Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Sep 1864, p. 1

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bçathow Tef At ha l'rititug Etabishmuent, 1Brock Street, Whitby. or Neit Doar to tbefRegistry Office. ADVERTISEKENTB!. A 11.Aîvertiteolntii rneiaaired lu Nonpar- At.li, anîd clîir'À t thTIa rte o o! i euto pr #Illet, flrlt luieerllî, and 2 et îer Une, ecdi siibsotinuiaut iituertion. tIlîcci&l contrace iiada with advertisrs by irýder, ta Jiacouttiue advertiiisiututteinuit -- eili wr'tillg. ]BANK 0F NONTREALt W[llY BIlAN'it. 't. V. 1.DAMngr 13A1iti-';TEUS & >ATTORNE'.' AT i.AW. S'.tti(trs ta L the îk If nteI.ai ost.'tîîi'( 'ttuttl i ' f hitarlo, 111IYt . 1 . ' bnt.ii %t le l e <'Iî),rt 1tjqde'-Qttjfi'j u GEORGE IL DARTNELL, 13ARS'ER, lATTRlNEY, Cî)NVE'aAN i cer,&(t., O&î'. Ohilea eur op;îtuiite the liegil4try llUtllýi, tr 'k iStreet %WhîthY. B %itee, S'iltly, V. W.a N. (.. IIAM, T) ttiit RAmi)~'l1N.'~T1AV klrottt, W ilttîY- X010111SON & t MAýipst),N h7îîtht trof ,iiti. i.W. Asous t4 Otl;i. l - J. A. s A Ni111Pim. -1011"NTY' (M) %V N A'TT)IIN Y FPOUil(ON tarli' t, trrl'ter aCiIIAtttnî,leVhl%*i.iý[,SI- ilottitîr i tin er , Nn'îîry l'iîiit. ir ' 'llr,'.-11. "1;r<3v à Ne tu. HiD-11 (Il.IL DARTN wl.f« - I i iî. t' 1 ii Turtit9.'2m I . OlituI. W A ' ' l i "A T iT'r i r - 1Ii ' T t I 1 'N > .4..the C"'ttirdc ie M thv t'.-W 414% Whi (AlKs.cLLE.1z .lt>N i, -r î' .:'.'iXt .Vr-i.Lu~s 1.< rE ' J.A 4st(RI'uobb <'4'.'T 1-OV k.c.. ww't T. C. rll* r - - j J. W. CA#LDWe1, UOWN *Ian Court1,"turv l',inil"ttiei ea litî tho Oinlif<l N.BX . tî.t'u'avinlutl "l<c w'e, tli IL.E. ODELL, %ousambie ternis, ifi rt.til ut reîiliut'e R. W. CLARK. M. D). aôî,'l'. 0urBrc SrieWtiy. 44 pEY$"ILAN, SUROtiEtiN AND >Aii'em)tY- cati. 'auî tially aite'itttitt .. R. J. (; IN N, M. ) S URGFON Tri 'trié iii r'(A L Byron S~treet, V.'litiv. 4 THIOMAS DEVERELL, Bu iLDE1 lI, t&c. &c, G(REEN STREET, BWlitby, . f.W. J{JIIN MI<'CALF, fiLRItR FTII EFIFT£I[)1V I$luN î'iJUitT, 'JcoM,îiiug the. Taoelit itrock. Ait- îlr.aas: Cu.itti14 - Dental Rooni.direcf.ly .ppo- sI ~ ite theosoto ifie.-Ealt suce ou Sttaocfl*<t'hl rdldonnortb af the fjntarha IlarkI '47 ]FEUX DROUILLA-1lI3 M,ýjN[T IPIRERWhaoeol, i itl alrin rloh&eto,ciirnre, sit', 4't Nn,4i~iaI pis , "nd Ffoucy Gookm, Neî. t ici<lue MW'ehi Ttat,To!roto. 27 "81800PD 1ShIOF WitJi cala Prlnted. woedi, vea t toughaeaa atvu VOL. VIII. WHITBY, ,C. JWr., IIROOKLIN BOUSE K)m CALL AND SHE SANDYI JJE bau takie thie"BrotklinHoueo,"lu iuranklîni Village, wlîure lie wtilI h iiald lt me'e ail bill, riendl..1'wtt uremiles are touil fit, cduemlî.ad t'mîîîrcuientt.amitfhie aeceo'naoda- tioi goudj ver), iomd, MtA. t-for hei aeeâ ta lte canîltriC nruia',i idlanre in.itnl. haviug buenu Irut.tt i e jait cellaolneut"i.loau At Su~t ltkcuî,r reit, Stitiy'mÎle gittdi ci"t,iii~Ja at 'nt.i'ltehe tent an ai t lteuationu. Vite iii'iot&tlinlii i ¾dy--4iil, Are aaked tlu give'iu.li onne a Caîl ALEX. PEERIE. Breokiiik, Dec. 23, 1863. 50 Ontansa0 Dinia; HeIII& Restaurant, C IIU]ti P; T liEh6r, «)I'[PSITY ST. I .tuuem' <'..iii'unii,) Tuttt. Iitier,. ir", Tlaltipt.-( 'rwîe ut. Titre.' ,'el.e'k. l.uictii. Sttut-,&c., ati lii-r. Nitiai, Li.1îri, ci u0Ie et branutiti. JîulîN i'tNITlI (Lam Amotoi ttentl,i 'teetra G1L( )E JIOTFJL. T lEit( nwit t ltuînwiîbave boefblo 'v the 1t. tlt-rtitt'r, wt.'r" té c ll a t ber tc fo l i't r i i',ta iittîiid Teniîiauly ft 11t:'14 t'c't ti toi e i et ii ,ît.l e . W!lt ri t ire toi dt tert tth.Wai, Tr.nIle 'i% Irtîte i t.r;i.e i. i -t,% imii lte Tnbleeiuitiftl' Notice tu Farmors and Othe'trs 1 tî-wti"t'lc e.uallaRetaili. %Mo,"nuî' Fai- -t -'.il it.tc ch4tri t'<fi.'tîi t~tiek, 'itt t. l.-. tr -Sucir ,anti CýL it#c ratolr for toip mrk w1th . ltt o Atteniitt i tl.r tnt liiar.î'îoluitre,. A. AEAI.1 8T.GE1- 0u S E MSI iLL A. -ISAAC FE!.ÇTttN. B rhn4'tî-I f , - tit l ne:r ,i;.cni'c "c attentive t't-.i Ttrllr wel'pI itir EAST WlINDS'OR 11MS'iE, WilITIIT, G"'t î.-'-u't'.iît . t rrll"e. ttt~ ii i .tt.ttt'r-. 2 re 11e', i.,'.t, CANTON JICITEL, D 7FFN CK>EEK. I'1e'KE, Nt . a(t>,('t D aocozàirg>ttàiote rrîi',-elter,. W. iii'ruhRl>RT fi ltÀw.wd ,nIrvý'f%irpie'tY 'n o11'. u lîtief.tdtil TEtE ib TluF Nli- 'itio ilte." * t' - t'. i lr ia i; Iite' eîi tit,,f (il Iliitt u mi rat. tîr- t'r Itîr i . ee'îtti te RStbliiig a,] it attentlive t<eter. 13S-y Grand l'lr-ik Rsîiwntty ftlI. i ride~A,ii oif Raiilotl Pem-i, J3iW W lh tb1,.) T lE t. ii.t'rtirrhi on lrt' i 'te naboie Wei 'un ait prertit.c-i ali the iei,'rut't uitit g <e". atith volithi e tnel"liî'iîîreit 'iltiie Ilote! avilh tte prt.peniy umneil <or, tiwailititr ie criu hale tif lite lotirut; il.e'lins KItîci tr iN'et. Gand Sîi)iuig, and ati ui tueritiPlî. Whittii, Attril 27, 11,l3. 61 NOIN 18 TUE TIlE. GET Y'iUL RiIKUI.'.SS A'! J. A. Clarktn lit Prize Pictue Gallery I Pyon dctirc a enrrec undîl ilfe-like Anîbro- type, Caiueatypeî.t Lettergraphî or Liather 'rrocer ora ikimeu u.a Laitheit, hroeh orý Rinîg, fnr .T.A. <C.eit oui ain luthe lient style, anut s hort ntice, a lsf ro'eJ Streri W.UIey. GEORGE CORMAOX. LUNtBER NIERC'HANT, Corpintmr, sud Jolier Gren t.whithy. iaigiqttan. iy of'itll kindà of lumbercouatontly on hond. F NR Sfeu ulyIlpi.*iel andi -att.ed ea Fhtl uua.tie. Coiar epît cuastantly ou lîoud. tLWA Ilcarneata hire.au liheral tornus. GORGltJE CORMACK. Whîthylob. 3ti., 1842. 4.1y ýWBITBY BRASS BAND I11 Whitby QUADRILLE' B »! Scirseen, Hope, CouqeKita, Bulle, &P-, on reiwou- oible terme. For terneon d ongagaments taddrette- J. WOLFENDBN, it*xDRili«GB HOtJSW, rTIESUSCRBEIINReTIJININfI TO ITtlElusluteBI'ne. h u.'ni-erlcarnred oin hylit in tbl-4 place, sol -*-& al uil, fiî asîh la ç tomnersa deud khpablliu goesy. ood iftl 00mtuadutl0uoWita910dgao d jèbiug n m.- 21in. i i CDA.ES,-.~ PROPRIETOR. éI'URtlI4ff1D' Til &À J1 'VNG tefunila th tils Mme COMMERCIAL lIOTEIL, ariouxTnTi?, ViluTaT. ('I1AILES ItiliglDE, PLOPRIETOR, U'CELLENI' ueouumdletion for traveflens. .12ihteed stabîiîîg it.l tteutiv'a Otlere. 20t TERRAPIN RESTAURANT, 89 KI.îg Striet East. J UST rueeved, par Exprisi, at tau aboa'u uietablishmnit, aanpiuida.tlot o! Piliver Patride, IVilti Dickiaond Vr.,tiaît SIIEIIL AND CÂN OYSTERS,' Lobeterit, &c., Wiinictailà aulReî ail, 191 i7AlUALIE & MehINKEt'. RUSSEII'S HOTEL, QU 1 E C. 1 auf Eu'îth'iiee Pritpcietar,. o!f ii iore nialuietl IIOTE, tI>ureêiettfiulv hoanpit. Llîuin fieatîd tipiaf noux, huit ttu;y ilavtavudi rnitghtly reno,uîci t ir ttilitiminl<îetii uri'4 te aInter, avbieh onnbles îheînnuoav taonfen ta h1in Meunbengft. o! htLecliatire, andt 'ie Tru- vellirtg Publalie' tiuoriiir s"Iuaiî in adldiîtî it thtVieaportu'.unimi 4 i l"i >c-, ter, tht.y iîave flow l>alorî m dtl d-rnnmmn 1,, n largre livueiitu aer foc lî'tiii. for carifut ant convteuhiec, ire, u 1îihî ili' tilhe City. W4. IUSSELl A SON. Qechiee.nroli 1. A0W1A, WO0O0N &BIRO0TIlE R. North Dniteb and Mercantile Fire & Life Insurance Com<y. Batik ni M4onîreai, Agen.t. W Ilith'y,.mSept. 7, ali'2 1. y COLLECTION & COMMISSION XIRI. E. L. sx'ow, Montaît-l, C. P C 1.. *'rIoNs îîade' for ItiNleiî.e er- <'hauite. piîv' tiî et'I onIli,.'%iel Mat.c' t'l'e., e h'i a. Ailt etui..nyreput- e-i. and 9--rleetde ir-î'eptiy îid,>vt.r. lu ~ ~ ~ ~~~t *d,î' a"Th.c,.v&. &'C. M.,,- iR-tI:I.&A. M-Iii"r, Wie;îiî-*X.t.B"i ei, 80(>LICITOUI, e &. A' i IOV Eii tIl .eL w l)tlivh'n l d i 'lîtrîo ti'în.¶. ()U..le D>nr Slior u' ue THE ROBSON HO0USE, D 11 N 1)A #iST Ri' ET, W Il 1 TI0Y, C. W. Li ,,lîth. Wie'" l e,, te l%,'n î "ter*-' T'< Ii o M a y f<)i inoi tilîî* caiieAt ti lti 1 i el 'ni,'h ttî-d.uîuî'>îîîeu,îî. loitrdol ptrdit;. a OIIqK ROBSON. Osh awa Âdv er tiements. MACHINE O NE af Rowau'e now autnt Fax ilcutohing Macinge.', manu'flnpred at their avarkge, Belfant, lrelaîîd 'rtue umachine eau la, ceeu 1Ct the w.muuhlougeaf R. E. Perry, Enq., Portt wiitby. uiife~~cîîaî,fi!hyluterprupait,) cao hc (Ir to THO(MAS LA-WLEIt, JAMES lt(>WE, WI.itby. PHRNIX FIllE ÂSSIJRANCE (CO. LOM BAII STRLEET&M CiAIZING CROSS5, 1 ' nêUS sUa EST4BLISR'ED IN 1782. aIîLLFS, I OFPAr & (M., gitlu 4Catnada. JIM -S i>AVIS>N, Mtanager, JNSUI! % NCE3i',agîauutt L<i hy FIllE are liffoe t i t iamoistitiie l erele. au'l LOSCS %-;PI1)uwitîioîtrfoeii.eu Lthte icard iiil) î.. Agenat, Wi.i,', J nly 1, 1 îs. 'INSURANCE. T Il1 ln'!, mrei. uehetai li'iAgent iu inti.' locality fer tue foluowriiîg frt-i IitîtIralui' ittî.i ilii.. ini wliih lie in pairmitd tiititp u.."ft.i' iiiie 1 u dill uinin.- Vies Edinburg/ Life Assurance Comp'ny Thée Lverpool and Lana/on. 7%e Ma-atroealFire InsraaotComtpany. 7lie ProviaciùAssurance Companay. F. KELLElI, Postrn.at.',- Oeliuwa. ()uaa e..u18. 41 Britishs Amenico a<srant e Comnpany, Sesspion e>! thie Eleveuth Provinacial-Parfis- meolflpen'nie lraurwlee ettctdo i o lîI!iiuug-c athi couteau.. Ereri-ufaa.ai, ePiIelas- 'picatioa.t ir. ho it-unJc,diet. rMin(, I.xkp- fotthi etit(I r for i'tàrha. .JOWIS'AGNEW, Travî-iiur Agent, BItittiecet, NVlthy AD VERTSEMENIT. Royal, Britîis 4Amren, nad iLaver- pool sud Landuon Assuranée ('"ornp'tiies Plii'brtw;îîg a c'14ilal of 2f) Miliione uf dolla.r:. Xte ~ tlte nantt 4 'l820,0M0vili ho imbu if ii y oit>' 1i44,. '.u eliti ttil oit 42 Tht Co2 ni as'Agent eaiWlilthy. WESTERN' IASStJI)IAN(.Ili(JMPN OF TORIONTO, C. w. CAPITAL, . -. 400,000, INCORPORATED 1851. WILLIAIM TEPENT, M. D. Prie ca. Vee1rsde R ]Stni TEET, M. ii.tWS ('NATI OEO 17 EEl. . os., q F. L AMD0EUtT. TauJ rA)R taîît.'a 41"tu 'th s 8,. LFAIRBANKS. s iM'i*TiI. ZNITARY PUBLIC, &c. &c. '3i,î ,C'. W. LYMAN ENGLISlÏ, L L B., A M)NEY T U-W, olictorlu Cbne Jit reftieaoed, o.'nge iîlt-îtgaod. for oeprinit wcar. Er-cry arl,.ele tWarrauaa. No li, 110 fill'. 12 ED)WAILDS & UoDDUEL rPAIOES Drneruud sn.raiCiotb- 03entemen'n iaateute mode np ail the ehortsat uoico. a! orthe be*I quaiity ta*terial in Lhe ueautttyhe. AIl wirk triade ep ciathe prîaien. Sprang i'nportstiona .f iacellent quiaiîty, sud tu. gramat iwîey-snew novetties. IR THE ONTARI, O TrL I.th,,,e tnluatskulb.s bireshôtel, lsioly kept hýy,Xr, >U%,. and1triatà that 'sr itaa atto 1 p ate bulacsis and ta tho avants ai bis getb ykoeapiug a firLm-a1Jise table, ard noue bat thie ut oafliqu io i l taeBar, la mat a shore etiîpulicpepronage. The st*tliug sud i...l.-room 'ime<) the b6it dexcrptio-a, 1.04 a ooretttl #d 'Uttaive n, Otlcr VilIIb. slwayo% vuand ut bis Puai. JOSEPH RERUBUTTOM. Wîitby, Misb 2, 1864. 8 1 )& OYNTON'8begit nOE! he,, - bugn ta lufor neoiAndb, l- aroil ndunfitie,{,ta ha)-apened the lintëIel on' l"~Is' SreWe latelyouied by , o enrd se h ishad itliftied and iaruliî.i ee-Itt ei, oWtit,4 will ind 'every couve- nie etwZ!W'tiis,' ,Liqeur-at.d CiPareof!th.' W.~AU uLýndv itér tlwayi la attend- IuCe. Seeuetar!, au) r&uarert BERNARD ALNEq A~ ~ ~~~~~l S8lIN'fekie gln aaordot aIwoby gr"eon alI deonrlpt loua ob flel an Ioir -aut'lo fa!v«rahile heruîu. sud at riate,* o!preiniuaà* lOir Mut huaIut îny otiier JA54ES PRINGLE- Travelling Agent. Ta suit theeewjavmaeneeet fpartie. reudding in. Omthaaw a 114ctiffiLy the aendàràiaig a l n een til>'y appoinis'd loea Agott ore, hy avhomaI ee ry nfautitî,n wil ho eheertaliy cui-en au tp otint bimn pereouiheor by lotion. A -Mi1 trtitu partie.. cauteminpatiig scMoripff their ProjierI>' agduti t uin by inor athîeravtut, la repeatllîy .'<lctet4. TîlOIA* MYMR. WhîiLby Marcb Sin, 1304. si BRITISHI AMERICÂN EXPRESS- COlPÂN Y! FFICEF-Brook$Strge4I WthibY, inext dear Agnlit eia 0for thei. I DNontreal Aent. steasaitp Company, arielforthe Glangiiv Wliltly, Ap>ni, 1I1)1s644. 20 u smrier lu ilm reluntiuig bas îlunuek hognttolinlanm theinhmsbl- tante ci tht. Towîtà tl nlronunlgohilty,' tbiat ~ ~ -p h.nluh hp La.ttend to olaleor.don .Tscth inserted 0au Gaîti, Silveror an Vitauard Raemr Bias. Teeth lîled <onextra 'cto4 u intebm OAll Pnlnralitlan pdlto theb, niulatlan of Oblîdin'.Tuai. klwer'vtts. <18 W.n.CAID. WIND$ORCS, UDRILLJE B API, adoacPeoce, Progreisp Knowlettge, Brotherhood. 5DA SEPTEMBBR 29, 1864. NO. 38- 'INTS WANTED, r8 per noîîsth .1V d -iponn.e. palîl w I Ur UNIVXI<AL GRLAIN blEPA1UA Appy, j)Ost paid, and saaips for re- .(J. ONOLLY &CO.. é' xraordlinary Light- ing Gallery. J.c. HAIRRIS, JJMMlY from ILondoan, Paris and - éYark. /na.. theiAaïotarta anauce t/tÀ iin/eabttanta aof*IJitbv, aund eiùUdîng itcontry, t/eut ho /ue fit- tad up tisse la'rge, ilpaciana an.d Caa- ýanJîîa româ veu- ir. jael Bige- 1OW's 4>ruYGoaeLe Store. tîMere h. i8 P-qeah'ed ta take LIIU?.VgqSES9 in ,40 latent aned uant ucientiftc atyle of i4e ar t, A4MI5roat'y P&aim'Platotgrais8tak- r ae4 pýjszee. ami guuuraneede, or noa gale, à0uenwet passi.We Uuingpjra- Yauî', respcctfaUllt,' J. C. HARRIS. M B--A oilrotypes taken ciieapet" and sepîu.iarta aap ,t/iei. hotu.a-una titi.,continent. 25 N.W 08S GOLD & SILVER WATCHS GOLO AND) ILVER CIJAVVS, B OOI Zl % NDu', it LAR RI'NGS, FI NGER -RINGS, LOCKEt, CRAINS, t4C., *4- J ET GOODS! Buacho,R ame liiiî.tp, FaaBL lleht, lu langoe aeiottieii, iîîitlilia the PATEJNtTJET IMURILE A fscliet;ulît-"itt . inie h"gar oachiit» e .tuc a mid 'ieart Pil, in the h te..style. and a arecngo tck o! AIl y if h vi ie ali e tfnautivry 1han puice. JAMES J01INS'rON, . .au nd otJeivelior, FOR SALE% T 'e.u Iel.t.otdîii:g Ni wrea, 46 eieired. it-.», Frtitîie iliiuut'.ait rehird. A gim4el istig titIthie lajît. S iti .tu,î 2Xl t nÈfýf A.Ilbnnn, aad Bn uiIeee frm te te" ns'. given far the leance. r Cernin anti pgrtlulatrg ipvt i..t 5. 20 Ct're. rmaciAtihitl3en Je> VINEGÂR VINEGAR! 71ui E UNDERSIGNEDI> IAS FOI: SALE1 A 't litgar o! thee 6t-t ality,rnteoufactued h iinif-an îlth preuuige.i Vuaden ItItî, 91ia'îu îw laoravu.,»t oo 1. Satt'a. roaldiuci 2ýOll lt Le Mia %ml; usutitieie, wholeuaio ,Md. r, ii.Iltuy s ctcap, and nealy gaod an- tiole,-oairticle teond hmy .ahonî,eal tests ta, be the hual.everî,rot&We. lu lte taon. N p o ,l Ir ~a. <tf Picoringt 0 tira .tony- BRICK xUOUSg," kiaav Ras't1il ailolent*aor.a! tisa lfA»a F& t lé t twa acils ai' Lsnd, sa a nomer af Fruit- Treen. Ahimeai a'!Wehlal 4Cie<.Thre- la iieîit.ica Ceeniage Ilomase, oand stebhing for tour b&mt. /&u.piy to ith i Pliai' il& gin. TUE CELEBRATED ' iJ I,> oin duira to wl ti4.attetntiou of T tb. puablia te the above liinbrtait mcm-n dIon, thi riehatcf 'him bn ,offçm'efonrsale uitbor, for Toit)blpsM or Coitieâ I.udepuudeuz t û IfIo tri e falloavlng advalug:-,AI1 Monde4 Timbter-li (UnitMpie, Buiecm, Me., hoa b, oeein. lemaeunfacture of thse 'h<Perad tas,frein th e arcity or lise ordi- Whoop ina a' s an ali reaua- Tu HOOP :Is STRON0Et- ýAud 4411 lut longer tuitpth1 <rdl'nary ltoq.« A Cn4aer eauiunakirIotntfour to fdvia ret perap tmort ta'u tisa'vIatIi. rdlnar, >csélihiiaop Oe. TaOUS4ND 1OPI0' MA ' r~nr Nearer Home. O'er theal th b.e *n I.. ettlug, Apd thea 6 ',drawîug on Siowly drffbpî ti.ge ontle twitlghî,_- Fur enuther day loi goîuî; Gorio fur aye-Isn race iii over Som' the.darker #,i*a<i. %wîiji ul stilll 'tis seeeîtknow lit iven. Weo o ue daîY nebrer bhuge. 0110 daftY nrer' Yniz,, tihe mariner, Aw ho giides tle watoe o'er. -w hile the liglit i. zioftlydyilig On lhi diPtalnt native idiar. 711119 the (Chritianîîo, liei',(aîn, A14 is .liglît boat cilL e t. m lIlî tCý veîiiîî,cricewith raptuire. "I nulue day feurer houle.' WAn and woory aft tige pilitritm 4 HaoU. the soutî.ug o!th Suun; For hi, giruilme 1day snearer, And i ii.journey uîeirly done. ThUiwa l'o.,. when o'er lite'& eliert, lir nd scandar nOea we rn-cen A' e 0 ledùy errhu. Netnrer om iYesneacday 'ierer 'l'o oîr Futl%r'â% hliu con Iigh- Tu te grocui fieldsaliud the ,fiýuntatins (Pt the land heyoîd the aky; For lthe lieiavene grtw lbriglîteruor ne., AmIdthe lilnîe, hlipig i ttioione. And Olir touit, are pitohcd otili cloner, For wa arc ouae day noeurer haine. Death tu Life, or, aoIIYIterY ln an At- tic. I think I bave c.u more thoni one occa- casion n.eutioned that ini the early port o! my career 1 was glad to make terme with a general practitiotier or t-go, Who woold take upun themeel#es tu recommend me, if I di& the 'ami good office by tlîem. There la nothing iu these orrangemedits thait the. Most fMaidiou-jolka can posnibly abject to. The. chemiat reconamends o mon wbom hac knowie ta b a paiu&taking and good physician, and the physicien re- commanda a chemiat of wbom good druge mal b. procured.' I ais one dey loutiging by the ehop counter ofia Mr. Mortiu, with wbom I1 had made en- arrangement, wheu a dsingIyý dresaed female came into the ehop, and with a *mile and Za whiaper produced a emesil boule, eaying- 1 1 ,ant th. Igsual qunuity, air, if yon i As you -pleose, Mrs. Coates,' soid the chemiat,' but 1 avari jouis I bave often done before, that ihis sort of îhing muet and aili l ulmately tel apon jour conetila. iDo yo 'u.th -ink ao?' ahe replied, with a sort of glitteri"g eiethat eboavcd a Imoufb I l of goud ieeth. boul wih ludaum Ititagentleman is a phyoieiat'-indicaiing me, lSand h. viII -70a y~ 5e1~ 15u lseami ; ~-jUy 8h. torned,' sud giave orne, of the glitter' ig smiles, saudI saidi- Certainly, no perÉon cen waloe a habit' or taki>Ï n u h ah.odrog aith iipnîty. fi' mustiÏideed prove rotal i le end, bi the viyen~that the coautItation seema to 'But avon1îthecontitution, in'time gel uaedi'l ttir?' ah.esid., Ob Ohcetal 1i>. d avhen thât li me comea, lb.'pati aL diee, tb.t'a ail,' sîd I. 'But yoa du n tipeaii ta 1ualn, me"a luuit Sou 'ledetkeourseIf in so dngeioua oa babit astakwog thaaî arotlo continuaI-ý *hia ami quaitity lests me a avoek. 1 shooid 'b. quit. wrihahed iaitbo'aî k. Good more,ing, gentlemen.I 8he ga'fus bath a enild' of the ae compleuian as e i.formerô 'n.ad ' l, ef'i the shop. I folloaved ber to the door ad «aw ber geý irato a handeooer chaiot thet, iau waitiug for her, and theu off eae en t..I haie hosl!d ofsùcýai s'befhrio I sup. pos, &ioîtôt. TIi.y ac uomon aougb.' J ' 4Yeu.I' 1,replie.,'but.I doi't thinlt ibis ceivod bfore ave Ùould drag hlin o t e &hop. -The hai-e avent aI a fanions'ý rate. doavu the astreel, folloaved by a mob, avho eeemod intent, by varions cnrieo, apan driv. ing the crealure quit. mad, whilî o crard, of mare curions Pinsons aaurrouuded Mr. MNfatiu's ehop, and any s nue avas 6t. teuîd agoinet hie phate-glaus aindoave in its oavuer'a anxiety ta Seo waht as going on witbin. This curioeity, hoavover, a o t grati- ied, fur tb. aid getleman'-wus carried in. 10 the sargeny, Whicb wasnat the bock o! We mode a hssty ,nomination o! hlm, froni wbich ave cam e ta Lhbtqucluemon t bat he aa a good deuil tore frl$ened thon hart, an.d by the &Ado! a aimdont'jse soon necovereti aafficiently Ia look tsbbutansd avouder wbere he o n.ç 4I 1îhink you are net. mach hart, air' sad Mr. Martin. killed, avisa a mercy il avould have be.tn -1! 1 had but been killed.' 6 Iudeed, sir,' aaid, I 'the.mercy la asu ally coniiderEd Lo lie the ather way exact- f'oh Do'-noa-ne. Thot borne bas bien the deatb o! others, but net of me. I bear that charaaed life tbat belonge ta the wreîched. The nword avilI not tuch them -the ballet la neLta thena a uiîîgei me- songer o! deth-the ocean cas them up tram iLs billon-y eurfee-and fate Beeme wi' cry ont la theus oloud, "l live for te outrer i. Mn. Martin ahndi1I aeesuent for a few moments. Indeed iLt ws rather o difficîLt thiug ta make aay reply Le uhot tbe old gentleman' ait.- Ve coalti not jte apon ourselves te conLradict that the voî'ld ta bina îight ave ai l the sort o! aspect wbich he painted. He apparently saw Ihat he Wa plaucoin sne sort o! a fix, 'for.le added- ' Pardon me, gentlemeu, for îrauhhing' yoa tapon sudb maltera, bat irbat lies opon the. surface o! the heart avilI at timon- find. too ready expressionis from the lips.' 1 roel quite able taeavalk home, avhicb 15 clone au, baud. Ber. -la my card, snd ihat- over charge yen ay> please te mako avilI b. duîy liquidaued. 1'WiII You alloav me,'said l 1 'ta givi yen àoecou îa-morrow. You may feel tIen the affects o! yanr feil mach more thon yoa do nov. Saab la ver>' frequenl>' uhe cane, I eama assure y0e.'. II kuoav iL, air,' hosaid, Il and do nat wiab ta refuse yaun coanîesy. 1 ehaîl b. happy tae se yea ai aay time, botavron tho boarg o! eightansd ton n'athe evenini, -if saab a period avilI salî yoe.' ' Botter thon au>' otiser,' suid I. 'Good moruiug, air.' Mn. Martin voald bave accôtnpau!ed -lm, ta giye hlm the assista nce -fa! a home, -but 1eho avoulti nbave h sgo andi ave uatlIikingto be Iqo pnmsgog, liebina- *eiieeliy Ira by himmel!. Il voald have he"in idecoroua te bave' doue no before, bat noir' tiîat 'ho 'irs fuir- 1>' gone ave Iokod ai bit card, and on It we fooma4 the qaMe, "Msjon Camspbell, 34, G'arton aineet.' '4' Sail Mn. Msrtia. &34,-avhy-. avi>' t~aaiNo.34.I a r. Coats' lce. It can'i sarely -be.; 34 .GrBfttd'sët ret,- ,or pinhapi thon ia noms othot Grsfton sîreel. '9 Ahi' sad 1 .th.t paybe, -but -did ho ual gay thatit Iras close at baud P- -IHo diti. -WOll, lu ver->'odd, aftin afl. Inee.hpamdl of auybody but Mrs. Coites s.ellingai.' 34 -To ho gare I vas e- 'or lu the. hause, '50 il migbt' b. aithaut M>' hnowsg anything &bouti it, after il.' ' sBravo l* Marinl," seul I, ' Iyea n'a-a Inpitl, ailémngf r. Bat I &hall avait. mîyseif g! the aid miýjor's leave, te cul) ta- morroav evenuing, sud if thene 4beanYuhin g 'pecaiar lu Oie place 1 avilI loet yaa knew. I îhink, howevdr, wir 's> i o*> eàéeude' itbat ave hnoavthe mysterY etdtheils. asad4np No Ndouhit lra. Cottes buyà,,it fan the. me. jo, lbqgawy she -saysit is fomrberu self 1 plqot divine1 nos lheroaii slraagi lo of v &om "eti1iing 'té 'a7 of a, oùt.of.4be-'a'y ebâractér, .wiiicha Orion induces people tus gaysuat the expulaae cf .eit t e aýI âhalluha aus-stf béai- iluai ,po h4vre lta il me-abiout 1No.' 24. Dm't faila i 'e mýè'a' cmli afton joea haie been *ereiod-mèaro* aeulung 'a! Broum, Xnreuiri Inetanti. BE haa thig e' e 1,006 Siraà of'turry ips, 500à andl 500' acros o!foa and' inosi promiaing description. hiâ 'sevoral farmufiar e. an an acres escla. An Euîclish weeks ajgo hýughî U',00" "'am one o the firri.-'M. clone, The editor o! a neavepapei Ohilo, apolngluea tonr'the tac bis papon. as t he, reguar'-. fic nu 8-Gm. 8-Gm. t, boga te laftorin the fulai- 'u talloa ndl Dwoa ýntsi Vetlna, I d tem tfatti SALES Iians' ths.ç. Ahi ardere loft st hÇ. : Nie, $4, icihé 1h. 001@c,00#10aI 1 Jltlt pqea tlinded te. )vember, 92 - I I 'tAAL LYL.EUM, RIng )COa, re rnLuanch avéry BAIVAT-We~vereito be çsl.4 'upoc; Lr-recordsa- fatal acci.dent whiela oecurrnai on'the Grand Trunk BalLavy on 8Siurdsy moruing, 'hetaven four au'à 1v. èloclc. The si -caar --e fanr s iave eso' lestue are the folloaving :-A eclfeihiau avso.ruuuing.doavu, adaInsaa nuàthosdia- tance pent Trenton sation,- ab.*o ut tavelva-r ýmiles avent !Bleiof l.eni.ia uuallte rama u*the gi-Ïada. nean' TrWsito' ' The engineen backed up le 1h. -latter ils flou, sud left îhree cauand> gain ,ptooea4- a.d on hi.savay; seuh 4h.. load. avea tee. beavy, and lhowaa nblè ta e cond. 1Th[u engin. avu a-second' inte,. reveieds the train ava proceeding bsdk ta, Trenton, but before that sation could holiereached, No Il train, vbieh avas runni , g aad -of,7 time', by -instructiouns o central off»n, carne lu aighl, sud, ead t'O relate, befosa ,the englune of No il trail i canâd b. nievas ed, or tbe -oitrer proceed, a collision O>- curred, O! courethe tsbook as ual so. greal an if the trains bho been movta' l- toavîrdn eacb otber, but asanifas, tii' engin, o! No. Il train sud fiee cars avere nmasbod t0afotme. The enzineer and fire. marn c.! Nn. il atuck tt heir p"ta ta lb.- lent, and one o! thetu paid th. penalty aI'» hlq firmnu by deîaîh., In tht collisioté the eafeîy valves and heaîing cocha ave broken oaIid theaueatmnealded bath min. The. enu'iuîeer, meho behiungs ta thia city. Was uomed P trick Murphy. Wbeu -.x hrachedi fruan the ruine o! the engins- h& -as frand uo b. ahivo, but scaîded iln' frih'htfu mariner It avistond r.ecessary te out bisciothes !roun hie pereon, anér wîth bie' ciothea "camt'e"b. i. -Unde & Bach oeum4lepg c kia .eos or.a' hlm toliv,and dëatb "'pnah on-ehnd 11a0hia suffàrinme about tavo o'clock on atulrdayý afternon. This poâr-manaeno aose-- empIery purnon ; ho hied been 'o feithfal, servant to the Company for over eigbli ydare; ho grýduaIy wonked up bis avs <rom brakesmun te the position -which la. bcnpied,_ viz., enigineen. Eto leavesa s avife oaid three childen te mouru, bis losn- H~e lived oni Mopie street. The firemon han reveîveU very nerorneinjnrie, 50 savere that be -fore îhie meets the. oye of our -readrirs bis nefferiuge may bave been, put,., stop to, ho mytors edpad. Hi hived ou. Denison Avenue le Ibis city, sud bas alito s. avife sud three cbuldren. Freux tbe ian. perfeaL information avhicb ave hava asu yet received, ik la impossibla t10 ssrtaii As avhose doer tbe bia. lies, -but Lt la anin diapuablo fact tbis some one Lt to bisîme"- Tbe i nquest-, on the ' ejet. Had No4. l beena o pasenger,-train: tbe consoqueucos. avoald have been farn-more terrible- !amed for inquüisitiveW a ho correcti bl-eeding-one. o! those irbo, dovoid of delicocy, and-reokiesa of rebuff,' Pry lint everythfuýg, to'ok th1le liberty a! queoiui Mr.ý Dume.s raltier too cloe.ly about bis generalagical troi 1 You are o quadroon, Mn.- Damasi' ha- began. S1 anm, air,' qaieily replied Duamas, via. bcd nse eupuitb' not taeb.oaaamid of desacent liho cannai coucoal. tAud Jour, fethen?'V wa Wgo mnalauto< ',And your graud!aibor ' <1 A Anegro,! bsatily auaworod' the, drs.- motisi, avbase' patiioce las avanlog. Anday 1 ouquire what yonr gzaud. An ape, air Il thundened Damas, uah a 'fierçpeesatbtuî,modehi& impertinemnt isoer-

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