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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Feb 1865, p. 1

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M.atthow Toofy S~..'t-.--~-- 't'......---- .5 -'~t--.'-'.'----~ ~.....- - -t----.--.-~ vi" TE£ W±IITBY CHRONIOLE W..1H.-IIIIGGJNS At li11MIrintimir Estahuimhmeit, B3rook Street, Whitby. -TERS$50o ?MR ANNUM# ADVIEXNTS!- .i. li, and ciiargtd at the rate of 8 Ointo Pet tIne, ireft Insertion, and ,entfi per linc,, esel subeeneit Insertion. Speotel contrast t iede witiî advertimers by thse yesr or otte*wime. Ordera to disconutinuie edvertisemeuite muet b. lu vritilng. ]BANK OF MONTREAL, W. aRN l>EAN, manager. CAMRO~à& ACDONELL.T, T)ARIiiSTlERS ANI) TT<IZN gle -AT- LaIttw, SoliMoItl tft' !tnk ti t -tlrtl lii l tifs Ciîlriii'i fift <te ttv if nititrii, lÇotcii's,îfrc. 110-1 'itiliyt'. . Al -B' t3i wtn0' 31 --(aORE l D ItN& L lihurchî'tet 't,îtt ' S ANGVES flitI'ii -J. A N. Ai'S .JU (' h ,.11., E EiL'l'îýi v 'i '1 tw 40N' VO L. Lil.< NNUritN VI"l.t< viNI it't itît ii i'ttîmt'r N" ~ N i'1 Ut '31 nttuivltI'J. 'lL.s'i)N4. Ol ii'-N i.ttriai l îi t. I " i.Wlillî' J. K. CORDttON, T")-I \s T 1t.\5W,', Sill1Tilt15' A <ý'r;j'Oiitttttv t tVer' LttN' K(ELER Ac8. LhMON, AT'l'<)IINîï ' N S, t.' I 'ITifiIS1iN loy. (MUS2<. C. KllItIlh, J A ti.1,i MNi antd fesfti'tî.4 7 A.. 1. i BA.N 1(s. 01IOLfu.N 7<IT NEiUhi1' eit. &Q.1 tonl, iirtt 1. \V. , lstr , N 1rIt.c ,!, Nortfs ., Whiîh11'*W. L nL .'. oie.lsic<.FIPosit )p. shwl 40 C.(. Fsriial'é45itte 12 Il. E. OD)ELL, BI, Dch,ý III t ' t 't t(Iý remotabl tctn,ý,eiwi p ipt rettiittiiiicira m nade. _R,.IV. CLAR l, . ». D m t,ti' trei, Ili.ocýtt't"iroît, Wiitly. 44 gUIt(,Eit'Iii> 'l'îlE <'oUNTY GAOL, THIOMAS DEVERELL, JOhIN 3ETCALF, i comprîiiiihiig thoTat'wîîashijtiloe Ad- rees Cetîiiiglfhi.14 ROBERI'T PEARS. C Tonshp o Uxri-ye. ddrssUabntdge. A. PRINGLE,' 'IF!'ElCIAN'r TAILOR, 13ROCK STREET, LOUIS DUBEOIS, D ESTAURANT.-Cî,riier ut lrk niiiil x- .Llîpci deSUrgea Treito. Itefrî4shmuta TIIOrAS Jf[TSTOT<, T 0W CLOiK *IESBIWIITBY 3J- 8 P A1,1àD IN (P'f 'IfINTEICAL 1UOUSEF, 127 KtuIg St, Wcst, LLToronto. .4iy JOR. bM. WARtWICK. ÂTJUNSON k BOSfWELL,' BARRISTERS. KlîtqgStreet, 3 "o B ut of Tor-nuto Street, TeonTo. 4 ÂEVJHIBALD JIARNER, ÂR1gHUh& VILLAGE, C.W., OPYIiAL" SAslgnec for York andE Qtanlio, >'oàry rblC. 41 _Î. il. ERÂTMIVMTBE-, E. hJ>U&'TE 07 THE UNIVEiISITY OF 900111 QoiegoI (suooessor to Dr. W0reà J.V tAM C. A. JONWS. »OLPIN IALOON, With cali Printed words, groat thoughtu and untiriflg tiduatri'?, WO adiocatc Pence, Progresa, VOL.IX. WELITBY, C. W., THIIUSAVOERJ GLOBE HOTEL. T IIchoc. veeli kuo.Vîm, nid enlebllised itotel atîd proisieslieve been perehued_ hy the tsimfî,rihor, vhere lie wilii twm e- (od monlîiimd roadv te attend psrsotually ti thie vautti f mi lectn, A&C. Trh, preisîi lit.'clt ceoimîenetlv anJ 0'tîIf'brntbl * -itted itît t 'ieimiiilciiî Iteereti, &o. w iîfî igtorn's tif sofi vater t,, veli, ail emery tnodtlrni mprovetmcitt to cnake th. Trelcr -, 1u ne dtii is ý ti ancmitlie Tafils hetintiful-i Notice te Farmors and Otheris LAt ors W ts tl'ttii l ttail. M oai'rbls Failli- %Vimlkov, do uti.; lîei t Port. fiheir%. cil t'utisick iiotmtittyfor t ice meit, ni- li i t undit oftt! ii.m' n te I c-t fritde. Attttive Otittrzà, id lhome'.I te r. A. îALEXANDE.R Brocllit, .itîlltfi, 1'>"'. 4 S T A GEHOUS E, MNiLLA. ISAAC FENTON, il 13 r0M - TEL. Pil,'"'lei.or f ANT IVINDS*OII flOUSE, WlIlTljy, t3j vii. etinc, tt'î r' IF 0 e ~Ilv'n!it.; s'iititt- il np l'mtilt t dn 'f retins! Ilti-t ttf Tttwi. tvtIf.'.v frtîos ,ý. Statbline tni: 'tî t'tt ii'tv r't VICTORIA 1HOTEL. NS',. iîEîT4..R ANGLO-AN8ERICAN IIOTEL, rea)l. t 'tt'Il . 0i.tt' %%i'n. Il NT M,;4C ti. iDOîiF_ Grand Trnnk tiîilwae' IbIdt. <.ç,eeA site ofA'iiti- iy t.J "I/tj.t THE ONTARIO HOTEL. 13ROCK~ STREET, WHITBY. T IlE underFigued Leqs teiinferm igiencda tua lie hîts tiken île elovo Itutel, laîsly kspt y Mr. Daweendit rusitsIfti t y strict eitteuiemilu fiiiitt-illeiit antilut ten'iitt. of ii gitasta, hi ieeptig i lz lrsl-ela,. ta'ble, aid rne hzit thii.lest ut'liqiiorelu tihe1Bcr, lu monit e attire of publie pîtroige. Thee tti'm-g cutil t ei'e-l-rcsim is otfticbti' bd decriîîpti, m.Itd c eàtrcfiil ci1ntetciu, aOler vilIibot ilvnyi ftttiid et lie pont. .JOSEPHllP.EUlii)'TOM. Wlh,!ittî Mrclt i. 1,l4. <i-ly ID CANTON IKOTEL, UFFINS CILER, IPICKEING. GOOD j mettmnodmtoîîfarTrmmllsrm. W. CUT1iBERT, 41%-3ni Iropniotor.- --St Ui>ELLes [IOTIIL, ~flhE uitireiLit'i leu to 'itli'tr,îmtho'ir fnuetids I alîii il 'e li <lic e ta i.ley hlîe I ale uli-ie well kîîr'v" 'ttsmd, itirc t iti' traeiiiiug vîllrlii ie'an cii tr x-i i f l .1 t te4 J m nt Ii 'ii e.t, b ile r r- ;!-o-,'.1 tIlIl t ' e rs't nitr. 'iR-tt' biali "t'. nd tlft.'i t tMvt'tttt L E T 'île -irtîf t- tf'iitel'-t q aiit.î. 't o tir- 'u- t. tl.v . rtn- ttl lt I.-I GoS' f t ue M~ENIX ErSTIBLISIILD IN 17f92. t' Ni OFWV o NShýN Sîeii ttt'b t , FR r J NRP11)nwth-'îiSt N. 'tttteeo Ontario Dcning Hall & Restaurant, HURCU fl STREET, <OPPOSITE ST. %,Jamei%' Catiedral,) Torvntu. Dinnere trous Ilf-îiat Twelnve te Three o'eiock. Lumcie, Supîters, &e., ai clilbours. Wines, LÀqiiorme, cfnithé Lest branide. JUIN 81fIi11l (LaetmA4lion lljei,l 'oimgra COMMERCIAL IIOTEL, <'il tilL1; ESltelilll) E, 1Pltt>i'lETOli. E X*I,.NI'aecoîmrtodatinii for trsçiill<trx titoti Staht iiig , e tî itiCuo().tltera. 20 MRt. J. Y.StIAM, LL. B., P ri -. Tvroitîn, BAPEIIiTEII ANI) ATTOINEY-AT-ILAW. B Soliicitr iiin'ftamîcru aildIn. lalviSY, Notjirn- iiibiii'and C'oîtuoa'cer, ut.'restmtuitd tihe p.riclie AInIl i ifs'otsmitittli l te Uîpen &amiiil('ouirla. W'ltihy, tlutt'.14,14. Th tonyGi.EFEEEfit.S Thê .NtIlcio eem' irai i l . t'.., ioie Mn <tiemme, t. A FSEsprege 0Com bourcmml The ll'-ti .; S. S m IottM 'tî,Vrîlal. 'Tie mS<"I '. 'v'i- ii r, Kitigntc.ii IL. .1. t'iirtxi iitif t. i t<M Vi i Naof s r. '" 't'nlSolm '<. it li A t islt kuiirIti P. . lut i~ Co., T l l 100- 1'o T nl t, ,E In.g -GEORGE CORMACK. t I M 111 M l'tt iN , i n té, i 'i, t tii uf,"tI Lkit 1. 'fi titîft. 'ttt . -3'lt' bandl. 1 T N D 'E 1RZT A K 1I N a . limll ;liittt ui- a ~t'A Ilecoce t )i tire (mtît fî ilt'on! ii i" '.5'lii iv. t'.nf-~loti ti WHITBY BRASS BAND!1 Whitby QUADRILLE BAND! " il :ia atri t i t. tt. l-"'nirtti~ tut i 01 t Nt'ut.lit 'l e iicn- J. %VW0L FLD EN, R 1 1 45 IOTE L thlaloeittit -' 'f ptrntie. i Lu.t iia 'u' io ruK1u . nll tîtrti--l tl f ;ttr oti'i sl l.tifirtn th. w'it'r, vfiei'f. tti'itltu tietinote t,, îfr tc 1 t '0-.i.e~e..wseîm.smu. m aidt'n n itetrmeuutn thei hod 1lent viii. ter, tl'ty tee inn 'îrno"t nt telostiî,ln sud onaenme. -(ttn,oti'.".l' titelî. IV'M. P.USSýiL&SN WViId Lwids fa.r Sale. A ft~ i- rt'toi.rl'fWithlt.ni l té <ttuffiiiitt <Oi 'fund 'tiirri ,viiil be 'tttfi 'ta tn>it l"e' , lutiin4'ig: ttiii u JIIAM PERRY, VICTORiLA ISOUsE, DUItvI'àn Tttuts, Wtîn'ar. JOIN $I'ltlilL .. ..... ... Prnprietr>r. T 1iEttiteeiitinii irp, toit itf>t mtsii a îca ftrii, ds ithttle it. titi, oirre'i'g mi th'é 4elsi li t 1%t ie ut stiît n~sion ut nithe bet oi fi-t iyiosn, tuea d nîntrh. inut'. A sueti -tit'î..tnd Itable.(uilse-ing simd cteioittnv vrd. BOYNTON98 IJOTEL, (LAT£ .iiWMsrn'.) W .BOYIÇTNTu h'lige u uto fni Cie lu- wIîlita'tîs(if tiie fourtf Victoriâawtl îurinuidîmilg (Cnîîuie,, h&î he;lis oppet he 1lîttel tilNVillhitl'teletJtely ocenpid ly Jt'wct.t a. i lie s d iltlti.od ciid tunumtih. cd hu tiret t eîl. iiirm ilii tiil evemy couve- îîîoeî,-t. WIeluîe. iittre aid Cigatra of thce Leiuî '('ttiti. wAn cl.t,tive ostiair lwaym lu attend- Luudenay. Feb. 14, 1864.6 VINEGAR ! VINEGAR TUiE UNDEIISIGI4ED lRAS FOPZ SALE VLimegar tf ti. hestqimsiity, mauufactired Lv hinicelf-tin Ilue promises Deodas fIlceet, W<hitLy, ttione om vesl u ,-its. eîlt'e idnce Soid un large umiiel maili qmwt4ie vhlelel sud nu-til. Buly-a eîmep,and reaiIygooda4ý. t oe-ai) article teunuSLy chemicaiutcetatoie Oi Lsievrroacd uthe lova StICILTEL tSCUNAPP&Up.l Wiithy, May 9,9. lm MATRIMONIAL! L ÂNs AND'fliNTL'EMIN, If yen wlsb viii jcoud you thant motuey and vilhonUt prise, vuluaelle inforauition tIat viii enabîê you te ,ugrry hippy aumttaqpo.diiy, Ireapetive ot stuc, veeluli -,r lienuly Thiàinformanîsl yl cetm iynnthlig, anidIf ,y wig> sue r-i ry¶, 1 1se ii chorently alait ion. -Al isttéro elnriely confldentlal. Tii. dealrod information leit'Ly retuintmar-il), sndno quesionsasakedi- AdmSsARH . LAMBERtT, G îuoiaKlu e mN', W, er ?414 Ènî1Uh1ZT11 Iftbjs is so, wiIl you Profit by a t' DR, DAYIS,' 'lTe Yonnet Mimmi's Friitnd, a tnd tm'.lek uucm cmps i lime ta ltse trolutiet of' FRIVATE DISLASEM At lits lld Qeertprm, <'orter ' Bey îmîîîlAdclle it crees,, -- 'rroutto. C. W. YeArm' oxpenence enîlîlî'e inuto cure remitt c~e In a Veoy shorttiiie. titI, lizcnig caesi' * r.,nte-d WitlteuilMeneuirs. toit ciiru'o Wnrrlitii. Pei'.'t ie>ngvIi.hl t'n niIîtiihesoton c-ai de 9() With tIe utusst e cerev. ?.iyreinedfies M ireâmt losncertaineiî'-'t-im. Vot iéd nul istOp "'nIa (,r' siinxi' yoir irct. <ii ni tle »litr ti 'tIqtl, i- fi itne.lilsCaren toêtlitgfîiý imvice. Ilîttîoiéd fsrimti, cuim uml nMII mf>-Ii Ioiit.. &111r s ocu. '!oiiig moun vrimlos fi l . t'miýt'tmé cret hahitn m'a4i iu ' t.ielmol et"pnmti'1 b - cpptylng*t'sl te ci"Pt i ititrotits rs.'tî'îl l'yoi e'îrio anti inel - fo" fri imî c o i inî,t moii uiil rilir -ii misittee tiilL. 44). THEOMAS WILSON, tiL 't fMermtt,.. &-c'i)Eitt i., I"S'l f1 t. NV. t'- of"iiSle Stocet' ainuPri-pceniy, il-tt't"'tif!, tO't ro i,iatîts l e sof 'Tue "et of tcrieeii ii, am 1 ut.îlty, A&o., F'. iir.ii' pt ito r. toîn*, &,.. enquIhe ai tilt e ti 'i o-'i.tt.lnStreiti, whorc a Wltitlu', Oct. I.ritNt4. 41 9.IL.IiF SIrX'llt.N'.i COUflRT.- IVINDSR'S QUADRILLE BANDI APPi iiESS- iHIRAIX WINDSOR, MAJOR BRASS BAND. JOHIN 1. IMePIIIE. WESTERN ÂSt~1ACECOIPNY Or, TORONTO, C. W. C4PITAL, t --400,000, INCORPORATED 1851. Prcpùtdent. Vice Praeideiot. OHO. MICIE, ESQ. M. ROSIN, ESiQ.' &i'retary andi Trecrurer, BERNARD HALDIN, REsa. ASEUANCELff.etet a«e loftineaor dain- lies hy tire on nil dseri pilonsi. ulîning eun, tbstir coinenta oin favnri il]e ternig. MO st ra11nc ni rerninra cm iow as that i <,aey bc rnntioCoîîpnny. JAMES i>RINCLE- Traveuling Agent '4Tu mi the ecc'ut'ieîcee it partie.% reeitiiîg in Otwwatind . ,iiity, te uîdet-r'igued lia boon duly tippoinîod LocalAgent liere, ijý ioinm 1 reseryinrn,nvilii ho eheerfuiil guven Se'i'feonto hilut perponaliy, or UV ettr. And rosplartie4 coittemul iing ;ecring thei roety egaiiist 10115 bït grisor othiivse,' lseepetniy i.oI>C!ild TIIO#,AS MYERS. Whkby MarQb833, Is SI 2 DAYIS 0O:IMC0MRCAL CO0LLE0.! Klnw Streot, Toronth, Ci."W. Yfrf dorEagt of WedIean Bok Room. ÇOQNDUCTED 1CCORDING TO BRITISU. ttthereutiroentn pf the, business coimni- nity of North Am*rei. ý 1 Design. V , !9 lt ittt1, t St . 't i i ,t t, .-ù lî itn i ati mi 'st>t ihî - tilrei t 0t pt bi. 1 V'ARS & rETERS<oN, Rir<AI. 1i)le cnî,ê,Ushawa. Ri e.Srntilird ..It )tl i 4 l i t a ttrio lànk. 47 FIA.IX 1>iOLTI.LA1D, 7 Kii% ît" tE-.T rnti27 \VOON'S 1HOTEL, 1*4 0O0 ri B IO0T Il ER. North flritîi anmd IMerrantile Pire & Lifo. Insurance Comy. W. R. DEAN, Banik of N(otittreai. Aet Wilittti, sept. 7, 18-12.S i3OLICIT<>R, &c., &c., TAS 81-lMO)XEI) hioi Lawe Ofice to OUtarb) ru '-irs'. > '-r OUe Door South oftheC. Wititby, Jain. 12, 1862. THE ROBSON HOUSE, (LAT£ SCitIPTr'tF'g IITEL,) DIJNDAS STREET, WIIITBY, C. W. -GEOR3GE JtiISUN', Proprietor. T FIF ne4erhteli nnotînce thit Illehaea i icimeid the316ui-ilig fcirttîeriy k'anwn as scrirtnreie. ilittel. wlîieh hum ibe'su renovated, rcfurnieiied, coufit td ni' tbroughout, lu the hasti rt lIe. The irernlgeg are iîieasautlv Fit- nated, uppomite CIL l'PotOffice, cani in the cen- tre, of tiheTown. The lîiiway i)mnllux callx et theIliotel sud thu steirea% for Txiridge and Beaverton leave the Jour everyumorning. Board Siper day. GIORGE ROBSOi., Whitby, May 3868e-2 JIROORLIN ROUIE. ~sCAM J4ND SEf 8.&NDY f 4:j -f Bbsoekn Ilie "Brookim uee"li BrkIV!Iiie, viiere lie vili h. giad to sec alilhils frigide. Tepeit r o fltted np aud convenient, sud thi e ôovmioda- tion gond, ver' gond, i&. bes,-îor lis *ees teo the eomfort o7mnalid herbe himseif, having beeu promoWto i miù o ëi -ase owsU WBoiss At Sand>"s teks yo«r r<st, Sfndy's table latha iest, sandy'sgood aceommaosiion, (Jan'liboant su eal l heistiou. The nunerone rieuds ofBd-ai Are aaked to give Me honnesaoel. AIJO HOUBlE, W. Hl CROSBYI, - Propriator; Vfl INGsmo d he above IRotel, hols e- tixrclphed the Bar vitl h. Choioat ique4ra ,34 uIgtro.1 ýy VAPITAL £ImIi,f000 iî sunatime 'toii t ii.ftomuut rotiuttnii. le t. i tint.ttit tlli%'i o i plicati1 i ti.it' ti' iui uiuit e mr i fte.intîtla Su-mu' . ";ý, o rf'ttn 'rts;. - JOWN AGNENV, Trivelling Agent,. ltrot "tre t, wlt. AD V ER7SEEN0 Rtiyotit Britlh Amerîca, nud Livrn poolonmd Londou Assurance (Uomip'tmcs Luibraueir a coit-f t.'20 iililtiung f dllairs. Q20100010000 mu uy oncriskiti ipîtiicto10t JOflN AGNEW, 42 Thte C.miîsi 1 Agetit ut Whitby. J3RITISLI AMERICAN EXPRESS COflPAN y -0-- FFlf'E-tninck Street., bit by, uext doen 0 t legiotry Offieo. RE. CAMPBELL, - Agent. Azent tïlrn for the Ze M6ireai Oceen stenmslp Comapany, ad fun tue Gluagov Wisithy, Aluni, 15 1864. 20 Tîîl . sboiber lu in retirting lts thanke Lfor irt avtuors, ibes toî intîrun tle iluhabP. taul tg ofteaTownad mirronniding countiry, tIsai lia viilhocihappy ta attend ta ail or eirs eutnnsted ha hie tarc. Tectishiiserted on tJold, filtrer <Ar Vulcanete Habiter Base. - Teeth i ud 'or extrecteti i ti.Lest ptssble Maiier. partilols attention PEai te tise regniton of Childrcn'sTeeti. Ai iwo4>wA.nated. 15 W. H. CAED4 T Tir. SUB.SCRISER, IN RETURKEYG TO the hiainses to'unerly esrnied ou. hy hlm lu tiilsplace, Pclolts sal', frotffis!15 1 ée- tomera, and ltme public g.nsi'. GeooS ce- comusodallon, viti good tSablilng, sud au at- JAMES TIIOMPSON, .6 'm. - ropletor, BETEIIE ROUsE,' xieoezll, . W. 'VISTAR'S BALSAM or Wn OM-mv HA$s strE Eg CMea ZtI ARLY 0:> HALF A CENTURY, e Wltiî lteusuel asleiiiiîug aucetas in curlng I0ýCougbs. Coldi4, Jloareeu, Sors, Throeî, influenza, Woopiug Cough, Croup, Liver Cenaplaint, Bron.- chatte, Difficulcy of Breath- ing, -Asihaun, anad every affection cof The Throat Lunga and Chest, LNL'tI NQ iil E VZt t Theme i& cearcely one. iudivid. nIlis e 0omîiuity eWho vIol- Iy eseapot, duniug e 9jeoupfr some oi.. hoever liZltiuty de- -. veloped, o i bv yutm ý-e ueci t f iehIluîight iead tta .lapl liaee, aid moet »t Ltu' ncded di nse in thioloe' aluge.The povenof1lte 9uiuleusi«ni1" of lte Vild - Cerry 'l't'over 'lih"ouit eii.of comaplaint» il4 veli kuowe; e* gponrt is tte goode it lits perfonun- cd, amîd su «reItishe populenity, Itb. lie eqnioed. le ýtis prepiirelo, bei&slMe vb'fe<ee q/t oas 04-mGtmiry raee caadamigw ecf n o iSe cgre- .uelsof! USe ralle, tlinlerecasiagUe Vailue tex foud, candfonadagy BJied d1 s .power f soeex ,lt a; , ts réeve, andt tecure dieeeee, a- hiut 'annoe ttnedi'cinsgel duauovereif. 'Certtlcate frees L, J. Racine, Esq. of tho in aerya. 1MNYîîatIIL, L. C., 0,1.20,188 8. W.Fov]i-e CO., Boetcn, , Qenlanan...ÇI'tliexutmeimsAthe.. mon [Nthe malter 0f RIIIIARD NAÏBEE, ai The Creditora ut' thoi9 Iuslei re cnotieed tua li h bamatie an Asiignetîl or Lim e esici utid e'fet% nuder the cLoe Act, teihie, lte uuderai«ned laiiigne, and tîîey are requ*red to fnmn'msii me' vititin tsvo momtliî frein this date, yv~itm tiehii 5'; epecifyýiuar te iecnrity lley Loid, if san a îLc te vsue of It mamd if nome,e taliimg-tisc tact tise whoioe ttmtod nu- der ,.tLh; it te iouciser»e lspto sn b Dmted nt Manille, tua Ou hday of Januarç, A. D4. 1806, ANDREW'SMITO; I-aie - BQots #ç Shoes MATTIEW COLLINS, ing vîtes 140nih, weel, . si - - nieti, but 1 dhn'a tbjul il right tZ uhat question.'ý' ',Oh, jeu, infé "1i' : gentleman hQv pld yen are,'? îàld't'Ie jintge. S lt aW'eel, a veel, VPm fifty." IlÀuety101; tt net more?7" I"Wel, 'm s0h1."'; 'b -Tti 1 inquisitive lavjer sit furthontasko4iif~. t.î heti auj bopo'of gettingmarrled ,1.0bli4 . Miss Evàngreen replied:'II swin piJi tell à lie; I iinuai lost l oeyt."4 8l4e scornl'ulliàdded- 't(But1 widna' o ypn, for l'au siok andati tr.4 olydu pabalve* A cler.gyman in Glagov ued tbo eJatq. tic fello*ing :-Intmarryiig c>couple,hie - akedthe,. bride8 lu the s unali orr0h, 4ether she *could 1be ~alo frzfàitbf4r dI ý'JitS ROS l Menfo us t omere, tbat be luet B Ernemaovoil ta lia iev prermi, où Bnock stmnet, (2 doora trous 1h. e gtry Offi ce aud tînl'îy aite bi forùr'Ier s of busineses. c Il0OO'T S& 110E S ln greci vanricty, aid matie to entier. - Repaire îeatly doe. - ti TRUNK8'FOR SALMI.g n Gir. -q cciii it.Asingle trial n.ili couivince vhene the riglit sort of- Lnrgalt.a ln thie Boot ýad Bline haie are to be laad. Bq,- Nowlîl! ite 1Wtvl% il .1 t t.- t hi - tI -lti J fE- l 1NL.INSURA NCE NS'ltfur, A;'ril t7 1. t ' 'i~î~ I to . n iE ~[EIttHS'i' . tt ~* Inutii n7e Edieebnrgh Lî'fc .4astiranceComp*ny an, 1:IVct t.' O 't* et f.1ten tThe Livearpool <nsi Londeu. lî'ir-Iut , e"j"" ti't Ir i-r 4't'n T eor«irel Pire Iassrauce Comupany. vomir. Lery mIveW'o-'- No) f.îit. ,.l PaY- -mmr_îIe7-e~ - - -EI>Ve tUTS & 1lIDI)FR. 'nt's.î,tiinu 1 TheCacoiaa Toebctgih-the mOer daine, p e rtuere, yet raînenin - Kuowiedge, Brotherhood. liaIt pro <ocade, hait i.te sud rigt An h iure',es Crdel qule. RY 9, i865.. NO tiret gent witii footing nice, R'Y 865 NO Adanceandrtinmng tIies ~!Flet eit crnera ; wiîile ench fain GËO3VESTEEN & Co., SCARCIYY0F FEED! 1 rmeaebs wýtz jq P i A N O -F u TE z'y oull l i c attention Of 1Fermcrato Fntlaytndlie v'mà-îý ManfacuresTwiee advaneicoe, twico retreatiîg,' Maufctros, St raw C Butters nt thiir sceond me.tiîig; 499 ~LUA" '-9r AVrat Ipair Iviz the sec'ond glde, 499 R O AD AY 1Whic ha, taen ue FrâtAnd, trelnitîg, puas onti4ide; £tUN. Whehlia tkenIn FietPrize at the Pro- $et et cornera, Ir, rnd ruitd vinscil Kxhiitionfor 4 yeiîntes 'eei n, AnÂd theedoire thegrouund. NEW YORK. ad heviltg recaived a lIa atîpi utofKuiegm, 't N EWT YORK. direvittiim Richmond aitý1,Chanîiare0 Wrk, IVi. r HEattntin o tuePnblc ntitheMenohemter, Eugiansi, vliciîlire fur sîlpenior Firet lady now, and second igent TH teto f h uM n the tany tCuit enau h e o îre, we tnov offirounr Adeac", and paiise wiflionue consent, tratie, is invitedte ~ our'New Scalo 7 Jracihines et the foliowing rodiieet rates, vizt Tilli Cîcir pai tuiera juin thetu tlieret Octave Rosewood lerge oliyMachine, Wmulîited t £Ut o Telien haikte oplaces hoth -repair.. S tonPer l'Our, anîd te gire meisfaetinn, Ctii . The ladie, tu ltae iglit. no p.ice, S prise $40. Takirig So notliior', place.e. P i a n o F r e 1 The retit, thuîe .utIdinty hareft. 8, mali dz;, PninciMa17for Ibandi ueo, ith 2 IMust, likoWi...t, metliîpoii'the'loft; criinka, 828. And tîtus will ciieli tlitir pertiier flii, Which for volunie anti pnnity are urival- Send yonr orders direct te the nuderrigned, And joiiitly to their pluies witid.' led by :îîY hithento offered iu this market. Wbhteh wil à ceiiive promipt attciitlsjnu vin. V. They contnifilail the modern improvemnts, MAX WELL WIIITELAW, Finit gent lucide tlie figure le,.di, FREN R GAND L~TONParis, C. W. flie pirtttr rmund, atti tutu rw(iles; FR NHGADATO, Jctnary, 11F65. 4 Non et%, Xunon.mret;elt. qARP PEDALU ___ The laies and t ieit* repaîgt; () E R TRUNO TUE CONFES$IONS AN D IgXpER Balanîe, îtii, ll.f-rmîîi ehaîn, MRON FRAiME O'RTU GPromenade, snid, tîrt izain : , JENCE OF Al'f INVALID. Ail nhig' iffittî îrn once more; BASS, Il . T UDIS11ED l'or lihe ncfll, aid RescaC AU- Vîlîli pruîîîsîcda lime ilanice is'd'cr.t - VOitN TU i i>UN'G MEN tiil'ntllmrie, who Anti catch instrument being matie under mîiler frin N'ervone Debiliî5', 'rernatîîre 1)0- the personal asupervis ion nof eey tof Ntutî,&c., SUI)î iîg rt thlim anie Tii. Alhenaturn as a fen. worthy enù-' tiume 'l'ut MzA-s op Sitv 'iiit By tint n'imu tences about Irish ' talent which we tran0o R. -.1t0;'R V iV0pm'T tre urîcl iitrunt ryucopr yti 1 . crbe :-,"Itq tendernesflashes like' ho Iii putege, cingle copiés mîîy !lto id n te finewater n d amilethe heart 11ke' h Wo linshi<l a îîractical ct!poriatce of cymtutoan'ltttr.ith Iis )v'ser' O 0 ys i l ieir manuifacture, lht NATIIANIAL MAYFAI$, E&q., Brooklyn, *yo oni heei uu ns King» o.~N.. nature the matideit humai wiil.o'.thc.wicp Warranted in o'very particular -h ot iunzbleuv prt rTII EE that ever montai foilovoti andti neilu vain GROESEE PIýN-FRTE," N o eLost. te grasp. lu a hundreti shapesand aid - 13 gieame andi is gone with a ,Iaugü,, a. Rscsim'cd the itigli,,st awterd of tit over IliE (i'tte rct'erred te i nu irtmnn y Frarcis p ll necoluEflni.Nv t1 ail otiiers et the Cîuichrateti T orituîî, aii erdorsedb it ' nttjsîiiii %[Ur- tremuions te teana, in a -music that seetnq ter, !il iivor o ni' emië ni.feî or oie htîu. te bave gathereti up the sorrowa cof' agel tell dXit% i le10 ln.o l % te rbid ei;y and ages of 'wrong andi sufaiig: WVhere ws'te exhibite'd instruments Tram Otoui îeuitiiig to!-ltte saiîne, ils paymnct imîmiLà anon it breaks out lu the wildeet,. Most t -eînt imkrs of Loido.m, Paris, Germa e- oun ipted. utrgoiuns fIihjy ori the P m e îîimiBlitou oso i UfrdeJi. SAMUEL LWWSM. ilr inu'is fInujy NwI 4. l'Iilaelllii, Bltmor, B8to-a2-ý4w soft as the feeling of a moibor -fond!' \Nsw vYork ; cielclsn at the ______li___________ er baie,; aid agein, et the sauud o( *Auwricaut Inslitute for 5 succ"suve years, W31. DMARGACI!, batile, h sapnlsgs np sdem a t benole beighÉt. * TuE T AR~~T) AGENTP. ALZ>TMIE AET flleti ith vanlike tire, anti treads the.w 14 ifor the Cattisîlî Cntîîpftmîy for the CUnuiemi te deaîh with a martial g10i'l ai " e' of ViltîOr1,is utîrio nd'mi >îriîcî. G o d Sivtlrtmîtl 0he-3ir'aîdocr weat nr tise Coutoty Bnild--' c luge. 1-cinil iI M.e.ax OXNYTni; Hopu > 4 *Front luth otfviiich can bco eoen et our îw.-fenitlrmmbts4. the i'nscription upon somes of ihe beautifuil. Bly the introduiction mof improvements vwueiasmnficuo b W .WIon,~ niekec a etilli tiri. pirfvet ake ' lo e f Pittsburghi. Lt incuicates a uaetul'IWtI PlA >- I1~t'E !(LAE PATTS,)sou vhich icoo mauy are proie e îd1sregàr4 NEL58ON SZR IEEZ TOR OY2 0 Lt vould icaci us- teraena' ber 1the brigýt Aid iîy maniîfscturing largoly, mith a tisy8 cf lite, and not to forgeçt !bcblesi stnictiv ceu ysteru, arc s<tÏF<Ied to offen Above ltig. Sîreet. Gt ugvn s ie 3i ne.l the'te givitrnus.,tLiet a priset mutichsviii theý insrutetit ut prce wich illrjIl 1H m eieiscier bege tu iniiate to tiose lu il briglit anti beautitul. But still 13 baîï proclude competition. -1N'hithy, and eifrronndiug conutty, tisai its Iighti au *ell us shades, aid it'is uuitli. PRIEe n iiheitmly patronized hlm whilo lanillord of or ise ongrtoful te d*wýfl tào meoit PRIOES om m eterciel Ilttl, thui.lite ha, euocee'itled t o No. 1,SovenOctev, roud corers, Ir. Pliît iii tin hote os 'ig kept by hlm on upon the iank po ntions oilthepite" Rffeticnd plain case,.~ $2'15. Noiaoîm fSt., Toronmto. lluîuimîg fpared icu-expento who loite, on the. briglt side cfi11f, à-ý lu littiug up tansm, t10 egere coinort tlu 1cmthe beoitof eey n, reighI No. 2, Sevei Octave, round lcorners, i.lîeeo ito y patroioisnhm, Îie vili houmak vntbestrutp o. 3. 'rienviroi0. - pleaeNed tonsee his olni ndasc l inte City. alains ta ýau unerring Providence, 'yul, w Roimeood îecv mondiri ~ J3IEI CROKER. tbinak, ýoïýthn lgu beiug.equal,"b ae No .Seven Ortaei, rounîd corners, Truto,uîani 180.lete dape màt, dceWO Roseowood Louis XIV sîyile. 18432ottr sd ,ae ai-talwqs loehok . IERM :Lffle m 3jsF'raukinas, an aliylolg XeIt Cash, in-Cîîrrent Funtle. . nv r r e R & r

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