Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Aug 1865, p. 4

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Boots &Sh esl MÀTTHEW COLLI NS 1> 1~G5 t Il%%n . 1.ncý' t1Slit lbc usa 1> rlu ~ot ti !i~ nv poifteO,,il t»rock StrnetL S dor (minlb. Ueegitry tîfit , t BOOTS & ' 10ESt lu g1càtat trltyand nu ta order. Itors nitly don". . t'TRUNKS ]FOR BALE 1 4:6 lietarigit sort o u 1tî .% lZnituthé 13001 A in1l ie lirei te cua 6 '111E CELEilfiRTr-0 STEAM,-COIIlEÀD I100P# r1TIIF. PA cutge 1euphu'nto cedi ll ottu Ili Qi Îlite liliii'tn ihe ehuuuli rtn ha for >roWuý1IP8 n 'o titila luit. luuuiit tA tif-iitrinil o rtli vtrtt1sil . Laboulr-SG.vifl&Inventioni, It lime . iIlle afuoh1wiiialle i~Jt Ai ttea., euh i 1 ul d liit t i iiifutiv . ii I0 p.i; annI 1114. fiiitlivxrt êmrvhydu ie«rl,. Yu'ry apltt.0 -lnltetriual, la no enta11 recuit- THE HOZDP IS STRONGER, And w-1i1 lentt lanier Ittte or! îuuîurt lan *i ACoîier tson meke rutii futr t' Il v.' b)ertcu lper tdaynoîýra ti mui ii utdorimui y'irll- " ONE TIIOUSAND HOOPS, Viluii elt lasat fruiu liu1 naiuui"- ellilit liurriîin it lI'i.l lrr¶i iltir uil it ter (tr hfp!iut. *&,t. Wluurinvýti ieuil,%i._ tiot ua ira beenli ulnt han u'îi iol io-t ~C>OMPLETE SAM#FACTION! Ilte pitoa, '0tr tlo nlue iuliîu, eluurri uthuîîg fforIl nt1 iîuîa nui. oui îouu,îik(me filîti lnilves llt aîî a urldiiug ilur wuue it tii',ngit, et nu l1aiui îwU i. fy itl prattîcniiiiail. AndroW eltaig, Wît11iiîi tr,; %ini Garltor At. ?ir'nSîtpl-iiSkiiiov ,Oilsinuu ml!!e.. ong~e lSrtwt. Apply to tle lirelrictuîr anul 1îetî'trr ]FALL AND WINTER OLJOTRI&G& PLAIN & ANCY CLOTIIS, For VAUanud W "]ur ,uur ueyliei u luI a urnot alutý1Iat ttf ' Wsai tat uuuio n al ou 1ini> f 6O41tu ilp ileriur itu ttttlilîgi unes Ml e,,,* tlet lttit i urhî tto r1;,ai ais. dcýrFintof Cluth 114 fr Stiduu 1>tlic -A or»lee .nrvtutt ,u t uruer. Tie Californialiin I ~ý r .xI w JUST TO H-AND, J/ LJlRaE STOCIC 0F FANIILV (GROCEIES, Wiues aiid spirits, Porter and ticls. .% le in bot-I Tfl E 111G11 EST PRICE PAl» FOR BUlTTElII HAMILTO'N *&Co.1 Nu 1 anid 2, Tflls Block. GRVETEN& Go., DENTISTRY. 1>1i\..N -1? (j 1rrtI.tlittVnul nu l erlus i r tinr 1 khur i-l 1 lest.. .tilusntlt' the 1114, Iganufacturers, 499 BROADWAY, N EWXTYOR{K. THilE attention or te Piublic andi the trate, lu. inrhted te Our Newr Scale 7 octave lta"eewooat Piano-Fortes! IThicli for volume a&Pd purity àa r -rival- %iin- .u:i.u mthot aeeithimarket.n tluol lue wilhlte iellivutuo uttui jtuî lur i anitrînteil to 1hileace Ire oit. *uol..u.uitîva, ,u r'uii'srit un CI i N t>OASH AN'D NO CRED)T.. àlbey conhtall at te modemniluprofemontal, 0~OTVITlN.~G<IuIam<inheI,9.pjlEjCU GRAND ACTION, tg-OiiUT PITTI îeNG G « cetorn su'kî 'ats, afpto n'rok l yiMu u<utt'<~uinlt.ut>IRP PEDAL, A4udascIiinstrument .ig mati uder DBrooklin Drag Store. the porsonal supervision ai ~llh l.~it~.~~ut~: 'ehuuti'u 4îiJ. Il. GROVESTEEN, -D- ,t,01sIy tifConfintchu %,ruVIsaIaliasd a practical axpericico o! 'DyHo. à >Ve edce'nc uaJa~ ir 30) yearttin theirtnanufaClure, las ro4laitu, C, ., 16'2bWarrantod inuevory particular WHIBKERS! WHISKERS!, GRoVESTEEN PIINO-FORTE," I D olyou ment Whimteri or Mnu#&-ei<l iReeelved flue highest awerd of menit os-r Oîtn Grocaclut OMpýuoiiul ll rroe ian ail o-brsat the Ceiebratod *., Vw on die suti tl.ettfaeceor ain, îr tii Ill d InsixWerlts. Prîco, $1.00- 8 pàusre5 or $t.00. saltt-bY tutua an. wbara - Adruut.Wbere we cxhiblted instruments fron » wA1Ulul t <'1., theboat nakers of Londoni, Pâris, Garma- 14 oaliS hrîokîyri, N.- y.- nyPîîiiadeîphis. BUlîimn;e, Rs t i W Lhu t~'rhiaewstnzut Ont #et nrihu*t'em -New York eot lso ai tbe mil l ul.aao reuu ttcotrdl orvitol. r. <'IiApM'%N in Amterican IIWI iluICfor 53 succe ea rt, autiboiunoihui's!e' ISo.- TIIE OLà SU "la W. Gold &,SilveriU.Medals. PAJ111,bp.r tirciuî OW hoapo4llt- f.store sl it nul cit'flîCli'til5,with- Frans botlî2f whieh cati hosean atour> r Bip o 1 luTE, 1. D.. B>' the introduction of itDproveenits we 11p0 Broadiway, New York. make a stiti more perfect IF vou WATTToiKIOW. PIANO1-FORTE! A LITTLE OF FVk*'<y*llNiî relat1 te ta Andl b>' iantifscttirng largai>', with £.tharie n e 4n1 n utmie aulul faniëulthuastrictly cauh systet, are O(iabled te offer eausas andt retalet ; t u.leashe i taril thase instruuments ta a pria. which wil ok.tnyll Ahtitai lm o0lt; h'uw '<a i iOl a11nt athriacianuuuilinga nie 1111,44 brr, precitide canpetitioO. roadtltie revls tutu l e li;zeseýUtu ul tuMe ROLu DIeCt. (ov-i futxgcssa" a <uritn-i isiuk fuiari Du,%tpe,iiandu'<aRir-mbooik for e-cir>' one. No. 1, Savon Octave, round corners, ji00 4o, viiit*ti l'is rie$.10Cun- Roscwood plain cate,-$27l. tent* hublis seuit froctea exuuY didr. Book% ma>' bu' lind nt lits Bsîik %tores, or willi he sert No. 2, Savon Octave, round corners, lu>'mal, l Ont la01 tuîiu lPOu Of lt iîle1rieo- Ad- Rasewoati hatsy woulding,$$W0._ drus&. E. B- FîOTF 'lt 1 No. 3,. See Octave, round c3ruers; 11liontiýadn.v, ?New Yok. Rseowood Louis XIVstyle, $825. rIIE CONEB9P<8 ANu SIXP ESt..Nett Cash, in Ouvrent Funds. JEN#Cg OP AN INVILtD. Descriptive circulars saut frea 861>', pUPDS Il Er)blforlbe noîîssni a pCA U Tuir <O ouît ô Norlu oblta ta'<r1o- t apetttyitut tlise niue NATKINIALKATEAR, Eq., Brooklyn, ToConiuinptivOls. ýr M DgIi§ftIAEGDF R"t IIIÂNILLA, ~V~t1~ the Largest~ I~est, and Cheapest iStock )f 'FRSHGROCERIES, Liquors, Crockery4 Glasswai'C, Boots and Shoa, lohiu, C,ç., in the County. I1wic reYon yShos, Guower, ê , ( onourcand arcYourdJpn Teaos, froru 5 etBsk, to the vr beand-X 85 cnspelourd;a Pues r 45ie~.Wns,Gn, hm, Tdy, Old R85censer nd o;s tice Whaiy;eqWnnc e et, handy ld, (4iee,)atd $2 75 Ltrg SViksFenThîber S 7ets hpede (4Laies' Bots2r75 Lag i z e Mns'b irgî, li t îl $1etspe0oze ; Ldies' hoots fof 65)'centd, frns'6 50; Tbaccosapa, Ca; Mns, wBisuitsfrh Twe rouîî$6C50lè;, SuarsRasis,Souats, CudRs iscits rb le, (.,runole, hS Wa'aiss, rashcs , Mace, a ahkiBlue, Spices,' Fresh and Pure It is needless Io quote prices, 11wewll- kznown-reputatioil of the "lCalifornia Store," in Oshawa, ats the Cheapest -in the Province, Ternis strictly Catim, or' 1roduce, anid one price only. ---ihlîi. %tMr 7 IrS1 MULUch 1i ~Ie SPIIING iWPO11ITINS Cottons from I1 Oc. UF A, large -tssortînent of r~~C~1 lo i ls, , Teolis Siit-Jor Oît»Ct'<lt t uein tuh!.- title S tia w ai S P rIlmîuiar attati lai o d t i '< e i zi u l l uaio je o k s, s t a t i o n e r ,îildrou'i-Tactil. malirk ta rantu t VRITBY BRASS B lAND ti i S ihitby QUTADMILE ]BAND! A LAROI bl.e tiaui ' rcuMuuaft14 ii iiriB O O T S l'or, tcfar Ilus eguuiIt ul1t uj WIFNI)~J, THE LAIIGEST &4 School o Y. &i~N~tfful~ Dward s. ______j MATRIMONIAL. T .ADIES-000 Refltbilfliiil il YOII Wînh ta Ljmevry you eau do ,ua by ndlcaaadna nie. Iwillasnd you, without money3U~.withong prico, valueble lufarmation, thet~i~- onablo yon 10 marry lîapplly yOui ta nia bappiiy SPIJNGIiYPOITATIONS, Vyhlesaleand iRetail. R. & J.CAMPBELL 3eg toann ounce that they have grcatl1 cxtended their remises luatcpton of an encreaseti traëdc, n aving pturchased the bnkothr GOODS FORL CAS, ill e be t o r CASII CSTOMERS, the Cheapest GoodaS, as wcli as the Largeat Sýtock in the County of Ontario. They woui d direct special attenîtion ta tlîeif DRESS GOODS, P. rtiiliy te a largo lot of Chales and Delanea nt lUots per yard, ce.P nt 25e-ts. Poplins, Hosiery & Gloves, Shawls, Bonnets & Rats, manties,. Ribbonh,' Cotton WarP, Ourtainis &Carpets. Cottous and Printa ata great ri-duction in -prico, and well-worth the attention of' thue ClO.;eut bîlycrs. READYmMADE OLOTHINO-. Ini Mens' and Boy s' Coats, Pants, and VeSts, miade Up on the pre- miqes. Thle 'l'iloring Pop trtileut î iq hi tut. the printuu lîîtceof' a fi: et d'iss Cutter, nnd al garnieuta umade Io orea rrîk uç~a ntcud. They havei leud a GROCERE'tY & IROVI SION 8S1'ORE, Adjoining, where wuili be fotindl a choice selection of Coffees, Oat & Corn Meal, Table Cutlery.« Anîd a largre select ion of' Gardcii and Field Seeds, Sait and Plas- ter, &e-,& ý- at tit' lt)west pric<e for casthi. T'he attention of CouîtrtY Merchaîîits and Ped1ars is requested, as thî' cau i twftys find -i lirge :nuuorttuent ho q-cl±ct fî'om. [1rint s, C t [qLdisSELLING OFF, )SI chool MIlE sub3criber.ihmviiîg resol vedl for the present to discontinue jthe Credlit Business.,f'oî i tis date their Terms wilbc Cash, j~jjfl ~except to patrtis who lhave paifi their hst îtecouîîts ini fuit, and have opeîîed accouuits for tlic presenit )-ar. Goods purchased AnI P. tiknthr accout, ilîSaul be suîd t~ rmm (mi «-m--)- 7i rus i t." -. & SHOES,1EZID~~'~~"~ ...i.l.unpx ,tuuSlOr b >ks, & Stationery. .4.~-.l ,-u-a n iilian-d t gINgCOU ceIs-a large wnî> K&UNE EPAUTMRENT. lzllbs. of good Ctu'rants (or $1 00. Goodi - - r1<v; at 80 Cents. inc IrLiot I IIn iltuIt ika fu i mi.nusfit ci 55Olwatti' ittu t.l ofi 'enua uhlfQutut 1<u Y, ~ îin~~o,'la uuu uluu ti &tn 4t-,nt ilueVl a tti itu.ii n t.t Ivid '< -t dl estt clamsai apaulthe i'julu Iu>' ut) lîrriit .Agenmt, IgIOfmcoaljil# aa latoCut<e. Whltb', Apri 19, w1M. 1 WilîtbýY, Maiy 3, 18C)5. Suninie r lust' opefled a coiplete assortnient- of Ladies%, Misses, Girls, anid Chihdrens', Boots for Summner Wear. Everything that is ncw ini the Shoe line, wilI befoîînd*ç at the Ohd Rted Store, at prices that wilastonish huyèrs 99RE.NEMBER TERMSSTRlOTL'Y CASH. Only one Prîc&. James Bain, qv~ gho~mak8rS. Dry Goods9Iero 'q$ HARDWARE, IRONý NAILS,;f 'Glass, ail sizes, Paints &Ojis, - &e., wilU be offored aeX voIry much REDUOBU PRICES. Having given notice sonleti.me ag(,O, that we rcquired paymemt o ail accuunts and notes due, and past due, and as m-any have given no attention Lto said notice, SAS i EREQURE MONBY! We *must look 'ta those that are'itudebted to us for it, and. their aen ou Vilheu niaced for-colle tin withont further delîay. Whitby.July M18f 0MW , a IWV*lU 14%A11 Oriehunlredsids of superior spanish oe i hl Leather to haud, Nutuber one-quality - New Styles of Lests to hand 'ahe Thréâd, Zinc and Iron Nails, and ail sorts of Shoe Findinàgs, eXthe OLD> RED -$TORE. - JAMES BAIN £Trtii1-O (yrwy 3y t ,Statn u'- F ire ! Kinatreet, Toranta, C. W. PirsOt drEai of Wutoda Book ROOM. (IOIQDV<'tTpItD OODIlTO BRIT18I1 p MACTICF, with mieil uuileatiouut ull- fa écp m dt NlyoflorltuÂuiio&. ô laa-W<ttl-Ft ui d -oy D N 0dyt Yout n iuprejared for theu*prnectcal (dehiet h»f 4c ift'nd, 01~ the, çetiij- uon4,nf or iemi uiMîl.- t B0kr'Bcm ainnierqlal CiecuinL 1oamroai1w Commnerosal <orrpont nc XEUT <itueli4ing '<ha principtea 0f t lSl 'amp i dotIn Batuna,) Patînianasitt, olagrapby elle Ptioegrshy. - u W lilbV Aprl 4, 1 966. ,YARNQ0D. c1o. 1 65. ERCIAL-MWE N ~ elent and cotiweniettt accOm'nodatiàlný xa oaf the Publt'Iê Hal. Pirivatq Parlora aTi ADIM-dlireeotio-Ifo n ge, wme boauti. Thit6 informait.ion will ro4 you noth. lo id Ir yoa wlab ta înArrý', 1 il icaI aglat You11. Ail lattera a riotly cnieta The deairoti infortna ofint b>' reorn iail, and ira revard aaked. ileuee iclono pastagje or stanipoa onvea1oPc, ad dremanutito yaursolf SARAýJ B1. LASMBZIT, 90 <reenpoiut, fiCungs Ca., New Ycrir. POST <oFFICE, WHITBY. A À lS are 0c504 t etthis ofleeaet thre fei- lowîng heurai-($tnndeya oxooptoti.) G >ING EAST. GOING-WEST. ôboa. m. 1080oa. ' ô 45 p. ni. 1 7 0P,ini. NtXTlIlE3N MAILS. Port I'crry, q n. in. jUxlricige, 8 3aa. ni. Aahhunrn, 81.1. n.fBrougham. 8 45 a.-tr. Offico heurs (roin 7 $0 &.mn., tii!?7 tap. te. D. SM.iITII, Il. m Jos.-F. Rain er WIIERE uuîay lho round anui tsearttouent nfl'iauîu Fortes 1 iU,~l illaii antid 1ua Cns f 1m t %6 , 7 ant i 3 acta eltuufc tiret! ol'tttbeotro 'iZ ,anti pro (1 b> theo intitnguualîaed Aruui'i-, ici .1uiu»I.r- unseful)y*ttreuugtliiiiiil puirity <if'l'uuuc Wil icioltion lins mont rensoutnbioturnua, an(] var- rautad lu to td titi>'cliinte. Quterufroinan# part f4eonr rpt, tedd te, At the Li)v ritcitil Ext1 hllitiuîi belili iLouidon on 24 ta 27 i0apteuutber, 18611, tient pria va.ge Gwaruled tu Juoelu Y. Rier for the au1ueruur tiàllhv oflits Ilîuna.Fortes, w liilu acre att- igl lin rogar.1 ta'Touch, lbToi',-£q=lett of Tout and DurabiUityof 7'ueae,nnd elé:0 rra extra Pritee f'ur thue s iolritiil l tl l uinstrumnt,. lie alito taok Itiefluet prix"g lit hte0IroiuiiFt Ini 1858 ut5l 18519. TVue ilanokq aVina. K Ratuiller acre lîlacil lI t' iiiatuuaniud ciplomu awnrdcd tum. Mfr- Rutiucro u nieu ais tl known t'o 'the Cauuutdian Puiblit' uasaPaauiiuatrrnu requirea ne fuartdier caauînendationi Ilan tuai aliieli biuintrumnutst su juetiy oarîti jýî lit arucring, ploneano ate tlIe nunbero Piano wanted. .JOS. P. RAINER. wluithy. Oct.. 190 18 MR J.1V. lIriM liavltbehomme the prepria. Dir af tlu tame, mili Ilavaitoarriulimieulr l-o stpauriatcnn cit Mr. Reine rue 1i'roman BROWN &PÂTTERSONS' Agrricultural Works! KrT T E <LD WIIIY FO)NDRY1, BIUIWK 81 n, 1-1T B Y. TGIIISIING A4 IEMNTE8 Combiaed Reper#a and Mouirs, Four dtieronl linu!, of Two-horse Whoel Cultivators STRAW AND FEED CUTTERS,. GrANT GRAIN CRUSITIE989 of vitrintii unieca andi nt>le% Steel P1owaî and -Steel Points, DITNNING MIhLS, SEE» AND TURNIP DlI£, oui shnrt notice. 'Everytuiinllto ul"chansinean atteadati to vltituncitut i ity, uand 'onaetsulotna k MS. ro p 01 ai fi 0' 22 1 eE 0 «JI& : L CY - qup-ffle 'tEWUITBY OBROIN lg %ACH WMEZK, sr At lIs, Printing Eet&bltmhmei Brook Street, Whif ýbis 1 0 PER Am >ADVUEMIEýlt ici, andi oh-.rgaci ntthe rate ofail lini;rAI insertioni. and2 te I8perI à.jbiuati.ît inoertton. eb>ntrmet0 int) wîth n tbe year or bttlerwl*e orderli todiscontinue a.lvert1semmis in 11writng- ~Â K 0IF 'M NTB]R Wil rfBYtc il.- C&1IO<&MACDO1'1 Le, uTA.toet hie Bank of otoio l'L't. W -Vii CÂaaa%, tt C. Si. J. NL lilylet the Oitice oftlim firin. or bARIIRIS . AltolilOye, o tjnoîSreelt"orOflîo, C.W Toronto, Jilly .iql = COCHIRAN4E &M CI 1YIffio -oppositetiti' TowniU Mr. Ilon'e illichc, lprincoler JOHN .«V.CiUA,%. LI OUNTY Ct-',W% C1t¶E Ilu to in <IAnu r t o pl. ?flo.h ium i v SW~ 1oi 31ililt lie QEREi.DAtTNE] 1 or. Dopifty R-eczitrir. NM;Attr hary, ani exanîiLÏtirîn ClîanOicfY mi 'Off)IlfTfl tice Iyr0r5ýt-, R0O13ERtT J. 'ILSOP THOMAS ýIIJL(,AIIY.lTeas, ru rý à TT Ir 1 uluvm irel Fjre,

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