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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Oct 1864, p. 1

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COMMERCIAL IIOTEL, Btocic tKTiu'w, Wimar. C11ARTMES MeIIRIDII, PPIitiFoR, E ~XCELLENT accomuuodntlou 1er travellers Gon Stiibing andîlattenîtive 0,11cr, 2n TERRAPIN RESTAURANT, 89 XIi; Street East. TUSTreeieîl, lier Expreetm, et lie aliove Ue,.ahi eioeita Stîliudid lit or IiRAIlU-E ILICENs. QUAIL, SNIPE, l'lorer l'atieidle, Will Ducki% aud Vi1goil. sILErIL AND CAN OYSTERS, Liiluterm, &e., Wi-lesalc, andl Retait. RUSSELL'S LIOTEIL 1E lEPuieseellraprieboru af-4lite altos-s ligmeil llîiTl., IeQgru8cbpeully la auprize their fietidgandtî patron%. Unit tlîey las-,e tt-- reiglîly ueuovated tliusir eitalixtimeit iî lri' the witer, wliieh eitatleu. thein îîow tei vite, tu tMe Member% af tt l.eiiiitire, ftîtdtbiae Tm,- irellîng-Puillie auelur oaccomnmoîIetion! lu adiltiont ta the impsotr'tib itsf-lin i t WIt er, ti-ry lus-e nîîw PrareatulTtuudrsa-rnnriia larv imse ltteienr tne 1Il-tel. s-hidi. ter coinfort sudenîcitiiee. ore iî-trjiusulih itie cils. Waf. RUSSI'3FTLbS. Q" Aer. -NI tre) 1il. 1551. W 00ON & B]ROTH En. nrt. i . uW.î lru i n ro laieR.e 31atthow Teofy ME~ WI(!TBY CHRONICLE tg P?*LID ON ?Up UOBXNGOr W. il IIIG GIN S At lmxPrilnting Ktablishinent, Brook Street, Whiitby. or(<ext Door to the Rtgtatry Offlo.. , mau 80PErANNUXI ADVETIBEMENTS! voL.V ,LL Advertisom*nt* meiiurod lu Noupar- 4,1Ja, and liirged t thie rate of 8 cente ptr figks, luat 1iq~ertioii, and 2 .cnts lier lioe cieli' -SbiâeHut luxertlouî. S5pecfial contracti immde with edvertisers bv o*te discontinue edvcrtlmetutits innat b. Iù wrttng. BANK 0F ONTREAL, wîîî'rgx BRANClI. W. R. DEAN, Manger. '1V bitb4i WIth calm Printeel words, great lboughts amel untirtur industry, _;we ad "s IIROOKLIN IfOUME 04CALL AND SEE SANDY .4 H2 E lias taken tht el Brooklin houas," lin L.Brookliii Vilh.ee, iilore lie will hoe tad tii cee ail his tricuds. 'The preniise& ireweili fitted ut) anîd eoveulciit, ami the accotumoiia. tiouîgoud. ve ioînd, 114e 1,c,-tor ho Ree& to the cifr Ïla- i ii ilorso lilineilf, having hotu preiutedl to inaide as well as eefid. BOÏA bmw. At Sandys take ynîîr rest, ,tiîstibin i, t lit luit, Saidyýa jood accommîodtion, Cîîî't litehî.iit i n ali Iiti' tLin. Thet iirotie Iriendlou iÏ)nd-all, Arctsaleud to give i.lisA a ical, . 'l . . -A % i îoa'.-'. & 1 4Brookliti, Ditc. 151. ir, B ARRISTEIIS AND TTtN SA Lawi, uicer for thte titik of Muýttrittîl I>nd the Curpuratliluof nile Comitirytof tOntario, Notar>' Pttbi iui , &C., Whtbty, C. W. ,C.CcAuol, Q. C. Il. .1. MAîDNnsLL. 'Moueyitolonn lîpotîagnal pieriy, apply ilttheOffice ofltelrm, Couirt IlouceA, South -GnouGEÊ. DARTNELI., 1Q ARISTER, A'Tt)IZNET, C"oNVEYA7N te, t.,At.tlcie ieirivrpusile tie egîÉIitry 0t1ite fincit Street Whitut. MýORRVISON & SAMI'SON P AlllsTrts, Attorneys, flulieitcurs, Arc. hareli Strect, 'l'art-u-tii,.'.VW àQU15 OhIh 1N .1. A. SAMI>SOM. B. i l. OcLR-<, . B C OUNTY5'ltlWN ATTI)IINEY 1Fi ON 1%/tarie, lirrtsetîîî- tîrteyut-tan.S lhitor lu ('liectre, Xnoars- 'liilOla.c- I)MOffitettBizlowis NMev Buîililtu, ii1it G.e H. DARTNELL% b lPÇtI yRGIST1IAR,NIîAStTFElt EXTRA- hsCeunT$rafîlttariii. Woc--.Wltitluy. 47 RoBERT J1. WILSNON. P ARRISTErit &ATFRoIINn t-T LAW, rd . J&tRvla4, P AIItTSTE.ATtAWAND - trqlltri lu Ctieery. tlaueal urttiS T r outo, t9 1121m, T. K. GOR IN' 1.L Iaaiicery, Lrwnue Ar. oe n iELLlIt & L&507 Ver the nîierv,)IbmVuIO Stu r ut-iC. i it- cain lri, . W 6iv C l CIIARLE14 C. K ELLER, AT-r%)i1tsFY AT 1î*w, SOLîlî;10%;il ton,llnet'l,iX .W. t J. HAMEI RrIIE5IW<>(D, A TTOIIN E-T dt .StCTi1I N u55xt te Retttli.ry tfi.ep. on B t-t c. -t'u- G-0ffi.ê, -?rît"e Albenrt, utsti duurm weetnf C. Formme's st tore. --1 J. W. CALDWIÉMLL BROWN, O QknVEYAMCIitiý , ittii.Luil It Fî) 41oouvt1ut,oai'yItlilie at-id ;neral Azeli, Uhrldqs.' OtSle Kim, 'shrt, ut-acri.> oiit haprontiti attend tt. C ONVFEYA14CE Ftul l'.I uiiiitrlui Q. B., tte., &c, P.bts cille- teil tuitthe buosi -ounebe ttane*, w inupruult -reiuittatie, mtade. R. W. CLARK, X. D. Ricilue Oui- or Falktil Yirutl-h l&5.h aoî'cStreBrti ttreet, %W iitby. 44 n LYSI&tIAN.SURGEOIN ANI) ACCU- c ilt 11111, DntMntek Vu 1-eil. :AU talla Puecîtumll>atud-1iltut.5 stuRtGlEON TO TIIE COUXTY (IAnIL B3lyronaStreet, W Iliu.y. 4 TIiOM4S DEVERELL, I teLf lti, e&o. etc., GREEN STREET, BWlaltt-y, C. W. JOHNIN ETCALF, (J IEKO TE FFTI~VNiSlON COURT, opnao iTowochip ileoti. Ad-i 14 ]ROBERT SPEARS. LtLERK AND TREASTJEEU 0F TIE Ci Townshit fUxhrhlgn. Asidresa, Ut-bridge. A. PRI<GLE, ICHANT TAILOJ, 3ROCIISTIIEE, t- L.Wblitby. ESTAURANT.UuiT1ter of York and Ex- pim 1 aAmd. traTorouto. RefreghiMeat& &LEX. PEERIE, Ontario Dinlng lIal& lRestaurant, ClflURII tTiIEFT. <1I'l'osjTF ST. j/.aîîc' CatilraI,) Torito. llinbitts rtrai lalttat Tweulve t ta '(u ocliueik. .1)115 SNITII - Lti.th.e .ue, i I'atiuu*auTon. GLOBE JIOTEL. T lintel and preunissueg b ectuîti ae hi- tIh.e tuhqriher, vilereliîe vilil*avlwes- lu;indtu ba l-nid rndy t a tttîuid urbtî>t the et uatp f lit gietît, A&e. *Tti" POrttiiîha-ttI,ç titifeiu Andbtii c eauîfirtalilr 1tteiîl up t îiteia, talerul, &V. seîh ciiteritt ut uit) vîter tii sîcslifftîtîlcrery Iituern iîuprovemuîeit tu tpthelii.Tr-ivellir s 1.1110 dutrlug hie stut ' . anud Vieî Table bonautifi- y ttpplieut ut ail titr'. Notice te Fermers and Others Liiuori Whenlu-mtt und lItai. Mat-e 1i-tic Fitttl- Iýu'roof, bl-v Igiluitt or larrel MNut.;tui% iîhetlvrirt. 1. liuupliî&es Extrua Reetifitti Wllit-Ies. utla ., lest l'art. ior+v, uiand Coiiii.ck lBrandy lvfor ttîe ietr. siithu'iîict u0 1.Iiiire sud it iurs t ttue lestbuutl. Atteutise u tcri, auîtiIlorsett îtlitre. AALEXANDER. llroolhitt1, .liuai. 2?it , 1 R1. 4 STAGE 1-bOUSE, M RtANA. ISAAC FENT(IN, I'rnpruetor. B ST Wittus wit-Itiuiuur.:-.u ;utnr uîs5oni atteutive iitiu.i EAST WINDÇOR 110157E, WUIITBY, viii. tiitiIrb)t-iiktiu U laiuave 1t(14iuiiiftleumuita et-nid it P.., retopathTt- lis 7 filfiletuafronut rt-eu. Cut I amuotitutittliti Iu riille. iiu. A CORA 1C T .. ramis alt-ib tersT ,ver-> îci.euulmnude1ilt t lti tnaellltîîu 1public. alve lh eil. ituofiti uhlii i il a-tiers li CANTON HOTEL, D UFFINt-CIEE. 'IKESUU.110 W. CTTTIIERT RoUGJ£ JMOTEL. J OF.'l M)tNL.ATE t-F TIIE XOlN- JO1--11Ilotel. and foriierls'or ui ltiut, au- caunetein lis frIsu(le unit tip 1pulieî, fit ho h ha. entl tietlîoe ullkriowul hotpl, liilih 1% nov li lrat rat ader fon tht- recepti-on oft giieois- Wiuesf, 1iq-uem-iiaîligani. Gond staltugand ail attentivle Outler.15> Grand Tseek RahiwaY hlssts'I <S«M Ms4t ofR«dllteey Depif, Port wh;thy-) T Iisîbcriher liafit-; U-1up hue ahoso e et l Pt,,,,.,eeu t h t tavtliiig or.hic.Ilo- Pl"i sid vtliicltui ltft in tîtitme ut tht Iloiet vil) b>e p 2e earl.melfor, mwaiingthcue iiivaît ed lte ovizne lîy the Cars Enet or X etst. QO Stabhiug, anil carefult tetiti. .1 A M E iPRN C. Wlithy, April 27, 189t1. -et41 (<0W 18 TUE TIIUI GET YOUR LIKE NE9ë AT 1. A, Clavrkes l1.1 Put:. P<cturt Gailer>' L Fyoe liait,-a correctast-I lie-lite Ambra- ypCmntot>p., Let.irgraph. or Lether Traufsr mi's jike eu Ltet, Proah on Rgfor j.,&.<C. eau t-s Iv in the bhast atyle, 1I'LrNsN' L0CKt a s B r ck Stregi W ÀaU y.. GEOGE CORMACE. T UàIBIU MEIICHANT, Carpeular, mimd joint, Green St. Whitby. A Àlargequan -7 thty'of&-1 kinila of Iutnberoutstlfoù îni 19 N D E BRT AKX NG. WIIITBY, C. W., TIIIRSI FAIRM TOLET& 1-M A&ORe-100 acesa otus± l otN.4 lu tt 8rdl, aund W A cres on o o ini tire 4th coutosmiou of tire Townîship or l'Wlît- byft 130> acre. clearcil, and lu a hizh claIe of euîtîation. Thesa prcrniýea are ,iîilnte with- lu two mileii of the Couity Town of Wtit.Iiy- 'Tht hou Io nf the liit qtlty,al jwell watsr- eil. Tliere leii limite andl good bera. Tb a solve,ît iuproviiîg teîîeîmt, the proels will bct lut on favoraiblt ternas ApîyTHOMAS pDO* W illt*6y. Whitby, Septinîbcr 6, 1864. 85 PHRNIX FI rElA SSURANCE CO, LOMBSARDI STREET & CHARING CEohî,, F.& 4R lSEbIN .1782. NILm I'E OFWP1%7, & Cen., Agente for Canda. 1NtSUiI,ýN N(ils atOuiiitqt LOSS by FIlE rire ..efleeteîl orn tle niai0t favorablet terrai. fruit wOSi At itint refereice b thc ISierd YEOMAN GlJtS(N, July Agent x Wc iît ih 1NSURANCEe T lIE îi11dergiviedilialie)trîi oiiitr'l Agent inii tis ells i t 'flittc fiî?loing firsl-elees$ lîtir î r i 'oîî i n wlîieh lie i lireîîjiics t) aeec-;it rîili-fl1eî.liC. u narinA.- T7ae Edinburgh M.fe Assurance Comp'ny Tite Lirerpool and London. riîe Montreul Fire Insurance Campany. The Provincial Asurance Companyj. iajtfiiaeier, Oihawa. iciaw.No.1, 1855. 4 DrIttlah Americtte Aimerons e Cumpany, I NCî il, !', >l.VlTtitea tt <ir thr Tliird plYOIeuriî iteishtîleric nd lirr* Poo01tsnd Londeon $01000041ê Irlobts t-o thia'ui c of2l *11 v 4ltlcarn tusi; t-lt-e iS ntî tipi Ie o Éle'rOÈA1oiçoCý . CÂPIT, - .400,OÃ"O, INCOR-PORXTBD 1851. BERNARD) HALDIES*. A '(SUR ANMIE effeettt-i aait losa or daulî» .i.gn hyfraiou ah 'escijiniptlo f lunldiluge mcdtua, OuitOt t-tteeaeîl en. aud et - i-ute. tf pre(utiuî.lvas * m t$[lut mu ohy ier rtsjtôiieiloo nmpmuny.. JAME$ PRIuNG;Lg. Travùliuig Aijout. To mait theem eneienct tij partie, re.lding le O.mhsa ui-u til lty, lte i eu1tdbon beau dnly apponi ted Mt AMlntheu, lestpiui i uee r ifurnttic vii ha cbierilly givon on aljlieaîhon tsibine personiall1 re by latter. Ibelr property ails esb> tire or othervls, WhitbyMmrehs, j 15421 BRITISH AMERIOAN Nur111 Britisi11annd Mercantile. P'ire & Life Insurance Com'y TîlisMîs l>Dow, WIl tlîvupu7, 1 RA2v COLLECTION & COMMISSION M.E* T- SNOW, 3loetreal, C. P. ('soLL'îruî nr4ttii 'for 01h'îîîls,Mer. Celtlm litîîslcjit ecirdotilîeîî, in %tolit.oNtl Qnelîe, eOtoewa,, toit Tî)roiît,ail etlier ii c C iitîlî. AI) 'oietî iie tttirejî t- ed, til i ruiiei. îsîî1tî Iîif er. trai.; ILitA. nîîr stî;iî e . aid îaliici. Mîtri, etToioîîto. IIAS lFlîî 1 is Llî0l", elt,, Iltnrio (h e' ~ (>t~J) îDoorauth I i 1h THE ROBSON HOUSE, i LcT t iiTîiitislal.> )UNEr,>p srztEmr, i wrny, c. W. h ilur',r ,iîtîinne tAiàt lite tî lt-- t-rl i ftz tfurtnî-rly liîwt t the 1' St (Jce tpeitur. * ~ GEORGE ROBSON. Whils, mv 185* Oshawa Advertiomouùts. WXtLLIAU X EMIlTý M. 0. KN2S T E 9T, J SIIAW'A, CANAD~A P. ÉAMDERT. T tô Ortler lu thet ltstylte SOlIMTOB,- NOTÂRY PUBLIC, c&. ~0411Wa, e. W. LYMAN ENGLIMIt, L L 1. t-TliZNEY AT LAW, solicîsor i l liant- evy ouve)-enver, &., &c. 41 GEORGE GURLET.ý r~ulî aitsermetemaie uip lu thtP best anid -sewot istyle. -J est recaired, 50.-e choicn goo4aq for apring ivear, KEery article Wur-er,îa ~ fit, no pay. ' 12 EbWARDS & 1RODDER, AILO , DmpesandQenralCloth. sbortesî liotico. or the beat otaUity uora »Qi neateýî tyl Sprao in ato sxeslqent qli&liîyl, and lu gat ve6riety-uc w uovltist., 12 TKE ONTARIO HOTEL rýogreis., Knowed&ie, Brotherhood NO. 40 infori atobi the ,l eau toeIa retover>', li T mLlE itt4ial Qu t ni>'patir or Aglburu, viii Tuesday, th- October, 1864, Btltugithe Thiird oneadayfthi îetli. h-There la a -,cary large unt L ocet iu thtiumedi- aie îieiýhluorl s1 b ieli iiliho brouiclîtfoi'. ward, aind baye vilI findit Il *1) :1% res to, bu enrily inii dane! ca n ,t. Thim Fair, thie cous'.ulce r e ltlocal- itv, affords nbîuaI faciîitie. l'ar thet tntil afflitinodatieu - bayer and seller. Aalibrit, ept. GE ttE ITCALF. AfhuiSp.1844.388 HEa'rris.s raordinary Isight-, J. C H1ARRis, l'Atej/ 'London, Paris anil Nebe 0, the houer to anucunce to tite i itants cf WhitAt, andi aurround unto-a, t/m ie h As fit.. ted Icp (ho large, 8paeiums anud cm-n moditow s otrer Mr. JuocI Biger. bu's Drýy coda8 tar'r, a'li ,u lie jû Iwepitred t1 LJ<kEeESin th -tot Mst &Oitde ri tyle cf A îiuroo a,.2 Pliotoqray> lta k e to r anud emî&rged te auj, ci. uired ancd garanteed, or no 11, at t t Pesle lirtctg Pro. *U r,@specqpZl, J. C. IIAIIRIS. lVkitbj, MY 1, 1868. Y-V oypatake-<n eaeper atnd sluperkIoro ansj other lieuse on tmis cnt-i01f, 2 GOL» ý SILVER WATOHS coRAl(< BRCP<Né nt >ELiUNGS ,9 JWJ? GQOGent- &u4'ans Bemt Pin 1h. Itect .t*lÏas, and A wi i- whiselibd fouel vert'y intamie.. JAKES JOHNST4>j, Watchtnaker and Jeeltt-, Ap;ll 10, 1844. 1okSisWut,-1 t-- Th*hll- c tI'mçmt unlesiait-a a s .ci.,.. eairpas. coul vM er>' v e . - Tht vilal Piaê bal a dmmp aed malt>' mil about ut.- 1 faioel le veomati taO a raom on the. secoond, lo,a, lthee pan ne toassae eantls'ceé,ealédchair, htIateads l. W the bbld mani7.pmrdmlly ,îedretu ed, acd vitb "bath bis bandsa isel oier the. negioc -af 'th bchant, appartutl>' vit great presure. 1 ttqk the candie fnidti the band of the t stotian, ànd booked nt bis fate. The o frigbual auxiet>' ;bere depictel, togjuben -e viii bis attitude, cauviuced me tiat Iherie 'yw astouaesesrious beartiaffection. a 'Itoitare 70e, air?2' 1 laid. - ~ Dying,' ho replilel, -- -- O01 deSar, uo. Yau muat nal Sti>' !f liat. Dor't Ji£ dovt.-I viii be baek in à a mnaitte,' a I rîta 10 the usarest chemnisi'.. andugal TheAmaericae ohr bborit*e SaleetLn. slisiher, A.1).SSM *-Tv1v' no vil ýie stll elî plic Aue4fom, t mv office, lu thdýt o lne, in the:Townu of Wihitby, in lie rJaeuty of 0ctarjo, ltheriait.' title mimd lutOreisI vhieheh, aodernictioni Jetamdautqs SaearIly p*ee.inluthgaee rtl, eala lai Tteiilent t.hereoa0 mielti hlml.. aSder ani l')Y ýrLtzut if5 tgie Writa at i S71 IFadam. vit: -lb t-he Counrt ot (iOiîlttittP'imt ZAOIIUUiBURNIIâM, antf. IARORIBALD SINCLAIR,'- tIi. ilevell ýC-1eie-of the Towa'.uip of rei.lu thi euouiy cy f Otarlo. Iunthe Ceni>' <oUnt. - JAblE8 GEORGE:MILER, IIAvi» movLIG, _ I 1h. 1*11 îbe-glatteny, ill.faode appearanct. af a servant, vihoa bd iteg golong ont af placé tiat &lie bad given np ail ides or gettieg oue by atterition* ta ber personai appearauce. Now, tbougiiî eveybody, we ail find IL ouf~; but a *eek piisad away, and uotiing came afi ml unlil oee eveeing, viien 1 was aitting alône in oey atudy, rny servanat reahed io the -room, o;tlaiei. 'Oh I air, air, yati eau find it ail ont Dow 1, I jumuepnud got iehied a chair, fuir I resîl>' thougit an> usually quiet tnaugh danueatite.umal. IWhat do you e na?l I taid. Oh I No. '10 -Na. 10. lu the hall air Il 1'No. 10 lu tie hall 1 Why, how disi it 'Oh i Bir, it'a -not aijt. Iîl the. via man, in,' fnoum, N.,j 0, sud- ithe vi5its la mée y9c.air., 1'Show ber iu-ihevi ber Ie,' - A eonen, arrayed in ver>' lawdry, de. tayed i ler>'. via, nahercd imb my roont, aud 1eïrtaiuiy rocogeized ber as the b (ornai. vhoini had ot-attsîomly chanced ta sec tome out of Na. -10, but ah. did uol aý ail improve npou a clamer acqumii. tance. 1 (oued mie vae. a coanue, vain, vuigar woam, and tbirt vereumiatakable evldetites about ber taeenteeanct iôf a dis. positioe ta indulge freely ie alcabalie coan. paunas of not tht mildeat tiharactor. ' Sir,' am i al, vith ia ton of the, head, and a swing8ofaitilber apparel vhici, no Ioubt, sie thougit ver>' fic. and serpes.. ing; 'you are-viatelat No. 10.' ' B>' viansV aid 1. 'Mr. Srnyîiem.' -'Oba! Mr. Smytiea lives at No. 10, dota b i? Ver>' vella h. betrionaiy iiiil 'Sa0 b. maya. But aId people have, suai fancies, yan kuovi, air. ue>' have u't ua mort af considKtion foratbler foîka as wisita ta eejoy tittuatives.a luttle.' 1'May I . k Iu viat tapacil>'y ybuare viii Mr. Saythea?7' maid 1-and 1 I aid lt vilti anti absolute gravit>', that il vos, diffienît ta refuse nie an anseer, ai. tliaegh I couid mee that the. lady was puz. zied vibat aart af one ta give that iwauid b. consistent vithilber dignil>'. Oh I li. get vcry bal, and Lad me irdm tht regiater office ta take tare af him à But W - ould a'î hasue a sioctar tahI ta-ý cigb4 sumati elt inks ihe asgel au>' tiing.' 1i mii be ver i tre. minutes,' I Wftiiutii. pace af timsý.that I bal, weenioued 1 wu. for lte firat tit. ,auoaî aueempeiîuadly knocking At N.10. The baor wus openedr aller rallier a long paugee b>r the votaan5 who currieçi a surt>' audle>- stickin luber baud,.linvihieh swuma flaring canie. - - A e.E«catk. lisiig ie A men.r, ta, dexireyed lîse ýIgIqociîe otfe bher ion, ,baitlte aigl îlot lie iattI. Sinte i§b lttbbefiieîof tIi. ddre.fi i mtee Bue tands yuhl, ier irey hocks ctreamig, t- l Itwild iii thte tudnighiî blut-. Tht flacli 0fhler black oye. gleauiiîig, Whil overlIte hàttie puat, Ldseil deait l e rp et iore lyîug. 15h11 damP In tieir criusotil cote; stît stifelier tiïeartti Jotti cryiîîg Toiilô*Ibqten tlieit ,w)ilt];Pa c'or" Ah tht01390 lre the treasbiera btleu Frolin ont a Il itd tiitiêirer. 81" flee, t'rom tht hettli ild1t~ Fît-t-sbock to ier Cottage lIf) ? Yet oléo nolier 1lui child iuildL Anîd ipeelti. Ir# ia ratiois toe; Tal ae in libc lig ta I, oye., s cT rmie it britai peca.. -Oiw11111,tev ige irar niih utt'g o ils Tor Çîd lier viuîh p:ltd ofparaneg 'Iset-ilie4s iiier niaturedts 'Tie doue-tliee liuil deci le ended Nilibr. rasiti>tb I. lt cile st -eit bleniti W hîhi aîîne tif aliai>' ilght. ,A rQ iglitîiemm tid dark tfortittit ('alun Pece, tou, j, atout-ed DOW, Thte nushi t-if joy Calî iever lîtm isueily Iiyovi I fils litc's lite a >-oing oet blirlited; IHolut hliîgîiuna filtod bang i. Butlotîtieo witujlier gray ot iihrtaumioig; At] seila l th îihueveltthnz Anditravsofle ist till deeîîîiug flttiil euul isdoule, ci ii uthie'r tîigio til tly.frillitic uay, P411 Qele- -i-pi uh iiotlitr, Still play with tliîy reastircd to>-, Motr rek thtn liaitu niarricul i haro, To retcu Iliat cighltIcasboy. God help her. (tod ioHlto-ti e ii tuho vii iltl ydrog», lier lite aloiirtle,gîaiutly itege,% Ini fiiii, in hitigor sud in rajai. (un i ielp lier Whoeutie bitterreain Ileato o-n Iter, ike à vil luieto, Aind sîmocî via4liiont lier xalii. Gn-I liteiçu lir, ittin, vîihlroeetufeet, l4lu bouts liet lteadiindi toupA t6 met, Tit cî et- coruler of 1Vie îarent. (loi hu.lp lîîur, vihî, with teertemis .ye, Sitelooka huUItite hîmekeiel aity, A-.Idstrik. ber bretat, amiii seit tdie. Goit hilp lier vmederhng to.auîl fro, Witîîont one a,ýtii tith le to Ilîruv A 1eanum ýier OUI iëetno. i'ogt chilà of.'oal, nanti ltd af 111, Tfhe slave of ben uuboiy vwihl, liaI hwip Ie.rsho'c avomauco alll. lier lmace tlifti, ache. ta griat, Anld'et ier lips I sîîfhy bont1 -Wlimr.kiemek rt.so Toast oft ui aitsol Thion lureA raift-nt svldwood t fiov igent, iu -vain wolelnl tanî. or Bts, ot Mimne eaveatr u.%Io irt;ý Tiie fsrther,.esait ir loive frini ns Teneslrer luvea li a i>' h.mftl O~eiodtJ4le ro r il ttJhohall. N or e nd tae or8s#eosot bea F'dr lua t îppylîttrvai flr .aut breut and mu1ae. W.?. OlW TIà t 1%ible Mnrdtrtjor the Heir.. Law. Wbati tied iii 4aree: at the vis eldo e t ue lvich -lhirty JeaS agi vas ratler famous for, te physiciens; tiene vus one bone, and that, be, îmuiedlitii fiing tiat wviiei 1 octpitd, viuich viaa'Y ebesat saerce et conjecture ttii a $(miiy itd servant&. A4 regar4d' Mntvalf. Ilam* ve ilisi. -.f pt, mund tIo b>' far.taa, and tht Lui that Ertê, WIiOù I reached the bca 1 fouund that 1 bad uot beuat-ail deceived, for theu door- wua OPen a liitleway, and 1 walked mb thi. paSSage and ciosed it geutîy. AIl ýwaa'profouudly darle; but treadiug sa ligbtlsIf coldrmade w> way'up the. tai1,ý llateniug et aimait ever>' stop, for afler aIl, I beguu t tiek thaCI aboula 11k. ta kaiow what waa goiug ou before 1 pre en ed manm a u I heard the m rCi onaof V'aicei as I reacb.d thet laudiug of th.e a6d goor.- The. door of thei. aparîbuent la bhj bad feeu Mr. Smythea wus partiail> oPtn ad by kepiey juit' 1w.tbiu thet hre o l or the ue*: room i wua tclerabty ie",aïr froit aey îuddee di8c)very, at thtears lime that I coutd hear ail that passed, àl. tbough 1 could se.fitothing but a-'partiklc Of ligbî couiieg tbrough the. smisil opeeoÉ., of the. doué. Mr. Smyth.es *a speakieg. WlIamndyieg,'l he aaid "L arndyidg. Wbatu jathtetsaiofdocuato tm,? Do the7 bol luintiïr handa the icalta ai' lif'e aud dehth?7 No, e'o' It- Mattra -littlb whaî remsous have forc.d me tb heoimo tht solitarY btirig that I nui. Lei It' suffit. tht-tbat-that-Oh Co4l -thie pâug ?, Sir,' îaid a mau'a voite, eti t i; à courst, very ivilling !ta do wiiat YOt ru., quir. iu tht way of mnakiug yoer wîil., Bdi hail yoe not better s.eed for your neïghbor,;- I kueit the volte in a moment. -It 'adà tint af au attorney WhlIived iu thqu atreet,' auln *ho ites reportililta b. a very strijt aud religions mme.: YiThe doctor which lhé uamed vwluamyself, îih wuVar~y pollue. I 'dontî kuaw ha tlfiueeàsi ue , aibd aothaw or another l mtil[_h1eld baclk Id muy plat. af concealuent, althougi I mfghi haie tomeforwvard. I meppoise,, feli it 'would be rather aývkvird :7 and at âl elettut, I iiad cause ta caegratuiate -ulymeif afterviarda upan tbâ& feet. SNo, qo,' said Mr. Smyîheo,. ta. *W air, vibat 1 chah dit.te' ta yon. - Sncb ti. allier gust of anu eh, and I arn gônd I shail ueo lueimmoartel iwithin tua yTèaý haut.' 1WtYllf ilre' saidM. Gi ave,thé ati6Ï- neey, 'have -got a fonmdviltis e e re; beie&, told'hy 'your servant that I wzLW wauted ta mai e a viii, aud if 70eu will pro. steed, I willwrite * what you dietate, ànul may, tht Lord look di*l u tpon us ail. 'My mon.>',' aaid Mr. -Smylboa, 1' id 1h. Bank of Euglaend', srnuingsua eigh. tenthonaaed po udoi. and ny-eîtates id faampshlre, 1,6 e atb...a9 iell aiy> Est Indu Stock, emouneiug ta tweoty.:wQ thoumausi paunds, ta tht Lard CignellUor.i' (Concluded ccxt veoir,) B. F. Butler aund Goyeruor Pierpoiuui; of Virginis, are bavicg au amiable antd loyal discussion- cauceroieg their respeci.- tive adrnotratioug ai, fpublic affairg: Piot. peiut avavia, and wiimt i. wtrse, provég that B atler ec ndet l a chu iimial: 5IW &J ieg ase. tii. tf a dozen of aId jbrândli boulles front a gentleman's -privite aide.'- bloard, aud a uilver catldy troau, 1 aniold lady, Butler reoats b>' ealliugeierp9luî_ 10, aoppaIe, euer ces, wibiui bavre eng 1 waà a large hat tire. viindoai and coetainiug a mafficii toitrable London ea dii gcéaîImodmtion i urrontuiiuKoutry, Mld, Silret orVialcl)lid , OCTOBER 3, ý1864. EXPRESS, COMPAN Yý!, YFIC- 1tck et, Whbi uext er ý4Itauî aIbof«oMre M~ maîoa steaeaahip 'roip"aay, and rtp t-la (#bsgi WhIýby, Arli , 1é 1844. 20 w;t1 tin .lit 'A it1m, i lr 11- w lllî>4- l-b f i i d Ltr-el il-v C t fjSt LUtin r>' t It-ir hiualiiig ucti tîîîd lieest, Irsittg borses ils as ~i tlie titi, hiles-- t- tOt-it5, aiuul I lt-r luuttlitig iii i-fSçt~~ -t-i ia ~itu~tiii ~s itilEltu -titi taitul 1'-iîiîn a girl gcit vîu- lier ttiias-.rr l'-EII. ti iliity for tilr, ýUoead ta blet etses t-u- M 1, 1 ý i-miiiiý , AýIl ýfl9qqpýW Ir, 4 -À 1 1 1 - NO. 401

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