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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jan 1865, p. 3

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NI~B ItV T I S EM EN T S' Grent ý Cl~eâ î ;1 l- AT STe Ha, IcIIILLAN & Oou's! TIIE subscribers wiII commence te, offeýr the whoîe of their large stock ôf uew_ UIT uf iSse rnuiiis LI VlORS .EIND Ff lJUS£, ON THE 2Oth INSTANT, At CGreatly Reduced Prices FOR CASEI OR ,PRODeCOE ONLY. TBEY OFFER Immense Bargaint in Cotton Geodis of ovory lino. Immense Bargains-lu »robu Goode of every-lino. Immense Bargains in Clotho and Tweeds. Immence Bargainuk i Flannels. >Immense Bargains in Blankets. lm mense Bagaine in Teas, Bugars, Cofteo, Rie.,-TGb CoB, and General Grocerios. Liquors and Winos at much below thoir value. -As the whole of4jheir stock niust bc solti by first of April at any sacrifice, it will well repay those whio sttîdy econoxny, to patrq. - T. Il McMILLAN & Co. 1 anid 2, MeMilan's Buildinugs, Brock-St., WVhitby, Jan., 1864. deJ *NEW'-FEBRIUTLE STORE, JA; OSHA~WA MANUJFACTURE SKIRKLAN Would.inform the pîubihc that lie lim s ,u 1 >.d In) Fîrniur $tore in the shop lately occupicd by îAExvîS - uÇ 'q 1*ruç .ulings, c DIJUND AS SIR Wherc he has on hand a sîsperi( turc,-whîdh haus been made at ti by the best of workînen. - Orders for anything ini the ab notice. Rcpairiîîg doule with ii 1The subscriber will sell aIl go, Wbîtby, Decetuber, 1864. Infiolvent Âct à 1864. I N the intter of Uii 111TUMIl, au In Tiee tre4ltîîri- of tha Tîî,ov#ît. ire not1flio thilt. il hit îî maeain of hmc ît ot lt tit '»deffoctm nodoerthe AaoyaAet, ta î ,the. iiiier- - i Ait Iiignee, aîîd tbeyare re4lilfed tn tkirli h Ille, witldti wtiilîîtlIîîfrin uthim dattu. wl tilaîr datnIm.,i.eifriegizt0 e 1.wCIrity thay ild, 11 aiy, jaid the ithîsui o (4tend ;f fla. Itttn? the (wt ; the w îile ttautfd ln- cl r oatlî wtheuavuu*llero %support of auch RICHARD EDWARDY4, ».D ate MiA tla, Vila IS adey of Jauiuary, A. Crocker's Botel (I1ATE J'LATT'S,â NELSON SI)?EET, TOR? ONO0 T M'Ilthy, ildasrroiauilit onltry, îlî.î sa lIbraily pâtroîidlfinwbîlie iauîîlord of îlha Comîmerilailiatel, thst lîabasfi" esq Nir, Plitit in the lîntel mii long kepft hy film ou NaýlAouî fSt., 'formito. lluviie-slîaraul nu egxpeaaao flu titlng up the. aina, to i4coera aonit.irt lta thase3 who nia y pat.naîîiza hlm, ha will ha pleasoed ta auo hie aid tinonda when ln VieCity. JAMIEÏ3 CU(CKEU. Toi-ato1 JTon. le, 1844. 2 Lumab or pARTiEr qure gLumbci- for hmildlug. ed ai t1ua slorteat tmotlcc, st tic sgutscrih)erg ostini mlll hafiltailla $uitiior tif Uîc, oitie Bri-ot reu. Alil tho omdiur id :wat ]y oun bad, CiIEAI'. > ll oih - GEO CUEIE. Jau ny 17, 1 S".23w Niote Lost. T 'Il E mtint refui-i-d to is dj-awi; iy Frarcis i.Forma, oiadnal d r iBPIJamÎn Mur- tor i-,lu ftvOr Of bstiine IAholm.for onaeIhui. troot duîhigu- lit was tnde la ApT ni ta.d te l Il Ltos th It« i gt is la fo 110Trid au< ollé -negoctoting foi- theaiane, ds payuaolit hiba hoilfon tppo. S/ê>UEL 'IIM Uxbirdge, Juu. 14, 1885, 24 I*r nwhotand a Guint t Ofiit îOwn, ln requtictd ta rtura Iý t'stocca, and Rave trouble. Whittby, Jan. 17,li?ab. 2 - WVI Ohanotlery sal PUBLI9 ATf49TIONf At tha Offilce cftht iadarslied, Mas;tcr ofîblas Court, 13YRON StIIEET, WEITBY, Saturday, the Èùurth day of Fcbruary, 1865, at 12 o'clodl:, 110o111, ptuiut ta a decrec ar.d fluai rîler of hile, lna aatitcauma cf T11IÉ tàhK 0F MOITF1L James Wallacýi, andatheri-, defendamîts, LEVI 1PA11UANKS, Junior, AUCTION LER,' Tht undarincitiiucd pnaportîCa, viz. Parcel No.- 1. llîs jiat cf tot. ig iii] d82, l in is. loititi- ci tha ti-stduoîhuI ngc Wti a rock fatrect, lu thec TOWN 5E WIIITBY, Thescl Lotx ara atnated oait1tII west mi(% of Brock streict, aud coliiist ofai îra..-stry Thecstore b.mgn tfic l-mo p . C Hio»lardwara Mterc.. id. djaiig ta OiRec ufthta tikok f MoiîL-al. Parcei No. -2. Lot NOý . 1. luntteist dili- i-umto. t cf li'rock gtr«.t, excvpt <» . ".Il oiî aadlot-1ded- ad hy oia Ch!Iarnce 1>iu Pritiî n Juiiiiilbsatilh. This lot i.. itnata laniear 4-fLDr. Clrkî hlieue, asud la vaiet. Parcel No. 3. IONcres of i -t INa. 24, iiin 1ê1liroka.. frout cavjmît f Whithy. bý-THIS LOT IS VÂLUAIBLE, lFor grazîlg mmI ifar.1 nr:, poa ad I mihu - at- I uar the GRAND TRUNK STATION, lu11 Iviithy. Parcel No. 4. Park Lots 1 q id>ai 4oîlal iu rifpat. c«f Lita i sitidmud Sil]îIlet 2id C fl " fImle TOôWN8H1P 0F WHITB'Y UjUbesod uuujuiet wa lrtgaga 1.1ýj1,îy Par, îteI Ne. 6. READYmMADE CLO1rHINC, HMILTON & Co. Of their OWiî manufacture. thaât must be soild. THEY HAVE JUSfliPENED -A NEW GROCERYO WITII THE IBEST AND HEAPEST 0e' G,'oceries, Crockerq and Glaosware, To be found ii i heCounty. aud at utnheard of' prices. Cail and examine foèr yourselves. Whithy, .lanuary. 1865. R&3.CAMPBELL il SIGNý 0F 11HE GOLDEN MORTÂR: OPPOSITE B3ANK 0F MONTREAIL, Brock St., WHITBV. 1 T'he 'c r 'j lias just reccived a fresh suDulv oÉ upposite thse 1ost-otice, aie thé uowîug '1 E WiI~DX TON LOé UUGGISTS' SUNDRIES! EI I tiii i c, lI ncludh gToilet Article%, .Petfrfunie Soaps, J3and -Min-ors, Cos- or tII kiîîds of ~ L,, furn - 1.ilLu treetii, fw atnof*îLo t l(-'Nuiueye.qriuitteis Dentifrices, Hair WaahcmudTeo-aie.P. orse1cctir~of i , (îmiSrcr- ~ tnb~-mai $avage'o Btearmu:-re-se, 3Medicatcd Lo7zenge:m, Gelittine, cuatardpow le Oslîawa unture st.ilisliimet ihur., 1Iaiinf pr.çi t 27, inii t (l~îou-ter>, Sîicep, Candied Fruits, ioney, %Vines forî?uedicinI l rott4 Brusbef, ~-esmiuu if1V luh,' iCoîubt, Coi-ko for .Ale and Winc, inipi-ed Cegars, &c. &&c. )ove liîç supplied on the shcortest Parcel No. 6. Sponge s, a fine lot. *- ieaties anmd despatch lAt No. 9l, iî. JBlock J . No. ?;. lunhBlocîk L;ZNl Na. 4, imnjthoek P; atid soc.8<and 9. in Blu'e' ods at prices to, efySuimpetiti oi.t 4, os) aipIaintor ertufiaid Lot , lttaf.t f'ff*-E JAMES klkk~LAND. cf4 -iergamnot, Roe, Citronolla, Gerattiuut, lAvenâe, Nerolù i, tsuay oit Parcel No. 7. Peppermîint, &CI. ml Eveninq Suas" Boquet fixhLeyender and Cologne, Lots 5 unît l icek A, &ansd 8 Bloý1c 1) 1Nos Cyaaline Pbamde sud O r rmw, ' 46ri02 e Mohl1'a deiIt4IitùMe. 5l, «, 7 alti8in la ikw , 1 .3 admuid oitEk , Ï Glyceine CreàIm, for cbapped ban"da, sud or gentlemen atterl"wiit~ Pnimi 1i IîCI F, 1lit 1I Bh init 4 B ii<tk PîlImonic Syrup. a valuable remedy for Coîîgbs, .&sma. Croup, le- K. ounaianf Iitopart, or Lot No. .18, Inthe lit Piyiciiant ordorut udprescriptions cai-ofmiy prepared. As the -à Britlah - Tue uts l>Iuaupi,! pablisbc'I unde- the Medieal Act eof 18581- &-et. 410, by tbe - cen,uvi l b ;)Ut p spa. 5. ad7 ft'- Geuca C . iI t' n ited ingoo, is theconly Tert'Book uad alpr TEN ER TI. turuhei,- r -.uelm.es f urahaMus altics i-iiai<poins. oponddmxzureo,-may p1ace impicit confidene mi Th mcail 2 pry dust-dei of Pt la propot81ia fltl ; TEDE,- FR 1 nd.*if ir ecuury Lîacu ut t in rdîa uotyau.î JUSrÊi'CIV , Syrup of Hypplîosphites for the cure of Conmumption,- E !wthlil woua oai:. frtramthie. &y>'of sale, a ê4it- &C. COAL OIT.,, a pure article, onty 40e per galion.ý 5 VjI ) ~ lat ta th thais nitei .witehs iatrts Ir ~îone ,r su tiod iior baisiewIo Remeniber tho Place, Bannister', Old Stand., fil.eo tes > nt Ille clan t te pure.cJMMES BYRNE. Tatiîilcrm wil lic rmeilred uitil motae1 . tiu s-ms ftapnh-WIJITBY, Dccembei- 21, 1864. 50 ' ep o t tiiosoparcels the Illitiffis Mlonday, 23rd instant,..,,,.iedau -eivatmllii yti._________________________ AT 12 lf'CLI:K, NOON, Thé rriiinig lima iupacî9lf4SI,5,0 l da ilu Fir theu taliaier> iAf Stolie for thelge u ofthuo aaid Rie puicf.eser or îîureliuera thersre liali * ~ 4 Corîfiratiiu. ii fllaw»: v a ~dtipuimit iArti Per cemit e. above, îiad thie jlJ ~ - A i 25 tir. u Br.ckStrotliit>,. Nîrti W rd. ât ce wlthiu tlîroa mnuutflis froin Ctio day at 2A coril.on it rock SmLict, ticar Jailwny i'uacl No. 4, w-illicol for Ctush. Bridge.0 SluAaIl othier i-spects*tCeConditiona cf F8J. 20 carda on Buxeiscne, acar Euiglîehli Circli - art tie sandin~g conîdtions îof the Court. A HIJGE BA.NKRTJPSTZOCK OF Thte 'oiîfreactors ta apremil theo lai-,, atone Fardier particular. may hbchail cf tus Aar ou the. rouît.., At tnoh Places nata my bh o patad intth attr.n Qr enîte'Slc - ODateci thii.Sevoath day ot JanaI->',: 14.h15ll0 0 o r h 35 corde ut Stone, In bc delia'ered nt thec Town GEO. Il. DAPTNELL, LAaORERBWANTED <iarç Mudoue slicr, Mttr.0 LIBoagas WILLINO To Vaa-' ulior,"iILDjER, 'DRY GQ »s: b::-Break Sto-ne by the Cord ~<O VC ê.A D C O II! G For Cthe ui-e of Clio Corp.iriitho, ;ist lueINeVEN G thOir 11imes Witîi titi Cliairiîaioui $tractosud " U£IE credlto iracftic unmigne eu t !,tim.- Imîirovcîuiclts. led te meet et (%niiiîagton, la tht Couutv 0 K '1 0 A.1 yT~ P IE AIl particulara «O1 oueiattattneu îtaioi, et Ward'os intel. ouWeda's<> and tn'cakiug the samis, eut bcoltaîued bythe.Twenty.ifffthdaiyof Jaay Slstî 10 bomî t her of twuo ôelork,,p. m., for the purpor0 ae fgryadwit ilp îying i-co reeilug tatemenma cf hie efudî-t, sid of narne aeso-ge a---wit otosta cnt'e J. HAu( PER~, !Dg"m Aseigee, tc wluum--ie mmy mokeasu Oto8 , lIppr7r cliairman u &raets sud Imprentmats. aaeIgnmeîu n cujr th *3a Act. Bales of Prints, fust coloro, at 24' cents per yard. Whitiui, Jani. 14. 16. ~Cannuugton, ard day ci jausy. JEU. - J01N 8PROULY,.,uular, Geod Kevyw~y J~*4ua#u #.-fr WHO NARGACJK, Itastdutg lanCCaaiugto,, lu chaite fo h aaaConipgy or- the Countie 1OeCut fQta'u A0s2 Ofhbo-Flr*î docr vent cf the. Connty fluild.-'n -- ----1-Gm-- W A N T E J) 1 County Council of Ontario. - CLQTHU$IIrgÇ:,tprt -10*îTIýoUsand >.dl Bri*o î Oon *ri0eQ9 fro 75?G 'n eCost fro 275 50 TheusandPreet ofLn1be r raaarP"-- asurtd. eU embér the stnd, WiUdmosý B pposx 1ba QzQV;er7 7o1W, n1 APPL T n i Wty,Doiber, 1864. r'gConneiî eltia Corprtan ut the cout-' .Hl E~~ A: I of Onmiuo,-w-ii iuo¶>thirJ.RM Eà' --- FiRST MEETING M bîyJn ,88 8~ HAVING RESOLYED tJPQ4f~ STILL FURTIER URDC3 EN! 114 THE PRICEs -ov TÉEIR 0,Dý7EXTENSIVE~ STOCK!- OF General Dry 7Goods, WILL (GIVE GREAT BÂRGAINS F011 CÂSIIÀ In order te inako a, THOROUGH CLEARANCE Stock-talzing,*i preparatory to Colored Cobourgs, A.lpacas, plain and faniy Winceys, .&llwool Plaids, FErench Morinoes and Poplinettes. white, Scarlet & faîicy Fl1annels Blankets, Striped Bhi.tingp, Prints, Flannel Shirts, Hats, Cape, N.ck Ties, Scýarves,'Shirt Collais; Brame, HRosiMr and (*loves. SeaIvýkins, Beaver Clothsi rnoc id Faxiy Deins, Tweeds. MJLIJNUýIRY CGOOIDS ! SIIAWLSMANDNI4ES!1 t twil Afl IMUFN~SE .STOCK - i r0 REAI>YMADE -CLOTHI At I.ALF PRIQE. 1 and 2, Tilt'0 Bildinge, Whitby1 J ýan. 10, 1865. SE LLING0F THE subs T, the Ore, except to p! have openec And notesý'- pgresolvei ' For despatalscf bnhlnesa. ft te orjos, OT%3 ants à others. NOCour g Butter,, tir wlucî âueldlnthe 1 ysb m the euiôii Oa :te Tnesdày, anuary 24th, 1865, for- tiôheatu1#mn 1OEICOfor tl - ghl inizÇ i D 1 1 8,1 1Il J. 4L, - -zy qlsous iotItM fhba1al1,1 ,IWhibk-Juary $rd, 100 *'w ork butter fret __________ iylbter. Tt w-i 1,butté orkrooi A Pabe T ...sanm Uainowil-i 1- 1-i 77- ý mi p , N EW 4 Y ERT ýBMENTS. .Have just commenced to Sèli Off the balance of their Fal&wii1tn r Stoc'k At and under COST PWOE FOR CASH. C reat Bargai la.Offe ring In 1Prench Merinoes, AlpacaCs, 'b ùrq Winceys, BahnmOral Skirting, Shawls, Manties; Ladies' Fursi à Stone, Rock Martin, and Mink; Scarlet, White and Fancy"PIanùé]h; Blankets, Sheet- mng, Liunrs, Priuts, grey and White Cottons, &c. B'road Cloths, Cassimeres, Canadiau Tweeds. Gents' Fur and Cloth Caps, Under Fliannels anîd W Plaidô Gents' Fancy Flannel Shirts, Ties, &carfs. Braces Gloves, and à large stock of Great CLEARING SALE flti,%ii ie Ile fv lrt lilOC ~ il?~wi .t'li e Jiýruî II1i I-lin ,'ý. A tii. r 2n11,01vent At d-.784, il, flud trtigieuaruhiq i;w Iai ail i Ot 4eiigîQI.e tii luîîm h o,îf> (tqugai if !oieald t L lgt tmtînl aai Wt, laLi mira r ttgrc 0t-u wuudIi tîja é) no W1:1:&k.3 au Tm dîuq1üti ie lfa v a lt > ~tauy 1m-gl taootsf ir ,m Jof agCI4 naderttria tl itth ,I.vilMa6Aôtj muu11,rGreitwouu it te îJm i rM'Jibv,0 <' tisiScidiiÏe,,g o a humlfh !W-Ie cick muse oi toaftir0"o t f1v qh lt crdîto ra c, tf lic llluîlail -o liIi à algaEîî urotl lo a cjh fIU .1)Y ot' a th ý Towui 61JAq iauô . 16IIE U Çeki ort1%9pîuruof i ifhe l i -a furbd nt naijii!iý on,8OrlgVeot-lo-T AC% i1! 0F # aste- ted tu Let id a >i4 2-oth oryor ChAi lKmi. t- ol laok ouafoîr lt arpont.u~~~aova steaîifet 'nt a 1O ~LiOT CnîîOî J oh; nu Vie nt , ù iivat io ak u cfJlrc andti. o fitp ia UilJgloAt tehâ oi-pu xy t 9%ko gir e I IF-1 4 E W -qM 4i V'qur v l

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