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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Aug 1865, p. 3

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Menti TONSOI'S SeaoL-GeneraI Jeff. Thoýtnpsaii made hrctra 'speechi te hbii oldera ai Jackaousport, 'V qf.Arkas, upon eurrerldering thetu, or n ~whieh the $ollowiug ln the coucludrog para. pMJP#. tNow i waiitouts 6go home i.ando li ard, aud ta--iîtie of-vour fami. hi ei1h, work early end late, and get up nt 11141er ight .adlice if your crope are growing, rbore &bovo ail thiuijs avoki political disonsiious. triy ( If auy Mar i »y& nigger te you iswear tbat igijPd You never knew nor sav one iu your lif0. iatîd, We have talked a.bout the îieýggr's fur iges forty Icre cnd been outtalked, we have ýearff fiught four years for the niggers, and the bave -been-d-d bcdly whipped. Tih. The Yaukýe, have won the îîigger, aud wiII do WRIJ wlat 1119Y plasma withh, bztand 700 have 1 of nosy in the matter. Ohome, and ltay Ogis1 Cere, don't go snuywhere but in miii dn' MI- grce, or the miniâter wilI put knots eie - lnto, trouble. Be good cit1zeyîs, and those 1eau of yon Who have heen good>1 holiest, anîd mcii brave soldie have rîothing te fer; but I vai. wsrn îhUéi of you who have been nothing ýrave * but d-d-uneaking, cowardtv. jîîy-hawket,, g4îly tut.t hrostm, and thievea, Ilînt a just retribu ross.butioîn awaits you, and I hope tu God thai id in lie Federal athoides aHI banc you 'ce -wheuever and avriever they eiîtch you. avec'1101,11Ido li 100.', b ut A Boston editor says --The day the ai ty.cesuit of the trkl -of Mary Harris vas ulti - snnaenced, the foilowlng interesti'Jn ît c on. !ore vrstige vwu overhtard,:-td Carnep, îh'ar, A" ~wiU ou phtaue tend mie your revolver ? 1 - - r orge Win nelt be4tte inl'liq, Jrom- lie.te nigbt." " i îy, ]AMWa 1i I'îu Norry i1lVye justlolett uy revolver lo Mary, cm* k an i abc fouiid a beau wîh tYCi- no nuirli Vlle- more nioney than Aifrel: but deari, 1 cal, our let yoîa have îuy ivory lhnudled sîiletto,iil rtab se~uchpiar. of îrig. -Tho coqueitish Mis 1,-.-lii ti eit el ed fruit apleaure trip tui %Vahirî:,toit. 5h. onir took with lier fotv.,, .-,... jaed lac mdA Na 0 . I NEW ADVEITISIRE1wNT I- .- - tel- -B -__Y_ _ I)ITFFIN'S CREEK,1 WEDNESDAY, AT.TGtST lGth. TIEni.iiileiitl. for thie occaieon wili coin- prisce i l llt 9 Oi f font bell, fooit rueilig, h iurli'ag, cik&-c îiiii,, '. The Mijorviimiauj O.luwîl Brias ud strnîg Bansîd, iiI m i j l, ttllaîoo. Tichts2.1 emiilts, ilrn etihot. e. lreltliîiiiri% i IIl w I îî'oloiol 011 Ilie grriî'.uî.l le tlIte %vii in y reqiru lliei ui xtriclmurge. July 2stili, 18635. PUBLiC HOLIDAY GRAND UON Exeu rsi on! C- mMn iîi.lw a and inatE~irboîto N er'u(r to uitcb i 1 0tui i1re h tl ii .il (..! ho it e l t lliv h M . 7,uVi). i it lt m illei' si.îî', i lit 'I I lu,, 'tltu l i I I iid iuj - ' I iv trpf$i L hic trI1 htoef-i uwnysa itlletacît bonnuets aI]tmuicttt' u, ""-l' huridred pairs or I'Ioves. 'urlv" 'i ' 'n.li' lu'cu cfriend aho liîpuîpîed îthorii-'obu! ili'i W i slhe vas uupacihnr,uI&YOU diii tlot tîîlie i!j[t' ri"tlitii ii that with you." iT nirecly itit. chuteit t'uu l ', vta. il)dipensab'e, i y hiCti-. 1 lefî helliuiiî d , tit j r'iî ir meOt ailthai vas cctîberseomî." lAh, yr Iii 'l iiiît uiic uutieruiaià, Jaiue1-yur lueiiil' tcui, rII't'jiIil1 h l", n j t î o fM . ai-nom lied a betiir't ~ i i'.i i 1. î.. 1 1,jN %V Il,' lIl at the New vYork-Ie Adiilu'ty t(A' Mui'i c 1'li ,Xriday afternl:oc. ýAt te clioe,__Mr.___ - - hum n adeia epte' hl, iiil tIc tiuîuicIif Wilich lie sald tIeat sfi te uruscîiîî ele lxuuitiid ln anc e rv h. ehçel the ed'it'i of hieici r ime fuît, abut conitiiiuiiîg tIie iiuviii i u l a ii' r 'l' others loi asked IHorairue Gi',c', 'Li,'I r. the of your lhiu l iiY' 'itllei'i _î fuîbng. hîvu h'eliî îîeîî i'riz i lc fui- thii'ty y(-e'ii, ithi î aveti'î liudc- chance jet." V'ery diatrýeaaîgiîiîuhhgu o oti IliiclIcu. cAffoiii rrutr (Iciifhai('fiti-?, freIn ihel* cf Cuioll 1pê.îî, cItc, . titi"'c!i'ti N'1u ha.a huririesne ilîoî'ehmuu ipir'u' iî fulu:1 ; %,- il, î,- lit, destructive of life atd ie iuclip . ' %hu %'m l it i. Ilit t 4lIlY ' I ilu ui, ic' li ' îamirtfer fronî tire Cape oli t. euucîc i~ wus bctaly lhutastîd il iqtilm4celitcud in'thuIFgliuiihday ofAignst, A. D. PÏ65', lie le"titin 17 etet.els lutie 'utIue isi!i . ~ .t'i 1%li'ucbil oto are tlîeîî 70 1liVî-î. IIwoîîîd I ici n ic rt'IiIî';îî i hua beeîî iui'n 'e y îd'î i ' i-0lit tt; . , ,, f tci c part (cf the vuialu lut h It iîliîijV 18 îit I~ii tl'"ci"uii' abat riîo lîuîeîî firp.ighît c' ed hav I;î r iI i i ll ic i-il t f iîi tii "cl-i i. 'cnly adeqoate tr.'îieicucc i îttcteilce lit 17 1 t iVh'I i lci Itýlii c 'il- 10cr-'lt, i . , A . agaîtuattlth 11 iiitditîuc'u There are, saymthIle iîl'Ati-euu,.lIc"r Itttileid £5deri-t-tifr(mtO'eCAiiliic.iu'ttI'critsc Mlianeiche utcirecii f , Iu cf thi- nldetit wlinletniulcamu 't"tl t !i ciL, dolit"is C;uîri ird on iuuuc' 'huhOtu g' lc1i oviters vei-t shcred l hci 'uur ce e ,o. 'l'liîe teai uic rtts ai-e 8leucseltlpoti blecic- îlii's, fil ie 'liIiiy-salii'ei i fl. ýr u ou-tf Ille u sifuoieis bouud . nev'enrta rtveai iheir eiti or >1'liPi-i,cis metteruich alud $Ooeof ben gay iitndi veut ta a. rettaaa short distance out of l'arig ar.d hid sncb a uahsy siprec Ihat <a crovel gathieé ncioder the viudovs -sud ltooted th e pity---'o appetile the rabble the l'iiceaa wentî eut opou the baic'Sbuy atid auuîg s comie uatug.t Mr. aoonbte lo f the Exclue. quai,. prenided at a prinlars' 1&tievaiant -Socitbye d1*tiercýn the IitbIlist. On th@ 316t ultimeo, at the resideîîe ofo the blde'sa fatiîvi by the 1ev. Me». Bldge 0f whitiby, Mr-. C. F. Nah, Celi orfZe., Natib, Wîseoîîin, te. Miss M. Wilison, both of Pickerinîg.- ?MW ADVERTISEItTENts. A GRAND Tii, bityer eftiia'owîîcfWllîilarlîg pro- MXONDAY, 7th-of Augutet 1865, .Ttn4 oie ocil #Ï A IPUBIITROIIDAY, And III i iar te airlv y îîîfsc'îî i tîiove wlîo do uut w ht(; ho £ifrcuî homeg to îek plealmiro, tilû 111 1oruhzned4, tîluled*by 'a îîîîmber oe*t tlîir fellit wlîiiîîîe, ihave eltaiiî- ed bcave to uciceîîjtiheaîel:grouni teit Fth uroeof vf ta IoNie oîîtît11t duy, un m older ti> fUn1weilui îsellthUe be'! 100 et tiî, WIIITBY Bmes & Quadrille BANDS hiîîve be eurlwhivlh will ftiriîis uie, l'or (q~lnnýg410. T;hrîezire clan eiiîîteicd te er- ieFzc o h fclbwicg vrîîîee, ~l±-îee $1'Il GY Hri, yVt.rae, (leîi:~18 .00 jt orne $8, 0O *balail'WMui, bliilîded) $2b 'aane $2, ON a pitreoîî M.ievlii pulyTsgt for ifflo oitfflfig, %vile ay-Jtifl tion t I io's~a i vAe nt t$5, O0 viii betsîZn, iieh viii bcon, baie prwpe4y teuýfw e1 hg pe t t1iito-ra fiteîiv - polo, thICNI)hAl.NI'tY :J cEi.NIII'îAT EXCURSION IBowm,.nvilLo, Oshawa, ht by, - DuiBns' Creek, French- xnanos Bay, Port Union and Scarboro, to TORONTO and Niagara Fails, OIN MONDAY, AUGUST 7o 186U. "p it 1 1 'îN Nls'I NsiIUTt,5 0OP e 4ii Ritaltwily T'i'mlitag'I'oriîeltc, îîci lte F!ce rtînel JuXci>iotitritnp5i tie Falls of Nuiurnei-eO'tii»utC Siugiti-i, ULtiucou iand À .hcTeI'rctiiof ' liei (rcicitiTract lEilU5 mili î'îve nnhuatIj t 51--,O.hîaî 5. '-4 at,'itO, l'art Iuctn6.40. utîtti Sohro at t, a. nii, I Itic-uuth tmlei,)it.rr'tlnk et IJ'tcito nt 7.47, cei'k, îcuiig t.cl uc,e lu il hl huec laieandii l tuwe'fît ieiller, P FIT Tqtoi-oito, arriviiuaeht "'wuuit ut 1Il o'oicck, %hhIlcai'ceiuthl t rai iibo iiwait ig to Colit- Nen îcius'iiijti tû the ruis. flue rtotrc""t7'uit iuîi]cave tifq bi'îmit* e 'ltck, p. ni., acd uic'. Doit iWU I 1eLehui-, toit net .50. i-i-intg aItcionî t Il o'ell, teluetu a x[ectuiti' welmAi b. 'luwaititig w<ou-ii ne>' the exiutiiuuit8 ta luu a nî'ii d le tei-euinut. îu 'Thte (4roum 1601eWittkcr, lu, îaîtouieec ta gigue speofnice oitailta ilv. Auî,flieentt ntas anti Qnndrli Bauid vihI ltccueînycnyy ehoexcirsiou Paity. The licehi 0fr the Coirporations af 'WJultbY und tý)îLuswa bave proelimdnudtiti day di SPUBLIC I+OLIDAVI Within Ilueir raetvlcpsahsa~l'rw thtu frticl an otîporteefly of ariipet'priz i tît01ecaticncc a1îo exenruîioi,1 t Atxi- cuie t f 'tricos ki"otivltiitPb&'$u1i'tr.vded oi tfhe tue. 'rlSco f ticket&, tor-the roua'!I tlp-lncîo1ml item Riifwuityat.dShaiha-nlqpn$0, LadiesSiel0, t COMITTIbE ef ARRANGEMENTS, Wliitby Meeeslesi4lstt. ;t-J J Hum ! rrî' Pii et(ît.1an Me'riî. 14,Y. Srnitl, M. 1timiu J Bain 9i. 09)oeaicani M an- pur, 0f. t'ou'uteu.e~.U B. j. tllckey. Od.ti.As'Mccflia.uleu' Bsiue.St. Fair- ban»ks, Pre>îdatît andl Met£'ti'cJ, 4trie4hael, F. K~eller, W. D. 0icioueil J G3erviu, J. ýE., Fard eel, .W. FqWv, sdIl U Iîi s> Wsc mid gess.J . V,I?42 ook,%b i 4bbiWi M. l l, lt-.ene o For Tovn of %Wb'tby.-N. M. Bravn. RAq., Msyr ced Masisro.J mans Boire, Judge Bnra hem , CI. Robante, J. B. Powvll, A. Anderson,~ S. Ir. Cocbrute, and D, 8. 1Dow. -u JOHIN HMILPZRRY.chhalrplsn 4of Jo11s$1 AT JU-,iST'RECEl J gola w OMM. ?ROCLANATION 1R1Ù1ý;121ýýta N. W. ItiIhiwN, Fý NVe bUe îîiesindresm;lct f ti' eTowtvii of WI; ItbyIipcfilyrcqccct hliit yoit wili 1VONDAY, August 7th, 1865. TO BE A PUBLIC HOLIDAY: 'Wiiiîby, Jîtiy I7tiî 1865, R.& J. Camipbell, 11.11. f'rosby, R. K.. erry. Wtîî. urci, J.îtlilç-m rîcwri;l L. 1 lie k, I 'linte, Rulirte, Jus. Il. (Ici-ie, Tiit,sa. Levier, T. Il. MeNt jlân &. Co. Jtiii oe l tliiiJa eeiluî, 8. II.leclirutîe iNi. Ilîts hi. 1 Ioeot ii i 1 IiRe t-Iorge t uriii'k, h MaiiieIliler, Ji, i et c r fil, , . il' ii , - Nî..î Ni tO,io , N iljow. Il itlovclt.i,. 1 c iici, ? R. J. l'ilîîlp %N. l4àeec J. GVjIîîuî . A. Ilaimiuilr, Al.. i J. %i i t, h 0:1ft , Ihni el 'rery, 1%. 1. , J. leti el'.'>&,1h . ' hitM. 1. i~*E. fuîîîî,, . 1). J V . iii;îi, v N uic,', .1 iiiem Liioi NI. 'rlwîîite. Jtiic"ehilî.k, ilIcNc2i- t i- 1 il î ' i ' Mondayl 7th of August, 1865, C - IAlZk41,House* Building Hardware, i iI t1 t ( r i t , llo , i iN'ijuittIt iutr",,~"""c i r ~ ci acljî l is, Oîls, N. W'. BILOWN, itgi.c. GOD S.AVlýT1E QU]EN! Ho! (i reIl EAd- 1>vr lf". A.01iES JEIuiurhi'î' 'lt u, 'Irih 'il, c" W iticî'i ii u ~i- , c Nc t', c'r î îc ' do.cc'Iitic-Iît', .huliii iutltt!îLuio. INSOLVENT ACT 0P 1884. Ici ritein ltimer uf Ji'UV A Mu)RJIli\l'ON, ail AM, V$ 1Ti1' A. iW,.I cftc', uIIt iui, c. in' tha' Mau'llî,ttti, lilcA. Il. î-ei. tili xORE VALUVAILE 'l'ANC(OLD T I i l itu èrei .% 'ce, Itr i r , hiîi iii.l 'ilt lIe i'tJcci. ln-! cucc îittu SL.'iît'1Ix aîti il--ci- :Iec ii- t' Ii i-' -itl' 'i-' lii etI Il "cii cl iît-iiitc c i f tlîc nflirhie lJ i.t Jý ]IttVN, ('reîuiîiug ihtliî.44J l'asti- ,mi- ), 1' i. ubî , tir"t iithes'vi le l m i y lleih'ic.eippiîiîI.' ieesBaric,.& Cou, TO LA DIES. yet.i meliait .AN "S ,KYtFî.îcele Pll, a iuu'er-f.îjiiur reiné-et fir tt. 'i-ciiv.ul Afr(if MIîti nsut,, liq mÉeUe,' frurîW144 ual cstilt»u arte. TIiî.y ai-c suit aud ture Ncutiliii ren tntue,'tii eh'ery Chu'.'. 'net'ire ar d efibisàci' cccid ielu UtUscaic>or l*'oknen4tg iru, Pi-c lîp*ul. &e. fSold ei.xaeititu OPla PrIe,<ilite Poilai-. 8,ieiifor Dit. Il'Alt'EN2ui 'n lî'h iuelieuti 4d I-iei-, u.direted to fcl1iUeu- lMtiilt.iesC, 1gjlt ii< ci tulcihtiitjeu, 10 çt'itiî ru'i-ed for uios.uîuv If ycuica'itputlelcîssithecpille ct >'ucuîr 4,hi't;taihev 14ill 4 *onctihl' mail. 50e- cuore frucît i lîîcrvatfoît, ait rceci lt of' <lits Dot- iii-, Uj »li. J. Bizyiu, Coouuliiujg 1i>hyoliffia, 0"i. Ieux, 5069>. 442 Btroadway, New York, Itcalciiiuptciiei ly Penits Dirtna & Ca., iilmteAgents., New York. 211.17 Gla4 NONg for the UINFORTUNATE. EiLL-IS Spiifle liulà i-e varranteti1 3 iiitmlt ci"Ms toi' the0 tpeedy aua P~ritei 2i~or 1111t ttis.îc fi-oie xbîxitii edaseor, ~7cifbliuceir, Seiuluai l'O", , NMII rneiois.ctîSna Dritonte; geltal, ?lI1y4eeil 91d Nervoumi Do- bilit, Impoteçt.t lxuiDcehs e Nu. chnge eTDliiile eetsy anitihliey CAC b. ué tl ltote e..QnuiFÀ01box ccttiti # « ili. 1>One "li~if' yoc tiscutot gel tieoryour -dref 41.et wi 't e I1.sont hy meiltseêereW Seid ih f011 irait i-tietteoni. îlet litanre %,cure, of% rVetiept of the0 c1ioloy' gund a piuphlet 0t, 00 esIl 0tii le TorR 01l Y01101 ~ ~ ~ selrccdLae Class, &ce, tlhey offer-at the very lowest renUnerat- nfe CALL AND E71XAM\INE-TILEliB GOODS AND Pfl.ICES. Their Stock of tPýresgil and(IJanxanned %"arisextensive andl varied, al of which is warranted f'r-st cl'îes, a.s to iworkunanshi1) To persons building, tlhey aler thecir services in puttilirg u EAVE TOGS CONDUCTOIt PIPES, Cl'bTERN PUMPS, &c., lîtviitg first e4îss workmn tiliînloycd iin the Tfin Shop, all Jolhliîi. Work duul- i2ti te ct aîîdi inotit iupproved style, and 30o IIlA 'I"l t IBIIO'I1 ER, No. 4, l3rück-St. Wit N-"t IN BI'OOKLIN -- Iathewson, Ratclifte & Co. .4re ini receipt of1 their New«S~oc of Springz andI Stnii'ncr Goods, New MIIts andi Bonetts, New Dlesg Goois, Nbw $lawls antI Mandetis, NwCuttotis, Iroin 7cts. NKew t>î'îuts, f lost C ', fî'oin 12jets FAMILY GLIURIES, MOOTS AND SIIOES. A LARGE STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOT HINO on liauîd, elotiii.ig muade to ordei' on tliîesÎort- est nlotice, -and ini the latest style. Tweeds, Satinèts'Innels, M1101n9,;&'. of a.ur owîu 'Manufacture, SOLO RETAIL, AT W11OLESALE ýMATHiEWSON-, RATCLIFFE & ùo. 18 WINEs 'Th'eshc'hrba nbn choice agsort-' ment of SHERRY ANO -"CLýA#ET. c VQR K~iiv PROVISION THE subscriber wouldl re-ýpetxi11y inforWa'his old fHondw1'and custorners that he-hae, again started- b snlitbeab ove îine, i ii the 'OLD CORNEýR STORE,' oppositetahe Robson Ilouse, Dunds SreeWhby Where be intends keeping on bond, cverythi ng, required fo r Family use in the Grocetry ite. jr1~rsetul.ivtsa early cali and a f'air triât CAS-H PMID ORUT R Thie'the highest C'ash -Prie-paid for -0-od TuViiî4d Roll B-tVer- also, Cash paid for--EGGOS. 19BEST ýAMERICA.N CIJEESE.:. FOR SALE. Best Corn and Corn Meal always on hand; also',best'l'?amy Flour for sale. 0Qej>Barley, Oitts, ,Pe" &C., bQnght.as usiial., Whitby, Jury 12, 18é6. v2 ............ LOÉ NmATiùô .uXddreged îe o ne u 4Ilit ttii, l, 'v whI i-eci-e btaindiieuhiiojîI.îî-,rg.ili "g te ' lions of the iéPpouilu- cme tiiil ciiC tale hum ointli9rilîîppî i il- o vetîl, fige or hucunîiy. .$erci~ 911Sitoeculte iile tjîv liet. tm il îcrb1îthn tkeg l lîremîlas>n lt- daV~ie-is lflie ab veniieil Iotel yijilUtfoî heequa ta lttc z u., v Shops ,to Let!Y ie 1 roc v Strelu ye& c,, iedrtcj Batbeth(-'crý* fpsililes initiown for hIiit- nmwn.itldid tttWC,,telier fgour a)(!ced lUu NEW ADVERTJSEMEN.TS. UNRESEI*I TISL 'Iie sLIbscribers heg to0 infbîrn t'heý public, that tlwey bave corn enced n d wiIl con- tinue, fer Tif Of-0-fEERNS , o fe r the whoIe of their preseut stoçk 4t: Cost, for Cash or Produce only. " 'Ihey also offer the l1argest à rid hest R-elected stock of Croceries, .,Liqu ors#c Wines, In the C3ou nc,nt prices dfîgcîpetition. T HI Moiîlian, ou NEW GROO0 ER p a r u uro e '.ltd u ittg iU ly s roieuilu l is orude lhto. 1A ttp.f tilelcatiitla î t lter prtfleuhîrs obteinetil on' ai ludîcoficle,l'ont Sartiuin, ta Kxei1Rq te ioaidoeiîî "WbIE L~MJ Wbit'y, July 19. 1865k, t t I Brookli, Mi-. 10, 1805, WINES 'i r in in f, 11 1 11 ff -ri U ir- NEW IlS ýR.DWÂRE STORE# "aîIey~ xki: G rai n Cradlcs, Scyth'ose Siekies, fl:"1ptgI 'kMachine Oul, (ain pAiis)Cistern Pumps, li-!,- -îoks, (with patenît trap,) L 3 ie toiepp Cî'ocks, k '.Eît.iled Pî-eserving Kettels, Fruit Preservirug Catis, J-au' t.i tj Culer Scales and& Weights, Bird O a gotl as;o.uiî,,J IZDGEWPvS Ivory IIsaudled Kuives, fJ ,îîd Dessc':'t, Bt'itish PI- te Forks, Table and Desset't, British Plate Tea tid T;d1l-)I Spooî:'i, WhiteMta Tea anîd Coalec Potg, Table Mats, I'Iateçd CallBel!-, Plated Cruets, Japanncd Tea T'rays andi Waiter4, Japanned 81.'I.c ai-d Cake Boxes, Sponge I3aths, which togretluur with a large a,Sortmeit. of 1 1 1 . 1 ýý i-r IVhitby June 2s, jtoi Ulîi $100,000oo 'oLOAN, olcacho wliterëlty 10iîmt itejî h>i i 81i0,00ociilliiproîîil iîîrîes, AT 7 ?ER CE-NT INTEREST. ilerrowear, clite iîtîenuiy fi-oic une L tnt, yer.No vtct,.etel1 liii-icl I i, i, î;eît for lte <caîi Iu'celicîct iiuidiiîg soýt.ucîy, wlîteh u idsi money'froîîî ut o tiiyor,n, 6 PER CENT INTERES1.' Apply I .ienîcuitho, (tft'teici Aceiiie azt, iignrance itiff uieiti 4geîî, i, e PREieet ALi ýof[i-Oait leTwi 11NDIAN DE]PARTIMEN2 Quebe, 201&1A deis,5.. OlL LOCATfONS - On MIlraianltcz diati tir.onM, AaeZmi bc 4chIe tpi tdrîiuef Itrcieiîih exhît0,. 'teili uîisit POUilie Cernîi(ttiiu, o0W11iK ' the ,lîe NNTII f, AUUO lit NOON, ltî' teCourt fLouse,fit tlîo City ()f Içcetdcît Q '; Rive Ibnge~~,be 1 in l1t -v;2 Ili lot a - 3 ilstli'W;4 1.1 lot 14; 5 ils lol S5; GIlid- 7 lis I'ot2'19ti tud 0i)iot 90); lu in lot 10; i1 ha ot 18; i 12,lthuMt 17; 13 lut lot 16 ;1I41iîlot i i t I9ol lot il; 1 Ilslotîo13 , Iu n nul 4iiltlusd i o:9251Ii l ot 22, Ood 'erle fiun IIut iq cWsten b~icW:at .fp ToýR£

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