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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Oct 1865, p. 3

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3ee' à!itrias, Jo a 'a'cj li'tri--3 titr1î-4, J1hama MIa- huis-8v taId.ai ileoln Ma w',ltas Tliii ha n a Tcitîcai tr , 1' aili l'all ari 4i l -Otacril'aAai MC (Iîaîti' i ~tit a - 4 'lanaa lli t la î l o c ai lîCi ait, I ata la rath !ll St tir qu S tar 1 lii- IIV ara ",'l A tai ia 'a ' rr aî T n i fai 'a lt,-baii 'm clet!thra wa a a45 -.arrrL.e1o, taut in alw 5 dip s Onrr i ail oa1en ko. vaiksn* tirto the air. uirrcisa ernrtiueut!, tle total' 1lacfas vas abolît 210q.- va-ssitl beariig île Amercase' ttet! Io heon o0 f chose ex- i.i, lins r.pittred off Quecns-' 1t!jiln pit to cci ca. a'ec was said lu batve seat rcý vlicn vas opened, tand' a luli for £10,000 in favor f tle FtenianD orgsîieadio. steetinkr of tle 80cial Scieuco in at Tho, The Chooira tu England'.- The leulan Collalise. M. LCtuIiOO bas a vory,llulo article on Fenlanism in the Journ«X a Desartéi. 'île The 7Vme. s à'rforated on most uques. (Tris LAUrscr Or ANils itiuSi. says hat the only dang gr likeiy to resuit tionabla authorlty thAt a decided and Agotiolix artrpr;"hts C0ts c o r1 e fr,' fromn it la -A quarrplbêtNeen E'gtand d up"bled caue of .siatilctsoléra, with a i'rsd a foutoil hy a dirty tlef- the United! Statçs. lBÃœt 4ven thalt hi _ 1 Todrythievti, 1 ttîttîr IL làarllitlev steril net bolievelvi1l resullýt inasmuch as -the W 'm , a cure aSutspo.TiebrimeLord WOlctiol¶ie andir ICRobt. PC*United! States Governtmelit lhas no sympa- TýeaOf v'm as a maan named- Rose, about Tite flowa'r nîoflvtrîocetLnî, srifeand ii]LiOnS, thy witb the Fcniûn'a. and it wRs tdruughi à "e'tofoge, s'eiidirigglinl3rewbouse l ale!atrlitn thea swalili ttai ;the information which il aq'orded t) our :ane, vho d'ced cri Sua7, about Uiry.six Ti'hc (tan poiuce, w -ifl pracuîncertat! lan, Ooverntueot (su Mr. Lemnoine rasscrts) ýluat hors from bie iret attack, the -"petne Trou! ont the l.aaies bbainre tho (arc b(itug. we beçamne ncquainteid witlî the conseplrcy. itevery stage being thoso of tbe most witl, iîcigali'cc wirr.cryndit witll uivltorp TI-e àâistîsnc l, of1 course, rib d ne to us. virien founo! lti dradui isese. he on(la ~îa theri UicJaap's ai wncîa. W*e dît!not display auch aymipatl î th unfotunte ari imslfthtedhieilîsies Qle, an ~d ih iltatK ete, Aincrica dur'tog ber great trouble that are ufroat mav n beaueif dged ewdis pro h Wiliquiet corîfidaîceala p erfect casa. have any riglît to expeci consideration in fren uiÏ ýe enagd- fw aysp î Ii hlrc îîcr a foli( noble liîrocs arc mur on ui all dilelulty.'ie factis t hat v'teusly in -cleaoiog out a very offenive ýl'11llt Maruat, bc t Qa Icadars i f til uwar . the Waslhington Goverromant bas acted1 -cesapool. Âriotber case, ltat of a vorian 'r'io lriatcrm, %iitlrlv)a. îîphoys>, filsl]d, mot out of love for Eriglanri, but iout of dis- RvingX ia a dilterent part of the town, is 'laIilairera, tlui lor iîrîîcc, oltii]cir s oIt. like for the Irihl. T-her constant cnig-a- !liso reporit asprese!icirig siriilar symp. Tite wily raccwiiîrruaîcal vie' tdon of threse turbulenît peolelais, M. Le- tom, Âtlrtth Iesecaes,~bolt!îby a!] ai ta taronîs;r 011 er raraeta mriine afiruis, a souce of carteideratnlcun- ioh rovo tri ho Asiaicie eliallara, may o troc tigo'Ii() aril ira li li îiifl a'l' tie ctilrs t Atcrca oroîr, al buîhtuai s" îalu l' ajitl, titîriat dr aîcm. ould] bethe cffeact of suercss tri the Iris'h an tmuedîate' prevalerie cof t'le .irraaKtaad notha rrc li v imr"~t, iatti hedrill thetoaclves ?- lxft tri théntsecves they dl memiell ihey are suricicarîly aliriairig triiliriei lia îi. l1lo îaîcaraîîîa îi aIratiîgtillt %aroztlinii a tvcak b c i a state of civil arar, rail' for vigilant arid etrergetie measurstai i"li' biiii't id'aiiii tr tikeh arini;uciîg vittet a lrio'sdas>' oi Uc arcolie 'ci aic. r lii.tii'ialcic hi'iub tcfa'c'ra'. and Illetrqo1îs for JEngisiipolice and En. local autîtoriles, andu. il ,îrceâ!ary, the i--,itiniqelf twuld lhave lîccît he first tb Coli- Goverriment ltacif. Wilh a fui! coti,.ulr- Ti'aio,%7oCiicvr-A CLAIîtr:rUE To TXl rtîn eViltiaiStu. SUrh 1k the opinion rof' tlion uf tb'-,'fact ihat thIbown sitof Sorah- Woti i -lt wili bhoitoticcil by referring a caa-i ielforcigîreraitli rssmctuc amnupl in~ direct cotoiorîoieatirin, b>' 1 tri ôur reporit of te race belween the o atytatiis-c~i4pi~' uaao f the tmail steuamers, ith U i i.l* 'saitions 'hrort ie ,,'idCoaîrdra- terratieri, anal rîly foutr days from <iiaî- FJnidrbî't, iar 'llzrontuhcmadinthe quilk- COMM~ODOoîtaV N fltt11-T k is lel> tri tar, where tht' clilrer.'ra 1î'W revcais, îiiJest îîsîc toile-iiitua'hefias it rn bthait race owîî geal, insond about, New Yurk. IHa aI wiich port chos e cfmcr, cail, ccir> ha!i,'i.ii a latiîuylanrarsbau ever ro- bas quit dtaheanind!turited llantan. LHe possible saniary Ipra'cantici;" u'ouid! ai oica crirdrad, ither oder saillie or tiluarreqsa. îow about owraa tia Huaso anard Harlaem, bo talion tui gutard the lrcsla, luit orily tif -Aîd il 15 tL6 opinion o! grot! Judgeâ tltt and la the lirgest sinigle stocicholdar ini Ibe th1e iîîbabltaute uf Soutbatnitori, but of the bad lae bien pushct! for a fâtit mile, hoNew Yorkc Ccotrai, atdat! he haavîest coiuntry sut largo. woiild havo iccorrîrrli1robahl>' tira faicaet iiriuirboldt! th ie !,rie. «o hoj>olho will It shouil bc.statHt!(gays Inet nîaîf Rxtoile uit lias i ver lier trotti! iiipublic havcr itAd:c rs tip irnNe ovYrk cir>' su press), tri prevpit t avihittg lhue rPr1nie, jhalaï lire-othe jiiteitionriof îhe çwneî cof ithat WOCa'ansorgeltitof towr,-but ho' 14 the publie lîctilib cf the ' MatroaOlis 'IiartîioC'if tri îîlare hî lui tsthe sien liii, Iîtowe rayer a good portioti of New bas been rure!>' crigont asijrs r 1raaaiiaa Dxlt i'îiriia-idtint irm atu, aain rifie ar rtiv, m wad!as Nov York. in the rolurn from tir' losgitrar (irie.rl.FîreçttwihEhi r KGn gl traceoor leîrirntofcf a.lîr aie Aten, Er'3 ti Pacre tii nce onJed t!îe Tirifuthe posin-blo peireailte elian wep ustith. Til l e ar hi iîlî 00Il hoAcrîaniy of Muiiic ast relîia.g wicb bis pnisui iratspri'îrcl lt las 'r, ain wa lîîsct muri. Tiis ic s or 200 a rîha.. auasîhtr of Ma. lulei Hanoi, tor have, '-e1% atrie olitoilleed (À Slneru gigie,1"eileIleltlabiei 3!in!), tlgo no. tri ciliheph hotuwaaor tohrruimt!ie u u berr wt salauthe adauirtti f' olar aarinh irl !asc-Thaeparirelas raaîa'aaclllbz flironlau icOl anti nori of is iiîeiriitr.l dratibaiske tithoticais ta sa ilIti a>' av Ilitrat it iî This lit vcry unlîki'e e ss cf IS48 anrîddis izi IIagainet îsiv siallioitheii fl aiwrlîîîrr 1153, te yearts wlich 1r'cAvI'd th îe tino S tates, tmile heîitia, tarît 3 in 5, lis goi lotit vuitatuof -aLt1ic qaîiiaic. Thle thar plearo, for 2fi a sidia, biif forfîiI L P- hîhfalaw, nteSt m alu gsracli 'ilîidaiîilathu, race ta.taire iIlt, i tflr oithea' iîs~ liai., ltIci, a. 2 iîlns l'oli,, of a vace versa 1,113. ilt ssthe t'tîy lîîîîiranorlUnionî crack afier dtoi das' notice. i daugîtar. aveek -of tie 3ear,anaiisi rvoruagdla riîiacr r l is-:! l ot hlm ilýariiat an>' horse le - for tl'at wechc vaq, as h a c oerrrti for 01i l îiiî îl atc>s, Mile li-ntia, best :,ý ha itîtrease of pclpu!ti!i, i. 'l'lie artjaîl iiL ihuarn"i ', aru'ntr-i'2if iilat aiedaId IIe1k . returr islelesï ttînthetluitiîaaîcd trronlt t La" f"ir $,0a ide, ha~lf forfît, tIeract, W'j1i1a- o c il 't 40 t!eatlîs. Iils' jîace on citiîar of therabuvaaroilani ~ î %' ' V t ý,,.... . 1 ' a 1(' ii'iula lijatci .ificori<,v AlNegro Csli~îî'tt.- (eî'sfron ir trjarit If f te 7'iacq. ....... % -1. a 1,15. I il Mon of OtaiJohitl lrsmas-îî---tl4a "a'. -......ir il-s.. îigs Advisedîl tAri na lt!tu I>î'ntuiti a A New terik pî or s "a ' A f",)erc a- - - ilicts. lte r i ti t. ciî t aafrîtti i ioi a arrica ! ilî iîc laia......... .. i 'ii C1la h ea iy, 'izta rea i i - rue i - - t'w'.îOi r-0,'~aar- t a i:5 i ndrîo' , req>i -a an î,lTan011 ' ....c'....i On te 23] id q î-oa nmiu n lor of n ,ris ur,.(,s 41V..sar...tI...........u.urS Wla 'r ' i. m rrtunu d'ie.rentL1t iaa* tEr hialas. it t traima't ('mt çi tis clu tiie rt tahîtteve'ar hia........ "Oc. a -.e2 Put in-lia>' ftrrtîe jarpoî,e of rl- il' fut îo in- me tatricIe i a iii te. '........'i40 a 50e tie atniverenry cl e iicasial icf tctilý, rai '(rraitIi lit. (lut' tiCr aîlo il4i!i".sa'ldeL' tbpitiouî perltaiailit l r'alla lit haej a i t ' a ~ît, 1,I la t iaiC a: aa) -a u . . 2 r atarrar. T~crolsit! îint Vruictr lll l L r']( 'îa.iia tra'e Ciaîa a ý£t-aiuiilson cf ro!] ct,.ia,'aitaauuîla i, ,% ea il c ul lifiin > ula aar'iilaa i al'it4uri'ute l'LÀ0cUt. h isVbo rezidais îîpoiîlia iniaauy Ishidainti A a tica, asra-jiita; tIis îc:i> a i! iî'î ' aliaa ' r 1 aSrc toilied liaittor laraîs iiii. taL. ItrarilaIl î ac iiar'i l t attIhelaaaves i aa ..j acceptaîthetin iluuio i'atît i]l crt!dt tezrus. A !l(a.'1aaalicanI ' ' il aciaour-, avbr wuaa tra'aart, t anth asil) 'ac rzt-nil weav ntihar'oaua alia-,laI anU- Irliulet!us ms tlliitht' tairi Ianam1îuas aitof tihe Main icacînhs uf riaa seraIt t: 1 fir. -1uiloîaen(A h ia rîtonrlas i4ra-a ta" ta a tricta'r ,5 î i n tif I -rana a u V aie las i 'It'rn a]loiar-mcnd.ail'uitcd TîaT't-r In.ýa na'llaraitç rJ Itle 7 n ielctonira îaraîîd lae d ia t filaa o <cftit' nain ttiir'nnar (>tramrIa :rî -.q -< a i il Lai ta 'Stanit'aa, ird (luat Le 'rcnuiian aira't. Sis wat farrit; tathiei sce îaa tic h tri Ai]"dillaaa lI r a s!< ini'aaalr i-iri rat ia t1c i gaulier, adiai fî"r tma' caumîr!i -iraaq ' a î- l a ut rt ltaL r nca hi r lar>' remrirsiî iurre1ard tu rvi a-at hIA-a Muai lniaait! lu c, eaýrs t i tî- Dry coîr. n a J t.li' a isorl'aîlioii the l ' ti ai , m 'uLeî 1) nr " ' araalan i talitna., li ,U5 tirilnle N.<'ian nupir 4iti21 r -a .a 5a0.c' "'~"'r-~" -a'ar~a-u ~'aa'- ' a- "'a "" a'55~a- ~a-a aaa- '-"'~~a----~~ -a ~- ' - a '5 NEW ADVERrfS1ýM-ENT-S. M{JCAJY &CASIIMAN OSHAWA AND mANILLAB. Having enlarged our promIss, and nd a I3ranch*at Manilla,i we now offer our c1s'oei's OVER $30 000 -WORTH 0f thse most car'efuiiy selected stock Of goode in h ony ~i in lte liai, anal iraI in qutdîty, style and! hsiirîufturc5 dtands oui' Acknowledged by the tracte to bu dcidedly the BEST iiithe Maricel" Our Stuhk ea ls, wîthoùt exÇ'eptiu-in, tise largcst lscld-14y aiîy retail hotîse this side of Monmtreut, mtatalts thîî'v aerc maniufacturet'l cae rrn f theSomer rnonths, aid pttrc!truîi a lotig, lafare thra lare gt'ett advaince in Leathier, ant] lSçts andl Ehoes, tuh- crado and is pa'i l a hin] .t1tioît uat lh15,ndi !in man>' Istanceýs 25 ietr cenaI CiIEAPER titîlttréal NlohreaIe l0rices. OUJR STOCK 0F GROCIES are now ccîhhplete titiwili j le foundt iexceai] i Qtalicy anS! îÇltap ess, th isollherto cirivait] a rau t thete WiNe kcep Pntute but the BEST BRANDS OF LIQUORS, and lin-o oarir ntc!~rie Iio'iabarraIs of!Dotnestili WIsisiy, 5'2 harret e "cdy, (ila lIai, Malt, ail1 Mpittain Duc a is 'iky. Ileirnesoy'8a liat L'ranudie.s; Grabatt' litat Port. tanil !lliiiroal Sîerrias ii W'urit!nt! Battea. CROCI?.ERY vANIT) (UASSWVARE, in great vaî-icty. Otir aei- c isitcty C'AShI, ailin] iretriltac offer yriu tdue c attCest grotstaIltat cati ho Inrtlit. t - É ý .- ,--- -- - ().ltitat October 18, 1865. N. 1l3"Ail partics indubte's to anal rettle iltuirciateny. MULUAHY & CASHMAN, OSHIAWA & MAN;ILL.it. thç lette flouse, w-îll picase cali THtOMAS o MULCAIIY. NIA FALL & WITE, GOIiDSt, toet l1ili!I'a s nrf aIol aitia r arc, lh sla t 'ii0r a sv iginaca au Ila a ' l iw hl a 1 "a ' a ligui tii aimaibox, oarl l iaad is il' crat ig- iiîaacaic lis aecmlliica. Uîaai'is n 'H AM-ai'aaa\q box ;hut iha'ic Iiataa1,t)a ir b rlii'> ta la i a--r Inle a em aas irira], crinicie]' Nnv' Va . l ycau otra t Ici lir"i. iar f uclada us trarASis Cia-utba!I ainiutilint!ardlabeur. M'Lt n.~ i ~I'fiftClsrî bltox a, aitmhe catlc'r il§the Iary-asîir -Saris' Oj!eis-olas>'Jaîn h aluna rIa1is ti u" p niia îia u$ 0f~eai) ,5. IfW wite peîa îople l(ail (',)gise >'tu 1h1ic5a,5 Oldica, lIts Dt.. Il.,15 d 11*t o-ti iuitt4t0 1f'or aa'r tlltîii' $2 3, laIve floW bIo hand n. very e end If yon canvuri. ,rct licas ln a plolte i t raiaI tf nitar>' colOmuiior e. 'Ilare ia or n'a a in-n r liislý i! d2 7af-ýr alaO(FFANC'Y AND )S'I'AiLE1DE wax', Itudalase Ynu tîn antis ) 111ri ,Ja i ra l iaiait aci hus isha'u ut ii t. 'lat- tîraii aa etta t)t. a ndar-i1'î forlaichiit ' i (rl n iSlks \îeîa ds'maîaslytur fuît rig'i'tar (roi» the goi'cirr- i-ev awit rua- Totazuas 1; tintmorc ts aîigri1 liii r iii. liai-r ira aî' ai. Ita a o nala d" ean le n s Itrflali naîrMa.lI . I. gave rai ' iaa ni I I ,]e !i lau <ov trying Ni - aa t a îa'h - Ini iiS IlH I a rtl i \ji<î 1g ,tttatiaiic i of ctei n heIla. il iirraust li ',i N >'uYrk $ (îii i. I'snd :a~ a \ i iIllsrA (l ui 40 Ujnictd S'catfjsla ana, aujl Ias tiî arl -_a'* 0-a sait! t An Artîrri'ans rancIr secyq: -UmiSoe- 2maaas oauil a aua rIs ulnici! rar Wra ~hjtiu &Greuy (Citt the no carilan b ctdca ripanad viU ! IY -e mîaLali the a a'tr day, ai t-na la iii irieýNee- isClf 'aîduit e u'îr strtug;ý,e!efor purcr lltaiu" aJ ti ihîaria177G tt' Suitï I-ar ilurtr nea~n-ait ~],at ~ 1,aa, us(ullî Mr. lîý)nrni lI! Io titheîoCnloaanu~- camiîl' th ia' iat iIaunaI 'ail tiei> iar aNEW ADV'ERTISEM~ENTS.t 61 'JLej iu satina' ta-Ils iic l[ cohîiztz-ana, tism' iigg~r ara] gît tlaa ecui aria1 tc."'-1ý F my 'calaneati ra-t laîri, in rSalit' iac nIf ltr 'fule Poplti(iîf thle ai irIS!1 litaa u s-Irr elittia'. Imilil. 2<-sY u t ta u lîiS nt i 0 I a t ilt-lna lnî lîlIivtia- n iri it toI i l an>' ccci t mtiru 114raiaai'i. 1, liat0-'t000 tof hculr'-îaiu !t'flaa g», hat, onta' coaitraira' truuiull ion tr i] i-aaa irnain *, h iristi oii fi'l;it (aor puïrilai if li -sin on jadprjcf, 1ý0fri aii!btcea-i îî Ut11 s @ciulnst b>' utiiv cif' lie i tir'iiiitSraMon ra a-rprcýacl >"rur iwahite sn"revri. 'rre saintif - aIl a-ta i liOur i <aiii lia,1 ii rrîJhet!aini ii JohnBai ruwn waili ' car deca-tc ie îu ," aienur anai it in lice li trrilAtîes arl i etc.1 et,. cl'ar nîr ors iut tif it w wc nuira ls u citttlut!itg liks apeneli, IMn. Iiriwluaa'n ra';lut i iir lagstî re, uart rliido' gave tIcet-gru-eis tthe faullos tadvaice -a'I .dIOC al nr j ta drlemamnber jotir îîrîoai, .-lnlr>tir lac-i- iriag a ia er"' 0 neas rigit, aut bc reot!y for tIec ciuniiag 'hua'ridlci aicawrnaîr ir ,-and in h Vr- a iesuo. r-I'rrrta.l!aPu0gmtlhoirt 'AitPune/a obsaerr s lit la hardi>' necesrfor us tatcomment au r grenat co.iiotban tino! Misa Iturdtt un 'the "spoocf Mar. lBrrwn. lar reiit' courtis Mai>' l've-logtiher coca, bud site wihI fui!>' undaretan itwîaiî hoieansiC ul netat vr losetieuttfbruai mt!e. l'bey' villii utolie in lsrtcfoltoari4ina n téml f uunLdeq te foulitpe o!rlitfathuer, aUto aais ita, ti'iîiic tr> t rI favin for golliirig up an itnsrrectionir 1 r igirtia, ,NAin.rl oung hady>, wveinadtissatibiou csp'turing thte gnneruîînuc tirmor>'n ar nr- wiihn ier goodt but irmiguttar bceti, hbad 15 pt-' er'arry, andt!for tise turt!cr o!fîsttcfthenPle u - hk mfrl cet &rietu.PheIncarîgor Blown secmis nev snd fritte set. ln vin îhe dentiat c ~liti-siniteite! cs' itc'ru iaus cf btaviailiedto r spare bar q>e-lecîh. Site vult xf6ther, sait, if possible, lain t-ebol] itaca tise ort l i ndu&o pes irsi fi tise eruiîciatiou of bis opinionrs lati t-as ltt!elerp'r adirin adtet a tieli bis aoçotor.tr1epre.si!la'rgîest'ftis tetelleioblait!orteret! unctallet! fcr. 'NANIcxîcCmàoîac'm' AT PkTcts.aN-, N. J. Twri mon vota lateI>' bang ia Moatta -Tsea aas a -nîctujile, chebatcPhaterorni,for avirig couacerfai. gotti testin theîrý N J., on Woest a>', ahiel wu'aattanalet!possession. IL ba sines appearedt lit tyau immnsurinathir lu!apecacone. ahe nata lad lakenritifor genane-dmst,aid $Osten licitts vore suteret!, four cf île l ait!noc intent'ioo s cind!iig, beirig-4rint Canada, atneci>, t- Narine Au editrrasut!ic aite vere valking out 'Cradadocr," lu Ma. D.," il Zigrag," st!and rih moaig0,o 1 vaig ait opcc. Te pus. $00,anth Ie Line aIl edtiors wl-es te vas cf au ex. distance o uir beamules, ovar a fine Iut ceedirigi>' rotie nature, and said tri berý tuîg ucuntry. À correspondent o!tise N. maste-u, caîice lIat moon bivbright, boy tY. I>on?t as tescribes îthe race:.-" ITecaint hol beatlîiftui 1it tgCoult!a'tt dila start vas exceilen4afi l thése ostatki o tigradif," returned tb'e edifacr, C>0for tIhs fiait ieàîp close b>'hestndingr n dutghc ht ienalrîsadl style liibut itswvasnitbi i tithe atoneiasu- fr' c. vl',pont and rail faîtces suit! ater diteis- ndfifî>' ceats M iIias ès thte>'lsd Iu tale, sod Il Garry Oldis", The Barrie Adstarlfser buA ver>' doubî â9un gava lbis rider an overtisrnv. Sooa ful 81cr>' about tlm dsiseciep i'>f ceaI in sItar ltsé bere i. Il.," threa bis rider Notlavasaga, b>' a ci'ra ilitIwvasber-: âît thévalet jamntuar tegrand stand, irig fcr oul, Tht COSI led lanaid teO lie - bnîle auenta agau latle ast man-uneMre t hât fifi.' e#fmt e snrfý"e,' fier,- jant roda the raie thirceghiviitodt afid e ulet accounts a soafit of c-Oél alVonI 1cinother aécitat At te pjssc and mil focti hici oir a tapped, viit au sp- tente diZigieigas'flrier vas throw bea-il>' pearance of Ita-rlg Sot tu. thebotoocf asndl vas-ot acuoneiîlehrace afierlardalthayer'. ne appotiratitei ho bath>' burt. Thoe ho Ottava peupla ara lu raptutreo over. 41 exqulsitea,t)# W40 o *hi ii drong force à coupla o! ltiargas tif ave a~ rrived tee bu the Mgrandtstand, look off tItI vipet! vti gcvemenotfàri'uîo tbsir gîtasses, and râw'Ing long breati, )4uglisb omuibnue~s bar? bes p saJIab. tolareê t fîjws5i Iu&spltht sport." -, 1 caurites vbich rail froplaTernsalem candl Bethie- say I l1ked8h. tNuaie (ractock5s nov hein tu piases ta jtie eghiorho<u4. - n e stoua berpistire,X ' P fr' iag fer t&wj iy lte sr. fi Nasalet' teck the 4 msç ageo1a n I d a vomans 5<041 imr-jessp, wviIelul about 14 fooý'th ie vere kfiaredîaet QiatWnng.,On thte 3rd. beeoad lIme <allaitI>'go didalas' $là. D. 0 Atai 4twalhlg a b ' ý4&Ys i nesos the IlNie" cvntoaiuPe4lber fortuatsearerpromeuse î rihon-, seiotà slor ïe tut. end, a4lg ail bIîjuesauifuii>'wbom alto M04, wby 0. obip Y;as called' a aco'li ls upuusome anputay vianér ii a oan. "sie," it ieson of eeptnum e a )tlyr teua.ut - I a -rell asd i t wu 40 seutu% - hh 9 ,<;:il:>i5~N4lAsLI'l, ev' Vilinery anc Taile;Nila iY,- 7J IN TIIE LATEST STï 1"~~ u a Ir>j OfJ /Liea sE ki- iJ.i.l~~~~~~ VIL% ! Im mm' la ! IPr& ! __ 7 A% - a M11CH3ANIÇS' HALL, M faua. A Lu' Lî 1 S atT E Rh,16, '1lita i.Drasavat %", 'ira- #i 'las'aiatAsitiat- eal l'y mi~sJANE F. I)tLl.a;N, the i'fcanlifia! andi ce!tleaitùal lraaettidgiilaradia saans! Miss IdATE A. iA"Ei. it-rtIra tai udl 'luneseraituîs eicraîrrn a-li errientra!a ailthl the g4,ý;iiitoum ,distrn i,-a 1(rifaaant I t ar- dec] ritia, eciait, a't ti aidaaa faut I'rci i is Wosrtht front toc, tes $1 (;acI. fos vnIt tlc o'cioac <lcEt-a c8 utlok; rikt525 asnia ; raaervaat amante, aoc. For f uîther pàriiuuars, tie emalil bill!atci] :Y. B. NOJJLE, Agent. -FOR SALEý OR TO LET. RT'E ikliding Ilateiy ;tieai CrO o ffu lice. Iîaracitsc psacauuoogiveri. JUnN V. IIAlt. -THE'OCTOBER NUMBER Or 'rn tMahitninu thes rapulmathon 'a'lich,as led- to it li ntroaniiacîiotnto 50meiaty I>' riedltiri Ilarmes, whr, It cantnt fai!t t ë e l as Latur, andît! to xat atm irfliutauce tor gond tnt te ho' liglatdy aeemoed."-"a(Iockpott Adaiertiser. rIiIST'tIJRCIpAg~Ast Oxford stocy.' Chaspuor IX-Tlata Tstatier. X.alalnioida& - sonntmiiaîy Mj'a a Rxv. Rtenuxri Wmueuvà," .Ration. 'utm acai Iovelaîhn. B>' theelItr. XAstiznt GQuto-ca', Paris. ThoJhitrebshea-o! lt. 1'oeaarglt. 187Jauxc F. Co'a..1..... -M . MMs aeL ible.Â4rMA extensîv'e stock PIY GQoos, itu anald FlauMnne], dUrs, oveI'criIîtiitgs, xs, Malile ClOS. J Manties 'LES. ~ TOCROF REAUYmAu)E LOTHýINU, te- CIOTUING NADE TO QORIER. WI-TII 0UI4USUAL STOCK OF lizdr WINES AND LI4êUORS. HAMILTON # o NO 1 and -21 TiIls Block. NEW ADVERTISEMMNS. MR. -C. A. JTQIES, l3srrlster, Sollor lu Claauuery, AtU nr OYFI<l'lý4.ext aber tri tis eflatry, Oflica, wliithy. 41,1>' Buggy Audo 3?imîn& FONND> epesîqte tins l'cbiaôn flosa, Wa'fittay, part e! a uew axl& tarir] box, 'lueo cîvitr cao liane the, saiea b>' oahiag nlthe u lLihgà ilsauo"aim pavilg expedliesof lIai Wlhltby, Oct- 17, 1855. - 41 22 1865. 1865. Daily ins tô ROCHESTER 1 JIBE qulekeet roanle la Itneioter vlid al L poihsnte n h Vnied Statoy. Thte oav> Sctar, LAMPS!------ HATC #cBROT HE R Have just rèéc'eived the lârgest 'an.d ~ ehoiçe selection of LampS eyqïr pÈed¶1iii Whitby., Havinà pur- chased direéîi from the i IIufa'tUrers U'iigth peen hg rieof gold, they can seil them at pricestata defy coinpetition. CQO.L 01L of the best quality alivays on hand. They are continuaiiy reeeiving additio'ns to their alr&dty large stock -of !Cooking-, Parlogri aud Box STOVES, among whrch will be foundl the tti.ii-e of Wit1es" Cookinà Stove, which took the first prize at the late L;ondon Exhibition.' g2rarticuiar attention--paid to LINING OLD OVENS WITII IIEAVY IROýN. Of alipatterns ma-dé to order. They cail. special attention to their Self-Ctctanin g DqiIýb Stove, warranted to- give satisfactio*n; btove PipeýÈ, Elbows5 &C., always on hand. Eave Tronghs and Cister'ilPgmps .jut up eùid warrantedl. A Itîrge a--sortmelît of Painté, 0i1s, Glashi, and Iatdware now on hanid, fIrst.clas goods at low prices. The Farmieis Stove and Tin Shop BO K Whitby; Oct. 11, 1865, N.4 40 BOOTS & 8110E ËS Wholesale #<Retaîl.atthe SOLDI RED_-SIOBEI J BAN wonld announce to the inhabitants of the To-~ of Whittay andl surrountn Counties, that ho onterot! into ii]-phrnershIý "on tieo iSth inat., withi Mr, ]cbm', for tho purpoco oi manufActuring 1cl3 t16be, ~hiei anal ltta!h-andi ciat tttsinck's ailI liec-eafter bc carnet! om under tii rtyle andt!firnar of' Thei Wlîiles'ale 'dcpartmettt îaiII bc furiislsedc with ai the lead- img stalalu' aonas, colatistiraso! Ludies', (acits', Mjtssn', lBoyus', Ycrtthte', anal ChiI!rcns', coarrs an] finielBootstins! Sîtou, tial ititrthef ia'nintertul ina th(,market. The Rc'tail depaî'tînctt ili, as usuai, bu fîiished' with atn ainalîr-s vîanuit0f gouds, cily of tîtrir oaa'ii îîanmfature;nal île>' trust b>' strict at- tantion tri b tauicis ltawiii Conrtinuc tri reccia'e tiltepatrontage fortncriy bestriwct cn clitat motet! estabishamntent knwr as thec uiOLj RE 1) STQIlE1' 'ON TIIE CORNER licrotu ai] ncoîtî'agrl Ionie Manu factre, and buy your BtsadShtou fruit -" Xhithy, Sept. 28. lSn. JAMES BAIN& co.1 863 Fait1 IM1PORTATIONS!e R. & iJ, CAMPBELL Bcg to !innounce the arrivai oft' ieil, Fali and Winter tdoorls, ex-stean'tships (LSt. Davtid" and "St. Àxdrewt5 which will be found much Iar-ur than- usual, Mfr. llib'*ert Camnp- blUl, baving becen ini the I3ritisCt Markets foar the last three months anid huytîug 1nder bis own c-ar-ful inspectio'n. Wë ould ditect SpeCil attention to the annex&d list, consisting in~ Cobotirgablac-k &col'ii, 1Pt'int'uer Cogtinge, Batder. cdi. Uîbite C'ottonsi oui Petts &VestS ILiaaîrtu, Fig'd. & plain, Factories, Gents Plhuids,' Gal Pi llais, F1altîîe 11Ioeiery and Gloves, Blitack & Cctl'. SiIks1 Biîitlcc-8, Jibbons, Wiliscy Plarin & Colla.s. lîcting1, Cott4n ýWsrp, OtYamn B:tgs, ]agging. the Tailoring Départmeut under thp superintendcnce of'-Mr. Ilrmser, is 'tory corniletc.lut Menx apd IBeys Coaits, Pants and Vesto, inail sime anal qualities, aq1d îhey are consermtily inaking ttp a large stock. Tlîey hvejt trcte*tcd ,i-4eslt Stock ifi ttieirGROCERY AND PRO- VISION 111r RE. B.1. 2 00e Tivcd1e Linnen Bn -g s of a stiporior mako, whieh iIl be sold claeap. SAÂLT AND plA5.TER FOR SAL. R. &: e. CAMPBELL wltitby, Sepu. e, 1865, 35 The subscriberÏ have now received a funiaso~ mcnt o Ful and Winter i 6'dg, èdnsiu1n f Dry, Coods, Croceries, SHEILF AND HEÂVY HARD WÀ,RE, PIINICS, Which they offerm at nincl rediiced prices for eush! or apprôved'qIrçdit, paylâbIl lean4aryl 1 466. NOý Thc7 rwoul& iartieu1arly -giye lxctbe to NOT iCOE. J IIROOM begg lu iîfqrq]i uaomr andth îlpblic Iliat be talepri cl'osiiig UI bis business bore,,after,.tl4o lSt L.aimitîant, ad bega S£11 P afies iindaluct i :4eUt!! j hto store and! settle their accouate. INSLV~TACT 02' 1Sý4- lan tiematut- ofNDlIEW MeN A 1;'ail tin' T HIE Orodhtena o> the innauîla'ot arc tîntifrie tlitlia liu as deiiatait Assigoitli-mt at' itsi, esale antd effactAi,, îîîcrtuhéabca'o Au, tau Ina, tlieundermîgiiett AMigriet, &1i4 tiey ira ro- caalred te faîriahailt mri, aa'iit îîî'r'siîciiî, fraiat tiis-date, vi'lî chair edaims, ayaecif3attig thre ta- raurit>' tlIt iraid, if any, an]dtcralueofaat t, an], ifitouie, tatiog Mi~e (tact, thae va'1un0 t- îasîed uoder cath, vicia lte 'auclicre in tf port of sncb dlainis. - atal. GJEORGE A. i'YPI'tl; Oakvroorl, C. W., IStli Angm, 1807. ltati NEW GOODS 3ust Received. ýAM(IES JOHNE3TON BROOK STREET- WH)aTBY. Septem'ber ,1S. MONEY TO LOAN. - . îiîaiy tri, - 1 - 38 001e cr iii, ti FiR ST OLUMS Farm to Let. T ilIT ripnrir r irait cla,11 f ai ,ra ilî - - îaspse] if' *Lot No, J, 411ii ,sili AIrî tPickerinag, 'airîliru six trillas af tua Traîiii rf IVlaitiy, gond brik. intl,4'iînt!Oreliari, arl if by'lJtr pro a'îi, tri ' JAMS ItAN EY, Or ont tlieproinits. '> picherbiz, set. iiiaaeuî ORANGE BALL, AT EAD'S JIOTEL,. 4tb linot ctvaca tîxlridgc aîun.l e c m-rg n MOND.AY, NOV., 6tli, 1S65ý. (UNDEiI1ARNAE8!. Tielcba-douila, ! uhilgie, Il n . 1 d aes nul isepub'lc,-tirit Éa10 lis prt-patrsî-l i-,c tlan ul e r- des- il) lier 'lino ,-prnnpthv an]l raaaaoirahtîo Lidtes assd genullmora'sfc (Itetil itr;nc liati; chenaid, &o., italcar tI!avrIc hilisilhc cnitlitý bes'lestiîle- lite, Ii $25- Reward. iuEaslave rewgrd wil] o givenfu otI of irl endt h eo GOODS STQLEN Front dtoe rsidsriec ofthe ntiersigust oni te eveaio cf MUniuii>',Octoeor tet. WilbnOct. 4th1,8l65.-T 39LlL INSO V!I A, OFÃ"Y 1864, fliF Oret!itorg of te lno rmirarted ara stîl Lfio to ilic't nttaIetw Offic 'ofl!cobert Johni Wlxgi-, E5tqsnre, ant t oua5n of* Wbtthy lu ch. Co'int>' CI' O(tiýrio,on. Tueida>, the ciitYI ý0ypiLfOctoser, tilxt, naI oliens-r V'a&t '4 MONVDA 40 LAMPS 1 - 1 - l*-l

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