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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jun 1864, p. 4

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idrwit, aJ a 1ew.York paG ter.IYdatel$IC pulehild aniexqeli ai illuatration or the J » 1Y O tds ee étw. erwe got the iech g aan ntdiretin bahyantier of'eî ,haotd aetand !î ; fbicîst a i i P.e d Voor, I r1lý, 88 Thon 1 ,cabbed, thenold woman ui.der one arintsd theIbaby under noi s , an Il waan'ino use.tît î lc - lià tileflog ocra r eu~rpî, .eltln a~5liy.iii frienîa1iyw,.ent1~ llier dorsk iq jui ae'd ergoover the top of the currtiuted tulîlIrit re. eliimney. and tai wa te last of her.' Tiett iisrled ou Goiti, OlIver tr 1'ulwauizcul 'fu equaHlze îhl.4'd?au2hi, lhaput a poultiice et,,h llIe o11mr.eadiitu. bitponthl op e 1WIre iwepart tof the obimnev, whicb aii raAe. ,ell'etrîniy anqiurcd tite purpose. An u e1'j- te Inpî Iirterg lno - -il)agiima tt O-tlittrt îiie amr nîory would trsI'ei i W .il ÇaRatD. not luire truthieri itimeioif w tu e minute _____________ dperriîaîu lofrte ,3aîti'îîdje of the cat, whicit for tli lutant mta Le eabaurdity scerapossible. R acas ý- iNo nis e Nt Ai ra'r'-The State of Mairleie l îî place fer trishineat. The Re.t ptàblicau n 2zýitture f tiaî j im'teiý 61 a ; receuitt1 uv, have agt'î! hI ilike 'of rial eîigratqnai atvery màtrkvd meascro. A.nneticivas pated, incorprtainir arn 'Emi granut8' Aid Socilety,' tewhie-h iwas civaît n boniy ftonit iiiState Tieisury oft weît- ty-ive -dollars lfor erery emiMrlitî botween rite S rn lfifeen tantd frfîy ho aîtii u dbe, ,bruu&,ht muie the Sinte. As i)rliiirtt yc2m1p0need, 0 TII the lite îtfIutlild ail enijdruirita, butiti was sutîsequentiy ameîtded soea in "x lude the OJNTAIOU RF'J-~CLUB- e Xiii cole off 0 ver the Whtitby Course, ui1 The opciug cf Ilrit utf îutruuýaph in alVedheSdËy, Thùrsdy and Frlday, palitish paipur anay bu tatîi rais a a Irex- tminnlby the _alvprîiii etlla r-unilem. JUINE 2%aîd,2llrd arad 24i1a, 186t. 8Prinr 1le cOutjii. itutul tuent lier tîuioueofo FIRST D4Y. flowairs Faslîltîn ii Suctîîît-iitîuled ijr la - . ~.Ledgere480., Otïi a eauikeofolo sch, ,P)¶4le to doubî, in the Aragel oetl:agar tht -i J uren iituat -furaI1iy tuiavl4, iii bre lvsfcr lllutraece uutt sary&, tait ite ltilisit îocketîhandker. uîadite i. rt Siîit, iti î 4 tutrilof $10, chief wcliibe ttr- f1iîîut ui uîrlic thie u, ti4ttt f'; oh itly text, îltroce or -.44---t, tient te r a irtui iu. flîiteaurt' Mtxîi)~iTlutre A ese oh $11Q()ttul 'test te-t ree-ln- lover laas a- ' i -. Axîit)A lover Trouhîjniz rurseet i *h. til-teliroe- wi une eho isilitlove. oewIi8in lulove mtIiuhte t iot tretttuii t tni' it trot- la huoied. IUc uvit i la îuied l3 caugitt. tt utîîti T*ro ~ ctugitî lailu he takien. 'Pherefore, S C ~ D Y siliceutiitigm w hicli aim- tquaittltirte saine,SE O D A . are equal tbcaici t orer, a .loverià une lPurgeo$15,iom T iaiuoperîto aIl eltola tken. A.rlin u loo lalu o mtas, latitîctttu wpihta4ý whois a4n Avni , o lveis e lve T:o151a*g purse 01 $100 -uittle tucsl- a lady1 ctîisequninr7îî tg otii4 ltuîIy. But thea-tifiv, teluIe "i Votte lady as a inaim iei 'îel iove Trott.ng Purse nl$30, ittle-hi-ars-, lient ad iït tto'loyte a trima. Now it Lai bega titrat, MluivSe, out-cru mil loi-elq thtlever trot- prordîbît alovr tatit 'eh lattuki tedâNterîtan titrec ityittitro. pue'atalvrion o s t i u anud il bui nbiteu)pru'ed that ho isla.~ ktn liy a laîdy, thaivf*gurs, taiken hy IV miss, wlterefure he uâ uiiî-akcî, digit la, ho bas I'tiurse of $100, mile licttîtit handicap committetl a niluttît. Lut a maStke la a Tote naoCt0r~ ie ies, biunuh-r, rrtd Le who hblnders la a bock . uîiî iiiîcte-e:Illttu a t al aver Lend, 'alt! itareore a lovr inla ablock.t? c>tui l-Wt'4rlmtAb .u4 114 tîiditrroluit-e bred. %Wiincr of tle iralitraie SotuilPIy t%-Ùo ktiowu anatd tornebody e tilutl wlr i sneiîi, h.-resthat wlwn twc or njiujeiu wîîîijn appronachrng you on&e n;îr1,nw itiic, fa euleiiîd "e n uothei- tu eniabW 'bi n r a4s'?~' yêü may be surie îhey are i4lics or "UrlOIIi com u iîtencu an& conaîideratitin. 'lie exmnui coursd putiqued by wnof i-a ti htrgit al brem*I, awoop. ing cvî'rybudy hcnioa'c î îiinto the ud A sail.,r ta.i it chidd lu i>echriisîeîed, iîihu1*jî la hiî'id hiî lbaby on liii 'wruîan (Or te iî'clrgYMen lutotiitk-i, ¶eaq aftîëd tir turui h#- upol" ivn wainel he itaiiz wri. in" faâliite pa'vnt, ti i l iiîny good tmain." wli.'niilettitriitiit hf4tre ultlpp'-rmîîtal, ibe- fi c. fi l iîîeditiiiwi& an oid pfai caplain slttilng iin tih tl-rv <'iseto t hé reaue, <IhI eung> ontf "Entd for î'ud, Jck. ,Ay,, thye ar"IIifil itiior, and p&îched bis mont and hliu i,iîr on itheoe ir arm.'" Tic iteureet z4t'tit- toi Georgeu Waah. ingiîiii, now aî,inla iiorlanl pOS. l il ie Co'TIl-erate arwy, anidte oniy so n oif zîîcltrv 'Taylor M'a lkuder in the Soulluerra rititita -, Nov riudt- uina youin an ;-new puila iealc, .Mevert el ruer lecreu t) thîe *g(,d ; id duors seidou ittciuseiy. llssd hry d prien :-A huiand wiîlî a durait wife. Oaneery Sale: James faismtton anâ Chancis Ci Geurge Robiniori. i Na o-' - John Nclrng, Infanats, by- -William HerarY Billinga, Ibeir GurirDeferdane.. T tISUn'uv e'ee aofthuis tionorakble l, utî,tîiat h a ausqliarii4 oltjripiý o 4 * idt itî4rttîydp e -dl;lc 1,atuiti oui çr 0,4.ad WW t t1i Ij of 3ueor MairyD. 1iý , t le li R.4t er io j'ît u,,ee'e84r LE>vi airbankoe AuÇ ner T4 ftl*owioq M a iî aîty part of tMt ifie-r sV.la ath ly¶1in. u i c ý1l of i RULJS AND REGULATCDNk' 'bIIh esx1u tk îa f.~ield tnt i.u ff han t boto lmU*. FEntratice 10 po-r 4ail. 'l'li bsort race OR 4,I. tutii$et5rdiiit2( lu ilf.eillie ithe cli. All eu te w-e b c iai e îritliez sagd uwÎMSti aiuliî the o bteyll",il 9 iuk Ail rifrr. wli I p r(.'qured tu, drees m iJcckç,y qmielruîi lui-wiII le reqiaired tb naine talai tx) lra.Tii'1Jei ca' .i uttÇ ta Lu Fe Iim 1 lua II lisem M aAY 60 emntr4dait tte. pomt by lpyiiig 1,uKil£NcTrai n Acw- acrp rtiA atp Pf hz ]et l""jlai) t ei.16 I8'14. 6-tI. N - oflfwjr sîew ,paent Fia: cutohînî ýsiir1O aidTht>n1i M~oa i80ifl' ApPIOaîion, if by letter ptrepai,) cau be re'Vr to Yî»&LwE STOVES! . CugxP itit TU1AN EVHI. T R IG FST -eT.îîn\IZ N11Qi4EiTF'-- V n î uStu.,ve, n it ri'tr., Tit- ware, &. ca tn iacuen it e tSîîre uit ic! iniiîdtrhaLned. $10eee "f ,verv qtrie itutu itic;il i i ital Prii-ts. Tti tiiî ik ew pii trm Stcot, TH1E KINU OFîerOFE.S, JI«)N-DUKE, GIeAND TRUNK, PRNEAL!WfFRT, DA VVYCROOKE?', .PROTECT1ON'1S7', 4*c. W 0*11 and F'ee. WILLIAM BRYAN. W~hitliv, M ýrt-i 2, lei4. ieot possitti tatOofprm1,1 nsr s-. "c"Ura"e"on0"ni"rik" fort he meamon or vovagi, auJ a rebtl fîeuy ç- en wed Fon the lariti' of croe tum c nt IT JO! N QW, Wbîitby, Feh. 251)1, 1 62.7 éTIE TIULRES t 'IIÂSIItIRN CASE,' Or Six years dex eo f Mtutril Lire AN' RlSTO2ICAV" STA.TEMENT CFILBERUT FERGUSSON, Esq., SE 0 1q - 0LEiIà K. T HEaio!e workfrnow in Press,anad As oniy a limaited number will be prntcd, early ap'plication will be ne- ccsuary. in order. ho curé copies. 16 -FI1RE ASSRANCE -CO' L(îM iARIx sTiIEFTA 'HARnXG CROSS, E~sTBLISIIED IN 1782. GILLESiCiEMNiOFIý'Ir'r 4- CO., Agenta fer JjmEýRtUAvI$ON. manager. TNitUliV~NUcES ctratiî4t LOSS by FIRE are 4mfntin the ,no-t fiit oraitle tertni. and LOSrOES P AID.witi uri-lerece ho lte Board tun Lurîdwtu. YASL>&Co., Agent.&, Mhithv Jait y 1 ti VINEGR!_VIEGAR! T IIEr4il IA$ OX SALE villiza .1 the imltymanifitet irpd Witîîîfv, u.- orwceelrfU.-*-Sdti-t'it rem'd.iec -Soit M ateuu Amall q'îaîtitiots. wliolnitle antd r ftiU. *Bii. e et:t.ii . tutircaliv unii r- 1,i-.î ri l ifui !y '-iernictelsI.s lî lie lte bet eer prniuît i tl1le town. 'luli? CFLe.iRATEI) ST EAM-COILEI)1100P. 'Itua pithie lultll ie potant inter-o iôtî, lite rit-ht ut wltuii 4pe efrai fortle elthtie for Towtastàips or Courac4de* Indepeiiteut ut ltslittrlîtmio wortik wortt, ua Labour-Savin -Invention, t lit flan theuc fllwirg aivantsqesu-àll, kintl- of TOuuc~(,aî ik, Kal,% Il4ech' &ce., ei tcn euteel lu th riatllatnre ut the luo p*n anLiii.ti J1s5 Qtantaee 4ify ot te ordi- tary îilit-liop niaWal iflane stiatrat - MONEY TO LEÉS -e- ai. oe 5t~ ~ STE<FAIL BOAT N0T1eE!.~ F1111 NEIW FAST SBA G(;iIGST,%àuu RO0C HESTE'R,1 ýW!li c atift e raninrg oel<ociiesterr on the ý,M t-4thofÂLR, 184,. a-&W Brîgzittot t..........I........ a. m.<O 4 4'olurut ..................8.80 aa . Coioîraut.... -.,,*.........10 a. ni. r PuiortlHope *î................11.Im- u rectf«. tcIfLs E . rrviightqeil fm7i t Ioçntttwti tti i#s'wYorkrCel it ald lie of ýbýySZinir FUIaid Weit on th sunt îuahuire of 1LiaknOtinn. e.~ N. B.-Tîte BRuse'! acwtl isitton Vie tafani rente, and tfle Avecî fnie aniaas l 1cg1 t>hiffu4l Preqi'TIKIO ailerima opoîu. h ureaittat -The liemer will aIche ter every Trasmclar, Thon iia ad 0 et 8tn tu..de ct forf,' atllion thtiaove fur ai] parlitmFut ndWent. . C Amaeala nnuy tlekei antthie etîrreut rat"s. Catuiti Fane $2 &0, Peck $2, mnais extra. Ail_____________________ tîaoere iie h iAÎlcke owitar, ucisa book ail antd paiti for. For- frinitItanpanbicitlara enquire cf 1. squire, - £~~pcto~r W~ silePt'e*qel#le-, J. - i- wen lsV1orauetCuacrlea Zlliott, Cobourgi, oorg, Match18864. iw AUCTIONBJ1~S a -1 T SIKE T T"Vouutéla, Cuda,l Croup#, Love Coi châiis, Difieufi saine one. ~NTURZ aql plna "*o, ro [xowvxI içtitl e lte Aboro snptaïa AND MANUAc{îïi o IR AS, REMGVED TO FORD'S OL) STAND,', 'Off'efs thej follOwing, ~eLS0 F t31JTTiSviz: gunadiaup Vatent Fronf<.' RllolngSeat, Arnerican Juiýier;î Ilw eted Pleasure Sieijîdi Po'rt!and Cuttr, Bo'b S1,i.ighs, Ail of which he ig -sellinrtiat 'Gr 'atly Reduw,0d -Priceifo a do appîoved credit. Some very iieit CKRRIAGFS,, open and cov- éered, whicl-iHi esold yery low. Tivo good second-baud Gigs and two sets heavy B4oýs, will ýfind excellent and- convenient accommodation. Wîitlin a Few Yards*,0f the Publie Hall, Prhraite-Parlors- CHIARGESNO IIGIIER -THA" THE OT.HER HOTELS INWIT! M&?U&ATtrREI 0F ALL KINDS OP~ H F~JNITUkE aiii lraiBo)k (Vases, Maitîmasaem, Par- deR i, i (ll2. C~in great varjety, and ti t rranied to be mtade af the Lest gy,1.y article lg;manuacîti'red rider bis Own superintendence, anti-garaL ceec to Anti everytWqng iutbeU ,rtkng line tbh ad!on the shattest notiqé.,tCoffln ket ,M$ " y*OMS ff , No . , B1rock Streetan4 o i2 oL rneSfrecek 'WhIîLy, JuIy 8,15186i8 LA. 26 NEW LEiiTHER 'IlSTORI~ L~Â~uy 02 KING STREET EASJT, Willlit*niformares thrtaeasfo,wo il tln'ë, Drintospiopn; ttsîflce botl4w'stia, te tas ~~ l 'te aIl, Ilaipidra, at nonai t4reutteTitois above premlsee whare ba walt w alo a rge,, 101 fila Itji$Of, at to antd WsI 1aeltectýetcek ut -Welikî.t-,f a ..T,.Riti iii t- iii Il, h- Ne T T Hp AScmmneTîeSWrrae ýau i ,and 0citeponce cnry. il..Il.hasaus jel rueivt!,a lrgoassort. ment of - Prssdan4epnned War'e Wlulcin uakes bis stock 1tho Most compiet evaye oil'erel lin lie . JIOBIRING Satrlllt rultodto a. W. eimembert itipiitceAafuc Eat of lir RICHARD,,HATCH, i I'rtiil 'I itisýtllîtlt THE NIVER9AL Théc nly-Wrnlger wl-tithe COG-WHEÉEL REG'ULATO. R It Savt-s Tirne , Labor, lte & Mo ney inefif'tu the peoplte. tuti Cotiltîitea mure dteng'iî (if fratîtu, eipacily for Jrets-.Yic antd i i tv e r o f i tt - i ,t l i u n %il X t h e r t i c tiiti i i c l . IlwihI niritar for yerourawillaortrcprxir. No Servantl eau breaîk il. A chllîeicglia trsdcstotrea. No caulbti or Pikili requaired li tstise. It savea ilfcoshîIn Cloîhiatg- e ver ynlc, or tivelve mouCha. Every Ifringer*ivîth Co-Wheiha l!s Wrrtaraed ian evea-y particuiluir. 'Pie.tuUivprsal %Wrinster tank lite Fi' PRMMIUM, :a 1ilver Ntedalii tD ipioitai. lit the Nse i t l;Stttu Fit. 18112. îîutt etîs pruî îîîtt:îeuisiltniri tô i îi i utlitls le iaWàuici's Fîtir ut Lmltuiu. 182. Cunvat;er«, Wanlcd lu every Towlsiait C'anada. ,i. 'Persiona recsitliuugtllepretitere la nu cauyiî'ser ttpiîiîuuttai, 'ct-t- iuniittg i te prifca lit;sulîtîl 'receitt-thet *ing&r ly l,1rai t.-ea W. H. CHTLDSý& Co.,, Hamutan, ý . t s O N , i QuobéeGo-y'ernmexit gen'y" andI nîher PULIC0,DEPARTMBNTS..ý Suonret i ly thte sititeraier. Kldre.,qs prepai.t -. .(lElY AGE NTS WAýNTIED,, VjT78 er rnntll ri nd Oxpelusea yul1. lut TOIL . Applyi, posit patd,- iaii t;p-ita for. re- turtu, b BUTfCIWWS,-MEAT-!. j~f tD~'~,Lllité bitttoat. bP'Loe-ic At-- hutttco tllqt l#ie aîta rbiillng l 'haev ror do til thein îutuôpliiiiYlie itîely did hui. nasa lis Brccki5rýct, 14îl iw M iWtiPl7 11 it (tii hok ni ilt, ttPto1adlle î14. ;for,atot lltookina, C. t-5 otLop coaiceaiafwiot braeiaig-ongli clrainet i& -iApply tc o TRfOMA DOW~ ir çWhilby. -NOTICR .(ihl l 5ù tv r' O u l r t , i iT s c r û l y "vc , l ta 'of l i: IL theaCburt of G îee a Quarer essonsof' liteen~e andP&Coant> Court l l iad <tr -the Coliuty of târ fit hoÇdnat lteé Court Ilous n 'sa, 'Tw n e i, Witbyon Tuesday, l4th of Ttlee21864, At ltaeitorrof 12 4u'çlpck, nooai, of wltioh all Jiititias f te Peau, Coroniers; Coulstaloe, f!tttl tl -otaers enern.ed, aili tke oticé,a ane iShériff, C.0. peur C. 1%UIBe$ Wlitity, lty 4, 18S4.1 TWO NOTE.'- LOST! -rlIE publie are liereby fo)rlid igoiatingz for i t proiounueiorv Nute,draiwn b ti Itiîite, lun faivur uof leÈry W. etatrnt, 11tut t r e p e v e a n u i t s o f S " a n d i 8s " , t nad u e - ecitbertrJauay uexL, fiapayilln.4 aithe sanie is beau toppot. Tiey woera for. the pal!ui,t îit of (Oatrarna iGraiind SSeùde_(wer for thte 4otnty, of l'tarrt. -. L. D. BRQW Mxtide ay 1-, 1864. i- ~ 4 ~Ii Y N ,ST IATTON & tDAYIS &Ui-OMMNERC]A-L COLLEGE Fir tKiîrrýStreet , Turoîtto, . W. - ofrEutQIWesqeaB-8,-,kxjoz. -STABI3SlIETD luconneclion wiil Bil-AT, Fi SnrÂrtte & ch~ ail-r-f htLtriaaiouaïl the larget cillsfieqt nte s i-i ilCnJ a Tacue imèansd ludiég- prepa-at for te, prccri-ît ilîrla tle C"Uaitiillt lorsa. or fer Thetsreti eai Ileprartment. luhis 1pttt n.ldIîrar~eveltr~ i t s i c i n i i i 7 li i n ul o l i n r t i i t o h - k e p h t r (1omariiuilfiaettiliut., utmairciabi 14W, tlc.qe., ,u i~t etslt!lili î l irited 1(1with the. lie- eurvAmoutatî of eCl aifil nterchitudiseîtni. il(i-, sk ck , re o stalet(-e>,(,. w o fRUnjç& bave, liMietiiiaett irslia ouiSlL i jp Ill eoiuti, nl tli)sst àili oterbAsîinessa Tué!. ueia oîenera1 tait,i- Expanse of couvrse1 'ruitioti, TettBcolo, aad link Fi.me. X fîtut dntitrg, Unlfet! Statte îare;y irFymu t udolluars Cuinla iFîrnls. 041ilt, ailI ho pres.virre'l wil i le(7laof Ad. illisilOtthuae îasldirag Ha)Ona sud ilhr- I#XT W lte 'netnkes' Iiýs-iiltut. i V l<wm Thmi Mtisfr o F, MisîT?. ,,, wea,utaetti. J' i lott e,. ii l C n ý,4 o g t'o., Aclarji OutdCi;fia -Adam4l 1 onf AccI la-.a.Jué Pl.Daay. - î. i. i Teîteliar cf-SpeuicorrlpP asmt!,..4 rilènu, Ktc' 10L., lBari ltblr - RiéLer Sfl a. Esqn . uAetBaarrisor. , ý i CîY - EAnau for ,l(;taa ot.t 1(Iaelulu ;êeeot, ut.)Ad Irgq DO( lks andi Threadse at such prieui, for CIASIl, n., w watltosâve n nly wîll A UCTION SALES .Mpart n fi lie Couty !l o uinroderat.to bsruu Cà4JNTY OF 0NTA1X1O, f Cnîia~nt Port Per Altî beîc uii uotterukno*twn ~d 1 ~t> Bnoklin, Cutti~;u reaig il I a nrr t iieIo f lte Ha ia w a < ttimia tlnd jklape;$rt h a tty f lo rthtg ndrse, ca lvochlu ctif1 iii a- aue iit> l iilu dxnas es tae fl.ame Se- 1~~e n ore' Tua ;'atoreanerg, sliiil ai the 1bane e aie te the dffla mrrothi3 m ý 1 1 1 =lle

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