419uê 'o lo V F rIimicon h trIm e(14 i si legrs 20i- TIINAS DEVERELL, B UIL D 9IR, &0. &o., GRIEEN STREET, ihtby, C. W. JOIN NETCALF, LEUKOF TIE FIFTIIDIVISIONCOUiIT, ýJoîp rlgîng ths Township Brook. Ad- ROETSPEARB. ~RK AND) rtFASURER OF ?TUE IjTownohip of Uxbrtîlge. Addreitc, Uxhrldge. A.. FRINGLE, - EROCHANT TAILOR, IIROCE STREET, .l.Whitbl, LOUISSDUDOIS' y> ETAURANT.-.C'Fennof X'rk and Etx. R.Llhsads Strete Toronto. Refrenbîncnta TOWN QLERK ct TH BA9UIIER WHITBY Offio-Towo hall - Ileurs 9Ito 1I e'lck. JoOSBpitDICKEY, ýCLERI<01P FOURTII DIVISION COURT, Ilxbridge, Couvoyaneer, &o., Uxbridge. 19 O[INTREAL IIOUSE, 127 King fit, West, ~ JOHN. M. WARWICK. .41& PETERSON, mP IAfJTICAL Douttl,Othawc. Dlentallome, djrsctl>' tppo. site tho l'ole tloe-Eut ânciono lI m tasse third delor norili cf th* Ontlario '3. 47 IBLIZ >ROUILLABDI Oaim N S >IOt4lit LP'13TER, Whoele o& i et~ attte~rii Tebacco, Cîtar., sîeing, qïée"hsnvi Pia tci fsucy Gooke, lNe. K1r4trýt BstTorento. rU WtIITBY CHRONICLI ý@#Uil fLin Off1THIt ORiic!5itOPQ INe BACIl WEIX. ut W. L. IGGJNS At hic l'riîîtlîîg EFît llcl ît, PrNext Door to tihe Regitry Office TI 101 ÃIERMS $150O FER ANKTJM A -Li. Advertleiilsfltnmciîr-d i te opie ,Mtl, end charg-W at the rate off 8centap pe finle, fet srtilII, Andî ti icts lperhUe, oach nuibeequentî tcOVetlonl. 8poeeal contracté made wlth nîlverticers bv the yeà r. 1Ohlerf to -disconîtinue îîdverticmeetcm mut be ln writitîg. BANX 0P MONTREALt ÀRIIiTEIIS A&ATT01IN EYgAT ,AV, B îfîliritîîrq tg) the Mliîk "f Meîîîre'îl. alla Coeîî )it el of Offlarlfl, W itly, CI . .at1oo thrOE im.Dr!FEL pAItlIS~TPATTl IIN V, Ct NV VAN B er Off4tleî l ek l1rît îtl post 2 BJ . V. l A B AttRISTER ANI)h egi. r TTeIC f.1'-AT LA. T..J RRISON &SMI1O ('ltîitr -t, 'ri,r4ttlt.., C. W. X-NGîiI-L M-4) R11 I1'ellN. 1 .1. A. 9AMlîi1 %. Il OCIItLN.Le.Xi.. . cri' l rrielîr cli 1 îtlrîîît-it es'. ,S- ,I0ýtClr ii 'î4i î' 1vr, Pub 41 îîli.'. &v- hStreeI i t hvfI4îl'. îel t,4.'il'. 4 ROI1ERT J. WILSO<N. fl RItSTil zTr()*IZNI,%'AT 1iA%, S>501ct1 oriniCucîe'&.Ae. WîClî. 4W. J. K. (0RIoN, A TTt)r'.ÇV AT ,A%. l., I 1 1 Is1tv' %V Itiili, ' . 'erLi. î(e 1'- s th e Wti S.t re W. <ei KELLER & fOKELLE. A nir t-Ae îrouui.,"totrv'Pul.i Ie. t. 4.4.1,11r tett icezl. 11 l,, e . 4g CHAOUN CBIL ER.G LA Tilt PrnV A jc4., SîlJ.irl'l <toI toc W. Crn'k, C. W. fN 3. H~ffV1l<~REE VauD 0-CALL AND SEE SANDY 1 119 lhan talcen the Iltrookchn Bîn luI Broîîklin Villaie, whi rû lho wilI ho tilad to sen ailihi% trieds. 'lio plroiffinen tire woli fil led uli ad rîîîî îî'ciîî, î.t ic ah cco'îîrîodgs tise1 geai, very iced, tMe le't,-tor li eca ugto th" cîuîîfl.rt 't' ' d cetlîîîrcc tîliîîslf, htîse ig bci prenîetod te mnoUe as wccl vietuiîléBos At tiîloteks yeîr rest, gIîîtcemi cc îîîîîtel iotn Catluit e tîcsî iin ai l wiilii i. A ru aakîîd *,t gýve hishe a ALEX. PEERIE. Otareio Dtnfug hIclitt estasurant, C IlIT lîIi FI E r e.Tw, (îieft ST. .1 t tutu-urul t ui"it-m liuur, trui ifnt-pmei. 'l'welne tu 'r tnii e-e 1,tw k. .jAi l ion um bti t M Tt. (lGL()BE-1 MTE L. T IE Itheoe wî kue 'eîî, tiI oêsnltilIntet Turl i a endi eluth lliruile 1 t.-itidý,1i ii-I reI, eu-, tiiil ter.umldt tIu,îf'itit It i l tp & - . îa.'-l 'e T - tir i-'im li- b'îumto i n i,' 'frîtu' lt-r sut .î-i et iid 'i e--' w sh ili%. Notice to Farmers and Othorrs . ui.:I. Il t.iler'u Etirui t ,'îu - m'uiiki- t ii ýo. i ;. tus VtIPr'.- sterr% i duîu iitiriti k ltrmiew12 f,) er i k, wt i:hlu"elic utM l tie cl i ia t-ro -t hie t ttrimili. Attenttive tillrm, and Ileermps tte lire-. A. -AF1;EXAN)EII. tleOnItlivi. .t'ii. 2,t1h. islui3.4 1-3 TA G iE1-IAC TSACFFNTON. l'noprictor. B tt nliii AI1, B1 C)M *-TQT Ec. fi r', - p Ir i EAST WINDSOR HOUSIM IZTIi7, F it t' Mî î.lt ' o eut uni-I fro int,ad cu ZtRIuIiilg auit ttu.ut; ve u ter 22 VICTOIRIA Hf> TEL. 'W l . 14> oUittnl e5tPEKt*t. Lt AY#GLO-AMF.RICAN IHO'TSL. T IlmIr, ha"jlie I h- a itliirdhn-0 .trer, to flittflitte ieit tran-rItinc ps;i5tt. JiIIN Mi4GcRil>ogh. CANTON NOTEL, DU FFIN;;.Ft<IÇ. l'ICKEIIING. Got.îD WW. CUTIIBE.RT. ROUGE IHOTEL. J OSEP MON, LATE OF Tîît NON. Oon îp. lot-el, and (ornertv of Wlithy, se- ntinca',Iom lui. rieuda mnd the. publiîc, f>i5t lue ha& reted the nheo v tl-ktuewe tiotet, vhich lat nov l in r*t rate <rîeter thrébureceptiou et gaeatiii Wtnac, Lîqnoîrs and i (gar,%. God Stabtieg and atm attettie Omtler. 15-Y Grand Trenk Rallway fHotel. <SUM i ide of Ruzlwasp Dep".ti, par! WhmWty.) T IlYgb@eie han fitoii up the a1n<vtce vlt kionpremise vîtîtthe viewuî e.f'iitittî tIi cuecileno ! hi cntlig îî.bie.Hur. ssii anud vecîtilog let't ini charvee nt the litol i »li les proporiy cared tfer, awaiting the iviiîui cor ttue ovn tic- the Cans asut or IWest. 0004 Stabiieg, antI carefut attention. JAMES PRINQILE. Wlîithy, April 27, 196i. d NOW 18 TUE TIXE. GET YOUR' LIKENESS AT .A. Clark'. lotPrifse Pleturs GsIllery- I Fyeu deaire a correct sn eulihka Ambre- tyeCaeov eLttergraph. or Leather Tratnfaproe, or a ILiten ln a Iuoket llroach, or Ring, fer J. A. (,. ctadoitln te t vi te, sud at short notica. WILKtNSON'S BLOCK,J BrcciStreeî WAUiy. GEORGE CORMACK. L MEIMERiIIANT, Carpenter, and LJmolnor, Green St. Wlitty. A large quce. tity of! LIl kindsof 1Iember coeantiy un haudi. U NDE RT A KINGF. [UN ERALR foiIi cpslled and cîteai e F2 cbhutt notice. (*'ftânea kept cenetantl>' on bsnd.i t.îrA esarse te hIc. on liberal terma. GEORGE CORMACK. Wbltby, lob. Sth, 1862. 4-1>' WHITBY BRAILSS BAND 1 'Whtby QUADRILLE BAND! T'inalfebove ni~êpctIYrete, able terme. Foc terme andi angagamente atities- 1. WOLFENDEN, MAlS'Tie, rsiteo a1 T IE SUBISIER, N RETURNING TO thea boinguecs Iopiorly sancled on hbv ble lia tua place, polielt c aliA, front bic ls 01eu- tomera, and the publIc gaenaîl>'. Goodi go- commsndion, with gooti Ettttlug,-cnd sai.at tentive Ontiar. JMS HMPO, 21 On.m ?~v. C. IIAWES, --PRUPRiEToi. - 1AVtING PtflORMED THEr ABty Ev.e> sttnlon pal'l gueY!** a. COMMERIAL ÂI IOTEL, Bande aýRTtwliv trrai. CHIARLES ilcl3IDE, PROi'RIETO>I, tX(CELLENl' acoenmedsttee tir trsveiîerc 12.oiîmd Stabtiemg tnd ttttine Octiueni, 2A TERRAPIN RESTAURANT, 89 KInx Stmet Ecat. JIJ$T r-eeic-d, lier Exprecs, natIna aboîe e 1-ahlistiiimeuît, c npletmdini lot of PRAIRIE CIIIUKYNS. QUAI L, SNII'E, l'na--r l'atride, W'ihutDock. cd ed iroîtie SI-IELLiANiD CAN OYSTERS, Ll.uîtlerc, &C . tuli a nd autul tat. 30 i'AtSL.E &- MeCi NKEY. RUSSLS'8IIOTEL Q U -Pl B E, C. PHRNIX FIRE ASSURANCE CO. EST4BLIS;HED IN 1782. GILLES PTE, MOi.'hATi1 & CO., Agents fer JAMMS 15AVISON. Managon. INt'Ult N'CES agailmet LilSS ey FIRE ae 'tf'e,-t-,lI ai heil inst fac erahîs ternis. alitm LtlrESS PAID îittîeetccfereuws e t teBoard iii Loiîliiu. .Tillîy 1 8 Aemît, Wtitbv 1NSUTRANCIj. 11"eeisie.ci h hursppnititu'd Agent ejStz i.inine t'i-'rtctor. thlie ahon-e T liiti ils Ilemrilîvfueto uîicirfrt--, tici feîîe ttjl 'El,urireopertftloytote)Puipniro Iîcîîîm- uruuî i' it i lît' te ila;hrepîtree itîcir ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iemiauui iIrmm.tiltlrti-uItm tic'"î l nu- i re lf and tuerumb.- rociiluv 'ru'uic'ildtlî-r tiit,îl ivi The ~Edinb..L L - ul.a*urahace opn the wliit-mr. wvtu lm-uuii ti ltaii ilmuw l te r t'Ot ciwegieL/ Japi tti ~litriuerc ii ft1cr eiiîtiro.sîtt llite Trx.- 'Te Lii'erpoiol anIte o n. vrIltniz Vit lic it ti nr n Csnîinl tinti Ii nlt*tii.ii ý-t" li, sprtirintm tlinf icul lcci vit. T7%e Meia/roo/ ire Insurance Compansy. ter. tF ira fusa-m ivCc iii 0 lI-it-rc--mc l- c lrr., uirti iunre1 Ii l-it,îlu'. iret,1f--rt TePro-riacd iAsmrancur Company. cuif 1'h~itliio seîuurai , lue cuirvF. K t.LI.Ett., %Wli. fUSSELiL &cuiSON.er t e47,es thutmiuoc, Malrchu11. 1 - - RAI.n N c 11 111 - lIrlîleit America Acomrant e Comptin y, \VOO N'S H O0T EIL, TNOI't.î'-Indeirasuit-ottime'Tiiind lCiruri -if tthe F]lîtl' l'rovinciaml 1Inila. Cciii. WAaient U IeflJ upcCatne(la. WOON BRO HER.CAPITAL £100,00no North Ilritlth aintdiMercgcntilc. Pire &-Life Insurance Cony.cuimu,.i.urittimtiusîuulîlnai TIImi tl % t D iW. Marne tir R ý 5 ,tlite.Soumît ir i.r Prln,n. IliumAgoit I1~. 1-a ~ < JOHN AGNEW, t-b milua <i 1 7 1112 13lc - 1 Tr 'elutmgAgett, Blicîtt trt.et, W liithy COLLECTION & COMMISSIONI AI V ERTISEINIEN T. f 1f. E L.81<W, otreat, C. P. c("¶iLIuTIOtNI; ced.'fuir litliinmer- / tîntot'fl t rî shvi('ucm aiI ehum'î, in Mont.- cul Qitlr.. fîù alcit T-o,aid ct-tir ed, andtlprmei pepiOui.tls -id 0cr. * couc îvîîI iilin ' Mottreal Gi Ire-t E.k 4.'it i. ,w ut'suho lloimkcVhlr Il*'ie -"ue r ~ )Une Durer tfititti if te THE ROBSON HO'USE, ILATL &8CaiTRrt'tcmtti DL'1DAtu tTRIiEr, WIIITIlV, C. W. 4.1 E>Ec.E Mu tlSîtNPropriehuir. 1 Fy IlEAitti<iiter hm,* te sencnce ft hoiemais a TAetd. loneel hicul ljs eorl tai k..ova t' r.rtc re ',.tgo.wl.moedi , lc'rtteaui tteui ep tlir-u ohit, it th lidi .l'Thîe trettel.ns are jÃŽeaasrntîy ait- UctUut.eucuiti. thtioi Obti', sind Ile aceii- tcm- ttb.Tow'n. The R lavcy )mntibtic clta ct the flitel, and lie, gîcfî 'lui~ ,îîd &B"aerueen 1race tlîuiureeryiienti<. oerdml perdiaj. GEORLGE ROBSON. 3W4'Ç;Arfti t lesm alvays luattenuvsee. Oshawa Advortisements, WILLIAM TEMPEIT4, Me De K 1IN G 8TE ET, 98IIAWA, CANADA Wsnt.17 F. LAMBERT. T AILOJR And DA>l~-Kn t ta tisrmentnumad.to ordcr in thebehst style atnd fanlhion. 47 8. De FAIRBANKS. 01oITcrrl, NOTAItY PUBLIC, &o. &c. SOnhawa, C. W.- LYMAN ENGLISi!, L L B.. ATToRN ZY AT LAW. Soltcitor in COtan- Aticryt Conveyaneer, &(., d&Q. Sinio. st. opposite tl'e l'ont Office, (%Shcav*. 47 GEORGE GURLEYe MERt'IANTT&&ihor, Draper &c., Klcg St. (lentl*rmen',tarnnant. made up Ie tht- bedt ced iet it tl'. J iiat roo'tveîl, se-.ne chelem' geede tnrir prine vWer. E.'ery article Wcrraomoo. No At, no pay. 12 EDWARDS & IIODDER. "AILOIIS, Praperwand General Cletb. ITI lergs, imui ftfitters. .Gantl men'c tanmenta mad.e p 5itithe chorteet tnotice. oft h, beat quelity osterial la the neent s tylex. Al veork macle ep on tbe premisas. Sprsng JImpertatious o! excellent qoshit', cuti le great varity-ew noveltmes. 18 THE ONTAIO HOTEL. BROCK STREIËT, WIETDT, the aboa h t'el sey kep b Me Dve, end tructa '11ai by strict ateme.ute boiiasae an4 toe . ante cf bia- tineu, bý keepin inakofiit.saable,'Sccd noue guttheestofquoori té Er,ioneh charse ipublic patronoga, ,The, etmllng sud ited-rootu ig cf the boiitdescn1itlon, aud a crefot antI atteitia Pter-w I héaslvap fonnd at bld pont. Whltby, Mab 2pt,18s4. . 81> (LAT* jiIvaTt'.) 'GYN ON'hept. tfcbrnâ" lis.u betnG ftkeGtty, 'uorVlstaaa RORya, Ilritth Amerie, and i Lver- pool sud London Assurance (lonip'nies Enibracitegaà capît-el of2l M illi)ofe }Iss P .Itu' tet t $?to Ci lohket aiterrl 'icmlte t Joli,;A4GNEW, 42 Theo f'îîînpmi c' Autfint 1'iithy. WESTERN A4SSURIANC'E COMP'NY OF TOROS'-TO, C. W. CAPITAL, - .-.4009000, ENC0111ORATEI'>1851. Prcrio/eet. - V-i"e Fr«ui&a GEO. , 0~E~ ~EoI BERNARID HALDVN, ENq. .Angecby ire on it 'ircrirî)nx (eut islinex aIteul leir c'ulteeurc oit faru, *ie ctutitn. id at1 rtes o tirenmiiîm an 1ev as ltau i.! auj otiier1 reaponstihle Comnpaniy. JAMMS PRIGLE. Travellingq Agent. To suit the. omrelence et parties»nciding ie Ocîmia ceadclcitimiy the unddr*lgued tait hon utuly appoîitd Leesi Agent liere,, t.v ttcm oeli - aee r>'fnnuon iii ho ohpeoctîlly ivîcn sphc tio tfii m r,-o.alif. or by lester. ibsir troî parem otemplaîing masceng thela reapeJtly auict 1la b re or ethenvi,., THO<MAS MYKE. Whîtty Maccli30, 184. 211 BRITISH AMERICAN EXPRESS COPÂN Y! 0 flicE-Brftk Sîreot, Whlîby, naît dcc Vto Rogitny Offe. IL . ECAMIîBELI, - Agent. Agent aise for thso EU miontrent Ocesu stemmushlp Comapay, sud for tIhe GIangust Line stseaees. Whity, Aprîl, 15 1884. 2 Ofll ceserihar la le rutuîingl*g bishankap. Tfor paut favur, hsgc telunfonn ltse inhahi.' touts cf thla Towan cd tueeonnding contry, tlIt h. viii lie happy toi attend te ail or d1er* eitruted te hi*cete. Tetli ineeorted oun(Jolti, Silver. or Vulc#uiaod Rabtser Base. TeelI filBed or sîtractet Inluthe tost peaniblo otauner. Partiiltlar attention pead Lte mrekulutlcn of Childreo's Teeth A Il vons-rkaintscl. 18W. R. CAR». WINDSORtS QUADRILLE DAND,1 ADDRESS --i iIIRAN WINDSOR, e-Sm. B.uaso XA.TOR BRA8~ BAN». ADDRESS JOHN 1>. NCPHIR. 8-Sm. W8wmv5ja. PHLITON ]BUGGY for SALE, (noarî> uwPrdtitake) apply te M. O'DONOVAN, crmiirteManufacturei, Wliitby, Wîiern the lieggy May be oece. Apprentice Wanted, TO léarmi tht Tieemîth hum!clmsa. 10 frontm WIlithy, JUl>'10, 1894. R 2%0TH.t Harria's ExtraOrdinary Light- ing Gallery. J- C. HARIRIS, Lat lY fcr 'o e sPariandec Se oiYmrk halthe hM/utuo <,areouee to the. 'mJeebtanma of W)hitby, ans/I #urrouacllag couîeery. ttUot he hag.jt. tell up t"se large, tapciouicandie) cm motlîeaonirna 0Cior .ei!r. .fuel Bige- loeeDry 00O049e *0re. ehrr h o iiaà ;m.ueulte taulIJ1.VASfÇi the artct)rictccc fle ctyle of fin fO recel1 anduednlerqsd Ioeny reç'îim-ed cire. rendiîcreutedor no sole, aithMe loumeat po8si.Sbe living pro. Fours res jueei'fiily, J. C. HARRIS. Whiil/n, Jul/y 1, 1863. Y'. --Almrotypt. m tee chcrcper and *eperior toi asuy t/uer kwoe one t/uicm'ontenf.2.5 GOLD & S~~iVRWt C GOLI> &NSILVER VIAIS CoOLILD Ale tettT e. BROOCLWFS, EAR RiNGS, e FINGER RINGS, CIJAINS, #. ~ J ET G0 D)i)s-! llroeu'htc, Facr ima ciiBracelet,, l in e - aittlomnltiut,, ieml ltng Vt)e PÀ,,, r 1t¶f JFJT GiRlLIE t' 2miç c l t;- d Bte*um « i ln i F r i rîhîî.m, ltt r'îtiml c ndSt ail lii, liitte limîemtat mylest, enud a ltatite kcf ù Ail e!îtifi atwit hbe ft,.uîiul cu'ry ml i-irisa. JAMES Jt>liiçSTON. Wakelitnakem mandI .lellsr. Brook titreet, W hitly. FOR SALE. F Z uti t q usr tr fLot No. 5, 1 tIse irot! g irilw ontmhie latti. Stitd lt a2j4 miles 1cone Antibure. sud Il illihe-q tramn th- TeiwnotWhitî), .The landl in cI lie hast qu. ilty. Four huuîeîled ilollarx re)quirod dean, tec panes glven for thse thcl..ce. For terme ad atituIl1atIWRE1pCE Lot .. 2th etiC. Renct, Anlibeci P- Februai, le 4 VINEGAR 1 VINEGAR! T tIR UNDEUIIGNEIJ RAS 1011 SALE .LViuegan or the tquality muafact.urs by lsiimsof-oe tbe premises tondes Street, W bltby, on* deer vest ef C. Scoit? rettidencé Sold in large sud small qoansttan, vhoîecsle sud r- tiil. Bu>' c etesp, and realUy good an. tle-aun article fcused b> chemisai teste te b. te boit acrnprodaxeed lu thet-owe. MICaAXL SCIINAPPAUP. Whlîb»r, Ms>' 9. 1842. Ils OnX Lot i.>. 4, Ir. ties ted <Ion, of Plekering, a îve lori' BRICK IIOUSE, keovus a. tita r.idanée of tiselote AsiPoltvith' two acres et LandI,and a eceiber o? Fruitr Troon. Alto e je oef Weli andtIÇiteru. Thons, le lîkevhco a CLegaè Rousa, andSetabllng (or foueor te. . AI'Ply MES. POST, 18 sin. . n the premises. Bh«ie ituSale ofLands. - Coqnn4rOf Ontario,t Tvirtuor o! sWniof Ie * cf . B FÈientFaéIaa, lsié onfthe Con ntyCur~e Iecstt On- Y, sWbt~ud le ete ilreostimsla pitfih ave ielset nti an l aeuît Our Farmert. Tîmeir homnes are their tmgtlei-lic1f l'.earth- ittonle à &tlîrtimne -; Thcy cuu b lout tceopter the kiiitdon ,thay The î;ilauieleand, the Vjll2s a., the frll'iii'>rlttg Are jètcuJecti thînt bend . i.yiît Bot hotd with tiie weight the-Uic isr.' nd ec !Eer X11 l ed faitthtri a hinreskit t)ieuî aep nrnugsd plotting aomung timon, la No traiiter the everclgn would atriko from hic titroito. Heoston.de 'îîidet hic tierce of grase, whoat and maits. L.ike Crîtai.,,"tho ieonarch of ail lio stirvcysP" BjIr lstnS ara hecarth, banklea t i bt401,o hlie lorre; Thc batiks that are cafte wlîen tîhe pea n In.. The atock iï the cette-not fancy in brecîl Tii. chares igre the. Ilswcheiars timtmit oe.fer the otteil- Net ci til u n]0c1LPeî oin the brnkèra array But niieros on whicb natuire wiil dividende psy Thèreitsc, are not thoso acimiclithe widows No othecîrti îlifer deîîoiitc trom thoim lfcîuail le itîtatees th i t iiei-n lire found, yet lnoue aie ico i§deul il aswu Iilul ent of grouud. The tarmer witlî appetil. Cicr ccii "ct, 'rTe brend onit is table, IIau good as the whet' Atid lIeviiig tacot dearly, hic wifc, lie may .ittr, eii ywi' il1 i(a lier n w'î ! l'il net hav e uny Wiîli waterfrom tItis wIlI the wife thon mnty 11 'he jhias In wlieh limîî ti-sno tt'cmir cor ili AnJ .ch. iii.> resjeeiid tiat whatever betiée hi-r, Moct happy t.he'lI ho witlî lier hunluend bosheal ber. Tliere'it mauîy a heertît wlîre the enibers aie tîr'cnaya heert with itx jeyâ everfiowiiîg; rThe licsrthc and the lheurts lfrountthe o îrld's rile alarres, Are iacte in tthe ino that are rered on our The Death an the Fameiy;, or, the Broken Case. WJTaxttc-rîON. The Author cf "The Tais anti Sketches trom the Dair>' of a Phyiciano, in the coersof bic gratifying literar>' connexion with the publie, has-taken occasion more than once te miate that ho vas preclndeti l'rom prefenting lu, bis rendors momeocf the choicest and moit -inferesting peaages (rom bie cuir>', in cor.seqoence of parties being stih in existence wbo voulci naturai. 1>' bave felt bort tbat aucient woonds of the spirt mhoold bie bared to publie gaxe, and probed by tc e>'. of crisici m. BuDt as im tmoileeniisaid geniiratiione of mesc racie a"1y, s m-be <vi s1ôém>ose *t 16tW honcoreci aud diabonoured doit, te' sel of secrecy is broken, and the bidilen f~uut of avenîn rMay b. broogbî te light, aud cause no pang te, an, living being. Thon, thon, lte aid Physicien i &gain enabisdtu tepromeut tehaie readers soine ci tbome *reuawkabis epiodes of -human na- tore that be hem lidoession ta it, dnring hi. chequsrzed camrer. Tise mevcam eon maguiflc.uî 1t va s ometbing te lhock e a, oeesthose du-a cending BakisaVmgingiutheir, va>' titrougit thée silent nigh-isi air sd tlteritsg es if b>' magie> tiam complexion of, aU îbinge far andi pua. -There vas msarcel>' à bresti of vind , but oUtil vIai ,litstlissu v as cf tIsai elenseat in Motion- plled up' the te aides ard the fracns.vork et ml wWnows- 60 star>' lits. prejectioà s of a brick o1 a breibs.and hve f reeper tIsa: atnuggl.d up tie freuitcf ns>' houasg a: emplifflng tise parsit cfýtie himue, poti uerdifficultiems.- li vas £ nigla on viicistu, oit at homte, vhsich te telke cf dangers, periLa,' aud etrifem abrod-of coldueu ud mierilei ncise cf uni1, rt ad f oa xeiima do 1 expect a cail beow ?-No 1 fouh hieten. Wbat a cold iri there is un 180too1 with tise doot in My hand, and iscard Williain uttcr maey ejuculations ho- foré heoepenedth ie <troot-door. Ie an mastant tise cantile ha i41dli viteblon out, anti I fancieti I coulti Ikar tko snow pelt' ing into My pa$;e-.e. Who are Yoe7 I hourd William seltg for os the wied bleto frem the cre 7h adti saggrovato big voice le riale ' 1tacd nt aII. '¶Vho are yen, anti chat -413 yen menb>'conilleg aed bothéring people ýý Snocha neight as thi,?l The. reply wne distè c.t, bot far froni donveying toe Bse ncg like intelligence -for it un>' reofiiteitsf ttce rdi 'ia- peoon,' aed tittt W14*t peti ont cc -if bat reen thç oflorîte 80 noieen.wa. malt.. ing te catch labiorl eita'bmtb ---'Npoleoe WNap6lee ed llia; watdo - Wheaî,Do urid Wlam;te wenhRoave moue? Doeouetn tenott.Frnil, a tt1 cm h ut e tis'e d 1ow?' ÉA 'Sorantlt der,'ci ecd I 'tut me.' drTi ot wa h ave in oalu ewM. hetimterewss hot, ed in meawhnite mnte itere appbeart I tforoamcadi bie socd glteing objere. Itawn s a , lth e80w compite1'ceverd manetsrotaiuof l biano tisaatinît ceioutras giim o hir preon, al pona y fr oa thesping forha ade,paI>'prbti>'rouittis ese shoe hla mdead aré tI'ro hm iedte 1 alioratIer nt baiou eat ins haof uha vieil or-fer the warmth cf ni> rooni begate to tbaw hlm overmuot, andi a terrible amop et tic foot gave hlm all the appenra-ece au if he w&as hotu>' tii8soviet, ans oin(! mortals wero in lte habit of tioing nt tise netie anti beolca cf the Greele Mythoi. egy. 1 Oh 1 tir.' h. s&iti; t'oh I air, forgive te t car-' ' la that the tear 7' aaid Williaml look- iug at.tit pool.- ,Oh I sic, coeoai once. It's ail over with me. ie ronned ail, the way-anti nov o >'ete,55air, ilm a ruunieg hors. Dou't you lenuw me, air 7-11m Napoloon, .air, Mr, Smytbe's pago-Napoleon Higgins, sir-loastvays conemonl>' callcti Napoleon, sir-and there's such a riot.' I kuev bim hov, bot I bcd nuotooen avare cf his wnrlike asti impeniaI natite. 11William 1'I Icrieti, 'mj 'boots-i shail have te go ont after aIl. Wleoî is the' malter, Master Napoeoon ?-Who Ill Il 1i h1 i, ogith'ea. 'OI air, nogivte tear.' bou 'It ol'.n se saing anshiuabmo u t tting-' .- Do yen tieui that I meout tai?' moiti Napoleen, hooking at thse slep at bics',t have yen gel ne heant in your busion 1t!s tise tsar et.a bligisteet page ot> sir,- X eu : ear ts'b ere auuginowq-eet!sL 4'Who do jon musse?'1Icrid-' aurel>', y00 deu'î mesus Mis% Emil>' Marchant, Mr. Sm>te'e tuisce ?', I doe-I focs, forgive tise tes?.' B>'titis lime I '- ce a fohle' nipped tor tise streeti, anti as tise diaau ,asnot greM t IcMr. Smytbe's bouse, I jtsaead Napoheon5 anti sltiug zmu>' face against thse wtatber Is' the hoi s>' ayI coolti, I itcmg. gled = w v>' nvard, anti arriveti, Iexpeét,ý Manti'mitntesisfe tis-te, Psge mate ie d ae1ppesane. - Isato ligleta f.ahiug 'about; Mkiciedthé isedoorcese openedt 1to mue by *î Mcm. ýMumk, tIse tender sud'sffectiouaea né lstive e ml> acsnaiti*bapptar-' eà d toe-s ithlite gretest'poatible distrees. -ias! ihroceti'a cléah over ine, e jhat b> calig tisat- ofl IIssd. gel i 'd of "I1l te onew 4t Once, tisaiI isad collectea in ù{v -short wak 6 7oor page bua larmeti me," - Il I ialarngi e, - ie.'van tise - epy1; 9 twice to-uigis,'Euil Marchant wh6m vs ali #et sueis gras: store b> ', 'uià arutéd us by snchbohrieks- of 'pain tisut the firi timewesceuld soarcelylhelieve là toabedit. air, do sdmeting for 1er,,ufor 'ïéstén"0 cake;u se eemiit a o Io i~>~ti va>'1 doctor, Ibis vay ; 100 knoW Wkb ale faitIs le you.' -' 1. s-c I darteoftijstb stlrs 'afti'r lier' t6i"t quires o! yen, tend go tobc.d ;yen hear hc sînys that aîL will hbm welJ.' The propriety cftieîirng emî, s lic. Smythe, when a perpenidiular pne. turc of an>' oie's' cîlporetIit' 'ta net conà . docive te the hroiui'oke f the human mrune~î-I behieve 1i mýey .su'ayt much, lire. -Seytho " Certainy, Mr.-Snyth.' Cuîeeot h, in an anrnmntte ~oor p14'miolozical poiut of view, douhteti.' i 1Whttro is becritod.toooaV' I said t> If c. Monle; 'preete- mo with a e higrht, P11l carry hec îp et onces, 5h0e ttn wiigIut.9 Mce. Moek prcoded ne 'Wth audible soba, anti fccm ail f cot'e!d diecover, ir. soodtteitomo merci>' aome, ordinar' de- rangetiont'of Somehof the MocsUSUl fuitc. tions. I prescrihed accurdingl>' îid aît4 about te Iente tho cliamber, whcîemiÉÃrify '1i0 yen' helieve jenoines? j have sulfeceti this'-paie often, iaîdti ome heure - precpdiuig itI hue heard frm lte adjoin. iug room, a strange sauud,ià - beatitîgc cii. tinious sounl-ti gritidinzt daslting, sotutîl -what is il ?,' What cat il meân 1 £ W.îî, 1 neflly canIttIti,1gaea dr~oiee noise in-t-bs bouges,. 914~o, nu-but il le aiwaysata nigiet, anti cumes frnm thut empty room-oe, -air,.lW it net liard te die se youeg f, P uoh, ptîot 1' saidiI ; 1 talle of dyifig, 1 wist 1 wsre se Burme o! a longrlaits. of hife as yoe are. Talce what I have erdenr. nul pou, a"x"l'Vil ho with yen to.morrow; bot of course 'If Ym)u'ki' atid ot a:Iy ec I toilI attend'at 'c. - ;od iht--i am castr now, buvt 51wae horrible.' 4 Vtat donss eo oisn,l' I aid te Mu-s. Motik, -1 by a lueinu oigo in' tho next renie Ir wion I reachéit'the tirawiionoo Ttl Cenfoterie us al,';saiti Mes. letMonk, 'it tetteri>' demfouiedti usah. &'V os,' eteit M . Si ytho, inle a uxmn cce of speakisu,, Our auricolar, OrgauitehVt heen dieturheti uprn more than oneocca. sien -I tahieve. Mm-s. Smythe, Imc>' eay tipun mors than oint oncasien.' 'Certainly, Mc. 'Smyttc.' - <Bj ao.eictonous ce cussioti of th,,- L nu0sphere.' 1 WeIl," i sulul', (cil lWscarcel>' a them F- eight te tequice mb theslie things; I barri - dose ail I' 'con _et presrt for my patient,-i cuti 1 satilcati to-mfoccow, wluer 1Ienset coufesa 1 etoulti like te go more e a-i u'e mbt the. case. You erivéé ssPeced iei' intellect!at ail ttiùct'.ti cutiye 1'Certainl>' not,', snidýMc. Smythe, A'fIes! intelleciuah-orgnqzati,ùn -ofouIr niebie ba, ai toayj appoars'd te us-I toliilIme> sa> so mtech,,Mrs. Smythe V Co-rtaiel>',Mli. Smythe.' - - CTo te le as perfecta lste eof eqteifiW wuva once more in the open sm~bt tling ciththttc to là 'tictad unet ia whit uheteti during te>'shto-îsîay Dt ttec' îhout-d te b. sue te gel îbronth i, fou- tbe ine! bati risen anziughy' tend tîaw . ny>' lei; flapping abute icin amannor Ihat md lb muet mou-c o! a.hiindem-once le muypro- ,greas than a prodtection ugezit ec' ,- - aend in- the midat o! a1l -ibiâ I'fehi'aone on;,a't- tugging et me t>' tha gsr. , I iLtned %vtih the sharply utteced question of 'Whai. --i Dotw ?'%-'ïa s 'ewpwbver>' C1060 aird hne"-oa- ig e ey-il. t oh itVrI&-'i inqirst-e- be bêe lng' ilu' hoop'glitoma. e 'Sic, pae.frdon e,' Lse aiti f tbe foe ndtei-i m er> l t .1m TÉiqnre-Ikw ha isaboutth ae ton aid me of-helsi-aîeriq,- anJd ht bd-ew 'd7 tated by ýno COMmon.- feel ings ý in askig '<i' -me the.question hq diii; beipg hacreyer,eu habituallv cautions,, 1 did no t etd.tispogdui.,,ý 10 anavor quit#. TOadily te d'ýîho ke," -'iy în tell mue * tî,yJ-u uîe _p - b abl>' I sel t dt'.oreluct an t _to give Yen imaisfactims, bztyurFPem to'9t iu-o suîkne rwkile I 'baver 901 IL'>ê mo-st dimî-au~ teow'. thineumde if»I'huntiûets' Wa.king- or~ 'tseisot vesthse foruaýsîout'erseeultgbei: 00t3M usîea, Cthé-sThrxtiîu A. D .64 aI Ivelve O'clem NELS3ON G.89 Sblelt'îOMM . 1 Whitbyn Apnll t , 18 ERÀSTUSK»IMTRI t 4v.>'. lit attend. - ----.-- I --.- - - - ______ 1~ np ttttt f ~- j 1 1 1