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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1865, p. 2

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i. WII5t501s t. lite Rev. ' Dr. Cooke, Failicireular, de. R.' clething. , .do. 8SctScobo.-Mise Carroll. senior (J'uuiuy Grmmar Scool. Osia Grammar Sciol. treusesasd Lots for Sale.- Êlacksuith'a Stand tar sale.-J. Walker. tins cr Staies.-!!iomaî & Cnltbard. 4carter Sessions ad Ceunty Cour.Ca. Ontarie. T- TConsunîptives. Mtber & Ce.- Speçisi Notlce. lusalvent Notic.-B. Edvrardsr Asiguce. Inselveut Noticq, ---J. Sharp, Asignes. Iuselvcnt Noic.--C. C. Keller, Solicitor. ONY$t 51) CENTS A YEAU Tiec Wardeui's t>)eftînu e. Dissati-sfied Iliîm'lf, itb tile fe Oexae ielreul by bis ncut-s;eper apologist, the. Wsrd..n las puiliefi a lutter ;nut spparently ta contradi<.1 auything vo bave salul, but bocause, uas he telsns, lue i% di very Unniltîng tiat nuy staiemont calcui- Isteulici leuicuithuic îouflhb-ncc hici tié ratepsycrauf <lbis Cunuty, tirougb ticir repr-ssetali es ini tiecocunty counceil, iuire -sways accOuudeul bue, aboaul go te thein aithaut eîtuteu'Miudfnl buvever cf tii. proverbial daniger cf' cxplaiuatiiuî, tue Wartien îlot enly carefullyjavid- aI maltera upon walil witaclul lie incoitro- nient ho fusîuiuialîeuîîiimn, but vitb cii oulu fscility abihib lias cif siifiiuîz the greund cf discussion, carrnes nuo eutirely aw-ay frein lie charges reaît>' rade ugnirist inmte tings about midli neolquestion lut§ ci-ci- bec. raiued. Ila-as ever auy part ot ear cemplaluit thit autie latejteseso ka strged sun adjouurnnucut of tle coincit fer s fîrnight, anid ulerfere he need uîrul have cvplciuid that bu hall saed te 5ev- crs1 membur, wiuuiutl seî, tint ho 6 ana no0 noccssiuy fer aitii djeun-îrent, unIesâ it vore te counîly wfli e 'viieocf anme inicubare cf the ceuricit, whi e uemed lauîxi cuItathtt coeuse abuuld ho sdopted-" Wlis oukr staiemetàts cmbudied vas,_ Ihat liait s.Mlcgly 4ept~ew 1 fWby net lui Octolsvbeu îli tey ver. in botter rcpute? 1 Aside hoever front chi@, ibe Wardou dis "ola .rguiy more tbau the $6000, e0 v}iich bis auîboriîy citmndeit. NeaIrly $4000 mare than ther. vas aay ueces4ty wisîcrer for, were nogoistei by it- the procu'eds beiug" -keptinl bandud tiill Junti, aud uomiuiug ever ufter ual ne -eon, can say, boa mucli longer, un"ecu sud îîîîerty uupioductive, wale tie raicPftYers bave cf course te psy theeorbitant ilteresi accruiug upen tbe lame debcuuu- es. li irettby cf reurk tee, <bat $7000 ci rutaulfond debenturet ver. by tic wardei's sales unautbcrizordly taler front, ulle improvpteaut cf' the cnunity roadi' --(aeddlriuion, ahich l ail ml concède ta have been meat unaarrsîîîed) -anid de-, voîed tae l* generil purpeses of theceu- îy forv which provision abuuld bave beeti etherwise made, asudsas it lasys bil icen made hcrutofore,- Teas"yftint <bei-e are Circumsialuc,.a iîdpcnldsnt of the sale-- .riming botevar frouànon care ci- fore- lhiuuglil on tho Wardt's part -tu ait î ulie r eilueuiugsa lait quoteul, which aili incunome esure atoine for ibis is simply iel.uiig tie grousud <lat uotuiig is no batd but it mighs. bave been worge. The War- denu says ini fact uhat alîhougiho did wbat le haul ne rilgit ta do, sud tuat that ahici lie had a riguht te d de bien very il- mat-ageul by hlm indvt-ul, yet it auay al vrark no r-ei lutrin in the ed, aiud if spolien et digprnuaiiuîclv, il inusi e '- iti ttue rieur of îislediug !I' Even Ibis boever, is ait best a coiaforiless erumi te tle- ratt-l>-iers. Nec tlue Wardc'u canîli deny dltic he1-accrtîrd liutciesf'wast discouitei Ii ticthe' iiuipal sud ihus 1 .-Cfauie ju.ist siuui mou-e lorthte counu Iotii ;a ailu durîugth ti ue it vas ac- cruiuy, insieud cf ravitnJ a nyuiag by the fisit y,ar utisold deuberturî's, vo- have LAî lu puay earuy Itauik duscounit o Inciecys tie I'î eut-i- vas eiliged te neguciale lu Suîîply the vat c fflint, ahieh a sale iiu October wanuulhare suppîlice. Tic aitie'uit fi-cm ohici tie six menubs cou-- îîcis waieucdetacheul 15 vury amali as c-cm- paicul midi tic duberitures sol.Itandl vitial 1usd net uit te the uuea a,-sietiîbeen requi- ru-i l ut thc ilit-st ahii msS accumula- tiing ail1ilîls ' ue, sud a-as, suid is daily iccreasuîîg ioute uiiîtiductira moecys arisîuîg froni tihe ci-sale, wili far ceunier- balance attr utesible eaiuî there ligiLt aitb Me. Warden kcew se Uttle abit the o f-!Iicîc-Jnîenuthveba lat Jupes c hu ccuuty ci te okaaiscd-uudeu- tii, beat. If ta question the peco- joisrneua n ecessary Io a- proper un,sr.litai-y nOatage ta ticécunty o f uhese ufaudiug, o the saatef ils finances. 'W ues, o - eCaî iruo leitl sever duchîcul ulit u oult ver>' elilsuit, gsnlecf 6uiaCalunia l" unthei mintelli- Io acreen linifroue exp*îsur, adsuit trderaltsent-aîei-ýd in a îrety decidel bÎgs ignorance or mottais wit"u hichi, as eiliui a1rcudy cxpties.u-udiniuthese ciilumiàx keaa cf thuq corpoiuatiïn, lia licuull lbave jas tthle .,unîuujilînce ci a nacniuy cf ýbeau iliurut91lY aclîuuuiuîtd, hO<er - uiat bttyin the î:i iirepor-t. ahiie ubroagb inîubsort afic*ri0icu of tic latitheuic ï-u'iujiv uiwr uutuy i-tlies e1tn te dsy ef the teeci, tia eousidéri-uuî i l it- u lîtie ales imade ' Imuporant nuport. fr uuu the prncuipal corn ~ ttun " te abich the Wardcti mî*iltee cf the couicl, iiuuvîieg n i etvi leve faadn i acitalnte may , busIheupaeviof avcI sng-th oredtabe wy, is iupuvwu ettheissue tanu-cd au ta bils huche rf lnowiedge, cituily îercaîa- lHe voui, nquetsali- t eandlrecties* mnaigeaient cf the couuty ah7y, prcfcr t<l iedf tcrutiuuy faluti h-aîf-bour, wmihits i îucu-uaiuu rtsuits, te (lie gentlu teo uraoftiaacut Evar te- sesrchi.g- eznminauiuuusud puedjuducialtttugi it a acn. Mr. r-om phou dîseloinu-es, aluicl muet -coma of dele> ;~ tins tucgligeuiuthy igucri-l, aud nngusrdesily aiong I o liiim e iuct-atty h-lem huem reaite ceu vti t~i dhumbelc e el.expuostd hitehodid a vrty unbusitieis-liirc resite oen ît ' là 4aïa ack awel uinug, and lud theé iigulsr iI-Isicirof cam oue.Twisy<lure asuîonerauutbeing fouet eut. Tic urîler le lias for aidjournîmentuu:j pre suppcsiàgtb- tat lie vuitîcu ceiitin1>'doca net ire ita frein -hita onSaturds>' maui-u, sIen nequi-reu, Jct i îe ttis n~otus u given freehy tud fuIt7 ail requisile'if r-neor ontf es-aun-e, oi-tue, n matien It)anuintielligenth di4uesiou of thestntoiiu."ixtato. report, tut eues,-iusghtt uothe ccuety 1J_. - fines' as-suut v iclfi-ocilits official - T'heIlinutter-iulChange*. -potiion esluu.l le spociahi'itl iiliwceiuihesin ic uinatii edsi tnotuleulge, s>tul uglut t tu e ciptaincul by Teca I ntemnsty em. h. k atdby tic iamuiteud deifilioc Col. Sir E. hlm fer ceni-ereatily sud piecisely îton7 >.Iacear s uîcs to hé airmnuof tise -finnice domm it Sur N.P . 'lac eArasllot i s civrGsea It vas bit citer l-maihity to do uis, aWuiC ir PreiF-. eebRcieýerr creaied tic uiceshity be dpieaes ; hi-ce andPeie>i te oi cf Cot. Tache$ coi conilulit. luit W Uto cienuatitin dleu.J.AMaoalteleMuiere aluatover, i<bau the chi-me of <ha eo. omnhii.J.AMadnl10b iatro inItIes il stiteul,"as<théuueletter a5eits, 'rîieolierMnsosmiseue.oi > a i ellel eqioscîfiaietiens lu tic aduiiuîsratioc as beretefore. ef tome tete minutes aitb the Treataror t0 Sir N. F. Blleieau is aeuliy Fi-ench suiî.le i Io taruai tic information in Canadian of rwspectable social position reforonce te bis repent-, askeou for b>' mm u eucaumis ulcistigc basfthfue ceuncil." His vote, aîud remuariais cloaiug iii1 Prliamnieiii, afar from -var- ia 'faveur cf the motionfori- adjeai-umeci, rmtin; bu îtas"pire c tice-bigbi oîc aas s i eà îopposition te Mr. UMamil's tFrIMnse fheCeu aaa ,propoa a e djouru a11" thes afiertiOQn, lia levation i inte iesult of thse presenl ahew that ise cliaimun meus snucb coulat anomalonssaut of parties. Sur Narcisse, nulb le *c.And if tbis icifurtnstieu n w is -a lite member orthtie Upn«r Heuss Oif se trifliug a ciaractor, boa mucli more ai leeaele.mi ca lclnb egrtgiolIs iis the Wsnden's otulpabilit>' aid lis accepuanceof cffiecu. ngorsue. itdis ecte ppa 004be n etdii Matters couneteil altis théDepsu-Imeni Cet, slttsdily li.baign orecte slnt f of"ncauiou, hortofore. ti-ansacteit in kthe bimmîf eppy lu Toignre io aplIoffice of the Atcuey-Genuri West, bi' ituly ahichefisoficc impoîsa, of tlinug, he t-Mseret- thebureau -'of the .and suarsring e»qu!ri srspetiuig, the, Piovincia estd-L..<-iog gcusrai business of the, cautl, nay suit hM. Msculnald nov emisjuicin bis Ovi hieWansnspresuliteiiee bt hifpersan the omtbincd A e sofAttorney prestuiîno t a litte tou, mach upea the Gene ral 'Wcs, minitisel, M~ilitla, -aua easy cre*sllty f-ti oui eiaieleader cf the Houe oa? Ame*mbly.'he ulia Ilcanle ermthei isuli "tîsu -peseat Premier Ià ealy 7u in .mu»a-,'f tien" cf car &'iaîat"e*ssi" vchie epmO- asOî,Tcl fesses ta put forti. 1 jý W4fi. Brown irsverently .,e O Neiîiai- do mc basa car charge sego qected ueceascit gentleinefor Mr. tb. salaeof thée-_itchontues, o<Y> 8 -Brava ohtalasit a seat int uêse abnt 4whl groundt tIls wiib neerueditereuisud où$,O0a >ear aed pickiogs.', ô lmA.' and tic lettrest savei tathté couuty uppn thé~ 4sl.îue ie os~ ,syael ~ns yct'scuoli decetre, sd u~uuu-aliiy PreWier. 1Mr, Brovn bs tle ast Asposét of ah.u-e the fira loeraihaa 1t.o1ostent -t 1 's, 1 _ -1 mtau1k49puus vert detachcd' coiiug the Qenj6yuent cf their salarleot,55&-the v ilil e seit ta enlisuce tht'value of lb. lhuble asusliidimtttpoIItotU lif th , oxle.- But me do charge groseltapttlivide c cuiteieil 4~eii~ccssq i latie.p of intalsîr aew iq Ibo, le. Inth il uLaemeu4*" * M'c inui st situtes cf Wnitby atnd Oàlsa- as uuiîed iii gettiug upai, eîceeion hY railwsay andl ,ieamiuuat to-Niagsu-s Falu'. A eipecial train vas engaged foîr tio occa- sion wu-icb teck ait cîcada cf excurs.ioiiii th al the stations ficm Il vmturvilie Io l 1Teroito, sudfr-m tthence uniiboard ube City cf Tuo-ate o te-theFatî. AU, etjoy.1 ed tiemacîrea ini the ligheotttt-gree t ubee fi-cm Wriitby geutîig home ent tuve e'cloclc on 'l'ucsdny mornîing- A pic-uic vas hld aiet tt delightful spot, Corbett'a Point, at tehici ubere tuas SU immense hum out ud wlucue gaines an-d sports sud amusemenîs t* f'aIl itudi aec alîuudauuily provided. The Witby -Brisa Baud discourseci set munie, and tle dequut et o Terpsichore fliurisbrsl iii the masydance. ScieraI prîzes vere avardeel ta ihosa via ezcelled in the rut§ic g&eandeshsudlax vatuirouixly eujnyed jusi as a lioli4.Ay ugit te he. The respective cernmiîlees unuer aboie auices theiecn<ei-aitnlluts vere provideuf, sud carried eut soesuoccafully, deserve ail praice fer ilpir exerions. Tiiy cul.siîs li ticeinetier viii thc riglit *spirut - du-er. uiint-J ibsi afilalC,-sld lav'.a gocl imnte sùd husievèrai- uatlathecasp sucoes iurtýsmably foas . IxcursiýOist-s sud Pic-nichera had a riglit, royal, joll> goul tinte, Olul sud youoig eisjuyed tbeaslves, sul villunfuture look for cur stouns holiday vîthu tie mre louging tint youuîg. je s ue iokfor auta&classa aIChiristmas, or Jsi-hoollicys for dia:ci.gXvacation. "'flua Greast advsatagè cf the Coali. An able aricle la the Leader of Tue- day, ccmmentieg opon thue elevation 'cf s, a ncf no e envet ticthéPrecuier- Skip, aitdrvicin; thé poitlion cf the pcoCaltiou-çecicds u flloas. ~'Ticheau sl discus cf ticCoalition Dow t bWt itpusii; t4 Ont leaders on their gooas bliaitor, suit Sci a secaiiy »tis témiiC diaterlitht' public pesco. Thé t r u~- sk aescas-c of lu the. Cabinet si-e mmdi baroniu eeutb. If ic>' vertDt tics-c, îbey almoi-K »mmd .11, bave he adiocaitig a eoeçu 1 Sé mccli resemblicg anuoxstl-tnthst i lu nsitDot b. dittiiaga- ishait(roms lu. WeesOat<idugt, os Dot Yv 1erowmtaOierus ; suitpenlispe as ought ltte lite a ubi lut ulimia" buv-ouia. eoSulsariiy for t ho <ced tieba'vier efires poll"iana-tmo Of' vbotn belaug to île itanecrtu ass--oit tr someasnablo."I Tont64<ORAàsa aSTSSIAND ras AT- LLT&rncAàuL.-T5be arr4 tftiie (lrait Essir s rtost'Conteil IBay us heurly expect ed. Thcdeu llssuoçeb s &cauieipsieul but of eom Aebere i. oacrlaiuty of sncb oUtil theblig shlp s lcud (romi. LATEST. - --WaIT Augusi 9&hi. W. learix b>' teegirph i tis afieracen iliat wheft 700 miles cf théembueevas laid fu ceissed te vork -frn it e fect i hila- scilstien. Duvapow'TZ FlCAuTai-Toavre. Os Moay ulàit lsu-A, rOw,ç#even tbras.- storyi>rieiu buildngs,,sitatt eun.thie West sidé of Bay se t tb ui- of Wellington ireuser "Yde d b- y fi re. Thse Grand Tirush'frelgft 05iets wete'iuclodoit- in thé Portlandl, 1 aced si-aucet7 sd, bli il B3oard af Trade, compoeeulof the liig8 merdanfts cf ule ciîy, i-. J. B. Bràiva, cf the ti-ai cf . 13. iBrown & Ce., slrcaidy meuîîiolieulb,- theuicPrc,idernt. 1 lu the vsy t-f providiuig fer the edaca- tien c)f lus youtb tic City of Portland ita net behiai baud witli its ncuhbauiaîc cutlson im Atlanticoat, haviug no lest ia 26 publie c sboos aithin uhe ceiîy limita, as aiseaoeenc- Peakr sud another on L:>ng Islandl, ail cf ahici aut wlastt-d ed ; thc Teacders' salaies varying fromi $1200, dean <c $300.J Tic Graund T-uni r imines is a lofi>', spacious and wadI censtuucueul building, - i-iining liuoealmosut taebeu-t cf the city and wvoîl déaig 1teed ta tlueet the requiremeuuts cf Ti-ade. The Companiy-lave aise, 1irvas told fient 800 te 1000 foot cfwater frosi. axe whicli is vit»-y valuuble. Nearly - sd.- jeiniuug the Guasd Treukii a l.cclohrsted't - Galt Ilütck," ceutalnitig six large store sud varelties, fouu-alot-las in hei gli, al faceda-ts ,riisto and but ia the lest sttle, regardîcai cf epense. lu-Inthe frear is tle waruf undithuic spenull warlieiusje sud obusitir erecteul hy cor Canadise Fi nî,nce Miiir- A sui-cch i-at'rua frocm île Grand lT-unir tatiais doire LipaI ali-cets in <the cîýy. Th iiretS of Portland, as 1 betier. f haivealready mert. uluneul, au-c soaîly lisvcd -ticideuvaîka Aagcd andI tîit, anîd :bey are, liteant> surve mii bu,îineas sud boiy people. ungeuher aithoul regaird ta ci-du-r or arrangemenut. 1I1 sni rucnieg a race leIocatchdie maili, andl baie noh tin. tearipai-use waat1fbav-e pecee. Al --a acts bovevar. is su "Insiîtution" vfîbhe ity-s inowicg.- lecliiug, impudent di'l-muy-eogolug -yen.îg &csap, aili a caoniug cenceit about, ailhis iiiveruents that auane intrnam y-a iie's eop ta trait sd kuova bs ow a nj beans tamie ire. f-[lostu le- faent cîary wber -ilircugli uiC'ci3u; -but-t-be rsil"sr station ha ibe gi-uit rendtiom w vliub- loico b4#* smoaêt do ëonirîiàie. - Siec b. Bac svnp!th alothés n lattais -ý muddy boots, mile'uo h o rbi « it- innocent- cf baiti~g as bis face sud ilads are cf saoansd ater -a: eût o it slitien' cap baugin; hy iree'hairs ca the aide of isau-bis bi;dâox cof îinplemenis-cf s illiug briglut,,green culot' bauging ly à moi-n stmap (nain ube -atotlder, with.tbo words-"Ution Sboe lsck" paiuturd in dstzzitig letterâ en itU-ýpWshteet beblàda lie cries ont-between blJSief~ di Mn Sbiuo~r , <-sod Ion bave a sort of description cof the- Putland, altos bl..ek. But likeusesy otiser eurioshtieses m.t le aenatebu,.appreciae8a4li. ggbuuqu Ile s &à,, aheedition oai'he -Paris French xbV±lias. r modesty frêni following siüi eud ithe -" hero uf Vicksburg" was bugged aud kissed ty Som" haif âsc o p$ ufair se;. The Osooral vas atîen-de'. by' oue baif dozen inemberés cf bis ove staff-aonegst thoni au [udiiy Ciief u ams4 C oiedel Parker:-or, idi Yankee phrase; thie " gig InjuW 9- - vo li evet a greater ,fuvoitW vitb the. ladins tiien-be Q eàera-lt huufluH sudcornes lu for bis mitre 'Uf the baggifig and kibsing. %ha*Ia Çrvna Slool. OnuTTeesay, a Ro'loct, tbe Parusà- (CONCLUSION Or fDES ,CIIPTON -OÏ ýpoaTLÂND, ment of Canada dbwus opeued by bis &O.g M E>LAs? T~~ Eaculcuncy Lord bto4iojàe u»uaLorui, ThesCity cf Portland lbas maujechalitable aud the Speech fr icIbO !froni. delÈýe'redsana 9cinfi'ifli~stltutlous,- tbe latter inu Tii# speécl dbtitaii t bino6g by,,'the .iudius.Its splondid marine o bosp1!, sud aunoucement tbat the correspon eueeine&vaFtouso tber beeolsntut s eùif. referrlng te the mission te Engiar.d vould Amongst thelilterary SOeieties' areth ho submittcd ; the happy termination cf Scientifio sud Literary_ A si4eu the dis ýAmeritnu var, ýaud 'thtthe circuun- Albeneuni, the Foiymnatbi Assoisticu, stances iluicb îeudered mecessary tbe' Hayde Asociaton -(muas!cal, ti. ýTara calling out the velnteers bsad cessed te verein. (0yusl c> ou o' exist. There i la q Qýan ezpision îof Mêcstiîls Lîibrary assotiseltin,&q'Aise satislactiOuu with the reaimesa witb whcb Doutnerous od ges cf9lsaces u d o' -ile men came -forwsrd, sud cf t1beir lov4s, general .good gondut. A hope is alsô ?Qrtlapd la ibe grund çeMrgp for the expvsed diat mattiu tmhain f<lePortland g5to'aW Navigation Company s prejeçt cf Confedetation viii ere long paedkeu, lbh. lnternatirnal tesu, Cein. ithe uc Leg*tsatures cf tbe Provinîces te pany, Glasgow Merchaut, and Anchor coucur in giving Id tcir sanction te a Linosn; asveilinas for tbe Grand Traub,' tutasure whièhhban, bnon adopted as a Atlantilsud St.,Lawrence, PertitudSano great fewure cf Imperial poiicy, and ha,% sud Portsmouth,~ Boston and Maine, been twice isotice. it vi approbation in Maine Centrai, Ksnuebec sudPortiseul, fier Majesy's speeches from the. tbrene." witb Androscoggin brkuch froua i eeat Tbere vas a large gaieîiîig ocfh. Leeds, and the Vor'k sud Cumbcrlaud members present-aniengtt bem the re- Railwaya. preigentatives of b,>ti b.eIVidings of ibis Tbe pleasure resorla cf the neiglubor- cocuty. The Adiheas vas te bu juoveul 'iod vlsich are the great Siuerai&rac- nsext-day by Mr. Magill, secnnded by Mr. lien for visiters are distat from the City Brossesu. as tellows. -s-es---.-Libby's-Prouts Neck, Ilite 14 miles, Our PubliceJlolidisy. (acrdiug te route,) Atleitio Hanse, The annuai holidây -the celebraujon cf Scarixiro, 9 mile6, Ocesu lieuse, Bowery whieh lias uaw become an esîablislied Bush, 7 miles, Firat of lthe uve 'Cape custoin wilh eur îowglnpetnptte -wis pro. L; 4 hts, 8 miles, Elvergreeti Cetery, "2 clairned t iq vearby the Mayor on 'Mondsy mites, Maii.e Hospital, 2 miles, Disoud last, tihe 7th imat. The reeve of Osbiawa Ceve. 5 miles, Pleasan; Cove' 6 miles, aise proclaimeul Io smne da.y a public Peak's Lýandin9, 3 miles, Cushing$,$lsland, holiday within bis corporatioîn. And the 4 mil.'s, Furest Island, Il miles, Hierps W'îUuT1iV SZeSsea CCMT~ii GRASIKAR Suugoc)l,.-Modsy ncxt, the l4t i mat-, ha suintuuicud fur the u-o opcuiug cf titis in- atitutittu afiu'r uic Suanuner vacation. A Isu-ge ceçendhînro bas been uecently incer- ret in the rupaýi-ug fîuisg np sud niain aeccssi-ay additions te tbh' grmucar scbcel 'buildingr, under tbe culrelul supervision cf the Board oariammar aclioci Trns.teuswvia togo<ler viii tie ba"dmaster, Mr. Kit-kianu, ai-e indefatixable lu uheir- efforts te adianco theiciuttreas o f ube acheol. Tiis erhii- aly Gr4curai- sboul ai Wbitit, a-t n emiluîry for, prcpai-inm siodeuuua fer matriculai îe m îbkUirini mies, tira JÂW 38itoy, cýc. buias uperier j unto'.-A miatch is ta lie plsyed hetaen six cf Scat-bore' aud i of Whiby, an Satrdanilycv, ube 12àh insi. 'flicmatch commencois- âaIiëus'uet'lcék,onu tbe gr.mund réres-e offeaden's fermer mai-île mina- - iefpllIowia;g-', iplayere aelected te repraset théeu- bau-eClub :-Aiex. J.Starir, D. Jofe ltee, V aPrdie, Jr, ait Walter Giendinuaig. Var WbItby -thé plajîpra are Menu-s. T Lavier, IX. Sitowi, J.' Ruebotwtani L Meus. MoMillat àCe. in acii-cala" ad ho> eyr. e on Cîiour" cf miig ep au' exteisi;paSsPotntet4if letbiag cf the beatý pr.codentodly loy prie'". -Tigir Falil lîii'*alcs vîi b.cuusually large asu it i héî wband asti', - iz-N<ew York, Aug. .-Tic s4teamr- Maiposa blringsNew P>rleani dates te l Ipi' The. MatamersMonitor of uthe pruneti rn22eu4wstsltàiste lailt cf the' ittieat of ortias b>' Lueo. I& appeau-s 4ý5évas in o f a coavoy, ait Cor t'nu ou'srpied the CoiVay, vialu cetaitnad a argeaUlhull fsuppliem Determisoi l snnouncedit ec o1nmhee ûoon eday nudt, tbé l4tb mast.- - 1 At île -cenea4niîleiîýtbe Trustees, anit-Grlsnmtar Scbt'ol Inspecter expred theniseires in the follcwing etuplihientary !angusger. (W. qacte fi-onu the Viiidicator of lith Jul,) respecting the elllciency sud discipline cf the sebeel, sud cf the. tPrincipa- Mi-,'UcCabe as an officient &,The CIairtftaütud the Board, Dr, Mcil .B. Fairbanks, T. N. Gibbus, M. P. P., J. Eà. Farewell, LU13 I., J. Cimichbsîl sud Dr. Tonspest acre present doiùg tic exàaian. Tiey aPreovl satsufieul aiti tbe resulis of the carefal sud thuretigli examtination by <ho Inspecter, lie said! <bat lu point cf discipline and efficiency, ibis vas. oeeif the Au-t scîcolà in the counti-y. It cettainly spealts woli for tihe Principasl, Mu-. M-Cale, uhau sucir cau b-ssii cf the achoi, iy au individuel cf. Pu-ofestut- Young's asîanditîg, aiea voe consider <liai the- Grammar Sciooi bas euiy hesu .eatablifih.ed lu ibis village for a short lime. nelic aie emplirnenied the trhec-po le condition cf <he echool building sud its furnithings, more eaîîecîally tioe eof ic Gramuier Scli-roin abici' are su1ueri-r tu, ihvae cf sny cîher achool reoin j in.tecocuntry.' -.16, 6- Or>ucasu GRANT' AT' QVsinioi AxuMO- Tu l.-n-Gi-aut visitced Quebcc oui Satnrday aliere lue uriaineuf utîtil NMondity çeniuug. lHe vas eýrt&iued at Spencer Wood by tbe o eo Genoral, anud re- ceived misu-led sud attentive coutesies fi-cma Gens. Sir John Mlichel, sud Doyle vint accompaniecl bimta tMenreai. Geai. Grant passul bis place on bis aay fi-cm Montrealte Niaga;s ibis (Wedueaday> morong. T1~p Ç~aa~a. f U 1Issu lieltist, irelaud. ht vwiii h.gratlfylng te the relatives f"di frieuda of ibis distinguishod: clergymon, te learu that oun* i rbd"ydislâth cf "thes Jet~ mouîb, Lis blondssuand reýrs assserâbed flu tii. Masia bail, Belfat, for t'he purpese cf préeeuing hlm vitb an ad- dressud a choque for upwards cf fifteer. hundrsd poundus I*eriig-.â1647 13.-s&r a e-liglit ckuovledgemeut cof the eminelit sud life.long services lie basreftdered te the cause of civil sud religions liberty sud social progreas. The balvas crowded by -the-eiteocf the tovr wd nelghbourbood, sud the large and fashlonablo assnbly :.as ably prçaided over by tbe Moat Noble tbe Marqpis cf Dowusbire. wbho ou takiug tbe chair, gave Cièroesion te di eïotîem8 satisfaction with vbicb lie oecifpied- tbe position te wbhiehobldbeen eaileds5a iotbîug in tbe worl6 ceàld gruîify hitu mort tbstn to lie calôeif uPafi (o do any. uhing *Tlh coulul do boueur te our ex ceitent frienul Dr, Cooke." The Mayor of tbe tovu, after reading the sddress sud iua4ipg' the, Pr.entaiost, Spokb4s fellova: My Lord1tir e flnm 1 haie liad the pri. vllsgfi" fi'dte boueur of hanidiàg teoOur esîeemed friand, Dr. Ceaire, idicates in soine meauwe tii. stettcf tbeentseemi in viiicb lha is ield hy tbe eominiyîs but, 1 May Bay Ibis, ýthat if the lijec't hait been more exteuisively or widely knntiou i was, asusm fu7 double might have beà' îeadity ohtînîed. Yesterday and te day muuuy gentlemen vaiîcl upcn me as Trea. surer, expressiug thoit eurturiÈe ubt it vas wss net publicly made knowb thai t beha îhiug vas geîng forward, anud voiunteeiig shpir subscriptiona, stntes] ubat mauîy cf thieir frieuds veaul cbeertully have Pub. scrubuid'bauld thy kuov uchuvan matîer vas un eireulnîlen." -Carn. P îckaring Counucul. ARRIVAI , rTaiLDMsO5"- TUËR Pofl<; Aug. Ttb. -The uteau8isbP Dainiasus, from Liverpool the 29th 'OMi Londonderry 'the 28th psssed bée. iis eveuilng mn rouie, to Quebea. Ho" adviceis via Loudonderry are one day luter thaà diose by.ibe City or Boton at New York The. City of Limerick arrived ut Queens. town en the 27tb. The. steamdbip Louiat- ansasrrived at Queenstowuon dthe 21tb. 'Thle China from 'Boston, arrived ut Queens- to*u on the 2Sth. Political newi by the. Damascus unini' portant. Advices from t îb Ûeatst' erfl'are susplféious. ýAt 10 o'eloci a. m ni. u e 281b sfio wat aboùt 4560 milet, lfo(zsValen. lànA h ad pald ont 650P1 xûili 'è6fcabie. Sign's ere good.ý By tbe "Cil 'of bubin'e ut New York Augusi ihv srî The shore end- of the Atlantic 'Câble haviing beep oceesdsf'uliy submerged dit the 1 igh:ocfthe 21d iith spiicé WUI tT hé ibain' éabielas1 ppiled at .Ëj o'cIlouo Sunday afteà, the -is23rd, and the Gret FBsern'l Bt once commenegd Pal ing ont. The testiig. tbrougb die whoIe length wus perfecte sud ihe- *eatber very fine. On the. 24tb, defoee t cf liaîion were discevuteit, sd the il Oreat a5tern§' hboiU te iýi' atfitudce, 62, longitude 10, j1bodt, eighîy tuiles freint uv shcre4, The I4ges Iospab s 55 ç0i*g:- VÀLçnL, luIy25.-Tic lreat Easteruî"l- telegrapis frein latitude 52, longitude 12, tint a è1mali fenl bits been discovered aùd cl" oit.>Shm isnow pay., ing out agàtle, ud sigîuallîng is perrect. Wdather very fine. Tie parilianen tit y elections were every- where eorhtletted. The net ieraI gitiît ie 24, soeo.claim Centi in ti No taknt; alrel land F feari -the worf spr' thev t rigl the beet the un reiss case quai fort Rsud pari Èhe Herld ceuisol-e the ConlservatIres by aurlutg uai linei-cul gain 1invwii thein, as tic,ïè elecîluuni hlucrieliey'ed'tliettu cf uireliaile suppoeiris. lu is at'aiiasi-tud, Onl geoiùf îibrily, tht itiamcrstcuis ili u-etire beloeruuparlis- melii uuels, iutitu hqt O1ucistuu- ushîlde- éine uihe 'reutierebip- il& fureur uf Lord Granuvillet. tlizil h.. .,acntd the Uritisi rnpoail. ýrm Quebc and Mèntreillàerg'ire tradlctory, bat alarming..reports cf tbe arauce cf the. dread scorgei, o boue ciies. P recaut io nary meie Ni béýiug taken by tii, Boards cf beaiti pr Wctitsintroduction -suad spveaàd. v 'York and S.ther cities maag the At. lec Coast are aise adopting sanjtary szures, sud a strict quiaran'tine lia 3ady boé) estaullied at ports in Eng. d aud Praucé. Çrom cube places risitcl tiy'the clielers bave tbê foliewîng items;t .i Tas CIROLEA UtCOXSTANTINoPE., 'lie Levant Jerald cf the 12h says jýw ive regret te bave te report that tie rs cf a sproad vf ibis -epidcmsic onîside «ails cf the Naval Hospital, wbicb ré entéefained- làïf *eelc,_have 'been ti -hoSplitai, tee, tlte co4tagiduîiibas tau. -Iu ail, 3f caded 'bave de 1clared ructivesý sinuee ii arrivai et tic itifecteuf Kae frous Egypiand1 ii esuI1u qae, 1 iole et the irufantry of tic marine, ally bgrracked clone by, have been re. ,edV o tentes oui the beigli shinul the uns. Uutàiîde, Il scertaine u aes ea ccorred in tLîeiim' Pàcilfan d ouis -ou the l1oruî1ils ubo 1uhi3rin:-welhave en ns.able te icura <iheu iou faa ýujts. We c*1ract the. felloteingfo' luroof sheets oetthbu Gazettdý e eic Yrient-to'be pûbiahed t<amorfolw t 6At tie momen ,t cf gels)-_,ta luieE. v ve te adul te car repert on thua aubject, itei of neas wiuicl, is titi reverse e1 tsuriuir viz: liai tic chutera continues raèe -(iecfr) in thé 'arsenasl, anul that ;es of h havea ileuappetireul in certain arîdrs cf tic ciii>. Frouir to day, ubere.- » i t l a n ei o o n - r a , q u e s t i eo n f t a v i ug ean er bmilit ef clîeclcing h as' nuch pessihilîl ilis effecti and -.( tiis endl rcotmmend lu the' munuicipal sitior. es te abâtain fur the moment froni cin aplthc streesof th i tubourg, d I nni ttecouipltiuu of the re- ving nlroeady begb6. Dr. Dicirnen, cf !r Majesuy's lImbaaSyi- wboirla uiable us %re pnbhtishtect laitf wecl<,ý bas aie imïuiiicîtred» the further tiwefy Çugges. uI:-iuice writiiug tefwl,~ i a kiuidly iinsercul liàyeur lait'- Wed1îes. y'à issue, the choiera lba, I uto sarry te brolie u ot in ti. tovîl,, chiefl7 iii neighio)rbuod of the. Naval, Hospital, lre fi ras întodi'eed-fieul EjypÉ iib letictietfro à Florence, in thie Pati,- Y: &JI tilsusateul itre that Asia4i oluiret buas' Mae'ils 'appearaue jn TU& p A mn urriveitfef Ac6i Ancona, sud, afuer padaing' lhe iogaf ursrtine, left for Pso an td vas enle tie dîia'nce c"ff ue hu tfrou tiat'- wu ahep (lie mUlady:atianked1ébu*. S ceived 'the Ai-st attendanice au th 'a tauion, I the usture cf tbe malady heinS iaîor. hopio, llie she siied on the. felo*. 'day. Tiis uevUs pread, aillover aïiany vith the rapidity cf ligbuniug, id csuused gi-eau: consternation.- The "rtn, lîewever. ha somee-itjustifled hly a bdil 1ygienic condition cf Italy. it <the except;ouu orTu irin aud Miltin, 1l~ th owiqtef t.1epeuniGaare tî-cdfi!L-iuu air, waler, ai#cleui luea. The Minus.- c f Wur, lirugb procaution asiet, tt )aiuh cf uthe , 'Il ni'yjýlis ordeid th,> aclulion cof the camps cf ii'fvuctlcoti - id ki is thou.ght ;robabln tbat the Gov. mimet w ii suppresa ubeni dnring the bot onilis cf the ycar." - 'TNR CISOIERIl 111!1P EAST. - Trieste, Juiy 15.-Advices trous Alez. idria tolhe-4thifrist.1 *Ishw a. decideit !emîe lilte nortality reeultiug fr iura. At #Alexaudria~ on the4 Itue vere 94 deaihar 61 of, alibi voe uni choiera; sud onthe ]4th 62 ditel, 21 piný from ieholerit. 1At'Cairo,,1310 died Slhe -12tb; tof -wboM- 226.,-were frein e0lera; on the, 1Sth, 730e;deaiba. 204 John Stuart Mill maý àppearsbce or, the ceaina decla:1d iliat vlieulb. ptiýuIdesire tebe in - I-l'There vas one <bing tat aSde--my uooled 1l in wwiihe bosuff'rages of - rly sought. Te lie sel body cf <ois »ceautrymai Iutus of vbaî la bigliest i teuseieuces, <beir -hinere pstiefelîgs, la au houera ibt id 1'asblefoi free eutiry bat taulie ment te, represeut Iliat Pol DTai minds ahich is te 1 e1 t * returned by tric e r tiua and meamin;r anotde thinga eot intendeul te- L in.ý can9-ary se ono's cvii vbqre k s agi-calr bresu kaep failli tbulinto breaki senuaulcu1Icunceivo te àoud cf au buner. Th' portion cf ibis gu-cat cons Mt tii. meet flaticring1 ¶ htif 1 diii, ài, abuluf - out £10,000, or givin; ut Îuc singie eue te beie w:ioïebeard. fejier ni liciîlug voits, fer tho ctou<proviule lue oeetba th. a etin Purliameut bW matier cf eeliciiaîion. to'eleot anybodlPut lthe toîthe bhoer id Westmim veré foundlabo acre si viat fs-due te public peril ftis net the man wabad but theo insu Whe d es il is -vorîby te b le cced. Ir ii emeleu L i toiltest lid resirl diîseli vhether seuls in Parliain, libe 0ld u te i icci Ot f ail politîcat uni et daY die obe titCOu b maire a stand agatinst iiésltieg frame gic is * <y gelling wmidi arise1 jtled commercial lrosper bail whieli is raisîug iscreasiug crevd eT large fortune. manu*iot '(Qk <lie porpwie cf Oalait .a rani cf sciauylv ig *hicb tlioy more, le uthe la wbieli iu cen ha usetl tmmely. b>'ehiLaibing asa 'Thiis hein- the case hflebehhut arnit ditpp t ry eil torsvoui& bhave, nodulen bif because thtuu ld Iy, sud for wbs.t ibo1 - usblicgoed." heuTb Albany Joints Jniugs, thoe e or; London Tintes, is a-fin -Englishman. Ele veaus 1xiord tie on ii feet., 4 sioeting-jacket witli inii -boùtiaually suludios Atm Tr 'a y n g a i 1 o5 f F e l) u r ut - t t , a n d d i p o i n a i u r e l i t t r i d i C O i.Tiircýr1ng Council.miii J)ureýàt ta aie about Lu beoi-e eîuuulishedi ftien adjeunnaCi. IMeuners tail presec.ri,',Miuu rYen utc. cf lait meetinîg uead and apyrovèeu. l tèfday Petiiens pi-esentad -cf W. H.. Miclueil gay$î l~îs s> itnd alliera praoyiug fer aid te Paurrick AitruclAîeisuil -p-aurtic Burkie:-of Jas. Oreig sud others preyicg strie uriedlsu-era ouits oilluimePtrtu-b for aid tu luira. Ellis ; (if Ticî- n dam i ti.î at 6i tylie i Cuupx. Weul-ty otherspi-ying feraid te Robert Muey. îctu uemenstrated wmiii cri suverai cc- cf tic Truses of achool sectiontîsui-s. I casions, saisi lue mas actinug in accordiance sud 6 puayiuug the comiial evy anudcisJf.Dvsode. y collcct a scieci rate in t<lur respective Tus mornDaigs pt-ancfih iulS f li #cacnt isections; cf Win. Whliuide and ue Ti mrnig oto (h W1io ailiers againat granting lieause tv act) ry shieçlItio:rtday eu a apiuiiuîibs liquors setihePickiering isu-bor , il seudrbidutesfstu-,atlleqn of lirs. ican sîaYing fer licene ta kaep asi sevier lattjued iva ue a nd ev uau saîcen at Duffins' Creeli; -ui applicatioen wluïer aly nu-i- ntscp. - -ll. cvr i Srata Ambrose Beane for tht' purcha ocf l'lie Galvencion Bulletin cf teu bs uaale rpe the allevauce fer rautulbetuteen lots 12 1tii'ie ylow frci- prerails tea ei aid ndsu sud 13 bu the Rrd con. -aile exucut at Panama. - 'Tic. proportion ltais -Mu-. White mayas tînt Msr. %VitseusMu-. c eîai uctrua sîl liaiglit sud the murer lie a commuithee to Foi-t monroe, Aug. 5. - EItritýltscotton imui investigain sud reortion tic peiiticus <pre fadi-y ret Petersbiurg, Vs w-ns detroyed Tes senteul fer aid te indigent Isrsons. . Car by Aire last Tluisi-dity, Lassai$200,060, abici 'ani On hee otin. s in urt "feu-$50,00q. 300 bandea ae h Ouiti. otoncfMr. White the coaincil tiie, ui fepoyei ticAr. , ti adjourned for au lit-r,.. Cîciîýu, tgus.T.- -îei :; uW Tiie caunil tenantueda be reve presidung!. rutieuclirwia, biutaîl>' iu:îdeued li fb I'li Mu-. Ballard mÏeea ittbeLh reeve Igrani a=d moîher ai Dercan, ns1 i-amiltcn,an ini bis ci-der ou tbe uresurer i fluevr of John tcylst e cf île amcunt furcistheul by lin1 te hîs.is, cîo inieiiecxien inse. diai Ci-appa par order cf tib uenui.Car-., uii- euiertrhe.zuie f i.Calnb n iied.trs itcîaiWsuitu - .'rhut saine chanige eu-t hM. Ballard gives notice thati ho sel i ai libctmade is) plutinî>' eV id esitfom the Ibo the iuaxt. meeting cf the' conncii mote ori vcry unaturce o'thînge." -i leave Ie intreduon a b>-lw ta an collecter Ti era-yc<ieruvrybsd- cf the rates ofit tu uiuîsàipality for-tic- eulî ttr euîr aicutùut-e pressent year, Iccpt in cases ef vacaneles î b*cb ua le-d Mi. hlsight muneseathah tlene e ve grant J upplied. Ocer 15,00 appliaton a.c bIs relo ou sictreinre îuufavr ofJeb i auccesitil appicauts 7fdr -ciénkshipe 2re li Psulir fr icset c $.6Ofe a p~,yig c 11,havi ngaccumulated incmie the r fr aid ta Widcw Lyucb Ëas ,per ai-dem cf tiulua n, eufumeianppr ceucci. Çrrls - -The saaship Oidiuug Star arrived at On motion cf Mr. liaight a by-la v vas on paseit idbol nas 1 utu -New-y.orli, on i'ridày,,freun New Orleans li PR" b"e seo dl sections ndays, royend end:arb,îfals oae-uhe cI c e r a i a o u t s f o a c i o i'ur o s s . q u i c i e s i p s i a g e cn r e c o d , - . 7 - 5 OntohWlou far. 'White, sbylaiw -vas Mi-. 0u-esuu'6 f Cliuten, WtineiiâCennty, ruo puss.d asseasiug îleteansbip e-icictb O cf ia rn nobrPatr i-d-o cent os dis dellar for contingent et Mcila, o p iteheýasuî cu'ô Satui-day, aeiuiing a -itd ihli; alien a i pesss nd for heisprovdlacnt ofuae Wld , uLitiace br dten'bi a"d buI&ges fen' the pretnt yeuse.- e-siuale rassi cli;le a i-, Ballird maies tbat tie Reeve griussntiy bis order on the. tress.rce ,.in taoerl'-of4the felilving persens walie atisitsu .tnntg - - Cikt offlcers for the. pear 186.5, Oe Boi-et fotr tlie actaef $4, Fred. Green fer the ala A friendly m~atch ma Crickestwas playçd of $4, Wm. Major fr the acta cf $4. and hs' te i Uxbidge - àà<tBreugbos:n sas Jas. BoIl for td hé auraefr$4. Caried~. ,,clubs, ounte, 6Brouiglihagrounli. on-Situr' Mfr. Wizon aru esec tie heReere grsu>t day 22nid Juil>. TO heBoughiam eléveit bis order on the ts.aancer le lavr Orf-Gc vaunt it iArsi and bytia» oXcsI1entý plIr 7 B, Sothi for 'l siso f .$27-70, being. eored 32.,- Uxbridge next wielded thxe 0 gols lnue-in lequabisîibe ee, oklibn ce ulIahir oredit-42. In r f et snties in ulie case ef thse Corporation tic' Rai uiagse gumoede 29 leai- fi of -icklering vqe 0-C., W. fer \Iat bçwa fore1j19 tbesî, abic the ate selliiilKsliritaos 114àuOis ltthut ifasse. 1 l uîdriiaiiy îtsié iÈfhéit- wlth èvenu MBlad trnei in ,adwudsthiat ltis; h -îîevaj 'Yeu b i - ar and' hs i te. bd; - -4 ~ - W.Boeittr 1 oa. -W 0 a n sd ' aight, theReeVe Pptu- usc'dYiJ ýu 1voting itt-- , the noya. Fil

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