- teltda£. "-ef l e oe l . T h n euyc r s ilh 1 ~ Pose., Progreas, Kuowledbo, Di<itbethoOIIa N014 'With calm Printed word@., great tiaoaghtsasud, uuttriUS ~7TTr11Y¶ (i W Ti "à , su 8srstl il. alla2 tantespet lins, seh I ,s O NpiýI.eoniaeuunse vltà ativertlsers by O----- _____ _________________t or ~bmua (iT 'B H LOTBL. OtroDaa KskRaars1 CASH FOR H1IDEi t6e dise CI LinB -malIenlAaCmI 8TR muai(OPPi'JT>JST __________________________ lEaoy viiknwo ndemtatllshedIlti Jamesi' Caîliednai,) Tononito. DinnceATIJ f~I1$ 1ttX~ orallo l andti ely ,te attend îîeraonsllyo Hl bTi RO coinfortatîlv fittedtiup; paînted, ralperait, &a. CMERILIKT AT with ciâterna'a of oft water tu aavo ia e ary igECL UT , DÂN <>' ~modernianprorenaelii te niake itie Taîir asncqlTi? vf1.E wer B i.hnme durtnig Ilim stay, alid the Taille boontlftl- CHIAULlES MettIbiE, i>nrOPIiETOIl. (4 PE B wnr ý LN0i .ly uuplie(l et %Il tUnes. X(EIENT accommîodation for tavellenor cdrig i ,pltvacb bf a. . DEAN, manager.-E Gond stabling and attenative t>tleroi. 20 nao n OeL, b.repetfully ofthe &of* NoticeW to Farmers and Othors --thoîr friondsa nd *utnea, ibaà t they have theO'- C&NERON k MACDOMELL,- CANTON IIUTEL,roglrnot edYi'. &lll,'rný ND ATTOIZNEYSAT-Ltjioms W irholî.ualuaUnic ail. Mrîa'aaî- UFFINae CHEEE, P L'BçgzuG. 0OOOD the illiner, shii: bes Wnhm tov ttoiofortü IB aw. solictert ia the lBatik ot faînltreal, lv 'y l gealonu-r bau-n 1;I. theîu-,ht. s aef rnuaoaiaitoli for Andathe Tt* and the Coporati(lofthe Coi'OIitr,tY 1f{iiîfo, leli't, d. I. -. 1i[aplean Extra Reetîfti W. OUTHBE1RT. additin Pobthe apntir &eônta tJo l Ntile', &CI, o&e., WbItby, Ç. W. WhIaiacv. ili tic.; ba'u. Por, Shlerry, ond 4,amddiptioin. e t L ehe îapW I>arr sndteh i wbo in M. C. CaWEaO% Q. c. i. j. .LACOOSLL Cî'iiiack Bra iy vfor tune ick, Wvi; li alas __ lelrt muieîca n l-tl.vlhflonfr 5'?ioiatOOii po goaa acoii. p-llqia i 4d 'Lgarm mtheai1uai mranda'. large hS OT Lan e icare orat.'vpoaeal orh ot. raya ta ttieofli .rnCur îoaae- Attentive 4 itîLtO, and Iloisc tteIiare. a. . WMisie . JUS"e.&S N p- ut ta OvieoftâîfrnCut ltx, A. ALEXANDER (AEIFWS1?Flq.) __________, ASON _______________ rrniloSlio TN 61 __________________ -M IIOVNTI)N lig* te inform thîe Ini- B W £ I 1 4 8 T a EH 0 S 1halitane outhe is oamat7 or Vattoria anal MOR'Rit ISEt.AtOON SMPeloN STt( EH&OUS-, aîMroniaîenCailitlem, thet lie his openedthelaASU A (!lP~ )fl ARSIKfUîte; AttoancSleitoitjr* , &c. litwloun William Street lstaly 'occupbeal hy ASR NCE COMA NYA. > rob S 1e.etautintsmncV'.ANLLAJevîett, and a cbsa ld li ltied aladtnriawu- ~~aSttotTOrAto. . î ffvlNOb, cd ln irai atit.. v iston wil üna-eveycîontr- AMI I EPÂRTXEWT. KNQI3I 14OtRl6~428J A-.prietoS<3I n'tice. Wlies, Lii1iiocnaa îdCigare f Lbthe al V eîîrvva3 i ttn Vlwaîeu ble atotcfpreeiuiimbi- 3011W ýV. lAM. 31R., 1i Uleo, taintr i~UV h1t )FttîIl)T NDTlittLindsay.ii,,it14,1884e vorg, muid a rebat<efvw#0mLy %5t*lliwed pleila nlen k fIi 'oauy4oml-- --oithe tarir! ofeango prombanis of lA*t-aaacb, Ufmeg(p(1 thee triaii liotol. 4AL 131 N -I rLWM. MAJîGACII, a prompat, lihenal, andl honorable aottbetiueut cd AL ua~a2,~ian~ O TE b£Il jusi cigiaxas njîon ailae Comipany, uaay b.- S. l.COCRAEL. ~j iiaiiT TAN!)AGENT. At3I) TIMIE11AGENT neied apala. i -IOU NTY<lIto%.NlATTiIiNEFýyilE ON . IKSLUE, L farImlei-a'uaaatîî 'm foraiVth leoîiitiea B ILONW, t»mtn nio Ilimltr anux t Su lii 'La , 0 4 rop ror. 'V~icuiiia;a. 0turýl l i aai suia. Ai '1t i A1 t u .alttîMie________________ uhe-rJe%. c w-ut afui' 'u'&i Co.ld Bîgeelalfboov s Nov bi'tlîaing, iiîidai AtT DSOR JiOUSE, W IIIY, ire1O OIIeajiitgJs ive i ta 3~r*tlih1hs i Wbltby, Fol:, 25tla, 1862. -~ vu. oateisr. rniilna. THE ONTARIO HOTEL.- GEORGE [le DARTNElà T., fIl E.iaovrc lictat, i4aGe- i ii pleusaiitîid IS RY ARRIIITEIl, ATTOIINEY, C)N%'FYAN Y tret paritnm ite' icivii, uncla fot rondaii. PlutIZSTREFET WIIITIIî E irS RY 1B cr >îîî tcUtar aisin .b'"-' Go acmmodationIî u-r inavelleos. O i tary,nnd oanbea 7aiceytaul aai-Ststiiitiitaiddtteiti vuoiiilCns 2J. REUDOTTOX, _ - VICTrORIA IOfEL. -. - Tfor ¶sat <avons, Iegli te initenliba l XQqRT l IILSN.tant6 ut tliiba Townani an ,uumoinng caiaîuatry, niaaaiîaîaîsuin?.UI)ELL'S IJOTEL, -î,îlewl i ip a tul uaci<idn BAlttlITEi & ATiOlNEY AT LAW, t cmi -il l t lies happyilel tettiî %tien-]î tCr.ll.Al i a-r itl'RE Oi. Liiic-iWcÛ. rntiiîsrliaorGctsudeorr@iiiae B aitduag (,.raa . i N<îi Ii*'s*7 , 1*11, WRIaid ELuTiifarai tha-rtfi eaila Paambe Hae.h ete Vlaitairlo I -A n F Ea. ia-lil vlalileVtint tijea 'baelueed ilthe Tosth 11Usd or îxeractst banthe t aipc,%aale M. XI. JARVIS, AaL.A-tve we IO EL s i l t lo ac at'-alat, wicýuu- tiit- îravauiliuag urauuam. AiifITlItAT l. ' '11) - a -F inni s-tr.F ia. uilaiiai ail f.îîdtli t P c - i aîatîia lamtieoar attenltion laaidti2 th îL e en tion.of ,,,1 Iuit~i iilii lue nid al r nil t Iai II ha'ana. Ti-tbe lrivi. cfhildn-iu' Tcti.li moÂi wiaru rananteal. li 'i ' r. - aa-iau- bt Tri LAa le ei L tîl, aillia Ilai a' i-r îîflbuilbtig pîta-îj -% jji thI avt i;îairm ;guaciîi tlbilg aiaî] iFi W.- Il. CèAL!). 7 KELR ,)t>, - t ci.iialINaai Ji-A.tl's14 '.MES IIENI)ElaN. 9R. .J. V. 1HAN, LL. 9.1 (;fid1> s *tiSiy lI.lcit Cla halanerau- î[mi a~lecy Ovr ii oaru-im 01v,.ii.r nmn Ttia umi1a PHCNIX Oia toiivu-aem ui enae tirA CÇKEiLEt, J t. . lhaiN, ide of Riziltay Dea t, part, W llim Vi hui>ei i.uiiaum, r'ais J.K. CORDION, -e4a auid veliskie- lai'ii utri,it 'theio loôt-eil vlIR FRE C ~A If~f U ~ TL>l KlieT.At lacîrý,perlt, rareai an ir uaaiiibiîî'theU iivîIlý- aiofO ri TtAi >(jeiuertil of 1. C,, Qaebec. wilei& li W. strc. li '-lte c-înmls.ubnerof 4ra-owt land*s, Quiebe,. Whlby.C.w -Stirtrelii! '.ni'iiaiiNIFiîia EIV. S T4 BLISHEP IN 17812. Mr Cheiie I.& A. ExresIrosCl nLsi .IA'uLI'r i"IF, Tite llç#nM- J.ri' i - &t2ouldiaiu-ouai . otT( l. - - l,'aiiai ti. Tua- Pi'nasilenu of teml i m ina m Laî, Kingstonr. TiiAïreit il. & A. tîca. Kita l liagiion ~ E O 1t~E .ta1tLE~ . J tM E-S aiIL J.t . M aaicrf. t , M . P. îsL iec h I ln. , ' agautu l. iT .'W, ua.lil' tit \ uai at-uai-Y"1 Es.1 1)t iSi S Alh u taî nfercî iSz tu le ?hua:rdTirmto ~'!~Ž~ é..îa- ,i-îcceî-u-. - i,,, rr.buu i r ,i iî 1. ia i l -~'l-a t1C Lnîa . Lli- lu .&ilesiu n Àe fi rtar ni--ara-r r n m"i. rlî,1rattr -ÃŽaiaa (.'zI.wa lk uo,',. rdti_ Lte, orn'k,(XW J. atAliKR <1iIEENWOI>, TT0htEY~AT.AW oi.CITOlI 1, 0,ex t te lofegsiy r) reni iru t u - 4 ILIu 1AV.WEL, L&C". uttiLe Po, ubtaaiwt.W .4t;N INLISIIi L L 11-o -~AlttiTEiA . W Si inîra r lial Our 11, IIl N(i0m %%lM I AWtt,IubAbet, ta ItVEAo f J-i Oifleer nal' A ibn- -oaaaia - par. J 12 rteg .réi ei N ile EDWARDS & 1100tDEit. -k. tiIns1mnOI ftltinra' 4A .K.Genileme', îtîu-iinta',' niait.rp ois t-ba - aaiel t otieî. out hte h -siquà lity' iaterial bir the nta mttnpo tlavp-euateu Spu-tng ýmapratatin- of excellent inaityu sud, bu rct iulav-aî vealiarra12 Agarîl, Wlittby INSURANCE IT titfenmtetsgl dha' ba r et let4 Iln luetia teaaflty lo fûr ri.'a, îtlat.-t uuasusior ua uie-. l i lbciri h lprapareai t> ui ctpt i r mi-file, i f i sit anae,- l'armer , LUtle & Co., Tire Yfflurs. New yo:k. T. & J. W . ttLwuhnk ÇAo. Lax Boek- 8=11, $mLaw JJookÃd tora, Pl T.lliaim&CriToledo. 0.. Wntr .T. IL. IL, le«o 4f VAIIS 1rETERS0Ns meoaiup ae srrscCmpns GEORGE CORMACK. - Ilu J)eiii lf444119î'.di ciii -cypia 7%e Monureai Fine JsrraeeCmpny.* ~ hf flu.a>aesntt at ,acricntiaai iaa tntarji lie provi eciad Asurance Comapan>y. xefnbndouubcauattlumbî. iu' lhîai ~47 F. KLLLKht, - b'oatinusar, sva U N D F, R T A K 1 N Ci. NR \ C S Il 0T E L, iuliw.Na 6lt. 45 NRALtully aialapiiab- a ttet-st 40 F baitirii. Cuffiuia 'a.ct coutanrîr an ua'uaih, ittsh Amerlos AsserStut e COlOPaUY, g iloaaetel iu-ioaibrai temâ. W 00W & R RT HE R. JNÇItPoItÂTtD mnder enAtt tii, Tiird - aiRiiECnl.>îK t of - -- Sa"n¼iofait l ievînti' iProvinc-ial i'arlia.W t.,VbIth.16.ah nt Northia lttslu i d eratilbi mont os Ililibatnaauumda.186. tl' Fio&Life Insurance Com'y. CAPTAL 100,000 IUVTI'V 'D A 'AMI) 1 aJ .OEL,- . DEN,- -W e-e-a Ja acriraajalvauu- ii Q - v-cu t h aunanc t-- ttitetit On Bai!diîgu' r t-heil B..ta.,ta. oliscaui-tal liianu-iut Roai u--M witireiaicoentana' Est-ny iuounonî mpi aîtcaP hib - remannaie c te nunssii iuroa'Iilit mr( its tO W hibsi n.ir ca 7,i PI e plicat-oto h -u ue ma~i 'maite. ' Ott S î ' - In lrî- Mrnlit'iuiku.irtîtsannoP ns - R W CLRK Ji 1 . D-O1(TI, c.&c., Travellinîg Aleat,i1unac cStreet-, WIhit-tmjSoino bp CtAS IiE.îî, &< lai i a f>tS e te tW )nnil abuse torruî TTtfYri,. & Gb CaS bIIm, .r n Do.Sulo)te1)11For turiand Brid ac-iu- li iarL-E> Wlti.c aav-l- 44t (hI, [i iJauale . i >erauta ftle A it E v-v, wYra-aaN . _____W itlaY, Jan. 28. 186S2. r - Royali, Britasha Amerlos, and Laver. ~ Rx. j. GUNN, Mp. D.daido LIViIolttN T U CVT AOL, THffE ROBSON RHOUSE, oladLno Bymin O ~CaU TÃ<ivîssmnaat5 eeir,) Assurance Conitp'niels 0- r i treiet, %W hitia)- -4 -TLaiirrns fl ' T11OA~ DVERLL, UNDS STREET, WIRITB3Y, C. W. B 3U t L D E R , <e. Ae., GR EEN STR EET, EO tî E O IISO N , Prop iao . E mnabici ig a ap ta i(of 20 M ilions o dollars. F lo tir WhIhYC. - rIl iincie em t annnethaîhhm $s 20-000100(,SI JORHN - -- -t - T teud thtebabing tnnineriy kaiown as- XET ALE Soipini ilte! naiailaliast brui eovatai, Buuks tri tluAaeaituof $20,6W Wavilibe tokeen Whao L-tu 1-ERKZOFTIIIEFkIFTîIIUIVISIONCOURT, natomnistued andimti itteai op tbroaghoit, ln the imà azay one nsk, on applilation te 'oo GL oipiiag t-eTolia gmnlip Itriai. Ad- besbtof st%-le. Tntiemi'5aa 1 aimiait- JOHN AGNEW rusrCninlau.1 aei poite tua. l'ont Office, mid in iteco- O N A EW tract tht Tovn. î 4S Tire (Compatit s'AgenaiaiWhit'by. Oat'ii a- i A»%B1ELT. Ttre lteiiviy ituiins aIte- -thela Iomil mad- ____--lcouSar AILO a aal )ltA.ERlt'tgtt.osiava thue siagal u fr itaridge aanti Beavet't eiisva "0rALR ndIRAERiiat gain.thte îidor aeraytaîuuing. Bard-Operday. BITISH AMERICAN &o. Doni andrilnts na47taGEOnRGE-la -ROBSON.FXPIES C fl A Y!& __________________________ reamefîail lstleirsavaye imtmii, sure 4P N ! ,, A. PRINGLEZ, Wbithj. Mari 1968. 24) ~FC-- tri-,l--y iux erClmes EILCILANT TAILOîL, BRitCJ STRFEET, -"t C-B Ofce.at i y ixtdc iinyýn i ROKINJI~à R. E. CAMPBIELL, Opposite t-tiP( WbiLy. i -Agent Wbithy, Dia. ~~usnGî'~CALI AND SER SÂNDY 1 i -..g asefor the ZW Motreal Ocesu fESTAUliANT-cone ofYtank aitno Esmrs J.lplaugde Sireas Toono. ieteoshmaiuts 9EbuLa ha heon Il iBrookîlieulose, -ia ieSemma iau -_________01_______ Brenklibu Vilhgo, wltmire v il bc glati Wbitby, Avril, 15 184. 0AGEN &I.. il i Iionda. 'rbo pncnuîsu'u arewmel T58 e _________________ itea up ut enraueu, eu tioaeoaiau' UXBRIDGE BOUSE3, oil siont t TUOI¶ÂS UUWfO goot iM aiSs .,-ton bcb eante TOR. Appy, O .J-&ItK RAaIBUEII%%i aY h CZit rn nmi outbrme linla"IN irvima seirasr, uxmazs. Lre, te TOWNCLVltabeIau gýood t o iid ss velI as= nov, '1ohatIlur t ôe, rlIE UBSCR1ER,IN ]RETUReNG TO ______________> ____________ At Snmi>.ustaire -yeui rtes$, L ltélnaiesa t-rnnrty -arisai or. I in i9-17. J. ISPA1!L1flNGOB Slamty'n table la thmi btstu ltm.T, aiae oii i e ill ein bigy.Genso- t)NTREAL tOIE,17Ring St, Weai, tandy'aa gond amenmodaiotn, lu ibia iace, soitgt3~t4 ie, ~ uandI inens- N f Tete to, tjan't laeehemailui ailtboînLe n 461, tniv Ite. JOHiN. Mu. WARIWICK. The numeou roaieîndscOfSeiv sîe-JAMES TI1)ON,. Areahked tegiyshlfihnisa ee1-l sif-m. por & eqy ATIKýIqNà 'JeOSWEILLI LX ZIB AUISER. in SretI oos e-t of Brcekliu, Dos. 28,1668. 0 BEvà ag ,- ?SQLTig B oiw tfeci c AfG6 nuePloyer Patle Toros" Sr.se Tommin. 41 -ANGL flOSEC. DAWZS, 'PipQpRIETOR ,aECIID&LD BÂRKER, znii, . W. TE ~ SEL L!VILLAGE?, C. W., OFFICIAL W. il. CROSBY, --proprio otr. fl PCI"EDTit j I S LL »l gnoiate fer Teck udOetar-le, Notery à lu (~Leaso theUsabers irotel, bas Ter-rh aot nd olth . t ¶Vx itltIh*e btt, s i msadtepreuiffl tbh-eughi<hOq1 ft ~mae.a 45 pe trvîi L Ll< uiCihOQndta's ~ -~~8 er-fimte oxpinte .théocs t gnt u r Wlbehaa ilw. B RATHWAITl#t M. D. muid Cigadrre. -t- clt&4y _____a otl IIUTE 01? MIîE tJNTVEhITY OF a. 1~ mly erfUOtlf ioai 4uu~mO.s b[~mOGI( ou e, tsaiOomr te r. mîvjals lane- C E E 4t .!OU< fiLM ~ JNES, fjm)53pOQN 14TE OF TRE NONI- 2DaWÀD.AEKLANDi»$r#etor M an. iiORi-KcUlAu~ey. Offce-fV qu la n talasaià cf0efiT1r7 %<of mbyan - ~u~i1 SOÇPIPéai5'et bh Ryal Ileteh,l W biihy. neOunes C$oIh 1;imlta 0 publidîept b a I-WrdLoto' tlo ~. a 1 M. <r 4. JONES. - bdth r' 4 e bl - w lotl w- hse- et rotmu rde ié"ai 'Pti n VIADRILLE 13«D! "I Lui fimu-hag h ttie tfonPilesW i enggnaiauet a tcinîs - J. WOLFENDEN, gccnita7y, Wiritby,IP. 0. TO BROWN'S and- Provision ps oennaîtl> on liaaid Ne. 1 ran, Shorts, Coru and, mial, Oats, Peau,, cunoul île-asApplep. Fetutes, 't tergeL the plaeernoer ait k DUPJDÂ8STRUETS o«tmt c]Lauip, Coelci ?urmers Skaae,,4c., *c-. pon Offlce. rm WvuANTEDq JNuVER<IAL GRAIN 8EIW1i C . ?, V uyNO L I.î a C - , AJPRIL 13 i6ý Titi~~N 14IZ1118 ~r~sHofI "YOUIG FOIIIESTE R 1WUt ý4ixv r oi? 02n 0 - ri ~~taiu tg io, 1, mnaau~ Otimer hatrynst hathe reLian u ilue thît le ter b.gse tintime-éte toe ln iii k lhs; lit bwli'a rk legp, malleand iit , 01 *In*-gauud ile amn auîaiuky, id suironn siooLi ptai <<> e Mlbaîd#p mdd aipm urnce. Tamma Avabltai i ame15 keen, - oulsad iblin 11 mr . aY~.For r ritiu-culasasppiy, (if itarvetgmna«re ouiaatita oldeineraim Ilotâd, that ho iastieceuloti by té mI4) a itnidI *1e atnleparin" hou!te se leng kept iy hlmouiTitn trite uAd fler.IDGSO'ien aLot 20, g P"4la 5i'n' UiO Whathy, maicaiP O- et oïori1iÉ,iacar lnmonof (lot, a"ane, te sour. comféit I oo Do Mytin, O N ll -movatorah h la li frîmada vLaen luitheicty. ForIliinsytho elJavnt JA-MfliOROEI1I ~ ~ g Tbe list lu n red amhiîlouu'a race, Fa 'm .f .1 Sale. ;-Tie ma b 1%t lan tserpa?&vaon place Mais oWliira'ri n ittI lied -alu so, vyaja efice on goldemi prise 1 olaim, Ifeat.botlmawîeaiy hoant anti liadt Andl blnkwheuia tt o sudaler ln Diaih' JR oiSi poxan cf the s ibfâBa Heaaribly tim W111 -éludee ttaygos.;- T I n 7, ln c neessleomo cf lckerln, ~ a I D'R. DAy i tuiswwig 'm AcirES eofinat-cl'su nyvioa Yt',YonatlR xi's F nd V rearal ,nie Bamo - 1s,-ms on udbw mdt *kk olosa=1onri-4d. -ef lîaifid qun. Gevaoff rnamam'Malet laoi ~îiiauuao . the îegrave, -e-tnt avte 15, I - - la ôuîmiW'i>id w -mu rai ed mmgfit- sauo 1 iu e 1à % t l Dt 0, T s i oin Vemy fst irbly atn ited lai Uuthe m tlbb I TOW on ami.- hat ar t ui.kr rugan gareti llis n( mina -ee 'Aretand vithint aboutl liait a mlle of tht Let thai word hcsii], tine eqce se briglii AC alejildqneur , Conii D uliau' Creak Staonu, aaad ai% mles fren t Mi- W ll glov -with houer, aofter iglai aatI îAela7ide- atreaeto, Coliniy Towni cf Wbitby. 1Fot the garoalIhiat thon hiast done. Tauonto. C. W, - lorÃŽsrtns andi fontimenpau-îbctilana apply Anda s lame ii conîte aen lthun wiit reîîaP* mi.~. - (mrecabdttoFroni tlii sImpl cmone Itltoinre deep -i mInue <l ,trai. l ant aic a i JAME ('Rlit Lut coniuiîit he Dottor clai muosi sceesy. My rtmettes a,, -atiib -le. Ton nea net igi youîr alat. <tli on tIht ag lm ym'eangbae. DhIiett » nnm:îpensonsm -CI* DOI>ott> lil 5QI $1, »Young feu dletimo te secrt hoatl damïagu' or eluioiiy, b AIl QtT &DUMLLE 13&ND, BIRAN WINDIsoRl BIL&SB ]BA. DAY'S 0:) COMM ROXÂL COLLGE' (Fonlnirly linyéo. Sra- Da u q>a s.) 1 Rilig Streei. Tonnaito, C. W, Pir« S anast of Weaieiaaa Booc Rocs,. 1) IAC7TI(tK, vitbaai mubialoi ut te tht ru' inîua'ani cf Liaibusiess Coma- iy ofS= Ainunhca- Yongumoaan pepaed for tIie pratbmcuis ait iLs Couuting flouie, and for aeuenhi biai - 'fle coum rs. etmrr-atioui ammnscc-s eMens- iI. Book-jCuepim, Baaak Book-FÇ.oumliag, Mion- cl"leudling the prnbuipes o<f E3llsk c4oposi- Ion tint-a..,) ounraiasibp. Toegrapny au, liienegplly. $aff ofToachersladaOcturers Mm. DAY< 17iiiitor l ire hoScienceet Ao- conate, CeommierciahClmiiui.and Coaimr tIt (7omopnndenetnt Lioluneron at or oua Comamaeatl sv., Mi. BEN.p l Tg)yp., Olaief Oponstor n u 10- Corn1iaoIr 'eleTeno-i M r..B. itrM dNlamatunotor le phono- grshy. Rf ,Ai.Motatser, mq. e rg. Lubiie & C. ârUniv'>t »rJ. Lasa a 1 '1 to Maisars.tnir R. &. 1.CMIEL Gruact'ri aaI jaayon is iéonti ne faiti,, Thero ia vwomIe for thîet te <u, And hizelam-immthan ui f lirttand saillit And b au-aatilie eaieh gray, 2 enoitsb ibla, Atmneilug glunms tu vou. Ah It ve vom11in latai of griet ant caine, $a-'1b heakbila eurts a-iea cernyeuac, Anal thon aioam'at ice relief. A luna to tue n.edý-softwuxîort baî po Thnt a briglitir ,nov uniuy chanci ici ope 'To mnîraacriabowet tay grief. ThaI gauizy tiyieon buair ttowen Tuai tompt Lue ant Lt- cpreiiai loaar, 'rn la vunia, ilion enasidlt Fiod or nIîei iiithe fau-i.iiig AmnI bel1, the îomîbly iriat. Sucb ilirve-t lu-nuiti rai nso&Lprociolî umîl raté, Woa t-Iy al toi and îpatient came, Suuf'riig simd imîvara ifmiu, MunONo imi t0i5110 os érlntlng Estaýaià liit, Street, WhitbY. ýI OO0FPM ÂNNITK. tk.ai.ntaeuaain bNoear- - Nu l Pa1ymmta ti r ai aaway 1 Llitee mu-Mimi-tonfngia1aluratray, New Yoiuc, Apmii 5,-rhe Herad*à B(j11Ih ,EJýýa 1 ol f Euca a, nL. C.) Newbermr corespondeaf sty li ea 1 -, y ,1 Sherman on ls ctîn 10 hat place, 'laid Q.W. Fav-tber Panisonlans oet the Calp oec ui hn asaas cia ieung peberabiirgh and Richamondl. peacevwith thue rebeut by negotiautiua, andi tirai ahe is4sue muai h ý o fuuiutua. Rd N ErW YoeuxAp il fi.-T e Harald's "ade, lîowe r, il-at atLe ien Suav imone ~* correspondent bas the following accouai of cairching ho expaicird ta musten r CMof l > rage the openi-tiouas on Sinuay: At idnigt evc;a u rhiainu orarmt a Ssanday,Uo. Wilcox bat ordure ta de.' 0servfie , auveespiraionbofourmtesthai4, monsrmie on ian igLi of the lno m'o as t0 ove-n tred th e ea rh. Y v n so rflapaver c i ase uoutain d lu s d ramw îLe- retieli fro it lo f , pm pamatory BoîL 11aiei L an i t'd u im e mi Wtr.e lad.sdilite13te rto ions in that qoarter. The nextf<uIld te t amilu T i t c e r ta win g M o p e rt y wv ii h eb c o ffc n îd fo r m o p eîn g ia l P o r t u d d ail v' ib I , O nIeaiibs.lery lu théu s n e bc ght, vers aineoun. N<ORTHTR ONTART() O MHO $eLst At varie. Wiioox'as shinmioblime vas lA. Jeralds corresponldent gives au au- MIan stIm'.di,m Village cf aelvauiced The, rebels vers arouseti, anti coainî ut thée condition cjf J'tcrabairg - scon sharp volleys ocf ,uùaietry vairs ixard 'Wh rua ho entered tii-nciv- mIteéuegi-oed Y j > G 'E i à l it t iey ere at ork. A m id Ofl,,ked a no nti hlm hank ' sig th t L ord th uat Y te nse and iP a ot "s6 puab. 111e Yankees fLad cane. lié fauxantià edon t Vi8i ouigteotkii fPsra, rdPbormu1ng:and, sent miongmoos fgr .9 - 11, l, sibsv hei51 t r opnybt ia eoryeu-n'Ag IN M tiack Fort abenocosth& ft. Be qum titice of tobacco burued. Iuimeuaig musad a ocluanfr i 1i mruoe hileamsouets et conmisway atomes vere pilo GOUNTY 0F ONTARIO# titis vu leleg doune, simiilat dispositions lavmba5amL iato L dy .a 1 umg cemmpealof tlitsjumetfLo-t Wo. on, lui WO mokiaig etier te the loft, anti a if lired, vouit bave desmoyea- tht City.- tirs slsth eoî,soocfLe saitTownsilp et systmor e aiancesignamls Lad beer. agreed Thssvas nct done. Our asitisfined !id- te *&y, oiamoencint a i llot4ate> et eveai 141on13te flibe moment for starling, tuai thé eCity batdamue lin edamage ',Herd Chssis muai savenuliks nom -Ut eSentln.vois uigt sI imnltaneousiy. Owing anal there n chmmney sas kncocked dà a* vagie et salitlot n i m Wrub n ue t on a a ontne teasanulat hisi bang ovor the field,, 'tLe a d a b ae pu ctonea lmai as [a use, but peo. North sovasiy fouir dgreos XRosi iluceNorth<0ie-î cniîo nixteu d egroast West Saint eci -a;titansnc prepmions a bd beanu ele rom the"plenie 10 tlive lu the exposed parti Norli avoty~oun~itoea' aitS#oe elaii nemy. At 4 bolock mIa. signal vasofhecy.-- tud lIftylilnks ath*ïu e tti sxteen degne#,e n..h mnavâedqei adi Ess.h îveaty Cce-as, more or lest, tae a ale îen lemo dmuCt uityDnil y 6 o'clock the ton-vas atyauax.-- m&ao. for roai oui Slao suth of salot, nloiauber perfect onder vith llxed bayonets. Timirospuin nfon6er drcin on. -hno Sbem niouhi aoveon.trtairoe5iWest uts" vent te stay vas lndieated by being tr 'p *um g *1 <om <m Touy hie cbioc tvels'a chaîn mot fty links., moneorenlia, te cemn iaig ic i.bsn ceuteoln~y moomnpaied y a loimbmee of iamyreetl lookoth iaifty, anad the $te ~haut eh.msuremeno wpydv v ftsoor9fe*, stiJlry pnepali'd -Otoma- mnd vonie 'e ad-ieny consialonable stocksor fgoods. 'Fot tatOuer partlmulsra, appby l - euea'sgus. Peenl ee dvsGoeal Lac vuas maPebershumg up- c ~~RTHIJI1 ~~beÃrd. tino tebl-picet hue:vsra ti oinay ih. Hoëéioliju is BoULEZE, nov i he-rty -eboer 1follcwéd by - lb.ro a nbîtyt1otiVniieaylngr 1 Milbr for William Beach. >of us aOn.Tl eneii u meser îmedlvory maclalepreaseti. Titi fanerai Datea 211h Mei, M. D., 1885. î B12 atae n1alnan mog b ln c eo. luîilook place juît bef'or-s ti tte oeft au i11 k la lat ia the ditance.- cr aion. Ha.,vas barbiedlunthle c14 ~~ . 1~~~ ~~ ~ ~ Instmntly iL. rtillery Oen boit aides 1i. etcety f au.dyLfe.Teonr efl .oe'i.Q.s A vvI, venr, aud 200 ibig gunsilbeldilforth thearn: ly ii atne di y G in.La.Tmuidaoer- ofuiiti4iii t'ety descriptla f îwdr miievrkl el oion etc1 hcîna.--Atea of trha-e ii. S it éonsin,Ac1mng Iw'8g.ddleoEat ssCol rs, gndie, gveaÂhe o 'nder ta qiiarge baye- Spning Bonnetsi ale lu air. n ets oui tedouble qu-mltl sud_ avay ube - -- noble fello"'wse e cru t iaetv.onko, rifle -A Ne« Yonr leiter -vritersamys. in pits abttis, g>,&e<zu-v.de frtoembile para. feAilionai bisBpnlng frlaisbonnets -are P £ b e 0 ý n V oin t>- i p o noli u i aj p u rd in a t h t a rq e t a i - nc io n d fdîtted âè a~cévplisg~ed." Droeeof allartiçiesoft tmate covcnîigii-. flýroW' - mompent the *hudoraek rebela looheeti fore the thiog vas reîreatid Item the tome. ~-a- 4'j- e4î hen teok tua igLt, Lqt car'taîIlowa. bond, witb a higb, ralair eapuicioOa lrbù TBaU XB,>>4L~~SiC., C~~ wèreýto qp!pk lhrai cf t M'nidat'C'ap -piece. hI Lsben Le spi Syof- UOC -HITX uired 250. Niais-gunisvert fcnnd- in tiie floral, -bat ail fLui.iabonni tb d!eapFîoâac!' i 1ftrffe1ad4r.IPyttl i~lO fort, l' q aildIir nd &sot e vork e i 1w sprnig bonnet mbarsdfaaie- ali-- 4- ; B FAand t OPf {siO m aeauoylmg lihe rebet batteries: Tis, toapt aut ising- abovo th ie c d of thé Çfui, ro e ntrc>Iltl 4pk*hb tihesimiiultani.p115operations for-thon te ve'amor.-Tt cligé c8ear îo the. crnum ýw«'he w 1 îÂ-altIhe*PPýa thqsd ftlcuit. the. zabellino inle by, toci and is litile aIse tilar a delicatci bt'.gau lé,ltbi t M odo i it ê hlhthéy >n1À cui iabd'u psiions muid a or similar mateniel, wrepped oî"er ue -tol tosas -- lîà itSif. he0M aé>" 'sç~sau~etrottmtIe-.Sacly ofthe hmadanal nite te s ugpabey ,uadte wem'h cf liasf1f t14 fort Llit au- h..in. If fl'owersare uaud bey ,ador-ui vll yod.t, plsendi et tnsaof il1î Ddek'iQUan,' SRis6c, W 1-7 -K ~1 - - -7 -1.7 ý advsnee vuaswooping on lourds two à eavy forts, The rebelle plied their gunnt igorocslyand sheia horst îbickly over Ur line. On pusbed the left division until strucli the Southsidie'railroad, an4 gà ilioat e tvo forts swrept the grid ivin- or artillery piayed apou. the forts fioîý ammanding positions 1d'ceusuatly, untilf à sr men were close up w : lie'M, 'tben 'a ash vas made upon the works, ut htwa .pulsed,. Again h vt as tr7ed.and îbi4 me it met vjtb çuecss but $0 resolU'téý vere- the. rebl,,f s aide that someo of îhen' ned the bayonet for' a olkort time.t à thene vorks teUloito 'our baods ioud cheer rnt the air,' ad the enemy wîerî sse sstily 'rettring 1t0 their second'line, which opened shârply ln an efferri-- 10 uîay îjtbi advance. 'About Ibis-tii me'Sheridan sp-., peared on the fleld, and vas received',withi' pnid cheers by the 6th corps, Who look bê ta hlm with great réiSpeèl. At tbis ime; tac, car entire lins was ehanginff ils longI front to the riglît, ad slowly beforo it tbe broken Une of the eoemy was falilitng back upon their rear defences. Against 1i Une to, which they' feUl baelç a heavy lire vas nov pittedi conposed -of parts of tbII. 24th,) fih, and 25th corpa, and ,al a- fresh troops. A luli booL place -wben thé force vas ready to morci, anti it ývus plaià that a distinct actioin vairto beï fougb.- Dosir stole over tlie sceuze andth îe attacit was deferreti for the next day, While the above 'took place, the 5th corps and cavalry ünder SIierîdgLn, ýGrned the rigbt w ivg tif the rebel aitay, iakipug from 4,000 t5,000 prisoners, -the déorps comnmet-1 ing yu îerlhto thee1 t- h were aIs victorlous, fotwitbotaniog :îbey Iîwl por. hap3 the rou gbeit ground 1tg light it 7er, and- a brave an'il-deterenned tfoc in the" rehel 3d corps. The lune' of dellences in~ front of the 0:hcorps was strongcr ibai those atIaasy oîh.?r point. Tt resistedi many assaults turing the day, and- suffiered seveiely.' At nigbti larfund itself close op' to the main line of the- defences, but una- bie t0 go further. Tihe lIstdivîiiion o the lOth corps ainled tlire th y~eaatly.*' The flerdld's correspondent sayi throu.-hout the- early part o>f the nigbt operations were continelib kimuhig but n fév minutes-aiftor t reire, %bc rebels advanced, makinX a denionstration on oua' Centre, it vas of short donation and pro. perly repulxed, ilien folloived a eeasoù of ïtillness, wita orders for most strict vigi. lance. The orders woro, that if tho rebrls started to go, vu weno tu-jgo afIer thean, atd tliey did go ut thrae o'clocic. Oua' skirmnishers iin pontait, oùccupieti their mainl line, andi orders wcre iaasued for our ad.- rance. At four <acloccwra werc thIi '0. Or to Whitby. f ln reterrh F. a. J. (hi B, t*