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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Apr 1865, p. 1

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TE£ WkITBT 'CHROMiILE ta PutaUse» os las uoffus.oi 11<szu VUS, al S'o~ treet, WhitbY. f. vert iumotnte nie*saru n leaopar- teentlonî malà dont* por lino,$as U Iqeaant on. 1 eeal donts aicth advrtime"bT " iawrtl ontli A wati t ?bRt4ca. WEl. DEANaMsanger. CANBR~ h ACDONCLIýf &lt!ihITFt.SANI) ATTÇOlflnIY4.Ar ai i te Crperallcil fthe Conntv 'If î>îtarlo, tetarles, &t.', &o., ýWhItby. C. W. X.. C &Lmtf, I. J. ItAciboltL- 0'N(nev laloIn npon 0gouî.i .ecurItv. Ap- tpy l1h" 0150e of 1hIéfrai, Court iHou", KORIEliOt'hlA PO AltitslhTu. Attorneiy.t, R.tbol.i t;1misarne Iibtiogi Oheneti tr*et.9'ftflnîo,. i' Toronto, JoIv ttt it- 0ÙYîTYCI10Y TTV BE fmEO Otarie0, Iiiristor ml5ci i~ -îl . , - btrlI <hncerr' oavlaîc GEORGE tI. DARTNELL, l1ariojnd ellY.IiCliry ah h ROBERT J. WILSON. &AItiTER & %TrOlINFN' vr LAW', B OoicltarîiChucctt %î l~ith'y- C-W. Ose - VitneýA B101jlîluîî, Broc2l- St.~,îîY il RRhItTER-AT»L.AW AND> 5îîî.,t'li il Toroto. -- KELLE'R & LAaWON, îVii'tIiOCtacict Ollca. trecte, Whît li'uak. C. W J. K.SORtON, AtRiITElt & AT'V%tr>l1Y-ATl&W, B Oi'u-aver toe &ioiuSl totre, e- calm Prited-wîru, tuegttiau kU I.VOL GLOBE I1OTI4L. T lIEilion wolI nowf' nId omabllsaed Itoelant pamlO~bav beln purehaset bthîu inerIlier, wh6ro W.Y. t a e b fonnd ,'n hatîc re.dy to attet~ peraonally t) thé cml.4 of Iii. guesla, ho. *The promises hai been oonveiwctitly andi oomfortablv fitlsd up; palîîted, pspei'ed, &o. dlii liotte r a'.oft ester 10 cash. and anary modern improveint to niako tilt Trncellor -q home durlî.q hi& ,.Ley, ant hetrabil oeudlftl- Il Kuppflhd 5eta&H limes. Notice,,ta Parmers and Othons Lt q ioN .Wh NpMi al a'I ifelili. ?nrnî'o Fail- l, alsrocir. bv g.n eti oteqkrel ; MeNata.lton'a Wlîis4k d. 'leIo.,,bcmt Pur'.S.I otry, amil ConslBrandly for the mick, c*I li lt ot l inrge nt 'li Kra nti e 1Iest ira.î. At.entine osler, an untIlre' la lire. 4. 4LEXANDER Brookli,, Jeu. 270j1368if. 4 s TA ('ý E 'HOCU sF. ISAAC PEI<?ON, Pnirielor. B EZST Wiiies nid lqni'.'; îrinc. mnet itiot f,rteare'lor'; 1ool tablilgand itttenîlive h"le.if AL 1,3 roN 1-O TEr,. o J>!îlES BLttrt, ("'KV - EAST WINDSOR HOUSE, WRITDYl P lEttboî'e Tintalisiiite naelssaittand r etir.ed part of the Towu., omilth- froit rne< ý;,nnwnmmndiaîlouti fr lra,'elleem. 0(toi Stxblîui)t (]attenîtive aiers. 22 VICTORIA H<irEL. W il.A S<'rl'ROl'AU iK< L w Win.Boynînnr'.'u railROK AL11VILI. T !I FE-rchnrlher ham tilte1btiiit. iibve noi establistied lntml, wlll lee -,.ftordini ev'erv îoeontnd'ation l'e the travellinoe public qire him a cuit. (Iomd cîabl'itc aîoet osiers1 t (Grand Trok Railway 11.1.1. (S,c*ks&id$ f aialoy lep t, Pie-t WAIU~.) t lie e-i -1 t î r lii t tV". h sil lit ..0. celbiiolotri il) V.sr e is Iliote.' heîraperi> caed toe, a'inl; th, art1,I. i the nencem hv the ' 'cLr rýi K.îAr el. Uco' .tablisig, in<l-oretol iltetnhion. 14. I. PAIRflANKM. WliIîhy. Altril 27,.1 sgi. çoAR UB3LIC,. &e. &e. GQ---.1E.E' Çi Ct! ,R1aEC. KELLER, uaîi.nip aiiet ci i .îuîO e l A T rFllY AT L00%7 ,l'I ll tan-t'eels .vi, f-i "y 0,îi.ev.<învQoauiîci'. g&c, aîling Jîît'i '. .---ac-i--a-i- e fi ton, Ileorti. t. W. a Wetii. ii-r article Weruî'eti. Ne fit. i J. IIAIERI GRIIINWOOI), - TT>RNN-A--lAMA tî,CITOR l1N - HUWARD5 & lIOi>I)eR. -A illianoèrv, 1ntarit îîlu lir. 'onveof>07. . r, rTlImiats.s iua'aîiî.r.iul *o., tltlb <. W. tis.ii Ilciih ii k, l-t. -%I t jt0tlîcn . ____________________- ,iortsst iotiec. of thre hast 'pi ily i t.&MP41 il FI. FAREWELL, L L. 13.9 i îtei hln i.P~-.e Il 1lSTF--AT LAU'& ri eîeîtneîrC-i.iliut.a in greJe.iul-i vunnii Rt. liUsEl El. A., Alttt îv'ît Licw. s.,lieîirr i-Citirciiry, ii VARS & I*ETERSn44", vesyauri.an. ufi...iien -treet,.N.ýihT) A<H AIî,tî,isa of tIl.' qt1 ll >. ha i, . V. 4.-0 UL i>TIiilitoA.I le lI sii~7 ,t.' hit ' I l t i .-F.tit aineC rLy~N EN6~I5ll L ~ Rimce Stret. tiiirit Inrinrt-hofhthe Jtar jR-ttTRAT L .r-ii in bClaný- î Slaoe~ .opisWlcîshfi 40.('baa WO ON'S H OT EI,, 1011< BLLIN 14WOON h&IllitTRlER. Il .ODELL,W.i.EA C 1i0VEYANCF.11, Aiid CaoisiieuioetiWiW.R. DAN, L.3 I..&e.,tt--. Dctetut catoilion tli nosi t AkniIlnte rea-uuita*bis tertits .'iî i'rompt t-eruitmllCCS Wl b et716 Beama;o hît, spt. 10, 18,11. S a, cj R.s W.CL&RK. M. D. a SOLICITOR, &c.0 ho., Cu>tONEUhs R KIttI>v D h l'MWOffice te j'ut. it.iln Ibn isr Ea.t "f aeiiolid & Gîte tUiIG Kl) TC)TIIE CUTa 4IL Byron Street, wthiy. 4 TIIOMAs DEVERELLa flLIL't>Et, &o. ha., UILEN STREET, jjWlîthy, C.1' JORN M ]ETCALE, fLEtK t»' ihEFIFTIT I1V 1s 1()N CO URT, c uonpriolutg te oîiipBokA- roe.s:Cannihuili. 4 - - -%1. F. LAMBOtT. %ILOR111andtI l>ItPlt.inggt1.(taaca T (ariti. inado taortier 'tiithe bitetstyle anti fslon. --47 1ERKCRANT T4ILOI1, BiOCK STREET, D STAUEAST.-Uo5erof t ,rk sud Ex- 84<plAnado e ehs tTarante. Rei'csshmeita rflO N dERJ(,*TIEA EUR WHITBY j.ZUoeT.%Obe- HeuA.re 9to 1 o,010ek. bNTRE L ùgltD17KngS. et Ily JOHN. M. WARWICK, STKINS8O? le DOSWULL, »DARRISTEhS, Iine Stotà.;8deoaaw stoai Tnmv)Sroet, Toroutl. ÂUCUIBA.LD DARKER, A 4MJ &SMVILLAG p., w., ofiIcIAl, Ms7q ------ kant nt lNotsry R&Dt&*Tgdir IISIIIIVEUIY C X' 0111 AT5WZ ý M. V. m* i ,-t 42 WHITBC~W.T CIRI e1301tTREEFT. (OPPOSITE ST. James' Cathocraij Tornnto. DinnerA troin HlaiIptAt Twelve to Threo'o lnck. i lI.nnohe$,Rnppom t o., aiail 11ore, Wlnn, (Laek Albima gt14l Iaowrnoit. COMMERCIAL IOTEL, BROOK %TW515T, WIITUT.. <mIARtES àloBIIDE, PRUl>I)IEOUl. CAXTON JIOTEL, T"UFFINS CHEIFK, PICItERING. GOUD CASII FORSiIDES' AT TU oc Stonoe Tannery, Port Wbitby LR0WE'S STONE STOSE. Port Wbhltîy, (0ot. 2M. 1îsdt* RUSSEILI"S HO'IEL, quEBEOS C5 litE u*udër8IgnpîlPco1,rleto.ai of Ilie bove I namod It11EL, bt.rercotfqlly toanspriïe tboir frieiidi; and patron*, tht ttièy luevotlie roihui iîiivrcvited tli!e'i tahlîilimet iIit4 tie wijîler, inhicti enables tîemneco to ofrr to W. CTIIERT vehlung 1Puhl ,ener acommoedationa.In 4s-Sni Proprieorr. addition te th.eap&rtmcnta Ihen bcd lasi Wlu- ____________terthey buîîc &,iW parlera anut Bett-rfns ln a BOYN'TONIS HOTEL. lamges I,,ýuiq s ci-r trie hintel. wch, ircomfert mid cuivnaiffue. oe. îun.arpaas,.'i l'the. ity. (a4v Jzl¶'rs.)WM RUSSEIL & SON. W M. BuIY NTIIE bors ta u nfierItheln- liahllaîits othe Cauliîy of Vitouria il Intelt on ~ilain 1hltneiot ~Aaýë Oea by, DENTI@mn,& neeta~ e tliai&4haitll i~'eîtelmî caI li tI lt eldi, Viaitors dli elïît enery onve- nieîiue. Wiiei, Llqîioi'ienti Cigari (Jthetb m'eulsrihar in lu retiîîng hi thanke hesI qiîality. Tefor pl'M fivors, hegi.% ta intortu thi nhabi. twAna autive eslîr a.ye ln attend tRtAft IiiTouwnmandl .nrronndiniltueiitrry, 11,1106. n' 1864.oi li hotehappy 10 attend le OaIl onrtier LnayFeh. 14, 1gi4 ;enerniâldte MA # ecre. 1 f Tecîlilnae ta n (JIJ, Sîlvetr'inr Vnlezc Raillier Dias. Win. Il ARGACIF, TectItî tileu or ezîtsd u n the beatl>uta.'itIo T ANT AdEN. IL'> fIltER A lNT iiluulr attentionl î,ci i the regulatlon of j4 foi'rI -în'la ('Cmleaiv loy tii e Uoutities tbhilîiren'sTectlu. AI Iwoi'k W& ratiteit. af l'icîouii. Outirin Ilid )i'tam. <thoi-Frmtdoîr acst of thie ('0111.1v IlilI- rW. il. Pr.D. THE ONTAIO HOTE. U Tir urito, d. 1. '1< STltElT WHITIIY. L. !di il iiii an.cy d. lnaohm.ocv., J. REUEOl'TOM, theî 'i'% o nIle pr.atsaioiulanail the tiîîm Ca-iuda Cuarts. Prîrea. W lit-t> 4- ziîiir,]ie,*3. - UI>ELL99 IJOTEL, Tî 4ttnî' eiivi'eî1ini U. C.Qpeic- 4o ,waît.ThIe %oiiti rQm-reràl i oV1. C- Qielec. - Iaunl il Ap ic f Ihu îit hidihare leascdilhe Mr 4heucîy, IL. A. E;îýe.s Cg., b4ouilmucal ahie e mcikiîîîwuu tqt-udt,O*eeu-htira iiveillî ingNeý*rd. .Gilîtu là(iii. titntreefl, comnmitihîiiî cl fîî itle ooiii ,uithit44îIiui litou: J S. Iutciouald, M. P. P., tiirtwall. and sitptiuelitc ni! Rh ulrTietaleî'1îovi- TtceI'reei lunt or the Comiiiîi-161)ok, giig»loow ti ihai elti, eV-Ir% hiai!il e i » !; 1hV ie'c - The AireuilB. A A. *EXpu,* -' ip'y.Kteor ne jlleutwiti l.lw<.t 1ij iiilO 'i'-. Las.bliugcei and r. irkpîitrîck 4 Soîî <iiglteua. i. overytht iemis au-I ,rer .1 . 'Cartoeigit, M it . il. IV., Napeiiee. 16 ,IAMKSIlInit. GiiSu gN S. 141) 1 los utIl l, L..th., <Il Fr. (iiolu-h & aslid macletir & to. 84 U.L'~F. lENI> R-auN.Toronto. - - - -________ - --- Roîl-, à Adiun. & 11. Unit»li, Tuenntoî PHoe IX " Chas. T. W hile & Cil.. Type Foniiders. riffSNixNecVYorki. ~i FIRE ASSURANCE (2< IiIt,1llo îCo., Type Foutîiders, r- LOXBM I% UaS li Tr(IAl Oîîusc cii lh; lîiîîelp)îa. ,iD 1.H $tlill, Lie Iîakehtorw of *U O u' I hyl'tlnidcIphLe. od . - & 11rotle:, Lier Bonkeilers - Pli, *S6T48LlSHED IN 1782. P. T. llamm i ,Toledo. - ttc Wehster. G.T.R R. .Chie go. 4r - 63LL28IE, MOF'FATT & CO., Agete ot tIau.ie~ GEOlRGE f fM AM. -t. ont nag Do I , thfec1 i le Ioi-ct <icîtriiele t-van, .-e iLadu. .Il> t 15 INSURANCE Sltiisiii'5tuic uoîii, lî n hi h ie i% Isprepare«I 12 t ) gveý pi i .isft- iuf.. uiiiluiiine,.- --77e Edîaburgh Lifé Açaurawie Comp'ny WB. The Liveerpouol and London. Ttc neMontraiaiFir naissrance Comnpany, on rie 77«e PrvuMcitid AntrauceCompanty. 47F K. 1CI... F4, I'oatiaiatcr, <).tivî.- British Attacricut Assrasu e Curtpauy, r NCIIt>RATED uiiû n.kr eAt ai theo 'lilcut - .Seeioii ni' the Eleventl- Pmcmntiisl Pai'lis- ment o(tlpperC*nade. Y. APITÂ-L £100,000 lit eraite " cizeticl on Bullitire %o thit a4iy ,jét, fte-IW y, J'ait. 28. 1862. 8 THE ROBSON U10USE, DUNDAR STREET, lyHITBY, C. W. GEOK',ItG OU$)Iq, Propioer. rVIEAtb*ýcvbente o nnennttat hia ba rsfîirftîýhed, aitditttd tup l.roughoto.liti the hast or otyle. The.prerleai. re leaammàqtiyait- .tod, oppotkita îhs post Ottice, ail iih.I;een- t nt the Town. 'The lNiay 0tatilts calta aI tho Ilote] andi the itagos for Uxbrldgo Andi Beavertoui eave the door avery sitornlog. S oard $1 por day. GEORGE ROBSON. laCtrefui l obtlersalai's îuatlendsuoe. WhItby, MeV 1848. liq C. ALL AND 83E 8ANDYl g JE huas abn thé, î<Brookiln Iloie,1" In toseo 21 ail i Mndi. 'L*h. ru Weiscl 8usid Up and oOnitnlelt, a ttoaeanuodà- tioii gondl, very goodtk Mil £-40 hlites to the oomfort cf mta sid ian hmmIf heing beu proinotetia# Laà,e ussli ni*. Boas; At ganeeya 1km tnr roat,:, sfaiidy'a table la lIte heffi., <atbébea« lui ail the iatliît. The noisffla frlendofMny'u Âe edto givé E lits a al,. poiietli ot -l udel'g-c Marine Riekt fo tie f.oîîr tirls. i -4611N AG;NEW, A VERT IS EMNlE NT1. Raoyr4, Brita.Anertca, and Lavonse --pool and London tiIy >r- a f s udi fIn i- eueatyo ai U NI)E RT AI'IN G. fiUX<t1tAL6ftslle .opplle.4 suit utt-ede4im WHITBY EBASS BAND of "-Money, money, .'moncy 1" frona the hordes of ;contractOrs choire fttt ng - ulpon the iniseriea of the peopleo-ant bl hoe cas t.alking of.tle Message Côrîveyed tô I 'i t e o c f ev e ry g u ti fired in t h eù týntd SAtete 7, lie moy have thouglit POT' a tithe« bnllding cf -thîiq - lntercolânial ut E~IIweywe t6o shahli ore cr iéorscf' TAX, toi, tax I money, .môney, M fey Wy *we'dvoy.,eý'fof ltsus -o ornprÏ e luoj ____________________advocatlng the jntatuof UppeÎ .n4. THE "IfTIUI11028E 1'C a t f they an point oontf. Speech of M.C.raaoy colice adointat cp son (-VQC CI'S lote "YOUG FORESTE ' Q O, M P F0 tary instAncé. with the, exepinf- (1 AT8 PLÂII'S,) t l cet beroe nything hbau beenl 2'0R011T2 0, . - 1 hocbeînethatgsection, thon 1Iv6l111say Abova K'00111199Mii acaptedi for ttone- (COntinueti.) .Sàt tiholdt hatitho addiinlont nber of yeara aldhi, eW of rpeoittvsgînen taetppei Canada W rnBe ltbarhereg teotmib t UîîeI bforeîpbon.phid unialIll, M. UAîMRO$4-ell, ibjamotter Is ne boon cî*,conýmâin. 'The differeneà Whlb tid anrroandingcnu, bîgn bey ooioyctit diu'c lgsinl'il oiti, net lft te ngeCitlier, 4sîthe reprgmntativos betiéen he -two -province nt Canrada me n- *) Iibfrally patronisetihli hebla lndfomd 01 Vesyci ',uîer uan m ot~c h *epe3 ru ncoanopinion nrno'tyntonldforneu btcr $1o UcOMêrMJola Itel, tbïF-lie bai ino0cedabty Tler pro pdd.î , . anate> < on It. We arotetltko*the gobeme, sa ý0 f a stecîîcnt r haiacter. It i the Wugt, bMm. lattIn the hottlngurkipt by bilaon TICKA ÎQG$N bwol#.- W. Are. nýÎte It-bccoi earaym aene' h Eî1 at t . In it.lng upthiimi. 10 ooiiere oinort ho. jLl2, eth o. Whltliy, lè%yri, P. 0. amn tmevprLtne.Et hegon-nslaitegnsntcaiyorash t'be 'ti n uy T rouiz i mis i e wt'Od ia x eO'aiftm nt e4 èwc n ad ttell s, that i ni not a ' act Unit th e sixtoon Englisil P mtho c ita lna p t notulz hlm , théliat . - cons ec i e J lb.th iln on > cf politi en a r - pe ngm em b e or am , L o cer C anA TorotoJn. i, 284. O~U4$1fi. ~ -Lies w h ih bu tokthnplue, thoy feel thoin.nilo4 thetuËelvns cllh, the French 931a4,~ ~PR 1-T~P alvs s .irqn tbt tey-in gay tate _ itan majority, aid notýith the maýniY w~~.uuuuu~~u ~ . oni4ivof the pepl: jut tke',if ther ownseinUtpper Cnada?Tho - - hu, r 4y11ha have nothing, andi revert Engligli members from Centrai Catica i, d4 IftibS 0raI O ,ck tO finô4tle re uin." Thot inthesoi. the lane ; and!icnnlotbrefoilc1thï Profit by> it 1 - Statemenàti y the hon. Finance Minis. thoir nature, andthit ce blin natinsa DAV S, J~ Ne W Intt îa~~îo' ,ten ig.correct, onr renenue hot inereqseti .iei.nces that refndèrîý a clianige a ý lîhi?<etlîporicî sntb'~iff t 0 sthat'lle avq irplus of $872,QOafter' lime nrieè 5?y. AIe «o à oing to selti cqnaiet 9 ofSrielig Mkl' * flifnoy of.;t'tlioprevicus* -of the08Qe soiti nci 4i'enclhyth1 t'a. lie tp li evo fCaaa choiuie? -ýVji l nolt'Re, Ihirty tiioa an h OIi-lriIal med i~~ l~o esrngrlb asi ceàe& 'flt ý a~ahall cf monlbers celicci ipto îli p eiisatnM'tfrOqt on, etti ,,0~a10¶P diî lind n ?ev7 4iitteomàet-Grav a of O iie- dollars; a -4th ehrevenues cf New the eaI tlht ihtaLwt aad lime té ie hratmtni or TitIs farta '-3vamy ftinonitily îtnatedi n the .Bruntswick tnd Sove Sçetie liaie incrosed msjomil, Ard will net the ae om e pèpol- pi u arto (,erl, et e Cpg anille ande'$e00th0 dersinco of influence lbe. cast agalntsîUpPar garketo. anud cititin about ualf a mile of te h oiÜlêea- egainesof 1,70,0. forîdthe Casii as 'm e? - (Iuha.)~W Atlii 1 ,cite rmk Statr eion, and siz mitex from tbe revînt back te ru'n f hie ttmet . euion of froc people î o ' i~uh T vuoi clin, if there srttemintib aapun -b B C W.idA t< ooty Town of W hiliy. correct? If oui. income was reoiiylin. about, itlsiuould b icimutu ha pooplO -ý omonho ~~ Fo termee,îd icrcased se much as bas linon repreàenteti. desire il end tctw v t a lintageuOn Yosîe' xpeecO enlîlc lîoi o cre ecen (pepeti)10 oîiti we'. if ce remaîn as ce tare, go bick on l't c hoe; ani1 am quite ffntis;iecuith't casasef ii tivmjol ue r o dert Lme. <) i.riti i1i5JA ES ('P 1G, ta ruiti? (Flear, heur.) thes btin seiti thet if, ln thase probince , ce are l> fn e tu<,i Wowit,. t oiii'lîi' he Dewîcntoîl .Pckiig P < thore hat; bain a deedlockn ihe aagils cf unlt tliat miiicner cny altvcntge upci de o fi Vii e itint xcscresv. My reineili.-. Or to curtrtfre re lîCint. itio, lirt .î., Yîîu cCAtnot B08'. R. ..CAMl'UELIL, the cuty o onsitýrehi.e lengîli of 'us, it oibght b a nLegisativo 'And toPw-ak tr onug ytor lie. ,eni nnti,.lime;, bût 1 think lie proyince bas net not a Fedemat umnion.-_ 'earc, stop nrk ~' çhîîgu yoii' <"cI. .ilton ti 7-t Whlbeliougoingta reinjettlis been getting toe ennited( ltu>ighto hinfactaewelI as Dohoi ts a' og m o-pleCe. lecal - -an inorese of revenue ta the eterît of a in nie thal et' ciglit ta b.ei oe peopii, iohisafo--thic.ire, ens ccii uit million andi A,,44not'ilstni a't nad nte * es îlfrom ecchcihler l'y esnîiciveînnmitmhoelac lv splvîigt-it;,'. . .dead-loclc. ! antsure but the province sections; tatif woçe go intô 1a union ra lrutor.vaî lstiarou if-îîy loipr,'i îi ' wud bt-) i bi fos01Aecîsd it shoni4 elie ueli-3 union as cotlt e.iie suîh i'e <vn ilun e orcuiîoaty, ci /,~'N., \ Up foi' tein yen-ars cut licumenih'ers' sent ul Olione people; anti that' whe w'ir. f h .about tlieir business. (imunical ûiinistertal a atate cf Ihîngu arisea favorable ta Stiebit t EWf'Oiee 1lîîuvinegltin i clçea) ea tm'orainestd ia-* aeunion, ce dlihaâre ,an- op1îrttinity oi mitaI cglîx iu thîui'moiiieiglt lie maneng - boqnd fo aucopt thiý'iseheme, if ce cunnot oriug'a union th4t ci ietsttegl WINDSOR'S QUADRILLE IIAND, a~~~1 homy omo botter menisucf ga0'tiàg oqî cf at rtc i uo'55iiallm WLUSTS QIDRLLE INDt 8,&DDLE 11A ERS our diflicuities. 'Wiîh neÇrenco te thatj cîîine. I'bq Honorable P'resident cfth*li A 1)D R ESS S DL, A3 wotîid say thet if any cf thoso hon. gentlo.fjucltîk ht osoi-cte h lIE AN WINSOi- ÎLLA&TRNICMen iee rçally the patriote tliey repreent union propaseti Ion Ihe :pumrphsé of pro-. 8-Sai. -B~<. -.Lbemuolnes t6 bc, iei, îh'qnu egempliry l'us Ictiug anti 4e{entiiug.ourselVPS. 1 %944lt n___virtue of resýgatiOn-léet'thein fi e e hir liko b knce ci that bonercàlAligellttilR Wnacès lu the front mantes of Ilie uinisî erial if ho thinkg'Ibitte, weuh epopuietion of MAJOR BRASU 13À». bnloat Incînuh nrdcc w iliiona anti. s' haîf, eau croate A D DUt P*t4RO4 te tatike thei' places--id theni doetijsand sthleciet t rramon, fim lteesJfce 30111< D. M Eh 1 hâve no liositatton in iseyiug that parties nuinlier et men te nopel the mitl il B-C. 11NWPPRD,.luIbi cunty ae et o ttcly-_ hostile thé ,Unitea Staitas, slotldLhiy chne;uaali - but e gerenneu or epy numnler of sttock ua? ([bcar, hoar,) i Enc fot 5I;PPt>5' gnvernaients cni i 'onxdlecam' u luSpicAriila.that thene. couid hocsthy - ---li -te airains of the country. (11ea'r. ' ear.) moto Ta~t oet hbnrsd1i - hion, gntlemen cliolinvelicon inthe front tegi'tty cf Grcat lritutin inlu Iis ountnY cf l. plitcai ffiirsai his ouury în hah those, cha feel as 1 de lu iofereiicetoh ýérs loietelige"fanciéd ilittt he %hl ocf-thtiell ter;,and ti u arn suitithi!t atV69' Lrurg4 ge Sa le. il 3polticul cisdom ofth-tho iountry cs ithtlb, ku'ocioigboef Certain dtrActiti'I -centreti lu them, and that Ibis country,-lefrousl ivdf ttace b; tho ngitgu t - muet of neessity go1o ruio, ift~ hey ceroce ou'llhedfoerspiinnp . U ,virwe. cf& pawer cf sale ,ontàinapd lun ainol- at thet lcm of aiffirsq. Tis It:uk an o nl-df'dLr-t sitthinib ai crteit Morîgsg0made betV)iýpÇ201Robert il aiming ton intcli. Hoceven, itic noet as dearly as.,possiblo, andta ýUi ncatl h Y elotli.~inig pndpmty liai bc. offroifor e tSy thattîey tare net oxceadingiy inch liefore tlicy woutl'obc ompellWd A:q Va sie lut thé roery î - lielse f Ie > But I'coult i ythat tho At sunnenderi thouhôer cf th. BritishitCnpwn. sale a thetornecylGeiierat Faaat, andi thittclleague (ho unI still, sir, ce cainot help, feelinrg.Ihà 1. N ORE ONTARIO HOTeAttorýney (lenerai for Upper ra uh, *lio tvasîtd spa e; nwle nrm M.) t'Uma-,, Maiin iStreot, ia tiieVillaea' have belon se. machopposetiand iifie4 tuy teUieiSau;c a omi<r ** . ~~ - the; honorable gentlemniWho, arc niw - mnihat'o*uld, xoPei_ - tqu Irom qvol'Y, aI l K I >'E ~ scittdclth thom in <the Government, -Portion 0f.-otr entoryë inld spenig mêj- iii w ~ E ~ ~_ ~ laye f~ e~AJ~l~v 'enlions now l te-& iiçtn* tO¶ - ey found-h u<eet cf plin g f- tdOtpîi ~iio 4RA ~ ~ c~iôwt bo;er ivtl ,ii.*ô~i 1~ f us toe~e -1: Whitby QUADRILLE BAND! abîle rie. For terme aîîît englicainoae i.ti,- 4. WOLy, P. O. GO TO BROWN'S Ilotir and Provision -STOR E, Wign ki eps eanst-autl- . nanud No. I Flour, Bran, Shorts, Corn and Oat-neal, Oats, Peus,, Bscnr, Suurcueil Hume. Apple*. IPrtt.e, &e. Donlî fou'it tii.pis..erner af BYRON & DUNDAiS SREMT Assurance ('otnpniesch Coire G 'Usd1 0f LCIinpD, Co .. . 1 "do < c.4. 1 $20OOUOO.« Rtiak* te thes=*onut of 4SSf0 l i bh.tken Oui any 0110 rmuk, un appliahioig ta d2 TIi. COMPat11i7 AgentastWlitby. BITISR ,ÂMERICA'N EXPRESS COIPXN Y 0 kFICE EBrook 4tnaat7 hic by, unadoon Jte etey 0(Mc. Agent aio foc the J Noanre tRcan U111=21lpCompany, Anal for the Aatgoc auPlto,$=V?, 18U. pitEBUBSCRt E TU#WIYN4NÇ TU, T. liebione ulttiotrly <camrelo.h l In Ibis psac alit aJi-'clt, *oto it Io. t .e a , jtepublle -gueaîy, ot e 91 $ni. Pioprleior, WiitbY,Deo0. 7. 1964. 4 AGENTS W.ANTEIY,ý »9T 78 per tinoîii1 sand xpentsaîed, te TO>R. Apply, "pdpet, and suatpo for ne- tara, ta C. P. Ct)NfiLtt h&CO, Finit J a etf WesIeyan Book Room. ufl<1YD(<1FD AMltRI)týNG 'TO BRITISII CpiLATI(Vcv wiih uAuchl nadiiecuîtnue SOLi- ealO te u rq ents ai'tlthe "es Comii- ailty of Kortti Atnrioi- Domoi. Yngmaprepuiceul for tIie pimalleal lut" ,ot thelcotltg mouise, ati for voituraIl itel- The course of iituuetlon oul>re-P 'e mânso tuil lffk-Repti.nau k nl oolc-tteplili', Mojn seBcueir,' Hioakm, tComnmercial ituti iii 1.î. ,4%v acC auouuuieciatl Cornoipo>iileuce, fihicn-ln iue rlei,îiuofEtthsb ompoMt, Staff ofTehersand Lecturers ocll.Coniioeetat (osialctiiîo, said Couiînper- ehil Corre4iandstuaç, anti 4oeîCurem an Balil- àes.' CCaitomi.> Ur1v.9. SULItIvAi'M.A., lýtellr, lotc en-on Comtmercial Lc 1fr. 3VC Ifai3 Y%;iiït)permtor iin- tneet TolognTyli Onunnyis()e*,TptI Itr.w.B. Toitl'N, lsucoin Ptionoi. grephin - - - - - - TOWNSIIIP 0F SCOT'1 IN- TUIE OOUNTY,0F OeTAR-lOI Beiuig uompo#eul oi'ltI art ni' tLot No. one', lu tie &iîîîij eoùta»lau it Lb Ae isd 'racimitp o 8eott, kuowil cit ,lemeriluatt sflnithu i Co euy, 0e .niîcnig nl a dl~Liaceaisao hanu ud isevîriliii11 "from tlî4$Ouitth-cet a orc asitilot nember one, eout Aconne Northi a.euity ba dgr 1ial, tlieîica Northi Nantie sveuîîy.loncd. grees, tsînelaia su flft lukaio n P es North Asxteen ule ece%, lhat diiyt eali, tfhnr e 'ir ce, 0 t lea lw- suce for moud on IVie t,n-ahid lutt nt icër ont; ttoce Silutt e"utonsoluareegrcaWeist tw Iceehiis and iftiy lînki. miore or lei*, to thtpluS. ai' beetnuifiie, J 4, outeangh admeàiuureiiiunt twer t-fiio sies cof Iand, be the sanie more or irt - AxTTIR ux ULTBaE, - cwas repnesoaed u y t-ne Honoratble rrovtî--e- ciii $.erelury'lu s polit cal coutoul that b.iaue iîl andi I haut tgther- sud .chich - dieu il 15 ttir ce -voealu tîe .elul. me camied 0on rctty tn hr pletisanïtlyvuetcithstanding there bas? i>eeu> tr3r bcî M mt, rather sharp passages; atamrnis on th.e ou!d 1be1 Baor of Ihe R fouse betlceen Iîs-tlîaî helo, the honorable gî'uttemau, lu -excùisng bimetf affly bc ut before ltha sioctora for tlb. lihange ho had could ne matde iu hi.a viocs on the, queoîott re. cidttl - c PZ'cuuntallonhy ponulation, 'idIb ie fOnan. cere or ciel criais of the country hà bic om'a 0 ni m'ich mnane imminent Ihan the oontitutlon. - iîse al, thal it eau absoiutciynecessitry tte iaiiil or offlce-m fac tlejein thé enoniii of Bi'quui Lower Canada, ho ,mete rpieentation broaaghl l Il p opuainaclose quejtqon, Wetîmust ttI foi 1 kiote trh.te U rns fesaid, orîbtoh~ u cuutry wcul'go te relu. TIs 18yotr-grati- Cemisini> feinto cfntta eoaieoetonn fCt solictor frtitfiam rco, bi..I885 19 sa uitn W .& C.SCA DD Y usl'y dt Manfacutrer rfeveory escriplion aof and ti iwc I~adIe. Kx.so, OoIIarsj agitated 1 - won ev mpaio.h I ilei VSTreoeledublie Jes5.abttshieaotît, a spendalt of~ ~v Plav~ Paetd8iil Duoksi Vaison. SHELt 4ND ~CÂN Ot$,ýTE Uýeu Lobsters, &c, WhohleandEeStl u :.CAMLSL&*-oe1<K8Taiý rer W. dis~ !: V 11117. leîîilc.t lt-ct-es. h i t ly,

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