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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Aug 1865, p. 3

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The? 4V'Cw xioneoy Paut* te - SUSPENSION 0F XETOHýum,$014 SC ,AN G RAH!ÂM & CO. FL04 0F TIIR *YOUNQEI&Ë~T- CI*UM. (Prin uil] ioNon' 1 ork World, Ang. li.) Titis morning affords auother evidence of the rfluancial insecurity cf ttiLme. oe Tiho son of a gentlewan, ltheitcsbaud iy of a lady, a social favprite, a business rea- pcnsibility, bas prtid ta be a defaulter if net a forger, -andl the country cull ree! te front Wal! sikeet to tihe Golden- Gale at n. te addition of the. story of bis defalcaîlon s lateteliat au have bad il arealy of people. wbo wv5î1m trusted andl were unwortity. TÈI%.iclt belittles the decil of Jenkins Who bas gomie t jail, gladiler of bis sleut ëà4tivity -tban of bis -dogged aind buntd freedoutj;tand until tbe udtitDame lurtis up iluthe aheel of rmin, that of Iloebum wil! tttract Atletiomi. )t Edard 13. Ketchuru, ibe defaulter lu a question, Whto baie ouirlvalled Sir John Dean Paul, lte Ewylish 4~nker, Sadler, of parliamcrîîaïy fume, and ev>n lte historie Jobn Law bimielf, lut e magnitude of swigndlîaig operauluns, is quite a Young man iu years if ktn old ottu lu crime. He bau net attaued lis, agi yet, tiii decade, b.- e . lug-bita to fw day. advantceil in ntwîett7 tutti y a.arlupemsnal appearance h. vas ratb e trtiie medhmmnsur, genrntrmanly lua a>àide, gracefsml lu carrisge, ad e - like iioutit,jIOoselîig sa,. maîplausible ad wciunîg mdiitSm. Tboree ciikren un- ttotischut of the future stitzuta t> b. at- lnch-i te tlîeir goouinsem, aîd a young wvfe romuainlu lîm, bittpr mt-, ",ries of hi. Yomtlîful love andi recklea aftt -crime- e IIBIuT$ ANDO XUttsOr LI. lits crime î& of te Maciavelliau stantip, cunitiitg &Am adret i al us inîricacies Q~uiet' mod uiose'mttaioua i tntet', a dvep subitraunuotf bud Iritivivle mat! falt * lestiuies lay beloa te uppcr surface cf - Cuvrtttoluy ni -plib.Youtiger andl mnore t'ig<trius 4W e'irllecît itn be- senile andtoti foebeiJt-tiîti« t, la in vaint liaI e loik fr ui'îîy rcdet!-'ing trait lin bismin. Wtnîýever bc dd, bu dit! sccretlyand iii a cool--Mit! mysietiosmaîter. hlie dinot bo"tsi hidtmîînettteruid' iii tte kelineliq andtiaglot ns, andulit thiialotie did hiC diller t Iroui hia morn atîtierul pri¶typc Antomtg bis myriuud lriemdà antd &cqusititaitces hoe #«4a jovial ful.low wt moniey liti mobnil. rbace, roîody o juiit inlt tteirt- îîti*andi1 pknswurefi.#à al4tiI billiard lstot, a quick 4nd firtu baid for a tuant, devoid of the. wegimoer m-lharacteri4thcs, and lfoulids of hie bel. Lj tug ai Wî-smyort, Couîto-cicut, andl always fIàIuar t nîlutaillitiz inluiboine.. bour, f, rbmracter feîood higb 1in te ca- lîtmation of te outaide wortd. L <'SAiNtJITAÏKSPtrAce. As te cri-hu uf lhsfate mpprocbe-d, a chbange vwktîla ice uttite outiani maune r -of the defmîlttr. Nervoitsuess ucceedeil i cool agsuuaptîou allai bravade, andI Ket ilium begunte miloue cofience haï bis puaer - ofeanrancî, uuud'er thte itrain eof diliîoue-sîy mii! upmcuatiitî, lWibeciee ebar-assed tond imeulle ubotik tieir leude %& if ttey rleu'aoet! btu, hîki cîlimaof bis cl-is, a sui-c hut nd psitt li te Itutticon of lîti x mmiemu- m nd ilib, Keteuoan v plmii ý!tiiur' inthIe biliia;d raotim ufthej iSXiî; Eiiiimume, and bis unt;teadinauss amriuiîrim'ui! IIlmimi oare eammented b,% u iimuiae uti'ifSis cunfidencme. Il isls.,ettu m Iîdlial Le bail fallemu jute te milâýeiu imme ui utciptcd Deliati, ahui, tîîd id0iutr m uf uhslucksanmod uerv"saitas mvlei :'stim t jerpaîtuo the b.proteels of humdi'mtt'iiimn.At premtrui t bsft'uýitiiiue e'ofuuiter i.mt aidltcuvmred, buîut.- lips îif a wt'mvimrîiare euil'unsraid, andiu ti h piir' ,uijzmblle ibiat ite cfficers of thc 1e ~mmumyupoii er n-ack, lu trace 10 tue fourfiual at umievery sembimuice ut wroti,t <ing- anud geilt. 1h tîîpears Ibalt tet"ou. ope-ia« of te Sw uiide w'as nsfoloce .-The Bnk of Ni-w Yocik wuasailojteil saune tinte &go as lîidîtmiuyof tie golil brokers, who rd-eive fruru it certificates registereil andi xigu-t! in due foran by hvo cf ts Officers. la the burililos cbariucis wheu-e lhey are uaedt jue erîtlam-, lichtare for 11v. titusiau dolliars ecci, circuiete frcm band oholaruin lulien cf Moitey, andl May renetit omui indefinÃŽte lime befote the bolier mi realit*esiior gels item caahed, lin preutiiîg for liat purpoïe. Iiany of the hirilters tvito'bale cansideriable butinie« teo ik'Pe a booku of blatikuof gold-cietlc by îbi.-at,. te te filleil cul as circumstauces Ina>' ri-qere. Dnrîiug ivo wcmka peut, 1Mr. Grabam, of the fit-m etf(Grahamuà Co.,,bas beeti ab. senIt trougli aickmtems, tond it beiug a flrtu very inhimie aiti thal of Keuebum, Sou & C., Mr. Elcard Kehcbum, oua cf the latter fit, ook charge. of thte businesahu Mr. Orabia-mis aence. -hTtappearedt iia bc fillc-il dut some of tiee bianko vih forïgs.4 signatures, and ub*tg tiiebi as boi- l#ie' acrity, aould obîsin lbans uof unearlytheIbeffiniwof ubo face cf caci. The t'umacry cas qutu succesilul. On lu is supposeil, escheit eU filicd qp fe« flan Iliousaul dollars, it la mate titi fargery ýof certifleates foot up ho tva andi a haift tillions., Thte cheeks are useti la te naines of heverai lemdlnig firme, luciuding Versuiiye & Co., Locltvood à Co., Brourhlembr -à Uagcu-, Elastemn & Rosenfld, antd artie'an- ly aIl ver bliugliaagly execuiîed io sas to be avideat ou carefi.l inspection by thune familiai- id ite signatures of-the variaus firme, FÀiht of titee e rlt1careprom ,t.' hltg five hbmtasit4dollars eauh sire aboya M1 tihtank cf New York yeslcrday Mueu- lng nd prouutred tua b. fargeries. TOUtto KETCHb7>i LUAYCS A LETES TOUt Before leavlug th i ly lie vrate a letter ta hi& imîher,, u intictahe notifled i hm ltaI Le Lad eomtted thc fongerlus - sked him te provide for iievite muid, ecilîdren, and idala thoha Ld provideti for himseif, Thai b. did pravide for iuInselfl siiowp by the lswry of hie issudans! aperatiaus la Wall strect.- TUi mocia LUS5aOr Pi aa s.aitliaa, I -. - ___________________________________ I - - - --~ ~ ..~ ,- ~ - *i- -.-~-~ tiremeut.- This year basuiarked a »erien cf festiviirs as wiîê andl disseluue as lteï are unexmmpled. The republican simpli- City cf Ibea. resortsscoin b. proelalintd uti more. Tii.y donualrepresent the. itatilna lemperament cf lte country ; itis gravity, acrupulcuinets, sobriety and quietnes- ratiter îhef/etes af Baisa Balen, lte ex- travagance ai fNice, the vulgariti cf Brighttan andl Ramsgate, the. excuses of Scbwaltback sud Houtburg." The Quaker uolemuity cf Ca" May in revolutioniseil by a sntamer masquerai. Atlantic City i. giron crer to importations of Mechaniz' vives lu scarlel; Saratoga sn filleil viti faro batiks, andl tbe thunder' cf raners applauded a rIotualy as ai Chantilly or Epsom; Newirt la a ciîy cf *"maà, utl of invalide s Or hatl!system, ahicit vasour bosut, lh«sdegeneraled loas proteWasiof aimoustrous extartian, andl thoatu *bo eaonoî ectîpse tudr nelgibors lu dlaplal strive le donsg in cirsébbeb ardl crime. Eveh theb miner watt-ring places mlist have teir Ilcourses," vbere a mab beceath thei ladies stanids figitbs for largesa distribuîed by the disciples cf sboddy. We ove tubo business- carelesmness, Iis recklesussof ltat for-mai eliquelte wvi îeh la the coîvard symbol of imoral dijirity,'ta lte corse of papet boney wiîh which the rejH1blin ladeluged. T:aiaist.a Accturnt.-A terrible saccident occuredinl the township cf Huiler, about a mile (rom the village of Wellington, Prince Bilvard couuuy, an Friday eveuing, Auguui 11t, endiug in - te dmt cof a young man. Decemmeil vasthe ovuer cfaà tbresbing machîin,, ail vuat ite liste of ib. aýccidei uing 1, lu ltresbiug rye. lRe cas tediqg' and hrough carelessars., heing incompetent to lako catre of bîmiielf,ý from inloxicaion, bis glove vas caugit Il, a tootb in the cyfintier, wlicb jutkeil his arm mlIntute machine andi tore it literai!,. itilt. abreds. In bis effoarts toexesricate the, armie ttewurg round on the plttfor.;, bi-inglttg his bîad vhii b, thirasp cf tite deourer, au that Ivo leîeeîb" tore tte way throug thlie back part of te aboli. and crite eumiered thte bock of te ueck, breaking il. Tbe fricîtil, in dressing lb. boudy &fier deatb, ilmaovereil that the back n'at alsou brokeu. Thpe young man Jinrgemed mix houtrs ha ulieoîcoutn. mermncmo i hlLr-aSonrmy Moro ing lust a (armer reîidingç in the townshbip ot Eîuily, name4 Patrick Mattimer, vas founil lyiug atone deuil by ithe fence in cne uf bis fletlsd, sud a bullet of unuunatly large aitie, wbich bail cuteied bis back and gale itrougit bis teart andl breasî.lîce 1 was picitrilouIt from beneati thle skia by lime medical man via stibaequeutly examin- ed itit. Titre, men nau5ird O'Lren- father amil tao sons-have been arrested. A nice fltt!, bit of innocente occurreil reçentîly at an agricullural show at Cahors. IThe prises hvng boten aarded Io aoins Sheep diaplaying splendid wool oit their battis, the. judge seited hold of u.e t mark il, aber,, b bis surprise, te sair. fleece came off, and it was discovered ibat it bail becît Stock on wahi aLi I 0,te innocence of the ruralali l'ho King of Portu.-al closed thei Co.-tea, asud promiscil a strict 1mw for Ibo final abtilitioit of slivery iu ibe Porîwcèese poblesiiui. GJroit iuîisareiu.rcmm;tlt fromn arnal 4egitining. 'lThe ir#t tie Lord- Piilir,.îîn trut îi for aa ent iin Prliauîent watt i 1806, at lielîtm jcruccived Oî,e vote! IWtt do ytie keep yourself go distant? quidIt fair one te ber lever-" easeî sai!lie, -distance ltends eiichautunanît t the vila." What a villain. l'he Braaflianu fleet, &fie~r nine houre fig It,dtstrvi-d'Ton r Paragîtayan steamers 'lui sÇeîýýt, and- kîlîrd mindwoun4îed 170à:', "14_Cludng the Admirai. The 11razilian tua s jaetimated 1 steamer aud 300 men. The. Paraguayens captured Bora after fOve days fighticg._ Whilby Xarkets6. Wilitby, Atig., 2ard, 18051. Very littlecgrairî yet rnuking ils ajijicar. ance. Markct prices upromise wt:ll for the fariner. $1,10 is novr offering for fan whe.ict andl attive ertqîiry for it at that prlce! -The simple se far le good, alttîoughI tiere are somue complainte of amut. WS woutd aulvise thoso alto cen do se tu take adeantage of the mai ket jugt-now, te dean tlicir grain Weil, atnd alîcu the aaple ls goot! corne tttrough to Wtitby. No âpriug offeriog as yet ; prieu viil keeîm coser tu fa!! tItan heretofare. liai-ly a few loads only bave ny.t, comne forward for whicit 40 cents was free- ly pait!, Oats 40 cen ta. Peu 60dO euta. The market bas Sti active, leberrl aspect. 00K ANED A. trot elaut ecook vwutei japply fM ib Rpuy .1 butel, wlilb. Wilittîy, Ang..29,h95 AJAUUB MHYAN;' -m 1>rqpnbstqr ý ecca,l Lc? cor 'g buti eo remt! i ilot u NEW ADVERTISEENTSm. Corporation or the. IXIIEREAS thi Co r- " 0 , lh V pro.fthe Tn'kwn cf Wluty1have by By Iasw enso td thut I ho vueart prt of Viltàga kit N' r One Ctock A., 14t of Brock etreet, uIli ar lot No. 2 nd eaomltin of W t1ît b !b $6 Reward!1 corpoaioHfl E 1'ltabove rewmmt(Il i Tutm uf Wt'Oty. ilT bcgien by the Cor- poration aof îtue Townt of Vithy fur tlimi appm-ebenelon of any. 'ersan or persans loiitd nestroy lttg the sldownlks or fesaulîbltite Coprto;or for pneliInfotaatio uun cil! By oenfer, 2~llOiAJfIXUSTN, Mayor. Titwn Clark. 8 FARM FOR SALE~ PICK ERIlN Ce (W« id1l i.GrI'it Pollock, Ail b4-lgtle ili-v..eet kli o Liît , Ill 'IKI<l:s.ltsm,î mownt, SidltIle tialaitre, 'iti iariel ePt mcVeiipar centii uelle two tlmfre atid font ><mara. A c*sh mii, wouiel pte9erral. Tii. fmmr l ii excellenit urdur and ims s tri-t tiaitlarmai. Fuir tluitimeCr part il!illaris ant i liforumtaalleupply (if lxy lettepPÏaIi19 lkOtre I. Ileapr-.. AifltKINGSMiLL &CAT- TANACH1. tliiirTrotto. By«Law NCoâî' 7o £8talliyh a Mark. t (hound 'for thec purchage ami Yal1e oj Farme,-s' Garain, IHay, Sraw- andi W1bod, and to' malce rule.a and regulat ions Jor (lie same.- BIE il enacted bIy thc Corporation oi thte ~Tovrit of Whiîhy, amnd il is ltercby en.- [acued by thc authorlty cf thc came. lot. That lie vacant part cf Village Lo)t INuni ber Onue, Block A. West ai Brock Street, being rpart of Li>t 27,'- 2nt! concsmiou Whiîhy, chaili bc thc Mar- ket Square, fur the sale sud pmrcltse of annera' Grain, lay, Scra, ad Wod, wiin lte Iitiits oft tue Toi-u of %Wllhby.1 2nd. That cvery ian-fuil <ly lu the year chnili l4 a Market Dav. froan ive oclîick l ii te orniug iIil lo'clock lu thet nit-oomî. Srd. Ïbt IIFarmars' Grai inRay', Strw. and Wodexposet! for -sale, vithin- ttc limita ofet tîucpality cf the Towin of W'ltlîby, %mml i oe e x- lîuted for gale, mut! soit!, antI iurchamt- cm!. ou the Marke , ic, rein pro- videtd, or withîn the illowiug distance ttrcof, viz:-Waltnt istre ou lie North, Centre Street on bbc Weet Durti-p Strrc onu theSouth, ant! Per- r>' Street un tte Estt, Ili eac t uthle adjiiig dire'ctions front the #nid Mariket Square, lîli. Thaî an>' persoôn altoshahtbc gilty ofauy infracion t t ti.By a-b7 tkpcsiufot saile.ou'ni selliug. or bu>'- ingay Farnera' Craitt' lia>', Stra, or, Wmatd. et un>' pI»ce withilq tte lIhnitA oftIl.le Mtîicipaliîy ni tie Towrn & Wtitb,', omsiide eft teMarket Grounds xuen'h>ion utitis By-laa, and outAlîl, cfte puricoar litmita sud boundéles mentioned la Section tiîree of this lIyiaw shall ; aon ea- viction thereci before tb. Mayor, or Mntaltnli itaving jurisdlntiun in tihe isÃŽldTown. ha fined fer e«ch ofleuce, lu Ïsucitmm.niuot texcced Ti.euty Dollars, b"Iesthîe casis-s the Mayor or Magitrate shall desu pi- pt'r. Which -fine and cst& a, ab A argo lot cf acyIr> mp oed gIRON 1>IUI ES, ALSO THE ÀRMSTt~ P41ENÈTED 18,& As the demani for lte abat. Fanions SteveS, iucluding ýtie Imlfrovoil MAPLELE' N. WBROWN, j Ant liera cf excellent qomi aitWie.lamap 9 neoreul& ucrl'ciiuld b d - i iabeAsealuge a"of c acaIIUUM LJiUSON Toto Clerkm -BOY WÂNTEI). W A Ebe yonug17b7 about 14 oril5 lier. 9 1n oc o UPPER CANADA OOLLUêE WILL L5IE*N- Tuesday, geptGmber the t4 'WTREN ail the pp t rsdaon c-reel VIM bpart isU1ebri reaesatel tib Bol& PARiLOR STOVIE M0 tho beg atr.m aud.ay metal. One of ýiàeli vem, -. N E WD E T S M N S NEW HARDWARESOE Barley Porkg, Grain Cradies', Scythes, Siekis, IReaping Iloks,-Machine 011, (varonsquaities,) Cistern Pump, Ion ink, (with patent trap,) Lead Pipe, Stove-pipe CrocIL Patent E-namelled Preserv;ing Ketties, Fruit Preserving Cans, [air ti-ght,] Counter Scaies and Weights, Bird Cages, [a good asbdrtînent,] BRODGER'S Ivory Hândlod Knivës, Table rand Dessert, British Plate Forks,, T;%bea d*Deet,,British -plate Tea aïd Table Spoohs, - VhÃŽte Metal Tes and Cbffée Pots, Table Mats, Plated CalBelîs, 1lated CrUe ts, Japanned Tes Trays and Waitersi Japanned Spice anîd Cake Boxes, Sponge Btthsi which tOgether *ith a Iargë assoriment of' Houseýà Buiding Hardware, Paints, (iaB, <lass, &e., they offer nt the véiy lowest renumerat- ing pricesi IW CALL, AND EXAMIINE THIEIR GOODS AND PRICES. Their Stock of PrêsiFednand Jiiiunned NVarc,' is extensive and vtiried, ali of which is .wirranted first ýclass, as to workmauship and materiaL. EÀV'E TROUGIIS , CONDUCot~ PIPES, CÏibE!RN .PTMPS, &c., and Jobbing by first class workmcn. [A'C i-'~~BROTHERI 30 No. 4, Brock-st~, Wliitby. WINES WINES!1 MARKET SQUA Re for te sale onsu irch ilcf 1rmer's Grain, floii, sftitnm*mdul iatiuhelmiso moitii Towinof UWiaitb>' ,und tuat lte auno sa -Se timuer thi. Mules and IRegutatiotia ii said By-law coutimlud. NOW, I, NWICIJLAa; WOODI BROWIS, Me tir of fic Raiid Town ai Il itt>, (do tîereby fiieallu and jrvenontiro tltt ah. iiid t Y-tan us§ imia lu fuit force imid effectiauJ ht Iue foi- lowlng aun uifllugf)t lte î-urialdud titureumi That cvery insfuil day lauIthe vet-k sau b. a Idirket day,frimu v f ii o lue ltii, morilug until eloqd esutlîek Iiligli'. TIi-t ill ?arfmîrrmm' Craiili 1ai- Sraw mmiid Wood elÈh>l e èr 0Je ailitiu à i .èOîîmaî* ot ts ilst tmit f eTriwit ou Wlitbv, msnd! auuty hI, Sap)uol ter luîaui ald, ani pur- 'luced l u flticil . lîbiîC iM..rkut sqijuru iwltitlist hie îul'rii5 rillkl liîitit,, iz Wîlnut treLý..I, - L t e~i.tu,.trri oui itle N"r;-nu '* lmar'tl ~i.iuta iiit 1 onîty Builmi 1.. arl sitîiateii tjou titîs %WeIt ; mci Iatel, iB,' ' cret-t,> Ust t suth ; u n mtrcemt,) ou thu ltiuIî. Tinut!au y p+i 4pillé ë s fmi miii gniliy cf an imWraifrIou et' i it y-law, bhi. expong for1 male, ee1ilig ur bu) ils far1eierx grami, Ilîay WeirtrAI ii. l cc it il.i te linita of i-1,die ' liun of oVuiiliy, ouliute the ucîl murketeqir m aid t, shah oelui eîîcuricîiil biture Ilt aUs)or, or Mugic!trate 119101u1g Jinri- dîviuom, for ecimilmumte lue .utjected tut s due ltit I eetia t,- 2, besîdemi 0 to ok, aslb il Eli>or m-r tagitrmle inta detuu Jroper, aluicli fie ued 0-t. uui% lie leil .11' tieti- giodeand el0t1t ii uCt i ulimdor or otffîmuudrst, or heoUr 'uel na> li mpri4ied iii th. Uiittioiu t;&of utoif t2.it nutuarie) lir a julmrud tuot ex- imeeitiig teaermy t!iyiii-.theaurtutinî t fsid busbda e toit>Ot J i~d. (rin ua d primînco hbirlftthrfori' etiqtmrted r*mi.t.1 o rîirdumni itutttitii lite t iithie enruiu)raiti u f Ille sa-iT'rn i îf 14' titdoutut eîtttie iilitttil rt, i f' t tI, mii iy-iuiw fl the sale mol iîurchlmaaeCuereuf. No Market tueSuare tmposeil r fiay- able. Ptdliae t %4a eu of W littai iIs f2ue day tIf Augft.t, ëll N. W. oHUOW, 33 Ma> Ur: WIIIThY INFANTRY, e irti Cen y ajlfortîtlit m leitoir crn, iiiie iotnpu g'r- 0".ry, foir Iiiupi ution o, l$ 11mb tinmiy,> DIVISION %OmURntqlS leuitTUE 0U TY, 0FiONTARIO. Sî.,Im............. 2n-l, 18, 2,piekering............rd, fiIb'inniitgm ' ..... . t ti Z.DUNilgC.t Whby, An£. 2" rd'l, l;. Just Reeeived Whitby, July 19, 1865. cmRQ«BER-TS Re & Je CAMXPBELL Beg to announce that ýthey havýe ireatly extended their pi-uiises in anfticipiation of an encreased trade, andl haviug purchased the buik of their GOODS FOR CASH, wil be able to ofier CASH CUSTO3jERS,, the then pfft Goods, as wel s thc Largoest Stock in the -Contyof On&àrio. The'j would direct spocial atteution to their DRIMS GOODS,particularly to a large lot Ã".f Chdflies and Delanes at lets per yard, cbcap it 25cts. Cottous and Prints at.à great reiIuctioD in price, and well worth-iie attention, of the doleai buyors. READY-MADE 'CLOTHINO.M In Mens' and, Boys' Coata, Pat m'ad ests, miade up on the pre- mises. The'lraôlrinir Depax4nent 'sunder the sipMrinwzdaeof afirst<ilas Cutter, and ail garments muade to>order armwarra'nted. They-' have opùeea GROCERJI>Y & PROVISION ST ORE, The -attention of Country Merch'ant and Pediars is requested, as the>' eau always fiud a large amortmnent tW seleet frein. Fa AmaIl poe & ok ottaiug a iU, t rneey.Tii ow ri rthalee U.fameby Uot No. 2à, 51k acn. Whutby. lVuhAg12, 1965. TO )RrTNKÀRDS. ()LD DOkTO'8;CiUN, -,brunkrdàl theu. or . i N'EW AI)VIRRTlrglE:WrLn"g- 1 H subscriber' would rëéespcfuly inform bis old friends and T nstmes thth à gi tre businessin the abové .QrDu ndas'Street, .Whitb', Where lie linda&keeping1 on band, - everything resquired foÏ Fimily use 1Withè Grociery Une. -'He respectfully invitqs iii early cail and a fair trial. CASH ý,PAID -FOR.-BUTTEI, Thé the highest Cah Price paid for od'Thb andRluti scâsh pàid1 for E 4JGS.' - É,BESTf AM]ERICA-N'GHEESE FOR SALEi But Coru and Corn Meal alwsys on hand; also, best Family F1bU' for sale., U-,Bsirley, -Oats, Peas '&C, bought as usual. W h tby, Juily 12, 8 6L. , tri- Je re-examuiui matduçlnu pupis reuloled i tb. pupils, -At thi fit The stibsci'iber bas on Itrnd a choidé e gssrt- nrt of S H ER AYÂND C LiARE T F OIR Ns VO.MER tUSE. amen( ladil aull i1 ( Ki la1 Xr, bill hc froto "ed, ficîl mei mluimt igelu(ett u. iii vA. Acta. 1 ý NW ADVEIUUISEMENT-S.- 1865. 1865. FALL CIRCULARS- We bleg to announce to -our cus-. tomers 4nd the public generally, that We Lave now in course Of Manufacture, and will exlîibit for i5ale in a few weeks, an'extensive asortmeut of NIaufa.tu'edfrom -the best ma-; *terial, *hich W'e will differ at nnpre-ledobtedly low Price. O ur ilôthing will be found infnitely su" *perior Wo thé oi-diary claës dl' Ready-Made Cloth.. ing, the -material bei« prncially of the BESTý CAINA.DIAN MANUFACrTnURE ndh' e most carefully selectc'd. OrFail Impoistatiôns wiIl boý Ãœ- h us uwfl 'y' large, and wlll be to. hand early. And as we are determined- W conflue ourselves to the CAShH PINCIPLE, our prices will be found ex- tremely low, helieving that the nitrlble six-pencp is better than the tardy shilling. To those who have so liberally extended to us- their patronage, we return our sincere thgnksi and bcg to solicit a continuation 6f thi3 same. I.He McMiIIan#cCo Whitby,.A'ugtist 9, 1865.,3 NE-W GROCEýRY 30 .9. L Tunula 1 STýOREi

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