Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jul 1864, p. 2

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N vBots na hosp file ls lisDav groceriesand ProvisiOns -9. Barns- Great auctiOn sale Of cariages-%.4.O' Wbhitby tnfrantrY--G. EL. tartne.- sebool exhibtiton-mis5 Carroll. teivison orts-Oounty Ontario. Pr.soevng jars-WXmn. Bryan. Ilouse and 1Blacksmith «Shep--Thos. Mid-. dangb. 'Card-Thos. H. MoMillan. ONLY $150 CENTS A YEAR1 _________________________ --_ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____I ______________________---~-----~--f- ____ .--.--.--........----.--..........-----Ï. ,- Lot us have a fair Coalition?1 Mr-. Macdoîigali daitus tise support cf tise Crit-stitnîioual Ptarty-Moder- uttes andi Couservativs--ou tise. grounti îlîat buliuas joined tise leaders of Our We cînt hut, so lai- as tise Coun t'a ut Onstuatio is concenat, tise Coali- tion, 10 be j& fair une, our paa'ty side sîsouilt bav t-o olS f the u-upnesuntni- t-t--s ofthtie CeunI>'. nThe uts o! Mr-. 3Maedougiaîl andi Mn. 3loouts, lacrutofone, prove tisi tlivt rweuncon-idered Oun aryas au>' potion o! tisa coastituellbies wîdî'la tity u-presentad. Tiso>' ig- io-el oîur existensce. Tise>' regai-deti thuistusas u-presanîing but one ile. Theit- cutittc-uincatht-on antd 1hitby. Tlîurs'lay, JUtV 14. PiSd4, 1lu'tl'a.gf 't-eo sofined to at teu-y - ~ ~ ~ snl - ttuI ructiori o!fa«i aeionutat h!at Possition ofthua ConttntlOniul Pariy >titi0. - in Ontarbo. lThue 1Igisti'acy. Thue Post-offic As tai' ut ttupeu- andifeeliîîg of t-innpan- dpatnen The Wbitby Road sud tyias nuicaar iîel, tc endîuy aptais riubor. Aud et-en thse littie sou-sp of in-fayon or lino efrortto alla>' pRri>' strife, u- aM- auosgeoe-'vî'eute anîd toaffntd a geneenus support tu the ctsild (lxero-ise say coiutrol, wc-re ahl - prdsent combinatlon in tbt regardl. But umaude to (-Ilut>' 10 serve 'Ciinii1.' athe saine ima it should nîot te clinsitîer. P.lî-linuettty papers weu-c sent by cdtIt evoare tiepniveri of otîr nug îit tu iilîihl oitieastho express disapprovsal of an>' specitil0 detail rnauny Congervatives ia 'ise cotant>' of the. machiner>' 10 efltect titat objeot, non t-tet-e SIt faut-crîl? Moderatos andi in partîcuar do tee connîien lb-ilan>'colt- blngn t h stiluene>', those position ant i.i-i2îîsana -tîîstitiitiouî.t arty--ivere rad thereli>' îutlecta'd, aibonîul d ebiarrt-îm withiaîtrpoutt-Iy îîntair anti wanlou oxp-aîsng iBs opinion, not toly u eîtthaît-gle and, thtitltii -gtC us ve> general polio>' of the goernnieiil t u uoon ini -ttte, ittstt uunJuetti>' dostit vîi. tite conduct and anîeedltitu of nui un- 1 uoisui.uîucc avedtc- Constitul- viduut- mîaba o!ut.o l>Pat-ty -titat tlsc -y ill bu ,Wlare villing <o belieaîs'and (Ino e. t-ae ifrtynw ess haeve in thae sincerit>' anti patriotiuam of t1wt - ? Bd acotîtgis e eneier lIen. George lBrown. IVe ooîisitr hitutu oltinBthte-getmn the mail aongervatise of bis Itarti «)11u1t-'i' tirs iiiui i tacirtcuit-as bean in mmnd as an evidencs tiereutC...-.tistlv îîtuu turtti-fs uloy hlrog upasi-lo to be ,îî'tdit'îiii uf it h t-u lit-ir ull 1, tii-l favaorit-s, andi strog opiaWîon o thiofthe! th tt--'aur so iiutlî as consdescend aciltva principal int the Iliîper Cisamnbar t a io osraie r cf ear Parliamprnt.Tl umust: ftrîlittr seetuiill i. a of tte leadiug nitof otîr concusie t tafor the lait tes' >et-lurs bitPaty~, j in (»,Ci-oîrit!l, in atu>'one naneoroas political langtiageand ticoluduot w" it v:li"uukti u-sp bave heaume mitigated, atuti lat lie bas -* graduall>' acquineti lte ctanair oft a taies Port! Teywat striappt-ove o! 'q ther asCoaltifèi2s, hile iguotiuîg. man and not a partizan. %ecîtutet-en <-t otc tt u-uga~! - veIcomback tita Hon, Olive oMtwat itîto ~ Caiia suî ansr qa- tsernà i-okaf It ut at> towlîioh hi atîteca- Tuheugilititi,.ahitfaire rtîati- dens ad felitgsha eai>' t-b is But cd 10 bt-lit--te. But in tise nepi-eenîs- tee, as nouuniiflueittial cnsmloti,-nts ot a dn0 1t11 -ti l ot-wy n greal-ceititaoncy, assant our noutu ext - I hit wua, oîac 1 bu wanked niost in- pet our diabelief in tae siîcu-niiuy ttfa n-oîl',aîuitloe lv!îsr. un tehona wa look tuat as a 1toliical 'Mfaýrtîugoll asudMowa±, t. tise iu- chraaan office seelter, altl uIIc-opo tereýsî-,of thse loyalcostetmn f us îm t,,.i(tiiii4t. ,.îuonuusteutIne o iii. We*îhink B Do u'afain va>'o uttuin r il te sa>': Xe actthlIe gefî-ral liolie>' of te n etectîmbinaaiou, tei aretihîga aid in 115 eObjectatIut eeresaerva aur ight la aject te the presenice of t-bu Provincial Secretar>' in thaât gomrumentt, as seîtg a standing iligult <o, aitlôlvera of CQnfurttutio. ual guvernenl ;and va tultheîr ai% t> ' base a iztt tui stamp oun .n<ndmnatii e! is qAdmission mb titat giiverntmentb>' nejeeu.ing Sic aIt te pulls,.'Phattuhp Iloît. Williamn Maiduugs,1 i stîl t a îai IV -man, and noctaagete'forchitsarIrtiîd lits policl friands bas baen cliditîiffOt is i conduct, sa fart durine the pnem-fol cansut.. !nsteud ot frankl>' anti muuly 1uacifug hum- self la tise hbiids of ttose5 ho accut :ding le L'is ove -anti bis fellouttirauiews, are now bis pofliical friands, t.butas tally- ignoreti thoin, and bas applied for, andl look& te tise aid aud &asstattica o! thé Ademacrutic clique teoh ave ba huttie polîii eal ligusnce sud patronage et tItis counu> uider their sontrol for tise lest tnv years. And ti î la<irespectibe saine comnîtaint eun b.made cf the Bran-. Posîmasl-ar Gene. Ia. m'acannaI- atTend ttc preasnce iin tb. gneranmeat e! ivo mon wteh ureuofore htav saeresl tbemaselves tu ha eac-wigreti, lte one t>' M. Gouiti, tiseallier b>' n'r 1.>sper. and w to tea I appeanit-Os ara stili their gledng spirits. Pnaciically for soiuns tine pt te bye rejresentaives cf <i. ooiaaly bave acteti nl>'as the epre. unativles o!fteir tiea Suppiorters. AI rar as theevidepea godo tee sa" no reas.on tu doabt tisat <b. i I gendie. Ont- course tisee-fcre lu car. 'We accapt the gene. rai pelie>' of tiie goverunenl, andt herefona cau, consladntl> support Mn. Caineron tebo vill raie bhulf nuulrer, their banner, bal -e voil1 exorcise ounr r'gttb expness oui- coauetaatlon o! thsa aiplltleal preligac>l) (Mr. Brqyru's eva varda,) of sn indisituina ftembmr oet tlat gommrnaent, anti i vetm. iag lir. Osmeron in Liu place, vili bave the bs guaratee titte Consenvatives and Medenatas o! this ceea!>' vili not ha plaop4 in tb. postîcm't- da> bave been cf 'nie, vitutally esivsproaenbad. Wc accept Mi -Mowst only Viucîthe tcconatrpoise wvioItM éoodetof the(b.ultra para>' points out to tus tP ta ssemry, in the shape of a eossistet #ad besdut mani, Ma. C. Cameoron. ,r. 09u 5trcftstowh51 Ad eller CeusRer- ant2e 0s1oobe the. jutig" 0( thé esse talat prsspin - a case&als doue &-il$ the ssos f Wu Me made say -sri i Ces as yo1tpuhave in the'- cueDOur.v Party. ,-We are reati>' w <les agw.n Do 700 -vaist us te J t tband ih&tuesnoît s, and ia, be, Su1t ýlp11of - ur party ptedileosna, - 0esdr to sInite usat evor>' opperbua'nt" -t.fkal0qWr.7Our Prty uuaiiy in Nortb ~ asp urs aa etcgain. Do yenQ psiC£ v4re e ,ta1ve dtheuaajority, te c"r the s n* ~s.beel ei a maq whowdltgbî 1. tetroampi. poD to l? juzt ka" ssa40o eslvýi, nNrhOtro -oi C.!o Pin* ut à s ighLut We, toso, mn~~s ~ ~ o«c lga tiens suffcl. 1 - The Reason Why?1 The i'easoa wlîy Mr. Gould slip- ports Macdougall. ? TIIE WEIITBY ROADI1 A preteube was made cf oft'eringn the Road and Harbor for sale to the ,Cuîyatîf, Attoaddollars. The County offered 10 buy, at forty tt'ousand dollars, and Mr. Maedoti. gail gave assurances that lte forty- thousa.nd dollars would be accepted. Subseqtiuntly theo works wvet- sut up separatel>', sud the l-toad given to Mr Gould at ten thousand dollars, and Mr. Draper the harbor at $35,160. M1'. MacdougalIl did> this for Mr. Gould, sud, of course, now gels thse latter's asupport. The reason 'a"iy Mu-. Paxton sup. ports Mn. Macdonagall? TI-ERE ARE INDIAN LANDS ON SCUGOG ISLAND!1 Mr. Paxton ist ryiiig te gat theca, and, h-ad Mr. coîgl remainecl Comiisioner of Crowa Lands, Mr. Paxton, in aIl 1rýbbiIity, would bave sucoueeel before this i'ine. As il iii lue it-es lu hope, andio that's an excel- lent re:îson why he stîpports Mr. Mac- douigail. Ail Mr. Kennsedy ? Thue reasout why lie supports Mr. Maecougall? Weil we ve oiit tell. 7/sure are gaod pirîe treius anongst t/te Crowiî tim ber!1 Weu iniglît go ou a% leith anadun. umeruttu a lsîndred good and euffici eut rmisons wîichî anhî:te so mnauy ot Mn. Macdîotigal's supporters. Mr. Draîser ii, I)t-rlîap4 tise ouîly one wlsu gistes lus aid un pritîciple, and to maintaiif lis Po-sition 1 The "Globe" on North Ontario, and things in general. TiseGlobte is very iinodorato in for tir: t t-unioe downtnîo hsi pocket ils dcutmciationailout'1M. Canacron andti toub, tand corigi-atulate the elei'iors lins frienuda for uppositg Mu-31. Macdou- upon has-irti ciif vter'a'fOne a man, anti sr gutîl in Nothti Otat-lu. lu is t-t-y t-en>' iod a <'airultiati pttlitcin atta himsalf. tot-uad is gi'aiiag atlviîce wiiuthse iitelli-îtt peuple tort-, a: botsidas, are Consititutiinai purty ini Northu Ontarioi, bagiiîniit, tri pt-ne e thte absurdi:>' of wlso Lkuuow tiseCGlobe weil, wilIritot ulein -oston bu likel>' to folloiw. The Globe icilhs tise oppoinig Macdtitgaîl a bt-cchaou WARNING! faitis ou the- part ot' the tiiends o! Mr- Joisn A. M1ac1):luhd, inu whss sinceri- etrofN thO aio ent t>'y îoe'sn lu olacectuty cotafi- dee-ivetl by îthe fuulsc roportts'ahieil deuce. uit-re hut'-l>' ciretilutettilot lIt e c-uc-tut. Mrl. îBr0ywswas not utîwuys 'lrgo iteuaeusihts t yiitvI enaîiuoreal ut Coalitionu., îot- ditîlue ku1,oîu i ifltu- stsn.Tsi uîhiuys t-ely s5 itlticity upontuhis 'at--hlait-'-t-cii re.orttl tii tise disrepuiuabîe sena t îugss lotee is hsow lie n-rs u ttuîuu u--igetrso spoke ins tisa Globe of 29t1u March >uur Iriemais uit ut distuane 10 lellersi latit, re,41t-ui.îuiig ' ýtke ivipeakable de- st-ut tllt-ttgli lte Post offir-e tuo hlu- :turolozrit-î t!'a (Coalitiona. <tut-e >ii iin thu' interest, u'tf3f r. Mac- We rl'peat oîsn lîearty tsaukf'ul- atî 13tl e nti eetivetl, wo Suty. ins Chat Che coititury brui.s en spat-td l{t-î-lia >voir wurk 'au th a vii! ni theu 11itpe i?'bktII le t r;lzl'u t usàJvittîni- ceu-rtin. 'at the- lieà-y coul t fvvaling once - tfr.J-lisis A. iMacdoitatd9s iwashesc. more tu >nower Xemtrs. Cartier, Mlac- 'doniJl. adaiu(î. It wue-oîui -s mtl. hucli use is made or the statement thLaa teililted, - tht--te will, at leu.t, lm<'lnMu-. John A. Mu.ccotald iesires dia eletu- 'efioît t-rteveut it. If exîravagatce .no aselsgei s.Msaraua aal djubbsfjg and corrultition are oce nofhse1»gl Mm-ILI*taia tov ac- naahtî-Mt huit hçre viii be avec>' meeting pulls ouI anti rads a tole. la titroîag sd and a alwy 10 expose grin w that etc. 0f Cotrse John A. 'sud denowuseaj..' desia-e tise election et a mainter tif bis Qu11lte 2nd of - April, spealding of cabines. So do va, alsvays -eraatitinnp iin the thens îrc isidulCsitMion with Mi-, thapnsnofWi1, Mcoaal.la Saadfleld Maedonald, Mi-. Bmrown iiit John A undarstaad our grievances ini fiei-cely smid- Ontario-andi our persection, because of &'Whsy, if tise tising .had been true- cor arierence ta Jins, îhrongt gooti and 'il Saîsdtield Nin Wdonald, wliayet usrougb evil report-WilliamNa acdoagal , in office, while yaî leamder o! theis tems bte n mlg to iLiberîl party. bad i-oaUy and l bin gbe otbierad ainatf 'trutis sent a fiaussge te George Et oen prsecutor-he voulti say-"lBoya, 'Cartier, that ba vas prepau'ed to you kaov yonn ova business besî-you tba-a>'his frîands amidstiikhan4s bat-o great cause te feel agguieved, if yoa awit ini, tise leader cf tisa encmy- vh idct 'n v nrgt elns 'bc would be tise bafesî traitor te bu ilvniaeyu wnotae elns fout-id ona British s sil !, can': blanc you.' Andti ta's precisel>' And of Mr-. Macdougall, on tise that wa vilI do. 'Paking te visle of sanme ixcaien, tise Globe indigaanîhty Ontario, North anti Sout.h, cuir part>' in asks-numbers, veait and intelligence coant up & &t. o14. *n..uf Ta i+ . .c î%ý. thaso .I oae haIt. luathia ranauiaon. are et 'Mutdougaîl vas dasirous of formiugr ,a Coalition with Memrs Cartier, ,'Macdontald and Gail. Mr. Mue- 4 Dougal spoke la tisa Assembi>' aftar 6C0A. Tache had declai-ed se in tisa Comncil, but ha did not gît-e it a 'coutrauliotion. Wua bo unvare tisat «'Col. Tache had made tisa chargre, ci- ,did silence giva consent?7 Ittise laI- 'tern-if Mr.t Mucougal wus in trots deairons of a Coâlitiîon vush thos 'Corroptionisu a v, ise abas denoona- as nover mon were donounaed be- 'fore--tson is bo worse a tbonsnsd. 'bld tisai tihosee h eld mp to sceru. ,-And if lImaI was tisa Coal'tio,-if 'that vas tisa uhouesti compromise' aMr. MeDougil venturod to affirm tblat four-fltiseet tise Uppei Canada 'Liberais la tise Assemnbi>' veld eup- poru-îhen va tell iîntubha la- 'famously maligîse th ie mon for 1wvhom lha spoke.e ,In1 reply tic au article la the' Prea' ]ress, ou tube eibject cftisa saie proposd Coalition, thse GMU beon thse 7th of Aprllaidui 'We sa-e glad thatu it seWnovw ,tubat 'an ofefur byMr. Maconald orM' 'MeDougall te o ra Coalitiôus vus 'GaIt, Cartier andi Macdionaldi, vctld 'bave 'debasadth ie character, and 'blikbtei 'thae political standing, ci tIlioe genlemen.i, tîmusst ewbe plain enough ibau ^whataver thie fbur fliths of the Up)per 'Caiwidaitfiertd Party àpôkeès cfbi 'Mr. -McDauelinlutise; Àssembiyt 'weta -paeP&rted to do-tihey ' ere 'nef prepared, at ais> rata, to *Ceelescel Whe-eas. Josgiah Blackbau-n, of the cil>' e! Quehea, iun e count>' o! Q ehac, .. "it la&Lm uilui, - -0 bu 15quie, ubath cutoacuta sat c.5t5 Iou sabtlte ha represented byt>'eb.most anti vith aur Comnissiener for, tb. sala cf vindictiva of our polutical azionies, Meusrs. our Crovn Lamtis, dol>' aaîtorizut b>' us Mactiengali anti Movat, vben il in vittin un Ibis behaît, ftoi'lb.absolute purehase, Our pover te Lave a man of eau- otn aI anti tor the pnice ant i ai'c!four batn. drddollars, of iavtat- mîtnoy o!fOtan saiti part,-and oesof the ver>' hast of thon Province, of the landes anti teneunents heu-a- at that ? Diti John A. kuov tat ee vere inafttrdescrihad, of vlbiet vo ai-a- seizei disfrauctiaa-ttat va are actuall>' placet ii itgit O! Our CrOva. 'Noi ue KosY9, undr plitcalban bythoe pli iba t in onsidaration oft Iba s am to! fornde poitical whan, b>' uhose politia four bhndred dollars, b>' bimtIe said Josiab tortne.unîns, hatvoati h Sa'? lackbas's, te ousi saiti Comnissioner o! NomuaulesNouhaadsoek Qare Creva LUndala bond isel anti tuut>'pait! -ta ear tae, at er befere ttc sealing et ThLe nomination for Souths Ontaro, bas tise oui' tetters, Patent,, va taiel grati, been pol'nsed b>'te diar o' Of ficen,1 'soîdy alietueti,eafvoyeti andi Assaredand ai pruc~ tunung b>' these presants do grant, oelîf aîlien,~ Mnr. Para-y, te taka place ai Wbiîby, on Mon- conve>' anti assure unte the saiti Josiahl dal the 18tis insu. Bitacktatn, bis taira anti asigne fer aven, T'he nomination for Northt Ontarioe, tta pa-cal ci- tract 0f lntia, siluabe, takes placs at Uxbuidgs village, (tis eont>' Iing, anti haing ina bie District of &lgansa, place lan-tebehle Ridiug mvbere Ma-. Mac ua onr said' Province, conuaining b>' adt. sttcfmesarement four bantinetiacres, b. <Le iPigail migbî pesibl>' have te âo fSaine more or leu.; viiitgalai traat of Lautts,) on Taestiay tise 111h imat.The' iani tu" ho otisarvise knevnas spfellova, Sberiff laRetuannng Officer. - < at i e, a eicomosil f lot Dàmbr twl insectou 0 s tiesig'nateti SCI1ooa .PIc-gtc--A meetin1g uillI -aadilaid tnite Crown Lands Dupait' belti on Frits>' aftcrnoneaajthse ur4iuramtaalÙsirovincial Untd 8unveyoi't Aez- Acoel bouste, te arrange abouta tia forth. ander Vidalîs plan o! survey, datut 1848, -- - - of the, i. Éinglg ceations on te Nd&i couaing achool pîc-nac,uai Iaistise ladiesn oac ae ~rsnaWieHvr Who are hindlyi>'nteretiag tbocaselves in thsaï, is te ga>',:ccumen ciag.. lheie a posl thbe a&ir'.re rit e te tattend. - as beau planta4on dite rlb Shore cf Uke Hi-Olt,,by tte naiPovniaan Tise Ueigooif Pscription coîameace S4 rveyor Vial" to mak ýt -im eu angle o.- f -tih. Wallace mine location Mr. Macoeall flked tbthe 8hIsriffr O i i laià WIa .iue slecp n, ona ioffiS, anti insistatin *s the uasse o)' 4 Lqutiu4er h asarîi4.-esmseîs lrsitaî Why we cau't support, Mac- dougali. - Were any cher 'man, even Wiliami Macduugall, for thse first lime, witls. out oui- having a knowledge of the tasta 'aviicli ha bas i"en us of bis official career m-pre.sented for aecepî. ance tothue cloutons of North Outat4o0, hc should, witlsuît doubt, under pre- sent ciireumstfiuceus, bu unopposed. The Co>îsrvatives of Norths Ont-aio are s dosirotîs naiary odiers in the country of caru'ying out the existing arratngemenutts, ou the. bains eutored in- te bctweuu the leaders of both patias. But wlaen the injustice 'ailis tehs tbay have been traated -the partiai- 1>' extendcd lu politicail favorites, aI their expînse, aud îthe lîssutts isaped upon tif -r, b>' Willîauî -Macdoigusil, are ail rieuemhîered, they c4nuot go 'arouîg tIteti- coniccieue, or fut-ugo lte sunse ol xwhat's flue tîseir own Self- respect, aud cunsitlente>'as te give Itim theiî' coufllence. Nu m-an cver desc-nvcd less cieiiteraudots ru thei hauis rof a lutrty-Cio mtan ht-sat the- huitts outeduo Cnsex-vative 1Party o! Noth iiOnîtario, Ihiati'Mr. Mactiou. Il utmsqu in ipower' 0te eprt"ai ti respect m9d con1fidence(-. Dit ielaudu 90, thv 'avull 0Jnutprve rtfu':-l. Hmlavig cttut-til t tl -rt It- l i, le> now r-i-fuisçosatrii,nt hIimu. andi reject fior lus s:tke thîe tiait of thetir chi-ttt- -M. C. C.iiuurou -oune lonest 1soliti. The Proof of the charges against Mr. Macdougall as Oommissioner of Crown Lands. The Leader or-Monday gives tha follow. ing very convinciug testimon?, ln regard to Mr. Macdoagaill dealiag witb the Wallace mine job. A second neturet relatiug exclusively ta the Wallace. mneu wastitsei don to the Lagisîttive Asseinbiy. ouihe IGtb .1utie; and affords adrlltional evideuice of Mr. MCO<lu.5corrîlpt tdinislraîiniî et the Crown Lautîl -dpartaient. The firnit applicant for lIart of tliçi Wallace mine- 400 aceat-was Mn. Joiiab Blackburn; bis a.pplicatiouî hein, dateri Dacemben I19, 1863. Next cornes Mr. James Maîcaîf, 'b>' bis attorney' George Sheppand,' De- cember 28, 1863. Mr. Stephen Blackbunn traits tltI the 30 Janoar>'. Mr. George Sheppard also'applied on bis owu bebaîf for 200 acres ; but wbetber the grant ha received inas un the Wal!ace mise location or an d th extim rmeduîîue-ly eatit of it, is a point on vhicb the Officiai statements are contnttdictory. The Crown Land maps place il on the Wilsotn tract ;onte tf th(e returnut sont dowîî1tah lunse dascriba it as being part of the Wallace mine. Jlut uhe paltti deuteibaut it aï îsmbutîing on the Waiiace mine. Tibut oint ilo îcever, of no0 impsortance, sincn. tf it be flot a pant or file Wallaceî mine, i'a iï a pafrt of a ltt torftea t te saine tino-b>' the Order. in-Cotuncil, Pubtuan>' 27, 186-l-auj re. gnantad ht-fora uhe forfr'iuure waa4 marie kîtown o ta epublic. Ailtte land4 gra ýt- ed ta0t1ipse sevetraI applicantA were liable ta forfeiture, under a pravittuq Order-in Council ; hi-t thaeeB, a witlt distitnctionî bitwcoii a liabiiîy t orfeiture andi an actueal forfiîtura, aitu'me of weiich tile iste Criinissioner tuf irtitn Luîud., neyer vetitne urp a-blulua.rtttt-. reeognized alika in the- intutrxinutwhicb ho gave ta seil t0 thtuse apuplictsnix, and in ubut notice b>' whieh îhe jpubieluearnas dat the for- toiture haut beetn t-o-- Wheîî Mr. Mnit.ti bad obtaineri tb"sc or anplieustiii4ts.with one fromn Yr. Wm. Langîtoit, maiîine fOve in ail, ha drates up an Order-iî Courîcil stating that in contequvece Of roquent applications Itaving but-n marie frmnri la ndta on the nortb h lre, liahiti Cotifonfeiture. their forteiune iB necuttnended. This Ondun in-Coutidil having bat-n paîtter, on uhte 25ch Febnutary,]t, Mr. Nltcdou,,all dues nul keotp lus sÇectialxîîd friandut ltîtg in su4- pense. Tino_ days aCier, andi six d;iys before the ptublic wa.q pammitted ta knote iba: any frîrfeuîurv hrýd îaken place, or tat h lahnds wene open for gale, Mn. liacdouzali ondPnrd ihuý sait-s to bu marie te bis friendsanaud supporters. The ap plicatiruns are eiîdoried thus, by the Aissis- 44tantîConaisioner: 'Tho Commisgiaoter "lsay-i urrany ont the sale a Mr. Metcaif, "unden the tanins of te O. C. 27th Febý rean>'. 1864. A. .'1This endri tui tien isdated '29îb Fah., 186Y4.' lite sâme endorsation, bearingr the saine date. id apon tbree of the aihters ; a cit-eu4ustait- ce wbicb proveri that' the saleî teee speciailly ordened b>' the Commus.sioner bicaseîf. The ordar toi maIre the salas was obçy- Pd vittt unvontu eri ct-ln>. Oit the fourth of Marcb, patenitst vi-tu issued îtottor o1 George Sitappard. MN. Jtst Meteisîf and M. Langlois. lTh aine B sped: Langle>', in coeofthde relurts , but ibis is evidentl>' an ýerror, as the speiliiig la Langlois in ihe jcopy of ie patenit sent dri.' Tie date ~îfîe. patents, Mareh 4, 1864,' prie sie il vas not utîl the day af rteî t the Public vas permiltta 0 Iow <bat tha previous sales bad beau revoked, and tisat the tandis vere open to purchues. As tae date or the patents bas huen falsirl> stated by the on!>' defander of this transac- tion linte Presa-ona of tho tavored pur- cliaers-we shal put tii question hayoad doubLTh Ple hast va>' of doing ibis will ha te priat a Copi' cf ona of thé patents, and "J.C.CÂPt..the paid Iuervànt% iftbe~ Grand Tranie s Goveraweoî DirectcW< fromx 1852 te 1857, and the. ready , instru-, ment in Parliacnent.e ' a GWa5 i ail their attacks npoaisthe publie c8ebest I 5Jo)N '&. tMAOI)DNALD-tbe rigIsb h dl ma Of the'Grand Traneii a.in "P it; t tha secs'éî Partner, or Gz,,,kT,,Cr. iii taeir Grand Trunk landi cpertLjonag. the. -9I*tleaMau Whitebôughî 600 acres froin" the'. Ordnaace Depau'tmeust fer £806an o' tu tthe% ( I u. t- nt e? et k uttes, passage and cnjoyinant of, in, oser Thle Catnvass., aînd uppn ail navigable walons that abal - on as> beberaftn oun ouor tidr, Esaryvitara Mr. -Cameron is recaived on bel lowing ibhrougia or apon an>' pari wîîb daeinnsraîions o! satisfaction. If of the sairi pancel or tract of land tereby iiotbing more were ta be gained b>' hlm, granted as atoresaid.- (and live have reason to knov that lha utile (liven undar the Grpat Seal o! Ont pro- eirsparsoîîally, to enter the otca t-inca O! Canada:- Wiztnemg, our rilthl -CmrnbsutI S' wortby snd trail bel-veri coutin,1 the Right arena agrain,) Mr. aeobs.1jira Honorable CtarIes Stanlaey Viacount soit -to fuel preund of tbe high estimation Monck, 1Baron Monck, of Ballytrîîmmon, irs which ho is huLd and lbis %worth asnd ini thes Coant>' o! Wextord, Goverruor chanacter appneciat ed b>' the the people of Gettt'nal tof Britiab 1North Amanica, anîd Ountario.'PTie upportunity hc h ai Governtinn.hiet,. in and oser fur Pro.-'wih h at viucuso! anaaNova .Scotia, New vtasti gises hum of judgring of titis must be 'ruoîvwick and thie Islandi ut Prince Ed gratifying 10 ait> man's feelings. yard, andr Vice Admirai of th saine, &CI, lThe last meeting, cf wticb vo bave an kc., IL.. at Quebec, this tountit day of account, vas belti ut Bnyaîîî's sehool bouse Marehithue year oft ur Lord, oaa thou-2ldcuofRayonM dy vig osent] eigbt hundrari and sixty tour, and 20dcn tIac, nMna'a-nn in tbhs îwenty-seventla year of ont neign. a- hre teeenearl>' 200 pensons presett. By Command ofuia i Exeellenc>'- Mr. Ros tresidud. A vote of coriOrleifce andi in UDanoil, support ini fat-on of Mu-. Camternî1tasted ail (Signd>, A. J. FERGUSSON-IlBLAIR, but unanimously-tuene beîng onf 1>soute ANDRW R~EL - tour Itaîtrs helri up againîtt.itim. Mn. Aat C cfRU nEnL, Gouid atteîtdod oit bthall of Nir, Mtudou- Ret. No.39 ; Des. No.-.: Seale,-; *inig. gali, and adoised Mu-. Cauneroui toi bu gen- Examiued, Win. Kant,, erous enouurlIi tua alist lte Provincial Sec- Ilacorderi, î5tt, Manrae1864. Iretary ta boc leteti. Wm. Kent, Del). Reg. The meatirulg couldn't sac ut, Thae othar patents are thus ceruifiar: Grattal George Sheppard, Eqq., rtf a.1 t iuuhiuig<u t ouon -rii .NliniFILg Location onte northshfore uf - Viamîkea' oodç-1 Lte hlurnuf.:200 acreff; dated îh Marche, é)1. td t iu htrntfM iltit 186- - Prieintuittl [t-gistrar's tlcîîîttu, 'Vita i cerfttoire iîltg htWill uIuîoi hbugle; 15th Jane, 186j4. 1 do hart-b>' carify thea ;iit<teuttt"4 tirhIlum. w ithti tu 1lie a trua and faiîti lcp fte Antd ie:tir lt lit,- i, tireur] -îtgal record if the original Letters patent, ist1-lw, ant i ir bnlItîtdieu Sj,, etîteneul in Lit. K.' C. folio 37.. Sigiied, tire t-,tttt- t, iitinitut l ir,ut Wm. Kent, Dpi>' Provincial Iltegiqtr Plii uiti Iftuia iti '41h Maarche 1864. Croten Lanid sale t tt i t lto, ýo~ oIx'a ttS-itr! t lie -lames Miteal f, of TIononto ; 400 actes A , o - I, ilt!too et i , tiw. -St t. of lait(] in the Di4trici of Altroma. Pro.-tUt. 1,4.- u--tututiil tlti tr vtincial Regi4trar's office, Quehere, l4tiî flt,.utfiil. tiuswrtu lt. -.lune, 1864. I hunnliy cenuify the- vîthîta otttttii iltt lia, i(t ilewir'u. to bu a trut- and i Cniiful cop>' or t he tl c- H fas tItit ihiq eatititt i rlutu. irt, cord of tht- ni.dnoul Lttiers Patenrti, as ut l-lt' oit lttttt l-dz t ilul-tii. îured in Lib. K. B., folio 88. Sigiied, Itoai uSct;tti-te v c- ti. S' WVm.Kent, lIt-l'>' Provincial lte-gi.itr. But ios - wtt liit-uv fierawelil atttt. Sir. Grant Cou Jt-tnt Langloisi, Eu1., of l iita ttî tc uitt".11 i 'i ac. a greal t iigitu.%:ir. Minjug Location un the Not-th store (tf o tI'ldluItttr-ri 'tiIttu. mi Loake Huron i 400 acres ; dtats 4 Marcb, i litd g ji tilre t»allî-ftpt a gcni iiohi, S-ir. 1864. Provincial B.4srr office, Qttu tu iil t ttîîît- ut with a wliatok. $Ir. loue IOth June, 186f. 1 do ieret>' certif>' 1,1-è 1i-te-rt - I.t .Situ, the vithin t10lire a tinmîtandi faitbrul copy 'Mid atiaiwt'ht-e. of the necoid tif ih#? originaîll 14tteru sit-kiltut- tut-ou,. ltgttr-:itootio i le rat-h iSir, Patt-ttî, n-fI nttrrd in 11h. K. C., folio 36. t-r*rt,. ci, ltht-il-t.aîeMo-, a~tl Sigtad, V i. Rt-t, Depul>' 1'roviutciai Cîtutte-st tbu--p t touSfille] luitcîtile, R-e.~iirtsr" , h ireirîîe ahil ilte t-tt. Ailier havis.; gr-ated tlt-te valuahle tAIdwetii leue utton lttie lot u ..tttt ll-- ou- lotuti muttonall landis t, bis aonfidanîs and Cienris, Mllia. JaIy i7,146t. ilhA iit. on the 4tb of Marce l Mc, Macdougall, on 1 the 5tb. lais tîto public into the at-cret of * îJu5dttqIigiriot."? the fonfeiture o! the preeions tales ; hut the- afînouncement doas not specif>' tiat these Wht-ut Mn. Ftulay houd tha courage 10 do lands art- openi for sale. 'lie forfeiture Whîî--ltn;lauMwthaa oe is spsciftcally stateri, in taesatarins, in thebe t%-cl)ltl n oa aedn nov Oit1 1 whaî ia traitor lhe was brartdad adveriteient publisberi in the- officiai the.Eeei htoeo hi Gazelle, thsa day ater tise ex-Commin,îion- > hin ueisvaînao hi er's fiends bad taken tebalt tc>' anîed. org-aîs saiti of liiuru. It iut in thesa ltinas: i " Et-et>' persoîtt tho huas tht- welfare or IAil Ltcatioitu o! Minerai1 Land.o-, on' thet Proîtitce tt eant- muât rejoicu, ta the Nu tîh Short-s of I4akes 'Hurniiauditiikow that Mn. l'oley'à progpect> orf ii Superiun, and 'Oit the 'adjacenît isiantia, eltuction are sa gloon' for Cuirv cati wbich, toit tht- lSth Marche 1861, vert- cotceive of nothiuîg go dt-grariuu-notb hiable :Io funfeiture for non-çtenformance out "mo f thicli va bava causa to regret- coudiionis of sale andi losation. andi vbict "of ttotiine so detrimental bo the vorking hava rpmaiuîed hiable to forfoituna 10 the i, *ot our inttuiiofns -as -10oihiase place i n pnea.tfl utime, anti torfeitari. -.4 Power. Mniwbt bave uto more respect l-n-o-t,d titir assig"nees, pro- 'Conrthei plerigas titan ta abanidon thein vitît-ri Ititle !lii-ftwere madie bt-tort'fitthe Oust offer et rromouiot. 'hare the (aa ierrtf. are allowed I o appl>' thc ' as a lima in Cutiadian polittes p3tfunts tbuff May bave matie cfi an>' han publie questiotns vare taken it location, oser antd aboya the depoisit, or on eiiutraiion b>' men tebo vene iffvittld Omti iifsitaICnnt, toteards titisPurchaile Outa aî tccept asoset in Ciao Cabina<,-when, the isaine1 or' ant>'other 1h)ication vsit i f irthem opinions diti fot agu-aa witb sbali te open fer sale a: the date uft tleir litou -pots tehicl a Govarnmneat vai application to have te saiea so applieti; " songlit tot-, ha frnid,-z the>' modostl>' but suich application iball 'be rezatifflas I retlred ant! gave place teoi uhens lwhôiie a nae punobase, subjecîte exialindr rei4u.'I tinel'pleâs vre ideittical with tbose effl- tinta and miust ba filled in the Deari. "braceri in the. govarninent ptlicy,-but ment of t rovo Lands en er hafore the Ch'at timae is passedth -a menntof Mn. Firat day ut Nosecaber, A. T)", 1894. ' olay's atanzp. Evar>' prnicipîe that hae Il&Wu. McD., Com.t'" formunî>' coutenderi fdr i throen aside Tise aboya 'w added as a post8cripît toi in bis eaganess, to feast upouî emolu- an adventitseînant canlaiuing theaItlegula. "ment$ of office, and ieha now presomius the "ltions for the sale of mineral landrs ;'9 but "Pilful aspect of a Juri s Iscariot. " it does net sta tebere îley ara situated, Il vîl net ha tOO irravarauf t -ta sk or Ihat the>' hatea forth. ms- A rubeÈtih.b., er.. f1.FIe>l a Jds.sail =1 narna in ful; ltth appendeti netice of forteture be îhinks it sufficiont te affix bis The case against Mn. Mactieugal, lata Commissiener of Cuovn Lands, in thuos fulI>' preveri. Bis friefats obiaineti infor- mation of bis intlentions in adyhuce of the gaîsaral public ; bey applasti for hauda suill iiu '.lia handa e! previous purchasuera ; ta nakes uhse applicsatios a neason for en forcian.thtie forfeiture; un te 29uh Fetru- au-', 1864, te eu-ters tise sales te ne madie ; tLe patents issue on tLè 4th Marcb ; one of tise pusuebasr biaina tor thse eautf 400 besides 400 acres of landi aIl the warks on vbich the preurieus punchasens t i ex- pandeti $24.000; andi on the next day. tise public is toidtt certain previeus sales of mineraI andson lattes Huron anti Supeni- or are cancellati. Coulti a verse piece e! corurpt favonitisun pessihi>' he conceiveti? 'WarN lews. TPh. nevi-i stning. -The. Cenfotiera' les ha"e inuradodth <e Nontit, anti are kiiocie. ing at tba gales e! Washington 1 Cqm. inication betveen Washigton- andtiheb North bas heen entirely suspandeti. Figbî«. ing is on on in front of '5t'a5ingloo, andtie île legrapbia report states that 'Itbere are pe.delspatcbes, ne sPapers, neo Cor-onler%5Inqtîesrs. An inquat eus Jeld b>' R. W. C.1are, Esq., M. D., Coroner, ne;àr Duffins' Creek, Pickering, onu'ruetia>', Sîh imat., on viaew et the body 'ot teenga MoAnthur, a yeung man et 18, lateli>'coma fa this country.- Deceaseà 'vent, aftanbea, with a son o! tha tata NIr. Jordan Puâi, ta a null pond lu titat nei4btorbood te batise, anti althougia cautionedti t keap ava>' fron a he in a certain 'part efthIe pond, as it vas ver>' dieep, be, e tev minutes after ihe-caution vas given, ouel mb il, anti vas straggling for lite. No means ot giving >hlm teip being near, ho vas tinotneti. Thealer vas diava off 'Éa soon as possible, but an isour anti a hafIt ist elapsuti before the bo:* vy as got out, anti o! course itefaa x-ý tinci. Verdict-" Accideuîal.ly dtinet tehile bathing' Anoîhen inquost vas tatîtion Monda>', the Ilt mant., near Duffins' Cneak,. Picker; ing, on view o! ths body >' a asaher Gpo. Meknîtur, «a 'nauive - !Iraland,- agetiç60. Deceaseti oas 'in tis asual bLatls en San- da>' night,vblen ha vealt te bd ; uni feel- in l<ing ng L. ligil ooka dose of castor oil,,and vas femnt b>', hie vite,-o heurs aiervartis, ila a tying stata, abe lsad onl>' isia a favminiautes wien ha ex. piroti withou a struggle. The jury brouugist inaa weeuictof '.idtTan.t hn',. imit .ul.cîu... NolwXand Thcn.-Globulay Advicc. When Mr. Browin and bis organs were fiercely denouuncingy Messrs. eMacdoiitd Cartier and Gaît, Mr. Gainerori and fils friends in North QittarioSlttre beeded the 1wicked rtuvings of the enemies of tbeir par. ty leaders. When during the Northum. boi-land aletion last April the Globe urged 1 'The contest betweeu Mr. Mallory and Mr. ifCockburn is te ba foagbht on the clettrest Mpossibla.ground. tharo 15 just oxE' isseo, 'and it i this: Do CÂlîTIRe, MAC1OXALU1 '& ANIS GLT DESE:ILtC TOIlE ONFIDLNCEu rc i " TUE PEOPI.w OF Ui'ER'eCANADA ? 'This -iii the one quesuionî befora thea eciors or West Nortbumherlarid-for tacillter ob- "1juctions te Mr. Gockburn's position- ara 66but sida issues. Mr. Cockburn bas for. it gouter bis antecedents, forrotten his 1, pleâges, forgotten bis earnes"3eiiuncia. ditionis of Cartier-Macdonald mimdetids -r ~blinded by ':be lova of office, lha llial "îbrown blimseif ihito the atrma of those be- "condemned as tha worst eanemias of . _t,0 ()d 'troverriment 1 'l'lia qui stioti is-asNI'J., Cit.born doute rigîIt iin ttis ?-huî lie don titti iht in bhal-1 ~back t> power Ca;r. ' dur, Macdontald anîd <'cut 7-i it for thue inierefit of U'ppcir Caiathitt tOtuHse ,meil should bave a new lt'asî(if prtwer 7>1 Fariher on, on the 2Otlî April, injhoid. iiIg poier Mr. Fuley utiloi public sort1 for the samne act wliich -Messri. Brownt, Macduuill and Mowtî avo note commit. tad wiul suca good cortscieîicies i<Mr. Birownî thus recomment's lis present Ctol. leugue. T-'here art- e Meeurir Cartier, nt 4 Joito A. 7ifîdoîtaid, aund ?th Il master spirits or that ptîlicy orf rail ni tri "wbich for finz Jeurs the Province- wus opytressed. Blere aût tha muten ho fwio perpetratid the -Gran&d Truî;k t' swindie.:i, and pilîced teieby an] efor. limons 5 hrdeiî upoit the Provinqe; .vito passad the Spigtiorial Teîlure Bill, coin- peling ithe haid-working farmeristor, tbe "Upîtar Province ta pturcbasa t'aris for the Loteer Caitadiat habitants; wht> "SPertMore that ltalf a million o! dollars ta1 baud usuless pice below Qiie'bec "iwbo llidfull-tIt' pochetà of Glarice, arTd "$Tnrcotte, an)d Congrer-by means of de. bet'nîre jobs ;teWho gava Mr, Baby $2>.- S000 for avary ste.amer be towed up tâi SQitrbec ; wbo .gava away 4,000,000 acres of thte public landis of Upper C'anada te-, "builtl a railway in Lower' Cantada, ; Who, trobbed the country of $100,000-* by the Montreal dabanture job ; Who, in âine, h' y ihéir extravagance, and in order ta Smeet dia demanda -of thse insatiable crew "wbose support tbey bad re-clarly to, tboy, iiiecasad the.dabt of the Proviitue "ifron $29,000,000 te over $70t000,000. But wby stay to particulariza ? Wity ~spenk of thair doubla abuffle, of their mutitlicatiun of offices, of tlseir dis,- ,' raceful alaction, frauds, of their sec- 'I tional lagislation in opposition ta thle-, .wish of our rapresentatives, of their ap. pointmente lu public offices made ini "direct de6lance cf tbe sentimsent of the constituencies, of Ibeir tie policy_ Sframed ta benefit ibie E&qt ai ethe ex- "pensa of dia Wet, of ltae mode ifn which "Provin~cial rands vere -taken for local "Loîvar Canadian purposes, wbich wa "Uppar Cantidiaits ara lotfîtet pay by ~direct taxation? 'Phase tbings bave 'not boe honforgotten"1 AiIliera is another pictara froi Mir. I3roîvn's potrait galler>'. ~But af:ill More remarcable 'feature Çtic lftssaàllc aetftfeloi Cr oita twaýy trafflekers, foond collactelloin Ibis Cabinet. One could fancy front the lisî, that a Rail. wa>' saturnkjia vas about 10 begia againi and that Il the Railva>' cormorants of the Province bad crowded int this rena .rkabl« Govenient to be ready for the gôraasbie., On>' look who va have :"- -. COL. Tàcne, wbo vas tho paii servant cf Grand Trnl-Company, as 'a Gourera. ment' Direptîor ron 20 f Novee-Il It is mare titan lîkel>' that: wiii nul he al-lovt-d to wakik nr. Me-vat th' course. Tiet-i " t. torin gatbrntg arttounîibis easof tebicithie litîle recîcon. Tt ina>' îuoî fuîtalvuivut cripîtuatant anti azraeabie SThe.-folloWiog- i the p*ie pcem.rm ilie Granimar scbio6l exaerination, and sied lust wéeel.-It was the composl fMla5 M. -M. .Ly-tz. LUnes on t.he Discovery osf AIIICVJ TwSan<%vite, l'iinI h hrnît- TIirouigh iigilina ail ht î)wit. n' e tÇttIt nattasl. 1.y aï berîttiewtth the desigt wiîen Cttrit toui ailjaact Mid ghastily sward r.l uti oit lit ti fil L lut1irehttoe valtur, Vini the lattlit-Idl liad irittul l svttrttt Iit.d tntie alfita! lti rti.L eTwosâ the-,il Ile i:reitl.itrr tjt (jitlontcrfyî e liîîtttî. Tuo*aaeitfotr itttkîtowtttettS AM inonIlltiietfl aict To bui ftrewtfliltu IÏ.irhuii. Tri ithit t!ti <-k tus Or periu.h,,màid tit .vr JIow til1 ttcir hititattd l-cu.lv. Thetrctttiiite. <tdoltfrirn tiuht. Ititriulitg utîlr in gîiffotin h-t., or iittrk lhclr irachef.iucel:- Niuiewthetn meicuru ujtttr. Aidit util' lfu o-e tiiu iu lb n lfrl ut ulîlnt' tu. - Thy ieni it',il wuîl ltdî 10 .îir Tht ca goille r"il-tttr Titus vtetlf'tc lPutlllýui0- utrîwti Befr itit' l i rt-t -toe it lîîî.- ptltfi titrttq4ttan ttid 4rintd. - l11Wtnwiti-c t'rue e tr.eetltr. L-tîtinito tpmtîtcctil tith Their inittttrl nitw arr .a.Y. Titeir itartitntt ito- lt,,w ii. Titey aijei stonontr- <fr Etuttu l'oir ltey ittiti tiutrol9til ba- O11t tAthywittr lrl'lt <tutti.s 11j" Iiet-e oti ttr thite.ully Whrc grotwf tht-ptîrper vie, lit whooe tunt -.httte tlttu -y titlr. Wh..rpvrirritir %wiid tet. ttnim Titi-e ot tht i rtuilftluiiittd T bey ftîdtItle Redîtit'. *holnct. ,slw rtudtiltînrocIli l twtllittiîL 1 Mid landacape* imii- awtiduta-. Wh el r s'itt d isilt iowltiig. Bvnptiiie olhmitt- lte r tat'. w.hirh h rîtsteilailfatuti. Thiter rctintg platce. tegevtuod. But nmhe ,%ctne. lita' ititeit. The clit ittte irht- Cta il l'or .vpnltatdou ltrls nf't îogie. Oit every Vogt etile. The erttid, ted -.lciwstl rft-les Whrh orrttwttnitîr Pieaailt1011tt10, Are houttet fatr r ttrond Ittti t-tiy, Tuie.heaiies u ttC iand"tull. Wae traverse <tilertittea.; WCVe entenIle Oteniti tt'r. Btsetit l4ilaît iîîitott-ionl. Whilmart» eurtommtt-e lahore; The sigitty lte. mt itir5ls Whicni stthe igetîibnt ieiwe, Wetiîte caulid s'er ity Ijiîatet: lit ifle ijitîlcanioes. Amui nliav rs are eweeptttg. Withere wîildmen titotila rotifon. For Spttihi. Frenchl«ont igîtcit, Hovale ie us as toiite.- Bon ilorebrave mcii have irfi us. IosgcnltieaR co Tise men who fîtinctl-ititOnîtfry, Colunu4 andi Cahot. Tileiimay-we ederle iilaskfuL. For fill"5iH fl s ras Forgellignli stventarea4. OC Poiricnsnint-ly-"tvcn. fTe smiefoi Haîtti adorr. - 'Whieh gtves ust every rt',oCotii, In tightertt andi sixty-fota-l 4 CKLBIIA~.. F TilE "TwEar.r' $o0u=HOxurAiu.-The Twelfth wu 1 bratedin Oshawa bhis year. The Wei was delighi(ul, and ihe tara ont gool orderly. Greer.watid,. Brookli, Dui Creek and Oshawa L6ulges nnd force, and the tieuigemen of Witby other Parts ýof -the- County marshaled tbem. A proctision wras formed ina band headtud by- tie Whitby, Majc-r 3 '-l-Brooklin bWnds proctreded to O b,ýwere the Brether a auended divine lvcand were aÉtertý dsw Aucre usi Ont-ario, tîtuit to gît-e ni orîlu rilgiatt uiîm pivileges Bto lise lt-t.tinug o tut uts ur hute l'Cpresenta' tives ? they usoven jaioveri tiseslvaes wou-thlm>' t-i uît tust- 1mw dotîset- utîutku eta-i sdesarviug of ouî volitidetucé ont- ,Nus. grufllon, wc ' al ze the ltcutit y f < il' r'a'u io n otber ah our uuvis Niîlç, %V1011ifa e ca'î i rouft, te ru jtreselît fo-to te-clc>cfttîtat portion o! tlîc- grent coustitutionial Party tuithir titis Courti, wbrs havaeisercto- fore recei'aed so little considorahion at your luands, sud wle-ou your st to-day-Coulition ansd ail es youi nov t-hum tb bu-show -tihat yon regard witi ais littla favor as over If y'uu 'aant to carry ontîhes Coali- tion fairly, give us, wimut our nuubem-a entitle us lu, tIse seounit>' cf oîae anember ilu is eonmîr, snd let Mu-. Macdongutîl find" constilnancy whera opinions wili ha more in accondauace with bis own tisan t1ley ari- aNorths Ontaario. -Netxa anad Samme.- Ingrabians and Lancuaster. Wlienaua American naval efficer, with shoîleti guns anad crevaet quarter., rasigeti bis vassal alaagside a net'clanlmau o! is aten country', 'bosa frientil>'dock tati sheutereti a nfugea trou aÂustrian tyrana>', pretectiiag à ant im ina eilte hroasiide of an Autiama man-f-var, <ho nev voalti exultiagh>' praisedthe t. ct o! Comme. dore Ingrahata in thua lieldag thse Hua- gaian Kolas, an alien te him and his coantry>, and t-be olti vonrdpded tà is&p- prout'l te the chialrous acm -Wisan an Etngtish gentleman natclaes fro-ealbisi triste trovaing, taon te o n his cviio gnsai-uvent have accordeti belligerent rigthis, belaton tituir fellov coutrymea blindh>' nal anid tueat as pirates anti reblas, [and! allortis theseantociunatas tbe sacroti refuge of Britiuhgtasou ir uamricaua frienris exhaus: their vocabîsary of et pe' nation un coademnatiess et bis'-coptiat. Coulti - Ibis aglisk Yqrltomnintheu interests of mcoîneb -Qasaiy4a.eî te rasons- t!rôstiroevuing 5sui 0in5man>' intît4ues )satuhoscscu'ed mnofronca:ae. luuan's k ns jrsve, cal>' tuhiand titen t-tien te ,tha tinter mercs cf Ibow vbo, :hrrl-sien thot-u vii tX4opiratas Ignemineus4 'ternisVerul>' the AmrenanEagie'oaeuld4 .fbllIov thsee eeî»plesi e!ilést nraa pro. tnype, anti beéome double.iaeated aogtier te-gise vent te is inconssat and donble Tbe figuestu fa 553 94. Tise vote liu JUDO '68 SOod, Uxblidg .................... U8 T s ..............._t Mas ndR1ma ....... 16, ii 1 1 1 1

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