Omîla jo her bsaud obtal». BIê'Il e in latepihof blsi, AD wonthy cf leer 1love; aSbs rie. csad besutifgl la freine Ad a 0heos acdome 4ceemasnl.att'e tnteilln*ft. hA s v eilIsuppos; «eiftN ltfliid le ovribout '.U iehlng whaabsh.kroa. _ à nr-it$ lhl,»obscure. 7«ogche ln ortea very Due Tg put peur wite tu route. à vai. ste' utbbomu mmnd, o'. c ura ta have hur woiy Thiéi.llint, ceutrery jade, Ob1jecte tu aSU peu *&y. lies.alter.-Rate. a perfect Pst, binaeh gireu te dîspues; mer psrting tanigua eau Davet rust, Ton ctanna lier refue.. Tiiere'. dîlo-Kate, %oie naft, Adscarely ont «ojiat. Zqulo.Kate no ana will woa, Vie thln¶ woeld ho absurd, Oh. le se fà lthlop anti anime, TOD eanît taireelier Word. TPhoae'. vlîxl-Ka l, jnsla cod ilsd-true, And trisus vt 1 i beeanîght, alid illo f r l rght. Quitelend o! rt)*mese; bhlkto rnib Iiiho rmis And ti ohf nles~~ ~~S Tkare's aoiieriki a 0 te , - l3m*mesesh*lêvsati i*mila, AntI ime for s,îimlit gft. Priei An e&tor aie a pIr-w evade, epe.ak. lag oi'ki*shag a bride, cas;*. "W. never Brool bad a brida ual vau remember, for the tuucn liai va are 100 poor and latelli. puti; but sboihd tb. future bave oae in $lore for ais, aad any mac eboul titatpi j.. tic privlege, w'll kaack chipe enough frota hic nose tu exempt hhm rom tha i shah hbeaet bous etnSuday,' re. .ankad a yc'uag lady te lier beau, wbao cecmed 10 b. wverîin uhie attaclint. Sambo had beeu whipped for tealing' hic meter'ea niona. One ay e abroegbt la a skak inbis arnia;sys be, "Mausa, bore's de chap dt-stal de ouioua. Whcw kmEnglish'men paying an Irish ahus black with radenese, tbe 'dirty urchîn,' sald 'My haaey, aIl the pdo &yau have je tapon your boote, and I g"ve yen that.' k ycuth iehed pertliri i h ise oober Io go t0 a balianid wua told that it was a bad place for litie boys, WbY. niother, idid' Y(br-ând ailier gD otehalle uhen jan wertt Young ? Xe,-but wa have ceea the fol7 of lt,' replied the menber. 4tl iiaother,' exclaumed the son, I want la Oee thé folly of h too. Xennedy, the. spy and botel burner, was uecmtd on Salorday, Grn. Dz baviag illgned aln aider loa te ffect. Kennedy LIlerpied in escape luit Sanday right by bealnug the pannel tfhie ceil deor chili a ted hot poker. $5,000 bum beên appaopriated by aur governmerit, te cecure a reprec 'utaiaon ai Çanadiftn prodocts ai thre Dublin exhibition, tbis sommer. A A ciKona ePà Rr.-A young lady. Whin e at a1 ike a teabot ? -Whou Saine persona matnege ta b. attractive la tbear- vh.e4 and repulsîva jin ulicr virtu*&. Awit vounro Not.- Se important ie ibis stigu ual h heas beau poeîized, s ol "jr tht noce ltelo, Thet tn,<titlieAin dueu*r: YaU will tsI,,ka tilbidtih a feol Orr kiss n e aogr.' Tihe deaîhOf Mns. 8- O Beaton, the tditor aor tha " Evrghiehwotnun'c floaneh htcgsziae" le auri4'nced. Antitber erier la pleced et ithe dieposal of the. Premier by thp laceeted death of the Dule of Northuemberland. Deriri the lant week 19 new peîtrolenm eotpaties were aiaried lu Philadelj'bia, tepresaaîhing *12,000,000 cI capital. -The. District weet af Arkansas, anddsoi ab of Kansas, je to be forured înt0 a territorial goteerent, cailed Neocho. The. fluerai cf Cardinal Wiseman sook ýlace wihi mach pomp. Tiie procession wuc three miles lang. - -The cddect rmalinhe United Siates le Zeoo role$ of Dot ril. He te 139 yeare o! age a nd an leveterateaemokar. Tii. Riacond Cuardiais reporte that the YTankee kidnappera are offeriag WC0 per mafor victime. -Tii Queea of Span bau agreed -tu tbe -ale of an imnmense property, torming the royal patrimony, for the. benefit of the Sp.uleii nation. The.&"Teg" of war-a geuboat. GU8EI &BAK[ER' CELEBRATED' &ewing 7Iachines Ti aabxirbor havnap tho sole egcneyi T Grtr& Dsfi ac the Lautie.ciuttnlo, Vleoria and Dnrta rTaîi1ôy ,Drem, anîd Yaunilies., theW No.,e. *lsc.c.aom - ~Xr C'~ ~ .. _____ ::uIi la - - GRElT BICIT 'E-MIENT- IN BRUOIKLIN.I AT Mathewson, Ratolift &#c oup " TEsuboserb avlngresolIved for thé present Vodiscontinue Tthe (Jredit Blusines1 cM this date their Terma will be Oash, except Vo parties who! have païd their last accounts in fuli and have opeîîed accounts, foir the- present year. Goods purchased this mouth, will be sold. ai HEYare siI eln Off the balance of their Extensive stock And notes - taken for1 acco 'unts antd purchases, pay'able next Oct. AT COST PRJCES FOR -CASl! Consisting of Winceys, U-1iwool Plaids, white and scariet Plan- nels, Blankets, Felannel Shirts-, Hats and Caps, Neck-Ties, Collars, Braces, Scarfa, Ilosiery, Gloves, Furs, bhawlsi Manties, Clotba, $atinetts, Blankets, Buffalo Robes, Grain Bags, REA'DY'IYIADE OLOT'HINO AIso a large stock of Famil>' Groceries, oe Hylardware, 40OTSI SHOEB, SALT, &o. ýes Vo suit the times, for Cash and ready psy o0îly'. MATHEWSON, RATOLIFFE & Co. 4 oh-in, Ja.îuary 30, 1865. ELLI«NG OF-F - AT GREATLY E»FJUCED PR.ICESý Thrle subscriber bas determined upon sel1- ing the. balanîce of hi8 stock of Croceries, Wines * Liquors, MI1 of whicli are genuillie articles, at greatly Reduced Prices to imake room for Spring importations. Ile also takes this opportunity of returaî- ing his sincere thanks Vo his friends for their libi>ral patronage bestowed upon bila, and hopes ito have a farther coninuance of the JOIIN FARQUEAIISON'S Whitby, Fet. 14, 1865.5 BRITISH PERIODIOALS. riz. The. London Quarterly Re- viow <Oonarvative>-. The Edinbarg R'View <WbÃŽg.) The Westinsatà ' aeview (Radical.) Tne North Brltidh Review Blackwood'a Ediuburga Ma- gazine (Troy.) The Amnerlccn Publîshene coninue te reO=1 the sa u arrd peroiadest eis te muofn ieiung hem doubled. thr p< ce ut peper nescry tr*ansd Ian. et. duta itenace. etc.. Idrgely îsireamed. the) arc mpelica tg and.a..<.tac trmena se *hlIw. 'rERMr4 FOR 1865. Egrs>eaoth ifui..... 4 a pezanim laeiwu'Rletevew ...... 7.00 4 For amvirree îoflme lt<vvw...- 10.00 Foes&it.ra(ih, eviW...12.00 Fur Biakmvg'îAl' rmsie 4 For Black wc.dnd dune R eiery. . '.00 Fer liîaekwoodmlsueY Iwo -,flo ltevews..... 0.0 For Blsckwaed laitd lhre cf thee Roçîews..........88..... Fer Blaekwadm MW ih-fu.tii a»li. itu'............I l& , salrocnuicre in reBeneal ivtieeWin Venainte additioni. la lieepricer s*V t'ose esea c ia..' te Blackweed sud eiglO <'4*5 e puaifor aschi letiese Io caver thre Il. S. vtasq. Thie wonk vilte, prnneai on a greallImpravcodqae- Utl- ofpspec. sud white nasotymliAmer"ame Peli- cote are ambeo ailammeai lin giee errertaced aivse- id very geîie.raily a-W loSait censte a)ra ge.dinmu'is.Iliancesunir paenpricas wIl Lée tireii mechamp, fer thea mnl f maner (er9wleed. ma iiinîsi oiriny «'iiecompetng .e rodlcals in iisecou- Comparurd wlS h uust a Ilgla it où ditione. wbrih si the pressern orsl o n guëd would -bu abot$0ai *e ,as. urm pele) 8lacee*fl5*eglylesa Add la MAi thre <liIbiot wanaue aMr eni] ymehti tui the Hi tilsh 'alrlihtru (or e-lly ehees and eapyright Mi G&-$t cenag as aî ibin lime tJen!,1858> eearly $2 5e in currney-aed sec trust t clits s eulme we bare adnpld wa glà li tI arely jmgW eil-y ettrà abl etriber, juia rite rogdau4g public* To.eainieeie as'erlatee u b«kinelea ro. dora la caîer l,îcres.ed iSsu dautiehdby h tWi il cira hey cSa nai arout CivitWer. amt' Ibaoup isarw. limes tînged wini la dlce, hey M ttes . 1mouîder- iig 15ir grean ahitly sud th ifr uficrea anionts tram whicShc),arc wrlnîen. b hdanrusaiud id l edventapgbySthnueope sol'hls country, octerry eota md psny. 'TuE POUR I rEVKEWS ftoR 1SU3 A Isarcoalies oafIbo tenvoceisulmoc baud, sam et bu suit! aiBUamer wbelsl r$2 rp Mee uean. PARMERR'8 GUIDE. FEB Henr $eplieas. ef Edinergh, snd Oie lmI.1. P. Loion, at-Yl. Collepeo.2 vole. ReOtave, i100 palesanmd lumeroas Eri'tn5s. - 'aîos enbge!M ommasnc-byMsll, ePtpad 9. se Wo$ks rWuS, N'euYork% MH E UNDZSGIfZD lHAI Oit 813A v tr ~oft *eot li ymanlbeiv lîb bl,oncdooes of(. qo<$1< @oý Soialin largioard.imiqe.srtut - oo tad ri't.hI. Baya a h4à =l tlol,-ii aile icuisd bb fth. bit ovcrjrodnee*1 luthe tovan. Wblhby; Mcy 9.,1809.,- of Mr WESTERN OF Q TORON<TO, C. W.. ClAPTAL~. W2 rz .GROV'ESTEEH&Co., NEW XORKÇ 'FUE at'ention of the Public aitla te taa, ià lavitI o teous* New Smde 7 Oct-ove Eastwood Pian.omFortes! Wliich for vlu me anal purilt are ur.rhval- 'ed by aay blUierte ofïmeal ii Unie market. ïIey Coain aai-t be umodem hupr'ovemrîeaU, '*IION PRAME OF7RUTRUN6 DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, H ARDWARE, -IRON, NAILS, Cl0ass, ail1 si zes,. Pai nts -& 0Oiu., &C., will be offereti at ver>' mucli BEDUCED PRICES, with the object of seling ail L6y st Mai'ch exte Having given, notice sometime ago, that we required pay ment of ail accounts and notes due;, and putV due, and as man>' have ie no à tte-tiïÃ"tl to\sad notice, A AS W R EQUdRE MONEY! ,M We'l must look Vo those that are irîdebted Vo us for 1V, and their accounts will bai placed for collection without furtiser delay. VARNOLO & Cou Whitby, January 1, 1865. Famiiy Grocery mhel,:SUbscriber bias reuioved to bis NEW -S TO0RE,. (C. LYNDE'S OLD STAND.) Dundas, Stéet, wiere his custoners and the publie will Iid- a large aînd excellent Stock of GROCERIES, PRtOVISIONS, anid choice puîc LIQUORS, from n which Vo makec a selectioni. Cail and examine his prices ? -they are sucli as def l' al competition. Formers produce tà ken in exchange, arnd goods thold at LO WEST Bemmb.i OM 8tor'e willi ýi 1e big wilidowir. Ho Ho Crosby, Whitbyi, DeernerrY, I18- 64. 48 J ( c Iû t to Hand ne "el Ta machille for wurklng Bgutrfr hc 0f the Oelebrated Liverpool Rubber and Rubber-Bottomed h ictsth totic ofil loa hthe aay other praC"aa 1<w lnusue,lu accaxapilahin the mach deaired abject. f tharauoehly mixing the diffortnt colore luto one uiformcalpr; banimhifng milk and mpuailtiei thstt A-xIst f )V E R S H Q0 E S, îiachi of the butter now -brought to ,narket*, honce ta the titriner, It ta no 1846ubuefa thazo tth ehau m they oaa' work butter fron tecuufo oe pouud ta o Neat, Light, and Durable. Ceil in time and geta pair a the tar reint aâa exiâ et e leaio. abutter. -It wIl &IBaO Mlke fi lto roll%, firet caine. For rfruete prize butter wotkcr, eau )LD RED STORE, WH IT-BY. esO na, ; al vrtInu h-tr the usea u medeyandi'n etan u t« thte provice. De lo te.uit te t faee r J A I £! SS B IN.Whlthy, Jeu-..1o, 1865. Mal '2 8ntue . IILLS AJRIGEWOKKS 63Ki ngmSt. Wes t, TQronto.i large variety of Carrnages on biaud.' The proprietors ol ths AEstablishrneîît, possess faciWties tor maiuftcturinig Carrnages that enable them Vo defy compitition, either iii price, style or finish. Gali and 8ee for your8elve8. COMMERCIAL MEN, Will find excellent and convenierit accou-uodativni. Witlxin a Iew Yards of the Publkit all. Private Parlors nCUHAIGIES'NO IIIGHER THAN TUE- OTHER HOTELS IN WHITBY. JACOIB IRYANq NEW -FTJLINITUE , STORE, JA~ Wonld informn the publie-that elusjust opeuied a îew Furniture Store in these aop lately occupied by 'LEWIS VIOUCK, s, Gerrie's Buildings, oppoietie Pst-ofice1 II{ND S'STREET, WJjr[T;Y, tc pelob" süpcrvlslo01 Who hna ia a precicci expériece cf ,)ver 8 yeUr$ lathairasnnfactitrc, l .'Warmatoin 0-try particular 66GIWVEMTEN IPIANOFORTE:' ! Rmieveal tins beeti.t aid o! omeitofe ciother ttci.fii oebrcted Wbe ewee . tc eatitnw* the bestwet s nden, Parla, <Ionisa. ny, Phtlirdelphiar fBaltimore, Bostoan a"na - Nev York; and *1clat t Ue TUE ?mom both RY t4hin mûb a Mg] îou oe a u ûflDue Jos. F, Rainer, Piano-ýFýorte -Manufacture r IVARBItQOMS, WUITIJY, C.W. i J1110k -- HER ui.ýbc foud S ")yle t iano Fortes M inluunl'd uJ.'runennatl Osea, front 6 te 463d,,V4l~, 7 <id 7,1Joaivi, mnufua-; tured af the boat -materizle, «id prollouucaed by the ineat ditiiguiorect .Arii..jje ba anmur. panocei 'y tetre>hîind rerity of Tuue Wili la muid on t-l i mt reusarrible terras, and war- reircd to etiai i<l ly cliite. Oiaegfrota eeg pet f tae1ir renU teuded to. At: iliaProvincal Exh ihitieui <raid liti aon ou 24 te 27 Septeruber, 1891, the dit prize ires awardad. te ojephF. iahuînr for the superior quality oai116hie 'mîi-Fortcs, which wera e t.t ed tui cmar-1 t-) flhrw<, 2bnve F"'apof TA* 0sd ureiiU.riu Tuî,i Ã"Uli'to extra orize-k ior tha nuperrlarpùllir;lît 1tua hnstrnuluf. eg.-i aise teck the fliet prîzes attîte Pirovincial Pairi T e i s~î i i o i % o8 . 1 K . R i n ea r . w e r e p h a e d l i -thi liiilhextc!aeriand a iiplomia avirJded thora. ,Mr- Ranrer'e inaihe is well iluavuta tlî 'CanadianPu lblie lusià ltarno0ia"ufeotiîver, end raquireine futher eîiuiniiitieîî tha ýtuat wliiehi hin isretruimmeitmsosejustly* ramued. "lEW ý rercnig. lueue atthe number e Piana wunted. JOS. F ANR 3f .lMhiviugbeaorîatlie pralirie. orO iii nie ahove. 'ill«ivtiL arriad ou nder 13lomerîitiîe!ite ea Mr. lisiîîcrarr Foean BROWN & PATTERSONS' Ati.icultuu'al Workis? AT TIE PLI> W 111TBY FOUm)lRY, BROQK ST., -11VHI'I'BY9 AG6RICULTURAL IEPLEMBN>I WlI.IîC WILL lDEi îOl1ID TrESHljYfING MACHIINES Cam bined -Reapers "and AMowr,% Fotur di:'crcnt kinds.of TwohorseWheel Cu ' tivatort STRAW AND FJQED CUTTERS, GIANT GRAIN CRVSUIKRS, Scotch, Aunerlean & (anadian Pioulghs, of vairions inukeA anti sà tyle4; $teel Plows and'Steel Points, UITCWUNQ PLOWS, ýw-,FANNJNG MILLS, Scflr.uio, dPotatto (hiltivators, SEED AND TTJRNIP D± LLL89 iIOATi SORAPEUS, &0. madîe tn ordier, l'low C'îwtingc ta greet varie-y. Every ,îrziuloe eiinerad witli tiha b;ineait kept o erili. Thiirliîig Miteidaca repaired, oin short notice. Eî'ecrvtliinR, lu the î.srovc buianss ttanidc<d -m ,, teatabie térare. n 1r' 868.- . u PALL AND WINTER OLOTHINGýo T., ie toc.k uf PLAIN &FANCY OTS For VI vaisu,îd Wur, anary piece of wlch hm-i lcclctel with gFist cira by onaie Tieo gii,rib)er h;m noua heeiteucy lne aylarth2it- i,181 îl lrucepri selaction ai Clothis, wlll lie fonari e lrce qirentity oa- Grade s'lurbCY tao ftytbrud C-al.iirhiyhm et ta tîrla Fltiinrîîal Shlirt. Clejlî Capse nd ni deaemlip- .1 ti eI Man',dlethiitirade tu order., and iaisa ofl .lnrriuselothr kept for1aleby h yard or lace, Oi' aleeliiup ta arder. 0:J$- ANDUFIT IG.UeîîRnEDI ts,.C -. troek S AD'iM A Lt Ailveril, .MI !l indaelle dëntluéeýtlit §ubseýueat lacel _.pacîal cantr thé yer or other Wl Law,. Sol-t ad the CorocY 0otaie! t tillas-O 5.i OUSfl O tarlo Icitor ha USas-le itmeatP ci:; Tarante. W here he- hasoti, ha nd a superior- seleeition, of ,il kinds, of furni- ture, which bas been nmade at the Oshawa furnitqire estabîjulîment by thse bât of workmen, -Orders for anytihigo-in the stbove line supplied on tise shortest notice. llepairig donc' with-neatpess andý despatch - The subsoriber wili sell alW goods # price,% ta defy competition. - JAMES KIRKLAND. -I.- -j-j OSHÀAKMANU FA.CTIJRE. se" KIRKLANIýN