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Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1865, p. 4

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Sidney Smilth vas ttitléolbig tlrogb the but hon eof yeog lady Wbo0vaU prend et ber dflt, cand , ne Dt vsry a profsn5eo f botanitial nain5s. 1ttMadai have you thé e eimnispoeir laD' 1'Ne.' said sbel,1'1 lnc i hlest iner, andi 1 gave it le the Archblshop or Canterbnry; it csme out beautifol le the spring&.L SqMin- mis p*aistle .medical ncamesfer lbai seiven year's iîch. ÀAbethed4t and a Quakcer ha-jing step. ped t a publie hensé, agreed le sleepje théeaine hed. Thé Methedist knelt deve.I prayed farvently and confcssed a loiez catalogue or tsins. After hé rose, thé Qn.cker -said - Realty, friand, if thon are es bad as thon sayest thon art, 1 think 1 datse it leep with fîh-e. A driver ot a ba in leBoslen.a few dsur saiocé, innpped his ahip ai a child le order le frightein il ont of thé readcvay. Thé lash cmrled aronnd thé chids rnécircaosing death. l'The driver ie under arrent. A parsioiotISsea capthin aesweriet' the comiants of hiq men thet thé breaci wau bhd, éxdlatned, t' Whet 1 cotlain ni ynur brenaci îhU isnainade Istain fletur n Wha do yen dtatlo f thte ApOotlps? iey &te ' fhew bread,' made frein ld beeti ilThé timneare Pe bard 1 caitiscarcely tmanage te kerp iny noce ebove watar," ead à sataîîd thé other day te bis wife, whilvas iinprtuiiiittg inifor e new drusa. tNo,'"I sie replièci viit soeé nperity, tbut yen manage lu keep il abova brandy esiy eongh.îî OUTItÂoÎ-A man nainei mmmnccvas erresîedjeinlOntario on Fridey for couinat. tieg an oùtrnote 6-n a girl il yeare of agi'. It appears that ha inet thé girl wbile ilhe a retnriig fron sebeell, antd aél<ed ber to laite e ride ira bis weggon, and' wbrn they came Ie a lontly portion of the road, wbich vwas mnade tltrengb the bush, the aceundrel accemepibed i&iipuos. IFIt'ÀtI tEe AIM<ICeauT.-- Thre ebildren, noinéd McNangbton, wéré dsert- éd by thair feiber and moîhar, cého live ie Lelle-ville, onFriday lait. Botta parents havé gene te thé gintes, andi the ehilciren are lfti, tleret'e, ou thé charit7 of the nalghbore Tlty are al cf ltAder yeaar, endi thé. aidait nrîhy icîows that ber taiher bas îeaily desérted ibein. Achîl , snvc ttc an %mer-'stnibnper heffieotus, vnas hem receittly in Sant Fran. cisco, ,Who liai t no cye1. tA acre tmade acd a pair nti riglîtteyi's werc cumul. u- dcrneaah. Titat tili dIo! The *friands of Colenco made hume aa purses of$18,000. Abd-et Kadar la disegnctad *iih Paris On. oftabis wivas bas run asy frein hlm. It is eniionnîceciby-way cf Enigaed that Sir Riebarîl (irî'nvas Macdoenell has se- cepleci the Qovt,-îorahip ut Hong Kontg. A blné-" Trhé mmd commnnicating With thé centýral ganglion by reflex action te thée rgaeic ocrves wiîh vhich ilinoc. 1:>OMMERCIAL COLLEGE' Ki,îtttî'ît~ îîr i lt. W. Fir«t deor Basi ofef lîeyan J3ook PReem. 'Çt.ter' t nirureétît, ut éikoî.iîîîcilii Dit>' orI'îrt li' ir. Yon Il tItasî Aa. oi thé teutî,tglot Iite. tit1 for voilerai 1ut Thé eqîtriîî li-trtiî'l i îotî 1eus ai', fle lNIkK,'lLitîi~MI~i (W tieleliné tz Oi îl11 et 1'rtlc h Ct'-fllî1îîîi rîteeeigrlllîy. .-.t' Staff of Teachers and Lecturers !ir. 1)tiY, lîiirîîi'nr ij- ilehéSaiée niofAc- alo.i t îhIt A,3 . trlter, Leitor fr. rN.I I Vî ilihrtrm r,î'à ir <îuuè Ie, fTtiIu itn.uTei'r 4 'rïîujrt.rt q IE subscriber would reectfully--inform bis olId friends and jcustorners, that che as ein started business in the n.bove SCeDundas- Street, Wh-itbyv Where ke intends keepiflg on band, everything required for Fmtmily use in the Grocery line. S»,Beireapectfuly.1tviteÈ. I early eall and a fair trial. CASH PAID ýFOR!tBeùTTiER The the bigbest Cash Price paid for good Tub and Roll Butter; allso, Cash paid for EG GS. lgr BEST AERICAN 'CH EESE F0OR SALE.; l3est Corn and Corn Meal away B on band ~ah§o, bcst i.,amîiy Flour for sale. (Cf3" l3arley, Oats, P cas, &c. bouglit as msal.. Whitby, July 12, 1865. 'ý27 ; u- iigaT1011G I l.C - rj 'îlE nelnntiuges offaretl by titis icelilut ion (9 ctiig lOl17G1Pli'I CAf. BUSINESS EiUt'ATIO' are eupenorte tutty Cotmercial Vellegein iiilin. tili Amenacs. It)e lirncéheit taitglit cemprWeseverythittg neeétuary fer lte Bolok Keep. ai and Busittéec 3Man; titey inccide- THIE AC TA LJ fIUINSS DEPA Rïif'tJ)TNT t,4 thte mteét complète arrangemnt et ita kicd. beicg furncahed vath lwe BANKS, a MEII.N' MPORIu)Ký ed au> EXCHANGE oFFIOB, wblch sré1ùpeo every day for thé transaction et Businees Vêr Clases in TELEGRAPHING everyv day-in PHONO- GRAPHY, semi-weekly. Irff'- For Monttly Ciucm.uiIt, apcego f u e, o &cf' sdresa (cao4stamp). MUSGROVE & WRIGHIl, 24 TOROiNTO# C. W. W. INES! WNS Th'Ie suihsiber bas on-hbanda choice assort- SHERRY AN-D CLARET, FOR I svMJeéL*R7 ce R013-ME TSe" Whitby, Jtuly 19, 1865. L UTEH MFIeCflA?îT, Csrpenter, andI 0 l,eeOttoen st, Wbltliy. A largeqélau ti'y o il, kiade ot llmbeconostsntiy enbhbnd.J U N DS RtT'A K IN G.-tý ,FUN ERALS tît»- sépllb anti sttomde# nhntt usticfýeu. téffiLept cunoitantly on1 rAA Ilearse te bitre on littéral torms. GIO(RQE COumACK. Whithy,Feb. Stb, 1862. 1-hy THE NEW NNE or T381 ('IIJtCIAN5FriLTM AiZN 45Tlt, Cbnréhman's Fitniy M.snzns Sils- épi et mvrthiy vhct s'asbeoIt e tat- - - htshmnt. s biek u ttOur peniodel litoratore irs itran tesor serionsmé 'clnsété éeveidl ashle ta mnlerslé tue, ie-Itéis oénsôinl fmissic oentl.ittt.articles mabés en t as coanm iitsW iethe e-itr.Thé tlxlaenaalns t" Ttîé Clérical lub' are aivays upevn. -DTir'eymsiire Courier. NasIlabr XXXII., for À M7us.", sonain.:e ,Cltnit Chorcît Duys t An Oxford seury. Clta1ter IV,-At <lei*totwé. Ihepter Vi-HI. ?.ettcoWineaund thetUnion. <haptér VI,-The l11006Tuiler, Mni. John Stnmt Mlt,snéi lb. eluttlr Iy atvsl. n0. SM. INGsasu LI.D, kthe i tédset ygsltb@Be- Oufel au tEiet,ttomourne .4*lc rblan Masuliiue f mat Od YorksilncElcation. BvÙ' Iü. atioUyJÀMD.IniPRO f OG-RAIPRI Woeilu a onnery Psiih. AgétI ad Iiera bs emanxtnuum ensli. made Taies hy deteu. 14~IKe~Q lieeoci sit Déviées et Enellh Celas&. ( WU& Ourn e lib. ,B>' Vie inron. Y kr~hîr e ilealm rt'PsorRiE Propm'etroettsi lid or, naîit fa.~..iiî. 'r 0r oit h the.Court of Gémie' Connt. la and forte n ouiycOnaow hs ltuldewuet the Coutoie, i l e iTown o f he.>', ofuwieh jusiffis ef the Pesce, Coredomrs. ofusfallcc and *JI otlbsrs o¶,cttned, >rltaie ite am.ui gevemo steists's¶ aéerdlizi>. - * NEI%80N Qi REYNOLbqI h Cesi~ .U Pur C. Nuasp. -. I i ~,-néi,~,qc - 'I Thut.,'- 'ali un WitIi the Largest, 1j3est,ý and. stock Of ( 4heapeit FRE'SýH GId{UCIUE "'tquor, c keyGlassware, Boots and ýhes Cothiitg, &c., &c., in the County. iwbharYog Hysons, Gunpowder, Black, Coloured and Un-coloured Japan Teas, from 45 cents, te the very- best at 85 cents -p-r Pound;* Pure Brandies. Wines, -Gin, R~um, Toddy, Old Rye, and Domes-. -tic Whiskys ; French Tea Sets, bandled, (44 pieces,) at $2 75 ; LargeSize Tumblers, at 75 cents per dozeu ; Ladies' Boots from 65 cents, Mens' Cobourgrs, at $1 00; Mens' whole suits of Tweed. fror $6 50 ; Tobaàceos, Soaps, Candies, Biscuits, Fresh Ground Codéee, Sugitrs, Iaisin.ti COurrants, Rice, Starch, Blune, Rrûloms. Pals, Wtishboards, Brushes, Matches, and ail kinda of Spîces, F'rcsh'and Pure.9 It is needless to qiiote prices, tbe welI-1 known reputaton _of the "lCalifornia Storef" in Oshawa, as the Cheapett in the Province, Shall fot lm lost, by the Manilla Bran'cb. Terms strictly Cash, or Prodtîce, and one price only: THOMA~S MULCAHY. Manilla, June, 1865. SPRING Mp ORIATIONS. - --------- Gottons f ronlOc00_upwards., .4 large assortme ni"of Twveeds, Prints, Cot- tons, Manties, , hawls, Ribhons; Ladies' .Straw Ilats, I3oots andi Shoés, Sebool Ilooksstatýioîcery. G roceries- &c. A LARGE STOCK CHEAP. BOOTS &SHOES, THE LARGEST & CIIEAPEST STOCK IN TOWN. Sohool ýBooks. taion ery. Gýroceres-a lurge stock always on hand., I11-a ià saÇs'nti I Crrants for 61 00. Good 5Ri~ sAÇ~'éié- . 'n- T1eas a t 80 cents. M. 11. COCIRANE. 1Whitbv, May 3, 1865. Sùmnaer Bo1ots.ý Just optNùed a complete assortme'nt of Ladiest, Misses, Girls, and Childrens', Boots for Summer wear. Evel! thing" that la 'îW in the Shoe- line, will be, fouuÙ at the Old Red ~Store, at. prices tLhat will aatoniah b'yers »WEE1MEMBER TERMS STRICTLY CASH. Only one Priée- To JShoerake,.s Ouée ,tunired, sides 0fsiuperior 8parnish,,,soleë Leather tô haùd 'Nunibér -one'- uility New Styles of La sts to han d Machine Threa& Zinc and Iron Nails, and al sortà of Shoe Findijigs, at-the OLD) RED STORE. - JAMES BAIN J.US T TO H:ý.NDj' A L.eIRGÉ STOCR',0F FAMILY CdIOCE R1ES Xincs and spirits, 1Port(-,ir anid i le in bot. tles, Tu-1E HLGIEST PRICE PÂI) FORI BUTTER. HAMILTON & Cou No 1 and 2, tiII's Block.- SELLING OF F IR5E subsrbers having resolvedl for the preselt to dsc-ntinueý the Credît Business, from this date their Tcàms will.be Cash, except to ,pairties who have paid theit' last accounts ifull, and have. op 1etied accounts for the preserit yeîîr. Goods purehased And notes taken for aceounts anud purchases, payable next Oct. Ail their large Stock, consistiug of D)ry Goodst GrociLes IIARDWAI{E, ILiON4 -NAILS, , Having given notice.sonetitag co, thatkwe requiî'ed pgyment of ail accounts anîd notes due, and past due, a.nd && many have given :xtoefttt.ention to saîd notice, ASf AS V E REQ[TRE MONEY! l "We must looke to those thal are i nde.kted to -us for it, àtnd their açQut wlh~ pacd 'coetiNVwt1t1 nterdhy BRtOWN & PATTERSONS' - Agcricul tu rai Works1 e AT TIE OLD %ÇlttTBY FO17>\DIY, - BRUUK ST., WHITrBY. M'mnicnecandi déalera in illî o AGRICULTLTRAL IEPLEMEt'8 WURREt WILL BE rOUND TIIBSIIINIIMACHIINES Combimeed R&apmts and Mowerr,, -le Yur d12orcnt kinds of Two'-horse Whéel Cultivators STRAw AND.,FEED CUTTERS, Scotch, American.&- Canadian 'P>haghs, of dntt Akenti stylas; Steel Plows and Steel poinfici 8EED AND TUR1MP DIIILLS, emadte tcOrtler, hloe Caaf"iniri - enet VéIitt y. h1.vry nrtictc eottescted with'thé mnes * ket et hauél Tltnshualain t ed 0tm iment notice. W r îiig u lthe Itthnvse aject§ i t46 % Iuld. 4ewidimv.m:ma On lonetbenuîe,.rs. T'ho London CtýuaitfI4vf Ufi Ifths ~sô,'iffYOUI Profit by î? Pli, DAw' 'Illte 'Yonne MeS 1FrJenqi oa un, idevoteé bih wholo lim ec te Mthé trentinent, ort PIMATE DISEASE9 At liii OlciQatrtote - Bey and Ad~i1sle itreéé.e, iYears' exprteïnoe onabiehii nCre re<Ont mige lu e aryshr ic >dgigtae tLrunted, withont Moreurv, and ore warrqauted. ýpetîters Who *1lF te cengnit the Doctor 'dan de so witb the îîtmost secreWvî. My 'remédies are aiecant, certain, and %%1,l Yen néed net s0top, work or changé yonir <'et. clion the -1)*cter; 'stay ès long ns yenxléo.I il*ies; eitl t sty-t, le Doteor, ixi Jilluné. ,lýn!ug in wheh110 tènait'O e seret hýlîltn tan récelto ignmciiaté relièf hy mpplyt c g t th Doctor- Pistiontsotretd b re2admél cinegsosent froe freon dtintîgé or curiocity, te ai parts of1 thé wnrid.; gtWfllce heurs rotctulgitt in theémoronng Jos.-F.Rainer Pianio-Forte Manufacturer WAJIEROOJIM, WHITBY,-C. Wb aasrttct.o!l'émoportes lu t a n s d I r la n c t a giC s t 4ri ee~ , , 7 aitm1'7M etavc»J~ltc tiiredottýhubest maieriak aînd pronot $b tii. moat dkAing tig;fd 1 gtebhé tor- giassalby streglt sud pmmrty etTniII besoid on the muttreaoiabletérms, ceni wnm- At thé proamntiail Ex liltboîî haliiiu Londoln ou 24 te 27 Septemnhèr. ilil. the tirsîpriza s'es awardfetd t< ýo?§phY, Rlier for Wttîî ýpclOx nlty Or 114Ittiîo-Fortest wlicli wrc teit. ad in regard te 2bucli, Ton, .Udltty of Ton# ad DuialiUi4n/Tund.imd ahtp wo éxtrs.reeé fer the îtpriuîrpcilÎmitlci nctrnîémt. Ml allietook théfi HeeatmIrvlîiiam inm 1858 anci 1859. ThJiuPianos 0f-fis. P. IRaineèr wégre lageéi l Igr Raiucr's iliant114 % wéli newn te the ondus»IPnblie gis n l'ine-inaumntctnrer,éiiad requireg ne fiirtîter cremendtien tlînn thut WIlch MIsntrumenîts ma jutty carneci. W.Ilu erderieg, plonelitot te nteéo l'iau watéd. JOS. P. RAI NER. Whltby. Or., 1VOl 1 9 mIt j V.IIAM Ihivibfltrinmtbspreprlé. or of tée chever n'ill hgive itearriec i n er l'e superinteaudutucé ci fr. IRaieèras ForaineSi itL4O. i.. OOM,5RIAL-MEN, Wil1fd ~eUntand convenient aeçoi;nodation, (E WîtuiaeYazdsof the .Publié Hl. -Privato Parlors ( J t.,"~.J. i. o I At hie Prim Érock ÈS ADVEI .,4heylti r otteersi SOclers te dacet >tàhlnvrliing. -wili Notarie, a iL . e un orii.e i, Lnthe vi ARGUSI MORItK Tdrente, Jaly w ,OUN lWin, sud C "m"ý 22 :1 1

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