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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jan 1865, p. 1

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ha rjtet1wit. eokStreelt, Whitby. t. iandevtli1ItêiV anv4t Ofla Noar' b, urttwn"yl«n. anar 2O .ntg pet lins, eob ps19 entraute made ithi advamtluema ty Wdan' te dieeoutinue dveltiieSnts MuRt n wrltlng. ýe us5 xrctr BA" Kor ]gO1TUEAL, )Y, gray lBANCà~. TheCndjSeglog 7h9norb *qtiJipl1,pphilgh, Th.e moutlaoau,.*taan.IaSr. Th. evenp . le anà s hie.roek, 'Tli Thieur tiovs nb More -Antidk br rtieiiy iron Ie, l'h. rogiis4 froa& are aiiotlisav Brin geut' the merry <elekl, - Haik mark 1i teulfe, oeof lie be, Stb7 the 1ins'athome AUd M'tliev hé Itbpp llKbut They pityhaeh Tt l But e lid Plureonuit a'rM. r fr"dIar n I n dlt:,rt 1ýWb oleve otitasives a path, Tbere'. freh dellght la nspd Iight,ý LBXrïng ot the imerry urlght flark 1; havi 1t 1h.euiiieot th* .b6lloa, AÀwûaywe go,- away. Five hnnd'.lmilea our course we'ill b.p, Anha thotigh the wityhê% long, A- weooea Aroaxd ctirtaifer's a l<eêfiet1 -Thon Yale -Iog,,apirkIée lîrfht, And happy facea gtier thonr, Tlo.potifnlw, tiatmuunniht, Brtng ont, the tying o1.1gb; hlarki harîi tiointiof theIbeoua, Away ve go, sway. AI'I'lL!NOLOS 0 LVdo UVEi or TUE SURVIVOMS Teefy pIiWst0 - TE ST. - Dianerie o~luok. e. Wiaee, if MiTil aorilîaros w. it. flEAX, Manager!. cAmEnoli & IWACDONELI, R AltltlTFR89 AND ATTOII'II-AT. t.ttluItk nt tolit,'<'ul, thmCi)ýpo11immf heCointvfo nbautnu X.-C. C ç%-tOt, . -t7 il. J. 1I.tcomtt.. CÏORGE il. DART(EtL,i ÂUI1,ATEI1, AITTORNEY, CoN VFANI cev, -k<., &tc. Othlce yronu-ft Wlittuy. XORRION & 4AMPSO chlcittret. To~ronto, r. W.* A.IÇOV8UOBRISI)N. 1 J. A. f;AuMPSOI. TorcitD, Job'20li I¶<29 JOUX".IA, in., TNEPIJTY CI.E&W 0(F lItE <IPcwNANI D/ll'heurelCuderk nt Iir 'ulle 'onm.- I>Aee.-e) pptr950tIc Roral litri. 40) fIUIITYCItOIVX ATORNEY FOiR 0N ~jtarin,l,rri*tru' ntti.cea <-i Ro~i ,A#<rtoriCharworï ,No' amy 1l'uilic. r- tisest-lu Blglovs MINew w lllnrug, Pindam. G. a. DARNELL. 1,Or tov n xmnr in rChuncet'y for the Courity or Intarln, yn!1.Wltitliv. 41 R013EUT J. WILSON. -D~.RIU8TEiT ,'roitNEY -AT lA¶.'h', Offie- Viciaicti Ithltir, llmnck St. tvuuîîîuY. 14. M. JAtVlIN, RPItiSTFlt.AT-LAW AN D SuiiT<I il B riucry Ciatioca.".t 9 Toruuî'n-St.. J. X. GORI)ON, ~TONYAT 1,AW, Suiî,hiITiR UN Qhincry, CouîvruanOot'. ,'uver Loesea .NTT>RNEys.A!r-LA w.* SuICITOltS ýI N Cvr he Conoev< Concen, c, tree- by. CIIA8S. C. KF-TLit, JAq. lAMnIIN, ,ttcnlgtati, litby, C. W. P. LAMBERIT. T8 flarmuent niante ta nirder lui uthe l.ct style And l'aiioni. 47 M i. ILFAIRBlANKS. 01i1CITimNOTAIIt <PUBILIC', &c.A&c C.W.' -' cIARLE C. KELL,F, ATT )IIN VY AT i. w piiI'lIh i, A i n ýuil eemy. (G cîveyuuee.&C-.C'uîh C, .BI'cle .'W. tJ With calm Priâte4 wolsreat thOugluts n aiiSI WLU-TBY, C'aW., TIL VOL IX. GLOBE_-HOTEL. O 1b>OMXEROL&LCOLLEGES 'p 111 ber vel kova «I patahuad (Formcrly Bryaut. Stratton et Duy'a.) 0y thn t ibuhuîurbei, wharo e h ll levrp be 1CncStreet, Toronto, (1. W. to'nd utn#n ad reactiy to attend personally tD Fir< <for PEagof Wealyau -Book Boom. Th-. premlaeoa ba- heo onvetilenîtly antd comfortably fitt.d r"j; pintéet, papei'act1 A-. C NPTUC'TED ACCoRDINg TO IIiITISUf witiaiiterti'a or * wltéeatrntci vaab uit.erY %JPIACTICE, vitti pcneu ruoificaiona suit- mulru mrventt te niake the Truveitar -% eitolthe eqlirenret. nioftIre balinmga uonmn- hm ilrghie ,tay, and tien Tablaelooitifiil- rily of Nortir Amerli. dn IV ippliai uet aIl tinieiu. Design. Ten unmon pre troll for thre praaticah' tntiett Notice tu Farmers and Others tof the cLou e ilmrue orendc tfoc gorrrai huai- LI tnr W helide nd etai. ltrtnilé% aitt- uhe couac ,fiuutruitmvtienr,,nc"aMertan- IV Poof, tuy gallon or baruh ; MeN antzlutone'Ae aBrokert' Neink*. Ctounerciat <'illcriiiitionra, Û4tntl3vit. <lo. do.: hlrler'. Extrat RacOftifiac i inîiernlal Lai, C,nuimrial oiupolci. Whimikev, do do.; br-t Port. Sherry, ail<iend tn în iîrape' IEivlir i cAnpoi- Cofftiseel Brandy for tie .ick, wihis atet o tilîi nm nr lIet) tuin-xiile, Tcler'it'phy uni .iiunr'Atendil (iZar4 ni tie lea-tt orinait.. Ži<nta Attrut A. ALEXc A NDEhm, 0hRe. Staff ofTeaohers and Lecturers A. ALEXANDER ir. D&Y, înutrir itluttIe Scienle ni Ac Brooktlin, Jati. 2111<. 1863. 4 coulitai, COnitrierciril (7.lcnlatiullg, 1a1tuil tuner- ciii Cocmapnnderice, anti Lectîtreo n final- ira. lCiietonua. S TA. G E H O U S E. Mr, K SLIIV ThuA, riatam, Lectur MAMILLA. NM. BEN. l TOYt'. Olilci <luem-ito,' iiu Men- traL.Tel lpgm.q i. Crn;u"» 4 ihiea,. Tnoiitn, In- I SAAC FENTON, astruateur blnoIerut '41Y- Pmrretr. M.W.B. TiluàM NoN, Iautcnctor tau['hono- B EST Wimraa anItirqa rpru <-'n eees B niogijiioii îum'rave'lerll; gond tablinturit Mu.DAT ha i tunellir--liarmcSlt .eriluuC t" Attetntive iift%î. thler fa10llrcC geuitlnal:ii-er. IL J. <lraaxet. ______ Airi. iuumic'.lewI.., i 8%iihtitt, Mtîmrrar & iO.. At KliSi.tm iq. ()f MçMiuuvrlcr B. A LBI fO N 1-10 T E L. - Geg e iliic dr Gi.; Plivit Itneiiu. k'1, haraUnve-mritu .1,041apuc. 'cistruiuuclrc ' tucan. aTravT.WIIttiT. itlir, Etq. ii fl ' <i Flii hAdain rru Um V--A 1Ill . - . LAih.CKl ]BAIST WIr<DISOR fOURE, WJITflY, r EI ov It tit ated innpiea nad retircd part ôf the Town, mi th4o reantrond. alnt~nn modatfoinfr travoaeit..Gnnd tablinir alid attentive ootlcrg. 22 VICTORIA ITOTEL. W l LL.IANI gCO(TT, PROIUETOR. (<b.tr Wt.Boynt on'ue.)27 '~AfGLO.AIIIIRICAN IIOTEL. MIUNCI ALBERT-. T II t ao~,a, iat> a fittteAt '<p lic .ehovc a1d ,.aa i btîe hto, wlt theic -Kcw sf affor<ifi mtry comtti'ilatlflfl toil,- trAv(-llttft vpublic. dive luira a eal. GOOltaldinu aunAterfa16 Grand Trank RnIlWAY 1hein.1 (sauth .i<Iù of qaaway IPp<dPort Whdbg.) Apte atid vahiet e fIl cei,,r<t the Illî'te1will be y>oprtm cred for. awalting the arifala <f tha ovocra iuv the <'cm Feet or et. ood ftalliig, and careful uttention. JAMIES PIIINGT.E. Wtitîhy, Aprit 27, . <.t GEORGE Ci) LY. TE Flt'TIANTTlnr, Ilrapet A&.. Kin£ lit. <lintlu'îuuî. gruucuiu tiad iii nthe teut Jlit evoe1, o'uu<' cluohr o nt.. f'? .priu'e Wear. Fecry article Wort-n,î'euî. No fit, nuu EDWAnns &10U1R T fAILQlS._Draperamnd Generai Cloti, hlrriaier. Il '.L., Tui,-tmn- o : hl'ttiruc-. ehumn. ,t L'. . lntan . E-i. Ada ut il. Ifq.. llinnlicîuî ; tP. Bell, Nlq. fiuNel ; %W. Trent Eaq, Nea-tuorlet; Jtev. I)i>c.iit, fel- tinguon SuItliîme, iUlnirm cl'ni ' oiuîv Ituacior For tcurtnm4.aduirea, (rtioaîuuaiugletuur mcuîmp.) JAMES E. DAY, l'reactienl Accontitunt, Tor, nit Formruly nifInnuiu'i. Eigicnd N. .-Ail pairtie. hlnlinciveriictîitur surip. aigrut iuy Il-yaut, smtrttiAr&'i'.oîr lîryitt Stratuunu tl àr .,nît ters .lcri1'v-. F. [lii - cm à .-enriulti-lui 1t1itI tu it an i oi lic reiciu' u ftle nnderirtil. AIt', ail htidit» id1e'drairf.cvlimî c alitri anit c-uiuru-m.. i i.ne unutv ii-toi r, undt wiauiui.r u .cntj)tnio c cmnu;ew lucir enti ra of tudira * ii Mm. Dcv. îare nuitledilit 1< ne an uut acc iiiOtie trceu i cu-irgu JAMES E. DAY. 43. VINEGÂR! VINEGAR! T I l N ETIGIllAS FOR hS1,là. by ueinau'f'n(lie IN ili"-m tiiuîuîluim cl Withir. nttedo or wee-i tut. 5cnll's re'.uente sohd mrc1large und t miequutitiemc. vliule#âle anti r tan1. !tt a 'iand r<iiI eit. gw' iutr- ti6he4-in articie cucri l~eiini tclto lhe the i evet .1 da-'it,-tti.wt. Wh*tiuy. Muy *. 1iae2. l WIST1ARIS BALSAM OF buHALF A CENTUR Y, 4:8 Wit I vaodlthe eue'-smu iu curing OrVoughm, Voleta4 liheurqene', lmore Throat, influanza,Wooping <ough, Croup, LiVer Couiplueint, lBnon- chitix, 01u>GIcmIty of Blnecttia ulectien 01 TR.,SDAY-e JANýUAR)*c19.19 MATRIMONIAL! EEOTIOirz jr ADIES A15iGITEEi fyawa BIROCK STRERT, WHITrBY. .1.4 to m"r, atidrelite unutiia<, it cill génrclynti wîtluonttn'iney and vithlnt rTIF, nndev.uhgned bega ta Inferunhi i rlunti prie, vainable inforation thctt iii etîchie Liaht lie h»ie akau the above horel. lataiy ,yot to iner?!Jhappya sud ,peeilv, trreapeclive kept by Mr. Daval, asiud: .that hy %triet ofnge16, wesith or lueenty Tihle Information tent4ofitPcbua.Ines,,and othe wuntre <cf big vîi aetV n g a t Iif' yô<an ih -th mur- nmignguneî.b,. keplng &êirrue-l@,stabla. ad aoune uautt yen. Ail, letten bun tie t, tIlo u 7 t Ï e ytfin Illy T h e d e t eiv & In fo r m a tio n a t are o t ' i e P a t r g . uT h a ta r, o n t . u sent tw rettirlu 'neil, ad no qneatioaae eked. ats1-oo e « -b ieî ,dmieio-, uuîta Atidmurer',etrettilai dalteîtily tlavii l AWAYa sApAri9t .TAMI8EIT. fuotitiut hig peut. Oruaaiiît.. Kin"it <n.. New<' OSPI KUIuTOM _______________________Whtby, Maveb 2,188. ~8-hy CANWTON JMOTEL, '[~FFNS11~K,1'CKKRING. COUD î W. OUTHBERT. 4.-Sm Propviet<ur. ~ls ITONOR TIIE 'JI>-hof the Cennty HJ1L' OTEL, <atîcort o f tier(.n, ty of'>et.arto, yl, ,firt00"0" thte date. finîi 1<<WA onhe, t iu< Olilce. hrlae et neu hiftnh Brook Street daitv, at 1<1 a. ni., $undays IlEu"td ronomhifil an effti îoIiJoaya etéopted. l AI. n!teprabil u tai hcy l'ave eased htie antix t ýIA.J av elknwn g tnad, Wtrera tae linit C. JC. e7. oomuiit*v vwMtnd the best nuomonodation Wlitl'y, Nov. 2, 1864. 44 ~Andi attentéIt 8 lO~ai lIanT. Tht. table provi- <lad wlth emn'ryt lit *maon; ttîe l,<v np- < , îtu withi the bmt iquera;, good tablng ad P IANO0-FORLTE A 499 !itiOADWAY, NEW YORK. TjNII nttentieuaof thbe Publie aud the. Inade, lis i'.ited laOunr New SsIe '7 Octave oeod Piano-Portes! W'hieti ton Volume Anti purlty oa r. nrlvsl- led by nny liulirto ofleret i lathig utankeL. Ttîaycotitain att ther modemn improrcmett1t, FRENCHI GR4N'D ACTION, IARP PEDAL, MRON FRIME oP'ERS7'RZN6 B9ASS3, -*., #e-, Antieaurh instrument heing madie under the perannal euplerision ofn MRIL J. Il. G ROVESTE ENI % Wleo ha% Lad a -prîctical experienceohf #)ver 30 yearu la thein imanufacture, la Warrantod in overy particular Tii uE 5OÀcrem-1seinoma itaute on Idot No. 24, i5 i thre Sisd Acrea on tnt No. 24, 1ire tite 4th eOne" îi ftIifhtî relîi1i Mlilt- b'.i 180 sacs leaJot. and inlu o ltch éate of 1eairitn. Tteeus promaise* are itucte vittu- lu tvaite. of the0Joiuty Townu « -ttý. 't'he Jani le of thbwti n oit,îud wel val-o- oui 'flute m aa a m . uni oocl ima.ruo a unîvefttilnprnvingte-nnliît, theu prmniea vwill be ltl on tavoiuiu@ ertni TIOMAIe pnW Whlitb'c. Wl.ithy. ilettember P., 1614. 8 FIRIE ASSURANCE c0u LOMBARD $*STEET& IAJGCOS 'ESTABLISI*ED IN 1782. aILLESI3'I, MOFVPATT C O., Agent. for Canada. JAMSlA IQ Xanager. I fRNCO "-againest LOU8 ly Fi11R. arc ofetel on the. mn.t fav.orable teri., endl 1AMSi PAIO wlthot referenee to th~e Board- lu Lodon. YFAnMAK.NGlB'ON, Ageent, Whitby GROVESTEEN PIANO-FORTE,"JP ilfS Receireit the higheut aurard Mi meit 07et I N S >R A N C E ail othenu unt the Celebratod Whî-e <ers exhiluiteti inatrumnietse rota t leu-p -cake-fiIl 1f a a e... the ,e le aken. ut tuiinr, Paria, Germa. *'i -i<. ,kUite. aarraasud Cosap's ny, iiteillelîtiia, Wiatignore, Boston suad 7 dsrklf m mVnp - New Vuuk; sud a sival, the 7lÀuLaerpoL *iif aom. AntenUis Iutililt for 5 sucmc <yogra, lThe MSdferift ln u rauw o=~ ap 111E714 Prwo,inrsjwtaie Capu Gold & Silver îMedials çt'Yt. tErOLaVa Fraru totb ol vblcb can b.e am aI tem - u-r--'- --~j ' lo-j ur..lan 1 n ititrit. J.t<qofeqt uctk"the ei u, outqality mataral ia By theintinldnctioui otltprom=nt euav ATT0RNEY.ATLAW. eOLC1T<'R IN thr neai,ttte tý,ektueeuxrnrao avaral mreprfc Ai. WlV h y<'. W. lllî>Alnos.i '<iîricBltIt n ruuîg hu,îpunalnuthefeteoiles.îalyîai 40Iiir-tiirpy-nev îeaaeltieie 12 Tltre 1»efcarml nui<im<u II N()-O it'E! ato t eafrytîffie. onu lInek, e.. ni' i i enreat )-FOTvC ________________%-uli li i' c >niuUIetY Whocu vii t'Ans] tîy maniifacîaring largely, emth a J.. B. IuAEWELLI. .. ,VAR9 & PETERSONs, Iy *ree, iiiltugaisoaant, fri'îîi tricîly ceuh fayntt.m.are. .tisbled ta nffuum ~. B<kIXITFRATLAWý t~,Ae- 'sa A"rîGAîI>citbol.<batane curi., linver mictly e- theoie instrumet; t àapriee wvblcb vili R. meoEE, I-. A.,- p 'Dental lonua. dîr#etlV,,u.ppo- -ve.loit , or thiraove a> uuheiu<uee precluia comusieitlaa. Attoatey.it a ,v Sunicutor lit-t ccnieery, (t-Miete10A Mc.E ae o tysue r be mgl ea 'eeanrtt. Ofia-it <iatet..nutf1 imegttnetthlfd door'iottl,«f Ie hetanl<' -la net onaiunuighotndlti oPRÎCES *fîl1nc o, & t(fie')Cluavat W 'f'14-iuk, 41 0ti 14oic si ntt Of__________________________________C. le dreatiude ac la thue vbîle No. 1, Severi Octave, round cornierst LYMAN ENULIl, ltL Il NS., ELIE DROVILLABD, ualoîrue. 'ri eiver otif luet oowa linc.r $.5 Rf1ITKRAT AW* dictotin Can- si «T 1M ulldciuu:l gulau" ni t1wce Wlu No. 2, Seren Octave, rouind corers, B. ov.oneyn .c & Ac- h-cdraler lit Tobav-eu', cGira. $olt' ,Chi'>'I' reo cmem r tuuuthio IPiaewood bear>' tauîlditig. $300. Sienud.~OpOetc>î e juî O itast<laate M rctaîu ii'.îuiFncy Goohi,, lNd. u'i 4<)i Knu 't'et Fuet. Faisono.comlnutci i l Rknouv; an No.e, .Seran Octane, round c3rners, 4ý Kîe -t,,nt itA. !rt)ont. . ireata tlio gicall iii. 'ini rni RoseecootiLouis. XIV'stlte, $825. eni, alini a greut thcs popîîiartty 7 ERMS: joux NLINW O O N',S 1HO T E Le, tlà"acefliiiaî. TAWi,CIIANCIKttIls ArreartGi) ,NVEYAhéNi<umoj hs offic . te, Prinre Altbrt, tvo ntuîur veftn uukvleLUji'>i "fo /eej- t îtcc /L.N tt Cashnlu Vurent Fuatis. L- t.Frant te.12 Cherry, <8cm.o atmit n yledi cil t ti ilic.le r mit- Dsrpiecruassn r 81 T,4,' - - - W OO N k DROTIRER- Jienti of likeru.ae., LA up lnccearlncg < i# vap cîculateru I. E. OELL, NntpDital 1d MncmîlOtdedfou'mincf y Rennedy ve'o. ur ri ON4(JVEYAT<CXR,- cnt ttoiuuutîobend MercanttleQ. ua, tî, it r.Ucue, anait4S ho imre tu- .WESER (J ., u.,ttc Dela ohtî'Id o t~e ~ Pire &Lifo Insurance Com'y. itlui .ne atr oiic dlini Veldceoieerud. ra"mitalle terings syndnprompt rmiltraoe W. R. DEAN Centiffle f ront L. Ju.JiScini~Eat . ASSITUJANC li 'COMPN Y moude. -.iei of the inerin. 0F TORONTO, C. W. Bc myert0iltisept. 10,Iffl. Aet - --------Baittlti iutctieal. oYvrrtmti . .C., Ot. 2,183. -R ~CLARK* M- 1D- W tttby, Sept. Il1862. . 385,1Y a.W. Fowle& O., ttitcu APTL 000 COIIN82l, AC. îWW-' - ' (eihe3nti,~itaiutit eperietcei tlt nmost hleculleneo-tls tIer Ea't ni YnruotdaGiii * l i t ril tthîe tubae<of Dr, hana INCOIIPORATED 185l, e & .I 'l t ni i 'rr,1Iarts lailoce t 0ex j0is Storo, licock f4treet, Wht4,'. oLlCiTOR9,-&c., &c.9 pre*0ertue igeatconuhieleuiee whiehh 1hava lat l R. GN<M UAS MEM<,VEI) hie LoywOhila iitri, euhhi i'y. anr «trtuu<anda va. oIDt euli ne-GBO. IHEnt. VbLROIe.)rudt. - il.~~~ tChamubers, uOseDo outo hIitel i cceeeotooiutauitla UE tNTO Tliv'COU NTY GAOLi Rughe4rtcy ) Oc e Donîoîtl OIf leiutculecl witlc soute pIn n ha id îte.v cîGO MClE,&M M OIN 0 4 ct <rtW<t>. -'îfle~diltot leave tueo, a>Uousud Wh%*lut.rî a m7tIar78MWTr.uuror, _____-- ret, lAby, J,i.28. 1862. 8 >oc er rtue auimlolta inerecoeetialarnlgy, E À D R .L IN â TROUAI DILVERELL, ce-ad aunSulcow a* I1ltuI I eo0001<vut buta ENR àLIEg iev eite v0,ps ithout rextilm te reconvorfront i ru- B u,44DEulit, it.,GFEN tSTREET, TE ROBSON IHOUSE. # Poi a " at1aute vhiilc go ei litaun exertlouine- leu ~cfete~it oer ara B .W soti istes fOE.) i ithe plsun, frisa whist> h fou iated lelate t- e tcy irecoi ail dsilte i ona efJîitidgo JON f TCLI, DUNDASuTRERT, WHITIIYC. Wi relif. adatterlnint guasdfleur 1)le*l ob'and tbéirttenla ounCfavorablevtua. anti a L M o tTl2 îi Tii » l£TCA î C V Tî G G ItUS N rupitr om iltretm lO icatu liaeelonaot rte', ni preniuutin oualavcmi lisi t ofAly aier lb. ý)TIEVITuwiublp iloch. d- - OVT ER El(LtO ,Poreo. the "fcsui l inmy fmmc dimihyucî i lta<î,stic ed Il nesponaili e iia '., ofiuplIilC ta sras fil rok-Ad omv eiildu'eulitîtiit1i l lea elil.4r lgiarle eotannetateb MMr hï lttLudxl 4 ieth, 'enIc. J a velPingLAe t resi;- hoeîcthue bulMuinj termeniy kuova ne oaa but elteak il, itq fanon. il là, ne raton To suit theeonienlet»nto arostta nesiin là RODET SEARI Sci1-tre'lloth. îtîci h. bea srenovtvi ieha. e.tled to be acnotirleti«tiOshawaco<ed %iciiiity,utheouiud'r.igueti miii i. rofurateilcet, ailcti tti ap tlinuhot. lut te Au the nunaI 4w-#r.amct. dutluppointued Lonai Agent iere,hy wvicuerAI £1LERIK AND) TREASURER fOF TUIneMt eof tyle. ho pretuiiuei.are îil ecnitl>. ait- 1'ourbedlelitaamnitttuneoeury. iufunuutlcia vBh lb9 ehe.rfilIy give ~J Tonabl eut ofUxbnl'l<ho. Atidreds, lbridgo e ti p.t h olOleu .u i l e-1.J A IE i ptlail i uthpiiotlV ru t$ tril Il the0Tô S orhoenîeutescige1. RUTIloA oAeil ImProt i- thsointmlstlug cte.arif A. PEIILE,9The hailvayt)mnuola esht tuh elt ilb.the pIîov0. alWFvi&VoBtaeherppctauttlosçyI 0oteW uW IRCIIÂWI!TAiIOR, BRUCE STREET t1. rtagele for Uxbrhdgu andi BearerWutu Paya 'e puftcdbeth .i byo. oto-otw*ulyvàcig Nj~~ Wittb ~ ~ the door ererya<orainig. flerdShpeid- oari*llnmianue in' bildnuiita. lnTRntini OIieif , MYEU.~ hty. - GOG OSN .dl htyb a.UGrl ni G.A. Wblbby Mareît8V, 18114. , 21 LOUIS Diaatteudaiiee. PALL ÙoAN»eisTIS E VEUEIATED T> ETAURANT.'wOef> t.trk #',i Ex- Whtby, bMan1863. A A» RT RiLuaade Bînetm Torotîto. ltetrenllîiaiett ____________________ a E Pa utue e litre nt lu e atsetlo .~TtE8UER WI1BY CALL 4lqD &BER BA1DYl, Tthçpubic 5 e Amp vle potaIiei - CTEKTESUIRWITYtior, theilnt of wie- ;of t;holo " oie-onteit-'ouna hto io'loek. - - U1 k6ib ,e Vt"'. ,nhmbe nba t reelid a pi14nd torTwti , r'o«" cdqe tk T Je 1BPAtke beIlrokiUHot,"id JLDwG'oSet i l ntrlusaowonlh ort~, mà M 'rêroil) ,We. , 411ooltsanoorieu. l eprilues are vehi ?PLAIN & FANPY OLOTIIS, M NT> PE&L IlOUBli 127 King Bt tion got,r e7 z S,...'1U ha emi ta For Plsu antiIl l, teur wea v rny ploeof il liup la o P th c JOh. M. o mon s. iid borie huInieit, ltarlnug vhicli ha@ fben ectotd th grenearsoby on!e knds f ef'XAnu iIléoen pnotnoteel to ifeW al ola utideBoate vhouti.dnetunwuie* oo qtaity-eoik ïsi cf. &o. ctu'tb4 lia 0 *2t now, - - Tie su~tlirber baim Do m ituisy li o'1.a&il The subOl ffl DOSWEL, urn , lui'1pIý, ARI Rime nizrest, Sdouns Fasutf gtd' tja<beli tabut,11 u1 niyGddsdpibto 1>ngedità-- LV ILLAGE, Cw1OcI"d LE<PIRI.~r or PieeS. or 1ade up uo ordàr. Amîp -or Vorli andOlQntario, Noa toliDo 816< 4g70'6T4DT.Ç W1m*se n u e . R E C % E R D e A Me3. 2 1 $ 6 8 W ll à k A m à 1 r o à f 9t Y M et wai iuw'iruilit tuerais-,tjezorsiussssitsIostigt.es sud', ~hoacWï. . - C . ',Pr - o*,o- -- ebove BolWtebil dore*1nveat ÇAPITAL £100,000 luvn anwrsoe enBUldio naul eoats.Kuusy innniliOJ applAled sp pliestou tallue niidersl1rud. Marine Riik> fortêei.ofcPes JOUX NUW Traneluny Agen. ivror -tc I. 1 A]DVERTISEMENT. Roali ui, RAh .uarts, a"uL aer. Assutrance (-?otnp'nitfb Eunbm4ae geta i ottUo tiii nof dollars. lIskté t îhamontunb o,«o OUlib.IUksn $ JOHIN ÂGNEW, 42 Tic CopýqjuaîtsAgoit .Wbltby. EX1I "lESSU(IP AN Y OY iOI-ll'uitftrstWtîttby, ceexl doon 10 ag6ctry Otag.- stait.11 Cp,-an ufrthe Gla.gu« Liu*Stî'vs e 4' g Lonohe~, Aupp Ltf~nov.. &0., ~ if 1?%X<' F.i.h.NT cnumodtiton l'or trscyçlhevs .12.égeu't 8talii'g and ti tiîtivu <atîerft. E2Q Uni,;-Toronto, DARRISTBR ANI) ATTORNXY-AT-LAW, the Mjonaeen01 hie protecajounlA httho %spr Caîbdui Courts. ' Wbtthy,. Wtoh.r, 1864. REFERENCFq: The. Attorney Gýrteanl of tU. C.. Queot. Thoe U.hclo ato 0 1 .,Qnebee. ý- 'Tho Commheueionem ur t'covn Leia squqao 'Mn.'Cheue, .& A.E*peW . C-p, lntea M"04u'a.Glbb & tUl, "eum l. The Hionù.J. 8. bMaedotraldM. Pl Pl Cornvl., Tho Preetant of tlieCtsrw. fBank;, Kinet4n. Mela.e. ti#ll,t&Coi Aco ng<maun. Toroato. dioli & A"iatn, & iljtaaa,,ell Toronto, " Ciea. 1'. White & (Co., Typo koi;ndcr6:. NewY.,Srk. SFormner. -Little k (Co., Type Forundena, NAivYYurk. <CT. & J. W. Jcbnmon & Col, Ivw Book- tentIers, l'<Ili clelOp&eIa If. 1'. &Ar.u. IL Sictali,Law llookseliors, Phihudcipluia. & uiy roitliror, Laîw Bookieehecpi.i 1'.,T. lif rn &Ç ro.. Taoedo. toCéatispuy. Dot l#, coatîmpt, for tb. a ÀýOen.lJ t -RIO hlm among i f.low mn,1~u bîb om institution of publie éît ýetièd.' puniobh et b ins o~,~ facdlhth1., of evicb b. in thé parent. & ýad tilus-' tration or thi. faW*èDl *AWt uon good autbotity 4hg-i7Pt- y! O ignovènof'11, tmilfg t e. 116 l, 1a an inhtation ta .1rK¶uo¶ko supper at a frlendI' bhtue O() t-ppôiutd' ed niglit oamef imd 4the yUl <~~ vi~s~gqçd- ri p»4s of both sees, assembla d ¶qp1j &watttn tUle annonnoed, aêid, On,tn«Mi O W; %4jeýre.t of the oeuipa Y, h.w1uia tables; and&rnod;loeoe fsq- vbe PnPY fabhi,; andn e àoherst: bere S"d kigvasv süetabterp-iwcthaI. - king viade rs net biusehfathboe., u voyti o wa he appestuttii'.' bapd' Eordho es teha4 ,ie3tof t1èîhappy. Bac his neghà'< sus1 < pliiÊV 1ou iâûh teatrang lîplp bluseif ta t i thîe -out,. EeerT oFa;vaa served sud about ,t setri#ýtmernlfr, !luen hark 1loateps ver. board on tii stairs, ii. toouy eea ha.iope,",shows-jipproaobing, frouiie dark isndiu'g, the figure 'of a à5tô~Ut tn t0f iidile beigbt, wlîh neuievkably detarmin eéd Io-oking fesiovesî, ratier pock-unarked,- fa r bansdbleulsh b i' ~wi uà)o 'lpooig.ilgh,'Wt W anuon'ed- 'bY ;bum& dsàluted ý< father ' 1hy the ýoud -*OMMn aitting bâé he einvite& ;atfpjpev, woefeuc.now asumie I& oorpeike pilenewas, thei ,i uartling faott'B¶q"eui sevrosa. hisdimiy brain, that h,b" Iwo~sn, b. vas gotag te ait as thesmé table ville hiep est oft iii "Mre jii;t, drink etltbe same glaîs, and perhuupu belsk ed teI shakî bauds wfth hinâ I Titaeevas 'hornor lui Ithe îhougbi H. tneçabIsd lusvery licibi *ss speechlesa, andi- beesune s.i..d' wli siokuesa ad baweli complaint. AÀt 1astm, snmmoning albs-fa siln trengtb lui- -te cils, vaînefcî 'e .flI ii Mur. Woehatr, 0. T. 1IL R., Chîcingo. 4o< CapI.John Eynoa, utobf the "mhip aonesutiden uonn ne îa.uhèciuaccy cripâlw City of Dublin, arrived ye.tevday, repcrts jnvpý over i hotabler towarda the doon, snd GERGE OORXKACKr.- Dc 18, la hat. 49 41, Ion. Si 14-, feli in; preruiqni<qg iq al directions the deiaty re-, TUM13EIR MEIIGIIANT, Carp.nt.en, atil ivith 'a wrecr,< on appnoachîng vhich, the ps,.apddv san.Tefrec 'iJoiner. GraentSt. WIuill-.y. A largo qiia shIpie vheels vere fitopped, and one ufthle ' ehdttdte tilyyut ii kindu <Of lumbeoneuuatgantlY enhianti. ahipco fc.eboatsma naned andi lovsred . im- ýPre'ýinti md tesg t ib bane ma4iutely, andi in change'of the seccoad't I, o aYoaag man, lus a' i h:u UJ N D E R T A XC I N IG. oficer, Mr. -Peter Fisher, *ho îtnthe oitI 'ap pariti ,On. Grâazftat5 5Me (allo.i J~'JNiKAhSftI7rnpphied anistteiwd ai 'darIa'g miner, lan the face a«a shtgh oteraTril eP us ant natJccesded iun, uscing frounthu, 'w,,ck' nu d'EnTerrbleifi IWAn Husdt.ireo lleu tra thre'e,-iuvrIvor.,aahtdGeoy g _itbhriieu sy- eIc ii 5 GEORGE VIRMACK - aovard, ut Liverpool, f(ilîber Ducan, a-a'Wt1Ssl e !itJeii w ibFeb. s5h, 1 86u. 4> sea:maun of Sbetland,-sud John Johusèto>, a - Whribysimanu t Gutenberg, Norway;tbe-re, prcmithéa Rieitunonnl Dtepittcl. Jiin 4. atasiing ten, wlioîe naines. v ar notý Our Wiimingtoa correspondent'.etated W H 1T B Y B R.A SS B A.N D letrua, had pe viaei. ' - t n, English office n vito s ' it Thue wreck vwas teB Intisi ban 13umr 'r 8rant s 'pe ati auc u Whib QUA RILL BA D! ide,o6fOnsenock, Wben firsti sei en e virCsfilu ei poii- .'th alt .îl-and h ltby C 1usLF ÉA Ù hd ber' foc, loyer malst tn'dIng, and c i.Fdrifetupu tatJlbîo part uftheb riggng, aisetahei lover mizzen ofte'ërtOi uln Yt ;sè n 1111E aboya Buetti,. (seu*a ttiîy o eejer)m..Te xruoIpesd partf;ut- ha t ut excoaded; -atiyiing he,'ha& A1 are pcepcýrad ta fin faut liMùlo for Pic- nfe,her.eetned'tlu b. ucai6nilly' abôve va- ever-seen.; ýBut foarfut, as.-uiabommb&rd. 8<icra, Itop#, Cttertte, IBull*, A&c., on reaxon- ter, but the vIioleýnain tiecle wu. 1mmeï%- .mensvasu,, iivas8a mer. preluide f 0 lie. able lergne. .4 and, thesea mxuking a oletIribreaci oVr infernal. fit'. uf Ciâtmunas4y. Froint i For turme and eagafoguto ng dulreec- lber. ,Upon ., ppr9aha et.tre l i onn111Ointi reug hn J. NWOLF NE, mnvn te tugâ by b, te r-el h oigtl6in h eeig b 18 _____- fl,~~SerùtcIr7, poa, d-occailoilly -nunevved In ýtlhe'vi f:n nu~th p - b~arhng cacl n clothingrnbott tbeMun guupovder vas inveuteti, and ye.t :hé or R S EL S R VUL1 ecept sottie plecea ai oUIli bird wi'*tb ramalued ùniuju<tsd, aannotadýnn .1 1 - *" apun yttvu., 'Tb esb, md pavticularly: veekilleti. - Q U ËE BEC. * tuoe eir armat, feet and l iev raelled And .-..-- - 'H niue -utaputnid apperance-lumomne ,placen, - Dulîsc or -hxUC HÙMftW, <EQ.- 1.l nmeinan L bi r relpfarof cin ire ébrolcen out' in beille-,andt îby ve"e "0'Thii. hifôrtunste, but gltteti usn, ido-pated the: rfitenda anti otonie. tiat thievehae tho- vesit ad eohabtead uthtit Nas only vIih hislieaddlyo ndatmtvisîm rdtughly roflOveitotidî gu-thtacnec i rl~gKe.t ,ertiouî, sud theexoiteintnt of their Ifi-adety o bi e'lt, ilv, iv , the viater,,'yhbslî enabtes thern nov taotofer to beiagnimored, that enibledteied'<stat1d. theie t OfQinG9 eu _H. i- aý-9 tba Membru <f the Logihature, anti the Tva'- Ravlng baing gotten on boird tho steanier tpiddle aga îeh1<o hed4ed, ifltt. vu&s boreu velhung Pehlffe stiorfor 'inttoato. l additIon 1<' b6 apartont ,he-"hiilaitvîo.l i ety,, tbey vere kiuttly eared for by RIztIuliet1e, Coatnty, 4Zuic~k,, xhenve bbi tu, &ehabvéno* mgrlerx anse&b.-tponrà la D.Blacl,iSud on their arrivai in thi. eiagrate4 to Capeûand iiirji . la w lamga bo#use u ac .Ioto, ie lhi.forCSo Mtfur ,'t T"wee 'onva1escont and pbeO .i ~au il sud habe4ji~ "TLO.1 aifin."ë eather lCp t10h 1'Ç?t A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ij fvtp.lr1oauWld , , 1of bocember 7?ýhen ik blew iaatrci Co uîu . O et triD >%'IdV ltoa$i, viii b. w hich wuhe d wa y th egally 8114< de c *olel at reae*<nublepr!, iâ ax Ïie risayf ouxe j rwhr tecewu puytnont. Applït>iou. 4reused <' th e t- rw.,he t cw eequ darlgnd, lîînee wili romt~aen L W tr. They? loeof 1h. two"u j. HA5M pEîTy mand Abse-bulworeut er.' iêarhedu aws Proprietor. hywrtiiIfulhu b.mn Wilîtb>, Gt.19 1 é~ ookl1)g food, nid ifthoat .beltèr. T - - ~bark wasthJn hové to. under tloIe.reeî WiLIAM TEMPgIX. D. matintppsiU, 81)4al bands wreekept'« IN(; STEET, 9HW,ýN AD tantly.,nt the. puinpis, where t.b.y wi 'Watt. W9 f~4laxhed.- Siie hiad nt lis iitimesëen ent VICTORIA IKOUSE, - thepuuipsunti 5p , of the 1L14 wh -DiW -me, urif.am the gale s.oe.dtoabate, the fore tops JOH1181>UIKILL . v1pI fptet. t h e i di wh.t heabsfeU ovw lon 1 àeims o liol Ménili bantends, b pr;tinte hues aand mi do 7 avylapaway th~ e raningi haut of'f wis1 lqitor. 'çlgriLand ri teufrii InentA. Awevli anpp1il he Ik. Geod sttIulhgngMd, &à evy onie wu -on dok 8tthaOtic ani ene1ee yd u. *. alwerer'Wmuled overboard. MUIJN PUURILL; SiÎ'>n'-i à tô dai , Wbftby. î:on,.bba1864' , DOLPHI EÂLOO. Oaotf4 iaot mu, 4fil. m~re', À f r'i 1. NO.2 ý>Jý Il Il # 0. :l

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