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Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1865, p. 3

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nure efeu. bec?7 cssuld- unte nuesi. ted. [id 1' naking s eounitry blore thés ]th wvicilh souir cf h. Cussuron, agsDus il t, Iutl sa ISsoiC lig, Car. coucison, Csupal, DpNiver. se Mosi - s, Poliatis. e, Stsisy, Sylvainu, lite, Wilton5 I 'uït 2"tle. d 'i piion f tises týrusi Pv5sel esîci' he jertn h eceud th, 18d.ý. illia ers la. th's! nstiatss - otîs by %Ir. ites Cuit for Lgricuslwe-in ase Orfmach iao of tise lait 5brousgis 'bupt in tchei t5e Provinuce oi, ansi tise totall defici. sscy howvser, 'r in tis e x. l'd payascuta 1,' lilqudation ý335,u386, snd isiaul servicels lug a--totl ssiij the actual were aigu in- tie egiseuà. lise uameni i5 4 gooul *«hr otl luit te nustb-it.-s. The chotera bus gel as fer aseu Aocsa e, _ 4SAAW ~DI 1 Itir &liiCol. Frem*eia 1s5 Iey, on ilu nortbward route, mauthe &I~F 1Kj £ýaels ______________NEW_____________ leteut lelegraesa caie t#deboua t lncu, A ot5,Wity a M" y at 1th JAU» BRYA I.ti. uweeom t rdat our o- et ionsln thal City sa eutmig -20 a day. ~à,~dnagbe rui ____1VJAC 'OpRYAN Wrln*fou artg sllmTise dealisu froua choiersaet ÂlexeodrI&,. _4119- 2oilo1863. ~slq l ieInseu lve uEgypi, on tillse 9&h Juns, vers set.lmatd OW obuethl mr. Garvin Plok n for vengee on Nr. Davis, la conse¶uçnce at 900 ,persons. Âo Ausirlnlasiaip Isfr e -jo wé. ~ ~ ng t.-oUts.WOaîbatirofLot§9, lu Of th. 'l lnaedublme.s"d Ifm>ausaltsyrie viii 800 Irsek and Mlte TUsasuSLI) àÏ PBLIC tis aSth zîcslo,10 es M«orsisas. wiseS orthera oeptbred oldiema rol d gars o oud. 10 die, advoe rowb~n TKO *n sdts sa loto tise e. Tbs othera vtorefusd A u lr' nilsijar.Aoasis aeiseid 1J s travelled trosg oUtit B enii' '?hlO es -w Tisteru atut u r eit o I t ,su somihenieSies ltiring tbm beight ofth i rmissonthlihdiLy pb>'t A PU rI10 N P" Bas r a îsfml ueUliti idrat à - 0For turtiser pnartu ios forms±ios aPlIY ver, 1 badd many iopportuoiiec of seing AT-I Etô à Mue olir nerevrey r r. Stowb bIopod frotte Barlinglon AT4L~ N sMLL CAT- eumstnoe.I1 bu"e lveys observed îisey Vroaft chasteivbrk1 viUIs bomveirue A B O H T I> TAAI. Bottorm, TbrOtio. 5.deoiIl IE! ~~< W vert tresaed vlîle gieaouity and lessnselîy p'WOEIcîleuAI ge oeu es~t Itis1865. I. Tos<JWinoo e sudes viibanarîy nistreesse. of ties camp. Thse guiliy p&r.. Cs sBoksdbnds rsa s ia- Town c Whutby~ 'v yB" uaut ht I is qît ehev ta uso iu t hav e ~roasedtise Caniada border, clollel * ALUALE W'pat 455f illao t Nqsnber Orst 8*115ered druedfuIiy, suit been ofteua alcost cils. o-BftievrngdbubadoT L t A.l . e tOrBiidesc. bain# Port Mt#W, et udmrelle-ardaisahicislotNNé. 27Or a pubsilieofWLltbylhlb A C t the ha~all temeduro lucommet.n witb Con. À womacnle mbridge, City, Indiana, TB atmn ale atfiok.. T O faesesoldions, vommu ansd chidren in abo- becaine cntirely demis twenîy-Give UPON ASY TERMS. -MAR{KETr SQUARE , là- V e co ag dV-re sotn n uaey parte of - thse Sentis; thse anseior ers egso vbituî eîîendissg e camp tuluueigTueuday', September '26, 1805, or-te'-O- land ucati ahior-Fa<snrin a ru, fokn ve, ogwih0lb rd ueumbetsaned nesourcea of lise cnewy attise ansd never apoke a vord' alece, bas been - ITUE IP1AILT Nu ly tx elWod ihttélmieo h9o okn Soeaogwhçh laiter'period oi the ver haviisg enabled reste'i ou ,speech by getting Ilbeautiuly AItisthe ur o u 'le.p. nm, by "~sdilsts h cns'siscnsn I d sîiTo*" dlt WithY; à id tnat.the s àuIe1s1a, blua te Ily vaste tise crtusa autidestrey tise drock." -, h becoune a ie asquestion l6: irefs mriis oréa <lositisTWO (400D lbc undér t ui , an editltons ta fsdlis measa of sualenance, as weil lS ialyber chunck>ocieîy te decide wvbîer te'TîîimeprpryIl týntgug EVI ]PAIRR NKS, r., D LIN IluU;SF-titi s<nioe Buildings By.îavoSsàttiias. ['e Celebrated Common elh Communeication. Tise crueuy oflsepiag end justified thse uean." Tise lltowngîlend assi promisoes ustten a Pew- Sv nt t.sh se Juîsets.',It otheMarta ,mi Notfld ownIC ofAIOW<Ihy ieb bKOW su rtnmesor,:m en conillied t les osor of melecoiit;isl its a irsrtarîge frdfsii w. IL ÉansisTqillina, vit!, Ras niatsatind, andi Masyer' Ttisessd'T p t Ws '.lsnsb - AisccsrIrutiEq.vc'wibe hamis-ti S1e rieerist'. 1rocitlm déitld Ë40,iotig ttiit the. aid. 'y.lsvw ,Id1c.. o1rutaInnov I SIuforbe is asuiefflsct ansi tlsat tisa (CI. J it jIC f vise t hey Couti ousiy b.fed walite bc hTie prise for -impudence, asitiheLondon pross1, tts iseu s~tisaI rartof4tlise onStiep5s!lttt'Ytlwn ssaontth rbllnstemI diffielîymuat reaile it IsMr. Lincolns, ftistc8iovas won hbya£yosng lady, -"sîtîtilfbltLut usnme tsct tX ýt -j ti ie 'AN4l\!, GAIIIUR, fieu., eontiiscd. and net with Mr. Davis; for i la noleiots vise, afiet, persuading uhe hklndly manager ly rlîîsNuit,, 1sretnitruckuofîtheirassi 1'. O. batevoiylawthld*y In tlié woek st bThS. awbe ce tisaI ail objeolcas te cachiango prîsnera of tise palace tu Set ber soine fovosa, ha way, culiiîssg l'y adsîseeeturentent 50 Itamat, Autsl 92;. tqil). Ia slrket day, frs'sss fie oick ln thcssorsisslg Il be Ota01a cmre Iron tise Nont,,usei fren tise Scutis. es;isckona subistisutoaiseîe and chagestacres, mutre q' e u. -esl #o 'oek st uiisi., Mr, Desi vilitialass h ave iten deligisu- hlm ivo shillings sud sikppenefor is Tise conditions of ame.are neait olown -Tesi Tisîthîi.p Fsirmir' Gn',liay, Struv andit «Wod xrèêfo1all w00 t Iitaitoftise iIhe r eto ases t etAnesouil.00e tarving Fu'den. - - ptsr celit tu ssho .l-twst tise titre'a oi-ee, UPPER CANADA COLLEGE tetae.,;vi~ iib is ~~~tki taklagotise blneIitwo wcsks.,î' AM1Mî.î et:l oésofqI mlud of tl, »pan- *4 ndr io Decis liyumeror J."hN014ho GPàwldenta aFle0, ndeur 'J5<lents vso c~a> !%ho:sboo formatel nicogulilon of Prilnce Âlf-ed -F ur furterxtise Tuopday, , oinaedfiltthmber'thble IMarket xure, ilsh . an d obglokplace is tishe capital of tisa:- srd's-tv9r Wilh regardi te tise aiarvasicsî and étaleen<sutise lth, bcbng tise ÃŽlot analvan. Soîcto, 4.4 Cltnrcli $lrt, Tcrosfto. -CLCK .e nthe N-irtisj Cantte atr'at, (itnet tois whlis - <i cox ut alnr r i unfdonthtie NWet; eneelîj slleged tel aâV'bgotinaIe l lse ary of li& loyeî Highness' iînîîday. 34 il- - Dni ojfrtsiseei f tî tivCse.W th t Libby prisoin, jeti, i.r, had fortsateiy a '________________ t'O e sioWle-me olee s srrfllttBo! treeaon tU.agostisth i th$14 'r corresponident at Rlchisind during nturil reîent . ii< Zeptic-r1tîs. ilet v etreet, (Pdtdnd tft,(t oeutinfon berle. Price ranging from $1rs cipeewihfrt ofia ot, ale ate peeossl îsseciuiîwae s ininii for golion the iorîhs rorks of tu pliait tiissoiss'ssioenextsuiu-uitiîsss. vilsise That anvperaornisr ons tis la Frfue orur tietiA ble, &fierne sissulainseftiod P i ild ïexpoIiss fa teAmrtatriver, Califarns. fie dreu. ------huni-etei Io and si an .eltriiifrucsj.sli &id .yî*a * mum K.n W/S ru àfor -1S.6 of tb ibb Prises),, 0 expose lun d u b î fsiielshrt&d ôc4smnc's1Q' t.i ts s rn-on agviy g- suds 's<',.s neril ehstsgl 11.45'sfeaelitlïb7i cte. ualI îsg lenor hlyii fsrmers' grain, hisy, $I1ê..d.I f1/V" colemnes mccii disus taluttis . e l lus sintsithn ore anra ietti i's - ladttiretleaovnry mal*ns , tsfie isnral srîur uît t ti I d etl sitrsv, ut assy place witlsî inte iilitss C I bae sce ie dsgusingsensssosalitg, and lisbored away l'on ahaut uvo yen-s, ofssists itus id re' %î.ssiet Bstci, witstosnoluchltsc tsc te ecosnf*rt suistita ,f ftire èftid Towvn nf W'listbyý, nssl thise oti pooapsofedrlpioertehthliibrally eCar niusg bis bread tsy the sai.î c f tsss liesp1etrixl fst Usiltet. Wlsits. creusthétsegunersil e-usl.t-iss41g ci thse resteut mnarketequisre fusil liita iali aes convictions phtgah fF drlpioest hc tasesre ta tise liillse çtt-FIA) IRA ' '-o. se pipile. tlsse t e 112vor, è n Ri g u-te itsvlsit itirns 3olsr sorrusptusdestit.llude.s CoVîsosf bis brea. retai'ing lier ans-r tîss tîties, w,îl tbu prose- li eisiher " o slie e iDtortnilts lu ditiossi fonr ci u'llenee Scssi'treste sta fine l"w actve rit n Wn td im 1~~l rt ubemnvore ent t lise cut-te-6i17 .ht- uied. refuliteud s.y th-) Metiuutaittetiutatistte tise on- ntesouugSsbeida4t,mti thelie *V- î.s thm w r in ereadt ai i i l a ttt tis elesc rn*l lSIv As. u îi C. A. .IONFS. tee lltsi t. Iistihe dusetris tt~i o f Mis)-nn orn useistnsste ai rs). i î ropu, wliil itersnsttý-unoicited -anlandîs tsthmrid I a ttda h emeac tle.witlv u.9,I4.14-1111 Ilu. jopll,, lv efereoce nle litta pesessi fislse and t. c't. iiuysvlueIvicd ne tie goodit sud niPEDO-Lt-* TINW'ARE. mnanir-er Of nuisinus tblic feelihn gAgist 1tion at Saratuoga, that tise siumon of thirteca - russes cf llsjueeiln, hatllis a ' 1ev wta tîsir cisatte a i stlu olfesie dis ogetsitiproorhoa on stisral ire i sncpusti s terstse ofttise ron vie bcsa riy ooisî ied fi héutieCommninOissai HAT I the South. As vel sttight lise emaciaetd u-d idred titisclmenus daugistera ini New W. H. I6T£ELE, oral tisclplissiltif f Jli olete. 's'stlstisis o tiotise t'tj olsty a0Unîsuslo ftia Perlsimat ex. naked bodies osf deiisg Gusrtissuensb1,York are utise iist of applicitsfa rd. l letue &c. 0, et tise ntoiseit pultils aresIlled iitotise eee'ltsstr tweutt 4ym isuttenethoe nsousit cf ai.! 34 1d ,Doi.tWhty pisotognapiedinlusLonsdoni, anti tisesapuislis. iWi5sOsi is te Aslybuc for Inebriates ait oei, Chlurce Nb"", 'Toronto, tfareriuci! esre sotS jdib pisi srsof ise fsest tseS .osnsii md as exemsples cf temtis asner isu atisc i it)bý,inl fa frie seiioit t tilttusi - att rin sssi pnctsse ieteelhbefore enumerateti ~nglad mes hir soliera -* eti usin c te foslienortl5sus.esitaitllu lte, mIeC5 eitned ea..sl vditiîi tise -limitaent thse andOs iSyare sîe'illortil smttelqu riniî Ille, crîs,,on the % tleetisillfUrW ith ubo net .j Wiuh tise deapetto set-1tiesueforIsle L Tels housanstiacres of land bave bSeb ote & $ho s l'ssýci- rl Te '5susy rt- o iscuî,la s if coues--1tee i tsttsv st ts as' 3.e finit lime a widely.biseurti usoe musectup Eletisetite liegfoesluntise vtcrsîty cf Vscka. etîfcsire bii Tir un$.ia sîr css stifi ieress stu asinret eulPrcltieimped rpet it -hteallegtstions. !-Il----a*----..-.- r als e 2r-'. i-ts !e.rtsuu tu soesn able. Northerneen rtely-believes <Jenersil L!ee l --ve taise tâvst'ti stiel.Ittgetiurj aust are aersitut ;JDali et tlue T-.vn of Wliltlsy, tis 22usd dey capable of couuste-eulicuug cnueliy -ta1tise A mati In jeu in leWigcuisein fur osarying es-rry e' sli.g tile jsn pepsiais ch f tuir sof AUP44t $5' !l ~ ~ l U isafortuncite, isaiho esêuould ovesteard thes, es nsen isung hm iniîflui& iscl. ie sj OS. A. BANI)ELL TiteOchatisear d' lo àl'à Mu-eci tib i t'tCPWtttl . - j cW.1-ROIF manser ushch lsatoficen eenafse th sufeiigs oi enîh eremany ~ iAS f.es gle, sand ialtesstsiasrte Bbo$tiselitienix i t t3 ieiuvlitiseestth in u 33? baite ti fGettyasurg lunelstie uta methisen hýlest iC t si ins t i u-i tsstl tita i r Coldsste.-î.-ntft a oc tite uteisct, tînt iq1si le iewas 1cuiser of msrchisigseverul iA lise le InLondtosn nîtemputi ed m urdon sJi ltt-eetelit wilrranuttfileatais ep out e tIsuppl-rsrotl sneesift'lt isy' tlic e.untrysnt u i I N C U '.SlT e oa n u c oo res IL @id iFederal prisesuers se llictsmoitd. hv ite for vearigs& ns res.Io tebcisSetise wet tIi e eutliet*, ttb gise the r t ease o n sustisels. e 'eDIVISION COsRTS'cd lu eitung Isuaso, ý àr' iI'derpil regreiseti that s1e exnssieobjecued-. i elit~nrrt u i tA y - g wîpieis aliie ctise 1 tsuie uîj il tise 5d45atind u s1 T tomfet'8and the ul.gn cooi Se effetd, es lue deploreti lise eitie m taln- c lts~~~lîl7%îîtlt l<' r <us elrtiic4.ltstttibnsstessofid~en stidiacureo pMbublc geneay. btVueloven lsBdshpu.lsuy vsuîd usie t e& Tter -Ilmene si ournfal nunîbena" Ssg-vpnsrseî scsas lsî ît e ,y isu n in-i e re of thi sont;sl 10U 'jTY ONTARo Misufctr tadbp,.b w u t-lhave tisu. ' " eslst eI neu ebttyi7 Ivloee ddirsg lect, tulu-s-iswgrs,r jtîse leg., unIurlrtresiri10ulsgiîsuiîunafw eékanetnv-OSrmDto oit ueji ukt.ey u ceatt Mu. av ie.î -sssiiîe.-Sistisc tis e i,'ukiuls ite vt-EtO5rqtiL-i, j. y ;s< 5ocqii~ rw t btirs o1tetet n int a w'.......le 2s l5 Utty-1 ukinjuiltic tu NIr. D vis, thatteniisgtIse tatl! ltirttî ss, e Isi l lessg ttijlrwlt el ie useii asi sr sut icrkering . .... . ar, 0 you wlîissent tbis boîter, alis îs,, bsody wiili ness ?L>S. NO cuire lins.s t. Ailetus3,sI 5 S lesei.,.......... sept. Ml lU'i'fUiW 1EtfUle! placet!inlua position specusiarly unfu aiirrasNpo;s eulaîrefurrc se rU, t ie ns, tie.use(sc. 'cliis ,(ci, 10 pt *niu lionsitl boaird, us4. lIXhei.i..........." 9tiî, 4 prollably, is hlemnes. anti detrmîiatioss îuarymsA.sslseLIs ontrruud e tr -i <1 liuaseses4............itsu aleste preventedl the Consfedasrase Goseen..tujt.(l1ssletIe eegeps jIe, rueeos.sett"ter if tise sext 'ieselisn, isu T eait s~ . rei t'ir L. rokiie tSîs.isuehe luli'sttinisetu ete~tlg.Z. IIURNHMAMI, n îcue rm ue OL tusentfront liglsîsning ta te clssuss'rafor Aeeihairssrsc nCÎîist a hil Aitmrrsedi icnailiislil% igniFl'I, 194 .34if Forlrsî~cuslii S lu Sd 8s. JdaC .~wihw lor at ppp2dnely lo#ti lisepi retliisioss; 14 ilack tig1&c, alscJt effort&bou int m$8,000 lf. cash, diamunts andi _._IL__W__d. tl ltlh> - bf.2rlqe.tril hel-w il fe poaredti iutRtichmond frouis differeutt [rartsa 1 T. . FRiilM N,-*pri<ces. ur Clothings'wilL on rufntl d f the South. JA Ciernnnpnofeglon avatu tites# Lakc i h e h rinary'elaso edead lte 1 ais, air, Cs-ustiauce---hrc e iasues sand .a hafit pelIG,$IN&lu(iu '"t. w v v Yeur olsedieutevnt , ahursad,2(Sgeiiteil . Ã"_AIE ~VJV/VJ5 - ig h-mlateal beingpîiply fthB T Aewt'luMî.î, Tisee iheacusnd vemen have <ied D>fi1tM II .ONDIÂbT MÂNU AC~I<I, nd sbe Liust. Col'., ansidsspt. Caitistreu fjuartia. 0dsi.- i u s tL e--s~eF. otcrffy1<td .- .- -Gottschal uult hi giveu is leva t-ooe , i'r -îl te t eiati5et loët ti ltstiIlrtte ~ . trkuAag. 6. tenu in $un Francisco. fil51Pl Our FaiWI chiri Aofldyi Iecmtigth pg l irArodo rte I uoremwr wl unnsually large, an&,will, be oba a4. .n mm -T I E Ifsswf1lITi..dl <vui twCr-te îS 0are det<erlnineCd ,to nr naple eut,sjfntindvsîco sft4 Isle 7riý.uuae,' I-iii 1ils' ,sale't atfilue SaIt JLakse 1lh teascmi ssaie ilrs a.fseitsits 1-arote twa w4ksoîl5ct, it Issusilhéoïne i lui tnyiitg te shoot niss-eu car eCndui tI. ssoipý(0cil oftsitre CorportIton <f tise À l felr prse.etiolael so#.violos. teul ow;blein ht ~~titl ee tsst~ ietfA ct2ii sy ter a luin innsteuuu il tsriI-rf dea--h Xlofsearunetti,'kri utc twfi&ia jet bettrertt thtan tthe '- 8 a n t ait tve vere tri 5bs seniugetiald tnaunl i faeshttlusîf taa sislposn cclg ~ ~ -»- ~ N.w RW, A lare lo or - - idir«edTo tlrnghohve - choiera. The csf%-ittl ustursis tîsesi Il' itsfu gale money at heSra t sstsi- a~ ~1b~U.~e~e.tI reponted i hiteca eue*saday. Tieesinncraelasaeanonelt o. mtud ,the 3MOtof, TIOUst tLSON e1)osliita cnmutnESt? ane j-lu novr faln!y upen os vitls ils entra I Iluslia denoiaces the ceslom cof "lu l itluThe TowosLplc u Carks - e Tise officiai neperte givetishe namben ofhe Alps asa'<athe pisd pot..' 0s= n to ovn te ALS4) TUE ARItUMONG desiths nov at 250 a'say, but it ih p!aiss ."leuefe.l sit rmtriis ifrthe fnestilsiovance eougb, fronstishe nuuber cf ticet snd Tise Popn anti bit; Cardinal. ant nucticot. l'r""Ltis N uls. i.f1&rsd ta.is tise tl'lr.bcois- ~O t~ ~ O a ,* o * dcenU isgOug10ensoaiieti (,ui, odia 4 _Intersi dyig seen on tlis areets, flinat isis !à iiga ase utefurt. . - ofI.tîe rétie eialsiisuedreus part i -NfD1O&etb~ --o8 islo Is itlmoilly i ts ct, id eiag ss igsy.velotl. il~aiio a-12- oity-w.I IIftls--À____________________________.___ 'he ce Gen Pike bcd arnîvet i1.ooo.ibi m oaesrII5 WA1 l be lSaMarkl.j) am o&fv,- - i Sani Francîsco lutise cresacftiese svon Hy......s .0pr 'LREtC.OP THUS % rit DtYfST( 0 ' oà cin the #itinsMIgtlhusglock hoTis-7 Ra .... .......800ps.ot -C V;d %týt 13* o f oOeuano,Convoyr in th tteoo., Tise <ou era wvasbonsud e t h e Ciku 5ppi Bss Mu.u rd5 flint al ,'x:rner.1qvia, -Li StsÀ pirate for $46.000, nd -271 officena and -a 55~.ie nd W od e ruqp3 for saej, *iu Ao ?d' tgJ IRI4O4 mea of the destrojeul shipe put on board 'ADT ON$-LLOYD'S tLbllintgo the isiu1upait oftihe a71vae47sae-m ~ 'I -for San Francc. Amoag tlsose tutised TRNO~W P4IAiXA MI--TWIo Vl~y siM to4. - I oni ~ balnyis 1 e Pikev e tiseAMdi- ÇI! >ZNiAID RLA»pcdfra4sesaeWsus - 4i of - WWÀMsiSx elslnÉ. es, t in th son Pierceana Gat rpc e ois<f~ ~8 uts, tu nirIu~~~tdovte I1# New Bofo. [t is 'beloved*t4 -epiratelo irN ïs eoe $p' rea Iitya 1i u yul certsi y dstroy* fifty more yeaes,.as Spring, iisgoed$,0 4,p z lltheb8ft hia vi n"i5duOe tis# vonlut we. horo» onatei- eth - . - A 'St u,- shows-me u......,u.es. a usmeOl vIl <t .84 thl wrvaitM te tise enbvard. -Ina coue vensal ils thCaplein Sitheltf tbeise Wm omptoa, thuboprateakes thse s'. Captainit beltssplled*,tisai1reii dnt Lincoln isai hoe uaesinetd. I wupru.paed ed brtm' adteprt on tise Sbenadoel vas, an Engllshmen xbio uoquu i4 wbo pmroctios for fi"e veseels, te put on ae n belwoeisAustralie, sud New Zealand, mund probably vould purehausoma ofithuecaptsue& made by tise pirate. Au Enghsàh vessl, Imuen vîthisoa, vas seee by thé asip A. X.iffond, boed for Isa Sissasaoas. Mbipwreck. w si. Apiply t tilt t'Ince nt tlss$ POOK-ET BOOK 'Ã"NI FtrD Ietweeo W ib ted Diilbusss Cree<' usassey. TIsé oWilcr essî h1svct! ea essse l'y provini ptblièty'-ta ppl iertinol s., Loit No. 25, lUs ccii. Whjtbyl Wheîby, Assg, j?, 1805. TODRLTNKARDSF 0LD DO(,ToUR P.VUANIS î:iiidsi&s cilre ,porssssssossuy rasds:fstcsthse test fnr itrossgclrii±-k, and turc" tisaW',t csssea ofdltsokessesx in ltes tîisi j~' ççsu Tisoussssisof reformed isbjs. to Iieus tl le dlay they weres tirtess ta cstuegl te Commîeljqe thnUn see t thseis aisblo remusriv.' Pie)os Dollars n prickssgs. Nitilied t6 ssiy ssdilrsss oià rieiî,tof an o'rdlr -E .ES S. BUTLI 1. 42<C Bras4dway, NUiv York, Soie Ageit for dtis Urtitpd Statue. ltss42 Notice. T F f1 olilwissg aesxinsl %,Iz:-A blasck ffllly two yearý olsIi limp-otaideiL et Lut 2, in thse iti co. or heT' ti~ f tickerissg, essd *111 sberoe .sold l'y public onctions utstisa lOth ity of etaptesbuti sxt, et the lsossr ni twQ a'clock p... fi-ntot aser clsissu.sl. Aited lit Pickei issi ttsisà lth day of An'gsjcti GEORGE 11ICKINBOT'rON. Sssi.3%Potinfetpstr# A IR~S rf-dise Graccry Salesmr., te wisul Al r msoderato is;lery w Il bus giv ais. Zig T. 41 . cILLA.\s; Cai New $torei MAIN IE'SIEII, l'O SELL OR RE.7i ITUAýTED isnmedssately. llcVI~e hs ni-sueyfeobiliing rsi wit wurusli e êtsibis 'det.l dssd dwsuilIisr ntranierchAsît. PMes's.4ion 15th Uatusssr. For terme, &a.; îspply toiWLIMS~i tt-28 Prprs ar, escter' G. 9, ÇALDWFELL VETERINARY S 1 t1AdÊEO BEGS isset respcthinUy intmt t h thes &IsI is DuaieslRi sas ysCrctsttels- tl nti L55 upiit:iri o 1itIèit s sbsreof public pistrasse'ge. - ; ý OurICit.-Mss itreet, se.sd hous e bs1a Ingtise hôltel, Marthîsso. 5 CARD. D R. J099-3, uf Prince Aliwrt, tsskes plet sure lu "iiîlal ss friessds, isud tOt lÇ cw-Y nr li, tsa.C isprepssred tei reusnIse prsa- Prince Albert,Jsily 1f,,1S . Gsnas.-2i - Ho WIIITBY TO isroute betwiats Wisitt n1 twiica duily -f!om is ttcticto nous-P te Mattî Pires ansd furnler psstitll stouncedi -- ,- SPLEINDID C BbACKSLI'AND i ~SllAWA, Obet wil. nanae 55 te 6ctiew Ott$ rNuil8, ~to.0cu ;1 ,1Ot*o 22ts.' App, iatoec 38 to 400t&. MOK-TReAL ài ,e i me AT

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