and usault, and the qutell v-9. Brown, fa, obïtttià ting high*ay, weie iôlt-doWn réý triâl af Quear-tcrens; The Li e is ras for. the fol, il baie seen a let.%ft written by 6"" enian in Jersey Cityi à & , in Augost lastp to bis relatives * . OM- 1 1 n t le eliý-, in which -he wliLes $YOD Will 6004 bave America nt b9ale - for Ireland je going t'o be freed'by America,. and that before four montho-and perhaps oeil me in Ireland once more, as thé ileà mers are preparing hersi for the old country.'i The boQt and shoe manufacturera of mon treal, hâve -re8oived on a consideri-bid iucrease of the price ofilleir manufactures, consequent un the inereaied valué of ma. terial, and the necessity of paying higber prfeëà te workmen, forced on them by tj:>, rise of wages in the United States. -la ýb__ - Three 11undred Yoizro., %çoiben have hêatt talien rrom Montreut by an agent for New Ongland cotton millg. Whithy, Oct., 5th 18ý5. Pull W heat, . . . . . $1.45 a 1-«55 Spriu,,, ............ ..... $1.10. ... 70e - 60 a 65 eto.. Osta. 30ets. Hay.. ý ..... ............ 8.00 par tu Butter ........... ....... 20c. 40 a 50C 121c. ý Chielienâ . 25c lier ptir, Markets. Oct. 4th. Fall Wheikt. $1,50 tu 1,5 )à for shippin- ,25 for infcrior. Spring $1,08 to $ 'if); ý;%rley, 75 tfi ili. Oatx. 28c tu 3je. peng ;)C te 69C. Afolitreal, OCÉ 4th. Canad;à qupes-fine at sie),90 (0 $0,50; le4le Il $5.85 te $6 ; extrit $7,80 ; iiuperi; r ý 3 t o -ý M, 25. %fheat, no sale.i; rectipts' 5l). e'ýs, sales of cargo nt Tqie eceýiIAtý 13,400 Pork. inspecticd_ iess, $Cf>. Botter scarec sal*4 at 2(),-to adrancing; pots $!P$fi to peurl.; $5,70 to $5,75. - Nkew Tork, Oct. 4thi irýariwiiïiii gour 16 to tmc Wetter ý saiew ýO hrli. ýtC $8,30 to for colliiinuiý,' .d " to $112,15, for ,4,jt)îk tu çhoice extra. tu *l.7!ý , for ClIiC.I4eOý $1.,70 to' lel"te,-3 for ub ;$1,74 tu $1,75 for amber Mîlwau. .é; e3?ýýO t'o $2,,U) for new -aniber.statit.. yequiet;"s-iles 5,000' b.ýhls Canada iât 1,08. Barleysteedy; at $1,35 for0à & R-ýiE-CURRIE-At the reïîà etieo oi ýe bride's uncle, Mark Cuerie, E.qq., rïnce Albert, or! Tu":ý Èveiiing, 3rd- »L, by the Ri-#. Sinbbý4, Franeit; ILié tor l"Ilizalecth JaUL". irfi dalighter or-the hâte Ititlru.ýv--Currie' sq., of Llhathain 0. W. M'ASON-JUDD-On Uon(Ã,ýv tho.9nd- ,fi.. af Chilet Chtirch, by the. J. G. (i#(ffle);, M. A., Rectur, Chaq. to Mary. onty ilaugmer of the'ý, hê Johri Judd, req., aif or ilamiltolf. Cards. DIED. Oth i;tRL. Geo.' il. Lowe C. S. E. . ', -agled 17- yeam tlý%%VKE-,týt lfhi!tlv, 011 30tli sept..ý_ i7:1, wile of il. e. lfawlee' Emq'? azed a > epc., th. -1. V. E*tn, late D'epu'î,%' CIA, of ÃŽhe.' owl 8ý aged 50 y,.,,,trs*anil 1 11.0119ILs, Salé' -or en Tiii'Prince &.Iiierî ariane tendant Riyýà ldi. tilhe noie vu' ddied whe à ; Patters on, lot 1 and 2odi ire ociten, port folio; and,;»Iated photo- principal, exhibiiom 'Ùut7ofSO" tFieà in picorer, B ri' riturneil willotit going Semoir -cutterp bond-power, Brown A Pet graph. Mm. Ilorler, ante-maccasaar on all, there were no less thnrs 18 froin their on the 2nd of --Match, 1866, and discount- bel were 1 paid by draft. Vi terocin, lai; Wublng machine, Wni San. rafilli eanvà u, Mm. Malhewson em . establishment. Mr. Olnyton'g turnip drill Stri,,nge-or-rather lit it ýnot Only whât ed et Whitby, on the day it, boret date redionstrateil 1 with for allowing dors; rn;pýtlicer, Jas. Clayton; Claire, broidered night dreu, Mm.,. Lawler, sofa And j . 1 MÃŽ91st 4ýiro been elipeéiea-thè littic Pn- the proceeds $781.43 being passed ý19 Mr. Io go te protest, and replied th John Croney. pillow, Miu Clark,,Iady*o shawl. lements, in this clug. per Published et Princeý Perlo, pay protesta the p Of doniestic ma- Albert, lac* Reynolds' credit by the Bank. Mr.'X, 0. il, cbea icuLTuitz-276 nufat , turcs therb *cro alticigether 87 en. Côturitoi the Rekch And- tifrelloid Corneront stated the plainfifré case. The a draft, and no allowed the note Fichester lut Vri thiS Dayj tries, tri which Nestirs. Mattbewson, Rat- nt Ma, tek,- alurs,,over the 'defendant pleaded usury. te bc pretested. 12 table apples, ausculter, Jas. L David- description Of One 01 the vèry - Crois 2od. 12 cookinir cliff. & Co., carried ofr the palm-their - bcst town. Mr. Harrison, on bebalf of the defend- examined by Mr. M. Cý son, lit, ISAAC French, sbip fairs ever hold 1 the' Incality ? anis, admitied the mak'ng of the note, tbat 1 have not gatherAd from ani du., Richard C,«rruthers, lot. 12 toi p,,Il nid %Vinter Goods-llamilton, & On. ftinry tweeds being the etepecial abject of ri apples, fait, Jrimes Corboit, lut, L. Fair. & Co. attention. Tire horticultural display in White the fair hold ut Prince Alber4 the it'was endersed by Sprowl, and that the said What watt the arrangement PreviOus week, was Ait flint wgs grand proeeeds had been applied in reduction of Dow - bow long W 8 IL te last -banke, 2nd.- 12 cooking do., John Madill. Milliiiery &c.- Iiiiri)illnn', & Co. the florni hall wis a most tempting one. Witness-Ind 'l lot Mis. Lenvitts,2iid. 12 table apples and grea4 according te tire obirerver, the the defendà nt Reyholda' account with the efinitely. 9 ', Fiiiiiily Grucerieçz, &-o. -Do. Tri quality and quantity flic distilay of Bat, ha cbarged, the note was Mr. Ctsmeron-wu it te gý winier, named-L. Fairbaiil;s, loti, Isafil township fair-juitt becau8c it uns ?,eld at Bank Cheip Fait and %%*inter Goods-Matthem-. fruit of 011 Linds tivaled that of the Pro- made payable in Toronto, alibough (Iiii- end of the world French, liait, 12cookiniz do 0. McGilli, ' Fun, Etateliff, & Ce. vinerai exhibition. The principal il ibi.ý Afanchegier -wag ciily a sôýand-so concern. il in Whitby, in order tu enab vmy, lot, bits. liesvins, 2nd. Six variti yl0 What-,Siltetniitible Jealoue4y of manches- eî onods nt wholesale prices-bO. tors were Mcs-ýrs. Và Iý4ank;1 lc(;iilvra t'l' ý ' ý plaintiffs tu rective, one-hilf pffr èent',,as would réquire the credit, 1 sai fi(,# of, applég, nain d, Six -of cach--$. â_ et.> And wbnt a con terApti ble'r-lit'tie trici, %Omo,-viliq, lot, lira. teitviteft. 211d. Best Bouts and :Shoeto. &r.-Do. Guy, Huit, J(Alrey, DOW, and usury, and that making the note no pay- know - perbaps two, three, or fi% display of il NICGIllivriiy, loi, Notre(! -Mulcahy & Cashinail. George Ogston, %%-ho -ýlit)%ved flic Iargeý-t 0 ptle was a contrivance on the part of the fie titres was indefinite,-the ai organ ? The prize lîst aintiffis te ettabie them te get more than te ho five or'isix thousand do $et" . Wilson, 2nd. 12 tsLtele peurs, Bvst lfrà tids of Liquors-Mulcahy and Winter rOokIng apples. The ladies do- plitd 011 Our first page. savon pet cent interest, contrary te law ; naine ut Mr. Sprowl wu met uni partisient nuinbered 134, elle iniscellnncolis thit IL was a abam te maire the note play. endetter. John Sieigh, 211d 12 tubip applos, wiriler, lteriil> -inatte Clothing and Ilo-its andShoth 52, and cite extra entrieg 73. l'lie linillew Deliverles or Grain ut W hîtb;.i able in Toronto, where the Sberiff bad no iltIr. Cameron-Wore yon te ,nomed-- L. Viti,ýbiiiik,4, imi, TtetniB Ct)rl)týttý 1, caslillinti. of those who obtiiiiied liriz" will lit fatind 2nd, 12 plums, dosent l*h-mý1s %,illeallv & Cashmatl. in the lixt, côtriniencing on the firt page. Our town çcntemporary, and utilerFaro siccoulit, end thst atiy arrangement fur the one time 7 . Wittieu-No. (,,rab apples, William Youn,, lst, Thomas The show in the departruent, il net inakiog a iness of it in gîving tire deliver- purpose wu a corrupt agreement. The Mr. Cameron-Did you alwai liert'Iv ilitade CII)tlling-l)n. Bank of Montreal, Connut stated, but! lent saine endoracr ? Wilness --Noý Guy, 211d. AI x. Caldvill î $25 1 . Lawler. quite s4) large as huittoforq was equally les of grain At Port Whitby. Tile jollow- million of money to the governineiii -le Mr. Catber6n -Why, I thougl lot. Charles Iloit. 21141. Fiý-, Teelna « ing Lç the n'écurate seulement te the date A gond, and tuany of tbe itrticles-»,ipe(ýitillv oras a powerful iaatitution-a monopoly arangement wa3 finit Sprowils toüs. Wi.liam Goidoti, Ibi. Il. H. 13etis. \otîce-(ý,. the %vrix flowers, fruit, shellu and lillies that influenced the goverriment ait the te bc given ?-Why the thange 2oâ. Grapcs, black, open air, lgaztc Total deliveries of graîn te atith Sep, French, Itil, JOhn Nicholi, 211d- Water Auction S:ilc--D. ('iiniplteil, Auctiorielir. vrere objects of much praise and commQn- tenther, 209,175 LusticIs, country, and controlied ira monetary af- Wititess eýxplained tient; Mr. E bv Auclion. datiotà . The atitoutit âmarded 'n« pri/V8 is faits. The Sheriff, ho saîd, lied made air to him about getting anothet Melon, Cilieilles Holt, Igt. (itýerge Me- about $1300 ; and thanks te th" dollation datf lajit. ycar, 153,961,bilshels. arrangement wilh. the laie 13unk Agent and ffiaka the note pa»ble nt Mi Gillivray ' 2nd Musli ilitloil. ( has Holl. 1 -Il. liallibani, Co:it.(.tt)r. lncrease this year Io saine date as Iâstý lettre (Nir. -Dow,) te obtitiu a credis. et the that it woold net have the app, 181, Gtl(,, ire X!(ý(Wlivriiy, - 2w]. Clire-il. ý%t1tuinn Terni -0.,Iiawrt (;r. Scliool. of Mr. Gibbs, flic coutity iiirtnber fiS 1 ye;à r, 115,216 bushels. If--- rate of iqýrêst altziwed by law- neven per the same transaction, Ooc"rgd)- Ist, Wili. Str*.i%,(] ('itttle-Jolin South Ontario, who wc might itientîoii M l'bu total reWpt,; Of barley aloOe, t cent--he, (the Sherifft) coold linve oblain- Mr. Catneron .-Ain 1 te undei Cauliaovel-, Cbettivis 11ali, l:1. bien solicitor. was present 011 the groultil duling LI-le 'r vý to l.aiij,,n, ed the monpy elaewbere nt eight pet cent that it was for the purpose of Cabbaý-e, éuminer, charlt-M ilvlt, Ist, day, and that cf our late r(,Ijrt:.ýentative Siame date, are, 22S,919 bughels. Ibo 1 A UCTI 0 N -SA LES. total Içlîveries of last fait annotinted Io but - but bellwewn the alotren ppr cent discount, diffirent face un it, se as te make George McGélýiviuv, 2ýid- witi. Mr. \toNraý thesociety are in po-.""ît)n si, Iiielittiti -riv, 'rite Society wns tiever 182,000 bushels. The increà se in barlej the balf pet cette for a draft, which wu another transaction at tire head c ter, Charles flolt, 1. Gitilit C,.IJpr va* l%.ecDermit]" nt th- 11-vele of ample IiiiitLï. already is therefore 46,949 bu!5heI%ý chargtd in advaùce, and equal to one pet Witnesâ - Mr. Dow said i , Câblia , itd, Geo.- ý%"é 'rillivray, .2nd. -,o - 1 Il'ItaRl'. (Ili 'I'LleSdRy, 24th Ort. in sa prosiýcrotL% a condition ai at present, lire, Chattes Boti, 2ndý Squitslws. %Vin L. Faiibatikq, Jr,, Au(tiuýper. cent more, and postages aud payment of Sprowl'a naine was on other . pli and for'tItis, no 9w nictribers are nt-Roi.Ayir. -The dwelling of Mr. Thos. teilegraphi, ho puid the bank-instead of waa anQ(her renaon- Datierril, lot, OrgOge MeGi;iirzty, 2-id. 1 ' PUMI)4ilit" Chelles -ylide, Lit, Jý,hti 'J'ay - ltuse's mottgag-4 te) Perey, on Saturday. larg-viv indelitul ri) elle poil management Lawler, of titis town, was etitered on Sun- neven pet cela, eleven per ctrit-by a spfý lit. datneiots -'Wbicli wais, the 1 71là Octob r. nt Royrtl Flotel, Whitby, L of tltiir Offiecr-ý. 1 .1ety evefiîtig, while elle feiaitly Were niit,' 'ie" ut exiortion te which lie would no One jeu isy was becune it wt _?r, 2nd. Table caq-rots, Chut les llol le 1 si. F..irl)iiuks, Jr., Auttiç,zitvr-. fliv rinnie.ï-ýof elle a's fat as we . longer submit. Ile, (Mr. Harrison,) mon. better iit Ibo bead office ; 'the Guy, 2nd. l'able tu rnîll,.j, l'fi Ornas fi o y, wid "everal (ire-saiel lind articles of elotlillý, a üDned the etsme of a linetchant il) Torotito, bûcause Sirowl** name was en Lot. Onions, W*. Pienton, llît, Georgi. Of vaitiable liti and'firalq in township cat'ill a,,.e'-erUitt tlivai ý%re- te Nirs. Lavier ;à tid titre ho owed ffl,000 te the Bank of Upper pnper - w hich aur, :1 to take McGillivray, 2nd. Ihied fiuit, Mis, A. ýof, Whitby, on Saturday, 21s% Oet , ai Ilorses -0. Witlýi.tit!ll, VxIliridge, Gco. bt loi tg iiig, te Nfr. LtwIer, abstracted frotu - Caldwell, lot, 414ro. John S'pitzii, 2fid - Blacli'., 11(ett 1, WIAII)v, Pichering, fuA .1 ohn Crnwford. CanmL-bie drnits on New York wer, Witueu - Bothi there veto o ilit prtutiscfi. A re-ward cf t245) ts offered gui inio W thrown hack on him, aud bc bat 0011 mins, 181, 1'ttýlt;ztliu, Xellrh 1 rcovg.ýrv of the gonds. Preserved fruit, Mr&. Il. NI. T Cattle -NIF. Davv. Clarkre, WM called a iight plaeu with the batik. Mr. Cameroil--Wlà on was bits. G. H. l'humas, 2itd. Joli Mrs N. sioulville. Blow, lot, Xlis. A. Caldwell, 2*ýýd. lý-ick Noith Ontano, ut Uxbridge, l'iltà rsdny, INîyrisT Clirk, Vouray Coromer, In Iiii hê came ta him (,%Ir. trantitaction with wilcox ? * 1 om. 19. Harrison,) who adgi.îeil the mi!rebiiiit to tyitn esï - replied %bite lit kept 1 les, Chu. Holi, lot, lira. John 2fid. ; - Tiýýn, %larklotini, NIr Storvy, Whitchtirch it'eld ap ilitillest on Tuecid-iy. the 4th Varîety of gtii vegetablesChus. llult. Agrieulitiritl patirs. mlà Ilio t, lack get Ma book keeper to Icok oiêr hii book; with SI)re)wj'e usure up te i Gi iin, r(t(jt.%, 'r'tA' Of t'le boý'y of '11 1 E t b and make rat a moletaient of tht irà terest perio(i. and wilcuxli cri tg Certi Pirkrriniz, rit 13rowham on Tuesday, remthijtr lit the tâtvii lîtie, who bd' had hepn in the habit of 1,,)ayiii4, thi- Witnes% aloo stated tbat lie Ir Pull etoili, bûme made, M i a. %Vîlli:ý,n -mp ta h's k1Y -l 1 . %V, lig , inifict»d I>iik - ilint being- done, FI, waî faund that In thê,- bank --tratk*aCLiüll% Major, lut, Mis. MeKelizie, 21.d. y At Beavertiin, on Thuradaiy. Oct. 19ib. tell a L 1-ift:.ili Lliv I,;bli41ý 4 Peter A. 1 m,,rch-int hart been payiLý,, the bwac I'à à ±totr--- and üther paper disectu made, Mà tthewson 14tc:eil' 1- Ce) , 1 lie Jiirv 1 1 i bur, on the 4th ut last iiiot.tit. T , o en Fer cent during, all hi-.ç--yp.à m al that lie bad noyer exce4ed the i Borrowmati 2rid. Saiiiieti . haine ruade, 4V ri-turti(il et verdict in zefrorlance %%itli tbe demline with the insiituti.n. Ife, (Mr. Did net intimate > 1) ry produci, 1). Ilutk,:Liiýl %Ir. Tirent î dollars Mm. S. Hill,-là t atid 2nrf. ftà c- f.tct,(ý. Schrieber w1ko was in coýýtody Harrison.) ilà irefore wrote a I-tier te the coufftiri'r the other papier whetl 4routtlt4 ner. one] Mr. Conricll, tory limite, Matillew.4on fttielifr. & Co«, ]si 13nnký statitig that if they oued ho would and 2nd. Flamirl, home niade, NI rs. C swinp, priultrv, arid fine 01 1) 'iric, tlle stabbing took Plnze, was fwylil (en the particular credit mentioned of at rite ili en ap,,ear and pi-ad noury, and the enlise. wiso other notes which 1 Wilson, lot, Mrs, J. 21id. Da 'JLY 31 53 C j F:3 g1l0ý ý, ýfzwie A Y P. MN Wv1liesdav. anel solèlt-nved te two years quence wüs. tiret the morchant gui, time te able el4pwliet4w. Factory made, W. lent Mat weet the demandî a2jnat him, and loua Mr. Camerosà -]Wid you eier tbewsou Raieliff, & Co., Zi.d. Itag Gir- WhilbV. Tl1I1r>ýJaN NIrs. For-%tIi, Proviliciiil ileiitt'illiatv. .1 5, 1,se. - , . * # not ctçiwied down. Ili the present eui noté psynble-lu, jourseif, nawle è M, lira. Il. Speticer. Woolmsi bIariý-cis, Mks It>ý,riiiri Mrs. C:I?-Mr MeCabo bu riqze!ýteA net n,)t it ouiliht hi» siiid t.ýut the of the te the Bank 1" be dîncourited Mrs, D. L fiarcla), lui, lý'owerniatii 2gid. te puWisle, il)ýk- %-etk, a conoMtà n;cý tian Sberiff WaA dlïhonort.ýlle, and his lenitied m, de pibyà %hte elsewhere ? Coverlet, lira. Look, Ist. Wooleil Btotà W " NOTICE -An immBdi- wtnell'o lasi frictid (Mr. Calmeron.) would, rio doulit, Witness replkéd' ihaf the tra luge, Mrs. ýNlelzedjzîe, Ist, 'JIi1ý5 flail, L'ad. from him in repty v) Mr. D Woolen riochis, Mrs GUY, Ist, Mrs. Groïr., ato sottleraý,3nt of Accounts Fille al-114-R. . %Vý Illark, and G. W Iltitit- give bîm the rough aide of his tfingue lis with Paxion werç in the shape of dealiiig with the caae. fine the Sheriff thst they were net. incloded in il 2,xi. - Cotton Mib. Sbier, Ist ac due thîs effico is roquested. Oeil, u y. vid Jas Nlclareii, Pi(ki(,riti,7. ted with couraie in ibis casi waa, arrangement ai &.11,sand chist evei Mrs. Grose, 21rd. Cotton sochit, Miis T. Ontario li lqc.l. the cause or the o , oontry againît the li tnk,3. Harpt.-rlfji. Mis* Ni. Harper, 2fid. Wo û 1 action of' hi* witÉ the Priait W en mits antity tg. Drath DRAPER, And the country waâ rouiiing cil te a lli payable eýIeewhere. He fo11owEý Mrs. D. 13amlay. lot. Mrs. Wal. Avinerait Eithîbîlizpii eI elle THE B"N'ORABIA: CHILF ills»riflt of elle injustice pf rpetraied by banking, insti of the Bnièk, Sind tend te pregen Thompson, 2nd. Saddle, Win. Thompon ricultur.111.140clety of-,4ottla Ontario. PF Lïlli)ING. ý%iiDttier citizeri of %Vliitl,>, -,A'ýiely tutiens. NIr. Harrison bere related sautiller noie nu the Bank woulà dent with lat. Side Saddié, do. 10lbs flax in isa- ContrarV ta elle, of tle i h-ilotvri, lând reglkcclcd-Itas J'aie] the -1.ýbt ý eau wIli WSsmif and his learned frimnd made the notes pu puyable w4b tural ilitaie, S. C. Wilson, Ire, S. Brown, Wbiiby, OcL, 2üd, 1865. rnon weatt)erwi.çe, the F,,.Cliiiiritînt) of the Colinty of nature. John Vaillial flant F-*(Iit*re (Mr. Patte J hari been consulied by a express agreement ÃŽnd. Plat dresaed. S. H, Ilill, lot and --ciery the prp"iit veu w- a bXrriý4qer, ibnptii;%.rty knowr. as 1)*r. llin>à -' Th-j Court of A,ýqxizp, of oyer and ter- mon worib Lundreds qif thoujiande of dot- Mr. Cameron - In luct y J - 20d., favored with the înext of geath . et, Thti d.ed me hiu resiole-tice in thim trwn On Sat ln' ner, and t:f>rbemi gâol delivery, for the Turs, toi wu going tn make the vety pleà letain of ix nue the amoulit of iliter 1-AlitEts, I)EPAItTm£%,T. Coiifity of Oninri!), t4tened to-dey.-the of the Sheriff here-usurv, ag colisceluelice vi ti)al the crowd ww,4 int urdty afttyl-twidÉ ât>,Id, fqir -Tte ain-it the bevautte the Bank refuspil te allow Hf)ftorahlp Chief Justice Drr4)er, prýpiding. banko-not berausg tirait gentleman cared credit omiy longer 7 You were quît 134 torrides. Lidy's dreng, Misa Stearne in Whittiv. elancholv svelte, walo, orteil shortlv beli i hi, NIrs. I^wlcr, 2tit3. Clà ild*-i dr".,ý4, Misti i Mr. W. H. Burns. of Toronto, atteuded about the addîtional, amourit charýý,,fd ; but te continue paving if the o- (!le occuioil h* f, oi uttespected by hia' fiémil v sa Courisel for the Crown, and am 71ý ilot everi exeeptin 01 t -event the hwiks credit. yeti prepared tu Nlatihewgl)ii, 181, Nliss 81à , 1 - Onglit ou plinciple, and 10 lot Visit, ci the prifère or IL wan com a,", frielais, "ho, V ht exprcteil, aile lhe othor gentleman of the Gentleman'@ tillirt, Nfiým.4 Nt'h, l8t, Misa ».% nia lois,- robe vreý from têtring an oet of par1ianýent as a cloiti rate )f inteieât if you gui the motif Gordon, 211d. Ltdy'm boutici plite-1 Ilint there t-otà ll net have been t1roen into the, tleept»'%t glrief bY th. ir selà t, were M« C. Cameron, Q C... M-P.P.',, of distioursil. it wu aise threutened, lie loti and 2n,],. Péece work quill, Miul than Neven thouýan1l persans on tb, 1 Mr. H. A. Harrison, Nr. C. A. Patte-raon 1 SAid. that %bat defence of the Sheriffes vtriry ill-treatment - that ho consul g )iiiid, and firoin ç%ý-ven te) ei;,,Iit thaoý-4ivJ 01 elle buwels tj-" the inimediate c"u,,;e of Mr- Jus. McLennait, aud 14r. J^%. [lotion, trouid ce -4 Ëîm his oiRce-tbat the buk H&trîâoit, before- whom ho-Wdtl Kail brd cover, Misï E Brown, lut, Mrti. Sttarigers .ri the town, during Thur,«I,#%. douth. Tire deccased gentlelll&rt had Only of Torouto. The bar or the Caunty of -powerfut, blit the Stwrifr cared end ho wanied te have sisisfactiot Thoma% Evai 2rid. Silk The sain rettirned fgrt-ta!e of tickets et been affing frons the Thuisdav night prtý. Ontario wu reprettenied by Mr. 5, EL net for thai. lie orould net alluille biewif Ili, trtilment received. Mîhs sttrr. Fancy neiijeî,,, S. S'e the Kate AmOtIntedto'$344-2:'). Lut vear Vieux. f)n Tbut.%d.,ty, be^. was well aiid,.,Éaîrbimke, Oshawà t, Le Eux iibi »dhJ,»,e te ýebglIied, atid bo'ýlgr. Hartiton'] &4ý- Mr. Caoseron -Thist- In atu'til tnerviir". loi, Mî-4 NI. Si.ividand, 211(1 the soin rralized hy saie of adioluioi) be*rty, virent ýo tkie Couit4y Agiîcu r ilinired hi&, o=" . The con4ttcL of the' ilite _111 trpatment of "king for the b,-tnlu pot Inini in iniua of tÉe sitiry Of the they lent Yeti. How were ynu -Fancy 1(iiitiing, Misa Siiieri Ixt 1 Nliâto' E i ti(.keL,4 w&q but ;,or ne inecreillaie Ezh;ttÃŽtion, *#iki hotd kind Datintil, W. Hý Pi Ilinglit épidpr and the fly. Thfy'll lake ýYou ;tt, -elevem per cent? l'te di*couitt w Siricktatid, 2rid, En)hr4,îdery on futiehn of more thin $2910 in faveur of the %% ord and ready and JOki- for t-ver ' v- 1 J. Remet, Greenwood, Jamt% L-binOn, L ii you at leiaure, ttnd ai faut suck the pet ceut, a quatter pet cent adf,- or lace, Mis4 Gordnn, Jet, NI.s,,4 E. Siriek Preseiit yesr. The rat ml nomber of entrieý bodY. About týightWeli)ck in the tirenii lottid, 2nd. - Emhroidery ci. biiii, Mr*. '9, K- Gordon, G. Y. Smith. Whithy C. C. 1 vu,, lire-blood eut rer Yeu. ecut a f-mr (m site drafi ? How V were ile.&rlv elle saule sies Wst ysar, being he *ýx âteized «ith colle, and y Laweler, lit, Nli4g lit. Striekluitii, 2tid. lt>ok t4onle î Kelleer, Whitby and Cttittisigtou John Sheriff Itoyuolds vas thèn c;blied te the Puyi",< the eleveil 7 Point ont wl Einbroidery ýn worsipd, 15», althoilgh varving 01 c4tirse. In Rome tuellicine. ý'Dr. Clltrk, hi& Bittingt, prince Albýert ; J. K McPbersoo, stand %o be cxibiniued un behaif of the Nitrions replied 'thst, the paym -Mii4 N. Siricklarid, 2nd Creelit-t work, 1 of the classes. In &U the classes, with tew ant, ores unt for, and remainud et hi4 bed. Vt'bîlby "d 11flince AIbert fendlint Sprowl. the draft was in adr;à nce, and_,thfý lits,% N. Strieklar]4. Isi. K sirick. exceptions, the qulitv of e.e stock. &M. sije 411 uigh1ý doing &Il t4t modical skîll His lordabie took bit sest on the Retteb Mr.'Cam@fou objected thât Mr. Rey oienta expenses of ptotest.. telegrapf latifit 2r4 ILtimeff Berlin wi>,.I, Misa flpp '"'i articles, exhltjitemt, folly equalled diat could acça plîiih tu alleoi âte his ,uffer. ahortly ai Il o1clock. r p . M ýi bc uet of tiolda ores nuit a eompetent vitineu. ficistage. burti. lit, Mie4 T. Ilirppr. 2rid Fini inge. (Jet Saturdoy, nt tour file G-od Jurera, baving been cadied ovet the The Court, on the autllatrîty of the de6 Mr. Caratron -là « Mr. sprowl Bertin wool, 1NIi4ý E, 1s'own. 111t, lit f* illeti'e. at (lie bories - The show in telorid l'noir Doctur brellIli-ed hi* Imil, ourroundd lollow'og gerellemen arisolettred t* their 'oîon in the eue of Moffst at»A Roberison, defending thi.% action p 1q net l Lfà wqie-, 2 id. rètiýs et 'ffi- fi, Mi.. âniiilats m-as very nieigre, there be;"'p ;,'tlt hY his âonowing family ; -the trudden names and were âworn overruied tho objection, and admitted the molety defended fur Mr. Sprowl t (3111pure wý--,k, Ntims N. o:à t- ,4L-à llîon, the'proI>eýrty ut Mr. il '> tel- evelit James MeC.-eight, Liq , reeve of Pick- evidence. Wîtriess -,NO. 05(l. a annotiiicetièent of the unexpecte Siricklanil, lil, Miss NI. 2titi. one vear old rolt- et Ur P. -A ---- riNri ARTS. 1-J .ý4W#1JlÇ ablit[Utal. ank*ý8 makiý09 the 001 Off Ontario from Y' rit and Nel, ho weo; with the Bank a very important one. Il ed about the enumenateil the eues in which sentenceý-oý he poWs wereý net o a.wbere.'-,'.',Ér. Dow refused L the cattle department, tbe'rq were -of Dur. appointed (;Ieý-k of the Coutity au ..made payable els «bore able ois able nt Whitby, 1whei 31 entrifs. Oil painting, Miss L. J. Court death bad been hithério rà corded, d i" tlùu Wbitby they would net bave botta, the notes pal mi-coillivray, 1st and 2nd. Water color, halais, 29 entrie%; Devons, 18 Galloways, which ellEce ho held until the appoîntrnent now dîne away wîth. renewed, The différenc)e in;favur of, the were drawn. The acte for "00 4 Miss A. Duw. lit and 2nd. Peticit draw 3 . Uras 1 le, 44) i %yrgliires, 7 fat cattle, of his son. Jbhn V. lloin, Jr., on lst Oc- The grand jury thon retired. 10 ; and of working cattle, 8 entries,-ali batik lit making theni pà yà ble,- elft*b.ere connied, the procéeds, being e78L ing, Mies A. Djw, lot, Miss M. Ratchff, tôber, 1864. Dr. Ham was firf?,t cout4n et Moi Faitto. The exceu 1 0 1 v n wu about four per cent. Fhe procuieds $18.57 diffeeencé. 2nd. Crayon drawinx, Misd Blow, lAt laking a most excellent 4isplay. The john Ilain Perry,- and Robert E. Éank of Mmtrpxd vi. Saxton. Ac-, of the particuiar note ruade for $800, 'vvere sievert per cent inièrefit wa3 $4. P'otiaïanâhip, Miâs Eliza4th Strickland' Thouiptions and 'ýNfillerg wer% as uqual perry lý4 1 fal;her, Henry 11ain, a U. B. Sinn on promisolory, notA. Undefonded.e $781,43 - the » - deduction being $18-*57 or Mr- Pa"t(emen addremed the Mapping, Miii 9. Strickland, lât and 2ad. forge el hibitots, grill the -ýtiter principal . ýe L, being Mrs. Petgr.P«ry.'s brotber. Verdict for plaintiff fur $1329,23. Cameron, Cour dollars more thau éleven - per cent. thedefence. Collection ofAmbrotypes and Photogribo, exhibitore w-ere Mrssrs. S.'lif. *I't%,ma, jus. ac nell for-plaintiir. 'Wâne"' bad made an ivrangeme nt for--,a M rý Cameinn, lu a îéry Abl l 0 1 op 1 tu Spencer.-I In Doctor Hain, Whitby bas lest a and M do .À.Barrett. Pictutefmme. Mri.S. 8o. Dryden, .1. 1. 1),ivid,;on,:JïÉciy 1 etburteous, libertil- mindedetiter 7hompm tv. Walki«, Verdict* for, eýrdit with Mr. Dow$ tho'th.eq A qý1 in oùýbehîa1f of the piiïitýilff. prising cîti. mervillet let and Ziid. Gily, flowdelf, Bijttoil, Martin, 1 l 1 ý 1 ý1ý , , myer the opeýnit;g speech of Mr. -mi scà ttsà yjcors. sert the poor, 'a -generom; friend, and big' plaintiff $261',4Lý The b ha 0Waýî9 ý Dank ýv#. DiUmaa, e1ý al. Mr. Camerz)n objected in tLe wilneas in Ilichhe id L att tgentiemil or aise nuâner d' 'n - e "e irreparaide losut, in a. khtd.'laving- 19culpture in marble, J. Wolrénden, lot W oust ail father, and devOt eïd aflecti oinatâ bii4bà itd. M Aëlion du ý'-Mî sory notes. vérdiéï, réý fvifig; evidencý as to'Au M-là the jury see what, a ourse and 2nd.ý Draiuing tile, Charles Petty, 18t, usually gond. There çrere of Leicestere, plaintiiy, for $610.51. 'U. d»., Cam'eroit wfth Mr. Dow, or to'tbe defendanta'trà let- institution of the, Bank of. Montrç Cut off In the r'aidsl.Q'f bis usefui'ness, ho Jamc-e Smille, 2nd, < strained boliey, J. a. 19-, andS. B. Fiitbaijks, for plainýff. iir- out of thAir present plea, ý which wlis tb th > ýhey let $Otah Dow'-$' 88 ; louves a blank in the - ' ' Ki 2 c ieà T-homne & Brother, lot, James Forrest, Morinos, 10 1 cheviotiii, 5 ; and. of Fat, I., coininunity that. Piwtor es: McRae. Lieetment. Ver - base3 upen the a1egation that the' defen of money to thé- 12nd. 10 Ibo. boney in comb, Charles Sbrep, 7 entriu. The prinuipal exhib net 621)& bc jupplied, 'nnd. Inà tors eed, few dict for plieintiff. Deft. did tiot ppes.r. dants were iné the Bant $800» seqcence of which,, be'ýed!d, ýwj men will bé'm n, docided te admit evidence sa Government--,wao undee- the, Lynoe. Naple en-ar, Henry Dearbr)rn, being the Jeffi-eý-r, in Leiý ý 1 . , ore missed in the town oî bl. C. Catnero and W. H, Billings, f'r The Court lot, J. Lisk, 2nd Confeetionory, Mm A. Whî tby, iûr -more sincercly. roggretted th:ri Iainelg. to a provient arranq the defendant Mont 'al, and frora fic, less thnn 13 entrieR, iôhti Miller'D, land j. la M. eMeut 1 te that -fact the Caldwell, lot, Mîu Nasb, 2ad. Bouquet S. Béal 1, 4. lu Cotdwolds, Meurs * Miller, Mangm vit. Glass. Ejectment. Ver+ undertaking te go on te provo ihatttre of , Montreai might', b-3 chargeý Of 00WOtI, Mm. Guy, lot, Mra. Blow, 2ud-' Beall and Jeffruy had dict, for plaintiff. James McLennaut for note sned cam'e under that arrangement, - ail the bad Soverriment of the cour regpedtively, 9, 5, 'jury te Say w.heifier Courisel, ho $aie, ýaý0K Harqe*hoes wîth calk, George Ayres, lot,, and 4, ench. In South Downs, Meurs, 0. HAMiLroN, & 90 ïï dvértise the and leaving it with the ud - 4,bý,,iùï Thomu Ireland, 2nd. Bee bires J. ÊL Paxton, Jos. , leixsci, 'and' S. Il. Tonýs, receipt of their, fail aqd *inter, goods, Graham r-410M Ejectaient to try there, wu an arrangemen,14 a whether argument whon hïbad':S"'bid'ëà ue Thomu, lot and 2tid. Latter-Prose print. the right to 40 aciee gr land, pbrt of 6 transaction at )i wanted Io excitit piéjià icé. such foimed pit-týof it. vrere th bibitors - ind which is 'very extensive- iri 'fiiiey and loiz, %V. H. Eligirins, Cuaôà ricLc office, ý14tý o principal exl in in 3rd range, eu$ of 1 ho- poiige, u ýe W-èed. ç3ents-ýhà dîiothiog- t'o' dl Xerinoa, Mr. John flui' stapie dry goods. Their niw ruiîlinery, by Mr. Cb4rleà Smail, al, the time û'(-ý hii eýýfO crelà W1, and 2tid. 8ide upperl«tber, James Rowe, qhý of, Pickering. lié Bank agent the,ýc*à e, aùd and mandes are of the jute-;t styles, and des' lfart; in 1659,1f L 0, Pte let. Calr, Jaloci llowe, let, King & Brô. (4 Swîne, theri were aloZotbeý*ý et%'trige, di.- -Tbe defence wu thw uneertaînýy for five o' l li - -- d' noil they have on l'and an excellent article of Of more thau ïï ' ' - - -,of theri, 2ud. Barrel of gour J4 ir) the la W Ë, do wifli the_, Batit f Qn B. Bickeil 18 rPt and 41 fn.the, am4l breed deoçilptiou,-,,"d w4stý,p&rtiQQIsr 14ýde,, the. money* didpot mt bint lot, Henry Bickle, fum.-,Tbey have el nn4ýr iSý r, - cen , t- the le m ours. $Pfewie. Wm. Miller. Jr., Th se their usually large paâ"4 Véidictior defouà Ãýi; -âýën,-per cen4 al,- rate, prin - stock of fainily grocerirs, winc, spirits, &c. for ffteeuý acru, ý béing, 14 tbq ëhipyiýdii ý ;nà one yercent, whidh *itoësà edppooed sita -à " î î -d' ktn". mealp Peter Fraticis Brgth,.. ton atid Jos. Plerson, being the $ ý t tamp an -806 g to'getii bu lit'and 211di cipti ------- and men-lik and for plaintiff for the 'reï o er-t o th" ïr b 1 o gèst SPecimeil of titi sSith work, Hateh & Bru. tzhil;ItÃ"M , The Grain and Seed etitries SE idu ., --ý *î-ojlà Ãivïl b Io ther, let. UÉ haYcýa Cameron à qd Jas. Bolton for plAi8tiff.rýS.> ';Ote-&çï4ý - W ý numb red 108, being 22 in Fail Whest'; very co ExrRà à i, 13 entries, of whieb-the (ollow. 84 in Spring ; 83 in Barley; Qruent in, this A. Xýrriïoo U no tg , pape, rot n$Plcuoug announe '"d -W. R. Billin ýwasmade payable im Toronto. Ãt ýr oi Ã08 were recommeadtd (or prizeu 2e n pe" soue thât cannét fa fondant t'O - -wità Io b - f 'body - knowi4 tbe,7, ""I' ri la 26 and 18 In Corn ý ý;, 1 1 - 1ý à MM J. Burton, embroidered' there ý were uttuntilon of rça4ers, 1ý11;eirt,,i»ck wli, the -'i akirt, and: alâo 1'4 entries of Beans, lors. W" tbaý Ibo *as* nd 4' of 1 moo,_ ttý" ho ode, 1O'týe -M th ound ail tilat it la represontedto b!, rust'e work, Brown PittterbOD,- gang Tares ;'ýa;id themeeds. embrated, li'irotilà be, -in cOnuqttetice of bion, of- thë'jù içm âfiiâ 4tý ýr1Tnothy1 the litierality, of thçirý,deaUngs. -wç..are plow, Mi" M. B. McGillivray, siik patch Clover, Turnip, Fla'x,'Carroýand MaîQýOld. 7,Tý work, Jush. Dax ter, roll ection !)f Jack "tistçtl>r-v The --ËüeL: . à -notes payab and ýâië The,'ijudei General Merc - hf u-ndone to inerIt a cont inises, and ol)znfd à 13-r inost carefully selected iiý?>"-kc-(-,I) noi Mountain Due ýilhi.-ýky IÀ %YAI - Oewber, N. Bi Ali pai NEW ADVERTISEIV N. tair nui htter riïitii:â leu. MI uili he !ý:a le. INSOLVENT ACT i bf tLe nnder il& eiboi ke!0giý,e u;,a quired to 9*11rtti«ll % Miln 1,Wý, t4 ttet,ýi K; E A. Oukwood. C. W.j Itatid À%W;(., li