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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1865, p. 3

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- - -1- r r ____________________ ________________ ___________ M.Xmuon lte VOadlset 0fz leottU. OIaAoiKuo.Tetjlutttss&>;TIEIN8 E 1) E T S M N 8 . 8ta~MIImae xi ui pblcnated crintal took plat» lit thse court of_________NE_____ Io1hasootsubieSalisbusry on 'riday, 21lat' tilt. when sise II4LETÂT 84 Ilpitppaele on the lcveing of Je)7 5. gel.AaCTntece tade18 tht~hn-b ai . i p oleaded guilty add ivssne*e edah there vi e <bngtiaid ie aud,,t eprsn or ig iltereitor ala ,o~ nlIlt ioa J t 7 S 1 de id tuho lu parîîamettilho JrsAn lish puiser supplies thé olowb lti.usttraIQE>tG8lI1Elo loo, ~ b<~ h g- acotnt afthe praceedings: ý,4 hr uuetigta ol o h rinrajppeared drcaad in black, T uinol Vent, are Dot! flua Ied t a i et l0 ol'W tut Wssde-my îuoted didlike to the mode wilh a thick black lace vtil, which. waso Sts -(,.ris J*Keller, in <Jautxngton lu *Ir la hIa i..sut'rgo aielcirs.re.ri- ifled utheji plaaced las front tof ite dock. tige coeî,tv or tîitaric, on Tuo*da> tliatwertY és la wiebthe uffagesof leetrs re oal.Site sonodfirnxly but useekl>', with sber tlutIl ,dny*('AuItrtllat ttl ero n lysu t. T li eetdby a gt t Io Oeluekilîsthse oltersioon for tileselletex lae atdrn n erbnslyne ngliia i fthe ingtoivotand orniag thse bod)g ai ane'ls calsulrYmen a03lbheospuesen. front of ber. Ou lte indictillett beiiig, al<tiineofthlIe estatc. tailes of wbat in Iigitest In ibeir missldla ao readi over telite prisoner, li reply site Datud titi.secoott daîy et Aunit, A..D., touadesses, thei'r sincere convictioua and Iltlaed gtîltYamtis] thse breoIiess ailpnelê.III4DZWlXS =sroefeelings, ii oanc ofth bihîgst, of tlae colart.The Judlgo -You knoty tise Aaae h"nusid osluofr e rao facbàa-ie-tliat :ou wilfully, inteiiîllonolly, CÃŽIAIils C. RELLiI. be coulry ; ut <o o setî mIe a dija vîi 5thi alice, kiled 3auur lroter. Are.,altotsSolio. you uilly ? ilrisOoer: guwlty apTe JuliI,0. aitatoreprellent <bat portion aifLise elect. theo lieu mutl emcordke iMr.C<oeridge TO A bras' ut'ds whieh lis la le got ai fur mouxoy,1 ans -iresi by thle priseîthr. as a person & A COUL43ARD'8 - #* returncd b>' Iricker>', by saying one pasisting mb tôt prosenîce of tite Aîaiglty thing and mmooîiingt onother, nad by isaying îGoal. lu eoy îhidlit e guilt waxatiers. aloîxe, M things ot nul tscded to ho octool tpon, ho- thAt cciyOne fs'180aW" Witolly lsoccal, ilgcnirar> to oî,e'is uwn convictions, ai? b anol ttaise tut oule. WiisLcrd vbitee a sgreattur breucint ifaltttyoiyukrdtctoex tbue iLr ulijiilîcî assuiîed ise black cap anîd ïmid, keep taiti t<han te break ii-such a repîsiCustatîe Emilie Keit, you have îleaded seniation 1 conceisse lu bu a osgorac, ius- gtilty tu ai lnitocr'Iagg you witls -*h-~,tu,-a--'- ofe ui n honor. l'herefure, Viseu a the. wilfîil tu sd , r y r ulluen, Fnacis tMO~~-a- T iI u b ~~ & ,U ~ Iju* portion ai ibis greal contmtuency mode te Satrilie Kent,l.usie .3,tliî Juse. 1800. IlAt sa~~P s T IT ~ II I! M lIIV iU I ~ ~ Ili eu e lb. sijîlattering prupuli àl xais; Isluy îlty lu receive -'t ia.el, wiochie l Y a~ T..I'X.A E aLtajY A l sA I Jf ~ bould Ibectosleàtatîidilatc>i 1 answered î'ou-linoe thtw doitseî'tely pujîss lîtard, U EN Wi ,P E E < litýi h 1didi ei l ud oDot bu by laystîg inol- 'tIl;b <atitltio t fi leîactag) iauuaw îatt rJ ie< , iu a e ? igslaeiISIW qui; O,0.oaa.It as uttuutl i uvioîg Iiol tîjilt 1ice i l t0.3t), fo. Sr to)ouibun, >ey h , - nt l,O or givîng toîy piedges eextépi;iiîal 'i su uototîil ishave lreed N Ottafrntsî la.ttllelini'et-i iom),aad Muiiiian, tr. U îsey t9 . .o " rd a r 'raiesîC ,, S' ths t li itîgie oe -t e t a l siwa -open aîad Ituait , lrcudhsl nlcharge il yuusbidl rcîîCert iii t Ill.' e t e o-r ;iuue it vpiir'tteiia( .. a a iterCîtr ebovaibotrd. lelîhor ebhould h t tm by en, tie cals cis ertnîso t doîsbit, iftear wiî tu ll iaunes 't'rir ltitit' sui loarr:, Sickles, u-'v ýî 1h kac 011. ff, (various lteCser liciîbîsg .cout!$.for tise whoie amystusOf' itslîi rentoige acteit1a iii ,gttier lvits hii P Cîci~~utîaîi~ t V, D., Pmps,- lrujîu ý,i ks (wiîh patet t tap,) Lead ripe,.Stove-pipe perional solicilio s da tssiaitki. Nul floncotcsi-- u DI* YOsr Cricileï- that )-aur ailà ie , i . lawi ta, <till rof r eti ai ro k.;troentte. s 1'tte, rut reer i that1 *Outil eondemthtiél hos ahu oiotim apliais it- liai of a really guitt>'peritan. %%itl le 'P.ol t aaalVar.îFreiuaî tsbo C8k7i4tatîEc uie PtsevngK1.e, ritP esrvia lliiit vas - u»cite coîuaittl under i:,l'riaYa Nliae i'7 L i.a'a i 1%X,5a- Clasa ileliit itie ai ld nr-u.. n' B r Ilthad ic'etsois1 proÃŽTslsd tey do nuliig -1'soeîtances (Ifgi-cal deiiberotattio It«ieuu<tii haas 8h14it;aar. i l'ai.)eu'iaati itet.Cts ji gte ilGvvt.oîgy atts, d is ale ~aige it wuîme thitot sc the o:d it;-,but 1'1 t1 gotw od liri ri ,i îory lw;eoe a ledit in l>oriiumtruît bals 1lot-1a4IaL teu lie a yaor fialinge ofut jaljina nd et- anuges*' lai i aut rrat cîaenaluo ueiili, i,rie a d e se t cuter of oclieîtitotiî. Yu oavtu ight ihavewgr ne ltrbagi tllaiittà- wl ct,-et liat TandTabeionW ieMtlTe idCfé os al u eleet mnybudy luustt itîteet maos, nisd 1t at-y aasaulutel Ovv.-nyoihue i tiu-nremod aned agetas it.c wiaiied i<îîat unS t ta' l-t Ni ats, Pilted CalilBel, 4, Plated Ciuels, J"leTa Trays and Ioth lonr itWe mitiera ,ýdvefmo I'l s tuc aawtof tilta - ituar. VM iitIster lier .aiasit NiI lu theiuo'sr ual 'suuîniumîur o bud>' ~t meu j iiti01wAtIj utyltlitau '-auet a*- Waitcrs, .kphiî aga IVd"ae 3xs1SoneBah, h were I'o<aîd wIoo scie strcia-tatiy olive la, sîa1. àî> retha arr f litfa due tepub ie o'i-îie i)sytig cb [e a a f - o ai a - - - .al leD -l. h rwth a .- 15w t elto Itidi not the mati Wlo d,rýxtii-e tIIi, i ' u-a1 , ,a.aîa1i.- t~t ' ' a . -, Ieaatumfli-ii'leua 111-ew ar0,A Mlr. N il reni tleila ttua tte isgui, ni ise e aaaauirIllaea-t1o ttî ta Mlifi aqli eplsifitu. at iu il,- .a -S ls ls,& they offiar at the very' lowest renumerat- toSat e d îsit-R)v-d tii f tatu site qeersiiutu % a uliVIT.u s. ei al 1 li o n a' taà,11 n - whethscr sen;ina lu Pîsniigiaiuit wt n&y a a' treu.t tri ailu)at'a at tilveu te___ itg)uies '1A M NL 'XMNET11Il OU hie tsoulu the itihtuu isdgier. mt a-. iI o yti sris lu 4ia, 1eI . ,u v, liMuiitgaa-a a raaua N ICES. Theïr Stock of jiottteet t.ro.adir-, (o- ý.itia-at i. uaid e e u iau t -ii, le 't ut'. a *- A N' i 61or ait l a uaaa'îa a-t::o 111(etratscipia Mst dii)'the oaaî- bat cuîuceuixs eu uhe tua-tI aal oau ta-- u1assti-ho it l i, 'i i . .a au'!ruaa 'a lie r wd tiaai-ww ml6 i lb OSal ta ind- Jia ri, euh-iitu'u-e saa au a -uui-istu tuan sai lr uit e -îl ti u.iuuitdta1.'l I - S - V.fl. , T I N , lo Tlg ram the gra' sen t iia- r moaaort' a. i 'uuusia an -,c st-i divasts at'a t u aar l-u t7 geltiug wil uis ronieut'auu-eiatxLJ-DY l - 11011U %'clnVt .a aliei 'arie, iii xtensive ve commsuercialoI peril ofltae (4tuuuatrsa, t ie lut- Caut% tittlut1alttriuotie, âi a U DY Er 0h 85 n f-111 .udjwaaaljid roiin-ra t %Lu 1 iw î r aten 1 i aaa ,u.atial] a ie i i icaig -d t-ai tacts uraanuaaii0 laal ofwlsieh isa 'tarraîîted rs-t cl:ts54, as tO Wôtkrnanship israiov o d o -s,4)i olia vc b. k i ilitll.uvo. e ,itw i e l it-i îa',5aud aeiaol Enic ta elrte tilt lace blaVice 'ti le g iri te heplce ýXeà iov prslT building, tllev oITer theirservices ini puttitig Up a anteut ofsoctaty ilater thau utait il:aindîtuIiat aisis belte îîrîtgd i t-leieç net uitîSuri,< lFXl IO iIS OIUPS ITINPMS ahiel hey oîùa'e, in thet ).ai Ipofitlti e %%U îîr tr i ottad, aunt.l-I'itw'taeo )-Ouen ct-r 13. Nuî'tuaio.PI ES C bT ý,R P M P ý, lualiclilc u tu- it nÇar uîuaa uaatis. ~ 01i, tia hu e a l i b it te asotr ie % htat-rhla,a 1 . -a e & ., luaviig i- t i t a-as was-ki I11ît-n Ioyed it the Tin Shop, ail tiameli.by, b>' e tst si a ia aut in. e lniastmult. a -t ieuai.a. t hu aui ma.iih atusa-r- 'a a r- 6j Gru liacer' aaiM.Matatul ytitlatoll nan3 .tsul t 1 ork <uie i îîubest is4 în1103tiL pt-oved style, anxd L'isb igtec ie" Ri r i al, s a1 aut ?uut. lie- t dat i dt-t-la ilcted, i ~ Da tut vC r -ilit a liilutt, rsa.d 5aitae tuah ncla.. i pwl o wi; r,it~ 1 ar'auut( . d îsaîapoinît %rcy ejia-ruua.the- dcc the t- uta.-iceuofa.ol'ueath supon îlieii aipy 1l r1s 1B.O i1I1 tors wuuld havie ltsusiut suh-e ashatii, d girL lu..ecuipra iea,,ast-d by- ltsuiiuti- j vîa11 ;n.et-Sîstna- t .ia. 0 , Il BlROf-t, hiEy tfbec ssuî ts.y a-ttid itavea l- itt -illu is-t t>of tils,-iOsiiualeats tuud tise r t-si a snàIja tera%»,Ila-3iaN6.a4,l sic .'tua.au. Ir, and fon wiat iltty iîlituebt ts thr tige jat-tgt,a ititgîts gave WaN , heuling1 aIL-n M M L A . ,. public g odl teri eoi-uiiau usal ,Nt ail i ,ta-itig itdatsty lut-1 '_1 1itittt i iat- Suav, luswi-aer, gnii i-i.1' ne- il -Tise Aiban>' Jourrai Iauys ~L. 3 os.-aii ta e t'lîier ua-uarir,itua Il, ISaai t-ac Oshawa Granimar Sohool. G 0a» S lsi i a - 's- as colisti< I a r- ir :1 ttr, en Jennin 's,theieîiaw curneapotein l thse ègOvtt-natruol' tise pri sail tiua a efC tt:r'.l E - ilaiiaster 'ltr -io uTt-i. ieis ov n i -i e!wts5h owlsatu bill head, uadIlile iggaest DI'yden, en tise iiglitt haituneoofbll0sec will Iai0,§ r VmI-IN ttoU0 N boi ilnuulty tisadies Aisiictt itlit alait tati tsV- '-asatI fvtad fuir >oai. 'autil t ieet- laie Tl L ' l 4F L,)' tkr4gl a stt glti - il fg(ý ler uri tai'init rvi i>'. L Mt aath ew sofl Rateliîfte & C Wi.e sio ýirla ) ee.l édainc ý,cii ....1 à re mn recel pi of ftivîîr N eW Stock- of Spriag fie tallitsvéry tef ,ur pe-yle trallier lailias-oS aiatilt înottryk -ý1, 2 e.', au Cfrt> ..aai.t#e 4,a 5'a eatýa nd tastt.> ilaa îa iitu iai aai du" i st-t h fit-, aiu ita -a Ca - !oéWh up t u i ri-a nt Ilte wtt4euaartaaa, el-ua tt t tfisglanaîd st-, ail uila ttlueta- ya Y l t evncrabt ale lm sa<t f iisîiity.' elatale NC".ýjp .11N w 1-,tlalnd IlnesNevDett< o ds, e c* mî~ni oiiht-tlit luu ti-iti -t- 111tt-i Buîlt i o i" unisatiîît itud he amaVt i - i tt eI tI Ili) '! Nu- iitts, falst criors, frQnl- 21eti liti il uitgtalj t 'of t is abaa, stit -ane outi îa a -a a'lt itiaiI iia eia t hetutt ters tfth < liaîs-. et ii' at; aria t r treraaî lauttaaa FAN!ILY GRUC'ERIEltS, 13OTS AND SHOES3. j i i iaa inta t Vuy>., lit-.b S Mu-t t'en a m- tu, ai l I a4uaJ ii-t; e tg $t al ______ Ir a gsitethiroia intsueylut- otairt-iiiitpu)-ryc ia to laetîtit.i ia tout ta A ha -ulra, h .tichs lus! 4cOlil suchiît <irt tle nsuitaliiy its Egylut. Výt't dute to e a ims t ihtaoeui à ,j05b.i 'l'ouais tri us-a e an gi-ualy atsinliced at the ekisrtaiumu o te groat <estivait of tise Coauls-ilaiitam. auJ ast- cou- treclor la. puid 40,000 Çiuotnos, trus un etdwmetuî tounded bI»'ther ItaeSultantsAh- dut MedÃŽ'la' tou bry ulue offal oftise- anima!s thulri es-tcsç. Titis year, it i aîad, t-Se C 1onîrtictor poct-ed the muney walioo fulfiint bis share ufthlIe bargaii. Ile t-e1 moisis u ofthe aiaeep wcîe ieftîto pasarff>ouit Miount Araliat, aîad tntit the air, tisai ghîitîg riali to- tise ejîtalemie that [s 1<0W M-giug iu <ha East. 'I ha Mormoni mort-bonis are doing a big business. One of therm ba pid freigiat bille ibis year <o the amoutit of $150,000. 'The grous reccipta of une reblien fattory 'Ais New York dnriug the wisr were $7,300 -pcf day for rubber bLaankeuis alotie. Tbis la no aîreîch- A pretended refngee from Mtsippi open- ea broker'î ciice lis Springfield, Ohio. marrisul a rieS fermer'& dangiter, twiaaled <ha batks out tfSbO,000, dosenteti bis wlfer vas -aoght in St-. Paul lu cempaus- vitis a vire Se married in New York, disgorgati :$2,400 tas one of bis creattru. sud put off à&t-tO Parts unltosso aitS s ftsieau.ý À. large oumber ef Southerniers, raccuti>' serving as ofliceesrs i he rehel army, are repertoad la hava arrived lu New York, pro. 1wpàratory' tatiar deprînre fat-rlBrazil in ibt teawer Montrcal, sihicit eases fer 111* Janeiro ouitise iSt proi. Atpopg tbeau lu Vol. Wood, fonueru>'odito>r orhise ' Vicksburg VWsg. Thay propose %ô atart 4 seulemeunt sominee -la the Amazon -voalley1 provudord ile Emapar' of' Bratil In e ionW eat sîan la hlaepha liaening to an isoanni c'i amarrieul wo. m-èna s-elopemsent teit l0#anoîher juan;,"tSe - cLier day, gel gretleixsclîsul avor il, andi ,apl4l«ed forîh in ties reatteniemae;] 46 'OI-mi viérus-oa.&*ySu it asaaer 'mami 'a t ifoi 1 I Ua»Lakbs hm ont pi ber preechat, Ifrte lismine ave fader, mine Gui?"j Tise mot whicb'ws'imertod'iuder lise arsu of Wiliam. Prince'1 of Orange, on bis accessiton toteIs KgliessCi-ove, wasN« ,revu se rept 1didnot &test it btti rucid 4 l This hein; shows ho Doa Swift lisesalsi,-viLli a sarcuulieaille. $tTW isoive ss b" a4as thle tiief." TTOrnteISe the -lch luercIiantlfiondpus, left S21,b50Pa.0 À pimaat "*Soporatin" uiIorngho4 tait-t o ptacenain u Cl],tt r j aetniiutaa'catt1 t-Ia-aata t i,' iauaM a ou, M ci boaul7'cxV uoau1dite pellcectan ;', ,ir i ia- csi boul bec i-t nitti¶t, he wcud bae en 'lu îlaai'r iue'l ae aauital t bauthS t, ir ' 1 it-k. Alut tyerter itusl-rm-titalu m tifi Ob- gaui I-ar druuobtu, luuîead of being ailttut-et (ilula-f tieaîaota lIolte S'isetluei oh Lb. iew d ltanvrte-bil' caolatitst a"oai me artauut hi'WrM-. e't. Jasant.'.iNi f';hibilti m . 1), Tisai-t a s o ry s-at-rît--s i t 3. NW ilkesi't ao'iiniti h-. ilIrates Bouth il titllnitre, osuad lhciuig lu Scotlatid a etiur iiu assutomeautîe. TIho tor saysj Whitby Senior Co Gr. Sehool. ibal. lise mati abot for IBooth ws u -au i puice, o an toral desuroyer cf tMr Lia- rlE i-lWtittt-ue oisit'.-GrotiomarSes cuuitu a theu oi biai oy te Europe lu aT wîit tlist 0ua siui vtensl ict Oa icis be euégjd puaoage .MfOVLa4 , A1Y t 1iis185 wbere ariaasun's sebale vau burut la orgaus lté Lraw Suici>', &ta ,B;. %t'. L U , 41) ixiug i-New Yornk. iua-t-t o -l tie iloàrd o Sai vaiuu i ttap.m G ARFA T -.%IcDON,;ALD-B>- the 1kv. J. Luw, un the 22oid Jut, -William Gai-tai, tu Mary J'atie MeDounaîd, bath of Oishawe.- BARRIS -TREEMER-B7 the sM , on thxe 2od of Auguà4, John Barri# 10 9race Treu mer, Bath or W44iby. NIEW ADVERTI819MENTS. MISS CÂRP.OLL'8, M 1858 CAIROLL'8SIELECT SCL'UOUL Iililiec re-'puod cen 4 MONDAY, ÀUGUST 14, î18U. A~ pinctuol atodace of th Ppil Io cun.î. ly . )quteiea%, Wlzitl'3.Aug. stil SN - TO (3< NSUMPTI VES., SUFFERLIiS mitiîîOnaisoniptlon, Astioa, truihitia, or agoy disetai. or the Tlsrost or ýimns, wilbc lie elierfitrly eriuaiid, witbo- ont cliarge. wftl i-0ratsedju b>'the-es t wbilx i te Live. Ed war(d A. Wl aloi,of Willliulm.- burgis, New York, wea oompletloy rov-torod to litulatli, allter liaviig %uor u ea oaswiti tsait desid dlooa.e, (loumpt1slou. te Cou- enis.ptie usft.rqs-s, tisa tomey la. worth.y os auit luneati4te trial. It vil) 7col Iiqtllgw.ando oaoy lie te se.us oft t1e paréect reitoratloià. Tiute dca.i'ittg ths S855, iii plllfi tddriýsS lIer. Edwartd A Wlsuonie1956 lioctiSecnd ë Wet %iffilasnu.gb, kangp Canuty. Ntew York.-i SPLENDID! OANE BUSI.YJ?,ss A7 MffUL-WlNJ forgeâanod 9-ju-~aaa, âttefrP &A I 5Qaa-5i55 -powrt ers-1 là, qase w1wts 1, oi u rte r er crenr le, 40 MS aîiw ot , âtuaeL A LARGE STOC$Ç OP READCY-.MADE OLOTHINO Ogfhlld adelothiîg îmade to ordër on( e-short- est notcte1 and us- die hîîcststyle. Tweeds-, Satimîcit,71, Iinii-Z le ofs>& of -our owîî Mannfactu-e, SOLD RETAIl, JAT WI±OIMSAtE PIUME, ' Iltrkmlrqylll à ,.me i iio 0.i i- Ilerookln, bMa>10, 18fià ýWINEjSI 18 -W -Iw Ef l Tfhe suhscriiber bas on fia 1)4 a CýOice agsÃ"rt,- ment Iof -H-ER RY--'A NDCLAR ETi NEW ADYERTISEMENTS. 186~, a 186~. FALL. CIRCUILAR., Wýe beg .to, a'noýuncetoï,Our ct" tomer 'apd tepubie gerally, that We Lave now in courMe of SI rîufhoture, ant! will exhibit for sale ini a few weeks, an.extensive aasortmenit of' Manufiactured féoru the 1b4st ma- tonial, which. wo, Willolter, at unpre-,edentedly low prices. Our Clothing will be found iîîfinitély su- 'perior to th'e ordinary e1sis olf Ready-Made Clot.h-' ng.hematei;l bcing ,priticipally of the BEST CANADIAN MANUFACTURE, and hag been înost earefuily selectoci. Our rFali Importations lviIli Je tinusitally large. ai will be tg hand early. Anîd Ons we are determîiied Vo -confine ourselves to thé- CASH PRINCIPLE, our prices wvilI be fotind ex,,,! tremely low, beclicvltig tliat the uîimble six-pence le better thitu the tard-y shfiig. To those who have su liberally extended to us their patronage, we return our siticere tlmtnk8< and beg to solicit a continuatioti of the lame, T. HMoMillain, *& Go, %'Vh'tlhy, Au!gust 9, 18,>65.ý 31 C>OUCIlB NEW GROCE<RY. PROVISIQNSTORJE, T Esubscniber would respectfülly inform his old friends and customers, that lie lhoas agîain sarted' bi.siness,-ip the above inoe, in the,>'OLD COR-NER ,STORE,'0.opposite the Robson Ilouse, aDuldas Street, Whitby, Where lhe intends keepinog on hancd, oerything recquired for Family use in the Groceîy lhue. Ho0 respoctfully invites an eaIfly- tal nd a fair trial.' ýCASH P IAID PFOR BUTTER: Thethe biglieàtCaiXS Priée paid, for good Tub' and lRoll Butter; alsô, Cash paid for IEGGS. - r~BESI -AMERICAN OIEESE TOR- SALE. Best Cern and Corn Meal always on ýband; ia6,O best Eamily P'1oV for sale. (jir- Barley, Oats, Pea.s, &c, bougyht as- usual.- ~~loi 10 * CARtDTOTFII UFFElEIN(*'. w119h ta lê iiitrêti1 If P~o, iwilluiv Il11) twodor tliree tIegî,1ùtià1ist guegllt!il with i<lie rextr1î, irhe<îtry une bIôx e UlIY »i)CTOlR BUCIIAN'S lýNGbLIll flPY* W.CLFIiCPIJIl,-iiîîd 1-o re-urcil ta Ixltii çn vigor iWo' ta iextrty t1ave. tenro, Jy veretJisl i ei î iieîîo tiîtta t1CL, propjt ond eltuerv in*tjùîr î'tt*.L.aon thè lrokett-tdowo msid ~uîîîîterci1 eomntnoioil. tuld and ymo, ai tle lill +tilitiî d i )t BUCJ I- -AN'S lFÀNGIB tH SI'FIt.IC'ILLS*.c<tire-l los tul 4fi0 11q. r Orsiuxrt l'1 V< >USNE*$$itJrîp ý',-tt*.y î~îî.[n î Sionniii i ies*<. r ! î,inl e Uiir S.xunl. sold ervîe iAIilUCUP11n.0, u' o1et tramwha euî,si prdectt.Prie,(. O i<i 1ta per box. , eaa,îl .1',!y îiai, on receiît of un <rdcr.* A dne', JAMha'.t-l-BLIJIIt.,-- Ni.429 tro4lweiay, X Y, olte. 5, .-A liai ent te aaiay 64' nc uttnre»ilut tIr A ieiruuhv italmtntit sittea. A Getitteunati wtuo stil'ttsaferod or rmIrouat xL"a- 1e'es ii litaiuti Ieaily i'ltii Etnlamion tiear-i l'ui 'a-aaii-e lté làrataUIt ail > outtati aui aeaa'ii i t î at m.t i e :a-uneaidlt'ta hi; (lay-. it itiiit,is MlattitL-ny, aniti, -r thear uttit liwiffric iat, LiItuaiait i) fl1'ta-tl, Italit simnplilltit--asit etlia- tataricIliuhl'aatCi: t Curi ILt tew t thko al e lt- tuatt os're t I îuaaaa- rimOa tîe-licinaa t-aici i î--etet eaeba- asnd D0e tsîsa11îfs b tlt ta-lt toct pluiietfr EI)GA. It iEv -% iNJ., CaatOi a,' ity, t LOVE ANIaîATRIMON Y A lif Lai>'or ( leaieiutiaaidittg î a a aidairea,i,.tu -tn-e, atie.udl biel tuli,awill avit .-,ai.tullt iiretiýtie li en; faii stFI.' uRP- tiotis ol u qlI e a ittî e -r4uitttb tStai- stata tienu tg, Itities- tiI,pJt, rrua'çaeatbv o fe 'ecaith, ugo or t-a, y 'aar-s Mata.'MAIt5ELoN<I.E - 2-ous. - . Near t r Tuant. <0. a> IJX'BIÏGE ITOUSE.1 T I J 1satiseitor !it tiag fitle Ineitimoa bote- T ly uocýeetel yhlevM. Jas I'luuioll, Wil<ileis te iaal'uiat - -i-aaual a, -faaua ot i ia tti juItIa' bie gattetal>-ý, tii-t th ia rtaîutraisuid ternituxo- datiotis inilIte ti5ore tiInc tewlat- lti tuud te eqeel utiy 1-1 theaC'il uitty- mNi. AS';Ï%NI). 20- - l'nu~-i.ar Sho-psto Let! uhuSE îwa tentallx Iyîitated i-T a iatttu ibaihiotu- mié, lo, tOevIs t -etliaît at-utîLejLv ty i t ia-r atiar &C"ua t lat vra-t-t Bo-a>;ito-p. iti pla-n teitiwt i fn or ua- icas, weildlciswer wétt aur ii àJaatt iS.t (ci Stores, &e. ' -A 1%hltby Jute, App5>' te Ah - B' CC lbiion lsal $100,000 Tro LOPAN. AT 7 ?-ER CENT INTEREST.' Borrow.-rs eau hivo tnoney frotn o:ito tal, nIii mu 14airent for tiue a ioFreehld, IaldagSecf;.t)-, %iiiel huidxuoeyfreux tire to titrycintrai, at P ER GEN T IN TE 1lSI ilt teoeral Azresst, ~~ Psou<ost ALsotsr rtoa-Op>osite lite Têtvo T JA'r ittizuaris Worm Ci sat-eit Maleiliie etort. puliing Wou aas ia îaearesel Eh flio or0 Ut-aii 'E poets fer ovlutmb IMPO Rl I l? youi a5e t ro! usat ". vr 6a-tdi l îýl:t a t tuas et hetîSa e. 1-i -~ju uGtsarLl oiere i ave deelared- tie itfetteif the marine, ave btýsu re- taeilsiticases t-ai, anus ileliiig irut-S W 1111.î îuijLct,_ if? t-s-ee of tarat rioffijs mi, antelta -I inu certain lti gilio, iserei aMitr ufmtavirt o Ui8st muct aietfromn ons tAi(lite ru- . Diehs7U ofu hAa auso Oe gl a b murry to iii ' Ptairie,, Iliat Asioltise w thaî jasauttict(l by usîsai Miuuu,. inar t Mimî' 'hat thue GOY' o tiîJle Sut i, (ttn l ex- w ak dccidad eui 1 lng r% whichlo er. tl 62 Jieul, 2L iro, 310 died i7vrs from dtealhs, 2041 th. l4îbh, '25 aîs A 4pe rfect lit>u iihi eY5f ilsiniforwo --Thoe cti ûle. ai nusemier ut~ r Cit. 5it-icte adut-nd. ispous tbat lise Olhlam, not truetS 1 1

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