fi the Lianltly il tor- icpell ed lRaymonld h isPCc pukoît' at ber head, iti ut tho 0ln ra-vitwingp hie ytîu icnrloeithe vask n aMr- ad atinfetr- i1I gunrreoff au(u bi' cor- tt earrio iecl. pt vaS ýtmade uîchimueti vert! ani frrd tva rnd Avolflue ian kuglbud inlîi.ror' bt Frt îeh antI lier n1 r f3 (Itiu ilîh <haq Ai EMrneror, 1i. 4hri A.i 1u îui tilt onte 'louît 9%vitu te ititue itf v <vîtIlAepull : - -ha itatigaNici a crin1. A b 1. fr me. !i"t niutgnuo ýf %fieJ hi r titi if uplei 'ivol l itec hi'iï uttme. .h- m iick iii d y luh iba itttr lit hittt hg m ny tint aveat. vha wv)Ii'it oruta 8ucb a itua 1 itil long. bult lttrmt tît ire yoo if va reee1vitille neOid fllitug ; f r t mê<' and tand uuy Ieau-e., 14utf 1'1 Tho lomalof kbleî $borot Freecssam -on.vr : W ADHov SEM E' ' ofHalifax, won most tute forhIqlaquent N W AD E TI B 2 $ S speech ou- Reciprocily. Ai imes heosrae to toe 'r«ndeui of ligbîm <iraory. .&îW I E 4 imem bis speech wus poeiry iin s eni!mo<t saud amoth-ilu flow of laiîguage. At tinites I E1 ho briught teaseta the. oye. of 'Morethan ue, land again uhe houa. rung with iaugh- Ir. Mr. Camoron, f Quo'bec, matde the - mot humerons speech. lus physque s l'lesbcie a.o h n hieasr- thé Iureaîypod Jaon7 Bull of the Camicrieshcîb hso hada hieas r- ?dobre, redeemed ly a- moat hentuveiât cuti of eoonloùauco and a merry twnk 'Mont o lu bis oye, The moment -bo opened bis, lips youi foît iuclined to laugb. lus tom. mand of lanutuagb' wau marvelioue, and 'S HE R R'YAND CLART wheeu hoCchosebifvielded fit wih tellinug power il u au igiietntiv &train. F R S M X R U E Rousaxaia.-Quebec bas beon tho scene ofnumerous robberles. Pour attemtpta at bau.. bresking ver. *sadeon uTbursiday. Ce R O B E tiS3 tu one $800 wus ohîsitled by the rmusalia. ýno Quebec Mescury Compins of the Whitby, Jul 9 1865. FmiyGiocer., oporatiaus of theo4,dusy crowd" who fre uy1, îml quont the St. Johnî's uburbo, and anake -short wark of the vainables of uîîwary pat uatgera. ThIe Barrie Exuaminuer onsya ta a mani tuamed Williamn Chambers, N~ih the <owu mlip oce Lutterggrth, lu ibe etuttoy of Sam~uel Diakonwbile u s.aiîug hiakitig NW ~ ( C 1 R ajautici aw.logs ai.Jiurieigi hrapidd, fen J6Il -;n V YV A L Inta the water anmu s drowned. The body vas recovered Oun Monday. AChicaga grand jury haviîig found inu ditensigaitisi tho iteepers of more tbau -n~'- )'100 bouswesof ill-iitno lun that ty ho11, 1 1 0 police maude a dece n t an 94 bousea, Z.01.tur O V ~I S ..O lng thuit <tomber ot ket-pers of the dî'tîî. 'hey were &Il admi itird to bail in fîte bundred dollairs. Moue hitti 100,o{lio lEiU 'irbi tol epc Worth of jewelty acre captuf'ed wth the sbcîbrwudrset trovd ~CustIjilers. that liehaii 4ugaîî The beir of the Cliluirittioehutbat u bte , t i" (n)'> Et . 1STO0 exceedingly ili wtteusaiiaîiîia, Ibut a un ccveriiîg.' Tie Eltn est.her wai-u fooitmoruiig atiighttuo y tie ouI '~"~ ~D n cias S Temple oi tbe D'ragon (if Itrovidi~eî t spare the lite of hlie ciid, and ietr reit X'îr le îtiîi k. Wero board, The iIlni-ot watt ki' t ai ciet hut '1, MOi as sîon as il wti kîowîî greuli pubîlic l lise;in'i l-e11te Uroctiry Iiîîc. bympaîli> wae abouti. e(Miiyi',' alland îd t fil'trial. iti-aaid tbat a latter bas been writeii aîîd. addpreae o-Gletgi, E. le,' n1t C S H A and adtuember of lienILE.Lee, CpSHliamelF him a a1letdid niniideneti iiiciiut'xi.iiti eligibe portion ai Lonoutti, amuta u luc "le 11iwIigie C wuslî l'rice lautd fI mouey, lb. intetowicbebwoîuld aitirl tîlo ;il t 1l> 1ÀiS hlm aud ail hie lauuîly ltiaiotiu'iy lui lita-, lnee o bwould bravo the Uiîîed States andt aie up bie restidence ini Eîigiuntd. :" E "A IllA An-lodiana Impeteicls cf a lth iseven - o iticbea iang atnd weiiýhititg ix i uidt,fiuid : 4 lt a river, tttid uppjidt r ritra SI t;tuiu ii '. JThe kîttig of Araucautinitittut a loutu, wlicbha, îîrouotioestu rI'tft.r, *tilili Iaful -inlereiti.8 ait $14~ ieu'tîealiriu. - ae du o0î aec tthi e rîîuld ey fatuer. Itla sal th na muit lcbatien it a rüre Du (leonai ibat egge gare bt'i. n ilait cor I a Execu' gorru- tion cf f) earfult ei0 fpît Iltnov hea e l3est <'tilianîd (ori M al aItways c for stie. 6(jF' Iar-ltv, Otîîm, Pte i Vhithy Juiy 1'2, 1l'5. brlwnc. Yao iaiveua i oligt îi n' ve)i ýr0mldi' aWel-4 i aI -.t by railwith ilVi kbotbLhtuiiw tfi Çt'w d.tvîreie for killiiig a pocdel, and the laitue of a dossoe akli ia ns.aî wuniii ati .wfuritijai obhuug hlir huit lest dreattiind. auud for aa worai' nulîaazn an i Wfa n In vriwîh urce of the '1ü.lergi, huvin«4, ifiNotu iCriii tt ek ' jntI îrtN (Il tîiegii diemi braîoi toutinii gythe WhOlîeof Ile n e tl ~ , aai ja f dîa, ('bitna td Ati*trttlian m aii waa ntola bEugland inuI hoxt*s iioleîd of bu;gti I ' ei isiî,w in th,- ii,14~h uvy fwenly. A Ii gilti t vii' ficitt, tif whîî.h feighîaie Un i t .iesfrec i uîiîni bol Ia'iwîty 1net e'gl' iat ix are buildingil: in Ittiîiy te prlttatît te (.ýatîîmildi a gold ig ii- h iefot.rghttfîe îJoîe1h'ariîîudi ttht în.aç.Ite aho do N] W A.DVERTISEMIENTS. not ftlrige." At Tlurn t terc are aIeady - 90-,040 aubairibert. ,cý - , ?z AI W L l 1)U. A Naiw Ii)uti.-igt wiîîîer tht, hci -lature ofM10ahu'ttA ia i aw iWfii4 'lUI r Mitit. A1.jI~ l ile entourer! boufierdt iet i fl ahi.ra h Ihi white gueste thec maif ci'fît, diilwIl le Rai i aatvra It.roa ave beeil flakiI~ Iv ng jgmaillfemmein Bolu loltitby tîaîiîîg iVIOVAL, sidiraiao ofthis iaw. They tuntuit SI tortain boteis, demnpa1ice% ai the public G&NA.DIAN Expresa Office table. snd when îliey are refuard îhey te.i »16d ibo ludord oaUbe pertituliy,tîd-alerltiii',ilt ta compromise for live or teit iollatit. Ml E R E Y l~ Talk about bi*ck mail 1- Newt IroierRG O G U azi, 9A. bL'GIU4PII OFFICE. 8wBmXT.- A goad ifé la lîke a 1rinter'it BROOK STREET WH!TBY, roler-tbo latter bein4 goynpoaod ff mo- luaitssd glua, a a is$West authe for- WI &liiit rVýi lî,nrm Itiilil ieiiiiude I mer arliclo, and sticks te ber huabond lîko vtiiiihîea tl,îîîljae a ihd the later. Gi~FOE 'ULE, Jr. The Loudun Preita repeauta hai the Ils....~ Premier bas deermintdtopen t eiritbr atfier thb. olcolîonaandt iai lust Rusel 'and Mr C RP Gladtone il bave cone t tomre agreemt "ui1R. J}N EUf P4 ieAhet, tikes pieu, ruapeting the buais of a nov miuuteriai 5.P au1" rli iîifonuîiiiW lits frieil4. nudit '. 1) îlà gu'uu' .li e t laigt utti'rmnl Iu eombaatan.' y'aw VeuAil l.x prepîîr4d te fe*tl1ti nie Titi cropa in Irsland are roported fron tii aIl quartera te bti pregrehmung Mast faveur. ttcAlurnylIi ou . bl.Potioes, bay, wheat,,Ota"t.nd aui* are ai lu a ver$ forward state, and teeostaL boatiulwotbfcîîiueltbrou gbott.the COMM ENCE ME NT. Island. - OPTur M?.g. Cobden u .dtelined the. penion id of £1,5i00 pur album offered by the Ciov- Suth VolIumnie .frnuent lu acknowiedgernout of tbe emin -' ont services of ber decoaaod hnsbaud. OF TUEI The -fan 'Ily al NMr. Cobden are understood CIURCRMAN'S Fam1lly Magazlac. 0-t be bleft la cooofortable pecuniary tcrcu d ot4.Pic a a tances.-, The LUlidon Indte &a'rebel organ ,ardes îAou u oo euaitaioiî tee 131fitb publishèrs ta ted- their vareatate Iy tîiîi iî ocizlie cîpies a plitre of !tg nwn. Southeru utArboua, eoteuding that the pc eaot 1înu1i&ttîof a religions usi'twtarsukddres O il coni~tent (111 I'lîr itîwurld t ltaîrge; l'Uttî1%i lii asai pie of tbhe.uljogated Stiates*aIl onetiîiitlinhrchi cFttîlar.d pUIJiieutlon, wi itteu bereafter ta, road no books which are pub. l>i, firtthneuî-ewhlih roarilg'tlté avents aujO lisbod ai iboel4orîl, or eren printed upocit ltetritnre ufthi wtoIid rohîa.fbi hrelîml'm Northrn pptîjId tereiîiitiFtîftlbr,t uow boiug 014lu roul. Mr .Wr.Godwin, lato oditar ai 7i IQ '*,r(11f itilmo wnfliîe oftilai , i * e 6 a ed.-dm rtl io Parthenon, hmbasei appaînted to a Ggiv. i'tlie witmr- of uidmr a ti re orpmeni office at Shanghai, for wviîciplace eaeloI, and tily deu i iauob4tfliciteitii he hs saledinattierwitll gboe**. fIeb emiploy the h. ha ssild. uglibt of Clitîtalluumen, iund ua bô ofiste A. nov papar i sbortiy te b. pabliabed atdidieliit l the jieirls of th h (1ititu faui- atIPaifa, entiîtle.Ldi PariMîrnnea. The ily. 1The. Cierical Club,' an puandema a 1 psico i, tc. b. a saon, sud theo contribuitors te Gionte ae- t o xclasIvly women. u~-a xaN &mber 1Z jo r JùU É, W ga CHRIST CoWBOtII PDAMi Au. Oxtof Women were born, o fate doclarea, l'ltr.Chapter L-.The laitalTrain fla Yod,4' To saooth our linon sud aur carea; di. ygit. CliaptIL~40-Afto tieImgYae .Adetits but jost,-for by uuy troth tîitYýfh6ko l e k' ie ioomn ,à ku Tbej're. vry api fo ruffie boih. v aG055l. Byord obt Montagne L4 ý ? U.numUWDZ 1TT ~O A-CoUiORas'.- -'lt. Byt__. .the p v lo f The Ptavfaolfl TýpograpbicaI Assciaio a1 tiurn o 'î -~ peteted the lb.lât... 8oreary af the' Ex.dais <ntl Co>r'dle heitaa II eutirlvot SbeSald, eoceutlï, a paroeai'fChurch ortmot.a.'osit ,n t1 120 noworgnm, a valuablo tm îmo PIOCSt tor.. palsu . atirCoalC ytl nueaIv iveoùr.tbaz, and a basutifutl, e e writeuiaddr.s>framed, the ..glft ÃŽl. ' 'Ac Âesu. 'iy Souldli ~1L uu d ra4¶f gagid, Irelsoand oo r stâltl% Jrà c,, t~~mA~l lad.1Mr. >gekp th. e eretar7 ls à cOm .I W D Q n .?i4oý' o. TRO iNEW, VER1TI~S E MEN T-S --R---A-- 0OF SUMMER Te H- ne, c1e IILLAN -& Oo's. Tihe suhscribers heg Io infiu'm the public, tlni ~vy oxeCOflhi-eIclled-ftIld ,witI con- 1 hl < hu prie .ý- I 1EslEStok tost frh Fry Cash or Proditc only. Thy lo et he l . es td best selected, Stock o f'ully ilforn lus- old frieuîds and iR il ýtartt'd h insis i the aî.ove Crôceéries, Liq uors & U nes, ~Eutjx'-Luthe Itobsoitflouse., tree , W itb , Ii ti (A>uityat pirices deà fyiîxg Cotipctition. lîîînd, eveu'vtiing required foi- T. H. lYolYillan,& Co. OR BUTTER] for goo<l Ttîh a-il dRîtl Biitter; CHlE1l' FOR SALE.11 oit hand ; .tdso, lîeIst Fatîtilv Fhîtar ITr dri vti-x i.ittitfo nctrng 11101tF ts. &4_. hotîghî as lisl a J cm. rwV î 1 % :SS 1 Eiijt' .%'rîî N >-Iteiî1uriir le) i'iuîucrj!nCilee uBri- ~~ ~7 C tub .tirurica. The Hirnnr'tte* a titghi afpflts 8TOtyý1siug tectiutry for thîe Book Keep- er ani1 Blii(-' a i t h icii li" -' )AIN 1NG. 0, 1 PREIGtN F.Xtlil 1NG1C vonNi Rui ArLIV , S hops to Let! 1 N ÃŽ. 15&., &r S 2. Siu" 4ni -'r ,teloi-1I riiieTmu u tue mumtri ottf te artotýuurent cf its k1nit, boiag huirui'hed 1wlth twtu BANKS, a li 'i ,eoi'tr. Itît ' iî liu foiSr 4U4.' lltlit'L"S ENIPOltIhl, acl ial X .IAN E.F I bc hli arc o<uetà every day i vi iti ei l un ii r r lfon thuî' ir'tti'tîion t si aI l .e" Apply to lui it.'i rttrtit it undtfidc r ite ( iai- a 'r"e t Who hg,% h it u'd yearg cf experiencet i n li. 1d ~ 5)Classos iu TELEGRAPHING eo'Vry day-iu PHONO- FOR StE GRAPHY, semi-weekly, e.r For NIu,'.tily l.itii'.i i eiîfCo uîn ça.&., adîrene (oncInAnig stiatnp>, 40 the i u.l:~ 7 MUSGIrROV E & W RIO Fit' ~ilî.î l in i ln"ii iti. '24 . TÃ"Ror4rO, ic. W. MILS. WOON, SHEEP STOLEN Or Strayed.Ca hf rVo - tia t' frielutiti), ,rvinift CfoW S7i 1.t .'n. ui, 'u Inî,îîl, 01 l th>, est2 01tfil j n toit, u t outr -ect en n î tlattitt, i 1crlftciv edn--, Ibrêe 'ni'i . tîtato r'r fu. wuîitui tlil rpuce rti if thue luia'ir p I'to tliv i f'li u.uiiltui vi 'LO W E~ cw i'1.. ta iIi'ir r.'e,viry vili 4o uuita&st iei aardeul.- S'AMCEL )AWS' New Store LWSPJIL AT tXAN(JllES'1'IliAre reeî>,viog; Po0 SÈLL OR BRY77. their aireai tw7'at'reyfuuuittine 1 fU124 iît bl! 'M E tt(meio 159à 00Ooobcr. Fetr tatna, &o., aonli.ite, ttul'l t , su it l, " U IW (191 PrpItrMauutîeeei. KOq91iItrens', I1~~rT--CT- traw lHats, parasc 184 ibons, Dresà Jý3ri lutbomattorofà JÇlBN cUMMIN0, btiôtafnd Grey (,"dttoit Vilageo tuVxbrld#e, Ct'tY cf Oeta rb e nlast-riauiI'as pri'nt,a r ru iulri.,iora'nf theItoltolrcut are ioltIi8cd ' O Lthit hg à t ia ade agi aaignoeit of ii<i oit-< tata MUîl elft'eqs, uuder theo aboveacau, te tue (ha idr n Aaaiga' .Mtu.aî heuara 7,0M, L- t)ird tld rii e ,a i th ib t rouabali r oil a gôt, iu yof)o*>IfbJy,l3C45. ln o -Hoa W4T.y QHOSÀIWAm i-ýeb unibtbZyoad *11% 0I lia obts i i ul ; t*' 1ith 'heLaget,iB[est, and (Cheajiest Stock of Liqor~ CrckeyGlarsswuarei oots 'nd' Shos, lotiîu, &., c.,ilit. hlCottuty. 'In which' are Youîug Eyos GupweBlaxck,. Coloure 'anid Un.colo ared, Japaîî Teas, from' 48 Centsi to thé very best'ât S5 dents per potund ; Pure Brandieçi. Willes, Gin, - nfi toddy,' Old Rye', and'"Dom- es- tic Whisky.â;- French Tea Sets, handled, (44 pieces,) at $2- 75; Large Size Tumbiersi t7 cî~per oeU L.i~ ots froni 5cuL;Mens' Cobu»tr& , a $1 .00 ; Miei' whole suits of Tweed, firomi $6 50 ; Tâbaccos,- Soapa, Candles, Biscuits, Fresh Ground (IoWfe Suguirs, Raisins, Uurrant1'Rice, Starcli, ,BIge, Broouns, Pails, Washboards, Brushesi MatChes, aind ail1 kinds»,of Spices, Fresh and Pure. It is nmedless to quote primde~ , e:C known reputation of thte iCalitrnia Store,"t ii Oshawai, as t.heý Cheapefst in the Province, c'il si'I 551 Terms strictly Cash, or Produ ce, and on e price only.' Maîîilluî, Julie, 1865,. THOMASMULCAIy. u-'0 NEW LHAÂRDWAIIE STORE, No. 4, ýoBroo-S@t., Whýitbye nie subsériberes are ý,ii11î-celiîng a ncw aîîd- caretXîlly selected stock of Getiertil HAuRD)WARE, PAINTS, lS Glass, t' arrnitîgi nilmet, eMai Tools, 1l'ouse Furnishing, and bouse Building Hardware, &. c [lave purchased their idoek forý cash, at.dîhe ver lowest rates, an~d tliey arêi deterined to sell at pri*eesu4ht willcompare iavorably witbi any otheér establishmn1et. clndrg eoamne hehstt wand andexa in u& tCi1' r Sock- and .'~ ad Tinar bul Quiebec, 2014 .rune, 1.8.7 On .Éureai .iidtrt ;eîrré'River Z7tneÃ. T I E unli'egîtd lcîtlcoupowl4'luItvor- bo @%ep&sttîl%, ûifedtt, iipoo le;ita'fortit yttîîe'. it lo' Cern e itîoti, 0t1 Wl.DNEt iA,tire NJNT11 ni' AUGU.'l', -t NOMtN, lut thte Court IttOat, Ilu, ttCltitv ai Liffidilot, C. W River llouge-Blockm-Nium. ii lît 2 ; 2 lit lots; 8 i tub ; 4 I4~ i -; lot fi; nitîîî 7 iti lot 21; 8 itr..l b illi lot'oit ; lo lii lot 10; 1Il inulot ý1 2 lotln17; " 13l'O n lia18 ; 14li lit 15;. 1.5 Ililot 14; 1 16 ,fd-I,l? tutle l.; l an le lui lot 12; oeiit lii î1î* -11 lit Ift 10; 2 a and 24 litilot C81( , 5 îi iiik o )Iliio 2114 Rn'gt.- frtum Thslusre . vt'esti.riî ,Xitltidry. Tho-it t 'tiîrl ouîiuo i'i c h tlîtcdi Lceealtoli, li addiilonît o lit hoitîtî for whieu iy l'eîii. Il:"'itve bult, uîuj iilged to lm, pay tiu Iului tire pr'oporttuio f CZ O ets ;Per b'jrreÇ eiiltiiîC lorty- gill'îtua ut tPet- A.tîtîip 'il' tieui'it.inoe> oiii;t 'ol i.Ot id I'îr' tirer poirtiî'uihirî î; lni;;î,l 1un îetlîllilit utte iInullîtiil ilte, Port S 14r)îio OTiIhoUiTuin Si ta 1.S .A OChancery Sale L n prruie fu rr anîd eafloti order, fr tleh in a ttacortain t îtie rut OKTIIGART VS. FIIN K. Mill hln tuh hy PUUIC, ON3< LEVI FAIRBANKS, TREYOUNG;EIx -At toIftce artiit u ,dersigtîail iiLt 'th T(,W ND..O WUIJll-BY, U C N t 4l' ' "i: ib K1W lt, h l' 'FRIDAY, 1W.,'2lst Day ofjJuly,~ 1865, AT Il 5Ç'1CCA.. ln f(lia c îîid v oiieai-eioiir îot Township of 1Ileachi, i, tIie 'oi i f t>uttufrlg, r, euttliiln hy aîd - 'flua pir-ltta(r shull t t 1ct lji eot. îtlo pny do"ui a delo iti th(ei'- of £1t c~0 fo)r ea'sry £11.0 <ut' utus î.iurotiae tpoiinv lis 11<0 Veil- ilote rî K thtir w iitt r il mtî lail',. pity iuere- tlkiir. tfr(bit a ett1oîuy ? ,.ti, viEhi u lut otîtor r0-qee4 tutI'Cxea5t sut" aboya iii- rt10f ea thotii. tul"Iloof male qSUr t1)i, 1taiîliiig cà îlltîuîîacof O3ua slcourt of cîanteary. 'rite ceiultIiinu' of eltle .:nd ftrtliî5 aiîrtlcu1'ttari 111a>y haoltith:eýl ut it te Ohi iiuf"lluî asait Natien ii uthysuld ;t Ilte Lav' illicGocf glaîniuel!1 <oahrattoanud 1l&bert J. %Vilis t' W% lult'oy. 154jêtlnt IN hitt-', this -tii-udisy -oaf SYrne i se: UEO. H. DÀIRTN!ELL. 1 Muster; SAUE . 0i W >Ca~ld~etn largdle4tIbons- Ay la'rgeSQ of Ladieà s -andMi e i au 31 "N mé, w -i i lié !M0M ýj ýN ýi