 4. Farely cf1."rc-nv 11-v.R. eceer.aiment are te ho surcessfully maintained, as *l'4 Brock, Rer. A. 'P. Finen. cf )1_______ ___Jr7e S w > 4reek, Rel.J. . V('rilleé, cInt wmrt your emmîttee osincetely hope tIi.y -ilI,ExMNro<0 P.er. M. Laititent, cf Toro<nto, and th l' d te muet -he a more active support i ~ uu.~ ~ N~ . ~ -ient priest, Itev. M. Braire. iziven by the memtberit, omerwise tbey will DEI J1 ',hUMB[h BL JI. i litby, Jane 1, 18614. 21 le tho eveninst the Ri;insho tartcd for scot deteriocate hccb in imatter and use.---- - Toronto. accompanied by quit. a riunher in thie cocipetîisi, your commiîîee t-ut IM R i.l JI N N T i dis. y lhulmrr he t îhy ilI tint be considered inuidious in 1 ieThe moay, r.tnrn ugl eytreucrkmhl making aclcnowledgmnot he very kind tif ilie Ait itif i î1j D uf. sh ias t Jt.nd, lin, md ctwihetn.Ing her wee oerservices r odereci them by INrs. Q.îrvin. oono la thecisand. peope pre.ient. including ad-t. ,at t c J amd also mtse triuleicet everv twreed îînder the ch. great lindness showe by J. V. Ham ri. everythinig pa'.ased olf in a vert' he. Eaq., in llowins- them mie C'f one ir In teV 'Tu >A [ er' i a-omng muet-er. E.* M. Rainera Piano Fortes. The membership - Iin 209 aiii-t 187 lunt year, sho tiniani jFiid<iy Evenng. the lOth iiîst. Uxbricige ToV.nmhlp Counecil. tocrunse of 22 memtberei.melve o! mhom Tis t -n a wli'fr te e »*, oni have paed the prelimimmmry exasminatiosi reerati el Ooîîmi- Th o!UnilfftI4 Corporation cf 13v îand .nterevrl b ai cercificaten f leri i ~ bridlge. met. plirFlinnî 10 nadjour-imeon nfottolôr fAt n uatuesrit i'r fisrller liJ5u bî nier., iueoprcgrantme». the U!ubridize lcouse, r hridge Village. cci !rom teilard cf Atesarm uti anafach oluren.t efa wl lt the tlth Jtîmne, lnrt. ciln Umdiiuh lreouiy t rlm A.ll 22-1twlor>snp'se,'ii~s a, Al the nîenibcrs prescnt; the Reeve in bat-a blenf nadp, expennes imuurreld, mnd - the chair. im;roueimuîîe ,tItTerted, your cotmsitice S 1X (' <O IPThe mintes ofi lait meeting were real tiare ii re1ort aititiericy in ttc receîîîce A SL "'E 1H pm COMPANy aed apprpved. of ly$0 ýafcet- payaient o! m:lit.mOP0 TORONTO, C. W. Petiuloncu more remîeve anmd rend-- Frnii oil 2., W.carter. mnd 17 otlsor._priving for a ndcu e i eueCAPITAtheub40i,000, new s.rhool 'eî'ion inbehoforuieti froun" ct'iel I C PT L 4 00 -'b. 12, nortbi la the %tch. <ch and luj Al i! whîchi imraspectfuîly summitticiL. . 4ý rltipoaiàk o M Ja-mes l'hiries, pta-a> tLfor a remi"isin ofc Lja . . . Pespri. -.. ~iet rmnhLt taxent<mn lut 12, in tiie th Con., amisa m îîon -îr- In thre village or TO R0. MICEllE, Esq. 'M. ROSIX, ESg. 'broken lot 15, le tîme AthmCon. Proi Jîcln Nation, andi 112othere. prmyieg tInt no oi.. iite, rofdu gl eI. wf i~Swcetary mand Tromrer, tiurvay bei-ade cf lotsit ea en 28 acd 3 L5 o.fiaej faduîtr BERNARD HALDIN, Eaq,. Sinclusive, in the 7îlm Con KENNEDY.-- At Atherley. on the lot Court. Sh"rrd moveti, ieconded hy iBruN te M'0-c-autn uluabeCu;u w'r o A-endr.enàey9Ra"t MýR.?VEefGoeAMPinGL tmmn, that the cy-cm Juet reme, obm emno .I heoree aýi mo14-Coîd& .. -s YelowA__rdej, GeenTop a scond lime, until the camt meetit- cf (wsc illîgIEuuru b ya uwkeaco mmmhm irAba c a taheey ctcctdtogr.lb ecceay l n,$uufoy r u nduwi )te e li1,.A s ine ul a, thGreen Tweeodale - aInGrendTp this Cnoucil ; anti thît the Clerk h., and T S6,tu> e delinureut duilu, (donule suup- 1.944. 'White GIo~e amtlictln f Ii itode pssgeo!sad ayiYWItMAN GIILSuIN, GenGlobe, TedaeImprove1i.Carrou ad Man'a'rolds. bylw,as the 1mw directs.-Carried. unil. .t a1 fr h saon 4115. IA incL, (Joue, Seegster mcved, seconded hy 820 Ib. ....e00iHAMMLTON1&<M cJourt. ChapetAn, thut thusi Cou eil do grant 10 ba0 f i. .eme NLL t rond acraper to Wm. Snodden, for rond 0Il- 11&2 ilsBidns y -4viinNo. 15, ad on. te (0. Foruythe, In.111 te epvideul b. boys another - ith privite JAMES BRc)l>M. 02'1 Ns o Ran Comm: Sherrar& moved, secndtti hy ~Onb hundrd Rides Ne, I j14 i1Ii Coun.Chapman, chah a certain amouco, N TCEapAS-OL EAHR IIQ, S o 11 iiii sj propriuited t tlhe luit sicingofCouncil, on O meo r u eltfo ae.9ep l u the towniine betweon Uxbt'idgo mrndRtIech: T II E Ptilleucre ýhrire1uv !orbld uoneRluled Store. TURMS CASHt. 1W beoepth d omlot No . 15,rriptis ILfor 00.u c.,u1owinoeiutt-eucere- hlrJAMES BAIN. 0f-the best quA Itat &ma ver Io fi re 'o mpnet rm o N,15 f tt-eîy. e,.5ld 1,$14. and ih Y Coupj, Femsby moved,-geconded by 51 t-înt> hs leuha' Ru.IAuA ,Iy 5 56 ford, ouu or about tIse iti ni'f Sav. 188441(. l a &engster, that ch. ïmetof $80 b loe t o fAise r 16tf ff Un ole A S AC -1 A O the Assemsr for amasesing the towni4bip or sponeible for tijernu or aey cf ttem, hlma , ~ [j V'Jbrldge, for the yemr 1854, and that te oua olefrt 'Te Sm! .eû<>8 80 Keove grimît an ori!er ce lhe Tremmrer for. ROBIMT BRADFORD,i ,2~l8I8~Vi'D __________ pp0t1lettt .FLO U the Ume. - Crried. àcott,lune 7tb 1664. 4,Iit ,UIiN G. BOWES. ' Cou. hame-tnvE.seE. fbyoGAR PTest BkfSHORTS The ouritn i_______ 50îTgeimdftinÇbuguhBroug1mfor W oole ndFeed<of ll4-,i', 4 g-) REFve (J ineenid of[us tthefo w ewrsa, Brough4. HE ud tn wlpa hfo syD n -whteic me mtramunofegWol dlrom lest, WPitiy, DJatei1,tto" lie oe.sslotm, flEs~une 1,taI 186& ~sulfo Te flcomng ithe- epuon ro r t Mx. Noa tqh sttee on ~îtna e.A is lbýîhive ommisof s14 uai.r, avili Tfer Root, eeuts; eh ardn haIf.prle 4bwuie ere ufiiae pruta fi"o omplut -1 . S E . Plita# àtibto r. 8peealmrypomineIt Spakers aillba Prenan 1aia~aa,. ...... La. ...aon theJ.m... . . .---..a ~ ~ a. Mtthew'T'eefy _NEW ADVERTilSEBM TÉNTË Rte &J CAIYPBELL H1AVE ON HAND. A LARGE. ASSOMTMENT 0F DK3~Z -in black and colored Silks, Bareges, Delanes, Alpacas, &c. Shawls, Mrintles, Factcry Cottons, Broad Cloths, Tweeds, Straw Bonnets & Hats,Linens, Sbeeting, Gents Hats, and- Caps,' Rtibbons, Parasols, Towellinigs,CurtainsCollars, tes, Braties, Hosiery and Gloves, Damasks & Carpets, UnderClothing, And an immense stock of. IIEADY-UADE'CLOIIIlNEG In mens! and boys' Coats, Vests and Pants, made Up on the pre- mises, the fit and workmanship rnay be d.epended on. GROCERIES, and a Fresh Stock-of Sweedish Turnip Seed, just received], ail of which they ofier at a small advance for Cash. Whitby, Jtîne 8, 1864. Chanery'Sale, IN CHANCERY- Willimme - Henry Trcmiynet- ANDe John Boadwayr D éead by -origimnal Bill. AND EITWCZN- Jamei MB. BicIcehl, Agnen Poirmon, and William Hemnry Tremane, Plaintii; by order of Revivor, ANDe -John Boadwmy, Dufetidant. - TO BE SOLD BY- R. &, J.CAMPBELL. rfrl~ 22 1 UBLIC, A39TOND woole Wool-!e ln pursuabîce 01ilutdecrtemand finl tiner fur ale cutide b>' tiie Cens-t oft Citiîmer~y id t 7pe Cmaja lu thie anau t iîî dtsleettvely tIhe lwsetytmimd day cf tpluccîbot-, A.:.62 anîd ch. twauî,,tlî îy of'April, A 1). Iiby George fleumry Daitmel, smr, tliiMuuter of thslsHonorable u cartelt Witby, ou Ilighest Cash Price paid for any quantity of good, Clean Wool at Mol 5 h hrtnhdy tJn No. 4, LAING'S rnJILDlNGS1 F'aifiily Grocer. Fresh, and of the best quality, will' be found, Skirvin's superior purpie top, Laing's improved purpie top, Bronze top extra, Aberdettu Ydilowe, WVhite Globe, Imported by C. PROHIIERTS, SEEDSMAN. Whitby, April 20, 1864. 15 y early OppO8:te the Commercial Hotel, Why. Offers the largest and mont varied stock in the County, at un .! FredtZLwPitrCs ýl*or IIU86, Barm or Drivi.4g Shed Buildinçj-I have, a large stock of Paiitîis, , Glass, Putty, Loeks, linges, Boit. -ad Nails, of al sorts andiîsizes. For' Farm Ue-I have Forks, Shovels, Spadeë, Hay Knives, Straw Knives, Cow Bous, Crose.cmî Sews and Filets, Well'acd Cistern Pumps, Plow Lines, Hope Halters, Scyth..llades cf Higginuu, Blood's mcd- Oshawa iti rpute mties -".- - ,> Foi' Domebte upse~ feCha n~~rok. Cook$' Knivcut, liuther'a 1Knvès,' Pooiei and lPen I<niveo, Spoons, Tes Trayi ,and Waiwers, Breatd Baskets, Citeuise Trmy,, Keife Traytt, Scaicis and Weig11té,ý B.aWns Pire Ironsi,Smootbicg Irons, Italian Irons, -wlt n mil but enileu sortmect cof neesmary ýjnii1ieî fir cottage, ormansion. , -To techauirs-,- sk ofBlacksmiths', Carpenters', Cabin.et. Makeru' and oter Ptmn-'ls:ngs Voq cmlpte. Ail will be sold Cheajper.tlian thé ýChëapeSt, for Cash only.' WHITBY, Maye 1864.ý 25Ibse or- good-RIOE for $,L I OIs. righ SIIR for $1. New. IMIiIinery at OROOM'.1s - ALSO, - A. D. 1664, li Eleesu of tbbc dot-tilu$Ithaf-st-e. M tî.ii h.e lJcîii.mier f tie euid itter, in the T-IOWN 0V 1WHIITB3Y fl che Ceutity o! iîtcîrio, eertii r-ledPro. inesdé, lteimg ti9 eouthlsit. quirtcr c,! Lot liuimîbr Tino mlit te eoc d e or<ceîlî i tm 70 WNSHIP O0F RE1ICH, IN Tiek 0>omQ0UTYOF,.ONTAR1O44 Accut collîaiiiiut.>y uiiinscîrusî,mlli Fit'ty A cres of Laîtid, Bio thsis tîbotisemr.or lIci>. dlt .vîmiiuti ahout tnu-.ity -uerua -i4 re ce.îred. Vlii,4zàid lut beiuf; n abnt utct Irce ici s-e fs-issuthe VILLAGE. 0F ASIIBURN, l*tdili. necesiblo ther-to hy trecul t-ndl, %wlelh said Vilist fere a goc-d imarket tir the suie et îuredtce. -'CONDITIONS. 0F SALE..-: Thi. parcmnser et.iil. et ltu liutice cf sale, psy doi a dtpôiti iLtct-laoto tii £1,1 filut- 6ecry £100 of! hÙ4 picrclbiist- i outhue Voni- dore or iteir Itelicitor, ai,mlltil IYi$hIe rt- icaindet- of hi'e put-tisane moicut-, withm isituroe frein tîma lii>'o ue! n, mitlcii i ls i-dsiîdur motilm tlStemccfter, 'rie Necc.liri alall îl oe couicpelau te produe asy fnitoir tir ottier diueilechuiithicea mow mn tlîu-br poiuecnaic. Ini etber respecte, mnd exveptas suaéicuva tmec- ti,îîmcd, iii o s-niil of 0îluatir,t e ttan.listàe condfitione ut msdio f htliîd .Court îsf tittinceirs Ttecndili(.n cf' Sale, und futier pisrticu- tari ici>' iaclîtaîceil nitthe Cîimcaer cf he- eiti 31àiter ali Vhltby and uttcheclum 'O>fcbu Vliiiilfik'8lcitcr, icItiiesahltTinviitWtîby. Dated ue 11 day eof My, A. D. 1864.- GEO. H-K.DARTNELL,4 Ue tri gstc.r at,%Vittb. 5. ±i. LilPumL~tA>N Il, Plsdntsff's Selicitar. 19 - IN CHANCERY. SET WEEN Pimetu. Vamircimt, thi vile of the Dýelend4utmî Milusal Vinu:, by * hç»r Utieclenufilemî fricmnl, N ttmma Buimcley, mmd blublidb Vatmtztt, ch. wife of the ilef.tiamt. .Jch Val-ý inuit, by ber tilo' iiisl.meutfriond, - ANI) atJut Vaudrt, icuttLnzuto, - (l>'orlgilnd lBill,) - Pimeb, Vaiis.cit, Otlî,ie o! Vie defeisdammt, MIieewl V&tiitcit, b>' ber UncIele ndnAxt irionu, Nithma &uitley, Plin'hii, AND JohnmVmuzant, JiesWiiwrmrd, by - sl uiaW1.lat:ry: dluI Infantlie Gltardicie, »e!endich, (b17 lest rdrot Revirr)- #4P BET' motI, aum uitin yer»,.

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