ln attire 'for Canada-lie bolieved Ille vtt,-but lhe- had; for tbe pree-ser grae dubtreas In il& resalting from th: Proposil fot'deration. ga did flot' as, to-day that il could tint work beueiciall ,,a 7pper Canada ; tîehher couid Mr »loîtui, ,He (Mr. (Campbell,)vas no boire elier ta denoun«e it, or ta predic that (I wotdid ha a failura, It vua an un defined tbltig. And stili dicy were calls upon inth lrb:w p their bats and cr' bu! i fôt kt. This walé what le haoj#et to.X 1het4ir itk eofil worlc for gondd s for esil depec.ded eli1irely ripon its detaîi, There ay e oumch a ane adopto as woulc prove the grentest scurte ta Ctuîia'li thal tiser rted upîsît any country. Hfowever a-4lieh d already aaid, that dilewhded apbr its details. And inasmurh las they hitîd nr detuilîs Inguide tlhaîr--à lr, 1bMontut lurt catild gise thent nole-be, (Mr. Camjîbfî-i 411 prrtent iîîîked at the iecht'mî' wih r geitat Jetai of doult, if itot msuspiciont indted, Cost1t taieialiges itîuldid t t Iîruu.li un latîiiy, tha'îc wa.c ntuîh io, e -, 2.uu;and titis, lie saud. watt asii were. uprung utiothe country pltg ai thout a tnottuelt'î lime fî,r tunîî-t o the deiibeaîte coilsiderationiiwiîich il te ~iîe~. Mn.Ctîîîtal rferred ta Mr Atfiîssîsernellît tIleht ast îiolt oth4 t alloiîîtaIll e gît ai CulimBi oui queullîtuii lvtmain initahts'iîiee utitiiL. tiittis'eîîor uIlecoulituy. a iich iltuaâ 'lit'1 alie e . a rre in ii à ch aais-etl coid, liono ibouidi the coruptiont tf Joîhn A Cartier antd (iii. acre met liglit. wîi that tht.y weu, dieu saisiitd. flow was utua ? Their rf prtBt'niativio, Mr. MNliiî watt the' aworti coliletgue of uss. oi- v gent.lemenii. Ar. Miiwtt conzîutuitîuud he electorti apîstitheir itîtcl1Piituce (tfatt" wal thay were, and it watt tell they titi the daily papers, for il tîhey did ft îi h taiglit wike up lit the endulof' a week o two unîd find ilîem,4eiees iii the position ut Rip V'au Wiiile, so hastîy aîîd suddpti were arouid~~t. Ucrefieretoluthe contîstî aoupa~uof the Gluob, eiout the ilijtuîtice perpetated îowards lJppiir Canadai by Meliius. Mactoiusid, Cartier auid Gait, ntîl ifth dia alf o1 what wa slaid of thorle genîitltmen was trutitthey were unworihy the cotil3deîtee of aîty peutple. How short au lime ago was t silice the chatigeo t wr, rung upoin the coup huîdrt-d îhousand dui Jars Motiirealifaltir ? Hlow short a lime ago ib à kuthan 'bey were told of the evils oft ihose gentlemen returnuig ta power, ,%rid that their camiog back was signalled a returti tu their ctrrupt habits ?7 But slow ail tirat wa laid, aside ; in two or tbree short days the men who denauoced tbem fUil jta thebruitsofJobn A. Mac. dkltiuld, Cartier and Gall, anad now flot a wordwais hearJ about Itle une hutidred thou8and dollars, a bout te gros&a cOftup hu thaI prevrilcd, or about th- diamal -Itue of tia filiances. Oh 1 rio. Euery. vas ~ ratight naw. Jobo A. and Cartier uttre-good meii anud irue, and Mr. Gait ,was tia pitik of hongesty and the ablesî of finanociers,. li,(Mr. Campbell,) bî'iitved - bal il vas tha milleniumt, after ail thut luaularrivà ond if the great carrupîîtiisis had been Miiufortned juito men of hînri %avu haleiillOniu n ideed. A(twr statiuîg xhat ha aouuid aitbraw upon the preseiti .0ccatioti, lir.Ctampbell coiicluded. Mnr. Fartewell coiîîendî-d that something WirneceSý4ry Ia Na dore i the pt-eeîuî Mtale uofjîiical parties ; die beat îhlng (bt cld buad aarrived sat ast dute lty tire Iraders oft îoîh parties, ani deaerved the ttfortl of ail Uîpar Canadiatîs. Ha re- 1îied at lauigîh tInthe remarks tof er. Lainig, and w iîbdrew. lDr. Gc(lin hvig bevn callitd upnisn ol (lie staiîd -He ltad, lis saii, rito idea 'chateven utf beisig nomioated, and did tot ÃŽntenîsibaiîig a candidate. It dîd itideed 1 &[pear aÃ" if a poliiicail milienitum had battî brota4ht about. w'ie ataltcl il aith f hia -heart 10 diat--glorlous conistitution, ai once the giary, the jîride, and the priltect. lion G: tltiiuits, and t-ver>' attemupt to changre wiiich shoui lac eregatded aiiF thte Wiseî statesîtan....Sir Rubert Pui-e, ahent tie Stiljeat oftthe CurîtLaw& acre agitatesi. rsey were 'ta tis efect-tii-ver 10 muse I trouîuly-in attything utu tise pressure front l thet peuple demanded iti. Tisan tu musa. e Did the' royc for k îîaw ? Did tha peupla demaid measnt change sought t0 be made 7 - liit not the leadersaif tise ýiPe Who ijitiamcel i t?7 Dr. (lutin il lustra re cd sauie ailier points in.- the tame ine of- argument hl .referriuîg to a prahibitor>Ml~ Lîquor Law, ibm gooae eeCti fWliehb ha said aIl adaittird i but jet- it tram not hw placed on the statute book, hecauise-it may not b ia rpeeed hy the pawîple, and il would be d'tl oslng thons ota he evil of breaking the lWw, or' rather crcatlusg the T contitiesi a uthonit>',HoRe beesi tisai une good effoot Of a Faderai finian vaulsi ba tu give tise, ceunIr>' a uligiser -clasa cf -palîiohcans, ta gise us mon antis the aia-sand sentiments ai' tatemmea ; for ho, (Dr. Guan,) tÃoaked uPot4 oar political men cf-tise preseet day,,on a par wtb, anti san>' not iaa elevatedi à as ur Coant>' Coan. ýcillons, W. bad in Canada, in tise mix- ture of oua Anglo-Saxouz, ansi Narman blothe ight kiad ot maerial- the hastmnateraallatho tonld for shales. ,Men, if It aere praperi>' cuiivated andI %aoagbt io action. A fedenation aigbt help te do tht.. 13.1 haefore a deciive 'tep of an>' kias vas take*, lie, (Dr. Otmn,) -would ha for layiag tise viole 'abjet hafare tIlspeil Gaerninat a. tere lac llI-iforfmued, ha faaared, onu Ibis sebject aurselves, At bouse va b.ad mon,1 not oulydentint witb tise poidios of iritain, but vkth e politise ai' tbe vbole I rld, anîd ta ihein experieaeed jamgment i rould lue the otwse tof visdosu tasubuait, Di. Gu»eaýjed athe uahappy postion Ofeur Feifglbooe serons t6 lia., vIsa b.d -T I _____________________ ere leaoy, wbo no doubismeant wol. But tha 'lie vidently coniccivos lb, elaectors of hi. more vibely traduccd (hban et. A. Macdanald 1N 'W ADVERTI8ExzI[M T8 iry people af Ibis country, andi thair children parti to ha draft taent fit coly for plougb. à Co., trere by ibis saune Macdouigal? he and childrents ebildreti9 hall evcry fisuîurest 'ing lis otrU pollîlcal furrow.ai, a fecdon aof But fot Mr. Macdougrail nlow galle jeta .C .c i ay at staka in itz- ultiÈhate affect upon tht-jr foolé, nre cltad.pales. No-w,-Sir, tboagh poweor wiîh theul, thareisy declaring I1 .' .C J-,."S 1,y destinieu, Tt ivas it) horegroietatiour incercly attachesi ta my oaa party, 1 ne. bimisaIobta hehr a hesrtless eundrel r. politicians, aur agitators in Upper Canaîda, ver twam, and trust 1 neyer tabai] h,sno big. or a miserable pliant tool, rpady ta aai'k DEI8 2', from l'orontot ot vers not as patriotia bafora tise Coalition o:edl, amnot la admit that banemty aof for any govertîment chtisi iilrecoivo it o eAT fthBltmr ýet ast tisa apear 10 ho now. Werel ttîy- purpame, occasianahly evidencesi by sîeady ia juli folsi and p.>' $5,OOO a Year. * ;CIeeo atlSr. n. did îhey displa> tise santo anxiuîy thtiy now adhéenace ta ius own political sicwa., a>' Cor, Leader. prncl ofBî See t ».1y h orle e 'Mrid , taus'tho orte gtrt Pdde, and nfot ha vhahly eiigrossed aitia thei r exist i3 ,saine af tise party vutis vbosa ,qnest tof ltitutv of 1t1,8 coutntry patientu, arrime -y can private andi palîr>' affaira, thestateo f siews 1lit gteral diffor, Ift(, have tre Otibelai Appoiîrmants. e1. iAi tOblI A W 41ltittîauai.Atte I9uîir id uhingi aould have been different. hTt wamin the persaufthef Oie ,tiiefrI ansi Card iul itt. ndliiit Wie lut TtheRyls jil or shameful, ho said, tIoso-e oui Lpî7itature Wod,(I be pardo , oods andFati. crelar's Offic, (West) itaittht, ad utî ilbi Bsy ut i d t il st-ru- s. eigesi, aI ihousands of dollar& ra day Consinîsiiiter,> a type of ibis aineerity; a His Excellency tisa Govenuor Gaeiiral, atleilittt;,, iii wlij1tisi idexpetusel, spending tise peaples' motit-yli hd vn of ibis hanesi>' anittonusion- bu ht-on pleaiesi ta appoint tho Hon, John pi-tuîesîsîanu vuyia u(l #idificussitg their oauî rptty' tqulibbles. Yi- t c>' tcahi sitalud? ansi ià Itla ha A Macdonaldi, Que-eu's Coutisel, a Notary 1 i Al Ti*ahtttileai acurrk is h at tvupb r, tisuau the sort of îluing10 muw.ich their imaginod tisai tisemodiruin utoh secpo3. Public for Uppar Caîtada. ctitlilitIlu (ll l'int îh uflat'. 7-i King utl agitatorît bvuug'bt thetnt. HPu[Dr GitanJ sess,'d by tise eectars of Noirths Ortanla las His Exeulency bas fart br been pleued DtiutCUWFaetTuruitiepubi oc could tii het expu-e,îi[ii hi.s douals of tiese n limittusiasnt ta maka tisintotapercsts<t tua ntt Liconsuta Io Lpais Clentu, Of Tesîtimaîiîîllu tMid iîaale,;tua oiiowing If etticerit>' of botti partiea sitiste present thiItise tisneat belli ou, i a mare idie Brasilcrd, M. D., Mi-jor S. Latta, of Sit- Ililîuhîg 4usd ueti ta utusil oîycahof of Dr. >1 aiaiuîtunî.Aod lula he saisi, tuiile b ho alsauidty isoesion the ineluitllatsupposa.* £100, M. D., Hptttz'Nival, of Toronto, B[ l, Cuiet'e asd 1 hat t iu tla )Uutru -flt Iiaritug Ilpatd ('uid ho grainî ubat bey acre situcer flutaniotuheir ihicis ht-adu-teas ?i intise M., J3ethîîun, of Torunto, ard SuorIonShttt.tuîuî uliteul i id iiprftanuhyosttim- ~~?t~liîista îsetî'ry t luttt a'î.t iti il l ie ( tusii.cirged 1lu, dfr h cîittîtys suîî, It waudibeiuitlusmcini of tise opposition sea n-ducesi in salua 4,fIci' u aatîîau1spi, Etiquitîs, etialla isent prttCîs itiuliels. e tcaiî'le ue.so t- IlifLu'&etil ialtwtt -nho as il) be utabtt (if Mr. McD. bs rjectesi> O te ti li P1%ir, Suî-,'sry snd bMiliufpry Prs JOt uteI-IN Mvt tjýL.e,'uouo eme hîîwaltf lthter ait rat-h. atiti net jtofniti a ilittng saistitute for Hon. Mn. iVd~îaîurî, ando int uîL.Ge g s Sp. ,#8. s il ai hi' tie arl4, attld ue for a guitîl llnîia'sCualtiotu niuiy ? of' Part Hope, uluîuuîr' Kiitt, ot Ttro. h~utur tîuIrh.OiiZ sV 1 uris". Hi- h11,-d it aL-i-tbey actvwee I t isaron taic). aill -etder that mach aoni,Sunltao lihi.aîdAt IttiPItiruttttliitttfuaislgut t. liii alitles-rih-r iticr dsi h iaot( i jite J t»u. Nothhîtg ceuler isait for Mr. 1B. drea Npie ul tt Prescuitt i Esîtinesti)tu ii , uit .%.(1M r.u4 . .1»ut - J 1114tlugtt tlttlt u &iu,-s- l, apîn liin lî lhîi al>' chnis ge inuito malle aa tnt-aisselautian juat as able, anîd e' bliii ,.fi)titutns iltîir.tiutlu y u<and u1 liasti-,e .u i.tl ieu r l 1-)îîlut-îîu t1~îîl - lii aUj i hi ' iliuusit,,'illttitplv ratre 1ttaihle isu thtie uriiu ad i th er a cfu 'rting Io b>hniîic. tre r>' A u - ' t Detiru-î -, ii ti u ,a r tit.î of n tîli i i aIt mativ t i leie ii tih (ivrtui ex u tu ie. On u bu u~ hiuud,-t s E(-cl-cîiîa li Up!r C(Jaiiti. taitt.Dr. tuaiuti luur luil iw eîussutî.sNMr. 1. i. ntsv jitît e inauIbe, fi l i be u. t -- iiîilî îî...~ ~ ?ld t- ule 'ulic, hî~ hittuict -ime - tti t aut-e r aiiulireentc,- ; nit, i arn iitîinesi-- IlII l-illi - de îiîloij r. - rti, 1r"; t iu ba Iie louti iI ult iai1 nia ,,rua upolo t lîtk, h>'riomenusît a di.ttresaîing dutir ta S"TAITN.- A Wiiih - -ii hu I9h ti.s t îJ* 1lviutioligit e STRITN. AiWiii;f, .ýt hei9l'al utitittt t ireat pisa. 1, tis, wtutld butdiutç-euid. ad ilit naît ex. thîstilion. getituoaii. ý%"heu I 1 brnî lt it., th is e u f'a Mri. A lrx. Sig il îîuîuto a ue lut uttttitiîgtuhà t lis-t uttIi n iataîi l? ivr wuldho onlrrnýltiecllyxt. ecues.,i ut!jusi sîigîtstà lý$A t'4 [oti. Mr. Mua-at liasalletu deciaredsI Lty huteael itpotî M-. 19. fi>thiu, ver' daî-dou.-Rfh J..1 RT E D - - 31iio nuilà ch. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1YR -- preFdiResyupu1uitii on abie-ud is b:ttheiguje tsevileît sie - siJ dTrtiîSiil-u iiîlil1%- i len. gaul wlin eit i ei at eitor <if tise %'or(lh 41y lIGSN 1> ie e.f11I~lt Os .usl i cy in9,] i ! 1 alii tIt 12h it., MIr. JuSit Ily.'ns ' Vcýie t:r a.ucal 1. tbicf -uittie .M;-Ltan y A vote out tiatts a-as pua&.ted lis Mu. 1Attziican juiniiluone caraul, butot uth"ie Faisiulîipof Puik'rintg, tu Mu-i Jfým t 3ttWmt, Q. <1%, ;4'. A. Bttttwiii, Ecq., le Penn>', (un tise impartialumartier iii waluuchIs cluide titît there mwautidti of dvsdly haie FE:Jzonlof th saieîplae. uD. Niel. .t , It. lrettk.A i. D . uio r. Gr- si lit diacisîred itte dattes of Itttartiti, 1j tave piencu-d ri dee-p, a true tacontrile- csat lce r tllir. Ilarrîak:. utttr.a- il Oft'icer, Mn. Ni)t ti ntg occasiîîonlut mantu calu eter dwell, atîsi1Ivenil>' belles. i1 D J1iE:1). dtaTnuîuHiptl ycoînililment NMv. Peu ny upoMitti i iutiiiili iliat H(t.11. Mn, G. B.'s susJiraîiansoa t - TEO.NMlS'. BalttimoreilRe \'rettes à tis- lt-Ius-d 'ifa ~ I. Atustent, M.1. D. ga., profe5seqr ti rty aid t-icii-îcy witis isiis h eisai, upao -pgi,.f ai the possible ctttattropjut-aotld hac OtI, i 511t luit., Jainbth elet isu iiu. h 3getuîDruiirr' Taçt Iail icCaston t' hIie Liid, discLhirged bhaliliery etvalii,,Ceelt hIl intherafana certain 'If Jaunes 1iisomPutotî"id.4a -s1iinrs BiiA..i, f D, itt'tei i hipeuica e duîics. ba î' (jtecuJi i rNl. Met'. oujht nflttt ai-M at a M. Perry biiely rahurriesi hanrs. 1(aoserali(lI t isarrantemenh batween NEW ADVERTISEINIENTS.~~ > ' b~r Alerîheehari t>chiais frtise Qtieer, isaiepreeriîtdrizunauis pertonoi, unit-as ilii. ui im £it11( e Wlt!%vlittty uaits Bandîl1layed au treavîentsiiinii in saumi-aiat pocuilar, andtiLIO à O ES DMçz 1îîiervalc duîni,,tht' di>, isefore Mn. 3Mls- utI altoiz,.uher saitfacîor' ta hie 4uoxidam I at'a hotel, andsigavet a lit le lîfu l tu ie tait, ansi tit a neunngrde o masina asi pruveedîuga. viu acre,' migisi butdeameul judiclous. - , Thia, isuaevav, 1 do u niipal. A Tax t' Ed itor of th e1 il by Ch/sronuicle.regards tise nighutofthi -e liberal Conserva.mi lises of Nantis Otano ta select such1 ts antr1 Ma. itîita--Tie cectrs a' Mra nember -s tir oan jadgmei aada uisi Rime bave taken advaitate ut your tata, it in unqut-stionable. T/tep aro nat Shiop, 1a. li lte placetusi select choice tinty aI> avling an ta tise' unrent necaz tYbountd b n Q; arnemnsin- ,4 otf expelîiiig WashîlingtonMtco t.a i >'3 te ain byau>' îin the oaranemesutm erCO(OK S FO VES ! atnoliim - decil ae misasi80a.,.ll tiseilatt'inein thuncer îumuuîîgst usen. W~ bis îhs prgramme of tIse su.vgeaiti~ III Q ~ bi) jH u tias hiatîiietratni sitamp-bis Croan Lansis jobbunr. 'lue Ho linsraîlhatu, tisut us succeispatternnon Wauiace mina o, ear utesficetas uepandani on tise resait ofi tie pending F wa iatl ~ . thtAmstatnuas- t7 V 1Iwieril uhd acyti rtni,t lt ali v,autry, job, kv.,i qiileosahon).tentbjs retida1 e.1f ei, axamaine lu ooann bm ttliut î-eritg t aiyj leciion, van have naîising te do iit ttie Ewbm" watt hôntethurlos adattein :.ta- tia laette r uî l,: ietae liaiut dater of bis oliser corrupt sud itfamo tno quttnu buc.~a-îicil ols " l Pi evut er baronvou ut ud it-ttt0p i issîu ndsi aH qugta o soielti cirrusa. viii tlU"eà ot , ittt it ta "tpincial aiatuts tl a r-p csîuit' Là a hîîtda large qnastity oi Our oye. aire openit va have a kiwld Thet.>, a man, aili tisoretore ach a beficuttaonti ntinoulead (5ite MWiîiite==lTb@g e of bis itîfant', poslticaltrlInucher>' ansi wiyh av I t. mcd tie an s t& - 7Tinned, Preascd antd Japansc I'r tia'baeiutsro cu, nicarsilîl - "Ptl Ofetart-iaton antd coeur itJ by -P in vtstiinîg ticeitfuliit-te Veaslalsupport Mn. Camur.n ; ner van bis hi.ber. Eu s-V attu oeilethu i ati, thar atteniton pultt F.uitruugis;ng aware of bis atixiar>' ta rolinchc. - tiiopporatîts failta Io ctciva boa uttar>-rl lT-i unpldtcinbluUnit. r bath eispbhrMs ai~t nittid i or Oi pa oait aiMn $~OO pr auîîm stogret a tîmptian d ce tstsa have becru lu Mr. Mcii., ans i lati g t' Ol1d tatid, %V titi>). lin uta u raisî.Tis Fre nilitip ati cathtieir vuotes accouditîgîy Aa regards ~ L 8 A & sO l B 8RCADHTH ent meofu Mara wanit no traitons Whaîtishe parties utua belon ilue etectors, an A LS A E F R E 8RCADRTH tise>' n-qtirt lut huînî-sîy, truthutiiens audîsi etimate uf timir respective daims litîcs 5 ietaiduvte t itissoaasi à W %%_bitPractua 20nanuitit. Inlenit'. o M C.Catieno tb'i'fitsi COrLasJ. lKl8 e tua i of ls tA Iiuutiy Jîîly 20. 5'64.ti ineri.I .C atrnilyfn lsupport ts ea8'hy turmei e pecially afier a - -- 2S ail tisose qualuties cîîîtttiu-d. whilu' MeDou-i a 1perual outhtie uudtttiiabiae Faetîs 0a aI>' SEN'R CARLOS DO CARMO, gal l ielicient lut everythuuîg gosi ansi so fulty set forth ho-tisa colunof ai DON ANTONIO MARQUEZ, Mn. Calmerotu i thte mati ut our chuice. use Leader Tiso Minerai Jihîs, 80LoBLEuNE tise và niudatte tauîlmnu te van rai>'. lie shamefahhy estocedesiby tise muâi lagnanu - LAB LE NIE ma ie îpfie citt promises. wh'at haujfavoiîsm, are ettiicicuit Itists mp MrMn3c LSHRANSRtANE S uSL 9r -mtinAi it tuhlait. ] 1ettes hisairtiirlie wifl;faithfuhhy par- D. as a persan hotaltu unaoniiy of public 01111aNiA5 N tIT5Z,) L iii ttul'ot lle., uatt oLiiritn, c~W. jco-ali h éemndeen trust, aiutly uti> to bold th patron. WILLIAM adttrtatout MeDougul is"ubidetegonosi tnlay public Depare menut. :' h - MAO. J. WORLAND, lauuJ%«. %fiih, Iantesg Hurt %fi-. ['thty, hiiuntdingug bm ail t u!,Jýodalcoiiîroircnsy. Let the ahecuors l irl, Jaues E. Me(iat. Muasittiz Waterloîo. W5 dait oritet bil a 5ti if. ý te sedetails, ansidieu devide wueb-r -pf~&î,tîis Jua P_ :Me(4. mtgis r.zar liatif Mr. Fr-le>' tas electa-ibc he au- sMntlnao colisaauebs -Mc.aîuusoa teel it bis dîîty tua neciguu bis seat ii) i trust lis trortis>'te repretsent an>' bonesi ('ituâl tuad-lv feuut liantil Weaii sow boaw ie il "t,.cutiuany -- eumach l(or otte outhePibo,%Vn caute lid o pitnion uf 6isbiskay tnits. ilisprte.iloE-uî, ottuuit PaiW matit b>' rejecuung klo.atise '-î i-ai ut j As regards thse cîboer (Mr. Camaron> ise Eiut lt4 lotia Rohentst. Mm . Knerva N. Oft)d,"-an rewitig M. iertab FskýttWlRuswulen, Jaseptu 1. Oxtrtk-n nt r .M. 1 lui sa agentleman andl a sciolan. veil versos t.L.u o>' a arge tajorty. M. i lmeons fienils are determirtad ta du ail in .tieit- iover te arcure bis natauui. A lirec c )in. mittee bus bean furiud com;uiing til(- tnoua rtespectablue ansi itfltential gentl meut Jo titis hacal' 1Jtnrraltiietscsun mach interest as tise people are takittg in~ hua contant. 'bt'ey s t-et feel aà if a lourd ware apan tit-un of ahicis lie>' muai r-lut ht-ousetves, andsitisai haad i la tisai Iunuutg bi speech at Atiscri>, boagtud uto ieing aishe te gel fotur <otimhiueiciesl in IhUpper Cainada luot'lecî hlm in ee aio NJor-thiis ua ijectet i ui. Hlm i-et poitait, unit-r existiog crrumçtancest troali ho-Ion Meroret of-is iteint -a ours, ii-ye Nlanib Oxfionrd.fan instunru-. Setu if ilîi,' euhl iccept hlm titis t-ten arma, Fbut tVae uhintgoni Rap. b>'Pop. MSli:D aii is tutu te ta gopiartil: tisereagaait. Whi voulti Na bis nu'ieptian n b that -CIiar G-ute Doutil' P Wh,, nont-ct.nlldetucp inlise main adivacate of Rt-p. b>' Pop e of courri-,1 Mrn. McDougali. inubisaspet.î h ai Atist'ly, ise isreaiened ta relirve Mn..1J Fuie>' t i hil situa-iton, viz :--tise irecitiP. 0 OJ a-cause Mn. Fuiey wau att Irîluînan ai'd laresi te express biersetilme-nis ah.1hi nueinLys in Mara. Mr. MeDougail forunot inseif ver>' muais he cotieucevidedtiet use laguage at Albae>'u bart a ilinbragtt- ithubomn iigist be proud oflebesatise haptpy talent ot inuagir.g in îthe vlgan cisen it ploucls it. [lut tisa ehectora of gara anmd Rama cne notisitug for lits tisteausâ un bis promises. for at bene, tht-y are bout-s ai. Hiseaxpianaulons of bis Crown Lanes cbbing veras paici but itîhe attentiont ta, onne of us halievau$ the plausible liatorisa alatail, st have no fathinla hm sudthst l imagine be penceivati plaini>' ai bis neatinit in hbis place. MI. C. Casurtnlo aining groand avei)- î N h wli .tIgela: landsime majarlty in 'l!t taausi Rama. 1 am respectfaL.> Jours,' rb lte Editor of itte Hitby Crnie.' Mit. EDToCs s:a;tise -Tie apprnîching election jus Nattb .Onardu taino im oaa htia exorcises tise officiaIs ai put tisa G/oe moat anxioasly, ansd taxes thain ingenait> ta tbe amias; t prose that tise lion. Mi-. lacslaugaillei necomsar>, in al O respects, stise epretatire of that di- -a vision af Car noble coust>'; that ha la, ln Spot short, the bey-tan. ai' ibe caaltiouareh, but, tbe satfgurd ai' Woods, Forest» ansd MISe sentl eralif Tise course ai' seasoning adoptes b>' the journal in question js altogethof .11 patb. OPPc er>' and juggî.ry," spproschlng clamaI>' ta 10 kusaver>', That pet.farva-d moit promu. caco nenil>' il as ut-aeabte as itla isnsultins su,*il« the eleetom oaf his coun'quondam Pl' .. and pre-supposes that tbe piarnaer(bnain panC) Ofoeb of Mr. lieD,'.suppoMm à of r nlot wrtb teisentlspart of a spas-aow.a- .Mc 1 rater ta tbe sidic ulous tbneat bahd out, throî hiz: tisaiif i .Canseron .'uI b.retors- admi es andl the boa. Commissioaer-of Woods, ailtia POneMisaudssi Jntrak recqwd. the ar t tshs in pohte tihoruugb>' ap jusmaltera re- qairing lagal aktil, able sia public speaker andsi rreprocsai in ail reâaec. lIn a w .rut,hb& blondod u agment are go au-il caminelasi bat ihe>' ara not a pipe for furtuna's tinger to soumd abat stop site phrases. I ihtereforst- incaret>'tus.totu fits (tins tise auccatulicandidlate, as alto ta icaruti tis ibai sacu.asa mat>' hain part otttg ta tise respectable asd tniturig îioniin of tise paîuy once opposesl to bim. Luet tht-n rejetitise minerai sinouanaud select tise tue meaa. 'bouc., &c. - M11NEROLOGÃŽST, MR, ENuToat i tin hitppy ta ha able ta infusai yau isai Mr. Canssirun'a friniare ainr ever>' 'aenixtsutt luou"tore bis raturo. Tise momt r.stitile Fr-t-hiduuisberi, art, iakin-, an active part ii tise giaus case. Meut visa aare ittifferent as tu thseresait ou lust election, aure now aomiog fonard andi are faremosu aitongai bis sapporter- joiîg iseat aund baud, dtiotrminei îa strain aven>' nerso, a a e no sCoute un tantues in 0as Io maire bis election a car- teint>'. Thotmsparties visa roiet (or Mr. Macduaigaii ibrughis cg msiafurmesl ai lat elecLtin, 'ciii gise Mn. Cameron s tiir vantest supptort Ibis tisSas. Tha>' ara oa cousince-sItisat "Ml"iiMe man~fo Ne/tOnitario, andi ibat by phacîug ibaîr lusetas inlahum banda, tise>' tel auaaes their couiidauca awiluao emiaplacesion abaeil. Yon ma>' nel>' upan bisreceis- iusg a bamussonse majorit>' ia Mars andi Hama. Trastine, that bim supporterns ane ezentlng tbamsehves in the Southi. lam IWetul yoi Aielyllylt 84 a. Ihai cedomgail scadte 10w<irkgtnamy Goyim 10& smb-a4the a WAtpy of M e %t wben tbe Cler8y BEsse qtseaiaatr ha sulod a oaliicu-vasforsesilfor purpo, asi M. peaca joie tin b sr tisiM qssmtiou migisi ha for evar ta reut. JOatt Wha& DIi 4Mr.lacdu asd tisépart>' to biehb le belongs do, bat aoeauhoa Wb>'mpl>' hIIs-Ma. woe ae ts rotting otisso 0opposaMn. e ~tuim- and4 ls4ddoppos-i vitbo" ut affect s NartÈ IVt'mîorth r. Md bi4 imperfiiset interférence. If (r. Speace sddvrong and deserves msision the%, bow uau olsi-o u Me r. à 5ie i Watt VsHuesm Q4 rIlsPu rSom 5~ Gaucho, La Plata, Argentina, Pamupero and Belgrazo, RmmU WStîm olabstt' y, Ists MUtgsad ssuusu tout CIIARLBS F1811, WILLIAM PASTel, TIIEOIDORB IOURNIAIRE, TIIOMS STIJART, -C. J. IOflRSt tA , he Lcas-nd, WILDPIRE thse Untauneabie, ZEPHYR, thse Ceunie, andi Adislom only T*t4..t. bo-iU W 12met - &«W M 0ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 27th, 1864. i])'POflTAf T SALE, FARM AuD VILAGE PIROPERTY BY PUTBLIC AUCTION. .1. jIî rcî t PalieAeto, a . o r t-slosirs 'Wakefleld, Coate & o.,,Kiug-truet Wege Wtho 101h of. August neit, - 4T TWELVE QtCLOCK NOMN - Uniier à .powernofautieo cntainitti la a nuortý gage frosu WPlliam Bainxsautî afa, ahi anCI elouar, tisai Oariasiuî isanctiOr tiaI0of landi and ptnsh lutestste 1>101and b t lnagth ie towunif Whin ilut (ouaItj o'ouio, siald eon'poeof asspart aI Lot nni t)it aTacîs- fise lis themeonsi oessIon of the townsip of Wlhitb>', kuoan and deporihad oauà a plan tIriendmte h>'Johnlt'ter, P. L. S., as vil- lage lot anumierOn. Liundredaniad Yifty-xil; eaamof Back-ttreaý on salant on whIiithla Mogî, nser s poaer o? sais oouiln aa wii., vidtage lots numbieaa IigisI and Mi.,' west of tse iver rdt ln lthtie vilaisgaof Uienvillsn, Qpormariy W biatnbwx.)1fathea- township o Ot e$u~eugla isa CbUU&et Iai - to, bolng malippied ot* put o<f them gs>t-' ",led of lt uber Tnt-oi M th quesînn, eatalsltrgjy admmeutrememttOne iî,,,lr, CharIt 2 Go(itnle-John tG '18 tJteios 2 (itit, Jolin Ili. Tmatus 1 iut'tnaflu"Athnosec lb<yvttrd, it'n. litarriatii. M'in. Ktî1igxhtt James Nifies, btoary 3f utiu, Muimal nntsnne~t-attutIndanLande lunlIse T'il, illho (tuffeed #9 1Pablie Auction. ait-bh, (t lo'tt a o f thte I*owt flis aie. an IURSUAY, TWIITY. E-IIIITIl JUJLY roI, at tise Isur rN'oUNi TIIOÃŽLAIIJuIÂI;ND. t.; Q., 85a.; 8, M *.; 4. 75 a.; 6, Si a.; 6. 39 a;755 a.;fit,20 a. Cîsset uîica. $4 pen acre. 't<tmuge A,'dLti Centre ttaid.-Lt1, 6Oa., t2, o.;8,s'e 4,66a * ôBa.; 6,3a.!; 7,530 a. ; 8,5à A. lpst.priat, O$i pun mre. 1 P R*age IL-ti t 1, " a.; 2, 40 a. Upset r'ide, 892.&<per acre. )tsad omer t/te Narrass of Lakce Mms. sut-han,it.sf Tî:tna, . B.9b Suiteank, Joan . Sifttotitîliti Wtahbu%:, James ' Junum,. -buts s Pssp~Mn . is. s. roo.o P*pefthng IOiansiabout 4 Noauirorbahngoegotalasîi Isansi, about lia . Upiet prfie., $5par acre. 1' ;: , Grajieo r Lapateuaçug laaa, bous, tas. Upîtet prlca,$a ie rre. *etknIitmd 1pomlse ýVÃŽill01 Othl111, auaila ii pa êm, $4 on elalausu sîso tu Ws>'1 for luipravstsiets, ptoidJhs the usatuer lor the ii)provmutd ba nôt tem pureltams ýen stts lîuîl - siti 100 a.OO; i K8, lOa. Upsel i t)*rslip F ne )04 U tOW24 In.4e 0F M- eDa.*T.Lot2 Ur for MIbs. ot Butter. JAME~S BROOM,-ý Scbofield'.S Old Stand. NE~W ADMaISMENTS. Vctiunteert i-Attention 1 K=nila Union GraniSchool. 1.t-'uturinetisInDIlli (îr- titi) cit-tîtig. sud for l ep artt i stai îtruw lEDMASTERH. RZAZIN. riaaî stil s kt (p IJ~L. 1. AATNILL, 111890IIS reti r pelitoun tu 2ussmatae 'itIdsu, ul> 13, its«. a-la For taisuer iiltturiatlan fappt>' ta BEY J. CtAl'IJEIL, M A.l ' ApprenticeWanted, i tC AIlE~ N . ateui tse' profarhrai i-t ti it'i GLARS ?1IESE RYING JARS At Whhtby, jul>' s188 54.2-a L ST ai Lattera remaîininir lu the Wbltb>. IL tlesltfieor. ttiIret of July, 1884. hurles Tisomas BAta John M. Bi anJomepit 2 tIron sJitepi Bînanl>'leî ihrd C. Baiiuon Johna y. llrytint J'.tîu Catn1belh Jattusa ChrituisPeter tulun bMatea Cratiars Týiiousaà - <Jsnov Jas., praneha Esiard tics Jotis Enlisat Jas., B. A. 2 Gîlînour 1frs. Win. Kitig Matihea Kualnd anel Ma ssisate 20 Sa. Milne John Mstuoaaon W. M. Snitis Jotli 6 'noit b D a utel 8at-(teritind W'in, tlt jti tles, l Tihîrasua Cls. Toyatoîs Il. W. Tteîînitgten Mrs.M.L. Tisanpatn Win. WlsonaWin. Woa ut M. W m. Webîis 155. & tBras yoeag Jaunes MuKeuzia Doaldit. MclDot:atd M I84 F. D. SMITH. P. M. LIES JJONEST- P IIIAi EXTEÉNSIVE, CARRIAGEjS, UGIS lIE Undorstgnedlliesè gisen ltisttuetans tai T ellIv l'buifflia Auction, ai bis Cîîrritgo l'sctary, Brtek Stroor, WhIst-y, ou Saturday, 3Oth -ý.o? July,. 1804, Tise tooiniç ovahuahie,,(larviagos itlugçiels &iia. Thetulae ahilba'wktuouit rutuare, eo thîst aIl requtiniiîg veilea hava 00uw aisu Ppantunit>' cf getthIc lttrgahu . , 1 1 eroîtlahon Iota cuanîtla, wbîtimut-sable top, i l'bsutn,,witI tp.-best et y leandi finishi. 1 îiueYtop luturgs-take-u Ttop. -2 to-tuatted lti,, ttisttoDeouss 1 ill -lbu E Bitgu<y, Iltt 1 (iit>'Gig-phattorm- uuprltigeu. t t-tusy vanilai e'v 1 sr' nt, 4vry'neat shngb1Bugis 8 ýod oul ieîls-baud"Buge,. 1Peîing1Wu ongour alii rsgsi s-édjn5"ggan geai. 4 ner>' fluaI ut-tanst adeIissî alittar, Thté work lit of thé but' deâ*ertiii,-andi asa uaL mada ion AuptionSale. TERMS (>1 S2ALB: - six monîbs entait axagopa endorped Otites. Sale t tu nies j- oýuloev. Wislhy, Juil7 la, 1864.27 N W A /ERTISEMÊN'fs* L.gh WrIÛ90nand Dôm. (py c r Zait. mi' taligll :1 ajz, rapru pen fnd metsifùî. Alitoa ýA , L)#, CUiul~ir t it lieî îw WIîitby, Jtilv l~.~ iq-U NDQMAN 00~awN 7 7~~o ra?8,e 1Y WL7,/ of LJ aî the a f/nd ?f.1Y lu nd laI -~he.eua i :('exclierin trîtise, Iîy (ti'e CI< ARING SÃŽIf.1d.E r n theglt T )7lwetL lî boîj Dllars, lfroi*te fpîu- GreatCL E , %ft S L E Pse or tîîkig imprvig ad f ithree Tliunmind 'Lwvo llitîdred J)JI S S1, S tu he raised yta, of sUoeh ban, andd ti îtrest * centuto per 'anrnîn, withiriten MOIYears frotît the tetettà d.t, uf ()c. tober in ficyert o i,,. Lord H A I A D D N I !SOne Thouts:%îdLEight liîîndre'd Tand x' v.uni, 1 flaws Threp.-41liousanî 'Uwo llundired Trimnied and untrimmod, at liaif-price. DL>uI's li aachf and elrery of dia 1869, 187u4i.3 8 c7, 1878' 0iJ7FaniIy, Croceries, w iunes anîd Spirits. and,17.18', S2 187 3, HAMILTN & rd,.-And whcrens the amount of tle 11AMtTON& wholo riîtcale roperti, ut the, Whithy, Jly 20, 1864. 29 <Counrty-of O)ntnrio,arg o of tihe said County, hi 1,i'08,r)ts le, $dollars. 2 S I s. ie loi' 1 4th.-Arid whereîis for paying the intrees * arid ereatirtgail 'quai yearly sîitkiîtg fund. for pîîying the said sum of Twettty lThousand dollars as lhereinafter mntnflied, iiiu p'e t will requiru 1ai qýùainî l %pecial rate-of 0404 îij52 parts of Be it thcetofore enairtes b>' the Carpora dort ui bie Couu)tty olOnttario. lsi.-Theî it shall bu luawfuI for the N'Wsitî- daimniof the said Coaiity of (iota' nao, ta aisa by wuuy i lutn, frni. any perman or pfinOor Bmnyof' Ijodieà i Corpatte, wa ia be willhing ta adeatîca tntsuio.uup.; ousntecredit oft Lue dabtures'_ hers-ijaiter untianeit, a suâ f'- 151ras Of' u1toiay flot cxcaading ivr the wthale, tîme sut oui 'rwtnty Ihauîsnd Dolarafieut-i acause' tisa saine- Wte bopaid Ito tissa handîs of the 'ratusirc, cf tisa utaisi Coîsnty of Onutîi, (Orthe' P î r P o as e , a n d * w i t h t s a be c t ayarecita.l î2nc.-Thot for ibis'purpose lt ,shp,1 be' law-u- iithfor tisa saâý,Isi Wrdertter IDcausa r directanecevs.ar%' um- ber of - Debeotmire ha to iemau out fer such g seof mo;tay as in>iac Ut-Çbe flSicsary, 001 ex. ceing 1, is theWoha, the auns(ý we T hoan u "saand Dollars, but no daboaturc o tabe madle-ou foi,- alsain mthan (me Htio1ùdredu t)OilanIu, and ttsat tise aisi Deben- tureos,,isu lbb.e seswithslthe- c rp ans teus m o i t htie s a id C rp a- r-ation atnd be>*ignlesl bythe Wandetn o f the ostt o ime beiog, andntioaseraignes by the Titeasuror cf the ah Capo raiesnt - . 8rd.-That theb. td'Debenturem shall be'e interostat aIthe rate ai' mix. pet"; ceotuinpera<snuun fronthtie date' thereof, which intettest shah- bt, payable balt-yearly attse Office' u-thse Brancis of tise lknk a( Montrcal in Witby, and for 4tb -TsaItise sabd Debeniurés shai -be - matie payable ai thb. Officef thes -Branub of ' te Bank of-mltxïà ai, iII'WhbUby, 1 and Shall fuI ilue Ewî follaws ;-$2000 on tise flii- day' -of October, icacis abd evry ôf, tise yoars 1665 1666 187, 1868j 1869, 0 87,87,1878and, Zta -Tisat for lIa. pp1posc ai' payingl!hul int.erest, and ccetitinur. an enisal ~-i~ i,;~ il i f lit)ti. isth tIf 1i -t, t ut 1 d WHITZY, Jcdy,18. 1