Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Oct 1865, p. 1

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MaLL1IOw Toefy RîtttIl<O iI ILLE NE DE1~TUTME >T:î' Il 41 1.1 'îr~ 1Uak~, I 4Ii'.4~41 444 l'Il 44l'Il'~l4îj4îlîî I n 4~ ni. r~kr, lu I fît' oua 444441 41 ~ 14' t'4.~ lu au 11,44 I k~o îiii.l 144 44144, 441 441441 h '«444> u'lll iîîv~t i~îî. tH I '444444.44 4 lu ho - ,IOIIN 111,41W, l'uît W a 414h 4 44' ~ 144444 C, .h. îJi. 444, 4";. ES f t'î 4i4~ii .L;b4-rt. 14.IIU4 4.4 44, 014' 44 44' 14'44 .4,4 h 4 r~ 414f444"I 44 l'~'4 4444,1 144 .4.444 110 O 11.444 \ "44444, 44 ~l NOID CHANCE (4'dtlTtI'S Su A4 * '44 444 4 4444'44 4,4 44,, 4,441 iii ~, ~ '&44~, .44444 lu ~ 141 H 44 4~44 444t'4,'4 4u ~4444i ~4 M"î .4444 4144444 441, 44>441 41444 14444' H 4", ' £444 4~l 4~ 4'44u44',4 'I~ nul 44' ~' 4, o 4 .l-~~; ,~ . .14444 *4 o ~71. s 41 Ont 4' ~ H k '41,1 44 '444 ~'4444441 4 u444,, f 44414 '4~ r I l'74".-n..~ 144 nul 1 h ~o 144' ~~~14' i * I r, rie - ,4.h~44~4 W'lE4;I4 î~4i, 4444 ~ 4~44j ~ RGE CORMACK. 4 r4~44 '~4 4' 44444 ,,\44 O 4 44444 441'.' 44,4< ~ >1 lau 1'~ l~ T A K I N G i 14'n 4444 j4. 144444 u'4, o.l.-d1 "14 4444444'114t4 1)7 444,444444444~4 r,41 jr:". 4h ~ i .4'." S IWU>I? E -INI 4 1< <i44.~' lIîîî~>a v< île. e ~ DI~ASB X3AND. Ni 14.4 s W 4141 O'Âi. ~t For $aIE .4 i4~4. ,O4'4~4~4.' 444f 4î'i4a.4 'P ~OPERT' Oft Iin, Lot'I~ 4)44,14.11,44. w44' 1444,4). lui lit N 4444414414444'444,4, 44~. 14441 Nf ~ ~. . ~1 4444r 4444 4444 14, 444444 ~~44 I 4444 4444' ~414l. 144 4 144 4444444444, 4 44 4~4 44444 4-4 4 4 444,4', 1444 444 44. 44 4 - 4.44,444 '4 444 44,444 44 ~4~444 t 4, 444.4 4444 4414 f~ i~44~ etC f~444~,444444~4 ~'4, .' 4444 44 4444 4~.4'î f.> 1< ILNI'44144 4)1 Aflhio GALLER?, Çf ',',44 4'44"4 ~ 144444 44~ 4~444X44 <'~~~~4141 W4>iîîl 44444-Il 44 14 I~ I elIid ~f7'4 4 4 4,~ 44444."r P~PHS, AMBJ~oi~ ~LAINOTYP 44 44î NI ,44'. <rt.,J"' 4' 4i/ 4444 44 44 4Uer,44f. '4444 44'%4 I' ',44 h J RTS;. 41 iBt"i t~~Eblbt A 4 Avrtfsiuhefthmeaeurcd lu Nonpsr. Oç.bl uetsrgoa'et te rate cf 8 conta par eramît tertIon, ud 2 .ucta por line, each 8peo'IaleenadcviLt advrteoireb>. c oiuot j,@. h 0~d~aJ uacnlune advertLieta nmuat ----------NTRÂL 01?lI RAOI W. R. DEAT<, Mansager. CANDRON & MACDONELL, fl ARISTEIS A bD ATTfQIINEV'l-AT. Law Solictelto th Le im,kof Muitroal, c1the èoratlf>ofutlite Counit or Oftritîo, V1ýr*- Wliîby. C. W. M. fi. CÂlicuL.C 1.J.?ten'xî tIe tolouin upontgond moeîurirv. AI.. iY utts l gOe oftie ttrm, Ctirt Ilous, - NOCRA& OE & lAPir4oN, 'ARll'tTE19,Xîtrmwy ,e , Sfco,, &. 0ffimopp0ýt'û teattr 1ae lul.diue M'iriRtrot.o rinuc AbW. IL CUNolltiSn. .1. A RN' ptOd 1T . CuO CHRANE, 1< 1 .uîIl. COCIII&AjTY liE & A I'Ir IERi.ON t u -p' Il i i t he l tnrnpittu, aî Sn tr. in Vhan, îtce, NPrince Allîtr. e<M ocu,îa.%Iuzelw4m ewi. N. Mu, aua G.Rl O CÉtiR ÏAIRTNLL 9 I"UOUNT (IL, ATTONEY F011 ON ps.. cor, Deputy Roiritrnr. !ttar Kxtraoîr.Ii bar>., sud oïani ieri i. (Iitiîccr), for thie 4<'otîn. tyeoîuogtatn. in ft*e lynon-st., Whithy. ROB3ERT J7. WILSON; .[ýSZR *MONEYAT IAW, .3ie- Victoria Buildiujr, Broclo St. Wltitlîy. X> tRtt'PR-lAT-.AW A NI) SOLIVITO R In luCluneery. Ciinîbôu-l Toroutio.St.. KELLER & LA.MoI, k'<l.TONlYS.4TI4W.S4îLICIT<RS IN ~>o'urluo Cu oxuu ifo,, Irck stret't, Whit. Ca.nnin.tout, W:tlrty, U. W. ~K. GORD)ON, bAttRIfITER & Ardl'.N4EY.Af.T.AW, 1> Ofiu-over Lowe* & Iovel'f Stro, Wikitby. C. W.1 boLTroiTO, NdTÂiÀlt PUBLIC, &o. &o. Oshawa, C. W. K4TOR1Y AT TAW, 8OLICI1OR IN uocoy.i~ovea cr,&., Cattulug A.TTORNEtÀTl.AW. g<5d1ibTOE 110 À OýançýryXotry Public, o. ovèyaeàer, &à .W hl'Loh E'. W. Rooxo, iii Victoria Bilock, cato Reftry OlfLop- on rock tri4. 49 Lm . FAREWELL, L L. B., BARRI$iTEUR-T-t.lW, &o. ?-o- Law, n.i~o .-Ciancélry, Con- ost OffBen, (shnwa, C. W. 40 LYMAN LlU L L 9-..* ARIISTER AT 14W%, Soli..itdr lua Jhau- 400y cnveyancr, &c., p BlceL-p p ît tolod O x~e hava. 40 p.I WI5 tqh PiVe âdgra buh.ad~ VYOL Ii. GLOBIÊ HOTIËL T ? l,'ov ýweli. knewu< c ld sabla hytho atbciewtr.i' i I >Ivy h tbe vaut, of li etta ic Tlue promme i ann evni,~sd eomfbrtably ity'ed np; paluted, pape , A&D wlthoialer,n'a of soft vater to, vaib L&tdeîcvry, hieumprovemenut tutabetlh6Travller q ÉfOtte durig hi* atua>, and theo Table bouutifitî. ly appled KtaitIltimeg. Notice to Parmeris anud Othe~à -UVqîqr Whnolrîaîc and tt,,1a111 Mérton"â ajjaîu. lY roof, bY gallon or harmil 4MeNaîîlltiu'a 4enlevlî, do. do., llaiqlr', 'ExtrauRecîîfiea Wuisky, (Io. do.; bc.'t iPort 'Sherry ad Cognlaek Brandy .fol tUeictk, witluae hst n1 .L nrs a nd 'ugrara <Of tlit lest bruîdx. Attentive Oîtlerd, and llrse% te HFire. Â. ALEXANDER. Brbkilin, Ji. tTth, 158. -4 STAqGIF, OUE ISAAC rËNTON, attentive hlierlc. i A.LI131ON% FIOTEL. u'NuA mBIZrer, vHrra. JAMES ILÇC Pruprieluor. EAST WINDSOR IIOITSE, WIIITnY, vit. cAnear, aunot rçruti'ed part ofrto Townî, onî the frouurii '(3oul aeuuuota or juntrao,,llerî. (looji shat4;Iàlsz sud attentive oatlera. 2 rtilf os ALBE"r. W ILLIAUSý,QTZPROPETOR.(Lt ANGO ïIij.R[àCAN H TL rattosLet. T lIE î,entbr tiip l boed patablie.1hell. l,7 vltit he iwfî1o~Iu e ccmodation te thi. tretelluu< lnhbte, 4e iia lèvlcli.G .1sîlg04 sln. DR1Oct rSTEDET, WNKTDy. TJ1bcundried Iffsgîte muuoiine, tit tho bu booe th s veil6nen priulae. vhich haie beau nevly Ifitrniiited sud re.oe. 4 sai., ioy him, andee'j thevo l. Ipa eemmodg. tIen 0oln4, vitlt CaRoful tuinSnawy ud aattentive Oilr.Clirgotextretuely mioderate. 22 JOHN MILLEt. W 7M. IiOYNTN bege to 'ufurm te lu. VVhabtatite oftuoCoent' é4f VIctorle sud auuirrunding i4olaltaI tslue eî auaiD'»d the liltel en Wiiliat tV<io Isalyceeup ied by Jevttî, aadf~a lehas 1ud)!t tied and furpil.- edl rtife, visitera vii l iud, every couve- boat. oa i qoora sud Nana of the W- An atenti-,e 0sle, alvays lualsudc suce. i - Llndsay. Fel1414, 1864. THE ONTAIO HOTUL. BRUCK STREET WIITJIY. J. REUDOTTOin, D ENTISTRYM M >crihýrin in retiituoi1,9 haitbi ii4ot Ile wil buc uîupy le altteud to ail or donc entrîue to le Bu uîro. JTootB i iccnted ion Uold, Silvr 'Or Vidcauuzed Itîtîber Suce. JTecitl isoronextu'ucted inuhbeo sîpaibe I'siticular attention pal :otho regulallon oS Childnen'e Teti. AI vellr t.uauted. 51 W.. CARD.ý UN SURANCE lIE nnderig bas been appclttedAgett toefpLp risks'-,ir e, Iffo uid marina ThaeEdiabirgh Life AÉ*smC 6 asCe O p.t Vute Loerpctand Lomdoas. i'oetmaaler, Oshawa. Osawaî Nov. i,1888. 451 ilcamaaEl." C. DAWS,. WHITflY, ~ w, ~OTice~ A LL partes i.vlng Clorgy j6oerve mo .rIfrin te Tewnl'p ,ý t Sot, sud Iiug, a duegon orcibeqreîtIfra: dg cf Noveunber, 1 A tare t t usetfuli imquestod te eaU ou- te *ctwebtahTp Trcèe-erd sud ath%*pý vIton duoë, sudtama b~mmoas omth mina alumee slipg tio aAr tils aottt tlu wlAttend IAla pymont cf ped notise GEOE 1g*lloSi'eo 8T.lT-é Cloir &Toi'bur.i. YN T. I To*SWi1n -HAALOTS no%. DWL 1NO 0t1.94se5 nd re n ildîng» tueren. Ttc aboveie repeu;fburludvavtqgoue 13 elttrtîted at" tle ai iTtitt,,f thIle M"Arid,< "1 ta TOVM .line,oîiïtReua ma oin readý.sud. RA stOentirlh0oreofclra ipl. ANTOINE GAUIIAVR, Meur., Ounlte Pr.mis, c,'MIIISl, P. O. Roa, Aunsut 22. 18M. .8-f $100,000 'ro LOAN. rJ1I1F iidmriiid liujiuat ompîeted arran- .Lgjcnil 41. hal' uilut eliabîjçà l lion t',lon tmpi'oved (arme, AT 7 PER CENT INTMRST. ltÛn'tiwffl ef4tn 144vp nnufli'(roui uene t to o>> a).genut ffor the Canada Frehloldl lluildig S(Wiclcly, ih ui iu oue>. (roui flic tu lenyears, ut 6 FER R~NT INITREBI, No A&plpI>. oall>. t%, . and (ioerai Ajor ctc Wiurry <ruaocMliuî 1 OlN E L u v îcar - O p p o rît t h el . T oe » ICroekr,8 n ti4 JORN ti<GORIGEH. J (LA?! ItLA'r"g,> Oularto D,îagYEi ~etrat LSN à7REET, TOBROKZ O Citt11C11I'TET (oPPOSITP ST. Aboa ie ing Streci. Jam, UtiiCîledrat,) 'Teo:. flinuera D1ocm11li-paitTvelve te TI4nreae oclock. 4 'flHICaisulc eu e'llmt Ocoe Luriohe,S.pporg &C. ai al l houri. '.inea, e' hrhn tItmtottoii Lior,. f tebegi brandi. . 1 Whithy'and turroudita. countri'y, Iti ~~ SMTTH 'in liber stl> mnrvugd linu ohÃŽle l1utiord ol <~ 44L<>Pl 1T,) the Ccuuwérolsî JItel, tlahaiehobac uge4e.ded Mr. POL the Lb lotai sojpng kapt b>. 1mon WOO 'S ~OTEL, Nelacu St, Tonte. lIaîIugaopaneduno P.esco WOON'S M TEIL lnlti?thani,t1 uit, us vîlî be plcsuad t t io ald fieda iyuop 1>tho Oit>... WOON & BROTREIt, Toroutu.,Jan..j 1su& Rc1 Pi-re & Life Inâurazièe (om'y. BYoli rgSr. ¶ DM lza nl) ip 19 ntati jialuos a>, JLutoî 011%, >le star#s, ConfectIon. h'Ow MatME C'IfA azwqOYji.j fWhituîb, yse P t. 7, 1866!. --85.1> ilAS ILIMOVRI hlie Law OMeo'u to Oitar) Chauthera, LW (Jute fler itourl of th. Ilegiti'>. .ltce..*-41 Whitby, Jan- 28,18652.e THE ROBSO** HOUSE, DIUNDÂ.q IMEET, '7HITDY, C. W. GEORiGE IJOuSON, Iîoprle±or. T [IF. sibsorlier beu2ate autr mce 4ta he bi% Ioaed thue buildIîe furnîorly kruown a. Scriptr'î io.lvjcuhau*beteîî renovated, refuruibd. sud fitted top througliuit, lunlthe1 beat of mtyîo. TîtO rîremiaca arce lg.aaUuty ii.- uuted. oýPoslle tht Poil Office, aeud lu the cen- JOli RILINtSTthetRail way i)mubbuucallii mc tl%*Ilotel, sud JOH BI1hS t ci4rfiUxbridgeansd Bou'prtot [pave YAW, CIIANCEIZY, & (C tNVIý'u'ANCING the dour cer>. tuorulug, Board S per day. O3tjffle, Pricce Albert, twc domr westofGE10 O ON lMeri'ut ltleusalvaysi iat.eudattce. Rt. W. ccRK, M. 1D. Wbithy,Muuo' I 83. si) CORLONER, &c4. ilRUKLN ioÙst. - ~plJAea-uucilor Fat if Yariold A Oib tciu4Store, rck trc, Wuithy. 44 ~-CÂLL Â SEPSANDt I R. J. ElGI .-lNNhe M. D.n lnim,"i iRGEi)N TO TUE CtitIY (AOL Bil E Vlastl"ffei, t 110 4kiln Itnituu, JIlyron tret, Wluiy. - 4tn sceeail hii Sreucln lcis fýrnei Auare'Wel - - ---4 - - ________ ' tie4d ni) utid Conitruent, and th4e iceciiuodI- IF. LAMÈBETIT. 1h44> 440>1, ouI) rouet, ,I-inr ho Cea te ATl.R aul I)LAPE-'.-îug t, o~iuu tiuocouifort , 0:1.0am! h4rme hiiîelf, ha'jiz 3? tLiýOauuLnd be'udn ett4mutat p2'lruo>ted lu fn.ide ua'vel asu td4iIi Buý ____________________________________ Asotil> ste ted- A. PRIPiGLE, tu44i accu,140liodt, MIMHANT TAILL)R, 1114CR STMiET, Cautb t!,inII 0' aI imion. IVI hitiy. t Theu lnuuu'u-"4fr4enteof' Siauh-rnll, TIIOÀltS IIUNTON ALEX. PÊER. SOWN ClEIiEutK 5IIIW'IITBY Broolin, t4cc. 28, 1863, 8 t>tfc-'lown lhoiu-hHure 9 toi o'c1t)ok. -- - 1VICTORIA f«OUSE, ÂTI<INSON à DORW.ELL, cimu.ie ,+ixa«ý, uITUr. ')ARuISTEIIS, ICIuur Sttreut, 43 door n utof JMIN SI>UIRILL ....ti..roprcton. B u~t lrc.Toro>nto. "'Pi bger'tber Jouira*, te ufom is îuau>y Ifi.,u't, îlottue ila oui carriig un lte j ALCHIIIALI) BARKbCR, Labute htli, tnd that liceaupîies note but tIe ti tjM VIULA(ile', V. W.,,OFFICIZAIbast ltî.liqiulas, cutra,44arafresh- 01t ii4,~ meulnAtcs nplidta b1le.Gondfatabîing l'o ut fe-Yoîk and O S 44 ad10 auei yrd 45~ nluo ad - W htby. Oct. 4. 19*4. t F;-.'1I RATIWAITEO, M .__ ____ RADUJATF OF TUE UNIVERSITY OF ~ETlR. 1~ 'A~'~ fleilColleaé4(atteceascr tW 1)?. 1MW.ar -1. & o.îS, 'JiJJL'L r1rinc Albuert.. 42 Manf&aldrcrâ ofeery deaorlo't ef IIIl(mATTllor, Draper &,*toKing St. Qeutîmî,'oeamens nadetoplu the bit -uli l8Medj AOný eholcA kpauesfor tapring a. very arte oWsrraît c. Ne fit, nu ..IWENOEI>,AUCTI)NERI. Addre- b UFFINS CRELK PICKERtING. GOOD Jaeenuodsticu iorTr'4lr. . I ' 1W. CTJTHIERT 4*-8un ProprietWr .tQisEFil KQON, LAT TEIX JWolf £3queîoctel sud fcrorl e rtz0WHltbî, un =000 1 ea Is l4uds 424 t e publie, lt ek s ov iIsi ru.rot rer toi Lth~e optlo c jta* Wine. Liq',orq sud OLsra. It ]IJbWA3DS & HODDÉER AIÉ mrsu d iGa*aIIoth. a tesof the bu t quaty fiai Ilit 1 9ffSaddles, Harnoss, Clle., TRUNks, VALISES, &C., &C., DR1OCK SaTitEET, 'wluta1'y, B G otrse ibaîr friands', and lthepublio, bd .e aee opened bustueeInULtts 9preaiepposite tho Outairio Ilote],,BErcek itrec,vitereîbey onil b. at oU tinsepre"tsrd t0 exocuta ilorgr *iUt viticitLIta y in>. 1 layered, it promptity4; &a dte mepJLycua. idsuith vorlt cf h'bot a anerture Cboap, and tosacocdi o eders onu Lbeshort- THE DON - RtIWEikYO au sim y réod te 1 na of thé u so u Bromm u as W reqclrd udou tenipste .ltEuredsb. .TROauSfDAIMM.. Tornuto, Scpti4 19, 1ÃŽ85. 64 M A ÃŽAPs~~ tge m, K ê .d e tthlo d ~A1T mfrn4l-1 Àj1~ ~J'~-- th l Ot et < tieLab. wP.akiut.vmeste B hum, m reaawlie l ite aM~ tlt ée t >. P nta , udI yeùifr n ounu e Aou uemu a#' - «.cf mail. sen 'plcs e rn tUe, e ork. , - TLAbIES. oNl>Spro Pllae premdy L n it Buo&ovafvuIl4grmd or tha romtuvalhm- DeiTuaeaUfpemaud mire aued nin nagtrelu cjt-o. Cit,1Toae o oý an, %1r ihfi r Onelle nthtmttâda tdiOr, 01111Y 0feue A n l yon041ageE~ iugfo iarutoa,1 onta r. olrdt ~x~uo I ,Xei: pqr. ond. the pl o yï d rurgiî, tsyenltit et m i Ore ruom o.ail Deloa uppll .Dua ea& Co, Whcloalo A intnim Barnc neè-f p.g ee f oi 11 r, eÏwsr!a4*a lernum, ThYar -to e anld oureand i emr naue 1 0%n,CofDIo eeaaay, d ey g eu *Ctl 8> 5>y11014 la ooUcu. locbc& tld illa Pic sl ori eDollar fycucau aidN:r a ppheticf 100 paea e ; le par% glt pouth .th oonaQuaat sud *010o e the illa yr otriO entraheylredb crpe. b' maildrou p.0. %X, <m. 40 E ~x#Y, ?4 elrk. k VoltlasaAgeutS, NaYork. SU el&en»»,nwim R ioAli Cam f O1ore0 a XèUU ces'« r Wuhipa, &&to J. (i. PamLSem @4'<' ig Lu i" ent 71RE&vt 'ànd SenmJD. Sain aahende4 in. aulpart. -of A W~ Ordera b>. mail. on lefnta lte CUMoNICt Sima, v4 ii r6eire pîutai attcutton. 86 T. P. FEMN PCAIGSINON T ILNT& Y W- Wu'rlc$bop at N. Rar's Carnage Fan. tory, opliate the Mechlt aIittue y Sftreet, Wby>. Ua yo Whltby, Auguat su, 1 8e5, 4 4-,01t ENT-4N WlIIIy. 'FOR Sale lte Nortt quarter cf Lot 20, lulte Ã"11ilu couceiuiou, i ruýe £750. TO ent, Panilç etLots. 21 sud 22 lu hue Silu W, à. iTitIELEi Mr 4t, Cuirchi Street,. Toronto,..~ GIJANDTRIUNIi RLWATUOTE PORT WHvmBY. G. C, 4LDWELL V11'RINAYSURGEON,. lwt Inte vail tlio wacouno acQUnà. 9@Rwn t iernan og, vwhltîe iteod valî lungoldenton ilein wilI crowul th brow, àl owlîl bce il». bridýai queeu. dr rob f preciotua illi,, mta a~'uu anuclanteil tune, d k i e ofe t-týt iik 0 lr Of tiîc-trigfliteut iine; ;tbaIt veaunitatwonîlroua avord et Ç49c, whuMe Saab ladoth- cir *luid Wal hur tt4y Word; 41y Ponr tils tender beth- e t »o'iy eTier uan og, Sl eL a î w ait r l t roliln"' li cuo , leu) ihall c<l th ly brow, bc vi thLi> b"~di] qiuceu. tins, sweotut lu theezong, ttagni uai lic morung Ïun, r noble tatep« onll tui'olig, il th a -(wnus eue; Aud Iioldïuu.a Iioalrpaaed. rr-s )lawoud leuar bolglt 1-d et Iuut- ir eh .te tien o, ~)1Ieitiedwlt .go<ldenheu,, fbe ty idalquou. ýStL*uu-frialn the vr-. Md g1priotti land Smt d - p re o rne af r;- doc bitdoop mil[ e lt tegtts aan.ted lbilov awella- OWy 10 Tisra- / vto aiti lu g. o a ibe n, s,. - î~ afrald, Ires; The 8b5bxctunajg wreas eof Wbi rdpeicionsor dseua. MU lbey ltbOrto, Le affftted lb.euma prw 6teest Of anaanotblug bas au fa retrdgi the dfwu res. Tbey, mattulL bae bee. don. nui a evaecag, iseu lilu alLant sud V4 s lu tathe qoeiy or ariles-pro. M&i Ouideuiug lite limitpd oaxteuî là Canadm a talot, thp iosllt.uont rcapital seMat Ip aiment iu ibis acio, tdosecal>.the abence cf perlupe sudaktledlabor,wvo ina>. Ilrearoa teak be e aannée bichtb enusonde il u asds lu Ibis rticela, branct Oicf iuduiîry during Lb. 1#v0eyerm. The counry. uesbcoue LbIn tilâ inos'idge of .thoïe requisitas *aOMM> for the mauiafâeture> cf fabrice tt adspîtel ois people sud uts c3imate. ar ooiieu nmufacîum, see, . su. Med by, suything atotIl mported, tellhor suilabîcenese, beapueis, or durabl ity- athre, greai requisites., Prom theut.3e of e ts'ee.4 tte e armansd beasii rucpua, ttiro lathe gratest varet>. f iturOe;1and iti ou!>neSesary te go tuùg thie stocks cf ou ikt j*îdoer. be iâreughl>. convinced ofthe 1SeCce àch bai Stoileth epaunfactere cf l i PJa'àààa. COttoà cloLLa, Cotton t, and cotten bsîttlg, aiheugu sot go lu extet, are f ver>. goed qnuiity i 1 ha.b taon demouimtîd -'ibatte ut O et d anadliut tradoe au b. 4fglly sy furthcr ".itaaon oet b9 kaltlee. 4 mille at Duundaa,Tluoroid and fHastingei Canada Wet; Mouner, in Canada qt, and gt. 301n, ew Br=Dwneick; duee gÃ"c'da-with u'6e ith a 4cotlu. ,denaid 1îandp uotWltbitauulino '4,t of Of lu nt b te hot ter thor tex1 teoi yar met The pret Dont ber or ' epns.oek»4 y kiaptcu, outo> psbmiito4 I0adç la maDliýWtUr» ofge, lo - hé o .býal yus bu a tice j.ubu. ver. geuamiI ,Cceptaaie,, a t1eis 1h18 under .pgopet, ýrs, Ba QIIWe$Iof- mon foa d Nvd0% èhl thé. Osna*b~ g heAn'achÇery Co. cf 1ýOin' PLsgw si4d tMikcui*of TorocGart. ibof.r of Dundai, sud G0l4ie SMOCUII09Ë cf Osît, hava, gar ncouiven;çot6 douceocf abihîty t tippi>. 1yth. euuintIL eirydeocnipî1aK of imotivé- msehury' ianL1jse ow. onittly nnupupoaryt g90 pti~doet foiarticle ihthinJ lino of maufacure. the frnritre tiade, toc, eau boijaât ofcfeiiderab'e aprog".a Tho mecitë1omiplote sud'Ouished artiélo,' Ar 4 gel up ai vory reasocablo Prim' . Wî are glad to hoar that s. cotipauy, with a largo capital, bas beeq forti'ed in tugland, 'couaiating of. sifie Ioadiug Manchoster meu, Fho iýrll, ou let Deoetber, assume coutrol'of the onoîl kuowu ehtabliab mout cio 9~. Viall & Co., cf Oswa, lte intention being Ltoîuply the Engliat market vitit tbo Birai claie furuiture cf Canadian tuanqt facture. The manufacture cf bacon frein pcrk durinýý the puit few yeara bas bad a marked growth. - In Hsmiltod, the estab. lishmnocf Mr. Davis, cf Literpoel, aud iu Toronto cf Wm. Davioaresue outinnîlly in eperatien, and few culaide the trado bave suy ides cf the quantiîy cf bacon sud cured inoata that are f nsautl, bpiug sbiPPed frein Ibose boq~o q.e ,o, ibtere tu go mbirnutamdiste cocuanpticu. Thia trado le, bcwever, in is îufauoy; etherwise tbere le hardly a unmit t th îe qutt f Brai clais bacon that coculà,i'prod'uce in, Canada. ,-The Canaýda Gasi Wcrks"bave been for soute dtin e eccmoi loperAttcu and îte qiality cf the a*jItWý pruducod sud the profit lkiçb Ibu ifaÏtey have sbown falIy deuicuitrate theirucesu c f Ibis claie cf ius.nnfacîurie. Agrlcultf inr l moti have ebosu a viii doal of 5qmprovemient, ma iL. Osuadian (aier,ëeauW , ow find in C a a a th e h ig Lit ' u a l mty cf ' f& r, tu ethiuerY. la stovog, the Toreunt sundý Moutreal feou4drie» ean 'compote witb the- ,world, sud vo hIive large shiputeuta havé ho-on made Lo the MWester'n Statea frin tbe mautactcMa esinBroefrllle, FlLug¶on, and etll~ita. 1q i-Le n mo 1 Sosp sM ud k -- --- -701 lb. oouuîv l te, Papor, Mille ocfirit clama cbsawtéF',tq ehoeuid lu botbWestern sud Railm rot A C tsb e traTobacco Maufactor. le., snd Lte Breeb sud Wooeaae tab. liebuteuts, yul a varIi>.etof t. W1b vo fiad it sntimipmlue @ÃŽ&ntrss ýare ail lu vigoruqs ad îý&*ematpi operation sud AI>. attsi iLs onderfui sud coutin. ois puogreu es e' b ecet>. lemaking. The trith:is, lfoi-people tImagiue th.' extout sud value -cf îi1e, Manufacture& cf ounirab oioîrnmber sud variet., sud, tbe numbers cf pee ploeneploed dail>.it wcrking tbazq, thai s fair Ide& of tseir importance eau ho ttaied. Aisa rniloal deparmets f maufature bave prepr. ed he. Wi have b.d but foi allers. Lieus ju the tarir ilahlb.ithree-'or four 'Ïaiàýi, ÏM 4 ýotvvi iL u g tb. very hes y , import *ii4 44 h eeu a contineun lucease lu the demand for 6.lnosteveuy. thin g r crno i a. .u p c à,a Tho good crpwicp viebu ejuit beoý ia si vaeted,,spd the pro&perce condition of bq#inqa #enersIly, seUh further stinuistes oui pregrea.;- sud wvook fervard vitit hopefulusite sayet groator developutont cf Clàausflan ntsnutactuuiug indutry.lis Influence upon Lbe coifar. cf lte contry cannot be over.e@timâted. The crestien cf a homnemarket fo r er itglulturai prducs, t aitioymntu of a large nuot ber'cf uaim,ýun ii for iaevee a 1.o. â.. tdore i myoiti Tuo varrytug out eo--Refr Ii ya deowi5Ios4n," eî~ sa the efféctiug,. if possible 1 a Cou fe. #~on of the Bril.4h NÃ"I4Ç Âmericae.Provu'tayc ey( cee., Onicmets b>tman>. vers poo-poch _O, sdcarges et usiuoerity vere,,brought 'oi ag~eîusbu voku~ vlEi v v ie st', i ibouî, ped îo.ds bave the proud atiefcthe .Squire, tien cf ieeiug the pisîfoisu ef 158 carried Taa xd onu lu th. firiphrtieular, sud the great Tstic adeh. schoa'ne' et .Ccutedonrtiou it a flair w5> 0f vîit a eaufr ceusttmiilion. teý al rýmneur te trwda dep'utstlion liia îwr5enÃŽte O ugland, tr~4: compeeedc crtsin5inPut4 cf lte pres.t. oid mai eutCabinet The ive subjccta brouglut bute .holà bafore t. Itoerlt G4vernuapnt wvoethe cîrcttustance Iiiercoki Bal 1i4 b0~ Çpedoration, ng ela lb, latter baeo pon tWp~rottfip f 5,iage.il a wbieb, vbheu reaIMI yUlocuetilute ,itava Prny mai tmerail te capital cf lte Unlted Cau.-lunte set cf Anum but ci' te ihele BritistherilAn'. ugraot enican Coufederatlcu. XL le no ent Iail tuigor tb Umstoîel 'evrrythiug 701 kuov, a d for vîtyno TI ontul a ebort lime prev{ouîi le Çil st r.< ~Itt E.ngisuci. Whon Ccufederstiou takes place, týe î'i '4 1h. Ottawa sud Lakte Huron Canal viii cf SP cOutlet- accu, ygo,£~ bfoe erunntyt looteutsel a~u yo~ dmi sieus yu tat isi e.pp , odbrslion i asileve mave o m tà Ai la. î BftItfl~1ie, a h a Atautl (Fe n be !<e Sûturduuy sumneil, pnntr pît t efro t, Ci p aty by s lottor frââ,ont ÉS perVizrés et ssduviaylnU a. oiV,gMIQhipugývae 42 oi,jbe -Tapie lu ibst air teigpirfru in qqilébïsuiit th@ OCntPloaLnq4pf ste Sub. ~~ Me~Iiibelgrspba xi uo obe Pro, 'Ri bta e d W for. ywyM te (Ogo a W, rbioh in ttaw 1Putw j e. orly handle UiiLlýi e a - f o r iu è v r to e r , velJoh n A ý tt a eatI t ole rn t it .1 e u t a . th e e li l e r a à a b n bo týanty 'Ivi9ï , LI , eu4,bad l d liumiuh~'a pueeu h beu or s e- befcre Yei è,omn vr. liev1ovs rq ui ne e kl d y p î . m t M e cci ii m o u g lo ;Y - N o r e a u 1 f rg e î Lth e su b lim e > p a . havep~i4me. tht ccailc ho as ikuli vhieb mei,Mty, gai4 ..lited frein - go~ ooeg sc.oy haî h tbtghOf te S&!ig fi t mreir,'pd vrlise. m e . I 1 m e v J e ~ e A . M o d e u a d , 'g i T h s T a ve r u a i it up vi t b r ë 3 î k a d e sýoicre uman f hvrotQt o$J4101sd spl on ev. aup Ie ~ bae soed vt~hI ashave dotpfor ttroan C W~O Sthe W h~ua i b4 r c yo r". Y n b ar h e stu ' r u . n te th -kin bi resý ùii con rnin me e wl, inep af.tb .tIq .Uirin werds- ' G ve uis kiu~ mpreons oueerlug n, I i ibrty or Dotb. Old Toipifn ie grosery theef~e no rvpr t thn u OtMi. ae illaminateà vih fine in lactunisud asl reayr ât9oinrri a etu Ute folleriu Trànspirano>. *as lu the vinder: a ai regaidà cur reii itepl prety:eor. '&The ub'Merabine Teltegqpbsd > roct.I muai gay that My .cc1lqagtuner Bglijuville sud Sýùnoefleld Plauk Us, paid me s higbeopimezunt t finin 1e2gftý eveta ofet b.I9tb. ceuurY- thukhm. - ut1. - m"'ui'-~d ut for vIL rL ayIuîtines trifae p 'h ysn' puIdêeateiais s are, rjure.' simphiljÀlsl 8s1e-eliop wu e3~naa ludedas utntae a brLie».li in Our witb kaudle1 ; ali' tn À ýA 49ricaît intercourae- do net thinjc aj,, ncç,g der iptoewr. ugl i4r acompliments. .Thàteue ýnýâiq 1,0.eë âitdo The KonÏ ;;at~it aie ordlIz..w4uhe>. Leoio sppaoi~ he bwevr, thai Il'ully into nPraarved.,' the MO6I IboueoWa4 aprcaýâikiùd expressiconsleto e liîed uplu ngrate, ag~ie àd'the Winderr v- rwbilebr. I appreciif viat Lho sd cm ue d i 40&sagvlihIncLe ie Mare iban anytbing 1,over resd ilu hilelte toljerLu.... T,ïth smashe, p ot ve d. I av te rotet ee o r hal riz. agaiu-yon cant,atep ber.,. Tbý John A.,; no one kuowa bian bette.. titan Boy e-qod ou tLe Buruin teck-vbeue A11! 1 de. - Ttvwu perbape for te geed f but hlM Itad -ledZ ' rskratinaséhn l UJnited Canada, ltat twi, uten-the oee îetheaf of tins.' 'Do virtoe iÃŽ p frein Uper un t our fren tcwr 'il! be lappy.' ratenpruehsae Canada-unleri'ding oue anoîher as od a heap cf trnble-'obn the Dole,' anti vo did-ehulid lead tbe Goverumnut. tteoierlu esentiment vnititon by lte ehoo. (Cbeers.) But tte good fIle cof Ottava muterh, t rdae IHde el bave beau te me, au volise te My cole.' ,li îîesegroue ai Endsé nMajaet gue, alv!ape lclltd. I resily do net know ie nen,ëbpe ý I. b to y Jto boy te ulcioutIy tbauk, yen fer ii.. I lir' hrqioéfore âreenjibin feît bt-iweu tlu question et the Capital i QI, ÉLte, 'risment, if sui hre iseu Muts Severai cîtos cotupeted fer lte o, u vb o revr vpe . , - -ui Muuc dÃŽiflult asInlucottiqed Pq cititu'e. ,Baldinîville t ls nig t rejeicea8 euced, TWTVe ,could net ag es. a i tg ur . over tira lori ett e o e wtv icb lamenta 2 salves. i fbâ,9g6for Montreailas.-veil esgstubnsÃ"oueauerymee eîthw ~ for. their respective, cua. Thon' fVokiucveund'oe te r ilyjipe te fýGeen -vas.- lPpeaio10. I u vas -w îl e NaayDeep. Qttoî4fe tue t; member ofthéuo Gerninent'cf t.e day, Caîorliny, patent ~n tf-»eieMIt' sud vo ineraîll>. gred to leave thé ch ie wu a. b>. il regardlosi f axpeuaé' t 1 Ho 1Mj _ it "Atkljv elr li ielitti e un 'William Henry steed -upo4 ed ber progativo 1,F theé sleetren, but site the roof flrincrcacr. t udeeod cpi dimtenities, snd desceudod TecdSnr ie~~ ~ej tinhrbigit position -'e set aian ubi lu ecuckthes, "d stood,9n, bisd8~ t r i s s yl e . r î a h a s p o w e r - t e p , p i n t i n , se e o r d o l e p j l mn . . j t fui mensueL. No trul>. loye1 or jnsti tuenlcP 1g.ý6iý lIasuleI 1t'epef suber lunlppr or Lovai .a u r ol lfnh c ie houe. Fr~éde veqld eaui in questieut that graciou ho voeîd pole Orfr h iaumt 01~s.A _ _ liq 11

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