__________________* 'i-. ,. .. .. --'r- Qi. -. -,. -, )fore demaîrete rotlng At Beifat. Thse Pruslin decree IsWtes, Pardily yedticcoe the forcem to a peatcefootstig. The decreamo a srt4 . Ien the Bsnýk o Frmnre turing thes wQuk la ovur 4 muillonti M ffrancs, Oultng ta thse pratests of the Amternn ga n gliliAnhnsqni1oTP.. thse Turkiiç (joyrrnlicnt permnisthe coftinuaflice of a relgiis c olitioversin a rntestant bookg. ne Tinmof f$attirtday fvoursre-tie UtiarawnI of the TBritish *troops froin (ealdu- ihelîr presenro tuing an elesnuent o! dan1ger, ae s rnvn'kirlg ÃŽivitsion wlen. ever thse Amerirans have alîy grievîtoce agaliuut Eigiliid. chepsr. Whet-ti urcsier. Corn firuier Ic4l:d.l>orl< dinhl. Ilacon fid1 fnis.. er. fButter serdy. 1Lard firiner. 'renne' dull. In the er% rewfipnitnn las, Wehipplng seainlen 01 onu l théI pirate Georgia, tilt. primonet4 re .'Cfatinul gurlty anti bounti over for jtldgnîu'nt., Great nrita ia set outre. Plr Tise Telvertus CQmen. LUTTER FROM tilE UNCLE' MAJORT YblLVFRIIN. TO THE EDITOR! OP'rHk "iSTÂS.»P St,-I em utmch obli,îed te, 708 for iaserting the letter wichthtie Hon. Mrs. Therene Yelv.artèn rîddreased te'oteno. t t a betutitul ad noble 5apOi ani 1 eadoîse every word o! il, Where tise wisohe question turned upon tise prou! tof thte fricîs and wviere sucis prou! uepensies on the scre<iiti ty of vit. nemsben, uand visere thse 1e vont eloag vus tise Annel. it van, a ctuoity tu drny uhe lasdy a riva race exauinaain. I attended tise sihols of tise trial lan!mehitnd, asîd have no isssiition inanffiumiag ihat on tistet Oce. 14011 'L E jurytise besîci, thse ber, andi ail isy-siaudorsu fieved.uou Mr%. Yelu'erion's evi dence; ad thor n-s cihe ltile doulit hai if tise tisnee law: ords who dtenided againot hon in the' laieý appeai had been prusent they coulhave suise lise sanie. 1 rjouce, to fiaS there is still a daîcr opn a Ironghi ~T't'~!?-. ct iviTt~DmTa7D~rLSsweusa TO TflPi QUEEN'S DIVISION. GENTLEMEN: nl'e ternl for w'lichi you wvon- kind enougli tu ele.ct tme tu serve un tise Legisuhtive Connecil being about to expire, von will son ho calehld itpon tu exýrî-e iliereigs t trnce' mî'n lui filiîîg the v'ixancy thuîîs occur- ring. llelievinte it to bethIe desire of my 1oitcatl sandlpersiiol fnk'nis thti1 Nhslud present nîyselt as a candidate toi' 'e ehtection, 1 have esincîndleil to ilo (Front. theÀNew l'on-k lJfit'd) viesic n may airain mtthiner late no, antel0w lctug tt solicit a enoîval of Wev,'ise h 110010 se aeeusitned tae r ip cei. sari us> od graintlser stron2tis of ystnentstîIc'an!slptt hsg large !<iire widlitiit hoe t leuyeilrli minsî-i itissuy'ttogo tlrsugh iser future Di)îsing the îti 1riil thîttIhanve liai! tise>' have elaîut>tîstt 15cm paver la tniuaritili sua lirssnecue justi.ce taeherelf tlire honer' ui steiig >'lnn Ihave en. en uýnitOi571 itiiihisthet cierrespoîîdurîg adtiindictlttiset-utli de'ti'<>ed, tîtîhy ant iihitlnhy, to Iîe*.lin iuden ts ivl;a rnsa fihl apprultia. 'hereî o i iniing taure renimrceble about carry out tise lîrurixiseus tila it.le iny lion îr il 115 m ueaniîlg, it buebecomete. a~this i ijunst redsladytisatise gr-nt ailiy, tise liriîradlsresen. es'nias-y lis luis1 nt ihissu isra relative aia- loyalty b te ilansilthes indotitble plurel ter, ansd comparess tinawsithi auniberri 'vîtiswhrscis suie deoiidq lieisur istnour. 1 ut stm ceivitg, as I have tiver done, r vîn icl verts Sciure rs'gard e i arge. satitfis'd hi u very true hirs-esi p'i-ssun tiat thre tl'tt'sof ftue IJiper»11 la onder forus unisfu!îly aînpreciate -the eipecisslly ihotsi of hermsex, vilhunoar, Cinaibhe rîlslsuit 4t, non- allow il anuiftirstoour public slit, we ustncnomt. eppnssvc, ad suppuortliser. 1 cannt ibelpli ltmslve8 to beenoin, active Pati-ti pare i, witis %ibat o! Greet ]Initsin, wlicis uisisisg gtisalt Mj.i Yelventoa madoe ase aiîs5 I i - hae feît iLtsmto ieii>'dtttv to I. w*th kiuowiu tulie tise tcvgint Slit in -tise hsitake visen lie- desortedseueSae oasan.- Sîillshort or ollot4e îngastinu's accord- wcrisi We puopose Iu show hat, rointi- 'Yeur olsodient sermvnt. iiig to thitsit'iit' witltout ieny vely, aur public dîsit, le mach tise iavgen. W. H. eYELVFITON. i'efest'efee to tire pîucta;csnllparties front A lange tebt fîer a rieS iratiosi may Itot lue Auguet 2. - whIOTII thîey maly have etnanated. 50 iuchî as s âmail tebt for a poar nantion 1 I Iave ivi'în a gnooud dal of ltteu- te pay. TnIist t unstu(le oie ie compaçsireS TO THE EPTORFT HE 'Tt S5TÀA*. ' tioesil islucisof t)I irîy ite t iuttts li vusEngaîr iî velti sîd pbli den. Sr.-flensral Innos hais taken upon tietieected silthsIXonni.s <fsu T ires Ilutm Ilit9t,802,d139 vai, oîr isrhisi:stlf iiislorm tise publiecli;thtie Mug, 1 ant, withftise zeahous sand aitive aid i 3~ elsiut, 99,f)2,19 pnuisi cIcmenrtofthlie Bouse of Lords, in tis e s. sof other çg e-tlemen, 1 ain happy tic Il o , i ua»99,010695. Teines t ie.verton, cane-, Shmmetwvus tise approval of S1ily tht u ihosi0eflubs ,esuuuttd, vm $, whi,l ihs.ise nt,r- overy isinnian visose ieart is in tise pro. fruîtheKi. estun hatdet, isîlu e pe eert. l j tienplace. Tise iest vay 'te coiitredlct Yosî wilh neasonably exps'ct me to $119 9WO320. lly official noturns. tise cii tis s aolent artiertian is for Irismon t ge c ilu~so ts tipnartcn tire genith ac! valuatiort o! tisenation ucan club togethen ansi fumnisin e fnit. Tirs. guei-ionalc onat~e ith rt aotcon. a on tise Stisday-o! APril, 1C61, $31.500,.' Theresa Yelverton vi-,h thse menua ai pro.' temputon-ilui. No suai' ait arI nonqcon-ated Q00,060, Tiserefsre tise yean'iy interet xse ncttinir honrelta taetise lest. Wiîi issiî thiu t'ffni'(.Noetpntl]e ucon oun t Cise rate o! une dollar l'on $26259 o! otjees 1 tmle tise iblirty o! -hieinlg yei w î5eteîtiontu o tiece pn rs tisevalatin. hnu.uîi Iv guiema whcis lsg a 7M pseitv of thneoîmintrv, 1w the unhiappi' 13y tise ceions of 1860 tise enlirua velth is 1îac ent tise disposaIouthtie potin lady. usyîotleiituîiu xaigb.we ad valuatioao! tht Un 1&toSrSura SîrsUpe id oceraniaansiut lg ternitorlea, vas $16,159,616,06S (inclutting mn iroirI'Sin- Its.atiLwsrC'tnr.ihnmte 4,OoIl,00or o! laves et a outlncma.-valiie IISIMA. ave feit tisait ortie rtiinas ip luoiihd h1al ' %î-oY. -tOur publie detics, bouton enr situe [We have receivesi several ietters Of' fouîtîi on o thciîe evilut. Whlsthîer the ggbniipal ebis sand otiser liablilitiui, naufeinîg nulscnptlotuu oni lihai! o! tise saineI very abtle ge'ntleumein whîo havee su Iive have ieîone sunaitu iintînese" etlusunsi,, cue .sa s spyt 're stc sînqLrev înited 10s.zolv'e ansd remove Will on tise 4th MrSil î emir tsaMrs. Yelvertoa, any contributionsrisent ta ýtisesse' lià iielihtiess wihl 1tÇ able b rtc- $2,653,427,101, ausi il is al tu lie (ouiîsteul us for tise purPome.-Eu. STÀÂtI m isliheir ipra-ise wortiytv t.uui, addrev mn interellt o! six pet cent, lin;< ienacoth. Y cu ts goM hit iichin le l,205,626. Therefisne, Yankee Sympstmy for Mr. Mcdouami.! detals befone hetig ubie ho pronosînco fian Opinion ; huit le isCliv(ad1o M bysnly intereet -payable iin golti i net M fl 1kIh e îlle ate o! une dollar for $10J.50 l:f tire M. Sfcoagehl ould ewlltiloki cm cllwt eeywe'l'wi'sher afV ~~aisiCtoawltic le Sbrforhta tv suittueri>'v ithi tise Waiishigton onîr r'oîîntmv> 1Tmont ea'imes!y pray liahA'tion i tger isamrent i uîo! ane adominions. He' evidoatly Sa tise sympa- tluit theuyta ti.ed ýritîin. th s ieTîio tS ets!scea Sluoîrli <'oit agi.in do nie the hôpor With gold et 25t, jpayableîi 17iS Cnd. ieTmat rnoideat of riri net e ot eruett St.p.esinrency, tise raie uf interet oi is NvYokJJ.'ad rvo - .n tmav ns'hv ipon my lctefforts m4 ordeirelattivet> moretus ti six 14 The royalipt preao! Camdîî lu rejoi-. lhein- eniplnved te adx'ance the coma. 0,d a quarler tillets Ierger lth a 1/if îmg rover tise lact tisat nIrMscduugall, ance motilun -et of ont couatrv. tru. iü'ai ndtatua cipro! tise al itx ntecountry, Frii'es ht rhîat citent of tiîe Tivi* eS vithi tis e tour-en anSduluîtson cl tise casunot g.'t aentccinlisl5rlianet on accoutit Isen tt'h t rpuahbafruet Vuit-d .States in f!860 ase h thl t m ivAanti o! hiinveil Issusn tierocra> lîinciples anti :1ea tite-nul e'.'ti ; but 1 expert asl isl s uôto. hie l fienilship for tieoUniltedi Sinte". 1tî sit 11411c ain s Yfie Ii4tiit.AiÇu îs-'Tuia Nw R C.Au t'.hin r. ÀMacîhouza'll cna sfonsite ids I>' stulvlqe. whstn, I trutst, I .wii have 1%ý-râIýAIO» uËTHENkwIL . AVU-hi,ý4 ime Thre Tinet re etleit an lar the. misioriiyf metig Mrlyor eti îiMirPr ecNt Yo. -lle infiieilatiou f ris!cneli oneç lan-canada vWho voisîsivoie ts l'ant fmeigrnyu oi À eaigiish, c.Cslsoy tusl laee unr Sui foi.hlm. ani eiry po'nr matis aisnis oiut 1 hiave <thc lrosr telo eny, ît 2is Set in 151~. Patrit4is'u Clii.. svote vouilssuppsrt birle, if'liehiati one ;Gentlmn Idrat5 uwd wsn uisi î is gteat plers' andsisie linme. irs very sear vison ît I tlemea snt. 4dorir and tmegnitlenne. Thse *et'einolitu a ri stosicratseuind tise aigirers ilI nu longerYunost e-'. acre lrotr tise ltion o!fIse ttAv. le coatrol Caedt, Sbut whi oiisoct vori ingJ. IM ON )kgs*sty, anS consîseeeofna hiniiesion o!fviiie mou viii <Iu.nand a ahane ln tise gos- boy, pr+ets s iopsn, arehisieisiu tdt r a,.ment, andi itisat day bMe Maeduugal' la oum tuieAug. 10 84. 3 besutifint c!>,uuîsyu atnd iseanrcns.f tise vaet daims viiî net heu,.uYerlopuhe4.55 ou* insignuia ut' lit jruly 'office tiîwn uhe Tieseamte viter, Wvoisandulffès in a THE 'MP M'ID sqouis ale, sisuluuo n..eaîsint stise caleuluts ea fbnerh ecooalv a drà i by thé imaii tuoran 77Detim gwu ssla uiois snainhnnsasZ G Tin~ 9erlsrmil sy tsischîsitep 'iîliy tî Ilta lrlise nen' çroitesa o!tise Reforuiers 1 1.Iol jlJI ' ekl for tise occtasion, anti insier tiseltuiS intrsidure tis- e !era sytern, and le alte erltibil, of Pruteenur Il. Selittii, lt, rofsseur iUpir Conadel tovr Canadas, Nna Sno. I 0F INYAN'S liustavue $ehmidttpreliiding et thc orguin.. ic. Nswl'ounuland. Prince oEiiuert iilad f is.e rcisbieisup, teistg seuîti on iis tlne, ail NovwhruaswiiÂk urdet ane govenaieni ItII P U I E S reeive th ie ioaage o! te 'cîorgy, alter -ieli ut a bsiniCi ova fluoppoiioneeutl 10o4rget 'llt whies mus us scale'irted isy tise tigist 75J5avetittasn'rhopoiin Adrîrltuloiorgatiintr ;r.lssty 'rimons, o! Buffillo, eusieS î,y amonîr tise Taries and rubsl synspmiizfre. eIIIN oCplC.Iildill eris! rntP.alsu p S;ex cdacon, asnd uSlcacon, and tbe It is Raii ta sulihate thee gavennient ton jW,1vis ixi-iiîe'i l>'14. (los, nîliscs arçihs'slep poaciesibusitîurgraîsonnoit. a et t ith ie lUnited States. Buts"11l tarruis, surruiktirasna $Sc Aftit. 1h ~otithtmoiiu tie iecv taa, isecetre.the slow old SoSie'. iii find tisat viti tise (sr suves u(-,"nive mecltit,slrint wriihLignte dwusi vsemilidec! iineveny part long before lacresue of mgration, anSdtise&prend Oca! itr) mtenUteit b>Pail ise . izs, erhltes thse catise" a acrovted jîn evecy part tttiecu Ill lead fartiser tiss 'a tiaut sittfctiners 'andAtti niTa nît roelu'ed long befoet iehe ur fan tise commetnce-aSd tist tise industrisis masses, stud)îng front sweny une the moretltsiqaalîhtod apîsmusai. ~,eui by respctabe auniiene, v ticr eir ova interets and tiseir couirtry's good Tire latii t wexiiiass t~ihte taumre thani luent byh 'aurectab .iuiien rceediaga wilyulnla every .ev yemrs, rutileeccisof! 0eepe ilfxbtt --Itsë alose ittet.f n tniig e our isboumelisse Provinces a overeign State, over JE H NO~ INSTITUTfE whl cis te mieduge N Yfour Id visicis vilvave tise Star Spanglesi Bauper. itrYo eays;-"Te asvpelltite, NhoY.s tr o! idped, 1 llrmhy believe tist if' e:»tweaei ES A f t TVENEDi Y -de&aotpob'-d ou-lorst. bhoIello fluman vee docteS Puosent, cd ilo. v tiseMosthaliah-,d rato'tlAme'javss boit erataCat vereestaisishesi as it wvolsi h, &UGUTT SOtis & 311.I fuitb ctyo! hroiiy, e Us cw4r i. on a firmer bnasntisait ver, tirat before hmsa ÂtlaiO1Slet5enta.chillrer eon 119-DOOt in to'cty f Brokln, n th ye 110.timge ex j1ind six nov stars frointhtie North op*n at 7,1,Joelock. te caiinrîaeesitL 'tm arhp wosadtdfrtseP't5 ould iiitminale tise countny's isorizon i (/ithfd Mala ot !cssd Aleae bond, imad lanJaseuary, 1834, haevwu orn- hlywudb Httmr ecgeA tu c(>k ht hlie n col sdaiuidy Biahop Dubois. Toni yeans lter fsud the ac vat th cir thaimare uhelune cA urtted for vFa isite n sudSbo vms wuconsecrated Coadjutor liahop uofroivn t oisft hat the r eitat hvevii e 82 ite lonFi E PI~ImVERPY, Nev York. Ia 1847lise vas înansl'erred ngver n dupifohtltrySo nt e héoyalp- npnotr to Albmey, vison tiat city vas erectedl itea, aoaredyif vetare ele thsi aya. Sala a nen diocese. The laigisopinion ori istu, visoCar stin oute l yeon.TO HMS bis eal suad-esininitnatire capmcity enter.ugdcn is'sinmn* .mi.i.d.b Ar.hb.nsop Hughes -vasampl ?hbe rech piper# Contaîn th. follov. -Ing oddtory - eth T Louters front Ayssiis-.- dore, Bmpermotistat- counitry, hbasjutt ero.aed bis Imperimi eccoestricnstiea bY un à t vhlah-exceds tisent ainlaextrava gances. iaring lieanec of tise vidovasip of Quen Victoriai, hé.'bu hasi«îletten vrltten tw ber of'riuig herbis&ibandl. M. Csunroi, thse Eîglith causal, vus changeS b fowesr4 hie mi'ssive 1tishe Soveneiga. The repyio 80 unforeseeu i offer nul, beiag immesiateyrfortbpoingit, tisa Emperai Tbeôdore gaIangry, aid bc!Mr. Camses. on pot in ahains aui 'b is Mjeshy sisounîs bave obtained asaisfactlon for suais a vant of attention tovards ina.-- On beariog o! tise imprisonment sof bMr. Cameroa ber Briumitniel Mjéshy l is sa1<. h ave decided. on replng by à polite refusaI, the tenid. E n oe kf vhlc b bypet vasmare ecouiomsc tthan a special mission t» Ablasiia. * FsUO xvnueaauueav.-On Tues. dey l.4 the sextotu off theparlit chancis ws.vedd4d t MsBarneul aspjittater lady of Ldiury. Tise unitdages--oftise isapy -jwr aount 10 164 jears, th bride beissg 76sei4b enc! te bridegtroatulaIbis 88î6 ce ln eîtee frotn ýbis ai he!emldthe subtitaes sn&-"btvifi w set up a corner rocery, sud îliej versdo. ing Weilsmui fis patron v*Mid ghs biés amcmli, ho 5hocid have a drink guitii. The' ltter conld1ase fôloi -,p .8s.-ý rebll i a et01Dam Slîondrels and oogmt ta Bei pot dowa'- asn ef You Yankees- ,e do it ju'îsend for a lot of as C*à idiani mn WRJT IRKETB. Whitby Augxrst 24, 18e4. Noibiag of iwportmnê tareport. The deiiveries are keLate lioited, mand price nominal.. Yalh Whouilt0 50-. SÉpriag -Wbet 80 to 85è. fer mihhiag. BmiIey dot. Omtisnew flic. Oic! 45c. *Ha1rf8- to $10 per ton. Botter là te ýOo per lb. and sauce. Bggs 8wt 10o per dosea. <r~. PubIi~oU4~y- 0boudS pp4liate~tui early ~4u#êes posa subi,, ybagsthtmt yoa Will Se $çms.ss topa tJ~ sains foC MI>~DAY, the 25t5 tulat., or visateTer day you asay tisints tacet £tC1itg~ - '- - Wbltby, ultigaui i9iltn 1564. TH1E CELEBRATED SINfR_~TERER SFAMILY SEWING MACTIIINF, vrîl ail thse liste inri'rrnetset, Dow oitý e:iil-itto: asur ttomalo at tthe ROYAL JIOTEL, W1117BY, Ca W. 'ride Macsije an usFeul, lient, lilitit, isrii C,5thserTtsi . tQunlt, rirîtiaIîr s i uniclîn for si Lrntetrrnrai i u'. vrk. thrrsrncty et isr ýi1 cliitti ils Ilire tinrket. 1iteryMachiin e )tl. viiilbe vuirrisrtd, anti Sept su repin ono >ecr, fie os chii'g, if1ropry used. h illvtstias suieml fiecDilleu tieiusiraeIler anti haid" er, it lire extretel>' bsn' prseîtt1.40.-t.tc snison Illsia rreitinepajirne siriger M 't cinis. l33 J. T. 'rYLFE, Agerît. QUAR TE RELYF A1 B, IUAkReE8TEtBI T 1119 Firit Qnartcnlv Ftir c Manchester wil ho hels itiiitiami Villag~eo Tnosday, Soptember 20, 1864, Tli. Fetir luscis hp-e te- slî.si.i iilic rsiiel o.f rîusscrou. large iii tris aI 6tockl, tend rtthelî requet of'ia lirre ii îisler ut Fltennerîq, cten îtsek-îrcduî i h thilsclity, îid 8urtnîiniti ii 'iilh.lîs.w lg iî, lu nlwayt oni band a largir ene-pis.. c lItîive vîîc ue isk lmhî iilii'.I t vsuiettnit v lui ittielh tise lieurt uf a vi e rilet. district, wi.omtiktmug 1-lîîtiîîlh %rt ree ,il rix ujapsclied 'by teod roal uis ell' crv m e. t . Le l % oinusrre ftoLen vvsili, ruiir hie it',it. sFind'ivrcrschîdfrtin W111i711 Y AJD OSI-lil 1K4t Bythe îletcoîf erral rois. i e oheter pline jet dite V1,1110%. "if 4 iti al'.', tihlbis aciettuil lic thse îriitl îîs oh'ic ihikyè? andSitiler; fosr whriiliit'lie euli t' 'iiî vuslo sr tl sa'0ut- leindnit f 'ttlii' siià j fot a(nu eit n i.sit tje 1ev noctii'i'ii #Ilssî ihrile cfttîaied).mnth je 11151 îiisttr4m ipromrrivtetcincite tho Fairc of Ilanehoczter, Dît ierely localn, bust COIJNTY FAIRS0 Andi te Ibis end, sii)piisr,. ir tr'suili'p. or ex- peu... id e i t..îred. %, i. tu. sffîrd Iti'.cret and sel lers. sniuul tssci' înrahtisn, as iatei i 114.5 fot rîtsiîr. Ait Atiitiiiiset wîi li n!lan ttt'urlaîien, wlist. mersviO<', an11he kI rtltri». slrittire Fait Ds.y. I)INVER AT Til1E R EVERE HOUSE C. DAWES. llntîclà e'uter, Auoesr-.t 23, 1864. T IIE lsatmcrîhiius.rbelpb t san th ie Vannera si4 0-es. liiietî. of 0i iittii aitedI iisrlîiss, fot tihe sxteuis.svc Prttisna$ge lsi'stsrt ]utfflii hu .iir'sit ise la'.t A yçîiirm. vend wanld clicit a llittii'tOiii or ftilsiii ieBallssn. 21tcuîe sttillir s'it! 's's ilsupli-fieta enl st liicka AlI)tîlsiit I , el, tensi issut ul.a ul salii. mHous MYERS', Wlntbv, AiCtist t3, ISe4. GO TO IBROWN'S Flotir and -Provision ISTO0RýE, Who ketpa consatliy on hsinil No. 1 lour, Bran, Shorts, Corn and Oat-moal, -"t, Peas, linoo'. $uzct'cutes Haine. Apitlele. Poslsdoou, "i .Dsna'C forgtt tlte place cornvet 5f BYRON & DtTNDS STREETS oppliite theus stOMMi.' Fr r.'rslcet*kou ln exelaig. Whîtb ,Augan leig 90 3 UoosxCt 5s or 0 lo 'y, $ t stinarter SLà oim et rofthse Pesace, ani(o iaiuri. l1s andi fut thse Cotisty of t>ntsri, wifi lic hîiden fit tise C(soat loufe, listise TWwN 0F WIIBY, 09 Tuesday, Soptombor 18p,1864 At tise h b ico c12 'loek, uu'oe, of wbloh .11 Jisntîlor o'the, l'eoc, 5Qft><5 conotible. ansi %Il uthsr*iosuernet, viii tae s otiue, sud v~vern tonovnaeriigy NELiffN i. IREYNOiLS, îSherit, (X. Pet C. !6OUMEl. iliseIf's offie, Whittiy, &usl 15, 1le4.32 Shoriff'.sialeof XLiis CoaUtjOfflOtario, Il SATUItDAY. iie '0 Wt T veasty-ixtu day ot November j Pt14, ïat Tveive o'cleck, noma, witi ms sold by PfflieAMction. t-my 0lee u tise Canrta itaelin the Tovuiof Whl y lu tise Cousnty of Ontaio, tis igist, titis an ~ luterest h scistise utidermenUntittd »etundabseafisly pomsa the indLa ilà thoted Lunds sud lenommentsîissrzeou s y me tdoSer sudbýy vrwoagt: c*rWs-Wrlt. ot VentUaU;'à Zapoîsui d !Mûri Y&**s, 'vit: la thé Court o! Cotamon Plos. - JOBNS grsoÂ,& 'J lu tise. quin's asa T ~ puy 7k P0îlffilbs, la Ttodmrualyqssltty() ndWROUGuhT ljît)'.îdelý-pri41 n iiii $Iop Wre iide of Oct4ïreý itet. île bas Fe qaLntlty 01 elrro.n à Cook, asu Bncx Whl nlutt e uolul. Alxo a largee andi gooti lvariets tsf Ulee, Prsneed and Japatened IPare. 0f anpejriquality, fl' aclnenep. Ic littleAA Eus o!mr. Eavotroughing and sobbin.g Dosue vilSch seeu despuk-ls. A Il ork Tht# hifit PetJrloepaielfor asny quiautity aof 014 Copper, Brae.Stie gicablus Ca ud Wssctajc Umm, Érest er' -q . Z scsab. BICRARD HATCII. Ohanery Sale OF VALUABLER ?À.RIE ?OPERTYV Township of Wbitbyo IN OKÂNCJRY. JamesThoosno Plmiuit$ Mqséqîdte K Atiemoniob- JantesPiles, glihn mttcelI, banithei younger, GeorXe Peter Matmîî oJane Rat., gikt R*bent Ratlieý, Jamu Maumitevs and >,bsuuom Lasbson, t:John lKsteea at uejane Ltoen, :re. e tcheil i d William tb qsédf l7.oae , by iUkospet tbei, PE W A D VE4 R1,ISE'M EN ftS I ght Wftggonand DogCa, t - P~aie 1 Wle Qkkmnt font North Shonws Porùt 10 ochestes., and li Pointe uus ullted Stagesi T ire favrorite IrrrChalutIPr cnbi nteme 4s Ieisia "t I 4.l is rirr r t t si lit. *Port Hope StVIM ,,0a. na.. asndtCohsourg at,915 a'. lit, evsg.s'y )IONDAyfI WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY. Wli lenaW 'Woeliligî1ilil. it 4 o'clssok a. mi.; Brighîtea lItS a. ni. ; Col borna. et 7 1.5 n. il, Cobourrg rt 830.a. ins.. ca'l'art lit-Po lt 9 : a. ru., ery TUESDAY, THURSDAY et SÂTURDAY, Arrliiig it Itouchiot eaoh day ut 1 45 lp. lii. RETURNING: Wili mee Rohester avou'v 'IXcdiv, Thsuri- diiaie]Sitiie<tny, 't If) P. [Irr, foiiWrt Oeuiiiilustliirtenl'ont IL îe anti COIlarr; aisîl es'ery Mnîs'lsi'.Wudfoeelssv tn riaittlit cuissu iU. b uit Wlliergtoî', Briglutti u, C'îIibstno, Coisiiirrguiiithl 'ssrt Hop.. I'îuseoairruitii Care. efrotatapointp E-uimtor %t, et5 akiisg ttîo 'fensis on thre Gmsusî T. fiuik Bris l5ii. ,ttt'i'og rnt il'rt lIiss ndi Cohsîsîlrg lis thItis rîtirlie. selleosineit.tili 1:1144 Stiirnnuer, gsud gsi'v?'i:utfli's'iester nicrulssav,lis tisnue tifr the iiensi,i trisse issuieCheo Nov Yonk C'eutral i tiiitad, tr..ai] [esititru Ensst sid Wet,t ansd <ntîre Ainric'iu ixîste-ne.is of St(eein- crit ta ail îuiirtiee l~ he $natliShoare. lrneiisget ' 0auà R sii plitnIln tise tî,tted struteis, tsy m?frelin ot. vis nelotostur, tà à ki-ag ",re ennr Cher.. vii ciisnect. aller 'acuira. io.11 iisinret.vth rris tnignui'o on the oaief Ttriik Ritiulwany, lin ersnia, East aSid Wsst, The Talta a ranî ltawîys uutpîuied wuithr the Very beut. A. M. BRO.sN 32 G(ierau Agenst, Kliirgton, l.%Ç. FAIM To lENT. T[IIE Nortr.wont siurter of Lot No. U2, lot coi c çnsaorf ickeritig, coattainre 50 ,CM-e. 'bi lanud<eot.ucslcnt q un lty. Tlrcre IFa côssfottabtebougen, xgoosi bi t tabletandi s'ciret itlise presià iecil'IL i5 fitusuted it itîi a is Olsf Freiirlimtu'a Bay, sird 7 suites of tise Townvt ô! "flitly Fo ud maqrnton arin-of Fntl Wtient. ragit] tise xta'5WgTuivi oit tie tntm ltiiia ventr, vili lie let vitîs tietirentaees <ien en tire lfft ubi t)i'Iulet. trFot laurn r mtietdats pply ta theo pno1unactcur, P. B. WIITFIELD, (CÀIltte Steef! Nos LtrWard<, Witilîbv. Aagcet 3, lîi;4. 30 0,40K T tUPi 291 Re à J. CIILMPB ELL HAVE ON HANO A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F i black and colored Silks Bareges, Delitnes, Alpacýas_, &C. Sbawls, Manties, Factcry lettons, Broad Coths, Tweeds', Straw IÉbnnéLs & Haà tsTfin Sheeting, Gents Hats and Caps, Ribbons, Parasols, TuwellingsCurifirtînllars, Ties, Braces, Hosiery and Glovyest DaMasks & Carpet;s,,Ij-uder Çlôthing, And an immense .stock of' READYn.MADIE ÇClOu'TIIIN G In meus and boys' Coats. Vests and Pante m-tu¶Aeup -on the pre- i»ises, the fit and, workxuà nhipin5 e4pne n GROCERIES, ýand* a ..Fresh, Stock of $wé.e*ioh.Turnip,ý'Seed, ust reoç-ived1 ail of whicbÉ they oaerQat a stnâVa ,uvacé-for. Cash. R. & . OCAMPBELL, .NI Mb fCAUTION TO AHvi j- FA-R M TO 'lETlï 'Uow~Iîip: 1f11 con. -7M 17t vbVk *wUl 1*'tt smen, m stie, Corporation, of the Tofwn of whitby. 1XTMxEA~ S.fiuephlnt hua been Ild befote me t"amrapusa use lthise babit of ex- thîýj;ýQ4ineoplybbhlaaM'tise iýmPrtW1 betý provisions o! Ily.liw' Noo;?9t . 16,; Tms; go therroto alve notetos, in - p'goi rpersonsa ns bathiuols4sLl, O,,çj e~ po tr heion r ,poIsons st.tis Wald vhsâZ2e1ier 0% wlUuthis ei- uit. of tbis Co 0 4 wlflb.proseiste&; mand urpon otivwMIo,, 0 enlsedby tus ân mrmoÉi en sr vlded y Section 20 ustbI,186L ~Major. W. IL Olit8 - -proprietor, T[TAVIN Lusd tise aboya Notel, bas ré. .l,,Jz-furniubedtltw.premlucethronghouh. and rfitl<ied tlobea .'.v1ib- the. Cbo[Ast LtsjuQra andClas.Y- £tVéry. attention; pala 't*o Iua ts. st.o inis froint Wisizl*y'u1dfliy. Cà refitlostià u si*sys le ettsUe"e.-' - 8 à DtiSmiQNecotJRriT vv credit lt ghi. 0119u slsikWstlr pole rri-1ad m, r 1 Z Auss ins ao10%V litat, hustl, iî"islraieDu. Td l'aiSeb?î way bf Ls.i t1 8Ul o we11ýy 2/<ousà nd .Pollartl for thr, purpay.e of naking ,flmpJ.o~ing and i. âtnd kzqiiwaa* fiie o îOLL ty of'Ã"Ontario.ý 1SL~-1¶i'whercâs itiis expiudicnl.t tonaitro by- ut'ay olISan, tis ilis>! "%enty Thirorsanti Uohiun.l'or thîs pur' poise dorîsaking, fniivnanid l'epaintng tise piiuliiirsi& ldanit bjghwaygs in tira (200rty of 011- turio. 2nd,.-And whereisn it uill nrqsire tlic sn csf T'i'ree 'Jhoiand 'lwo Iluiidret' 1>ollane, lu lie r:nisd (jainisall>', by 8puteiia tte, Ibm tte aynst <4esc oan, -is] th irIset thireon, nt thet rias sfsix îper centum per anissita, iiîhlrs tari yVcft5tfreinthe ttthldiy tut tc- e ber', u in the>èiur of osin Ionil 5I housat irîlbiht lluisdred and SIALty.folin, ais lloutis - Thnoe 'rsorousidTt'o hlniîilrsitl tioihans in uel li iyy f t!) yeans 1805, 1856, ]sJ,75 1860 1 1869, 1.670, 1871, 1872, 184731 âad 1874. 3r&-And wlteroas -thé aidosttit of t'hé iÀ'hoIe natoab'fe IroTsety 0 thes Gounty of Ontario, accordiîîg to thse lutt nos«Çeèd ts4esistnent roll.4- jbt ouid Cotfnity, Lt 7,908,037 4th.-Aid wherean foi psi 'ng-thso intereesu, inti enea inag> n>equss yesrnly gaid surd of rweýity '1'tidusisat ~I hana aMthusnetnatter neip tioncil t wtll fequirs ancqtitnniftiJ spèciaf 'ate of fl04 052 .pîrts 6a' a cent in thué dollar, in addition to ahi bthef Flitesla cccli bf thi aitd years. aier4de &aëactedi by tbie Cèîofoii or thbi00outy bQ Ontarid; ~t-tltft 8ê411 be hetwÈI'Isfor ic War den of tise said t3ounty oëf Outa. fio; ta 'raise by way or! Wen, frowi ifpy eerson or persons,ý Body ' aeéi BO4e Corpor5ate, who ftnay bt -~ ~~~t adIri emrico thlë sainetu#i. on tins credit of!the debenture4u hereineft.er imëntioned, a s nm iws.of tmoney not cichciling.iri thse *hole, tise suit o! Tweaty Theoisaad Dobà nr, -and ta cause tise saeato ho paid inta thé hastdi. of, the Tnoasuree .of thé~ sain Côunty of Ontario, loi' the' a e recte cause or direct a nerýrynm ber of Dbenure3s beo'm out fdr aêuch Ãme of M6ef i' a mmy hcoue ibcessýaxy, o ï TiwiQ'ty Tboddaud bQllNrs, juo'dÃbenture k ýbe 'madeut? les u mn Une 1a 1a Iundile p M )ars, and titatieseaidDebeffi ûres si#hal!l bc seahed witb thé clebyate Ipal of tise tald Çôrpqý rat!qn,,mand tfe signtd by thé 'idreà of tf'e Courty fri unebeing, a#d cotinterige by à , féTimaurer** t l(6 nid Crq WILLtIM PEOù #1>r<T TbePreoid*atltreotiraendConx, A. 1ronslfootan"d willuProud. s ~ ~Bt P4rsfs E frei'ciCLEALRING SA LE DRESS GOOS ÂSIWLS, *trimmd and untrimmed, at half-prioo,. EIJniiFamiIy Groceries, M1 S . sanSpirits. ý-jeËl 5th - 1Whitby, July 20,,1864. 1 1, '