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Whitby Chronicle, 25 May 1865, p. 4

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-~ -.. ~ ~ ~.iu~.îî ~ ~- i~ - ~c -' ~'2 ~ ~ to or h lt lio !ort ci (omafloa I=om,4eùèlral Ajcutý c. o OF! ) < ttpslte tho Town Hli, irco 1Ome001of Moggrld'i note!. - rIANIN( catoiote.il rraniiefts wit4a EL feoatto lmrgst ltiits lu tipper ~iaada, ti i vost tin-lri noney. 1.,iu iliciotore ,po)so olnny uniinliat on teîud inprov. pdLr.rc,tur eve or toin yotrf, et àilolw rite ni) Motro&t-4-W u atkI ecJrJ4r6. 'r lIE stlimriber i ls lenAgent 'or fOi Copiîiy, r who loi Mnney for ln , crs, ut 6 por iceut MORTGÂGES WANTED 1 T IIE uclcrsliiiol l propa:re( od u prchae blMartgagIi(it tton uirorptty. Apuy(fly lii.ter pni-pai() tf Prince Abert. - )ZFFI('.-...(i paite îthe Tomin bell, throe doourtinort ofNtfMiogLridizoli; fltel. 1100T SEED SOWEI,1 ANDl ILittire &FPlaster Distributor vyMl nc UBS IBER1A';ol*lFINE) A I.patent for liii' ilioevii Maue iewlilehii .âesiru.4 ta intraducu to teUic îi.iceOF hFi'rin-1 1 ng conuuuuIty. It wM'lsow., and evonly distri- bute al kinds of root seeds, in any requîired proport i. tizfto distribute manure br planter, ini any re- ývtqu nytiir or placIer. Itit lI.i 1-rihnîto, witlauom liijary, plaâie or cclii ovurZ t lâtitif Ortien they coins tlîroich the uic giî. t *1lI 8oW doublie or ,iue-wire)wg, Or oi lt a t! sae. ,I ou te iworkeqi hyîi.aiai l ir, or by lbore.powor. I J h leinia-t o omiiletv ~' A5O 8A~N~INVENTIONe t - teliU ¶it for CXouiffliimi.î rwn»îipe foreale. Ipplioaton% to e l eiiîdto lu Nhuîhy, Aplli7t11' 1iIm,14 ASSURtANCEfi COMPANY -MARINE DEPÂRTMENT. WILLikc 11,111 mid Carzu Riaks, et the, WIowestl pe ierte ofprecîaiî; tuitur- ifince granted 0ou l1t01riske, for -thie .wau.piî a t' ii el.4,i, cut Siaf, Bonta tii n'aifrontî att3ïlpirtg on flic Lîikîas Ad ii1 cru. &eî., e proniftIIbenlsond honoralei .ilciito'l nuyho rofiedu BLow, Ageiît, 1!ml)mie aijoliliiîîa J. llioWc, &.il Wliithy, Apt-il 19, 1885. 1 GEORGE CORMACK. Jr UMIEiI MEIICIANT, Crptuîlter, iii 14jol.,cr, Greenî st, Wiittîy. A lit M-0qiîlt Uty of 4 l kiof i uîuhcîcouamtiy on iîanî. UNDE RTAKING. UA L8c fullvic itr-nlibîl ndn,wwdd m toRrWoutewe io th0itOlacu r li oii, ir-i là oittb Nbudîcai., ii xWuk.1'ic MJ cluéy wlou ruuoopiset ouflrc. b Orir Grocoq x 118 Botuwl ori., hN te gw on-the t% icicr li fce se ciiiwliurekeus, 3 pu* ns , or $200. ca eiitel inau ticeawie.o cl1sly eItKoIoit 1Cr tarof piOS. 1 'Nu P*>L 18,YlSmMÂDE NEW .. ot ena!id dotoro e enr afieent hy aile, troc on oceli ai10 cule.Aifl eecu.. ýct'1130 l roieî- .-frow Yuri ~iIune Oi1ESSIOIS 41AND 9XVER- PUPIT)ISISED for theuu lcuoit, anid as s CAU- T ION To YUNO MEN ta,îd the,Wh tnl ftem Nrton,. i>obillty l'roinatetre Da- of be'luaihoooi, &a., ce i yluig nt tliu u.sonîo litra relitlimorîaftot u4iiîrgoi ncslder- NAT1lANAL MAYFAII, hq., lBrooklyn, 18I656 Wholesale and Retail1. R. & J. CAMPBELL Bog te announico that thoy have greatIly xended their promises in aniiation of li n creascd trado,s a viug purclitiaod the buîir k of thciur GOD FOR CASH, ii hob able to offer CASh- CUSTOMERS, the Clicupst Gmls1, a.4 weil as the Largi'st Stock ini the Coutity ç)f Ontario. Tlîey wouil.l) direct spccial atnion 10 thoir DRZESS GOODS, particuîlarly te a litige-lot ef Challies and Delîîîîcs t 16lets per yard, cheap at 25cts. Black & Col'd. Silks, rarasois, Poplins, Hosiory & Gloi'es, Shawls, Bonnets & Rate, Clotho andi Tweeds, Linnen & Cotton Drills Cotton Wazrp, Curtains & Carpt te. Cottoinil and Pîriîts at a great reductioien ier, andil ol v rt1î i steuieionî of the 4oonst bîuyers. READYMADE CLOTHINO. In McýN' and Boys' Coats, Pants, and Vests, madeo up on the »re-. Ctutter, and ail gttrnients iliade tb order are w:îruantcd. Tht-y lhave optmled a GROCERPtY & P11OVIISION tSI ORE, 1 Adjoiuîtîg-, where will bc found at choîco sclection of Tons, Sugars, Coffees, lobaccos, Ham and Bacon, Oat & Corn Meal, Crockory, i Glassware, Table Outlery. And a largel selectioîî of Garden anîd Field Sccds, Sait anti Pis-J ter, le., &C.,tîLMltelowest pric e rricshi. The attention of Country Merchants and Pediars ir, reqcitetcd, mu tIuy emn .Ilwrlys flnd .1I îrge ixsortmentto met'ct fîom. R. & J1.(CAMPBELLI %Vliitby, April 19, 1865, 15 If this is so, vill you Pr-ofi by it ? RO DAVIS, limuiio thie ttelitin-îit if PRIVATE DI$ EASES At hual is0 lat-tnu-îi, t 'ite J i Tuuiuuîe.C. W. Ver5' tpe touivlle lîiuu iicretereçou in i lu ay i-noiru tiobo. 4i1,,ligerliw seu t vli aý- tlinvtit ri-iîrv, and ruirea warriiuteul. l'utît.itît i Wlîo Wl- iiCiîutlt4lita4I)oettr cilu '10 su M-01,teiail ueruc.My rîîîadles tu- - i- u, cuiiatîumue.- Yýub.eed not til wul un eltîtgo >uutr it. WColi t witli artu-tic Dotr ix tIl #loue. yoiug au hu-rtfbpiudjý i, ie. ttto secret habits ,-ail nuu.va e iuuiiseiit h y raly)ilig thié Dîîu-uî . lîticit t-it-i1 hy lter, adenl . Cti iul t" fri, duaitge o- r"riuiY, nii partso ithelucwQi.d. ~iLu-.. Itucromlnittuî intihIle mtuluniîu i il, ee t- ilii tl.i oiU uiýiu-:l . r ' * 40. t IDAYS'S 0:>COXMERCIAL COLLEGE' (Forp.ierly llry 411i. St retti & l:.%. 1 i igiig nStrent, 'rorouito *.%V Firi doO EOJI of Wè9qean Booek Room. I(t'1 IUT El)AOCOIIDINO TOIi3 TISHl PRAC'TICYllE, tilh u cli vîlft-t îiiyif Nonit Auieîî.n ci Dexuge - Ymo4, ieilîouî iuuufareill for t1 e ira tirai ituutiî <if 1h- 4 luouiîîiliv,iiiiI0i.e. itt ni noms. Thn , n rte ofiîvtoulu iuilri-uMerl it 'Ile 1DukEuu aeîilk io-c1.tî " tiiucn ig ilto piiîilAsor uit' iieî5 io ui. îltiuil ! '-llnl o) utiiu'h1, 1--riIia li hîu.iuugruqi>ýi Staff of Toachers and Lecturers Mni. DAY, luuutrutur lutht scictîceofut'Ac- oeuits, CuumuisoolshsuieiuislutCiuueîtî- tli4iiuc aat.,nd iLtuuerer oail itl. nets îCiuuueiie. Mu-. iH, SULLIVAN,1t.A., ilaru-istcr, Lector Cr tii: îic-uluu ltt. Mr. lDES. 1B TVE, (hOlt i crator in Moii- trati Tuleuire1li (Iouuupui'ii lOe,), Tî>m)ito, li- àMr.W.l3.TIIluMi '$iSuN, luimroWritu ua graihiy. MI. Iu 'Y lion inuîîil e-tciii-'n u-iuug il, Almx.Mu-nsv, EcoÇ m'ifMUnirai. ilurruîi iorsrtuii.rsrilîy : J. le*glte. Puuouuattr; W. lttcir.î 1îtltWIaouid kYitoh lî A.oniCruke i »Anri'rr %iJ..,, Torou.o ; liut, Isit lcIl- etannu ' .t Uit.ti, Ea6.*; Aisaoui ilnuu, Eu1,Iîuiiu i. Ilil, Pecij., Mjui - W. Tu-ent Eil, Netunaket; lIen. tu.Uctî, e~l- linutu iluîno t1i~uiuior Cotinuy iiia Publie oueruicozio:, iuatoun. JAMIS . DAY, lîrietiaî Aconuant, rore utuu, Formorly ot' Lojidonvu, Euglaid N. l1.--llprties îliihuung Ad crthipuig Serip, ciiuouttuy tr ti,$ruttoi &, Co., or lnyuit stratto ud ita' .tu càuîoiluiufiy du tii, y-. 1 aruhereby ieiiied i ýitettia auo will ilgled wit 01)o4larvKiwkutoulhi s tat.mIlnu ri and wlsliijig Vit tit.o r rcview thcir counit -of et nils witiMr. D1yare routitod ilusi tht cale du u uâliy tinite luc Ta1iU..U tUUma.&U o15 FAMILY M AGAZIN.E 1LU'STEÂTED KQNTU1LY. PRIDE ONE__SI4LLING. , 00 OUIR CLERICAL CLeUB.-.- Soc Clerch- tl' maué;Fut lay zncfor Mreh. -N Mr taoue t eoyetNe A VI$IT I¶oTItE TRLQTZTA MONuJ. izi-ioefor Mtrttli. iuThoah1,t, i5wiIle o ttc *Qiolurly ioiça, hé s, l ,ufitly vitten - Calis, A t glty lItr1ot."-Yar- 0F TUE NAVAL CLERGY.-Sec Ciiurehan'eFaunil>'Msgeziuuetor i Mroi. f "As u4ouhum th u o. c hreef - b- /1 ~FLt~LuU (LuATE ELBONSWJ ~siiove K Cottonsf rom 1,o.up0ads Alarge assortrû ent of rfwced ,P i'i ts,,Cot- tonIs, ads ShwseRibbons,- Ladies' m-traw 1Hats,- r,(yt tisIî ,Sehool1 L3ooks, Sta'tionery. Grocérrws, &c-. * A LARGE STOCK CHEAP. ]BOOTS & SHOES, THE LAIIGEST & CIIEAPEST STOCK IN TOWN. Sohool Books& Statione ry, (Groceries-a large stock alNvays on. l4lbs. of good Cuirrants for $1 00. rU'as at 80 cents. whitby, Mîîy 3, 1865. hand& Good Mf. 'Il COCHIIANE. 17 FLQWER SEEDS. o--0 'I'ile subscî'iber -s collect ion of the abovi', just reccivedl, contains ail the noveltes of the scason, imported froin the hest seed growers i FRANCE AND UERMANY,, i;y Mr. ii iey, the ecdebrated llorticulturist of Montreal, including-. Asters, ail kindis, Glolîc Amaranths', Potutîjas', do. Whitiuy, April 19, 186j". l3alsams, ail kinds, Calceolarias', do. Mrgdsdo, Convolvulus', do. Dianthus,&Il kinds, Garuîation-,', do. Stocks', de. Ce ROBERTS, SEEDSMAN. SUlVMER BOOTS. .Jist oppned, a compicte assortitie-nt of LaisMisses, Girls, anîd Childreîîs' Boots for Summer Wear. Everything that is ncw hi the Shoe lino, will bc fotmnd at the Old Red Sture, -at prices thg~ will astonish huyers :e-REMEMBEIi TERMS STIUICTLY CASH. Oily une Price. James -Bain. To Shoemakes One ihundred sidés of* superior- Spaniisi. -Solçý Leathci- ta. hand, NtîrnCber onto quality New Styles of Lasts te liand Machine Trhl-oa.d, Zinc ând hrou N4ils,ý and all sorts of Shoe Find'nîgs, at.the OLI) RED S!7ORF4.ý [Whitby, April 12, 1865 FIre!l Fire JAMES BAIN Fixe Lias re-openeéId th ae Ea oyltey ooeupied by DONOVAN WAIAKEY & Co., second 4oor gou.th of his late Factory, anxd oppositéè the Town Hll, Whifby, where EXE~>Thelis preparea to HP, IAfIi FAVOMp WITW, Whiitby, êpril 4, 1865 1 SE 1 NEW GOOIDS! 1NEW GOODS CJIrEAP GOQP S A r A T T. H. lIolYILLAN-&O.s The sbserbers bcg 10 announce the r- val of their Spriug Importations, which in extent, variety, finish, ane elegance of design, surpass] unything fa this market a~nd as for cheapness-they dofy competition. Their Cotton doods 'of eveiy lleo are immensoly cheaper than elsewhere in town. Good 33-ineh. Grey and Whito ïCottons from lcts. Good yard widc Prinits from 124cts. Good Dolanos froîn l2kcts. Good Ladies ttnd Geuîts IHats cxccedingl 'y cheap, and Bonnets for nothing. Thei r Stock of Spring and Summer Tweeds, Cioths, & Doeskins,8 Are superb, and arc offcicd at about Manufacturers Prices. A picipiimof 3 per- cent allowed on Bankx Notes. Silver taken at par. TERMS STR'ICTLY CASH. *T. H. Mo-Millan, ý& Co. S E LLIN G OF F7 AI1'GREATLY RtEBDUllCED1 PRICESI The~J subsoriber- lias determrined upon sell, ing the balance of his st*k of Croc.eries, Wines& Liquors, 41of which are genuive articles, at greatly Redue& Prices to make room for Spriug importations. [le also takes tliis opportuînity of return- ing his sincere thanks te bis friends for their liberal patronage- bestowed upon lîir, anîd hopes to have a fftrther centinuance of the saine. - JOHN FARQUHARSON'S Whitby, Pcb. 14, 186. FIAI'CARRIAGE WORKS, 0! et! J 163-King"BSt. WsTorontQ. I vlag 'rriety of Cart io n hand. The proprietors of t1is la,, 1 i sh ui e nt, pos q e ie frmanufactudng Catrrnages that onable tbem to defy.compitition, eithéor li price, styleo or finish. Utdl ana ee for !J0ur8elv68. 9 Co M m,ýE RÇI C1A L ME N Will ind ~e~1o âtcO,, 'aveient accommruodaition. Withiu a Yew Yards of thue Pub>lic Hall. Private Parlors Notice to XereIhaftiOh halgreouenly Ila, hosl soi ti tteurtn, f A t ai 1se' Ir trod.,1110e olauina.for-it thtsulpe6riotityve'r ey yotlicr proes 110w Ilu imma14 sepomnp3lhwg thé misèh dilaireil objecl 0f' tAoroUffllly nilxlut thia 'dllTerrnt 00l'ntQ Chuo . ilrorm colorn" bsiu6Whg inýk andl lmpuolleiW1t oxiatiù nn'h pf îtq butteii" brouxgltto relt lience là the fasrier Il Isrio les %ieftil thù 10 Chéia mrcbeol, 'es iey Punwork b tr <roïn the clijriîftora o.epoëuiqte fortypowido at& tiQ, Ili , short i"cofta1nc, aitulf0mihk ean oxfMeganierIl ipeY4itio.%I hotho bgtter. h wilC soluoo moka r a lo*la, frit cles For refrone-rtbo prie* l'epor worker co ho, Be tfiln alïno,î dhil ,o;î-eration aï the store or' UT. Lew I is Ifoc tk, W11tby, >wh ere ord e ri will bce rccelyed, andexeouted promptly 4y the ur.dcuagnedé and' coUp 1W an>' put o>! h.e proice Privelow' b soitChi n. Wh onb,e.10, 85-g Joge- Fo-Raine r Piano-Forte Naniflaoturer 'WAJErnOOMS, WHITBY, C. W.7 scaorlRéut Cf Znou oru Nii Plain and l'lttlnueutttl cases from 6t ~6,7aJ7 te 2 oc,, nuai,fse! tured of thoe tîiorcaaJproncîî by thoe mont distingulshc ,d kt±m51jteobc Ununur- iiuuased by strn<hli one pariiy ofTone 1Ws-if ei sol on ii oth , sOuubltocaand wac rauted te standsony climaàts. At the Priuniah Exhjblion JlllluLr on *24to 27 Septembor,,i86j, the ufr»tiprze sowarded. w josih y. Rainer for Ct4lu. apo qunity ouf huis Piano-Fortes, whlch wqoS ebph~" ed in regard te 2bucA, Zbus Zn slt à'~bj auduraiW /2cc.ndsrtot priz foribokheio'p;zuthIutriuiuont. lie lu i858and 1859 ervelîai The Piatios o! JOB. F. Railner woe peed la th a hugctcussn .dplo ardedi=h Mrý jtaîor' flm lawell knownho Ot Canadien Publiojs a Psoomrptacturer,àiud réqdires ne furtiior couniîieudcutio tlian Chlat whl iistrumeu±s su jnetfr oanhd. g~lioruleriug, plosso ttte the numborô, Piano wYautçd- Whuby Ott, 11J9S . F.RAINR MtJYIMhavevibeorno 1h.proprIo. or o!thoeuo~u ilhv tcrao ne poapriuitendenca oni. liuîcruis Poèellaîs AgrhultuaL orkst AT'T:IE OLP WNIT1YFOMDRV, - D'ROCK -ST., WiiI-BYo Ultu uifctilTrors sud deaiertilin ail klnds of AGRICULTITRAj, EP.LEMVNT:% W1IEBE WILL BE tOUN» Conzbine4 &aqper qand AMowiy, Four diferent kidsd of 4 Two-horge Wheol Cultyatorg STRAW AND Fl.EED'oCUTTERS, GI&NT GRAIN CRUSIIBEES, Scotch, American & c4îiadjai uIq~gheg, - ofva.riou,unakces an.d st> les;, Steel Plows gnd Steel Point4 i)ITCtiINO PLO>WS, LMFANMING MI1LS4 SEED AND TURNW1" L. ItQAI) SfIRAPI(iS, &ct. miade tii ordo-r, Ilow in î g pai nartyÏ Every el éuunnioied vtl , lite busîneat Ic jt on, hîîid. Tii(rutlhgMilierpairooi on s1lrt uuolica. mrrlui«luteuove biuainema attendcd to wi1tllietucsoIitytvasd ou rcoduuomr-ç. wilibv8pluh3à168 ,AN 1mantios, Ribbons; ~To cousumptiïves. DA. iWl Mlagazinfe fer Mtrchl. %isle fro hiare oviorjt iuuç mms wilta Guaette. ,aem.TUE TWO WIT14 Wehrr Peîhen Dalo. %3 ,f thu pro- lM gàdtwfor Mtch, ný,ec" for --"Tetegrives of ligit Swilh teld a fervour oif chrietimi 11,ndb (ui eiîsto."-Toi' sesuldreows.ÀAN ACCUVNT OF Ilies; CAPE DDt Ap. Il hLgyie o FREE t PAN] tane.

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