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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jun 1865, p. 3

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W3W ADVMTI6iEXENT. CONCERT Mr. Boswel, &T TIR MEOFIANIOS' lIA L11 Pr4daFýy ango luno gnd, 186& ekae o$te. Y'uilly ticket si. 'Whitbl NMYal 8, 1665. 9 biay For Sale, WM. GOtDON wlîitby, May 22Ut1 l8m. 21 "COM ETI" a mm C» Ch INcte totavcf te Itlaiîcui>c1'or mare j.frwî'îît1i t"leraoi e tlloit las hburi (10iitdel'ilgtît.t d iere 10 Rive ~no- tcted, aiktgp l br thir âiVo%,) tai -lo iie niî-- wllb recoived for trierce ho' 1C4ttet" ite predot t seteon. THIOXAS BROWN. Whitby Races 1,11AC prig lIeet ing OunTAiI()rufCLUB, Witlite off cccl' the Whil.bt> ('orea, Mi ýVednesday, Thursday and 'Friday, JSiNI4,2lsitog2iand 23rd# 1903. _TFIST DAY. 0100tuoq i îlile ilf t'. n W'.C * 014e" tu ait Icrorot, wecgti mde kntovrit litho 040, 1Trott int Puraef, fi"-iii Itorace Unit nec-or hiw t i15 tt l th'.i lttil-ic.'owil' qge.t , Fc'i't or i4c4t ltBell, %.dlit - ILVER ciU Pfrhc- ,e~~,tau BSCo)DAY, titrea it i .i i lait utIo .. t tiit i 0201) 11i' e, 1 ' 'l'i 'I4l'4 1 i ctc VS 1 4'roituiu* Pdrom, 144. ttiýl-. pi ltO0 * . PRI1XD DAY. 0100 i.c -4e Ct041 u itî tiiv, i t' i'.4r4 '. t il 0 0,uudcp PeiretO l u< RIrtE$lAND Rtfl,-rIA7JOIVS n twot Lii at.i,.itttâgo.aet ten tl>lr Ooîîî The ao et -% raesl>Ite cmit itorrtli t': 10the ir1lý P te O<li.Alil et'tibg ls hol.e i 14wr"uiiïc. iti ctder ttIwkhthi . eu:rtr o ue t~ii e Mwe 1onthmeit'. e ireviti 1.-'4 r<Ciayxl rMWm Alil rier. wilIl i t rqut roi to tWlr'tfil J'î,kty mtte l, actot'g lu tii rie. E'.uFerY .rc.it t eitira a it.t.iu w't i r r"'1' ti" ' ttc' t-i% .To.'he lu.lg4m.t .jc.i'.t>¶t<in h gilittai l tg<ie..Prîcvitica letd l-,r'tttti iiitw, e! 4.-40e44ipoîtiîia.ie, ltrm'a.timtiy'4oteiltrtid ai te 1->t l'o' î' ingdemltthe atrance 44îte'. THONIAS lHUSTOl N, 10 Ilecretary &'l'rt'toîirer. T lE iîoretîîed 1tliq auqmenity ofmnoiey vi Io lotit ei a lovi rata of iteretcit t iip n 'îî 1l51 c uoUptai 1. J**m4cpli)El.l. l .lkiir. CoIr I houa. WhIlîby, I&4y 9jth 1845." 20 PO OGRAPHIOQ ALLERY, 3IIjiimer of tllê1111016 Gallery watt!. T ixi.otba labthe thll t lt' t ow the muon Ioiapletein the Proyince, aîîd ho ie iaeid ta taire 1'ilîotre%, ctbor lu (Ir auy thor rmade of the Mystie Art. gw PJr<e. LI'~ "tanyi 4flihr Ge!zry i* oh £er*y 1 14 L. ait sa dde4 a pow elioelc sf ARTIOTS' MAT, ttALS., Gîte s lewllng rocs p e>4 . u vock lot yoortoIel. Auerly otUilà a olleted. WhltbyW. H. DOUGALL,9 RÃ"007 SJED SOWERI M nure & Pluer Distributor TIIE SB&ECRIBER lIAS OBTrAINED A ptett for thesiiuve M88bino, whieli ha tieireg t llitrpdce ta tii. noue. aor<lhe Vrs Âang ouattiy i î'e C'a"""' ""t ""a. The Americus Paghlc eu e ite ' patl1 ,< -,1f sbcooi narned pe*aicawi le thae .s * uiunlgObsBoo a~s bu deue*4, thfie. 1» JtOc(OC edr m4e imdta'x4 feet 8 1n#bhe eft andc4 w ý e.t,faorth and_______________________________ asf, duih*. Iautes. it 41 . - ineatei 110 eu. etI. é('seta bi..,pg u ~ . eaaîebld t~S~"~ '0~5~!11~ ~Agent*iu.wote4,iua .*e oen tbtiriptittithe TE~I~ FPU 65 - Alao,-bap at:d Cliets, Influe CaaCtib» ai l'oratny ewoocf 1<0 Revieur n....oa b"tiiow, ss'aterCOKnt ""' oro For sditirnt ofib*Ae Beit ..... .00 t *ca t 51'0O 1,51M. Le ci orok Fueor feavrplf bga'*e I'....... î.o-~E .c ~ EIJt 'Reeflw... - ..... = TLIN For IOUOIWOS nta h. f4ar 8 BbCPllW-CHE0"--- s aci e h. tkeBriislt ruivltea t!A rouait ln aedfin gthst Y r eu «;s8aoer-f.-W i taud foi r neg the, pnea.v4 sauten t ' H1r.kwod &Mnd iiut a5Upar0'fur ocà Rerl9w go V UBIÉ3tIBWSTABLE - auae <84C.8. '3, eino.ew.1r. .- lat UofapiétWhie ne , at1 yN 2w, .esca-il.v- ---- -. -a he so ' Ra e Lu "'ske iidpcMd à!seia ýje içrdme su4b euéidr- 1. r ' whleh - c i t aa4it tý oe l ,NEW -N1>YEeWrI.SÉME'NTrSt - NèW AI.V ERTLSEMENTS. ' W A YEIï,T18EMER IM MERPb TWEa ACg: T. ~~~~~ ~ ~ 0E HlYcILN Q'sLwE* POWE We offer the best'selected stock of IR W R English & Canadian Tweeds,-NEW 'H-4WAûET lQWEükPOýV In the Couffty, at 90 per cent under value. NQ~ 4, Brook4et; Whitby, Th'Ie îÀ1148ribers aree iioW ripeving- fi îew receivîng large add D I E i G O D I tnd en î'ofullyselteted st4 ofGn'a their aIreaïdy large stock Our' stock of Dress goods are st;perb, andIfAR1) WA RE, PAINrVS, OILS UJIfT,ý Cl MCahrtipe tan thée C/tcapest. Glass, 1,aiî'rnilîg Implements Mechanis'b .LV±LaW .MTQMI _ . . c i In,& o.Toolq, Uui.e Gurnislil ii anc1-9o1qsjaBiuedjng Hfardw e,&c.,&c .1 Jo Ubjitdreos', La-die'* P-E ~~~~~Straw las >rslSil at (D Ribbons, Drcss Brilize and MusI 0 iind Grv, Cotton iat #30 per cei last Falls pîricei, aiidiill oi her gi AMI Auly lowd UJ~ e L WES #cPO -wr RV O R T .[lave pur-chased their ' ofr cashi, at the H AIV ILT N~ p*veiy owest rates, anul tluey are dcetermined to Bll i t prices that 1ý7 mro1 ~Vhitb5', M~~3' 31, 1-86~ 21 ill compare fnvora1bly. wth îuiy other establishrnent.j~]3 j7L]OC %LLlY_______________8____5.___ 2____ nteîding purclaspi's of liardw'are will ~~IT E.. * do well to give them'a allu and examine their St'c n rcs which wifll bc the be "t test that llatciî aqý Brotther's ie h so 1111 ( rii~for GOOD GOODS,sat LWPRICIDIS.' Pij"g1 'Ç MU M4RINEDrTiIE1~, V IIi\S\ ~ LOC jri)Te stoye ansi rinýur 1 l~~ n auot rctio'I. tIlîît ritkcriiie t, o à-1o k S tr e t aIl its branches crried q as istiaF ii.ow:.U ociecc'oi.I>k Streetd ot ~1r~ied ed ubscriber hnas removed ptromtlcp Ubérâ. ll ltttiitti Niitttit I oVI ort'e I' lars fullv 8unplied. i-ii-nA~-i ic, 'lt *- .21(C. LYND'S,,QLD STAND.) JAMES H-OLDEN, 1 îUtt - 5-~ i u OFFII ~ ~SIG N , 41.tir aont 9 Iir' -and the pblie wil u4itlarge an.4 ,cei Crmçin fllo hecourt of conlaucu l4th 0F JUNE, INSTANT,-o RVSOS n ILI'4 I&4t1G caI1 and examuine Ilis prices', i'ff~EYTO OANji~ji2r.thare §U4 ~as 4,yil cqrnpotit!iï.i., prxi#erl nit i i .roc'tcucle~1îte XPANfIVALATLA. CaC N2~~C -taken' in e4cbapge, ahd. goods usold at o~11A ANiD IYi.iALL ATLAS. î.t c o ciumit, toi.'ueat t1Sir ii4i"1 dru .tOtilt'etoï"re lp ESutcoir ~ to iltir10~N l'* i ~ troarc tulemîl t -uti l t îiî4Uz-1iicî. T lýtoi-itaI, Uîe'Iîeeetc.su . t " 'i1 J . .1 , Si irî . fr ilOci tirtan v-ara, ntt.I 'ýV rtC 'i M a-jc <cft1to Ildtit P I'tttV ~ ~ ~ - i i . i ~w-?b>èle te j.. lo cIMne otl' eti.~et~ ccr c itmcnemieiî'l euiatM.ctrpt 1uea a ,b ,'toi, hitby' May 3, 1865. loi r f r4 ý1~ rY. - illntaetd tty a inap aitdlc1i4rt, Ouino~r1 woc ie l uti Nimtil i c.a frt, A ut P4ttiLI>eO., colalo l m t' màiýý T S. MATRIMONIAL.' - L »' en pîîtum<oIf yos wlsbte Prive, valîilu ; nntloiî, thnt wlll olitibiÃŽ >'oîî1 t ilîrry ligtl>i;i>' «Yed n iaey lippiiy, andt! peedi, Ire, io wtiffWcli tor beetît%'. Tih, îîinntmilil -qijl dontyou noth- iogitid 1f>'oiî w,*iitihîîry, I vkll aheorfolr am kii> ou. AI!l.<îerse mrlbiiî ç'oilddeotint The de.-lrod Itîformtfi éi Ireupual niffl ne rtiwîîrd lm, leme eî c tite irn ail tu!oolslf LI.L A UiAT Smtz.'rtiWncrm a- i eh: 4oi J. aaest Medicine 0 fr~tepolil b fr ex peillo: IVotma wtttire .'ttdafied froînt' c>'lti AGOODTHirG JI <)IS Mngoie )ic tm 'att-la wôrtIlliatii *i1~1 W for Ilîra1, M'ýaidg, Pihta, 'dSo,T- Ut 1.41 E ~-lhimed for Sore .Eyemt i o t otlp- I14.414 Poalie orliIsc inkh an ent id n ý " IMPORlTANT, NOCTICE.- IF yeutiarc, trotibleil wltn ITen'l.achio 1Dtzêi nes or tilloe ttue iè 1ad!. flgc8tîou or Éruption of tlue $k!in, irigitii lrom imfpirsrl tORti of the hînol. (4,t01 itiol tet a box of, itionst lin g-' Indittu Vegmhaitîem Lfe l'iia', (Sr Coated.) . 'SPECII1, NOrmIOE. FOP.e niruel aLiniment for leirte% a,<cttAil 0fil .w1i afor- ihu Hnman Flesh, %va woîtî recorlmeni! Bri"ga' 'Bl:îl< -ll cas one oftlhe very hémet raitîrdice yotu cen 1114. TJ{YIT. ~f~1' "l'OR1 Poiue or Craîîips in the StoinelclO F LBoweli. irrh' leloaMsRlci )O D S maetis , Neuiral la oor Nervoui;ncs u Soi iî al, leilèrt filM deus 19 Travelling Agîfit les, SlIawls,AUCTION lus, V hite mtl.ess tia.n poils equal- M1l R. K "ICAMPB~' IJAVING opietl a n Autitiil4oa lin'i l IvEL L*. 0111,e ini froe'k St. trozi! ho ttijnlcfol for cooa',gutiîntafMeelanie'qd ohl4or alTi.'e te bt;,told te the higiet bidder. Pîûttiea en- trusttîng their propert '0 ilmi'as- ydepétîid Ã"W _________________- gttinq theo wortlt of it antd their rilît Olin*g btiek, %wltlîTravh --oderate. 1.1. E. CAMPBELL- Anigttoneer send Agellii ,e yWlîithy, April ith 51. ' eryJust Reeeive4- Pt E O TUE LARrnEST MAINUFACTORY FînC %adacl, alarge asaortmeîît of Oooking, Paroi &Box stomers TOYE lo0 pýie Thea sobeoriber wo11i4 egpeits117direciLattýéfi' hi. tlMi'to tha eoîitil deteiglna tand heavy euet.: ~C. &C (Ookioig toves, ýt1jV - Wl u.ieh ttfilto glve aetisftttlon. ~ t ev garGr)od Foîeti in itttr falten in exOlLIOg< LÃ"ouc W S ÂtiaciIWM. BRYANi ÀtteOdStnd> 'Brock Stroet Wliltby 3Mîrl~ i , 1867 '2< ~ WfldW& MONEYTQ LO4Af S~oz u>.N)EYt éniddon birtoosen'1it ai i 17 Apply tou MSin K.GORDON. de.rrlter, Wbitbyt Or 14î 1-

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