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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Feb 1865, p. 2

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Conoert -in Ald of the Episcopa Church atA-therler. The following correspo.d.... avoidably crowded out until 'this issue. The great preu of politicl and Cour CoLýUc11 matter on our columns, mut sa Rg in aPO109Y-in this, -as weil as other-ahortcominI,89 a.recurrence of wk we *will do our best to avoid hereaiter. A concert -and tes- meeting was beld tne Town hall-Atherley. on ThuWay II Ult., for the purpose of - Wlaîng fands liquidate the debt on the Epiecopal char Eenry Revell, Esq., wu called to H ebaiýr-the duiies of whichte! dhebarl tu the entire satisfaction of ýI1 prffl It wu net do well attended Wxas; ant patëd,, nevertheless, in -my opiiiion committee have notmuch cause for regi aî4jAy have irealized more than they pectéd, considering the numb,ýr of et ientertùînments held în Ibis neîAborhý during the preseni wintî-r.- AI-m"ost er week there wu somethin.,,_ of the kind ni the publie bave become completely s and tired of the numérous, calla made thera for charitable;~- and benevoient 1 poses. Your respected towneman Jt Ham Perq. Eqq., 1 uiiderstand hns n hi9ý usual liberality, sent* the commiii throngh Mr. Revell, -the bandsome &un leu dollars to bc appliei towards the jno î val of the -debt oit -their eburch, &Z and aise promisýs Io exert himself amoyi bis friiends to obtain- more- The Iarý Who formed the conimittee, deserve gi credit lor the rýanner in which they cari ougjbeir arrangements Le. Thc Tes inef the best description. Tbeir nai are as folljyws:-ýtra. Revell. Mrs. L Mrs. Hëwett, Mrs. Win. C. MeMullen, il Burnet, Miss B. Heweil, Mm. Win. Du( hofer, Miu liVilliams. Miss Thorn, W. R. McMullen, Miss M. -Ilewett, Nqwton, Mrs. 0. Thomson',' and Mrs Thorn. Though their efforts bave been so succes.iful as on former they do nnt despair, nor-tire they dise raged froin attempting eimîlar Pntertý mentir 4gain. 1 notiçed quite t.b num of the lendinx Catholks of the tomis in the body of the Hall-their presci gave greatBatisfactioti--it shows the gi feelinà existing amon-st. all the ciet-r -sects here. Sueb, 1 trust, will-always C tinue to be the case. The musicaIýpart of th ' e progmmme i well represenied hy a few of flic Princi amateur musiciatis in- the vicinity, and the St. Jameq'.Choir, from Orilli.N, wW fully sustained itý u8nal v repeatedly en.c.qred. -Mrs. (.,, W. kir ýPresidin& at tho Melodeon. Miss %Villia and gies Tippinc ean'- tièverail fkeis, a 'exquieite sonm, whieli were received wý raptur 0 Qq encore$-Miss willianisi PrE ded - - h piatto forte, and execute(«. i dî1ffeýý,tj epieces with admirable tasie. M. P tas, Eýq,,,' Of Orillia, sane a nuint of charming songs, à > id front the numerc t4neýbrei-he received, 1 abould say, ho -à à general favorite, bis singing, iî rea zplendid, Meurs. Cz. Hiagins, and IL Coc rendered theiriolos in a very spirited s. ,eSectîve manner whicti calied for:h Io encores Mr. S. Ihillock, 8aný.r rome prel gongs ' Mr-. Portirî, playing the accompa ments, Mr. Renry Le-e, of Atherley, al dan- a few Cotnic and SeilLitnentai son wbich were well received, as one mi- judge by the r,ýjieated encoffl he -u 'V'reefed with.- Nothinz occurred to m the pleasure of the everiiriz, the only i A gret being that the pro,-,raiLme was u long enough, wbich thp cotnmittee it is be hoped will provide fer next time tb tillIl, Days The Probibitury Liquor the place of the opasIgnai mu ith a Pros: find cofis.., thio.ïiot*ithstïàdlng the oüëem thai, had pieutant companion at the inn and our beau eut quit the wolk-if we wished in 1 TRi:,I't't Ira BR ANNuLttn 1 The Allen bill bas passed. The vote for One of thoie meetings whieh are now clotitte and ceflare be, made ta do tait-roont m la people able ta bold Our own in the Boott and Sboet-Ju. Bain, on the second roadinir being carried by a 0 - c rld if Ille wighed là have One system or Bellinx pff for 40 Dbys-Jai% Bain. being held thronghout the connty for the daty-a chauge, whiâ the sky-bluest hued Bora -but if Jonathan wili bave it ta, vote of 104 ta 4. The nays wêre J, H* Government-one systent of unrestricted New Goode-Ju Johulton purpose Ofinducing murticipasities ta put teetotallar, would hWly venture ta regard why ha muât bave it go-It 011118, bath Catner0l', Ford Jones, Pope and Shatiley. frits trade beLween the people of the sante The British perodie.lýlg- -1ýgnnsrd Scott & the Probibitory Liquor Law lit force wu 'wIth favor. Ta " it -certain > IY Beenu ways, howeyer. Chaps in New-York mot Amonggt the bills introduced on Wed- race and same blond-if we wisbed ta have beld at the town of Whitby on Monday something more foolish than folly, ta tuuneh inferior bread and daiker_ý(IIot ne8day, Ist inst., in one by Mr. MeConkey, the russes of affording ta each other Co. 9 whieh was hailed with much langhter. ta muttial support and aséistance-if we wish. 'rite confessions and experience of an in- week- In this instance the object wu to expect that a widely dprend, deeply oeated darkies,) or pay extra for our canadian amend the law respecting the ir.demnity ed sny or ail of these advantages it wu urge the advantages of pasàin(, snob a by- and favorite uçage-whieh Ibn large IIEL- *Hoor-whieh bangs ail the father aide of paid ta membere of the Legielature, und valid. felt that they could only ha. obtained by a -ghingWým-G, P. btatthowooti. law upon-the County Coupeil. A friend jQrity regard nut ouly as being innocent lu tbe Lake can grow. ta reduce the antatint ùf the sait! indemni. union of the Provinces of the kind proposed. O'Doncian. present supplies usewîth a report which we itself, but nOcOuarY'tO thilir pleasure and ty. After stating the diffleultioq wh-iéh cin- do net now cure about' publighing. Wu coinfcrt -cari bc destreved, tir even eur- 'lit reply tu Mr. Dickion Who alked b1rraç-ýed the àavernment of dissolution JAre A"Uruce-.Lire Association of Scot- As our Cousins cannot whether it wu the intention of the govern. il (any more f the Union, and Representation - by Po. land. May Pay, however, that IL proves what lit. tailed in ils obsarvancy, sa long u the q thqn the poor old Israelitf!s ilould. make ment ta offer for sale the lands recently pulalion, the only meitng, ho said, of solu- tic consideration th ' 80 neithër can survéyed in the Grand Manitoulin Tellatid tion ta the difficultios of cotintry was Touderifoipriating-on. Ontario. a »«neipla involvd re. mallulacture, importation and sale-altho' bricks withont otraw) t'Dion of the Proviticeq, either federil. or Iffernen and Saddbry-Mei;ors. Caddy. ceived froin speakers. IL wu the old the lutter bc Enlited-of the. means by they build without limiter. They will and if Bo, wheil, at What price, and allia liotber, in the event of any persan or per- legislittive. [le would candidly state that which ît is auttained i%, net only permitted, ilierefore have the enti faction of payllig - hli; own opinion was in laver of a Legisla- Tmnks-Mours. Caddy. wory of the evils of intemperance, ranted 1 3 mous in the meantime settlin-, upon said about and declaimed against in very intem. but liceused by authority. It lit as queer Custoine dulieA, for every tilpe Union. lie find ngain and ni, iladies-C..Roberts. bit thut entera a oniti rida, their rights as squattem will be re st-,tte(l in the 11atiqe tlint Lewislative Union perale lanSuage-ât toast 1 by one of the a Remplie of le-isiative wildom, as. f-linati. into the construction of thoir Jiira Coffee--.C. Rnberla- M builditigs. cognized ? wg)ul(l ho preferable ta Federal Union, elleakers, a reverend Mr. Budget who ait. cism and intolemilce could weil producel But the lad& are-ingenious, and as they Hon. J. A. Macdonald, said that the but in vievr of the opposition felt figainst ara ta have made uooi und offensive an ------- have manufactured wooden nutmegs, bard recent fires lied sa injured the Island that it in Lower Canagli, and in vieiv of the exhibit &y Editorint Notices. tic sales cotild nnw bc efferted, but the fliet that coiniroinfiseî bail te lie inade on tb (ïýron" dr pa ion of himsolf as any deunken braw- ta say what they cannot do t Govern nent would havé a survey in Spring lill sides lit order to obtain union at all, ler could do. Rov, Mr." Shaw-the princi- VAiýâ:NTINF.'S.-- SI. Valentine's Day faII3 PASSPORT aYqTEN. Iýe hid te forogo bis prefvrenco on this But, whatever course Covertirrient might Il M point, as others lifid te forc-O flicirs on IDXLT 8150 CENTS A YEAIR pal speaker, we perceive, spoke as became on Tuesday next. Mr. Gerrie bas an un No peuple evcr spnke, or wrote en Weil, take, they could net formally rrcognize other points. The Conforetice hall, there- ait educated gentleman, and a christain usually attractive supply of Veentities sa lunch, or @a flercely in ridicule of titis titles of squatters, Ils in thlit eme thore fore upon a Ivilerlil union. bill of 1 %Vh1tby*ý Tlitir.si-ýty, Febillary 9, t865. minister. But his addrus was fur vridu of which' those Who ýrive credit ta thli, nid old gîtant of the past times 1 Yet, al] la would lie no Crowi Lands. Illich Il characlet as did flot rwilke IL very Ait ii4idre" moveil for I)v ý\fr. Wood, diffvrent front tilt! union vrilicli ex- t'le question. It was ait exhortation upon notion alluded ta hyrShakespeare, thrit on forgotten in the ignoble desire ta "&I)ite tell En, l"Ir a rolurn of the appoiniments of Crowil ýIfInd and Seoi;-ind. The Nember for Nouth ontariolt the deplorable evils of iut.ý-mperatice, and this day birds begin ta couple, niay livw C'ý,uns(1 in U-1-per Catiada, for -ýhc yerlirs 1 1 and vt.x ' For the abject arowed, il in Plis iiiiion %vlis strong1t, federal hi its ria- ture, Ila s1loivri fiv the faut th.-it tneiý;;ures the mîýserieS entailed by tilleule [the ublispi notiee of, and -averti t utterly illeffpetive -but il pjt-. us te 1863 A.,fi 1861, and the wrîtt(,-i applien. ,, ff,, v 1 he*-r --affectiofix tin- local ilit(ýre,;t ivid Institutions in M The name of Mr. Gibbs, the mrmber -If intoxientirig, liJuurSý7 111 admit the livils inconvenielirc, aivI féeds a Irelv 11uncry liftes aloi irellaimendatiý,ns of 1,ernaits fur CoI1141 [lot I)f).t;N in ttiti Imperial for Bouth Ontarin, bus lillepré placed unon Ilrý:dueeJ hy i«nttitip,-jauce. IL :3 a terrible such appointilletits ; «1140 the Immun or the l'a liainent viffliont Lliesiireport of -t iiinjnr- two importantc evil-a teni . ble titi. A hurîdred thousand- CUTTERS.-Mr. M. ODonov > awis sellinz officiais. Wc boite il, insy rentier theur CoufflY Altorilipli of the Courities miipfýrsc-,d. il . i. 1 of the fi,,:tt Scntiatoi, civil lîkewif,. Wu thinli we knOw two Isfi, ýboVfI lIv t1ic and Elevtionslf and on Pùblie Accoutits.- soma superbly made cutters al greaily 1 eti by owli appi' ilittil(Intn . u4o lhe ainotinti 'I'l'i ;. . thousand limes )lu titi$ ruernion been preseil- or three in our neighbourhood, for whose the niarriaýrL, lali.,'; Of,3colltIIýl and Eng- lu bath, bis useruiness and fituesa will sourit reduced prices, and bc liait soma good pitifi Io ench Crown Connsel, lail-1, anil lev the ýcpar1tc. enjoveil a ' Pd . and hugidredq or thausasidà of seuls seconded-hand cries Very cheul). pusporti We would IvIlIiIIMlyý pay, ta be and lit-- Coulity AttortE.v, roi, beisineils Ppear levident, and the weight of hi$ 1 Il%. Ille bst-fil lite i-.iirtýt.rIl have heurt rescuefî by the, prenching of auch étirai nf iliein -, Our renflera "Y g Onff f](1flo nt each asýïiz- Wher opinions ha fett. 4i first vote lit the Cotiru IozF.\(iFs.-Ntc. Gerrie hu wore sueli colinsul 0II,ý grenf )il t ) ýL IlAci- M 'rond men as 11r. Shaw-'u lire pray they U17 y-they won't bc fur nul 0 darli 1111 Bouse wu in favor of tire Allen Bill. , morne, we -ferg"t what he catis thein but 0 t7h(, pub'ir bills which reeL rai luiloil fi tile vins fila ex- Illay votitimue Io bc--ý,froin the commission sa (If t1ili svprrate This, Otberwise known as the bill designed ta we have tried flient, ailil ca"peak from 1-ciadirl":4 worýý Il l'n III.-red, willilil LarlIc _VI Il) Sectirc la Wiveî the herierit. o -iýý ýitioff: 1 ipoii the 13' t of iliis-nýi front other nias hy cýristitIn FXTU,%I)ITIOI; TlIEtTY Tý) I1Iý .1lN"% Il proirent. Border outrages. precepi, n'id exam-,Illi. - But ialpositig plirsonai experielice of l'lie grrpat rel w f ilappy facility for wi-nuilin e ý? ofider Ilestiralices or, the lives af ilieir hushands. t t it conviction, a t Mr. Gibbs bas ont yet made his maiden villich We bave received front thtir use. vif il, e 5 lhe jk!iblic r tliti cumiloIsory abstinence upon il Whille COM. hethpr thrir will sorne fitim tn,,rniri2 atinuil 1iýlI Ir) 'l"Iend el" t r '7 l, 0 opoeeb In the House, but tte discegi.nn of tnuilitv in a very difffýreiit tliiii-, front re JE W P.- 1. fi y. lit lit-, puretrlse of ivateheg Gr,ýfiibirkî ! Whi careil a rivIi ali-m lidtfleli for 1 'pper Clirlada, ril«. ; . f %voýllll liot bo gi-cý.tter iliati lfciin, I:le,.-rencts and water courges. V It é - Ire noIV AK lie Ilit-I saill before, the Conféderation schpme wi!l, in ail pro- and icivelry iho4c who are lvý: Claituing ilir, driitIh-ard amongst that cont. rogues awl ru -i ;% %vay s ? 1 t refj!iitiritiq i)r the Conf,,retire mare bability, ýlvë birth te, that production.- muitity. To observe--aud ta inculcate ad,-iflà are very inuch open tu inli),) !Iiil in Pro Rnd ag stich il T li,1p rý--l4 hibilicit, and ýf;tnflitrnuý in Uýwr'r 1111 bavi. ti) be -epted as Il %rhole by Mr. Gibbs, by big printed n(14]rtIîi; ta the sitl il. Ait re;iable ai iii ili th,- tilt- ii the duty rit thence but el- ourîcivet; 4-bother, Blil ta ninend ille Municipal of ;l;l 111t. I'rnviilre.s, or rejected illtogether. eloctero of South Ontario, piedfred hinimilif trade in ilicrefore a publie 1:1 Il - -lit li all, And, if you pleRSA, enact a lýtV ta stattito If1ý)or il, It i af thil,; 1 disi rif)t lit ývc se follews Nfr, jamel; tvaich;ridier. iiitil if(1q, nrd for othEr %vould lie for the fil- puni4h the offender. But prl)hibition llf)raf,, of anothrr color 1 V retencý fi; l'y lir'NIi-t 1 il 0 -rity of all( olir ellild. While this is the course niark#,ii out agititist alti is neither fi just, nor titi equ; jlý-.veIer of thîi go-vn, iliat, î),IlPýSt (!Onl3clell. l y. B.-Cause fürscloth gomp fnity ow 117 arA 14,9 f tIý":) Ill. il-011M i,;ýV reject Ille schettie . for myself, [in approval of the Confederri- F ýt1tIltI tious tradtIsman in ta he fou:id, and wu Say the (if canlld%, inti. eibu Scheme.1 1 Shall inisist ripait il, thait no tal)le--I)ut a tyranriicell law-ai repects 1 Iltelim tuj, ar brat called the Philo Par- t u led. '-Ail ACl l' il .1 ;f. Ater cabil fl'il tifol fitir it that tlfat ail wlic) have Iit_ý i VII ivnyq. t lori l'f file 01--y believe'l ili-lt on eçti')n ehali bc final, tinfil tire ripproval of thut portion of thtl c otrti)uiiitv which does in soirs waA i.qeizd by a dozcn Sitithern(-rî, Plil lo fitithorizc 1'.iwrf.îliii) 11unicipali the t% li,,Ie il %vai ff;r Ille aflvant-tze of ;III fi Iliums ta be affatitell hy the change, shail net overstel) the boui:ds. line may titk-e a note of il. (vý-ilicil il ww; net in tha powcr of any 1ieýI la 1 wet land-l frnta the Crown. tilt- Pro% ince'; -if the tull Country r, firrionil tlie ,ici the 111 ýf t1l". eý itiývi proposeil wa.4 baie been obtained, either by a General A consitifiration of the adý,afita,,,ls of Stý(;àit KErrus. Hr. Williain 'l Y.111, f Mafli thal') hf, 'S'I ' %% '. (or Iiýý Election, or by a direct tote of the People, Mutlicipal 1-îtilliliý,rîîî of [';)pfr Cn l %vt)lllll Prohibition an attaitiat)le uniler tilt. lait> act has Saine or) haild that lie cul; rec ilfral d* :' lff', Jonathan afiaid af : ' "' ', "' il ili'stitiniolis, AI, now obtai.na, In zivt*réz a"ýent ta By- - ; th:tt Ili ilivili-d i-ilil rnch of PiLriiainent wou!d bave heurt, however, and when lie rives a recAllimendatioll ptIr- t4, Ulkeq ! Pinr liltie inno i eiect-ir inny have -ffs Iniviv voIeýl 4L3 thtep. i coir vvith Great ai laws of Municipal Co elis.el cerit ! 1% !ip lain, d -tî)c propority or "v le-ititnat.- Fubject for tho ineeting-, nnd ail chasers may re,ýt that ttley ;: l But while ho oaid in bis address this, lie hi' really Il SI) f.)r thii, tiî,ý exiling, it-Ctt7 ii ;ýýIi tl) ' fi lý;ecttA. Ille then 1w t%")Ill 1 ;I-< !Ieill iln illec maid, at his publie meetings, thut rath. $Deh mvCtiTlý,,s ta eplisider. TO Speak 01 th, arLicle Worth their M-).]eV. il) he nnnuI14-il, and th ý,4 Ille F,ý-ikt-4 ll,,xt anliqui CL ýpIcr 75 l'f :hi- (-ýpn4ol- 'd'iru eve; y tinA to tii,-et thoi ql es: ioil in or than &se the scheme Aefemied altogether, ginfultiess litid tif drutiliriem- Na-.'l ON Tur 19 Cw place ta %fia, iniitu!t'(] Nfay %viii becomp qilite liv-l'y - 01J ' ' , 1:11(i iýI11* ý, ît !tg-tl bVeýI filet by the Il Ait Ac, %lanter and of the dificront cf)I,,nuý- 41 bc would vote for IL -in ils entirety, as Which none disputès-ii a1together humide ,et pure -lava coffee, uni] C. it)bertýq the tniid is net under chiciroferrit inpanwhilé. 1 i 1, ain, wl tic Municipal Lw of 1 ilv -idc tlivir olvit on P irti. proprietor of that efitablislitrient lia.; du She tully iniilndî La Acril t'îi;itv (1un blats 1*[.1,4ýr broughe forward by the government, if the question. Tt) the of local 1(,Iittin,, tt) lq)C%-Ui) bouïes i oliIýii- 1l-:i#tý anll t-) rrrept. the seliý,,tne ils U lit action unier-5e law inil il now stands we et(I the prire of Fiiiiiiii ffaî, i th and Irained men on th' LaItee, q,) lilial vitwý Iý rýl! !iiil li-me in tit, Vrifer- If therefore, as the onvernment-assert, will procep(l ta addregs ourselves. his custamers May have one evêry niortiil:f eltriv as wenthpr tiprmiiq -ta pre Wa1Ihri(lý,. Melved for ait addresý,q,. Inde[Iendprtly of . the iluestion, whit là abrigr with In zurp of Java. bY thn rir.,,,! cri,-fitenofi flik-. th,, Houîp, en pivil lit to it '0 the acheme, no introduc2d by them, in in Of ail or Cireulars addrcgseil, silice of i, P, the nature of & trealy with the other Pire. temainq tmettled, as tu tho correctness of chytieRm citgim-'l'hiq id one of t he Riglit ils a trivrit il; mhill. L-t nt inerriîp 1 à Jurif., 1 -4;f, hv Il,, Provincial (ro or alter il. in ;ii-ty :iianiferý made .1 eur NtriLl Ilrivalle. 1l'itte fu-1 fr'r Ille girls larv "r Ray vicoet.. and apprý)vod or by thé Home the pincil)le adopted as a fatindation for most pleanant, articles T)f the tout't We or 4 I)-partnicnt, Ili rmiýýe government, and thst Ray amendement ta Probibition, lhat goeicty la no I)etlfr than know Of, tu be apil!ied ta ifip ski, tn calcla a doivri at the 114y, at Ts, Clerk-il, or Ilic Pence illl-fit, pililalis c i ; itn usr 1 Ràte1ý4' ; «'f ilic sill'j p-oitý, !7: wotIld tý7 j Soinethi:14 pleýrqFtiter Illan chellerfidil Uýr fi linve t') lit, fi" Ibo proposed plan hy aile of the paillent a stupî(l, pightuaded child, whicli not 11I1ün,ý beautifieg t1týý cotw;1exion, but :t ! - ifiIIIIýe offieý,q in haill wofild render the concurrence of the ailiers must bu protectod agiliwIt- i t self by puiting lit one ot the b"t f,ýr cure of j0l tenticrocss or (),, be .71rf! W ýýnt jack hý l .;:l il tve ta lie l)1)0iletl (il) 14e Provilice. l) %il.- wha! le 1 mllîtie,,q there wil! bc i(leil Like l1 IL i'rOv»;Ie#ýî, and lie, out of ils reach the means of doing wrong, of Ille sýý-ifi --[S>.,,ý NIr. Byriles adyt.] tlltt" C toi; necemry, and delay, and portraits defea eiiii Le I#rý te oï :%-)7 p il.- i-, -r ; 1 in the meuureýaltagnther tbere wotild il, ne - 1 lý C ne thert, il the objecliqIt ta local action und r BQ0Týs Axi) --Tlie excitemeiit for 0.1, or lhe c,ýrI r_ ý 1 " ia- - Of two evils litre mu-t choolle tht, leasi. irfl î-r of sucli wililic offierr.4 (JuIll Ulilil-f-l"y. Iticonsisteney In Mr. "Gibban votîn- fer th, the il novr Stzvidi, ilitit Ille attempt finotiq and Shý)i-i at tilt) Oid 114 Store is î Lem% illin ICO,000 meniti inir part drilleil ný"" Ille riurnýi:-r erf guuh llàite-iq*, flýiten!:L,- r l'.% ni I!ic Aclivine. plan amMI. now stands. 13ut tire are antieî ta limît thereby the crnsutnptîon of spirit. as Pent, as ever. The, excelleticc et Mr. j an 1 f llý41 wa I!Wn Ç' the opporttiiii- for Six rncrillis, cannut mAý e us Sare illil tif whoill the sairi. pating, and merely throwing out our own nous liquOtt, force" tbG88 whO wish for il Bains work ii the ,-eut attraction. . V. ý i 1'li_- !f ýs:; I)V, ailtl ý%Vc filight price 12 Million dnilam-large qum nvvlîr ;jý:rWilis Ilue Ille views, not litage of Mr. Gibbs Of wbele ta Consume, il mince vendors Afir a in the roui-se CLOTRING.-Fùr style and -Workniatiship _ mach 1-trZer atake 1 fini, let un net 'of Nfr. Mac .4ý> ýz;r,1Y it4 this 1"eýivini- %vifs ru- Tt Intended course Wc are wholly uninformed. ennnot bu rebtrained front selling in quart- Itated.- %rofflI ilic '11rtinfe l1roý tities of five gallons and altwards. 1 f, 49 flinch i)-urn it. Ir Ca l'ir)ch,*'-accordin,- Io bin, pget-'* is a be ai 5 lis _xnvernrnol-ris, ns ail kilew, %Vam revert vi) tif(- original oropesition of stili fortement in the tradu.*' romi for thq pnrrr)ei. of ci, Tue ýuITuV Ri rý flièret lit no doubt, intempera4ce la a wick - lia- irrying ont a abolit tiet%çviin ri.c pet cent, perhaps leil; -,çýly 600,f)10 dg. .8 tq"t4 litlloilnted to the ff6uA<ýb tind vr(ýlIId na reinctin in tht', ffx Are not our Libt1rtiý1_& Our lia tg è*ý CA)(AuliLir GaArc Wixe la î e ý -ý-, lit wilic% co.y Ivero i pýtw- ýc! 14% la "Sipt of a communication &igned odness and evil, and if the, best way of cup that cheers but nni iiiebriates.'l' TfY sicad-i, aur FI*,,ý Worth th' the en,.titry, and whieh had bren finir (Iii. psý i)ý1p- lie bi A. Montgomery, and W. Brrtwn. et the rideing ournpIvea of the wickedflexs î& ta al 7 'le Who »vm crrixeil in the priýiIi eind wu a litde of the pare juici: (if the Canadian ne - let hi& PU3ý'jMtt b ! dr',IWII OUI, und 1 Iý!ss %voald týoine to. s!"ý Wbitby; Vot4iteem, denying In the Most prevent the sati- of 8troriý driiiii, and if hi pritper, then.ý that ili. (IC)VOrflfnpnt l'fil il C auti 1 ) ý)tnttllliliLy notso tile qmphatfc Manner tiret -they struck, thfir Parliament thinks Ilipt it eau, or onght ta _; ti.î IV 1 1 Cxral,\-, sold al, Mr. Byrne, Druggi*t'a, and crowlin for convoy, put ilitil hii; cap.> 1-We in the llottriblition of thrit patrofiaze Ivilicit 0 flý w f--oýfl1tA tlâflur the. itill 1 1 net alialle wotild net die in thàt M*Ln*» coMpý-ly,_14InneiA in ii-whirh aIl govi-rnmrntà telletite, but still a stroli', all'i re,,ýpiýctabIe tilt! supertor officer, ot that they had any diffi- try te defend the cimmunity against ils you w"t get »Omell"ng that wil hall exerrigilId -thlit -rflziird should bu liad c4itittiiiiiiitv, affil vve in hper yeu, but preserve yeur bealth. Who l'parn big feitowtthîl,) te die with iiiIII.- caliailit ivotild be lei, culty whatever wigh him mince their duper- own weak-nes3ea, hy making drunkenness c j il IS in forevvr prevvlfteil front irait)- int0-thiý; %vil ýý ur@ front Whitby. TheY thresten ta take impossible, Imt il declare sa, and prohibit BAti..-The -Fire Campany's Bal 1, We say nothî:àg of %vi-és and bairtiî, ta the just clejm% or ail thotle Our a 'Vilich. ho beIieVýè(I ýwIs in ver the Country, fti#%.IIillv ta the flhject tFiî, ",,lvrafiý,nl summary vengeance on tireur return upon Ilntoxie&tin- liluor$ an and affilif, but taIi-ý il for grit-Ileil thev wîll Colint 'ritish the it plobibits cime. Wbich îm, ezrected te bc a gr (iovertimerýt waS rormcd ta carry out tl;u flt the remoltition. "e-)r Ille fini fier a prescnt nritt fiittirc prosperity of 1. tb" rty that $prend the faille rePrIrt in This would ha întelligihle and liorelit ty. takes place Ibis (Thursday,) erening nt somethirig in stirriog us nit. The Lakes and. iriv accordance with that view. a ho@mêw#m ,!ngharmony and . rd, bail be. ,immolation, and ,ceivinz the com- ; for bis Manly dotting lioçv ho lâne. His plan ras not perfected advice and assist. lieighboring mu. ýIy retired from Imon5ýconqent of ýeùrned doctor of rfqlly undertook icr bliinders, and ?f the Uxbii(Ige bis advice, lir. ýngmtcr, and told ý at- MI, thit big [fat ho (Wholer,) e, nnà thât ho r. Sinz.qter. con- his sudden' and ý, went and con. ez-il gentlemon, mgh the courti; 'lini the Sent, yet mil 01 envil. lie 1 meeting of the ,ý(ion confirmed. in g- end Plith, ttir foillicillors ýl(l 01cin, tliat ft.-i in refèrence to, Ileffl hetter ratify- ý elprf ion, Blit ýPi('iouI; miment 'l ler could, ne- )Ilïn, romain the rnr(linLlv with 1 fr. -San-,,çtèr Reeve.%;Ilip, nnd 'rry one prescrit, fiir, who was at ilicine nper.,tto(], ;.ttn npprnval nt 1 otwithst-inding 1 bis mat nt the r electe(l Depil. lipm'in lind flot ended the shuf. in «ivintr-the nfil actilateil by '(Ls nny member riion with overy 1 Ppoken, morelv ,oh.1tion of thefr th-it no pliblie imnction -iny heir thefullest flot hesitate to Iv mirs, 'ýDlCATOR. is ui from otlier le nemings of the Is-) receiv,3d.- Deputy Reeve ýctedI is a vert mode of elec. ýre, can ho tio npb,-Ltfe, that- - eury. Cotincil, coulicil, ýeing whcle number ý' shail nt theï-r e jearly eleeo: ho declar.,!tions lyhen requir ed ýmselves as a of themselves- 3 of the Cor. fi âall ho the ec col]. Stats. duly elected lltl bil,ýiii, se.- rmal business . ransacted- at at its m the legaLly i the noonday. an, Who was' ýhn 19.0.f of the pump and the tes-pot, but te ore, It appeara that the mission of the Southern- the di8comion lie conducted with the was not in any de grreu rcspônrîiblo for it- resiý f«Ored with the presence of pleature On Sawrday the 3rd inst , the day ou Speaker In the chair ; and thât filer the 11111 11Mprocity Treaty %vits about te he on t &te these by law the sale dispýnsers et Commiilsioners, Messrs. Stephen , Huater Wh il te. , The ÏrIle orthiî conntry_ was éleghi. views of the Govertîment were laid before put an en -ig parties frein Oâhawa who Atopped ici: $chut 1 OPOtied for. 1 ho prefent year. tvax hnin'pore(l by tile pasqport s beverazes, for onn Net of persons, and vet and Campbell w&% for a iiÎut!ty daysl_ Mastei P.,obto Youngý on bat. 'if of th, the conntry4he debate obould he adiburn- Vsteà sail, al the Royal botel, and made quite a gay $ 2 ýU ânY Moineilt %va migfit bc deprived of o pupîts of S.S. Ne 2, in ýthe- 4lh c D. cd for si leaàt a weelr ýefore the debst turn-Out. O-n-Saturday evening, thn sin. allow (heir ceigbbtre the pot of beer, and arruistice, wbich President Lincoln refused. Beni r o the Pl-ivilege of transporting cur-gtiýcl,4 in la r presented Mr., y ployers and employes of the Cedar Dale glass of wine, strikes m,% as making rather The New-York Tribune says the rebels of th:ý Township-of Wbi*tby- fairl coàmenced, and artiribat 'to con, ltond over the inilwaya of . tbe. JJni'tèý î0îe works, and their fair lads ton much of a ver7 trood thing, espe ÇYM. Il. Dundu, Teacher in tÈa% section dons dally. Stateg, Alreqdy %v o wero threatencil, %vitti 1VOU 'es lormed the CiallY réquired of the Pruident immediate and 4ring the ý put year with en elegniýjly On ;notion of Mr. Gal4 , the Bouse the ileces-sity ai returning in the olil svite tien Party. On MondY evfning Mrs, T. N. whon tbat gond thingl takes the furia of unqrMiW cessation of hostilitieî, lëaving ýbôund and illustrateil copy of Lungfet. lesolv0d it8elf irità COMmittee, Mr. Street of thing-s wlien WC had ta import in susn. ;ho Gibbs, and a party of -ladiett Mr.ý Lobb, cold water and tes. In abeyance ait questions conoerning- the mer by the St. TAw tice ali the si W& Poetienl Works, auùmpalilled by a in the Chair, and adopted a resoldtion- re ipplieS and Agauming the correct iniegrity Ofthe Union, andille rightfal , Werequirýd for thp %%-Iiqlle ye'ir'and 11lrMý ;". , Mr. Carmichaet, and , others, te, the num. Desd'and" th, very flütteri.-ig, addreeu. "That a supply be granted te Fier Nfajý-sty, Ju8t'Oé Of autbority et ita Goyerament over WC Were tlircatenCl wi fiavinà OUÉ"iiitei- 11 -84PI ber of sixty formed the party. On eaà s"Il legýi3lAtiOn, how w ' ffi, ils local and people of the- geveral States. whieh the Ahe report ta be reteivel,,on Tqesdtýy,9 * 'course, WitÈýiII8' U-1ýited st-%teàý pýýiticnl- etot t Tù " L AN.411.&L AYD ye isolated char'acter avail te er-àdicate or Pretident conrteonsly, promptly, but de. On motion of Mr. Cartier the Civil and commercial destro d, if WC diii not,, 14Iý occasion a sPlendid Oyster supper, with ail DintoTôRT.-Scelh is the title ot'à neat Code bill respecting the Civil Code in také warning ; If wa the et celcra8 was est out nt the Royal "en 9(aY întemPerance ? The law -of ciddir pprised them that ho waià naither little work- of 120 paged, issued each year Lower Canada, was read a second tim.. no,71 17hile %va had flic oppoit(lDity*",tý4ëý'id authorised nor diopoged ta coueéde, and hotel by mine boit, Mr. Bryait. supply and demand talies stionenotîcé 'Or' i6à.the conférence terminateil. froin the office of the Genesee Farmer, and referred te a select Committee of 2 ",Ivjýtit;tgo of thý presentarrânyemûnt'anàý "cd ýt theý popular desire' for Rochester, N, YI of the The volume for 1865 ple"r)t desire of the Loiver Proyin. r gý, aisit and "P'r'luons The Wqrld argués thot the conférence is just 1 ont. Il la ceýi ta enter into a eloser'jitd to s( Tes RevirwaçND Bl,,:àcitwooD--Ue ro. liquôrt, and the necels.ty und rge amount; of On Iffonda.v, Rail. Attorney-Gencral lince witil us tbqn:,now,- Cx( 8toýî we might new or which-the wae not a failare by sbowing the rebe'i infor0ationfor the furnier, fruitgrower, H.àcd*nald, 1 in movinir the Addreàit, said E; - Leonar" ccnt & Co., the eminent Amerî.' brewers, distillera and importers làbor, net Commissioners were not authorized ta pro» and every one interested in the culti ulièr the losa of.,çolnr;ietcial, advantazes a nd vation 14 result Of the cOmbinatlOn which gave which we ruiglit - neVer agnin: ýbe ý abli, can Publisbers of these celobrated 13-ritith 0111Y'of living, but makin- pow'terms but rallier maroly ta bave, _an of the léil. Am,)n,4 the principal top to 6d A, Periodicais, announce g monoy will, ut. interview for information, 80 as te enable di2,cuued are, The ic& lime, in th.9 prement government, wa.% the restore. -The hoil.,' ientlëman t'hon.:prn. âo lm 'te=% in other coý it aver has, wýrk vigorouely in keeping u-p, Peur Tre Blight i resolution wbieh wgà Dow, bëflo're'thei Hou" céededýto > sidd'44 himmelf, te'lletaili ëf .à,ôtnt lulons. No peroion desirous or an se, Md extending their traffic the Richmond Governruent ta dêeide using Cluver Seed; Charring e th h, [t;ýd, 'ttiè Hpuàë gýèý The minimum Old Sodi-; In case it mas found that 'a uàîýàî or'- SOU Âhe oc CM" eq 'PM whetber a Peace C,-)nforence is expedient, New Mathod of Training Pegr Trees ; Provinces eouU- in resélutions "béfofdý'it.'ý 8 re4M quaintance with ail the Purrent liteta7türo 'allowed ta bc sold iî net sufflôsent ta exý net be ueoinplibd, It tho - . Pest, 1 a, diflërÇ,100_ hetWeeTVýý;tho,, aonstitu, ýf vol Pruning; Chiceory m a aubstitute for was the policy of the Govërnment te apply lion of the day, should be withont Blackwood clade the trade froin any one Municipality, Nara and Rama Agricultu7ai Society, Coffeç i The Golden Ag' istate-o.,- ah-d tbat'pro- etitif T_ o of JFfQitcýltcre; the'p and the Reviewi. They form on thoumiij» sud 41,tbDugh it May > net be openly pur. rinciple of fýderadôn té the Go"rg., fer tbe - Britiàb . eroýi 'prêv Poultry an Egg-Produeers riment& menta. a 0 pe -Was,_4lîýAid ",dJfJetýnc t begin, ïlill- Mr, a COMPI64 epitome in this respect. They çbued b thé glau, the faut that il is At the annuel meeting of the Members il& Feeding Rage with Different Foudo .y ibë-pý-ts wkieh sàrrcýnde4 il, the Cuneersnoe unrinitüoumIyý,' ànd,' ýReéV am beaid« brimfut with the Oroductinée -of Parchasable si Pli, auurf . inter i, rAfting, pid liçý4 t te ny thirmr of the Mara and Rama Branch Agrieul. a W ý44rfflMî the Most ïaienièd Priters of the day. No toul the go rade a are& wâb many Qf' Il , - , Qreba Arifficial Ma' th visit 'of, tfie,ý-cA t a ne W, Cent veted el drain,9ý from tapa quite turai Society, held at; Stéelle ;'Otel, rations in' th , ede., Otber articles çfgre4t interm,, i1îïffl ta that meetIng,ý ta &abject is left untouched. The latest te. as convenient and accommodating u wu Atherley, on Prilday, lath inbt., the féllOw- of the ýRuWAnnoaJ'1 il -051l' the un ani of Qrent-Briïa'in,>dr )fer, euJy-,ý,A Jiý,JrJth w iCbý 1 ul ý ýy of Coti(eàt'b, rgprcsentat4"i etivéd ié ýB14kw0ôd1 fer Janonry, and the nOW have, There may be no cote-niatioud' ing officers were clected fur the current eputs. , > It irill be oe'rit" prepaid b -1 vin' Wi , re 1 ed, ÏO ýc0eîà rcJîtingt'àý-the' contente of which the mader eau feut upon parade of decanters ta attract tàe barý- -yeàr. teleipt of d 'eëf the ýob eeý of aAd been'- t4ifiý14çWai( an o JecýIon are-Tony Butler conclusion viwit in room viiitor, bat will tbo tommunitybe es PubU&ber, .#_ ti, the a M" heà,ýe the meiàýý James McPherson,ý pâq. P7 "dent Î' the eldeà "d casant of thoi t- _- 1- 1- . - l __ - __ _ý_ 1 - ý, ý à -"ï ýuf,ý late number mmunication, nglerl whichý *am týhe, ýüm- '. , the Qver S>dozen ,rany on a log'. , 5= beds, WhG12 ýhe ut in pper iearg,' -and I - We leam 1 is once more -is-expecte.d. bu laken pla forts, &c. A dered ÎG theýc ing joillinz m WtA ail tisfied with thi

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